This is the report George Rogers will be tabling at the AGM. Printing it in the magazine means that all members can read and comment.
SAFETY In 2010, we recorded 14 glider accidents or occurrences, involving about 4% of the fleet of 355 gliders. There were no fatalities but one relatively serious injury. This is a similar number to 2009 but with less serious consequences than that year. For this we can be thankful, but the number of accidents continues to be a concern.
Instructors Steve Care, ROO North and his team, again ran the annual Instructor course at Matamata in 2010. The course was of a very high standard and well received. The course has become an annual event and is an excellent contribution to the development of instructors.
Arthur Gatland prepared a series of three articles on Threat and Error Management (TEM) in gliding, providing excellent advice on tactics to reduce accidents. All pilots are encouraged to periodically review the articles (available on the GNZ website) and adopt the TEM techniques in their own interest.
Affiliate Audits
Advisory Circulars (AC’s) Two safety oriented ACs were developed or reviewed in 2010.
Affiliates are asked to check they have had an audit in the past 24 months, or discuss with the ROO.
AC 2-04 Instructor Privileges & Currency, and
Operations Team
AC 2-05 Biennial Flight Reviews.
The role of Operations Officers is vital to our organisation, and is often a challenge: supporting Affiliates, carrying out audits and when necessary, investigating accidents.
These ACs are designed to ensure Pilots and Instructors maintain a level of currency and have available support in the safe enjoyment of their gliding goals. Affiliates are asked to keep the ACs ‘live’ in their operational planning. While it is clear that the primary responsibility for ensuring certificates and ratings are current rests squarely with the pilot wishing to exercise the privileges, clubs have a secondary responsibility to monitor that pilots operating under their jurisdiction are current.
An area that continues to concern both Operations and the Executive is the achievement of timely audits of clubs. These audits are a key feature in the GNZ Quality Management regime and a requirement of our Part 149 Certification.
During the year Ivan Evans and Terry Jones stood down from the ROO role in the South Island. We owe Ivan and Terry a big thank you, for their contribution over many years. Ross Anderson, Central and Jerry O’Neill, South, joined the Operations Team. Thanks for accepting the roles. Steve Care, North, continued his great work and contribution. The Executive is still seeking a National Operations Officer.
Prize winners and those collecting prizes on behalf at the recent GNZ AGM in Wellington. Winner’s stories next issue. L- R Jill McCaw on behalf of Alex McCaw, Max Stevens, Chris Streat, Tony Passmore, George Rogers, Gavin Wills on behalf of George Wills, Warwick Bethwaite.
June 2011