2009 Tuition Waiver Manual

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Maricopa County Community College District

Handbook for Tuition Waivers, Affidavits and Exemptions

2411 West 14th Street Tempe, Arizona 85281-6942

Revised April 2009

tuition waiver handbook

table of contents

Definition of Common Terms...................................................4 Tuition Waiver Request Processing Procedures..........................5 HRS Field Values and Fiscal Codes...........................................6 Eligibility for Tuition Waivers, Affidavits and Exemptions............ 7 PeopleSoft HRMS Procedures..................................................8 Appendices

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Tuition Waiver Request Employee/Active Retiree................A

Tuition Waiver Request Non-Employee............................. D

Exemption for Full-Time Teachers/Classroom Aides............E

Adjunct Faculty Waiver Tuition Waivers.............................. F

Non-Employee Waiver Process......................................... G

Monitoring of Tuition Waivers.......................................... H

Tuition Waiver Request Dependent....................................B Tuition Waiver Request Adjunct Faculty.............................C

tuition waiver handbook


As part of ongoing efforts to update policies, regulations and procedures that guide the operations of the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD), this handbook is designed to address issues related to the treatment of tuition waivers and other instances (affidavits and exemptions) where students have been deemed eligible for the payment of costs at the same rate as either residents of Arizona or Maricopa County. Waivers, affidavits and exemptions are for credit classes only, unless otherwise specifically indicated. Credit by examination or evaluation is not eligible for waiver. This handbook includes the following information: aA glossary of definitions to provide consistent terminology district-wide aThe authority for which such waivers, affidavits and exemptions are established aEligibility requirements for employees and non-employees aThe procedures for processing each item aSample waiver request forms aReference contacts per topic

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definition of common terms Arizona Out of County Affidavits Form used to verify tuition eligibility for students from any part of Arizona that is not a part of an established community college district. Arizona/Sonora Exemption The provision of in-state tuition rates to students from Sonora, Mexico participating in the Arizona-Sonora Exchange Program. Credit Bearing Courses Courses with semester hour units that are used to: compute grades, transfer to other academic institutions, establish the granting of degrees and certificates, and whose tuition and fee rates receive approval by the MCCCD Governing Board. Dependent Child An unmarried child (less than 24 years old) of an MCCCD employee who is eligible to be claimed by the employee as an exemption for state and federal tax purposes. Non-Employee Persons not employed by the Maricopa County Community College District who have been identified in statute as eligible for a tuition waiver, affidavit or exemption.

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Regular/Full-Time, Board Approved Employee Designation as a regular, fulltime board approved employee varies according to the specific job group policy manual. Refer to job group policy manuals: http://www.dist.maricopa.edu/ hrweb/policy.html Reimbursement Payment to an employee by the MCCCD after the employee used his/her own funds to pay the cost of tuition. Reimbursements are subject to the requirements established in this manual. Skill Center Programs Program offerings that are listed in skill center catalogs. In some instances, these programs are used to compute grades, transfer to other academic institutions or to grant certificates of completion. Teacher and Classroom Aide Exemption The classification of a full-time teacher or full-time classroom aide as an in-state student for tuition purposes for courses necessary to complete the requirements for certification by the State Board of Education in order to teach in a school district in this state.

Waivers Waivers are a release from obligation to pay all or a portion of the normal charges for tuition and fees. When MCCCD waives tuition/credit hour costs, it is agreeing to use institutional funds to cover the loss of revenues represented by the waiver. Waivers used to reduce the cost of attendance for employees or their spouses or dependents are considered an employee benefit and are charged to the appropriate expense account. Waivers used to reduce the cost of attendance for students who are not employees, are considered a contra-revenue and are charged to the appropriate allowance or discount account. Published rate structures that denote reduced tuition and fees for certain categories of students do not give rise to a waiver, and thus are categorized as either affidavits or exemptions. Rather, the published rate represents the full tuition and fees that should be recorded as revenue. No waivers are involved unless the institution segregates and/or monitors the amount of revenue offset via the waivers.

tuition waiver handbook

tuition waiver request processing procedures Eligibility for tuition waivers, affidavits or exemptions is established via state statute and Governing Board policy. Employees must be Board approved prior to the start date of the class for an employee or dependent waiver to be considered valid. If a class conflicts with an employee’s normal working hours of accountability, supervisory approval is required. Supervisory approval must be obtained by the employee in writing, with the written approval maintained by the supervisor and the employee. Questions regarding eligibility status may be directed to the area referenced on the chart located on page 7. An official request form must be presented in order to initiate the waiver process. The proper form(s) to be submitted are: a Regular Governing Board approved employees and Active Retirees participating in the District Active Retirement Program fill out the form entitled Tuition Waiver Request Employee or Early/Active Retiree (Appendix A). a Eligible Dependents of employees fill out the form entitled Tuition Waiver Request Dependent (Appendix B). a Note that for new hires and existing employees with dependent children and spouses, the employee must be Board approved PRIOR to the start date of the class for the dependent or spouse to be eligible. a If an existing employee has a change of status in the middle of the year where a dependent child or spouse has been added, the effective start date for tuition waiver eligibility begins on the first of the month following in which the addition was made. a Adjunct Faculty members fill out the form entitled Tuition Waiver Request Adjunct Faculty (Appendix C). a Dependents of a slain Arizona Peace Officer, Firefighter, or Emergency Paramedic and Arizona National Guard members killed in the line of duty or disabled Arizona National Guard members fill out the form entitled Tuition Waiver Request

Non-Employee (Appendix D). Dependent(s) should also have a letter issued by the authorized agency (i.e., Arizona Peace Officers Memorial Board, Adjutant General of the National Guard). Typically, waiver forms are processed by the Cashier’s Office. While each college or district location may utilize its own method to verify eligibility for waiver requests, a general process is as follows: 1. Cashier reviews form for completeness and for appropriate signatures. Employees must be board approved (or in the case of adjunct faculty, must have an initial contract enacted) prior to the start date of the class in order for a waiver form to be valid. 2. Waiver Request forms are then given to the Supervisor or designee for signature. 3. Authorized college personnel connect to the Human Resource System Custom Report titled “MCCD Tuition Waivers” for eligibility verification (see Page 8). 4. If person is eligible, waiver request is approved and a copy provided to the recipient. 5. If person is deemed to be ineligible, the person is contacted and given an explanation why the waiver will not be processed. The waiver is reversed and the person is billed. 6. Waivers are totaled at the end of the shift. Waiver requests may be submitted for courses offered at Skill Centers and are limited to the per-clock-hour cost of the program. The requirements for waiver eligibility still apply. Waivers, affidavits and exemptions are not permitted for noncredit courses at other MCCCD locations. Skill Center locations will process waiver requests in a manner consistent with the guidelines prescribed in this handbook.

Arizona Sonora Exchange Program are processed through the office of International & Intercultural Education. Students seeking to participate in the program should be directed to contact the office at 480-731-8250. Teachers and classroom aides seeking in-state classification for courses required by the State Board of Education to teach in a school district in Arizona must fill out the designated form (Appendix E) in the Admissions and Records Office. By signing the form, the student affirms eligibility for in-state classification under ARS 15-1802 B3. No member of the person’s family is eligible as an in-state student. Forms should be kept on file in the event of an audit. Reimbursement Process Tuition waiver requests will only be honored through the semester in which the class ends. If the tuition waiver request form has not been completed, approved and submitted prior to the tuition and fee due date, the student will be required to make payment in full by the due date. A refund will subsequently be made upon approval of the tuition waiver request within the same semester. Terminated Employment Change in employment status will impact tuition waiver eligibility. Parties that are considered to be terminated or separated from the Maricopa County Community College District, or as having a contract that was canceled prior to the first meeting of the class(es) for which a waiver was submitted, may either withdraw or pay for the course. If termination occurs after the first meeting of class in which the party has already attended, he or she may continue through the end of the course.

The tuition waiver process for the Salt-River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community is administered solely through Scottsdale Community College. Contact the SCC Fiscal Office for additional information. Authorizations for the

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HR system field values and fiscal codes MCCCD Employee Tuition Waiver Rules, HRS Field Values and Fiscal Codes Amended November 7, 2008

Type Of Employee


Employee Eligibility

Fiscal Code Faculty 400000101000 Staff 400000010000

Dependent** Eligibility Yes

Fiscal Code

Full-time regular employees



Faculty 400002010000 Staff 400002020000

On leave if otherwise eligible


With Employee Services Authorization

Athletic Specialists






Full-time, board-approved specially funded employees






Full-time, Skill Center Employees


Instructor 400000101000 Staff 400000010000

After determination of financial aid eligibility

Instructor 400002010000 Staff 400002020000

Part-time, Skill Center Employees


With Employee Services Authorization


Part-time, board-approved Specially Funded employees*

0.50 to 0.99




Part-time regular employees*

0.50 to 0.99


Faculty 400000101000 Staff 400000010000


On leave if otherwise eligible*

0.50 to 0.99

With Employee Services Authorization

Employees participating in the District’s retirement programs*





Full-time, board-approved short-term employees*



Faculty 400001100000 Staff 400001110000


Adjunct Faculty during the fiscal year of contract (does not include contracts to teach non-credit courses)


Yes, up to 6 credit hours per semester****



Tuition waiver eligible non-employees (Dependents of Slain Arizona Peace Officers, Firefighters, Emergency Paramedics).



With Authorization by Appropriate Designee


Arizona National Guard Members killed in the line of duty, or Disabled AZ National Guard members.



With Authorization by Appropriate Designee


Arizona Sonora Exchange Program




With Authorization by Appropriate Designee

* **

Dependents of employees who are less than .99 FTE are not eligible for tuition waivers. A spouse or unmarried child less than 24 years old. In order to receive a tuition waiver, the qualified employee must be Board approved by the first class meeting. Dependent children must be less than 24 years old at the time of the first class meeting. *** Questions regarding eligibility status should be directed to Employment Services 480-731-8469. **** See Appendix F for additional information on adjunct faculty waiver eligibility.

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eligibility references Category/Group

Tuition Issue/Provision

Authority Reference

Reference Contact

Non-Employee Arizona Out of County

Affidavit: Allows a college district to admit students in counties without a college district on the same conditions as Maricopa residents


Appropriate County Treasurer’s Office

Arizona-Sonora Exchange Program

Exemption: The provision of in-state tuition rates to students from Sonora, Mexico that are participants in the Arizona-Sonora Exchange Program

A.R.S. 15-1444, Section (F), Governing Board Motion No. 8785, July 28, 1998.

International Education: 480-731-8250

Dependents of Slain Peace Officers, Fire Fighters, Emergency Paramedics, and Arizona National Guard Members Killed in the Line of Duty, or Disabled Arizona National Guard Members.

Waiver: Admission with a tuition waiver scholarship to children 30 years of age or younger or to a spouse who has not remarried, or a member of the National Guard who received a purple heart citation on or after 9/11/01 or a former member medically discharged due to injury suffered during status. Limit to no more than 64 credit hours.

A.R.S. 15-1808

Verification of eligibility received on official stationary of peace officers, fire fighters, emergency paramedics association, Adjutant National Guard, or Arizona Attorney General’s Office.

Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (offered exclusively at Scottsdale Community College)

Waiver: All tuition and fees, including registration and lab fees for credit and non-credit classes. Noncredit provision is through college action.

Governing Board Motion No. 4703, December 9, 1980, Administrative Regulation No. 2.2.9

American Indian Programs Department

Full-Time Teacher/Full-Time Classroom Aide

Exemption: Classification as an in-state student (for persons domiciled for less than one year) for an employee of a school district who is contracted to teach on a full-time basis, or is employed as a fulltime non-certified classroom aide at a school within that district.

A.R.S. 15-1802.B.3

Director of College Admissions & Records

Adjunct Faculty

Waiver: Maximum of six (6) credit hours when contracted to teach credit courses, to be taken during the semester in which they teach. Use of a waiver may be deferred during a term that follows teaching, but the deferral must take place within the same fiscal year of the contract.

A.R.S. 15-1445, AllEmployee Group Policy

Employment 480-731-8469

Adjunct Contractors (Librarians & Counselors; Hourly; TeamTaught; Non Residential Fitness)

Waiver: Maximum of six (6) credit hours when contracted to teach credit courses, to be taken during the semester in which they teach. Use of a waiver may be deferred during a term that follows teaching, but the deferral must take place within the same fiscal year of the contract.

A.R.S. 15-1445, AllEmployee Group Policy

Employment 480-731-8469

Early/Active Retirees

Waiver: Tuition and fee waivers are limited to the percredit-hours cost of classes and to out-of-county and out-of-state fees. Other fees, such as lab or towel fees are not waived and must be paid by the employee.

A.R.S. 15-1445, AllEmployee Group Policy

Employment 480-731-8469

Full-time Regular Employees, Spouses & Dependents

Waiver: Tuition and fee waivers are limited to the percredit-hours cost of classes and to out-of-county and out-of-state fees. Other fees, such as lab or towel fees are not waived and must be paid by the employee.

A.R.S. 15-1445, AllEmployee Group Policy

Employment 480-731-8469

Skill Center Employees

Waiver: Tuition and fee waivers are limited to the percredit-hours cost of classes and to out-of-county and out-of-state fees. Other fees, such as lab or towel fees are not waived and must be paid by the employee.

A.R.S. 15-1445, AllEmployee Group Policy

Employment 480-731-8469

Specially Funded Employees

Waiver: Tuition and fee waivers are limited to the percredit-hours cost of classes and to out-of-county and out-of-state fees. Other fees, such as lab or towel fees are not waived and must be paid by the employee.

A.R.S. 15-1445, AllEmployee Group Policy

Employment 480-731-8469


* Waiver eligibility start dates for dependent children and spouses are subject to the applicable employee Board approved hire date or the date established for benefits eligibility to begin when employees have had a change in status by adding a dependent(s) child or spouse.

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tuition waiver procedures The following are the procedures to locate Tuition Waiver information in PeopleSoft HRMS Version 8.8. 1. The student delivers Tuition Waiver Request to the Cashier’s Office. 2. The Cashier receiving the Tuition Waiver Request will verify the form for completeness and to determine the final payment. 3. The payment will be collected and posted. 4. Either the Cashier’s Office or designated person(s) at the college will verify the student’s eligibility in the Human Resources System. Whether a “Tuition Waiver Request Dependent” or a “Tuition Waiver Request Employee or Early/Active Retiree”, there are two ways to locate the employee in the Human Resources System:


To locate the Employee’s Empl ID Number before proceeding to the Tuition Waiver Pages 1. Search by Social Security Number (National ID)

Workforce Administration Personal Information Biographical Search by National ID National ID: Type in the Social Security Number and click on the Search Icon. Note: Hitting the enter key will not pull up the employee’s information. 2. Search directly in MCCD Tuition Waivers

navigation MCCD Custom MCCD Human Resources Inquire MCCD Tuition Waiver

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Name: Last Name:

First Name (case sensitive, i.e. Josef ) Last Name

tuition waiver handbook

tuition waiver procedures Or, by Empl ID

If the Employee is an Adjunct Faculty, check for the following Information: - Check to make sure that the semester of the waiver is within the current fiscal year (and on or after the contract begin date). Verify that the total credit hours requested does not exceed the allowable 6.0 credit hours per semester District wide. MCCD Adjunct Faculty

Verify the following information: - Look up the eligibility information on this page to determine whether the employee is eligible or not eligible.

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tuition waiver procedures MCCD Employee/Dependents MCCD employees and their dependents may not appear on this page if the employee has multiple board-approved jobs. Please refer to the Employee Services Departments at (480) 731-8313.

The Tuition Waiver Fiscal Subcodes are used to enter into the Student System. The purpose of the SIS Tuition Waiver subcodes is to keep track of the accounting expenditures. MCCCD Fiscal Subcodes Below is the list of the Tuition Waiver Fiscal Subcodes

For assistance with the Tuition Waiver Pages, contact Marjorie Klein at (480) 731-8313.

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appendix A


Appendix A

INSTRUCTIONS TO EMPLOYEE: You must complete a separate form for each college that you plan to attend. Please keep a copy for your records. Tuition waiver requests will only be honored through the semester in which the class ends. TO AVOID DELAY IN YOUR REGISTRATION, PLEASE ATTACH PAYMENT TO THIS FORM FOR ANY FEES THAT YOU OWE IN ADDITION TO THE CREDIT HOUR COST. PLEASE FILL THE FORM OUT COMPLETELY AND ACCURATELY, AND GIVE IT TO THE CASHIER AT THE COLLEGE WHERE YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR THE CLASS. Full-time Staff* Full-time Short-term Staff*


Residential Faculty* Full-time Short-term Faculty*

Early/Active Retiree+

Name ________________________________________ Empl ID# __________________________ StudID# ______________________ Date ______________________

Job Title __________________________________

Work Hours ______________________to_________________________

Job Location ___________________________

Daytime Phone _________________________________

Semester _______________________ PC GCC GWCC MCC SCC RSCC SMCC CGCC PVCC College/center where taking class: EMCC MSC SWSC Other MCCCD Location (List):________________________________________________________ COURSE INFORMATION:

Prefix & No.

Section No.



Cr. Hrs.

EMPLOYEE'S STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION, UNDERSTANDING, AND AGREEMENT: I certify that I am currently a BoardApproved employee* or an early/active retiree+ of the Maricopa County Community College District. I understand and agree that the waiver for the above-listed class(es) is for the credit-hour cost ONLY (including out-of-county and out-of-state credit-hour costs). Waiver for no other fee is expressed or implied by the acceptance of this request. Credit by examination or evaluation is not eligible for waiver. I understand that in compliance with the Enrollment Irregularities Administrative Regulation, I will submit an online “Employee Course Declaration” form via www.maricopa.edu/disclosure/. I understand that at the point of registration and in compliance with Proposition 300, I shall also submit appropriate citizenship documentation to the Admissions and Registration Office at the college in which I am enrolling. I understand that acceptance of this request by the College Cashier’s Office does not imply that it has been approved. Eligibility will be based on state statute and MCCCD policies & regulations. If it is determined that I am not eligible for a waiver, I understand that I am responsible for paying the full student cost of any courses that I am enrolled in as of the drop/add period for the course(s). Eligibility may or may not be verified prior to the end of the drop/add period. *A regular, Board-Approved employee is an individual who is compensated up to a 1.0 FTE assignment. ONE-YEAR-ONLY AND ONE-SEMESTER-ONLY WORKING LESS THAN FULLTIME AND TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR TUITION WAIVERS.

+An early/active retiree is a current participant in either the Early Retirement Program or the Active Retirement Program of the Maricopa County Community College District. MCCCD RETIREES NOT CURRENTLY PARTICIPATING IN ONE OF THESE PROGRAMS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR EMPLOYEE TUITION WAIVERS.

Employee Signature _______________________________________________ Date ________________________________________ IF THE CLASS CONFLICTS WITH NORMAL WORKING HOURS OF ACCOUNTABILITY, APPROVAL IS REQUIRED: We understand that one or more of the above-listed classes conflict with this employee's normal working hours of accountability, and we give our approval for the employee to attend the work-conflicting class(es) SUPERVISOR’S President or Designee/ SIGNATURE ______________________________________ Vice-Chancellor’s Signature _____________________________________ If the employee is currently on an administrative, educational or sabbatical leave of absence, approval to attend/participate in the above listed class(es) must be approved by the employee relations manager. For FMLA, military, medical, personal or industrial leaves of absence, approval to attend/participate in the above listed class(es) must be approved by the leaves department. I certify that this employee is a Board-Approved employee who was eligible prior to the current leave of absence. Further, I certify that the conditions of the employee's leave of absence do not preclude him/her from attending/participating in the above listed class(es). If you are currently out on a leave of absence and unable to work, you are not eligible for a tuition waiver. Employee Relations Manager/Leaves Department Representative Signature_______________________________________________ College Personnel/Fiscal Office Use:



Verification Completed by:_______________ Date:____________

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Appendix B

INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENT: Complete the "STUDENT PORTION" of this form for each college that you plan to attend this semester. If you plan to attend more than one college, you must complete more than one form. Have the employee (your parent or spouse) complete the "EMPLOYEE PORTION." Please keep a copy for your records. Tuition waiver requests will only be honored through the semester in which the class ends. INSTRUCTIONS TO EMPLOYEE: Complete the "EMPLOYEE PORTION" of this form, and return it to the student. TO AVOID ANY DELAY IN YOUR REGISTRATION, PLEASE ATTACH YOUR PAYMENT TO THIS FORM FOR ANY FEES OWED IN ADDITION TO THE CREDIT HOUR COST. PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM COMPLETELY AND ACCURATELY, AND GIVE IT TO THE CASHIER AT THE COLLEGE WHERE YOU ARE REGISTERED. STUDENT PORTION: Name __________________________________ Student ID or SS# ______________________ Semester __________ Date __________ College/center offering class: PC GCC GWCC MCC SCC RSCC SMCC CGCC PVCC EMCC MSC SWSC Other MCCCD Location (List):______________________________________________________________________________________ COURSE INFORMATION:

Prefix & No.

Section No.

Cr. Hrs.

Prefix & No.

Section No.

Cr. Hrs.

STUDENT’S CERTIFICATION: I certify that I am spouse / unmarried dependent child (less than 24 years old) of _________________________________________, who is currently a regular, full-time, board-approved employee* of the Maricopa County Community College District. Student Signature ________________________________________________________ Date __________________________________ EMPLOYEE PORTION: Staff* Residential Faculty* Name ___________________________________________ Employ ID# _____________________ Date _________________________ Job Title ______________________________ Job Location __________________

Work Phone _______________________________

EMPLOYEE'S STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION, UNDERSTANDING, AND AGREEMENT: I certify that I am currently a regular, fulltime, board-approved employee* of the Maricopa County Community College District and that the above-signed student is my spouse / unmarried dependent child less than 24 years old, who is claimed as an exemption for state and federal tax purposes. I understand and agree that the waiver for the above-listed class(es) is for the credit-hour cost ONL Y (including out-of-county and out-of-state credit-hour costs) ; waiver for no other fee is expressed or implied by the acceptance of this request. Credit by examination or evaluation is not eligible for waiver. I understand that the eligibility of my spouse/unmarried child to receive a waiver is subject to verification. I understand that acceptance of this request by the College Cashier’s Office does not imply that it has been approved. Eligibility will be based on state statute and MCCCD policies & regulations. If it is determined that I am not eligible for a waiver, I understand that I am responsible for paying the full student cost of any courses that I am enrolled in as of the drop/add period for the course(s). Eligibility may or may not be verified prior to the end of the drop/add period. *A regular, full-time, board-approved employee is an individual who is compensated at a 1.0 a FTE assignment, is governing-board approved, and covered by an appropriate policy manual. DEPENDENTS OF EMPLOYEES WHO ARE LESS THAN .99 FTE, TEMPORARY, ONE-YEAR-ONLY, OR ONE-SEMESTER- ONLY EMPLOYEES ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR TUITION WAIVERS. Employee Signature _____________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________ IF THE EMPLOYEE IS CURRENTLY ON A LEAVE OF ABSENCE, APPROVAL TO ATTEND/PARTICIPATE IN THE ABOVE LISTED CLASS(ES) NEEDS TO BE APPROVED BY THE MANAGER OF EMPLOYEE RELATIONS OR DESIGNEE: I certify that this individual is a regular, board-approved employee who was compensated for a 100 percent assignment prior to the current leave of absence. Employee Services Department Representative Signature ________________________________________________________________ College Personnel/ Fiscal Office Use Only

MC2500B (11/08)

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Job = BRS subcode 400002010000 [Faculty] Approved Denied OR Job = BRS subcode 400002020000 [Staff - MAT, PSA, Crafts, M&O, Specially Funded, Skill Center] Verification completed by ___________ Date ___________

tuition waiver handbook



Appendix C

INSTRUCTIONS TO REQUESTER: Complete this form for each college that you plan to enroll. Please keep a copy for your records. Waiver requests for registered courses will only be honored through the semester in which the class ends. TO AVOID ANY DELAY IN YOUR REGISTRATION, ATTACH YOUR PAYMENT TO THIS FORM FOR ANY FEES OWED IN ADDITION TO THE CREDIT HOUR COST. FILL OUT THE FORM COMPLETELY AND ACCURATELY, AND SUBMIT TO THE CASHIER AT THE COLLEGE WHERE YOU ARE REGISTERED.

EMPLOYEE INFORMATION: Name __________________________________

Date ______________________

Employee ID # ______________________ Student ID # ______________________ COURSE-ENROLLMENT INFORMATION: College/center offering class: PC GCC GWCC MCC SCC Other MCCCD Location (List):____________________

Prefix & No.

Section No.

Phone ___________________________

Semester ______________________________________ RSCC







Cr. Hrs.

Subtotal: Total credit hours paid for by adjunct faculty waiver during this semester at any other MCCCD college/center: Grand total credit hours paid for by adjunct faculty waiver this semester (may not exceed 6.0): ADJUNCT FACULTY’S STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION, UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT: I certify that I am currently a parttime faculty of the MCCCD, or have had a contract as a part-time faculty within this current fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). I understand that I am eligible for a tuition waiver for up to 6 credit hours during the semester in which I am employed; though I may elect to defer use of the waiver during a term that follows my teaching, but that is still within the same fiscal year as my contract. I understand that acceptance of this request by the College Cashier’s Office does not imply that it has been approved. Approval is subject to eligibility verification. If it is determined that I am not eligible for a waiver, I understand that I am responsible for paying the full student cost of any courses that I am enrolled in as of the drop/add period for the course(s). Eligibility may or may not be verified by the end of the drop/add period. I understand that in compliance with the Enrollment Irregularities Administrative Regulation, I will submit an online “Employee Course Declaration” form via www.maricopa.edu/disclosure/. I understand that at the point of registration and in compliance with Proposition 300, I shall also submit appropriate citizenship documentation to the Admissions and Registration Office at the college in which I am enrolling. I understand and agree that the waiver for the above-listed class(es) is for credit-hour cost ONLY (including out-of-county and out-of-state credit-hour costs); waiver for no other fee is expressed or implied by the acceptance of this request. My contract term is/was from _____________________________________. ____________________________________to (List location, term or start date, course number and section number of each course you are teaching or have taught in the fiscal year.) (If you are an adjunct in one of the following categories: Contract for Credit Courses, Hourly Adjunct, Team-Taught, Non-Residential Fitness, Librarian or Counselor, please check here____) I understand that if all of these sections are canceled, the waiver will become invalid and I am responsible for paying the full student costs of any classes I take. No more than 6 credit hours may be deferred within a given fiscal year, meaning that unused hours cannot be accumulated above 6 credit hours. Credit by examination or evaluation is not eligible for waiver. Courses held during Summer Session II are not eligible for waiver deferral. Employee Signature __________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________ THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE SUPERVISOR (Division Chair, Vice President, or Dean): I certify that this individual is employed as described above. Supervisor's Signature ________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________ Supervisor's Title ____________________________________________________________ Location ___________________________ College Personnel/Fiscal Office Use Only: __Approved pending instructional audit Verification completed by _________________________________ Date ______________________


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INSTRUCTIONS TO REQUESTOR: Complete this form for each college that you plan to attend this semester. If you plan to attend more than one college, you must complete more than one form. Please keep a copy for your records. Tuition waiver requests will only be honored through the semester in which the class ends. This waiver is subject to limitations imposed by law. TO AVOID ANY DELAY IN YOUR REGISTRATION, PLEASE ATTACH YOUR PAYMENT TO THIS FORM FOR ANY FEES YOU OWE IN ADDITION TO THE CREDIT HOUR COST. PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM COMPLETELY AND ACCURATELY, AND GIVE IT TO THE CASHIER AT THE COLLEGE WHERE YOU ARE REGISTERED. PERSONAL INFORMATION:

*Dependent of Arizona Peace Officer, Firefighter, Emergency Paramedic or Arizona National Guard Member Killed in the Line of Duty *Disabled Arizona National Guard Member

Name _______________________________________ SS# or Student ID _________________________ Date ___________________ Job Title __________________________________ Job Location _________________________ Daytime Phone __________________



College/center offering class: PC GCC GWCC MCC SCC RSCC Other MCCCD Location (List):____________________

Prefix & No.

Section No.







Cr. Hrs.

REQUESTOR’S STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION, UNDERSTANDING, AND AGREEMENT: Pursuant to A.R.S. 15-1808 I certify that I am: The dependent child or un-remarried spouse __________________________________________, of an Arizona Peace Officer, Firefighter, Emergency Paramedic, or Arizona National Guard Member Killed in the Line of Duty A member of the Arizona National Guard who received a purple heart citation on or after 9/11/01 or a former member medically discharged due to injury or disability suffered during status. I understand and agree that the waiver for the above-listed class(es) is for the credit-hour cost ONLY (including out-of-county and out-ofstate credit-hour costs); waiver for no other fee is expressed or implied by the acceptance of this request. I understand and agree that should my eligibility status, as indicated above, change prior to the end of the semester, I will pay the tuition for the above-listed class(es), or I will be dropped from instruction. Student Signature _______________________________________________ Date ________________________________________ College Personnel/ Fiscal Office Use Only

Approved Job = BRS subcode 400003010000 [Dependent of Peace Officer, etc.] OR Job = BRS subcode 400003080000 [Member of the Arizona National Guard, etc.]


Verification completed by _________ Date___________ MC2500D (11/08)

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appendix E

Maricopa Community Colleges Exemption of Non-Resident Tuition for Approved Courses For Full-time Teacher or Full-time Classroom Aide ARS 15-1802

Appendix E

Under ARS 15-1802, an individual may be eligible for an exemption of non-resident tuition for approved courses if such person is: • an employee of a school district in this state and is under contract to teach on a full-time basis, or • employed as a full-time non-certified classroom aide at a school within that school district. For purposes of the above paragraph, the person is eligible for classification as an in-state student: • only for courses necessary to complete the requirements for certification by the State Board of Education to teach in a school district in this state. No member of the person’s family is eligible for classification as an in-state student if the person is eligible for classification as an in-state student pursuant to the paragraphs. Exemption Process: 1. Provide verification of full-time employment as a teacher or non-certified classroom aide in an Arizona school district. 2. Provide evidence of intent to be a resident of Arizona by the absence of ties to former state of residence (i.e., Arizona Driver’s License, Arizona Vehicle Registration, etc.). In establishing domicile, an alien must not hold a visa that prohibits establishing domicile in this state. 3. Officially declare with the Office of Admissions and Records a program of study that leads to 1) a degree in elementary or secondary education or 2) teacher certificate recognized by the Arizona Department of Education. 4. Submit documentation regarding 1) coursework required by the Arizona Department of Education or 2) coursework required for a degree in elementary or secondary education as signed by an Academic Advisor. Under ARS 15-1802, only “courses necessary to complete the requirements for certification by the State Board of Education to teach in a school district in this state” qualify for in-state tuition. 5. Re-apply and prove eligibility for an exemption of non-resident tuition under this exception each semester until which time a petition is approved for reclassification to resident status as per ARS 151802. Affirmation of Eligibility for In-state Classification Under ARS 15-1802.B.3: Student Name ___________________________

Student ID Number_____________________

I certify that the following courses are required for certification by the State Board of Education to teach in a school district in the state of Arizona. Course Number and Title

Credit Hours

___________________________________ _____________________ ____________________ Student Signature Semester /Year Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approved


Date _______________

By ____________________

Title __________________

College ________________

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appendix F ADJUNCT FACULTY TUITION WAIVERS I. Eligibility & Limitations MCCCD adjunct faculty members are eligible for up to six (6) credit hours of waived tuition when they are contracted to teach (this does not include contracts to teach non-credit courses). Adjuncts with contracts that began on or after July 1, 2006, may also elect to defer the use of their tuition waiver to a term that is within the same fiscal year of the contract, but that follows their actual teaching assignment. No more than six (6) credit hours may be deferred within a given fiscal year, meaning that earned unused hours cannot be accumulated above six (6) credit hours. Additional items related to the implementation of processing waivers for adjuncts on a fiscal year basis include: •

Depending on the number of contracts that an adjunct has within the fiscal year, it is possible for a party to utilize a waiver more than once within that fiscal year. However, regardless of the number of contracts within a fiscal period, no more than six (6) credit hours shall be deferred during the entire fiscal period. Eligibility for waiver does not begin until after the initial contract is enacted, thus courses will not be waived prior to the start of the faculty member’s first contract.

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The provision to defer use of the waiver is not retroactive, thus parties whose contracts began prior to July 1, 2006 are not eligible to defer use unless that party has another contract that begins on or after the designated program start date.

Deferred waivers may not be utilized to enroll in classes that begin during the second summer semester (Summer Session II), since this session begins after the current fiscal year and starts the next cycle of eligibility review. However, deferred waivers may be utilized to enroll in 8-week summer courses that start in Summer Session I from MayJuly, with the course having begun prior to the end of the fiscal year in which a party had already been determined as eligible to defer. In other words, an individual that elects to delay use of the waiver can only do so for credit courses that begin in the same fiscal year of his/her contract.

Adjunct tuition waivers are not transferable to other parties and may only be used by the employee.

If the courses that a party is contracted to teach are canceled, the waiver will become invalid and that person is responsible for paying the full student costs of any classes taken.

Parties that teach as a result of dual or concurrent enrollment agreements (and where the individual teacher does not have an adjunct faculty contract with MCCCD) are not eligible to receive waived tuition.

II. Processing Adjunct Waiver Requests Generally, adjunct waivers will continue to be processed in the same manner as they are currently processed. The Tuition Waiver screen in People-Soft HRMS has been updated to allow for determining eligibility on a fiscal year basis (see page 10). Since the function of processing tuition waivers may be administered among different departments throughout the district, the determination of employee access to People-Soft HRMS should be made at the local college level. Inquiries on how to utilize the system should be directed to Marjorie Klein at 480-731-8313. III. Waiver Form/Tuition Waiver Handbook Waiver forms are available on-line at: http://www.maricopa.edu/ hrweb/download.html

Old hard copy versions of the tuition waiver forms that featured multiple copies should be discarded. The adjunct waiver form has been revised to contain language relative to the limitations described in Section I.

tuition waiver handbook

The Tuition Waiver Handbook is available at the following link: http://www.maricopa.edu/legal/ dp/index.htm

IV. Eligibility Case Scenarios

b. Teaching a course/taking a course/deferring a course (review number of contracts)

a. Teaching a course/ deferring a course

1. Sam teaches biology parttime and the duration of his contract is from August 5–December 31. Sam enrolls in EDU 250 which begins on-line on August 15. Sam is eligible to receive the waiver.


Response: TRUE – Sam’s contract began after July 1 and the course is being taken within the same fiscal year.

Adrianna is eligible to receive and use the waiver both in the Fall and the first Summer Session?


Response: TRUE – Both of Adrianna’s contracts are within the fiscal year. During the Fall semester, she takes courses that are within the six credit hour limit. During the Spring semester, she elects to defer the use of the waiver that is enacted with the second contract and the use of the waiver is still within the current fiscal year.

2. Sam’s contract doesn’t begin until August 21 and he submits a waiver for a class that begins on August 19. Sam is still eligible to receive the waiver.


Response: FALSE – Sam’s contract begins after the start date of the class. He should enroll in a class that starts after his contract.

Adrianna has worked as an adjunct faculty member for three years. During fiscal year 06-07, she has a contract for both the Fall and Spring semesters. Adrianna enrolls in two courses during the Fall semester (6 credits), and decides to take a foreign language course (3 credits) during Summer Session I after she has completed her teaching assignment in the Spring.

c. Not teaching and taking up to six (6) credit hours

Bryan’s contract to teach began July 3 and ends on December 31. Although he will not teach during the Spring 07 semester, he wishes to take

an on-line course while he has more free time. Would this activity be approved?


Response: YES – both the contract and the deferred use are within the same fiscal year.

d. Taught both Fall/Spring, taking nine (9) summer credit hours Cathy teaches two classes during both Fall and Spring but does not use her eligible tuition waivers. She then enrolls in nine (9) credit hours for the Summer I semester when she is not teaching.

Cathy is eligible for all nine (9) credits because she did not use her six (6) eligible hours for Fall, nor the six (6) eligible hours for Spring.


Response: FALSE – Cathy can only defer six (6) credit hours per fiscal year, so she is only eligible to receive a waiver for six (6) hours in Summer I.

V. Points of Contact Questions or situations that arise that are not expressly addressed within this appendix or within the Tuition Waiver Handbook should be directed either to Lupe Gutierrez at 480-731-8649 or Teresa Toney at 480-731-8880 for review and approval.

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appendix G Non-Employee Waiver Process *Verification of eligibility must be received on official stationary of peace officers, fire fighters, emergency paramedics association, Adjutant National Guard, or Arizona Attorney General’s Office. Verification may also be sent from the agency designee via email to the Senior Manager of Human Resources and the Manager of the Office of Public Stewardship.

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How to Process Tuition Waiver Requests for Non-Employees 1.

Agency* that verifies eligibility notifies the Maricopa Community Colleges (Senior Manager of Human Resources or Manager of the Office of Public Stewardship at the District Office), making sure to include the college designation(s) the dependent will be attending.


The Senior Manager of Human Resources or Manager of the Office of Public Stewardship will notify the appropriate Admissions and Records and College Fiscal offices at the designated college(s).


The dependent student will need to fill out the Non-Employee Tuition Waiver (see Appendix D) and submit it to each college they attend every semester.


The District Office will maintain a copy of the eligibility notification provided by the appropriate agency.

tuition waiver handbook

appendix H MONITORING OF TUITION WAIVERS VIA BOEXI REPORTS There are four reports written for monitoring tution waivers: • MCCD_SR_3070 Employee Enrollment & Tuition Waivers • MCCD_SR_3071 Dependent Enrollments & Tuition Waivers • MCCD_SR_3072 Other Tuition Waivers • MCCD_SR_3073 Part-Time Faculty Enrollments & Tuition Waivers College Monitoring of Employee Tuition Waivers The report, MCCD_SR_3070, should be used by the colleges to monitor employee tution waivers. To place this report into production at your college, let your BOEXI Report Administrator know the report MCCD_SR_3070 is located in the folder named DO Report Bank, and they will place the report in the appropriate folder for your college. Let the BOEXI Administrator know who needs access/permission to run the report. When you run the report, enter parameters for your College (Institution) and the semester (Term). Talk with your BOEXI Administrator if you need assistance running the report. Instructions 1. In the fall and spring semesters, run the report after the second week of classes and again after the 45th day. In the summer semesters, run the report the second week of classes. 2. Distribute the report to the appropriate people for review (i.e., Department/Division Chairs). Ask Chairs to review the report for the following enrollment irregularities: • Instructor enrolled in a class they are teaching (student name will be in bold) • Instructors enrolled in a class in the department in which they teach (student name will be in bold)

• •

Enrollment taught by a relative Enrollment and subsequent withdrawal for the sole purpose of making a class “go” • Enrollments during an employee’s normal work schedule 3. On the right side of the report is a column titled “Disposition.” If there is no enrollment irregularity, simply place a check in the Disposition column. When an enrollment irregularity is identified, note the issue in the Disposition column. 4. Once the report has been reviewed for enrollment irregularities by the Department/ Division Chairs, the Vice President of Academic Affairs reviews the dispositions. If VPAA/VPSA decides if employee should not be registered in a couse, VP will notify the employee and: 1. VP sends email with rationale to VCASA 2. Employee may appeal to VCASA 3. VCASA reviews situation and makes determination a. VCASA notifies employee and college b. VCASA documents findings District Office Monitoring of Dependents, Part-Time Faculty, and Other Tuition Waivers The report, MCCD_SR_3071, MCCD_ SR_3072, and MCCD_SR_3073, should be used by the Office of Public Stewarship to monitor all other tuition waivers. These reports are located in the BOEXI folder District Office > Student Records > RDS Reports. When you run the report, enter parameters for the semster (Term).

week of classes and again after the 45th day. In the summer semesters, run the report the second week of classes. 2. The Manger, Office of Public Stewardship or designee reviews the reports for the following enrollment irregularities: • Enrollment taught by a relative • Part-Time Faculty who exceed the tuition waiver limit in a year • Part-Time Faculty who receive a tuition waiver in a semester prior to their first teaching semester in the year 3. On the right side of the report is a column titled “Disposition.” If there is no enrollment irregularity, simply place a check in the Disposition column. When an enrollment irregularity is identified, note the issue in the Disposition column. 4. Once the report has been reviewed for enrollment irregularities, the Manager, Office of Public Stewardship decides if employee should not be registered in a couse and will notify the employee and: 1. Manager, Office of Public Stewadship sends email with rationale to VCASA 2. Employee may appeal to VCASA 3. VCASA reviews situation and makes determination a. VCASA notifies employee and college b. VCASA documents findings

Instructions 1. In the fall and spring semesters, run the report after the second

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2411 West 14th Street Tempe, Arizona 85281-6942

Tuition Waiver Handbook Revised April 2009

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