What to Put in a 72-Hour Kit Nobody ever thinks that they will have to evacuate their home, and thankfully, most people don’t generally find themselves in this situation. Unfortunately, every year there are always instances where families find themselves being told to pack their essentials and leave the area for their own safety. While many people are able to go back to their homes soon, there are always some who have to stay away for longer periods of time while the situation is dealt with. Ensure that you and your family are ready in case of an evacuation by preparing a 72-hour kit.
Food and Water Most people assume that it would be easy to simply grab the food you have in your house in the event of an evacuation. However, more often than not, the food available in your pantry isn’t the best choice for bringing with you in an emergency situation. And there’s always the chance that the water may be shut off during a natural disaster. To prevent this, ensure that you have a three-day supply of water and non-perishable food ready to go at a moment’s notice.
Clothing Although it may be tempting to think that grabbing clothes on your way out the door is good enough, people do not always think clearly when under pressure, and the last thing you need is to find out that one member of the family did not think to bring essential clothing. Make sure that clothes are set aside and easy to carry if the need arise. Pick clothes that are warm and waterproof so that your family will stay healthy.
Emergency Supplies As evacuations tend to occur in the event of an emergency, having emergency supplies on hand can be extremely helpful. Usually this can be in the form of a first aid or emergency preparedness kit. No matter what you call it, always make sure that your emergency supplies include bandages, hand sanitizer, medications, toiletries, a radio, and a source of illumination (preferably a solar flashlight, which does not need batteries).
Personal Documents and Money Make sure to at least have a copy of legal documents and also ensure that your driver’s license (or some form of identification) is in your possession. You should also always have a couple hundred dollars in cash available if possible, as paying electronically may not be an option in an emergency situation. While nobody can predict exactly what will happen in an emergency, there are ways to be prepared for one. Make sure your family knows not only what they should do in various types of emergencies, but also what they should bring with them in the event that your family has to leave the house. Involve the whole family in preparing for an emergency and you’ll find that this will help you stay safe if an evacuation does happen. Photo Credit: Adventuremedicalkits, 2.bp.blogspot.com