Packing the Essentials When Camping If you are not an avid camper, you may be intimidated by the thought of going camping. It can seem like everyone else is an expert camper and there is no way for you to learn what you need to learn in order to be a good camper. However, you do not have to continue feeling this way. All you need to do is learn a little bit about camping, and you will be just as knowledgeable about camping as your expert friends. A surefire way to become an expert camper is to learn what materials as essentials when going on a camping trip. One of the most essential materials when camping is a tent.
Tents You do not want to just buy any tent, however. You want to make sure you have a tent that is going to serve all of your camping needs in full. Look for a tent that has built-in pockets and hooks. These will come in handy when you want to store your camping lantern and any sleep gear you will bring. You will also want to make sure the tent is tall enough for you. If you are short, then you will not need to buy a very tall tent. However, if you are a taller person, you will want to buy a tent that will be tall enough for you to stand up, or at least almost stand up inside the tent. And most importantly, you want to buy a tent that won’t be too difficult to put up. Some of the older types of tents are definitely more difficult to set up. These tents involve stakes, which must be hammered into the ground with a hammer. Many modern models of tent don’t require much assembly, and are perfect for beginner campers. If you want to have lots of room in your tent, try to buy a tent that is supposed to fit twice as many people as you actually have. That way, you will have lots of extra room for lounging and you will not feel cramped. Another camping essential is a canopy.
If you are camping in the summertime, it can get extremely hot inside your tent. Purchasing and setting up a canopy over your tent can help you and your tent to stay cool all throughout your camping trip. Canopies are great for many reasons, not just keeping you cool inside your tent. Your canopy will help you stay dry, and you will help you stay out of the wind. Another thing you will not want to forget is adequate lighting. If you really want to look intense, you should buy a headlamp. That way, you will have light wherever you go, and you will not have to hold anything. You could also buy a camping lantern if you don’t want to use a headlamp. Camping lanterns are usually not too expensive and can come in very handy while camping. Make sure you have all the things you need before you go camping, and you will become a camping expert in no time. Photo Credit: Al_hikesaz, jjay69