Understanding Mold Growth in the Home

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Understanding Mold Growth in the Home Mold growth can occur in every home and in most every climate. This is because mold spores exist in the air and will attach themselves to the areas of a home where they can grow and reproduce.

Where the Problem Is These problem areas of the home usually include places such as the bathroom or kitchen area as these locations will typically sponsor mold growth by the moisture that is commonly present in them. Damp and dark places of the home, like the shower or bathroom especially, will foster mold growth as mold thrives in such areas. Because of these factors, mold growth can occur in most any home in America no matter what climate the home is located in. Mold growth can be even more frequent in humid areas of the country and it is in these places where residence will have to be extremely cautious of extensive mold growth in their home. Warning signs that mold growth is accumulating within the home include visible growth on walls, carpets, ceilings, and countertops. Other warning signs that mold growth is occurring within the home are not visual, however, as mold growth can be extremely common on subsurface areas of the home like underneath the carpeting or on the inner linings of drywall. These areas will typically grow unabated as they are not visible to the residence and can expand to encompass large portions of the home. These colonies of mold growth can be detected by the musky smell they produce as well as discolorations that will appear with time on the visible sides of the drywall or carpet.

Get Help for Your Health These large mold colonies can be extremely detrimental to the health of the residence as there are a few types of mold spores that are highly toxic. When extensive, or even moderate, mold growth is discovered in the home, the homeowners or renters should greatly consider hiring a professional to remove the mold. If hiring a professional to remove the mold is not within the budget, an individual or family should at least bring someone in to conduct a mold testing analysis on the mold that exists in the home. Mold testing will identify the specific spore type of mold that

is growing in the home and determine the threat level for the residence of the home. Beyond mold remediation and mold testing by professionals, a family or individual can remove the mold in their home by following a few standard tips for mold removal. For surface mold types, like those found in the shower or bathroom of the home, a simple diluted bleach and water solution will help to clean away the mold. Be careful when using bleach, however, as mixing bleach with ammonia will cause the formation of a poisonous gas. A simple mixture of one to eight parts bleach to water will suffice for mold clean up. When dealing with bigger mold growth, a person should remember safety first by wearing a mask and avoiding spreading the spores at all times. Performing these actions will help to remove mold in one’s home and will help to protect one’s home from dangerous formations of mold growth.

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