Air dessign heating and cooling 8 15 13 understand potential damages to the home in the summer carve

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Understand Potential Damages to the Home in the Summer When people think of damages being incurred on their home their usual thoughts turn to winter time cold, heavy storms, and other like events. Few people, however, think of the summer time as a season that can damage their homes, even though this is exactly the case. The summer season can bring a host of problems and potential damages down upon a homeowner and their home in Utah. Even though Salt Lake City in Utah is a typically dry area with little humidity, these conditions can quickly change with the passing of a rain storm combined with the high heat of a summer in the valley. These conditions bring humidity to Salt Lake City and with that humidity the summer time weather can bring some unexpected damages to Salt Lake City homes. Some of these damages that can occur to homes during the summer include damages from mold, pests, flooding, and the heat itself.

Your Air Conditioning One of the most common damages that can happen during the summer time is damage to the home’s air conditioning unit. A damaged air conditioning unit can spell an uncomfortable disaster for the residence of the home as they may have to go days or weeks in sweltering heat before they can get their air conditioning repaired in Utah. Air conditioning repair in Utah can be an easy task for air conditioning repair companies, but still, the added cost of repair can be just one of the damaging effects of summer time heat. A homeowner can help to prevent this particular form of summer time damage to their home by only running the air conditioner when needed and by getting the unit regularly inspected by a professional.

Other summer time dangers to a home lurk in the form of mold growth due to the increase in relative humidity. As summer heat rises and wet weather blows in, the relative humidity in Utah can skyrocket, making prime conditions for the growth of mold in the home.

Mold Growth Mold growth in the home is a serious and potentially damaging occurrence, but this too can be prevented or remedied by the homeowner themselves if they are aware of the situation. A homeowner can help protect their home by making sure that their home is properly ventilated. Having a properly ventilated home will help to cut down on the conditions that promote mold growth. If mold growth has already been spotted in the home, a homeowner can take steps to eradicate the mold spores by washing the mold from the surfaces of their home using a bleach and water solution. Other summer time damages to a home that can affect a home in Utah is the infestation of pests. Summer time weather promotes the prevalence of pests and therefore the likelihood of an infestation in the home. Pests in the home can be damaging and a homeowner should contact professional pest control companies if they notice the pests becoming an issue. These and other potential damages to a home can occur in the summer, making the summer time a time for homeowners to be vigilant. Photo Credit: Jason Eppink, Rick Johnson 75, Michael Condouris

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