Improving Communication with a Caption Phone Caption calling is one of the most exciting innovations which bridges the gap between those with hearing disabilities and those who do not. Communicating over the phone has always been a difficult prospect, due to the fact that auditory cues are going to be limited for some. Most people who have a hearing disability bridge communication gaps by doing lip reading and taking note of body language as people express themselves. When speaking on the phone, these advantages are neutralized. As such, caption calling provides an essential service between parties in order to help them comprehend what other are saying. As we communicate with others, we are able to build important bonds with them that last for a lifetime.
How Caption Calling Works The process of caption calling is actually elegantly simple, using technological innovation to provide both parties with an excellent communication experience overall. These units work by transcribing what people say into the receive rand then sending the text to the other unit, where the text is displayed in real time on a mounted screen. Sound is also able to be transmitted to the receiver, providing both parties with comprehensive spoken words. It really is as simple as speaking into the phone and then waiting for the other person to read and reply. This kind of communication has previously not been possible due to technological limitations on these units. Voice recognition has been around in some form or another for years and years. However, voice recognition of the past was severely limited by the ability of the unit to actually comprehend what was spoken into it. Earlier voice recognition models could be thrown off by issues like volume, accent, inflection, and background noise interrupting the process.
Modern Advances in Caption Calling Modern technology has gotten us past that point, so that a broader audience will be able to use and enjoy voice recognition more fully. As such, the finished product is one which is easy to use and apply, no matter what.
The advancements made in text transmission also play a huge role in the success of these units. People need to get the text transcript of the conversation almost instantly in order to keep the conversation understandable and able to move forward. Streaming text is essential to bridging the gap which exists between the two parties who are trying to communicate. When it all comes down to it, modern technology has given us a miracle in the making by finally giving answers to decades old problems. Both those who have hearing disabilities and those who do not stand to benefit from the technology being used to improve their conversations. In fact, some people who are entirely without hearing issues may wish to take advantage of these units for the sake of clarity and understanding. We recommend that all who can benefit from one of these units take the steps necessary to procure one. It is worth it!