Choosing the Perfect Wedding Colors Planning a wedding in Las Vegas isn’t as easy as a lot of guys assume it is. Many assume that the girl has had the wedding planned for her entire life.
Wedding Assumption All the colors, decorations, venues, and guests were plotted at age five and rehearsed with Barbie dolls and G.I. Joes (stolen from brothers). Every detail was planned long ago and all she has to do is replace the Ken doll with a real life many and the event is set. It’s always quite the awakening for them to realize that not every girl has done that. In fact, many haven’t put much thought into it at all. It’s not that they don’t relish the dream of it happening, they just don’t dwell on the details, thinking to take care of them when the right time comes. Once the day comes though, it can become extremely difficult for the girl to make even the most “basic” of decisions. Something as simple as choosing your wedding colors can become as difficult as choosing only one chocolate from a variety box. There are so many options that it can be really hard to determine (1) which color scheme to go with, and (2) if the color scheme will look good or not.
Color Wheel The first concern isn’t easily answered, as there are a ton of color schemes out there that could fit your wedding in Las Vegas. Just as long as you’re choosing color schemes that look good together, you really can’t go wrong. So the next question is how identify what colors look good together. Luckily, there’s a lot of help where this is concerned. Have you ever used a color wheel before? A color wheel puts all of the known colors into perspective on a pinwheel. It places the most alike colors close to each other. The further you move from that color, the more opposite the color becomes, until you reach the exact opposite side. That exact opposite color is considered a complement. It means that the colors will work extremely well together.
If you’re looking for two colors for your wedding, then grabbing a color from the color wheel and identifying its complement will get you exactly what you’re looking for. There are many digital color wheels that can help you see how colors would work together. is one of those that work well. Now if you need three colors instead you can still use the color wheel to pick helpful colors, but they won’t be the “pure complement” discussed in the previous paragraphs. Instead, you’ll pick a main color you love and then look for where the complement would be (opposite side of the circle). Move one color to the right and one color to the left to find other complementary colors. For example, if your main color was red, the natural complement would be green. Instead of using green though, move one color to the right (a green tinted yellow) and one color to the left (a turquoise). These are potentials for your wedding. So if you’re struggling with some of the traditionally “basic decisions” like color, play with the digital color wheels until you find a scheme that you love. The wheels will always show colors that would look great together, helping you make a decision that you’ll be happy with in the long run. Photo credit: tonypowell , unleashingmephotography