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Academics Year One Plan
The academic implementation plan is guided by the academic strategic directions:
• Developing support and structures to integrate sustainability into current academic operations • Creating incentives to integrate austainability into academics via communication, buy-in and accountability • The year one implementation actions are the ideal actions that will be completed in year one
Academics Year One Implementation Plan
January-March 2021
Identify criteria for STARS inventory Complete a new inventory of the classes that contain aspects of sustainability or focus on sustainability Prepare/present strategic plan to faculty in Spring Academic Affairs meeting Include sustainability in professional development session in March
April-June 2021
Incentive applications for Summer Academies
Spring MCC showcase/ Creative Works, highlight faculty & student projects Integrate/promote Hubbard sustainability series to faculty and students (swag, lunch, recognition)
July-September 2021
Develop Canvas resources for faculty to incorporate sustainability into their classes
Develop badges Infographics on digital signage- sustainability goals Develop awards/criteria for faculty Assess culturally responsive teaching series to increase faculty participation
OctoberDecember 2021
Provide updated list of sabbatical topics, increase faculty participation Out-of-classroom cultural experiences Sustainability literacy assessment (student course evaluation or CCSSE custom questions)
Year One Accomplishments
Kick-off to communicate goals Book club and/ or annual cohort established
Workshop with faculty to brainstorm ideas/ assignments to make connections with students
Begin incentives for the Summer Curriculum Academy Have virtual badges or incentives around sustainability Culturally responsive teaching Develop a process for tracking sustainability in academics
Celebrate achievements, share work, and motivate future goals Complete a Sustainability Literacy Assessment
Campus Engagement
Percent of AASHE STARS Campus Engagement credits
2018 Baseline 2026 Goal
37 percent 65 percent
Campus engagement focuses on how to involve staff and students in sustainability projects to embed sustainability into the culture of MCC using the STARS campus engagement credits as guidance. These credits and the efforts in this section strive to empower both staff and students to complete peer sustainability education, provide education and news on sustainability events, and assess the sustainability engagement of MCC.
The campus engagement goal took into account that the Campus Planning and Sustainability office had already completed a sustainability engagement survey and plans to start an employee educators program. The planning group also identified many opportunities to involve students and do more outreach.
STARS Campus Engagement Credits
EN 1: Student Educators Program Peer to Peer sustainability outreach. A student-run sustainability engagement and education program. Credits can be earned by the percentage of students served and the ratio of hours worked by trained student educators to the number of students served
EN 2: Student Orientation Percentage of students provided orientation activities and programming that include sustainability (education on the principles and practices of sustainability at the College or in general)
EN 3: Student Life Co-curricular sustainability programs and initiatives that contribute to student learning outside of the classroom.
EN 4: Outreach Materials and Publications Having outreach materials and publications that enhance student learning about sustainability outside the classroom, including: • Sustainability website • Social media or newsletter • Sustainability signage • Walking map or tour • Guide for green living and/or incorporating sustainability into the residential experience
EN 5: Outreach Campaign Student and employee outreach campaigns that yield measurable, positive results in advancing sustainability.
EN 6: Assessing Sustainability Culture
EN 7: Employee Educators Program
EN 8: Employee Orientation
EN 9: Staff Professional Development
Total Criteria Summary 2018 Points Points Possible
0.0 4.0
0.0 2.0
1.75 2.0
1.75 2.0
2.0 4.0
Complete an assessment of campus sustainability culture administered to the entire campus over time. 0.0 1.0
Peer to peer sustainability outreach. An employee sustainability engagement and education program where employees are appointed to serve as peer educators, supported by training and resources. Credits can be earned by the percentage of employees served and the ratio of hours worked by trained employee educators to the number of students served. 0.0 3.0
Sustainability information is covered in orientation. 1.0 1.0
Part 1: Availability of professional development and training in sustainability Part 2: Participation in professional development and training in sustainability. 1.25 2.0