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Jude & Sophia Sport

Porters Neck members, Liz Coville, Karin van Drumpt, Roberta Smith and Patty Screen recently visited McConnell Golf sister property, The Reserve They said, "We had such a fun time playing golf a the Reserve in Pawleys!"

Over 100 Breakfast BundlesDonated
We are SO PROUD of PNCC junior, Adley McCall for her community service efforts Her mother Leah had this to say, "Thankful for incredible, generous neighbors and my wonderful girl for making and donating well over 100 “breakfast bundles” and more to Nourish NC . She really enjoyed this, and Nourish NC was beyond appreciative! They said they give so, so many of these out."

As part of our ongoing community outreach efforts, Porters Neck Country Club recently signed up to 'Adopt A Highway' Many of you have asked about Dennis, the gentleman we often pass on the way to the club, who is consistently picking up debris along Porters Neck Rd and Bald Eagle Lane Jason reached out to Dennis and invited him to join our team as well as join us for dinner, as our guest, at the club. Yesterday was our inaugural 'pick up' day for 2023 and while Dennis couldn't join us, (this time) he did greet us outside of his home to see how we were doing. We look forward to having him join us next time!

Jack Lehman is on a role! He had a hole in one on Wednesday March 8 on hole number 4 from 143 yds. This is his 3rd hole in one within the last year. He had 2 aces on July 13, 2022

Congratulations to Tracy Kane, who got a hole-in-one on #6 on Friday, March 24th She used a three wood from the women ’ s tee Way to go!!!
Congratulations to Mike Shenigo on his 2nd Hole-In-One in less than a month! On February 23rd, he got his first Hole-InOne ever, on #4, from 127 yards, using an 8 iron. Today, he got is ANOTHER HoleIn-One on #4! While he was once again using an 8 iron, this time it was from 120 yards