1 minute read
From the Kitchen
Hello Grande Dunes Members,
I hope that you and your families are all well as the world continues to stave off this nasty virus. I hope that you are happy to have your golf course open again. Ryan and his team have worked extremely hard and have done a fantastic job! With the opening of the course we continue to open food and beverage operations at Grande Dunes Members Club. We are currently serving lunch and happy hour Tuesday through Sunday with pasta night on Thursday and a la carte dinner service on Saturday. We are re-introducing Trivia Night on Friday September 25th with other events to follow. I look forward to seeing you at the Ocean Club for dinner on Friday nights, Happy Hour on Wednesday night and lunch at the pool. As always…Please feel free to contact me any time if you have any culinary requests or comments.
I hop Your e C to he s f, ee M yo ich u a a el ll soon. Monahan chef@grandedunes.com
SEPTEMBER Pecan-Chocolate Chi Delights James R.Patterson III of Sedgefield Country Club
Recipe https://bit.ly/Sept-Cookie-2020 OCTOBER
Gluten-Free Cornmeal Thumbprint Cookie
Michael Monahan Executive Chefat Grande Dunes Members CLub