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Dining Events
Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays
4:00-4:30 Tennis Tots I ages: 4-6 I cost: $10 4:30-5:30 JuniorI ages: 7-17I cost: $17 5:30-6:30 Adults I ages: 18 & olderI cost: $20
Swing by the HHCC Tennis courts on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays for a small group style Tennis Clinic with James McKie, and Ian VanCott. It's a great workout too! Questions, email James at j_mckie@hotmail.co.uk
Wednesday, July 15
Tennis MixerforAdults &Children ~ all is welcome!
Wednesday, July 22 Men's Night out on the courts
Friday, July 24
Ladies Night out on the courts
Mark your calendars now for these FUN Tennis events out on the HHCC Tennis Courts. Food and beverage will be available. More details to come.
We are excited to offer our tennis players a new way to practice on the courts, you now have access to a ball machine. The ball machine will be kept on the courts in a small storage shed for easy access. The machine will be locked up at all times, how to access the machine is listed below. The balls in the machine will be replaced by-monthly ensuring optimal hitting sessions. The machine is for member use only and you must be 1 6 years of age or older to access the machine on your own. Younger children may use the machine but parents are required to supervise the entire hitting session. The machine is electric so it cannot be used in inclement weather. We hope you enjoy this new offering at the Holston Hills tennis courts.
There are two options One hour rental for accessing the ball machine: Cost: $15 peruse, perhour
For a one hour rental you will need to contacting the Golf shop at 865.525.0626, to reserve the machine and a court. When you arrive to the club please check in at the Golf shop to pick up the key. When finished the ball machine will need to be put back into storage, locked up and the key returned to the Golf Shop.
Annual Package
Cost: $150 Individual packages (a year) I $200 Familypackages (a year)

For an annual ball machine package, you will be issued a personal key to access the ball machine any day of the week as long as courts are available. Annual packages can be purchased in the Golf *Packages expire each yearon December31st. shop.
JUNIOR TENNIS CAMP Photos byStefanie Arrington