2 minute read
Tee it Up
Greetings Old North State Members,
I hope this finds everyone well and that you are ready to start playing more golf. By the time you read this, we will be preparing to kick off multiple season-opening day events along with multiple fitting days.
The technology in the golf business is ever-changing, and I pride myself and my team on knowing the trends associated with this. For example, TaylorMade Golf has a carbon face insert, which has been highly touted as faster and more stable than traditional titanium inserts. Please make sure to mark your calendars for our upcoming events.
For 2022 we are going to start a Men’s Interclub Team. This team will play in a pod with Highland Creek Golf Club, Providence Country Club, and Cowans Ford Country Club. If you are interested in competing please reach out to the golf shop. If you need to brush up on some fundamentals of the golf swing please make sure to reach out to the golf shop. We are always happy to assist in improving your game.
Have a great golf season,
Justin Mathers, PGA
THREE PUTT! I can only think of one other two-word phrase that may send more chills through the spine of a golfer and that’s GREENS AERIFICATION! Unfortunately, it’s a crucial piece of the puzzle for promoting turf health. It’s been six months since our last greens aerification and we need to maximize root development this spring. Our first aerification and deep air injection this year will be March 7-9 and the second one will be May 3-4. According to the USGA, our sand-based greens should contain 45-65% solids, 20-30% macropores, and 15-25% micropores. Aerification followed by sand topdressing is still the best tool for maintaining these ratios. The macropore space promotes the movement of water, nutrients, air and therefore roots down through the profile. Most of the water and nutrients moving through the macropores isn’t plant available, it’s moving too quickly. It’s up to the micropores to capture, hold and supply the water/nutrient mix to the roots as they travel through the macropore space that is created by aerification. Something to think about next time you walk onto an aerified green. ’I m sure we will have some great weather in the coming months for you to get out and enjoy the course. See you on the course! Chris Chapman