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Greens and Grounds

It is hard to believe that we have already made it halfway through 2021. After a successful aerification process, the greens should heal quickly. We will continue to do monthly venting on greens for plant health going forward. It is during this time of the year that the plants are thriving in the heat. By venting, we are letting the soil breathe to make sure that the root zone is getting plenty of oxygen. As we move deeper into the summer, the biggest challenge for us will be staying on top of regular mowing and maintenance, especially the rough. The timing of our bulk spread fertilizer was earlier this year than it has been in the past, so I don’t expect the rough to get “out of control” due to added fertility during peak growth. Also the addition of a new rough mower should allow us to hopefully keep the height of cut the same all year. In addition to all of this, we are going to do a trial of a chemical herbicide, at very low rates, that would basically slow down or stop the growth of the rough for a few weeks to the point where we may be able to skip a week of mowing. If we like what we see with the chemical trial, this may become a valuable tool, and a labor saver, for keeping the rough under control. This is not to be confused with a Plant Growth Regulator (PGR). PGRs are critical in maintaining fine turf at a high level. PGRs alter the growth processes of the plants, thus slowing the growth or the way in which they grow. Different PGRs do different things, depending on the needs of your turf. They can suppress seedheads, change leaf texture, promote different growth habits, or reduce clippings to name a few. We use PGRs on our fairways (21 day interval) and our greens (weekly) mainly for clipping yield reduction and leaf texture. See you on the course,
MARK SCOTT Golf Course Superintendent