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Greens and Grounds

Golf Course Update
The first six months of the year have been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. From a few false springs and a second or third winter, to what seemed like an eternity for warm temps to stick around, it was probably the most challenging spring transition I’ve had to navigate through since the “year of winter kill” back in 2018. Things like late frosts, back to back 40 degree nights the week of Crown Cup, and slow-to-warm-up soil temperatures, to name a few, all contributed to a slow transition and some very confused bermudagrass plants. It truly took until the week after Memorial Day for things to really get going and the golf course to respond to our inputs. On a positive note, we are now in the thick of summer where the heat is cranking and the grass is growing. I’m sure that any doubters have been silenced given the current condition of the golf course. Hats off to my staff for grinding day in and day out to get to this point. Over the past 12 months, through shortages and delays, we have been in the process of reviving our well and pond systems on holes 15 and 16. During the span of this project we have rehabilitated the riser for the spillway on 15 and elevated the pond level six inches, had our well completely rebuilt with new pump, motor, and wiring to get it back to functioning status, and re-routed the piping system that carries the water down to 16 pond which was disrupted during the Providence Road widening project. We now have the capability to control the pond levels of both of these ponds from the same well. In case you didn’t know, there is only 90 feet of elevation change across the property. The lowest point is 3 approach, and the highest point is obviously 16 tee. Gaining functionality of the well behind 15 green enables us to control the flow of water throughout the property, especially in a drought situation which we saw last fall. Everything from 15 pond goes to 14, then down 9, across the range, 1, 2, 3, and makes it to 4 (irrigation pond). Everything from 16 pond goes down 17, under the road then down 12, and into the big pond behind the clubhouse. I would consider this project to be a wise investment and I hope a very noticeable change for our golfing members. After a successful course aerification, we can now shift our focus to some area renovations and projects while we still have some grass growing weather ahead of us for establishment purposes. We will continue along the same lines as the changes that have been made over the last two years (e.g., roadside at 9 green, right side of 12 fairway, bathroom at 14). The goal is to get rid of some of the eyesores around the course that have been ever-present since I stepped foot on the property 6 years ago, with “in-play” areas being priority. With this, I need a favor. With the increased rounds of golf since the infamous March of 2020, I can honestly say that we are starting to see effects of increased wear and tear on the golf course. A simple way we can all help the cause is to avoid using the same traffic patterns as we go about traveling the course. Please scatter your golf cart travel and push cart travel and avoid using the same paths as everyone else (path of least resistance). I can assure you that the morale of my staff is at an all-time high. I am privileged to have a great group of guys. As their leader, I promise you that they are trying to make a difference and are on board with my philosophies. Please do not hesitate to thank the crew when you see them. They are the ones who deserve the recognition for the condition of the golf course. See you out there, MARK SCOTT Golf Course Superintendent