14 minute read
Club Update and SCC Buzz
LUNCH SERVICE Thursday-Friday | 11:30am-2:00pm DINNER SERVICE Tuesday-Sunday | 8:00am-8:00pm Starting December | 8:00am-5:00pm
Monday-Wednesday | Closed Thursday-Saturday | 5:00pm-8:00pm Sunday | Closed Monday-Wednesday | Closed Thursday-Saturday | 5:00pm-8:00pm Sunday | Closed
Golf Shop (Tuesday-Sunday) I 8:00am-5:00pm Golf Course (Tuesday-Sunday) I 8:30am Practice Facilities (Tuesday-Sunday) I 8:00am-5:00pm (weather permitting)
Sunday & Monday | Closed Tuesday-Thursday | 9:00am-4:00pm Friday & Saturday | 9:00am-1:00pm
Monday-Friday | 6:00am-7:30pm (last reservation at 6:30pm) Saturday-Sunday | 8:00am-3:30pm (last reservation at 2:30pm) Reservations Required
Monday | Closed Beverage Service: Tuesday-Sunday | 8:00am-5:00pm Food Service: Tuesday-Sunday | 11:00am-5:00pm
Golf Shop (Tuesday-Sunday) I
8:00am-5:00pm Golf Course (Tuesday-Sunday) I 8:00am Practice Facilities (Tuesday-Sunday) I 8:30am-4:30pm
336.299.5324 Sedgefield Dining Room 336.299.5324 x 208
Sedgefield Golf Shop 336.299.4160
Fitness Center 336.398.8164
Sedgefield Country Club Address The Cardinal by Pete Dye Address Greenside Cafe Tennis Shop Cardinal-Golf Shop Cardinal-Pete's Place 336.398.8165 336.547.0052 336.668.2749 336.668.2746 x 2
3201 Forsyth Drive Greensboro, NC 5700 Cardinal Way Greensboro, NC
Macie Burcham, daughter of Sedgefield members Jeff and Susan Burcham, is our cover feature, pictured during a photo shoot when she was 16 years old. Macie is also pictured to the right a few weeks ago celebrating her 18th birthday. Cover photo credit: Kiley Schiffman
B T e ri v a erly Marler d Regional I Di bmarle rector r@mcconnellgolf.com Chad Triad Flowers Member I sh cf ip lo D wer irec s@ tor mcconnellgolf.com Rocky B Director rooks of Gol I f rocky@sedgefieldcc.com
Eric Hea F d ergu Golf son Prof I e efergu ssional son@sedgefieldcc.com Chad Cromer Golf Course S I ccromer@se uperintendent dgefieldcc.com Maya Direct P o a r n o ayotov f Food a I and fbdirector Beverage @sedgefieldcc.com Tr Di avis H rector ud of dles Sale ton s an I d b C anquet atering s@sedgefieldcc.com James Corpor Pat ate terso Exec n ut I iv jpatter e Chef son@sedgefieldcc.com Sherri Direct Tallant or of Fit I ne fit ss ness@sedgefieldcc.com Pierce H Director oover of Ten I ni p s hoover@sedgefieldcc.com Taylor C Director hr of ismon Memb I er act Ac ivities@s tivities & edgefieldcc.com Communications
W Di ill re H ct arpe or of r I maintenan Maintenance ce@sedgefieldcc.com A A ngela dmini Aye strat rs ive I aa Ass yers@sed istant & M gefieldcc.com ember Billing
Toc Acc coa oun Pat ts P terson ayable I accountspayable@sedgefieldcc.com
Chris Head Terry Golf P I cterr rofessi y@ca onal rdinalgolf.com Ross Jernigan Golf Course Su I p rj er ernigan intende @c nt ardinalgolf.com
Your Club...……………….…………………….….......….……...……....2 Club Update and SCC Buzz..……..…….............…..……..3 Membership...…………...…………………..…….................…..4-7 Clubhouse News.................……………..….................……..8 Club Events......................………………...…....….............9-12 Kids and Family........………..……………...…...........….........13 McConnell Golf News………......….…............................14 Superintendent's Corner...........……….............…..…...15 SCC Photo Gallery.......................................................16 Tee It Up at Sedgefield........................................17-18 Tee It Up at The Cardinal..........................................19 Fitness News..............……...………..…...…............…...20-21 Tennis News....................................…...........................22 Cookie of the Month...................................................23 Calendar of Events.....................................Back Cover
GIVING BACK The desire to give back in our community is stronger than ever and while some know this story already, with over 60 new families having joined the club this year, it bears repeating. Sedgefield Country Club has long supported the Salvation Army's Angel Tree program. In 2016 that endeavor was taken to a whole new level when Bob Bruggeworth approached me about an idea for a golf tournament fundraiser (The Angel Tree Open) to buy gifts for the children on the Angel Tree. With a soft spot in his heart, he wanted to find a way to make sure that every single child on the Angel Tree had gifts to open on Christmas morning. One beautiful fall evening over casual conversation on a mutual friend's porch, Bob and Kelli Young began discussing ways they could give back. That same casual conversation grew more serious and a group calling themselves the "Sedgefield Angel Tree Helpers" was born. It snowed the weekend of the 2016 tournament and golf was cancelled. However, that didn't stop the "after party" in the upstairs lounge and it didn't stop Sedgefield members from opening their hearts and their wallets to donate. The funds rolled in, the "shoppers" organized their lists, and off they went. That first year a little over Sedgefield members and ensuring that Christmas is community. $11,000 was raised and through 2019, guests have donated over $112,000, a little merrier for those in need in our
With the financial challenges so many have faced in 2020, this year's need is greater than ever. If you would like to contribute or play in this year's tournament - or both - watch your emails for more information. There's also a short 60 second video included with the emails that shows the impact of your donation and it will surely pull at your heartstrings. A special thanks indeed to the "Sedgefield Angel Tree Helpers" who spearhead this effort each year: Bob Bruggeworth, Ellen Boyer, Will Gregory, Scott Hamilton, and Kelli Young.
THANK YOU TO OUR MEMBERS AND STAFF The holiday season makes us reminisce. This year has been different in so many ways and while there are many things about 2020 that we are ready to see in the rearview mirror, there are also lots of blessings for which to be grateful. Our staff has been resilient and innovative and our members have been supportive and encouraging. We have learned to get through unusual times and situations together. I am proud of the team we have at our clubs - they are dedicated and loyal beyond measure. I am thankful for our members - you make our careers in hospitality so very rewarding. Thank you from your Sedgefield and Cardinal Family.
Wishing you a healthy and season. Thank you for your club and McConnell Golf. happy holiday support of the
Beverly Marler
SCC buzz
Look who’s talking about Sedgefield CC! Please enjoy a few of our favorite social media mentions and keep sharing your experiences by tagging us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for a chance to be featured in the next newsletter.
Such a proud day for me and Emory’s Poppa - starting tennis lessons where I did many years ago

Jared+Hannah Music
We had a great time playing at Sedgefield Country Club last night!

Ed Boiar & Allison Murphy Children Leighton (23) & Ashton (19)
Ed recently moved to Greensboro from Raleigh via New Jersey, and transferred his membership from our reciprocal property, Raleigh Country Club. Allison and Ed are getting married in the spring. Allison has lived in Greensboro for 30 years via New York. They are both avid golfers and look forward to playing together at least once a week. Although they are not new to McConnell Golf, please join us in welcoming them to the Sedgefield family!
Wesley Brewer
Please join us in welcoming Wes Brewer as one of the newest members of Sedgefield Country Club. Wes currently lives in Burlington and is excited to be a part of the club for golfing at Sedgefield and throughout the McConnell Golf network of clubs. He works in Greensboro as a CPA for Price Waterhouse Coopers on Green Valley Road. We look forward to seeing him around the club!
Josh & Jessica Carter Children Ashton (6), Haviland (4) & Mattison (2)
Josh & the Carter family are no strangers to Sedgefield. As a former golf professional at Sedgefield CC as well as a former member, his career took him to Dallas, TX a few years ago. He and his family have relocated back to our area and are excited to be a part of the club again. Josh is the VP of Magnussen Home Furnishings in High Point and the family resides in Summerfield. Please join us in welcoming them back to Sedgefield!
Mike & Natalie Smith
Natalie, who is originally from Naperville, IL, is an MD Dermatopathologist, specializing in the diagnosis of skin cancer. She is also chief of GPA Sonic Laboratories, which runs COVID testing for the NCAA and NFL, among others. Mike, originally from Orlando, FL, is a CPA who works as a business consultant for medical and dental practices at DMJ & Co. Mike and Natalie met in graduate and medical school, respectively, at Vanderbilt University. After that, they spent some time in Chapel Hill where Natalie completed her residency (Go Heels!). Together, they enjoy international travel, sports cars, Formula 1 racing, and their Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Mike also enjoys playing music, particularly the drums. Natalie says she has no time for hobbies, except she’s fluent in French and is attempting to learn golf. We wish her luck and welcome the Smiths to Sedgefield and the McConnell Golf family of clubs.
David Reid
David grew up in Germanton and now lives in Winston-Salem. For the past 6 years he lived in New York City, where he completed his MBA at Columbia Business School. He is the CEO of a compression hosiery manufacturer, Carolon, based in Rural Hall. David has been an avid golfer since he was 10 years old. In addition to golf, he also loves to cook and travel. He joined Sedgefield because of his love of the classic golf course design. We welcome David to the Sedgefield and McConnell Golf family! Ed Boiar and Allison Murphy

The Smith Family

Brandon & Tricia Dembowiak Children: Ryan (7), Owen (4) & Ellie (1)
The Dembowiaks left Wilmington and recently relocated to Oak Ridge. The move brings them closer to family, being the son and daughter-inlaw of current club members, Tom and Judy Dembowiak, as well as the business expansion of a new office for Brandon. Brandon is a Certified Financial Planner and the owner of Ascendor Wealth and Tricia stays home with their three children Ryan, Owen, and Ellison. They look forward to raising a family with the ability to enjoy all the club and what the affiliated properties have to offer, including newly acquired Porters Neck CC for when they are back in Wilmington for business or leisure.
Preston & Lillian Dembowiak Children: Braydon (6), Landon (3) & Kayson (4 months)
The Dembowiaks recently relocated from Wisconsin and Brazil to a home in NC. With a family of 3 boys, they are looking forward to watching them grow their love of the game while enjoying all the benefits that come with playing a great set of courses in the area. Preston is the son of current club members Tom & Judy Dembowiak. They are excited to be new members and look forward to making some great friendships.
Gene & Shelley Rhodes Son: John (23)
The Rhodes reside in High Point, NC where they own and operate two Chick-fil-As. Gene focuses on the operation while Shelley manages the accounting. Active within Emorywood & Willow Creek in High Point, the Rhodes also spend a lot of time at Badin Lake, making membership at Sedgefield and the reciprocity it affords to the Old North State Club all the more appealing. Please join us in welcoming them to the Sedgefield and McConnell Golf family!
Chris Hawthorne
Chris has recently moved to the area as he is the new Associate Athletic Director for Development at Elon University. His duties at Elon include overseeing the athletic fundraising efforts including major gifts, endowments, facility campaigns and The Phoenix Club. Prior to Elon, he was at the University of Minnesota where he was the Director of Development. He also attended the University of Minnesota where he received a Bachelor of Science in Business and Marketing Education degree and a Master of Business Administration degree. He was a member of the Golden Gopher football team in the Big Ten Conference where he was ranked among the top 10 most accurate field goal kickers in program history. He was also a finalist for the 2013–14 Wuerffel Trophy, an award presented annually to the college football player who best combines community service with athletic and academic achievement. He is looking forward to playing lots of golf at Sedgefield and meeting many other members! Brandon & Tricia Dembowiak Family

Preston & Lillian Dembowiak Family


Sean Kelly
Sean Kelly
Sean was born and raised in western Massachusetts before moving to Cary with his family in 2008. Sean’s parents are members at Prestonwood Country Club where he was a member until 2016. He has two younger brothers, one who lives in Nashville and the other in the Raleigh area. He attended the University of Notre Dame and received a degree in Aerospace Engineering. Sean relocated to the Greensboro/High Point area after college and has been working at the Honda Aircraft Company as a propulsion and fuel system engineer for the last 5 years. Sean looks forward to being able to enjoy the excellent golf facilities and championship caliber course as well as the reciprocal clubs.
John & Carly Jo Lewis
Please join us in welcoming former members John & Carly Jo Lewis back to Sedgefield. Joining a growing trend of former members returning to membership over the past few years, John is looking forward to getting back into golf and seeing many old friends around the club. He works in electrical manufacturing while Carly Jo is retired. When not playing golf, John enjoys working out and hiking with their dogs. We look forward to seeing them around the club!
Charles & LaTonya Penny Children: Hunter (13) & Taylor (13)
An avid golfer, Charles is looking forward to playing lots of golf at Sedgefield and the other McConnell Golf properties. He is currently a player support specialist for golf club manufacturer PXG. Prior to joining the team at PXG he was a golf instructor at GOLFTEC in Cary. He and his family reside in Mebane. Please join us in welcoming the Penny family to Sedgefield & McConnell Golf!
Ron & Teresa Peeples
The Peeples family resides in Browns Summit and Mr. Peeples is the president of BMF Labs in Greensboro. He is an avid golfer and looks forward to utilizing Sedgefield and the reciprocity to other clubs that our members enjoy. Please join us in welcoming The Peeples to Sedgefield Country Club & the McConnell Golf family of clubs!
2020 will go down as a year unlike any other in history. Quarantine, home-school, and new terms such as ‘social distancing’ and ‘contact tracing’ are now a part of our everyday vocabulary. And who else amongst us wishes they had a little (or a lot) of Zoom stock? Let’s add in all of the other newsworthy items such as social unrest, and oh yeah, how could I forget politics? In this crazy world we live in with new challenges faced on a daily basis, there are some positive consistencies to help us get through, including the relationships we have with our friends and families. A lot of those relationships began and continue to grow and evolve at the club.
As I write this, we are approaching Halloween. One of my fondest memories in my almost nine years at Sedgefield was a random Facebook post one Halloween evening a few years back. My wife and I had just returned from walking our two young sons through the neighborhood for trick or treating. As my wife was putting the boys to bed, I pulled out my phone and began scrolling Facebook. There were dozens if not hundreds of photos of young ghouls and goblins and super heroes, posing with all the treats they had worked so hard for that evening. One photo struck me and really made me think. It was of newer club members that I had signed up earlier that year, a few different families together, the kids all trick or treating together in the neighborhood. Knowing the history of these families and where they moved here from and where they lived, I knew that they did not know each other prior to joining Sedgefield. And here are their kids, on one of the ultimate kid-friendly holidays, making memories of a lifetime with new friends that they would have never met if not for the club. It is these intangibles that we cannot sell, we cannot market, nor can we put a value on. Club membership is so much more than golf, tennis, fitness, swimming and dining – it’s a culture, and more importantly it’s a family; the Sedgefield family.
Our Sedgefield family has grown throughout 2020 as we have remained fortunate to be one of the few entities that could remain open. Of course we have had to shift some focuses and make some tough decisions on the fly sometimes (and move a LOT of tables and chairs!), but ‘our family’ is the reason we do so. We are here for you just as you are here for us.
The next time I write we will be into 2021 – let’s make the best of what we have left of 2020 and enjoy the upcoming holiday season with friends and family.
I look forward to seeing you around the club, and on Facebook - Happy Holidays!
Chad Flowers