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SummerisofficiallyhereTheGolfCourseisingreatshapeforthosememberslookingtoplay!Thegreens areinperfectconditionfollowingourJuneAerificationMarkSnellandhisteamdecidedtouseamethod calledDryJettingonthegreensThisprocessallowsthegreenstoreceivedoubletheamountofsandthan normalaerificationsothegreenshaveremainedfirm Thisprocessislessintrusivewhenitcomestothe puttingconditions Inreturn,thegreensrolledsmooth&trueforthosewhoplayed Iexpectthatthe warmersummerweatherwillallowforthickerroughandlushfairways
PleaseremembertorakethebunkersafterexitingandrepairanydivotsorballmarksThissimplepractice helpstremendouslyinbetteringtheexperienceofthosewhoplay Wehopetoseeyouandyourfamilies outonthegolfcoursesoon!
TheTreyburnGolfShopcontinuestooffereverythingyourfamilyneedstoenjoythegameofgolfOverthe courseofthenextfewweeks,weplanonshowcasingthenewGFOREApparelintheshop Wewill continueexpandingouraccessorieswhichcanbegreatforgiftideas Beonthelookoutforournew shipmentofCorkcicledrinkwarePleasedonothesitatetoaskamemberofourprofessionalstaffabout ordering your size in any of the brands we carry! The Golf Shop will be running flash sales throughout the year to ensure you get the best price for your merchandise.
Starting in the month of July, the Treyburn Golf Course, Golf Shop & Practice Facilities will be opening on Mondays and closing the operation on Tuesdays. This decision was made in an effort to give our golfing membership the ability to play a McConnell Golf Course any day of the week. In the past, All McConnell Golf Properties were closed on Monday which resulted in many of our members playing public courses in the area or not playing at all We trust that this change will better serve your golfing needs As we transition to this model, the only Mondays we will close will be for Course Maintenance or any outside outings that have been scheduled for the remainder of the year Please contact me directly if you have any questions.
The month of July is highlighted by The McConnell Golf Ladies Solheim Cup which will take place on July 14th through 16th This event brings together one professional and seven ladies from each of the McConnell Golf Properties. The Treyburn Team will be joining the field as the defending champions We are all looking forward to a great event and wish Dalton Rich, PGA and his team of Ladies luck during the event!
Fundamental to providing all players an opportunity to compete on a level playing field in net competition is a properly administered and monitored handicapping program This periodic audit process is one component of the program to encourage players to post their eligible scores, which helps to assure that handicap indices are current and accurate. Starting in July, the professional staff will be comparing the tee sheet each day to the GHIN System score postings Those who failed to post a score will be sent an email the following morning reminding them to do so We hope that these practices will result in better competition and an increase in participation for our golf events If you have any questions regarding handicapping or posting your score, please speak to a member of our professional staff or the handicap committee. The 2nd Junior Golf Camp of the season is open for registration. This camp will take place on July 25th through 28th. If your junior is between the ages of 6 to 13 and is looking for a fun filled week of golf instruction, games and friendly competition, please contact a member of our professional staff to register your child today!
As always, thank you for your continued support of the Treyburn Golf Operation!
Best, Ryan Vance, PGA Director of Golf Treyburn Country Club
Friendly Rule Reminder:
Golf Attire – proper golf attire is required for all players. Proper attire shall mean the following:
Men: Shirts with collars and sleeves and slacks or Bermuda shorts of mid-thigh length are considered appropriate attire. Mock Tees with 1 ¼ inch collars are acceptable. Tank tops, tee shirts, mesh shirts, sweat pants, warm-up suits, non-golf specific hoodies, blue jeans, swimwear, short shorts, cut-offs, gym-shorts or other athletic shorts are not permitted. Shirt tails are always to be tucked in on the golf course, practice facility, and clubhouse.
Ladies: Dresses, skirts, slacks, mid-length shorts and blouses are considered appropriate attire. Shirts must have collars or sleeves. Halter tops, tee shirts, cut-offs, non-golf specific hoodies, sweat pants, warm-up suits, blue jeans, swim wear, tennis dresses, short-shorts or other athletic wear is not permitted.
Hats, Golf Caps or Visors shall be worn in the forward facing position at all times while on the golf course and practice facility and should be removed when entering the clubhouse.