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Summer Camps
When: July 5th -
July 9th This week is based on the great game of Candy Land along with other childhood classic games. By the end of the week we will get to walk around a life size Candy Land board game! Don't miss out in this sweet camp and RSVP by Thursday, July 1st.
When: July 12th -
July 16th Join us under the big top as the Circus is coming to Wakefield! This week will be filled with challenging carnival games, crafts and even a special visit from a surprise guest! To get your ticket into the WP Circus please RSVP by Thursday, July 8th.
When: July 19th - 23rd
Since the 2020 Olympics was postponed to this year, we are going to get ready for one of the best weeks sports can offer -the best of the best athletes from all over the world! To celebrate we will be participating in a variety of sports challenges, attending the opening and closing ceremonies and seeing which athlete can win that gold medal! So grab your workout clothes and sign up by July 15th to reserve your spot!
When: July 26th -
July 30th We are going back in time and learning all about the wild world of Dinosaurs! We will visit the different dinosaur eras, go on a Dino dig, make Dino ice eggs , create our own fossils and so much more! Please RSVP by Thursday, July 22nd.
When: August 2nd -
August 6th This will be a week filled with all Nick Jr. Shows! Every day will focus on a different show or shows. We will be going on a scavenger hunt with Dora and becoming detectives with Blue and Josh from Blue’s Clues! This week will be filled with many fun games, adventures, and crafts with all our favorite Characters! Please RSVP by Thursday, July 29th.
When: August 9th -
August 13th Each day we will transport ourselves back in time as we learn and explore different era's of life. We will visit the Wild West, a time where the Pirates roamed the seas, or we may even go back to the Medieval times! With costumes, crafts, activities and so much more we are ending the camp season with a bang! Please RSVP byThursday, August 5th.
~ACTIVITY CAMPS ONLY All of our camps both( age groups) run from 9:00am - 3:00pm. We will be sending you a reminder with the camp agenda, what to bring and the menu a week prior to each camp. We ask that you register your child a week before the start of camp. To register you may do so online at www.ccwakefieldplantation.com or by e-mailing Natalie at nclemens@ccwakefieldplantation.com or through the McConnell Golf app. Camp is $210 for the week or $45 per day. There is a20% sibling discount for families with two or more children for activity camps only and is only valid if you sign up for the entire week of camp. Sibling discounts do not apply for day camps only. Each day will be filled with activities, crafts, swimming, lunch, snacks and much more! AFTER HOURS CARE: This summer we will be providing after hour camp care. This will be available from 3:00pm - 5:00pm. There will be a charge of $8.00 per hour and an activity leader will keep them busy through games, swimming, activities, crafts etc. This is only available for children who are signed up for the camp. If you are interested in participation in after hour care, please contact Natalie before the week of camp. CANCELLATION POLICY If you cancel within 24 hours of the event you will still be charged 50% of the price.

when: July 5th - July 9th This week is dedicated to keeping you safe and smart in the wild! From learning basic first aid, to building rain huts or even competing in team survival challenges this is one fun and unique week of camp you will not want to miss. So bring your walking stick and hiking boots for this wilderness training camp! Please RSVP by Thursday, July 1st.
When: July 19th - 23rd
Since the 2020 Olympics was postponed to this year, we are going to get ready for one of the best weeks sports can offer - the best of the best athletes from all over the world! To celebrate we will be participating in a variety of sports challenges, attending the opening and closing ceremonies and seeing which athlete can win that gold medal! So grab your workout clothes and sign up by July 15th to reserve your spot!
When: July 26th -July 30th Join us as we visit the original and new version of this classic movie. This week will lead us on many adventures, scavenger hunts, training and so much more! Please RSVP by Thursday, July 22nd.
When: August 2nd - August 6th
We are going to build your confidence and strength this week as you and the Activity Leaders compete in multiple challenges that will test your physical, mental and ability to work in teams. We promise a week filled with fun, laughter and fantastic fitness activities! Please RSVP by Thursday, July29th.
When: August 16th - August 20th
Not only are we combining age groups this week (4 10)- but we are combining all of your favorite activities into one week! We are going to keep track all summer long of your favorite games, crafts, pool activities etc. and play them all week long! Let's end the season with a week you won't forget! Please RSVP by Thursday, August 12th.

Let the activities team at Wakefield do all the work for your upcoming party. Enjoy a pool party or customize your party with games and activities. We promise to make it a special and memorable day!
$100 Food & Beverage Minimum 2-3 hours of pool time during operating hours $5 guest fee for every non-member $75.00 service charge (covers set up/tear down of event)
$18 per child Food for the kids Two hour use of the facility 2-3 Activity Leaders to run the party Activities and programming for a customized party $75 service fee (covers set up/tear down of event)