4 minute read
Entry Fee Includes: Prizes
Format: 2 Net Best Balls of the Foursome
Teams will be made by a blind draw after shotgun begins, assigning each team ABCD players. You may make your own playing group or have the golf shop pair you. After playing in he Firecracker tournament, enjoy lunch from a BBQ buffet at the pool for a July 4th summer cookout from 12:00 pm until 3:00 pm. (Member Sign)
We have the technology to fit you for golf clubs from several major club companies Please stop by and ask one of our golf shop staff to schedule a fitting We look forward to assisting you! Don’t forget, we offer price matching on all of our clubs!

Call Head Golf Professional, Reid Hill at (252) 291-3815 ext 230 to schedule your lesson today.
CongratstoourveryownEthanBoyetteforqualifyingfortheUSGA USJuniorwhichisbeingheldatDanielIslandinJuly Thisinitselfis atremendousaccomplishment,nottomentionhehasqualifiedfor this2yearsinarownow Wewishhimwellaswewishallofour juniorswellintheirvariouseventsthissummer!
Golf Shop Independence Day Sale

Week of July 4th
30% off all clothing
25% off all in-stock golf bags
Registration Begins: Friday, July 22 First Round Matches Begin: Monday, August 29

Saturday round robin is every Saturday morning weather permitting starting at 9:30 am. This time will be through October 2023 No need to sign up, just show up and a doublesroundrobinwillbeorganized.
Tennis And Pickelball Guest Fees
Now that Summer is here, it is a good time to review guest fees Guest fees for tennis and pickleball are $10 00 per guest. A non-member can play as a tennis or pickleball guest one time per month.

Wcc Tennis Court Rules
Let’s review some basic WCC tennis regulations:
Proper tennis attire is required on both clay and hard courts No tank tops and cut out t-shirts for men
Please enter your court from the nearest gate
Smooth soled shoes are required for play on the clay courts.
No bikes and skateboards allowed on the hard courts. Please be courteous and leave your court as you entered it Throw trash in courtside receptacle
Please turn off all lights before you leave if playing at night
Court maintenance has priority on all courts.
Tennis Pro Shop Hours Of Operation
Monday: Pro Shop closed, courts open for play
Tuesday-Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
A Tuesday morning doubles round robin will be held on Tuesdays for the month of July. Everyone is welcomed women and men. No need to sign up, just show up. Participation will determine continuation of this round robin on Tuesday mornings.
Announcingfourpickleballcourtsopenforplay.Thepickleball courtsareoncourtsoneandtwoofthehardcourts Weareusing portablepickleballnets.Yourcooperationisexpectedand neededtokeepthesenetsinexcellentcondition Pleasedonot movethepickleballnets.
Pickleball Lessons
Pickleball 3 and Me: A little intimidated doing a private lesson alone Book a private pickleball lesson and invite two of your friends to join you in the lesson I will be the fourth and we will explore pickleball doubles.
Pickleball 4 and Me: Book a clinic with 4 people and I will supervise and teach pickleball doubles with the 4 participants
To book your lesson, call Kim Clark at 252-291-6199 or e-mail kclark@wilsoncountryclub.com
Tuesday,July4 | 9:00am-11:00am

Come and play in a fourth of July doubles round robin and then gotothepoolforcook-outandfestivities Donotneedtosignup, justshowup.Everyonewelcome.

This clinic is for beginners who want to see if tennis is for them Fundamentals and scoring will be covered There is no charge for this clinic Member sign wine and beer will be available, with complimentary bar snacks Must have a minimum of four and max ofeightparticipants.
Tuesday,July11-Friday,July14 | 8:30am-10:30am
WCC junior summer camps will offer a camp to fill every junior’s tennisinstructionneeds Campermustbeatleast6yearsofageas thisisa2houradaycamp.Eachcampislimitedto8campersand must have a minimum of 4 campers. The camp instructor will be head tennis professional Kim Clark, USPTA, PTR. A snack will be served each day of camp Please call the WCC tennis pro shop to registerforanyofthefollowingcamps


Wanttofindoutwhatallthepickleballbuzzisaboutandseeifitis for you? Then attend this clinic for beginners. Fundamentals and scoring will be covered. There is no charge for this clinic. Member sign wine and beer will be available with complimentary bar snacks Musthaveaminimumoffourandmaxof8participants
A tennis men’s doubles round robin will be organized. Member sign beer will be available with complimentary bar snacks. Must haveatleasteighttosignupforthisevent Wouldlovetoseesome of our golfers who play tennis come out and have a fun night of tennis
Tosignupforanyoftheclinicsandmen'snightouts,callKimClark at252-291-6199.

None-the-less it is coming around with the more recent warmer temperatures and periodic rains that we have been getting. One of the weakest fairways was number 7 and I have been monitoring it closely.It has made huge advancements and is nearly filled in throughout the fairway. We have fertilized the entire course with a mixture of controlled and quick release nitrogen, some phosphorous and potassium in an effort to push the Bermuda and stimulate growth. Now it is paying dividends
The greens are in the best shape I have seen them in for the month o June. They were a bit slow to heal this year with the cooler temperat but that is one of the downsides to the A-1/A-4 bentgrass in the sprin It really likes warmer soil temperatures and demands them to get rec in the spring They are putting great right now and are very healthy have had numerous incidents of vandalism on the greens where it w appear to be someone taking the back of their putter and slamming the green multiple times. The worst case of this was on number on g but I have seen it on a few other greens throughout the course as we If anyone has seen or heard anything that may help us to be able to the culprit of this damage, I would greatly appreciate it
In the coming weeks we will be aerifying the fairways, tees, and collars on the course as well as the driving range tee We have focused our efforts in recent weeks on detail work. Cart paths have been edged, bushes have been trimmed and beds cleaned up both at the clubhouse and around the course. And yet again we continued with the relentless task of picking up pinecones and sticks. Our efforts have largely been focused on routine maintenance and detail work.
We have received several compliments on the course conditions, and I would like to thank you all for those Some have come directly to me, and others have been to the staff directly Whatever the avenue, my staff and I greatly appreciate them.

As always, I look forward to seeing you on the course!
Craig Clemmer, Superintendent
Idon’tknowabouty’all,butthisyearseemstobezoomingby It’shardtobelieveI’malreadytalkingaboutJuly Ihope everyonehashadasafeandfunsummersofaraswecontinuetohaveoursummertimeevents Theeventsthatareupcoming willbeourJuly4thgrilloutbythepoolandbrunchbuffetinJuly.Pleasefindallotherdates,times,andmenusbelowfor futureplanning.Hopetoseeyouallsoon!