Driving Tips Newcomers Orientation & Welcome Aboard (NOWA) All newly arrived accompanied (all ranks) and unaccompanied (E-6 and above) Marine Corps and Navy personnel, civilian employees and family members (ages 10 and up) are required to attend this comprehensive brief within two weeks of arrival. Attendance is mandatory prior to receiving certain privileges such as a USFJ driver’s license. Seatbelts and Safety Seatbelt use is mandatory. Drivers can be stopped and ticketed, both on and off base, for not wearing a seatbelt. Bus Lanes Do not drive in the bus lane from 7:30–9 a.m. (southbound) and from 5:30–7 p.m. (northbound) on Highway 58. The bus lane is the far left lane and is painted green. On weekdays, these lanes are reserved for buses, on-duty taxis, motorcycles, mopeds and other authorized vehicles. Drivers of passenger cars can only use the lane immediately prior to turning left (about 120 feet before the turn). The penalty for misusing the bus lane is a hefty fine. Bus lanes aren’t reserved on weekends or Japanese holidays. Buses and emergency vehicles always have the right-of-way. Illegal Parking The driver or owner of an illegally parked vehicle is liable for the payment of the ticket, towing expenses and storage fees. OKINAWA GUIDE 2022–2023 |37