Loyola College of Law Faculty Scholarship Book

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A LETTER FROM THE DEAN For a full century now, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law has prepared men and women to enter the legal profession by educating them in the Jesuit tradition of academic excellence and service to others. Over the years, our faculty has also demonstrated a strong commitment to scholarship that questions the foundations of our legal system, strives to improve how the law serves the needs of society, and illuminates the law for members of the bar, the judiciary, and scholars around the world. In this, our centennial year, we share with you some of the highlights of our faculty’s scholarly accomplishments during the past seven years. As you will see, our faculty’s scholarly interests cover a broad and diverse territory. From Jeanne Woods’ theoretical exploration of the concept of human rights, to Sandi Varnado’s timely discussion of digital footprints of the deceased, to Imre Szalai’s groundbreaking study of the history of modern arbitration law, to Chunlin Leonhard’s criticism of subprime auto loans, our faculty examines fundamental and significant issues that confront lawyers, judges, and legal scholars every day. We also draw your attention to the numerous casebooks our faculty has produced in recent years, to the many monographs our faculty has published, and to scholarship that focuses on civil law topics and the unique legal issues facing courts and scholars in mixed jurisdictions such as Louisiana. We look forward to our next hundred years as we embark on our second century of legal education and outstanding faculty scholarship here in New Orleans. Sincerely,

María Pabón López, J.D., Dean Loyola University New Orleans College of Law




Warren E. Mouledoux Distinguished Professor of Law

Associate Professor

BOOKS Louisiana Legal Research (2d ed., Carolina Academic Press 2013) Federal Legal Research (Carolina Academic Press 2012) (Co-author) ARTICLE Considering Precedent in Louisiana: Striking the Right Balance Between Predictability and Certainty of Interpretation on the One Hand, and Flexibility and Re-Interpretation on the Other, 58 Loy. L. Rev. 113 (2012)

ARTICLES Uncertainty as Enforcement Mechanism: The New Expansion of Secondary Copyright Liability to Internet Platforms, 34 Cardozo L. Rev. 1821 (2013) The New Scarcity: A First Amendment Framework for Regulating Access to Digital Media Platforms, 79 Tenn. L. Rev. 353 (2012)

Jurisdiction as Competition Promotion: A Unified Theory of the FCC’s Ancillary Jurisdiction, 36 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 585 (2009) Associate Professor BOOK CHAPTER

Coordinator of Skills and Experiential Learning and Assistant Clinical Professor ARTICLE Is Experiential Education Simply a Trend in Law School or Is It Time for Legal Education to Take Flight?, Federal Lawyer, Aug. 2013, at 42

Death of the Revolution: The Legal War on Competitive Broadband Technologies, 12 Yale J. L. & Tech. 85 (2009) A Fragile Foundation: The Role of “Intermodal” and “Facilities-Based” Competition in Communications Policy, 60 Ala. L. Rev. 241 (2009)



CHERYL PRESTENBACK BUCHERT Clinical Professor BOOK CHAPTER Family Law, in Louisiana Civil Practice Forms 195 (Thomson Reuters 2013) (Updated annually in new editions)

Regional Issues in the Reconstruction of Afghanistan, in Afghanistan from the Cold War through the War on Terror 213 (Oxford University Press 2013) ARTICLES No Prisoner Left Behind: Enhancing Public Transparency of Penal Institutions, 25 Stan. L. & Pol’y Rev. 435 (2014) Slavery Revisited in Penal Plantation Labor, 35 Seattle U. L. Rev. 869 (2012) 4


ANDREA C. ARMSTRONG Associate Professor of Law

No Prisoner Left Behind: Enhancing Public Transparency of Penal Institutions, 25 Stan. L. & Pol’y Rev. 435 (2014)

DANE S. CIOLINO Alvin R. Christovich Distinguished Professor of Law BOOKS Louisiana Legal Ethics: Standards and Commentary (CreateSpace 2013) Louisiana Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (Esquire Books 2013) (Co-author) ARTICLES Recodifying Emancipation: A Précis of the 2009 Revision of Louisiana Emancipation Law, 56 Loy. L. Rev. 135 (2010) (Co-author) Managing the Perils of Lawyer Social Networking, ABA Sec. of Litig.’s Committee on Ethics and Professionalism: 2010 Review, at 1 Reconsidering Lawyers’ Ethical Obligations in the Wake of a Disaster, 19 Prof. Law. 8 (2009) (Co-author)


“ The public has little idea what happens behind prison walls. In a democratic country such as the United States, prisons are administered in our name and on our behalf. Prison is a critical, but neglected, element of our criminal justice system. There is at least a professed, if perhaps unrealized, commitment to transparency in our prosecution of crime. We, as a society, cannot start a conversation about prison conditions without knowing how prisons currently operate. At the time of writing, hundreds of inmates across California are reduced to engaging in a month long hunger strike to protest administrative segregation, placement, and conditions. For many inmates, this is their only option to make public the subordinating conditions of their daily lives. When we create a life-long subordinate class of people, we pervert our national commitment to equality.”





Henry F. Bonura, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Law

Judge John D. Wessel Distinguished Professor of Law



Letter from a Native Son: Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?, in Hurricane Katrina: America’s Unnatural Disaster 23 (Jeremy I. Levitt & Matthew C. Whitaker eds., 2009)

United States, in Codification of Administrative Procedure 387 (Jean-Bernard Auby ed., Bruylant 2014)

ARTICLES Empathic Dialogue: From Formalism to Value Principles, 65 SMU L. Rev. 845 (2012) Enslaved Constitution: Obstructing Freedom to Travel, 70 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 233 (2009) Obama’s Moral Capitalism: Resuscitating the American Dream, 63 U. Miami L. Rev. 1011 (2009) Unconscious Classism: Entity Equality for Sole Proprietors, 11 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 215 (2009)

Overseas Law: The Permanency Challenge, in L’Influence des Regimes Juridiques des Collectivités Territoriales d’Outre-Mer sur l’Évolution de l’État Français 45 (Pierre-Yves Chicot, Robert Etien & Pierre Teisserenc eds., Cujas 2013) The Guarantees of Independence of Agency Quasi-Judicial Function in Louisiana: Towards a French Way of Judicial Review of Administrative Action?, in Indépendance(s), Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Jean-Louis Autin 527 (Michel Clapié, Sébastien Dénaja & Pascale Idoux eds., Université de Montpellier 2012) Between Dependence and Independence, Privileged Relationships: The Case of Puerto Rico, in Destins des Collectivités Politiques d’Océanie/The Future of Oceanian Political Collectives 319 (Jean-Yves Faberon, Viviane Fayaud & Jean-Marc Régnault eds., Presses Universitaires d’AixMarseille 2011) Implications of the European Integration for the Overseas, in EU Law of the Overseas: Outermost Regions, Association Overseas Countries and Territories, Territories Sui Generis 91 (Dimitry Kochenov ed., Kluwer Law International 2011)


Independent Administrative Authorities in France: Structural and Procedural Change at the Intersection of Americanization, Europeanization and Gallicization, in Comparative Administrative Law 277 (Susan Rose-Ackerman & Peter Lindseth eds., Edward Elgar 2010) Le Statut du Responsable Public et la Réception de la Notion d’ “Accountability”/The Public Official’s Status and the Reception of the Concept of “Accountability”, in L’influence De Droit Européen Sur Les Catégories Du Droit Public/ The Influence of European Law on Structural Concepts of French Public Law 275 (Jean-Bernard Auby ed., Dalloz-Sirey 2010) Regulatory Authorities and Metamorphosis of the Procedural Regime of Administrative Individual Decisions, in Droit et Économie: Interférences et Interactions; Mélanges en l’honneur du Pr Michel Bazex 65 (Catherine Prébissy-Schnall, Gilles J. Gugliemi & Geneviève Koubi eds., LexisNexis 2009) Champ d’Application Territorial Du Droit Communautaire et de l’Union/The Status of French Overseas Departments in European Union Law, Part 2: Reality of Status, in Jurisclasseur Europe 3d, No. 472 (LexisNexis 2008) The Revelation of an Overseas European Union Law, in Union Européenne et Outre-Mers, Unis dans leurs Diversités 429 (Laurent Tésoka et al. eds., Presses Universitaires d’Aix-Marseille 2008)


CASE BOOKS Our faculty has contributed to the process of legal education by writing several case books used by schools both in Louisiana and around the country.

ARTICLES Public-Private Partnerships, 58 Amer. J. Comp. L. Supp. 555 (2010) L’État-Pompier à la fin de la Présidence de George W. Bush, ou les Subtilités de la Nationalisation à l’Américaine/The Firefighter-State at the End of George W. Bush’s Presidency, or the Subtleties of American Nationalization, 4 Droit Administraitif 21 (2009) La Jurisprudence Administrative de la Cour Suprême Américaine d’Octobre 2006 á Juin 2007/ Administrative Case Law During the 2006 Term of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1 Droit Administratif 7 (2008)

DAVIDA FINGER Associate Clinical Professor BOOK CHAPTER No Shelter: Disaster Politics in Louisiana and the Struggle for Human Rights, in Human Rights in the United States: Beyond Exceptionalism 291 (2011) (Co-author)

Associate Professor ARTICLES Publicly-Held Private Equity Firms and the Rejection of Law as a Governance Device, 16 U. Pa. J. Bus. L. 57 (2013) Predatory Lending and Its Impact on Consumer Credit, 10 Loy. J. Pub. Int. L. 137 (2009) Private Equity and the Heightened Fiduciary Duty of Disclosure, 6 N.Y.U. J. of L. & Bus. 33 (2009)

DAVID W. GRUNING Louisiana Law of Sale and Lease: Cases and Materials (Vandeplas Publishing 2012) (Co-author)


BOBBY MARZINE HARGES Louisiana Evidence: Cases, Problems, and Materials (Esquire Books 2011) (Co-author)

50 Years After the “War on Poverty”: Evaluating the Justice Gap in the Post-Disaster Context, 34 B.C. J.L. & Soc. Just. 267 (2014)

BLAINE G. LECESNE Louisiana Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials (Esquire Books 2010)

FEMA’s Post-disaster Grant Recoupment: Hurricane Survivors Still Struggling Seven Years Later, 46 Clearinghouse Rev. 175 (2012)


DANE S. CIOLINO & BOBBY MARZINE HARGES Louisiana Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (Esquire Books 2013) (Co-authors, with Wendy Shea)

Engaging the Legal Academy in Disaster Response, 10 Seattle J. for Soc. Just. 211 (2011) (Coauthor) Public Housing in New Orleans Post Katrina: The Struggle for Housing as a Human Right, 38 Rev. Black Pol. Econ. 327 (2011) Redefining Human Rights Lawyering Through the Lens of Critical Theory: Lessons for Pedagogy and Practice, 16 Geo. J. on Poverty L. & Pol’y 337 (2011) (Co-author) Stranded and Squandered: Lost on the Road Home, 7 Seattle J. for Soc. Just. 59 (2008)

KATHRYN VENTURATOS LORIO Louisiana Successions, Donations, and Trusts: Cases and Materials (2nd ed., Claitor’s Publishing 2010) JOHN A. LOVETT & MARKUS G. PUDER Louisiana Property Law: The Civil Code, Cases, and Commentary (Carolina Academic Press 2014) M. ISABEL MEDINA Constitutional Law: Cases, History, and Practice (4th ed., LexisNexis 2011) (Co-author) DIAN TOOLEY-KNOBLETT Yiannopoulos’ Civil Law Property Coursebook (9th ed., Claitor’s Publishing 2009) (Co-author) SANDI S. VARNADO Louisiana Law of Obligations: A Methodological & Comparative Perspective (Carolina Academic Press 2013) (Co-author)



FACULTY PUBLICATIONS ARTICLES Mediating High Conflict Domestic Relations Cases, 60 La. B.J. 212 (2012)



Fanny Edith Winn Distinguished Professor of Law

William L. Crowe, Sr. Distinguished Professor of Law



Students With Disabilities, in Education Law: Equality, Fairness, and Reform 467 (Derek Black ed., Wolters Kluwer 2013)

Louisiana Law of Sale and Lease: A Precis (2d ed., LexisNexis 2011)

The New IDEA: Shifting Educational Paradigms to Achieve Racial Equality in Special Education, in Our Promise: Achieving Educational Equity for Americas’ Children 449 (Maurice R. Dyson & Daniel B. Weddle eds., 2009)

Louisiana Law of Sale and Lease: Cases and Materials (Vandeplas Publishing 2012) (Co-author) Louisiana Civil Law Treatise: Sales (Thomson Reuters 2012) (Coauthor, with Dian Tooley-Knoblett)

Disaster Mediation Programs– Ensuring Fairness and Quality for Minority Participants, 39 Cap. U. L. Rev. 893 (2011) Batson Challenges in Criminal Cases: After Snyder v. Louisiana, Is Substantial Deference to the Trial Judge Still Required?, 19 B.U. Pub. Int. L.J. 193 (2010) Disaster Mediations in Mississippi: The Influx of Public Adjusters Into Mississippi After Hurricane Katrina Compels Mississippi Legislature to Enact the Mississippi Public Adjuster Act, 77 Miss. L.J. 761 (2008) Peremptory Challenges in Jury Selection in Louisiana–When a “Gut Feeling” Is Not Enough, 54 Loy. L. Rev. 95 (2008)

ARTICLES The Legal Impact of Emerging Governance Models on Public Education and Its Office Holders, 45 Urb. L. 21 (2013) (Co-author) Culture Clash: Special Education in Charter Schools, 90 N. Car. L. Rev. 655 (2012) Disabled Students’ Rights of Access to Charter Schools under the IDEA, Section 504 and the ADA, 32 J. Nat’l Ass’n Admin. L. Judiciary 516 (2012) The Politics of Education Reform: Lessons from New Orleans, 40 J.L. & Educ. 57 (2011) The White Interest in School Integration, 63 Fla. L. Rev. 599 (2011) Introduction to Symposium on Reconstructing Education in New Orleans Post-Katrina, 11 Loy. J. Pub. Int. L. 159 (2010)

BOBBY MARZINE HARGES Adams & Reese Distinguished Professor of Law BOOKS Harges & Jones’ Louisiana Evidence (Thomson Reuters 2013) (Co-author) (Updated annually with new editions) Louisiana Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (Esquire Books 2013) (Co-author, with Dane S. Ciolino and Wendy Shea) Louisiana Code of Evidence Pocket Manual (Esquire Books 2012) (Co-author) The Handbook on Louisiana Alternative Dispute Resolution Laws (Esquire Books 2011) Louisiana Evidence: Cases, Problems, and Materials (Esquire Books 2011) (Co-author)


PATRICK R. HUGG John J. McAulay Distinguished Professor of Law ARTICLES Experiential Teaching On Steroids: Unexpected Pedagogical Discoveries, 15 Loy. J. Pub. Int. L. 195 (2013) (Co-author with Kathryn Venturatos Lorio) Redefining the European Union’s Position in the Emerging Multipolar World: Strong Global Leadership Potential, Restrained by Asymmetry of Power and Dissonant Voices, 20 Tul. J. Int’l & Comp. L. 145 (2011) Accession Aspirations Degenerate: A New Chapter for Turkey and the EU, 9 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 225 (2010) LOYOLA UNIVERSITY NEW ORLEANS

ROBERT A. GARDA, JR. Fanny Edith Winn Distinguished Professor of Law Culture Clash: Special Education in Charter Schools, 90 N. Car. L. Rev. 655 (2012)

JOHANNA KALB Associate Professor BOOK CHAPTERS Human Rights Advocacy in the United States (Thomson Reuters 2014) (Co-author, with Risa Kaufman and Martha F. Davis) (Forthcoming) Dynamic Federalism in Human Rights Treaty Implementation, in Regional Protection of Human Rights 147 (Dinah Shelton & Paolo G. Carozza eds., 2d ed., Oxford Univ. Press 2013) Guantanamo Continued, in Violence: Do We Know It When We See It? A Reader 289 (Dee Wood Harper et al. eds., Carolina Academic Press 2012) ARTICLES The Judicial Role in New Democracies: A Strategic Account of Comparative Citation, 38 Yale J. Int’l L. 423 (2013) Human Rights Treaties in State Courts: The International Prospects of State Constitutionalism after Medellin, 115 Penn. St. L. Rev. 1051 (2011) Litigating Dignity: A Human Rights Framework, 74 Alb. L. Rev. 1725 (2011) Oklahoma and Beyond: Understanding the Wave of State Anti-Transnational Law Initiatives, 87 Ind. L. J. Supp. 1 (2011) (Co-author) The Persistence of Dualism in Human Rights Treaty Implementation, 30 Yale L. &. Pol’y Rev. 71 (2011)

“Blanca Diaz tensely sits in the school gymnasium with her three grandsons waiting to hear the outcome of the lottery. Not the state lottery for monetary riches, but a much more important one to determine the educational fate of the three boys: the charter school lottery. It is the type of life-altering moment documented in the controversial film Waiting for Superman, and Blanca Diaz is a joyous winner on this day, securing a spot for her grandsons in the Seven Hills Charter School. But the elation is later crushed when Seven Hills refuses to enroll two of the boys because they are disabled. The lottery winners become lottery losers simply because of their disabilities. This story of dashed hopes repeats itself across the country for many disabled children. Parents are told that the charter school to which they just won precious admission either will not, or cannot, properly serve their children. This is but one example of how charter schools violate federal statutes protecting the rights of disabled students.”

Dynamic Federalism in Human Rights Treaty Implementation, 84 Tul. L. Rev. 1025 (2010)







Donna and John Fraiche Distinguished Professor of Law

Associate Professor

Dean and Judge Adrian G. Duplantier Distinguished Professor of Law

BOOK Louisiana Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials (Esquire Books 2010) ARTICLES Recent Developments: Louisiana Class Actions, 74 La. L. Rev. 847 (2014) Crude Decisions: Re-Examining Degrees of Negligence in the Context of the BP Oil Spill, 2012 Mich. St. L. Rev. 103

ARTICLES Negative Externalities and Subprime Auto Financing: Time to Let the Hanging Paragraph Go, 45 U. of Toledo L. Rev. 267 (2014) The Unbearable Lightness of Consent in Contract Law, 63 Case Western L. Rev. 57 (2012) The Subprime Mortgage Crisis and Economic Checks and Balances, Banking & Fin. Services Pol’y Rep., June 2012, at 15 Subprime Mortgages and the Case for Broadening the Duty of Good Faith, 45 U. San Fran. L. Rev. 621 (2011) A Legal Chameleon: An Examination of the Doctrine of Good Faith in Chinese and American Contract Law, 25 Conn. L. Int’l. L. 305 (2010) Identifying Fungible Goods Under the UCC Through a Contextual Lens, 55 Wayne L. Rev. 901 (2009) (Co-author) Beyond the Four Corners of a Written Contract: A Global Challenge to U.S. Contract Law, 21 Pace Int’l L. Rev. 1 (2009)

BOOK Persistent Inequality: Contemporary Realities in the Education of Undocumented Latina/o Students (Routledge 2010) (Co-author) ARTICLES The ICLEO Mentoring Legacy of Chief Justice Randall Shepard: An Essay, 48 Val. U. L. Rev. 611 (2014) Immigration Reform in 2013-14: An Essay on the Senate’s Bipartisan Plan, the House’s Standard for Immigration Reform, Interest Convergence and Political Realities, 17 Harv. Latino L Rev. 121 (2014) (Co-author) Self Portrait of the Puerto Rican Jurist: A Life of Hard Work/Autorretrato de la Jurista Puertorriqueña: Una Vida de Trabajo Arduo, 47 Rev. Juridica U. Inter. P.R. 5 (2013) (Reviewing Sonia Sotomayor, My Beloved World (Knopf 2013)) Women Leaders in the Areas of Higher Education, the Legal Profession and Corporate Boards: Continued Challenges and Opportunities, 9 Socio-Legal Rev. 60 (2013) (Co-author) Introduction to the 2013 Gillis Long Poverty Law Center Public Service Awards, 14 Loy. J. Pub. Int. L. 443 (2013) An Essay Examining the Murder of Luis Ramírez and the Emergence of Hate Crimes Against Latino Immigrants in the United States, 44 Ariz. St. L.J. 155 (2012)



MONOGRAPHS The College of Law faculty has written monographs on a wide variety of subjects, including titles on evidence law, arbitration and dispute resolution, and natural disasters.

Reflections About Legal Education and Justice from the Perspective of a Latina Law School Dean, 48 Cal. W. L. Rev. 431 (2012) Immigration Law Spanish-Style II: Spain’s Voluntary Immigrant Return Plan and the New Push for Circular Migration, 25 Temple Int’l & Comp. L.J. 79 (2011) (Co-author) The Prospects and Challenges of Educational Reform for Latino Undocumented Children: An Essay Examining Alabama’s H.B. 56 and Other State Immigration Measures, 6 FIU L. Rev. 231 (2011) (Co-author) What Nations are Doing About Immigrant workers in Downturn Economies: Examining and Comparing the Recent Treatment of Immigrant Workers in the United States and Spain, 1 Notre Dame J. Int’l, Comp., & Hum. Rts. L. 80 (2011)



Louisiana Legal Research (2d ed., Carolina Academic Press 2013

Leon Sarpy Distinguished Professor of Law

Federal Legal Research (Carolina Academic Press 2012) (Co-author)



Louisiana Successions, Donations, and Trusts: Cases and Materials (2nd ed., Claitor’s Publishing 2010)

Louisiana Legal Ethics: Standards and Commentary (CreateSpace 2013)

Louisiana Civil Law Treatise: Successions and Donations (2d ed., Thomson Reuters 2009)

Harges & Jones’ Louisiana Evidence (Thomson Reuters 2013) (Co-author) (Updated annually with new editions)


The Handbook on Louisiana Alternative Dispute Resolution Laws (Esquire Books 2011)

Flatlining: How the Reluctance to Embrace Immigrant Nurses is Mortally Wounding the U.S. Health Care System, 12 J. Health Care L. & Pol’y 235 (2009) (Co-author)

Ethical, Legal and Religious Considerations of Artificial Insemination, in Manual of Intrauterine Insemination and Ovulation Induction 165 (Richard P. Dickey et al. eds., Cambridge University Press 2010)

The Future of Women in the Legal Profession: Recognizing the Challenges Ahead by Reviewing Current Trends, 19 Hastings Women’s L.J. 53 (2008)

Saúl Litvinoff: A Scholar’s Scholar, in Essays in Honor of Saúl Litvinoff 331 (Olivier Moréteau et al. eds., Claitor’s Publishing 2008)

From the Border to the Schoolhouse Gate: Alternative Arguments for Extending Primary Education to Undocumented Alien Children, 36 Hofstra L. Rev. 1243 (2008) (Co-author)


A Tale of Two Systems: Analyzing the Treatment of Noncitizen Families in State Family Law Systems and Under the Immigration Law System, 11 Harv. Latino L. Rev. 229 (2008)

Reflections: A Generation Later, 80 UMKC L. Rev. 745 (2012)

Experiential Teaching On Steroids: Unexpected Pedagogical Discoveries, 15 Loy. J. Pub. Int. L. 195 (2013) (Co-author)

Conceiving the Inconceivable: Legal Recognition of the Posthumously Conceived Child, 34 ACTEC J. 154 (2008)


MARÍA PABÓN LÓPEZ Persistent Inequality: Contemporary Realities in the Education of Undocumented Latina/o Students (Routledge 2010) (Co-author) M. ISABEL MEDINA Migration Law in the U.S.A. (Wolters Kluwer 2011) WILLIAM P. QUIGLEY Storms Still Raging: Katrina, New Orleans and Social Justice (William P. Quigley 2008) IMRE S. SZALAI Outsourcing Justice: The Rise of Modern Arbitration Laws in America (Carolina Academic Press 2013) ROBERT R. M. VERCHICK Disaster Law and Policy (2d ed., Wolters Kluwer 2010) (Co-author) Facing Catastrophe: Environmental Action for a Post Katrina World (Harvard University Press 2010)




Progressive Property in Action: The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003, 89 Neb. L. Rev. 301 (2011)

JOHN A. LOVETT Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Academic Affairs, and De Van Daggett, Jr., Distinguished Professor of Law BOOK Louisiana Property Law: The Civil Code, Cases, and Commentary (Carolina Academic Press 2014) (Co-author, with Marcus G. Puder)

Creating and Controlling Private Land Use Restrictions in Scotland and Louisiana: A Comparative Mixed Jurisdiction Analysis, 19 Stellenbosch L. Rev. 231 (2008) Meditations on Strathclyde: Controlling Private Land Use Restrictions at the Crossroads of Legal Systems, 36 Syracuse J. Int’L L. & Com. 1 (2008)

BOOK CHAPTERS Commercial Title Conditions in Restraint of Trade, in Mixed Jurisdictions Compared: Private Law in Louisiana and Scotland 30 (Vernon Valentine Palmer & Elspeth Christie Reid eds., Edinburgh University Press 2009) Property and Radical Change: Observations on Property Relationships from Post-Katrina New Orleans, in Law and Recovery from Disaster: Hurricane Katrina 7 (Robin Paul Malloy ed., Ashgate 2009) ARTICLES Tragedy or Triumph in PostKatrina New Orleans? Reflections on Possession, Dispossession, Demographic Change and Affordable Housing, XL Fordham Urb. L.J. City Square 22 (2013) The Right to Exclude Meets the Right of Responsible Access: Scotland’s Bold Experiment in Public Access Legislation, Prob. & Prop., Mar./ Apr. 2012, at 52

M. ISABEL MEDINA Ferris Family Distinguished Professor of Law BOOKS Constitutional Law: Cases, History, and Practice (4th ed., LexisNexis 2011) (Co-author) Migration Law in the U.S.A. (Wolters Kluwer 2011) BOOK CHAPTER United States, in 2 International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Migration USA-1 (Rik Torfs & Roger Blanpain eds., Kluwer Law International 2010)

ARTICLES Derivative Citizenship–What’s Marriage, Citizenship, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Race and Class Got to Do With It?, 28 Georgetown Immigration L.J. ___ (2014) (Forthcoming) Searching for Equality: Narratives of Diversity from Louisiana, 14 Loy. J. Pub. Int. L. 459 (2013) The Challenges of Facilitating Effective Legal Defense in Deportation Proceedings: Allowing Nonlawyer Practice of Law Through Accredited Representatives in Removals, 53 S. Tex. L. Rev. 459 (2012) Making History–Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Welcomes Dean María Pabón López, 58 Loy. L. Rev. 1 (2012) (Lead author, with Kathryn V. Lorio, Rev. Lawrence W. Moore, S.J., & Natasha Lacoste) Symposium on Federalism at Work: State Criminal Law, Non-Citizens and Immigration Related Activity: An Introduction, 12 Loy. J. of Pub. Int. L. 265 (2011) Exploring the Use of the Word “Citizen” in Writings on the Fourth Amendment, 83 Ind. L.J. 1557 (2008) Reforming Criminal Indigent Defense in Louisiana: An Introduction to the Symposium and a Brief Exploration of Criminal Indigent Defense and its Relationship to Immigrant Indigent Defense, 9 Loy. J. Pub. Int. L. 111 (2008) Ruminations on the Fourth Amendment, Case Law, Commentary, and the Word “Citizen”, 11 Harv. Latino L. Rev. 189 (2008)

Love, Loyalty and the Louisiana Civil Code: Rules, Standards and Hybrid Discretion in a Mixed Jurisdiction, 72 La. L. Rev. 923 (2012)



CHUNLIN LEONHARD Associate Professor of Law

Negative Externalities and Subprime Auto Financing: Time to Let the Hanging Paragraph Go, 45 U. of Toledo L. Rev. 267 (2014)

LUZ M. MOLINA Jack Nelson Distinguished Clinical Professor of Law ARTICLES The Justice Gap: Access to Justice Committee Discusses Current Situation and Strategies to Narrow the Gap, 71 La. B.J. 412 (2014) (Co-author) The Relevance of Difference: Personal Reflections on the Role of Diversity, 14 Loy. J. Pub. Int. L. 503 (2013) Language Access to Louisiana Courts: A Failure to Provide Fundamental Access to Justice, 10 Loy. J. Pub. Int. L. 1 (2008)

WILLIAM A. NEILSON Associate Professor ARTICLES Uncertainty in Death and Taxes— the Need to Reform Louisiana’s Limited Liability Company Laws, 60 Loy. L. Rev. 33 (2014) Informal Claims for Refund: A Winding Road, 25 Akron Tax L. J. 147 (2011)


“ The basic economic theory of externality posits that when the government chooses to intervene, its goal is to remedy negative externalities, not to encourage them. The Hanging Paragraph and its judicial progeny have exactly the opposite effect. The Hanging Paragraph encourages negative externalities by distorting marketplace incentives to engage in excessive subprime auto financing transactions. The rule as interpreted by the majority of federal courts has removed most lending risks from subprime auto financing transactions by making most auto loans non-dischargeable in a Chapter 13 individual bankruptcy. Excessive subprime auto financing leads to overindebtedness by borrowers. An overwhelming debt burden without the ability to discharge auto loans makes it difficult for borrowers to climb out of the poverty trap. Many scholars have warned that keeping a large segment of the population in economic oppression will exact a toll on our economy. Therefore, the negative externalities generated by the Hanging Paragraph supports its elimination by Congress.”






Academic Success Instructor

The Honorable Herbert W. Christenberry Distinguished Professor of Law

Professor of Law

BOOK Louisiana Civil Practice Forms (Thomson Reuters 2013) (CoEditor) (Updated annually with new editions) ARTICLES Does AT&T Mobility L.L.C. v. Concepcion Spell the End to Class Actions?, 59 La. B.J. 277 (2012) Satisfying Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Claims: Will Ken Feinberg’s Process Work?, 58 La. B.J. 176 (2010)

BOOK Louisiana Property Law: The Civil Code, Cases, and Commentary (Carolina Academic Press 2014) (Co-author, with John A. Lovett) BOOK CHAPTERS Compliance and Regulatory Considerations, in Solids Injections 83 (Neal B. Nagel & John D. McLennan eds., Society of Petroleum Engineers 2010) (Co-author) ARTICLES Uncertain Land Titles in Louisiana’s Formative Years: Colonial Grants, John Marshall’s Foster Opinion, and Lauterpachtian Interplays Between Private Law and International Law, 53 Am. J. Legal Hist. 329 (2013) Federalism and Mixity in the United States: A Survey of Federal Judges Regarding Erie Courts and Louisiana’s Civil Law, 77 The Rabel J. of Comp. and Int’l Private L. 251 (2013) The Rise of Regional Integration Law (RIL): Good News for International Environment Law (IEL)?, 23 Geo. Int’l. Envtl. L. Rev. 165 (2011) Did You Ever Hear of the Napoleonic Code, Stella? A Mixed Jurisdiction Impact Analysis from Louisiana’s Law Laboratory, 85 Tul. L. Rev. 635 (2011) Romans Reloaded and Comparativists Charged–Living Law in Louisiana: The Case of Civil Possession, 54 Loy. L. Rev. 571 (2008)


BOOK Storms Still Raging: Katrina, New Orleans and Social Justice (William P. Quigley 2008) BOOK CHAPTERS Obama’s Assault on Civil Liberties, in Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion 243 (Jeffrey St. Clair ed., AK Press 2012) Torture and Human Rights Abuses at the School of the Americas– WHINSEC, in The United States and Torture: Interrogation, Incarceration and Abuse 53 (Marjorie Cohn ed., New York University Press 2011) Katrina: A Chance to Do It Right, in Mandate for Change: Policies and Leadership for 2009 and Beyond 247 (Chester W. Hartman ed., Lexington Books 2009) A Call for the Right to Return in the Gulf Coast, in 3 Bringing Human Rights Home 291 (Cynthia Soohoo et al. eds., Praeger 2008) (Co-author) Showing Conviction at Echo 9, in Red State Rebels: Tales of Grassroots Resistance in the Heartland 73 (Joshua Frank & Jeffrey St. Clair eds., AK Press 2008) ARTICLES Racism: The Crime in Criminal Justice, 13 Loy. J. Pub. Int. L. 417 (2012) Ten Questions for Social Change Lawyers, 17 Pub. Int. L. Rep. 204 (2012) Justice and Law: The One Hundred Year Rule, 15 CUNY L. Rev. 1 (2011) What Katrina Revealed, 2 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y Rev. 361 (2008)


CIVIL LAW As a leading Louisiana law school, we take pride in numerous articles, treatises, and casebooks that address civil law subjects and the role of mixed jurisdictions. MARY GARVEY ALGERO

RAPHAEL J. RABALAIS, JR. Eleanor Legier Sarpy Distinguished Professor of Law BOOK International Regulation of Finance and Investment (Thomson Reuters 2014) (General Editor)

Considering Precedent in Louisiana: Balancing the Value of Predictable and Certain Interpretation the Tradition of Flexibility and Adaptability, 58 Loy. L. Rev. 113 (2012) DANE S. CIOLINO & MONICA HOF WALLACE Recodifying Emancipation: A Précis of the 2009 Revision of Louisiana Emancipation Law, 56 Loy. L. Rev. 135 (2010) DOMINIQUE M. CUSTOS

CRAIG ROBERT SENN Janet Mary Riley Distinguished Professor of Law ARTICLES Minimal Relevance: Non-Disabled Replacement Evidence in ADA Discrimination Cases, 66 Baylor L. Rev. 65 (2014) Ending Discriminatory Damages, 64 Ala. L. Rev. 187 (2012) Fixing Inconsistent Paternalism Under Federal Employment Discrimination Law, 58 U.C.L.A. L. Rev. 947 (2011) Perception Over Reality: Extending the ADA’s Concept of ‘Regarded As’ Protection Under Federal Employment Discrimination Law, 36 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 827 (2009) Proposing a Uniform Remedial Approach for Undocumented Workers Under Federal Employment Discrimination Law, 77 Fordham L. Rev. 113 (2008)


The Guarantees of Independence of Agency Quasi-Judicial Function in Louisiana: Towards a French Way of Judicial Review of Administrative Action?, in Indépendance(s), Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur JeanLouis Autin 527 (Michel Clapié, Sébastien Dénaja & Pascale Idoux eds., Université de Montpellier 2012) DAVID W. GRUNING Louisiana Law of Sale and Lease: A Precis (2d ed. LexisNexis 2011) (Co-author, with Alain Levasseur) DAVID W. GRUNING & DIAN TOOLEY-KNOBLETT Louisiana Civil Law Treatise: Sales (Thomson Reuters 2012) KATHRYN VENTURATOS LORIO Louisiana Civil Law Treatise: Successions and Donations (2d ed., Thomson Reuters 2009)

Progressive Property in Action: The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003, 89 Neb. L. Rev. 301 (2011) Commercial Title Conditions in Restraint of Trade, in Mixed Jurisdictions Compared: Private Law in Louisiana and Scotland 30 (Vernon Valentine Palmer & Elspeth Christie Reid eds., Edinburgh University Press 2009) Creating and Controlling Private Land Use Restrictions in Scotland and Louisiana: A Comparative Mixed Jurisdiction Analysis, 19 Stellenbosch L. Rev. 231 (2008) Meditations on Strathclyde: Controlling Private Land Use Restrictions at the Crossroads of Legal Systems, 36 Syracuse J. Int’L L. & Com. 1 (2008) MARKUS G. PUDER Uncertain Land Titles in Louisiana’s Formative Years: Colonial Grants, John Marshall’s Foster Opinion, and Lauterpachtian Interplays Between Private Law and International Law, 53 Am. J. Legal Hist. 329 (2013) Did You Ever Hear of the Napoleonic Code, Stella? A Mixed Jurisdiction Impact Analysis from Louisiana’s Law Laboratory, 85 Tul. L. Rev. 635 (2011) Romans Reloaded and Comparativists Charged– Living Law in Louisiana: The Case of Civil Possession, 54 Loy. L. Rev. 571 (2008)

JOHN A. LOVETT Love, Loyalty and the Louisiana Civil Code: Rules, Standards and Hybrid Discretion in a Mixed Jurisdiction, 72 La. L. Rev. 923 (2012) 15





Victor H. Schiro Distinguished Professor of Law

Assistant Clinical Professor

Associate Professor




Fear and Loathing at the U.S. Border, 82 Miss. L.J. 833 (2013) (Co-author)

The Possibility of Climate Manufacturing and the Need for Global Governance, in Global Trends: Law, Policy & Justice Essays in Honour of Professor Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo 563 (M. Cherif Bassiouni et al. eds., Oxford University Press 2013)

Are We There Yet? Extending Arizona v. Gant’s EvidenceGathering Rationale Beyond Vehicles to Incident-Searches of Cellular Phones, 75 La. L. Rev. ___ (2014) (Forthcoming) Off the Fourth Amendment Leash?: Law Enforcement Incentives to Use Unreliable Drug-Detection Dogs, 14 Loy. J. Pub. Int. L. 251 (2012) Has the Fourth Amendment Gone to the Dogs?: Unreasonable Expansion of Canine Sniff Doctrine to Include Sniffs of the Home, 88 Or. L. Rev. 829 (2009)

D. MAJEEDA SNEAD Clinical Professor ARTICLE Will Act 307 Help Louisiana Deliver Indigent Defender Services in Accordance with the 6th Amendment Right to Counsel Mandate, 9 Loy. J. Pub. Int. L. 155 (2008)

The Evolution of Global Health Law in a Globalized World, in 1 The Global Community: Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 19 (Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo ed., Oxford University Press 2008) (Coauthor) ARTICLES Tort as a Disrupter of Cultural Manipulation: Neuromarketing & the Dawn of the E-Cigarette, 66 S.C. L. Rev. __ (2014) (Forthcoming) The Underrecognized Role of Tort Law in the U.S. Healthcare System, 32 Hamline J. Pub. L. & Pol’y 429 (2011) Smoking Abroad and Smokeless at Home: Holding the Tobacco Industry Accountable in a New Era, 13 N.Y.U. J. Legis. & Pub. Pol’y 81 (2010)



IMRE S. SZALAI Associate Professor of Law

Outsourcing Justice: The Rise of Modern Arbitration Laws in America (Carolina Academic Press 2013)

IMRE S. SZALAI Associate Professor BOOK Outsourcing Justice: The Rise of Modern Arbitration Laws in America (Carolina Academic Press 2013) ARTICLES Correcting a Flaw in the Arbitration Fairness Act, 2014 J. Disp. Res. 271 More than Class Action Killers: The Impact of Concepcion and American Express on Employment Arbitration, 35 Berkeley J. Emp. & Lab. L. 31 (2014) An Obituary for the Federal Arbitration Act: An Older Cousin to Modern Civil Procedure, 2010 J. Disp. Resol. 391 Modern Arbitration Values and the First World War, 49 Amer. J. Legal Hist. 355 (2009) Aggregate Dispute Resolution: Class and Labor Arbitration, 13 Harv. Negot. L. Rev. 399 (2008)


“ By entering into transactions containing arbitration agreements, Americans over the last few decades have, on an increasing basis, given up their rights to a jury trial in the formal judicial system. For example, arbitration agreements regularly appear in the workplace setting, and it is estimated that about one out of every four employees in America is now subject to a mandatory arbitration agreement. With the increased use of arbitration agreements in the workplace and the willingness of courts to enforce such agreements, millions of Americans have their daily work experiences covered by the shadow of arbitration.�




ROBERT R. M. VERCHICK Gauthier-St. Martin Eminent Scholar and Chair in Environmental Law Disaster Justice: The Geography of Human Capability, 23 Duke Envtl. L. & Pol’y F. 23 (2012)

“ Natural disasters often pull a nation together and inspire acts of generosity and good citizenship. But for those who study (or have lived through) natural disasters, there is also a less encouraging side. Despite the best efforts of individuals and their communities, the heaviest burdens of disaster are borne by those with the least power—those who, for whatever social and economic reasons, are more exposed, more susceptible, and less resilient when disaster strikes. Social structures designed to protect people from discrimination often fracture under the mounting stress. Catastrophe is bad for everyone. But it is especially bad for the weak and the disenfranchised. That was the case in California’s Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989. It was the case in Hurricane Katrina in 2005. And, sadly, it was the case in the 2011 Japan earthquake, where many with lower incomes and skills were pushed into poverty and where victims over sixty years old accounted for more than sixty-five percent of all deaths.”




ARTICLES Your Digital Footprint Left Behind at Death: An Illustration of Technology Leaving the Law Behind, 74 La. L. Rev. 719 (2014)

DIAN TOOLEY-KNOBLETT Jones Walker Distinguished Professor of Law BOOK Louisiana Civil Law Treatise: Sales (Thomson Reuters 2012) (Coauthor, with David Gruning)

Avatars, Scarlet “A”s, and Adultery in the Technological Age, 55 Ariz. L. Rev. 371 (2013) Inappropriate Parental Influence: A New App for Tort Law and Upgraded Relief for Alienated Parents, 61 DePaul L. Rev. 113 (2011)

Yiannopoulos’ Civil Law Property Coursebook (9th ed., Claitor’s Publishing 2009) (Co-author)

ROBERT R. M. VERCHICK Gauthier-St. Martin Eminent Scholar and Chair in Environmental Law

Disaster Law and Policy (2d ed., Wolters Kluwer 2010) (Co-author)

Associate Professor BOOK Louisiana Law of Obligations: A Methodological & Comparative Perspective (Carolina Academic Press 2013) (Co-author)

Preemption and Theories of Federalism, in Preemption Choice: The Theory, Law, and Reality of Federalism’s Core Question 13 (William W. Buzbee ed., Cambridge University Press 2009) (Co-author)

When Retreat Is the Best Option: Flood Insurance after Biggert-Waters and other Climate Change Puzzles, 47 J. Marshall L. Rev. ___ (2014) (Co-author) (Forthcoming) ]



Adaptation, Economics, and Justice, in Economic Thought and U.S. Climate Change Policy 277 (David Driesen ed., MIT Press 2010)


BOOK CHAPTER Professor Saúl Litvinoff: Master of Precision and Clarity, in Essays in Honor of Saúl Litvinoff 71 (Olivier Moréteau et al. eds., Claitor’s Publishing 2008)

Adaptive Justice, in Climate Change: A Reader 881 (William H. Rodgers, Jr. et al. eds., Carolina Academic Press 2009)

Facing Catastrophe: Environmental Action for a Post Katrina World (Harvard University Press 2010)

Disaster Justice: The Geography of Human Capability, 23 Duke Envtl. L. & Pol’y F. 23 (2012) Blow Out in the Gulf of Mexico: Assessing Environmental Damages and Minimizing Risk, 56 Law & Tech. 10 (2012) (Co-author) Adapting to Climate Change While Planning for Disaster: Footholds, Rope Lines, and the Iowa Floods, 2011 BYU L. Rev. 2203 (Co-author) Climate Change and the Puget Sound: Building the Legal Framework for Adaptation, 2 Climate Change 299 (2011) (Co-author) Katrina, Feminism, and Environmental Justice, 13 Cardozo J. of L. and Gender 791 (2008)

BOOK CHAPTERS Protecting the Coast, in The Law of Adaptation to Climate Change: United States and International Aspects 235 (Michael B. Gerrard & Katrina Fischer Kuh eds., American Bar Association 2012) (Co-author)



SANDI S. VARNADO Associate Professor of Law

Your Digital Footprint Left Behind at Death: An Illustration of Technology Leaving the Law Behind, 74 La. L. Rev. 719 (2014)

JAMES ETIENNE VIATOR Adams & Reese Distinguished Professor of Law ARTICLE Legal Education’s Perfect Storm: Law Students’ Poor Writing and Legal Analysis Skills Collide with Dismal Employment Prospects, Creating the Urgent Need to Reconfigure the FirstYear Curriculum, 61 Cath. U. L. Rev. 735 (2012)

“ The failure to include one’s digital footprint in an estate plan renders the plan incomplete. Lack of planning, in turn, means that one’s successors cannot know with any certainty what the decedent would have wanted to happen to his digital footprint, which could leave digital items ‘adrift in cyberspace.’ MONICA HOF WALLACE Marcel Garsaud Distinguished Professor of Law ARTICLES Recodifying Emancipation: A Précis of the 2009 Revision of Louisiana Emancipation Law, 56 Loy. L. Rev. 135 (2010) (Co-author) A Federal Referendum: Extending Child Support for Higher Education, 58 Kan. L. Rev. 665 (2010)


The interests of various groups of people lead to competing policies about whether access to a decedent’s digital footprint should be allowed or denied. The law does not help. Most states have no specific legislation in place to govern a decedent’s digital footprint, leaving traditional legal principles to govern technological advancements that did not exist and were probably not even anticipated at the time the laws in question were written. Thus far, the problems have not reached epic proportions, but that day is coming.”





Ted and Louana Frois Distinguished Professor of International Law Studies

Theorizing Peace as a Human Right, 7 Hum. Rts. & Int’l Legal Discourse 178 (2013)

JEANNE M. WOODS Ted and Louana Frois Distinguished Professor of International Law Studies BOOK CHAPTER Justiciable Social Rights as a Critique of the Liberal Paradigm, in Economic Justice: Race, Gender, Identity and Economics 120 (Emma Coleman Jordan & Angela P. Harris eds., Foundation Press 2011) ARTICLES Theorizing Peace as a Human Right, 7 Hum. Rts. & Int’l Legal Discourse 178 (2013) A Human Rights Framework for Corporate Accountability, 17 ILSA J. of Int’l & Comp. L. 321 (2011) Introduction: Theoretical Insights from the Cutting Edge, 104 Am. Soc’y Int’l L. Proc. 389 (2010) Impunity or Accountability in the Extractive Industries: Regulation, Reform, or Resistance?, 15 Afr. Y.B. of Int’l L. 207 (2008)

“ The right to peace is a vision that seeks to enlist the catalyzing potential of rights discourse in the struggle for social transformation; it is an opportunity for the peoples of the international community to deepen the challenge to the state’s monopoly of international legal personality that was begun by the human rights project. The assertion of peace as a fundamental human right requires international law to come full circle, to repudiate state violence as a legal option. Further steps in line with second and third generation rights would expand the definition of violence to include the violence of poverty, the violence of IMF-imposed austerity, and the violence of neoliberal development models. Such an expansion would further our appreciation of human personhood and our definition of the irreducible requisites of a dignified human life.”

7214 St. Charles Avenue Box 902 New Orleans, LA 70118 law.loyno.edu

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