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Director’s Foreword | Susan M. Taylor
The Jain bronzes in the collection of New Orleanian Dr. Siddharth K. Bhansali have long been recognized, studied and admired by specialists around the world. While selections from the collection have been presented in major exhibitions over the years, no publication has ever provided an accessible and representative overview of this material. The noted Jain specialist and independent scholar, Dr. Robert J. Del Bontà has rectified this omission, serving as guest curator for the exhibition and accompanying publication.
It was my distinct pleasure to open the New Orleans Museum of Art’s first dedicated gallery for the art of the Indian sub-continent in 2017, the culmination of over forty years of generosity, and most importantly, passion for these objects on the part of Dr. Bhansali, His numerous gifts as well as his contributions of time and expertise have benefited NOMA’s collection tremendously. This gallery, which serves as a locus for both scholarly and community engagement, is now home to its first special exhibition, The Pursuit of Salvation, presenting over sixty works of art made in the service of the Jain faith. The bronze and stone sculptures are accompanied by a rich selection of manuscripts and paintings; many are being published for the first time with this catalogue.
I am grateful to everyone who made this project possible. In particular, I would like to acknowledge Dr. Del Bontà for his scholarship and Lisa Rotondo-MCord, NOMA’s Deputy Director for Curatorial Affairs for her leadership in both conceptualizing and implementing the exhibition and publication plan. I would also like to thank NOMA’s Registrars and Art Handling team, who have installed the gallery with their usual care and expertise, and Mary Degnan, our Creative Design Manager, who provided the elegant catalogue design. Of course, my greatest appreciation goes to Sid, whose generosity is only matched by his passion for collecting.
As we come to the close of a tumultuous year, I am especially appreciative of the opportunity to present works of art created in the service of Jainism. Non-violence, or non-injury, is one of the fundamental tenets of the faith—a belief that extends to all living things. The works of art presented in this catalogue and exhibition embody this fundamental value and serve as potent reminders for all of us.
Susan M. Taylor The Montine McDaniel Director, New Orleans Museum of Art
Seated Rishabha, the 1st Tirthankara Catalog no. 10