Ignition summit | ARG Output

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Ignition Summit 10-11-12 June 353 | With purpose in our actions, our only way is UP

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N AT I O N A L P R E S I D E N T M E E T I N G - C O L O M B I A



Ignition summit AI for Tier 1 & Tier 2

General Information Chair: Moira Assman – MCVP GCDPo AIESEC in Brazil 2014.2015. Attendees: MCVP GCDPo Brazil: Lucas Bosquesi. MCVP GCDPo Colombia: Pedro Jose Pabon. MCVP GCDPo Argentina: Imanol Martinez. (MCVPs from Peru, Chile and Mexico were absence).

Objective of the summit: To ignite the GCDPo operations for second semester, giving lastmile details for fruit-peak and creating ideas and strategies for off-peak and next fish-peak.

Responsible for the summit: AI Team 2015.2016.

Agenda Day 1: Current State GCDP Latam. Expa. Costumer flow. GCDP porpuse.

Day 2:

Sales block. LEAD for oGCDP. IXP. Co-delivery in Latam.

Day 3:

Network management. Entities’ plannings. Summit’s output: bit.ly/IgnitionLATAMSummit

But Imanol spent 6 days in Colombia, what about the last 3 days?

Check it!


National President Meeting All LCPs of AIESEC in Colombia

National President Meeting Presentation of Argentina and AIESEC in Argentina for AIESEC in Colombia’s plenary. Setting the cooperation strategy with AIESEC in Colombia wait for Drive Co! Sharing of ideas and strategies LCPs and MCEB from AIESEC in Colombia.

Okey, what is the ROI?


Results till now

Results obtained till now Investment of AIESEC in Colombia in our oGCDP. Presence of AIESEC in Argentina with our main entity partners. Presence of AIESEC in Argentina with all the LCPs from Colombia. Presentation of our GCDPi projects for all the LCPs. Presentation and promotion of Drive Co for all the LCPs. Definition of GCDPo Planning with MCVPs from Colombia and Brazil (the biggest oGCDP networks at global level).


Doubts? Contact, Imanol Martinez - MC VP oGCDP

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