Heaven on Earth

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And he said: What shall I compare the kingdom of God? It is like yeast, which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour until there was fermented. S. Matthew 1:33 PM As well as the yeast produces a chemical irreversible change to ferment the whole dough, the Kingdom of God transforms in the deepest mind and spirit of a man. This man in turn transforms their environment encompassing all the ethnos of his life such as family, children, neighbors, working to gradually shake the Nations. God needs man to bring his Kingdom from the spiritual world to the natural, because He established, since creation, that only man has the legal right and authority to operate on Earth. When Adam sinned, delivered his authority to Satan and we remain separated from the God’s presence. But God in his mercy, surrender his only son Jesus, made man, so with his death he paid for our sins and we could receive salvation. The Kingdom of God is God in the life of men, transforming the old world by a new order. The Kingdom of God is “Heaven on Earth”. This is the good news that Jesus declared to his people (Lk 4, 18-12; Mt 11, 3-5). When we are citizens of the Kingdom, we receive God’s power to change every circumstance that we overwhelm. It means a hope for the world, the overcoming of all human alienation, the destruction of all evil, of sin, of hatred, of disunity, of pain, illness and death. Therefore the heaven on earth is not a place to go, nor something that is earned and much less refers to a heaven for after dead. It is a decision to make! The kingdom begins accepting God in our lives, receiving the Holy Spirit of Jesus who is the sole author of the transformation of our hearts. Every action and activity of the father is motivated by his desire and passion to see his Kingdom established on Earth by what the Kingdom of God is our great Commission given by Jesus ‘go and make disciples of all nations’, Matthew 28: 19. God is raising up in this generation men, women, children and youth in all the Nations of the world with minds and hearts transformed to shake the planet with the Kingdom of God. God never leaves us, but He cannot change your bad decisions without your permission. Sin opens the door to Satan giving him authority to live among us and is so darkness have taken over our marriage in divorces, children in gangs and drugs, our finances with accumulated debts, and self-destruction and pollution of the planet. I challenged you to accept the invitation of King Jesus into your life in the person of the Holy Spirit. It is to make you a citizen of his kingdom and not a religion, it is God himself without intermediaries acting on you and yours. We were created by God for himself, He puts in you gifts and talents that maybe you’ve even discovered that will take you to be successful in your purpose of life. Discover your true self and talents guided by Jesus and leave your legacy in the land. He gives you the mission and the provision to achieve it. This magazine, The Heaven on Earth, it is intended to be a tiny mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden, and grows up to be a big tree in whose branches nest the birds of the heaven. As well as the seed only bears fruit when it is sowed, the God’s Word needs to be sent so that it touches others and they touché others until the whole city is shaken with Your presence. I pray that this tiny little seed ‘Heaven on Earth’ scope fertile land in my readers who receive your word, that they recognize you father as our King of Kings, Lord of Lords and their lives are transformed giving fruit a hundredfold. Let your kingdom come with power and dominion!

Gisela Ramirez Manager - Editor



Cover design by: Maria C Galavis.



CGC is a conference designed for youth pastors, leaders and believers that desire to be transformed by God’s Presence, be activated in the Supernatural Power of God, and become a carrier of the Movement of God’s Glory, causing a Supernatural Revolution in their generation! EDITOR – GENERAL MANAGER

Contents 4

Restoring the Supernatural in the Church By Apostle Guillermo Maldonado


Kid Cancer Foundation at WInter Equestrian Fest. By Erica Rohrscheib


CGC 2012: Youth Conference in Miami. Testimonies of God’s Power.


Top Ten Christian Music & Books.

13 What & When & Where With informational needs about Arts, Entertainment and Events for prestigious residents and visitors of Palm Beach County.

Gisela Ramirez Rohrscheib gramirez@heavenonearthmagazine.com MARKETING DIRECTOR Carolina Winfrey cwinfrey@heavenonearthmagazine.com DESIGN & LAYAOUT Soda Advertising www.sodaadvertising.com MC Galavis mc.galavis.n@gmail.com PHOTOGRAPHER Erica Rohrscheib erohrscheib@heavenonearthmagazine.com 9835-16 Lake Worth Rd., Suite 170, Lake Worth, Fl. 33467 Cell: 561.317.8848 Fax: 561.383.8848 gramirez@heavenonearthmagazine.com gramirez@elcieloenlatierramagazine.com MAGAZINE ONLINE www.heavenonearthmagazine.com


Restoring the Supernatural in the Church By Apostle Guillermo Maldonado

Who is God?

God cannot be defined. He is an eternal, spiritual being who is immutable with supernatural strengths, attributes and abilities and lives in eternity. By nature, He is supernatural; He cannot be defined another way. The doctrine of the church was founded on the supernatural. The definition of God in the dictionary is, “the supernatural governor of the universe with power and authority.” How can we say we believe in God, the Bible and the four gospels if we don’t believe the supernatural? How can we believe in the birth of Jesus and His resurrection? If you don’t believe in the supernatural, you cannot believe in Jesus. Christ came to demonstrate that God is supernatural. How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God By: Guillermo Maldonado Whitaker House Publishers 2011 / Paperback


Supernatural: means above, on

top of, something that surpasses the natural state. It is a realm that has an order of existence above the universe. It is eternal, permanent, never changing and has dominion over the natural realm. The supernatural was designed by God to be captured first, and then

taught. to whom He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. – Acts 1:3 The supernatural is for doing and teaching. If you want to catch it, you need to associate with people who are walking in the supernatural. The Apostle has thousands of spiritual sons and daughters around the world who all do what he does because they have received more than just teaching; they have received the impartation of the mantle of the supernatural.

Naturalist vs. Supernaturalist A naturalist is someone who studies nature – plants, medicine and all that is natural. The opposite is a super-naturalist – someone who operates beyond reason. The Bible calls these people visionaries. If you are a Christian, born-again, you are a super-naturalist. Look beyond that which you currently have.

“God wants to give you more! Stop analyzing and reasoning God! Tell Jesus you want Him and not the substitutes. Renounce to all of those Antichrists. Tell them to go NOW! What God has placed on the mantle of this ministry for the supernatural, is released over you right now to break every substitute from your minds and spirits. You are activated! By faith, you have legal entry to the supernatural. You are activated to see beyond the natural. Receive it now!” Open your eyes! God wants to activate you to see beyond reason. He has never called you to reason;. He is our supernatural God.

Supernatural – Theory or Truth? Religion cannot change your circumstance. It can speak about your past and future, but never your presence. The power of glory is for the now. Take the power of God to the sick, depressed and oppressed. It is there where His kingdom needs to manifest.

“People are tired of the old; of religion! People are dying; they want a living God! You are the answer!” Can we demonstrate the king dom now? Can we pray for the sick here and now? Yes we can! At any present moment, you can bring down the Kingdom of God. Faith is the legal entrance to the supernatural and invisible realm. God has given you faith. Jesus came to earth to demonstrate the supernatural through his power and faith in His identity. When He left, He delegated that demonstration to the church and, thus, birthed it in the river of the supernatural. There are 28 chapters in the book of Acts, all of which contain a supernatural even

How did the church start to get away from the supernatural? 1. Greek Philosophies. The first step away from the supernatural was due to the influence of Greek philosophies. This is when the church exchanged their faith for reason. 2. We have preached a historical Christ, not a resurrected One. 3. The church has removed apostles and prophets.


Apostles and prophets are the breakthrough ministries that bring the supernatural into the church. If we remove them, we remove the supernatural 4. There is no focus on the supernatural. When we come to church, we don’t come looking for it; we come looking for a teaching that feeds our misery, sin and bad lifestyle; but when the Spirit of God comes, you will see people – young and old – surrender themselves to God 5. The church has not valued the principles of prayer and fasting. These principles are seen as an old school principle for others. How can we have the power of church without fasting and prayer 6. The church has stopped seeking communion with God. Ministers tell God how much time He has to move in their services instead of submitting to the move of His Spirit 7. Independence. The desire of man to live independently of the supernatural, which is the original sin.

Why do we need the supernatural if we have nice churches where we know and all are good people? Without the supernatural, you will have a form of godliness but no power. Your character cannot change without the supernatural. Try to change yourself in your own strength with all the discipline you have, and you won’t be able to. How can you overcome the devil and sin without the supernatural?

“Without the supernatural, the church is reduced to a social club. The more the church gets away from the supernatural, the more we will make Christ into a myth or a legend.”

How Do We Restore the Supernatural? 19 Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, 20 and that He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, 21 whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began. – Acts 3:19-21. We need to recognize that God is a supernatural God and cry out for Him to restore the supernatural in us. The church needs to return to its original state. We need to begin to see miracles as a normal thing. We need to see the restoration of the supernatural.

Steps to Restoring the Supernatural 1.Repent – Go back to thinking the way God created you. He created you as a supernaturalist. He created you to have dominion over this dimension, to heal the sick, to do miracles and wonders. If you recognize that you have certain substitutes in your life and you want more desire for the supernatural, you need to repent. 2. Reestablish the fear of God in your life – If you don’t fear Him, you do not want more of Him. If you fear Him, you want everything He has for you. The fact that you have not made changes in your life is a sign that you do not fear the Lord. Regardless of the price you need to pay, fear Him. 3.Restoration of the fivefold ministry – We don’t have problems with the pastor, teacher or evangelist, but we have problems with the apostles and the prophets. We need to receive them once again and welcome revelation into the church of Christ.

Vanilla Ice sings to over 2,000 at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center in Wellington, FL.

Representatives from the Kids Cancer Foundation and some of their “Little Warriors” on stage at the Winter Fest 2012.

The Kids Cancer Foundation at W.E.F. On Saturday, December 1, 2012, the Kids Cancer Foundation was spotlighted at the annual Winter Fest to kick off the holiday season and the upcoming equestrian season in Wellington, Florida. On hand were over 2,000 equestrian supporters to see the Showing Jumping competition followed by a fantastic Holiday Celebration, featuring local singers and dancers. The featured act was Wellington’s own Vanilla Ice, debuting his new song in the US for the first time, already number one in the UK. The families from the Kids Cancer Foundation attended this family fun event while getting a much needed break from their journey with cancer. The kids took the stage in a candle light procession to the song “Angels Among Us”! It was a touching moment for all who were present!

(L-R) Michelle O’Boyle, President of the Kids Cancer Foundation, Mark Bellissimo, CEO of Equestrian Sport Productions and Sandy Erb, Executive Board Member of the Kids Cancer Foundation.


The Kids Cancer Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit charity whose mission is to provide hope and support to local children and families battling childhood cancer and/or blood disorders. They accomplish this by providing compassionate, easily accessible supportive care services. The foundation educates the families about their child’s diagnosis and treatment as well as provides the physical, emotional and financial support these children and families need throughout this difficult journey. They work collaboratively with the medical team and coordinate local, state and national resources to ensure the needs of the young patients and families are met. This coordination of education and support is critical as it has been shown to increase both a child’s quality of life and overall chance for survival. The Foundation currently provides

assistance to over 300 children and families battling childhood cancer in our community. The programs are provided by over 100 dedicated supporters and volunteers. “We couldn’t do all that we do without our volunteers and the many supporters throughout the community” says Sandy Erb, “If we don’t do this, who will?” The Kids Cancer Foundation was founded in 2001 by a group of nurses, doctors, community leaders and parents of children with cancer. With the opening of the new Kids Cancer Center in 2011, they have been able to focus on offering services in a space that is both inviting and soothing for the children and their families. Though much of our support programs take place at the Kids Cancer Center, programs are also provided in the outpatient area of the hospital, as well as during any stays at the hospital as an inpatient. “Our goal is to make their journey as easy as we can, addressing needs as they arise and advocating for each family as needed” says President and Founder of the foundation, Michelle O’Boyle. The Kids Cancer Foundation needs help to continue offering the services to these Little Warriors and their families. There are many ways you can help: Host a fundraiser, donate your services or goods, provide gift cards for the families for food, gas, etc., make a donation, and so much more.

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Donate The Kids Cancer Foundation strives to deliver an unsurpassed level of quality care, but we can't do it without your help and support. Through your donations, we help families and children in South Florida who are battling cancer or blood disorders. Because of our 501(c)(3) Charity status, all donations you make to the Kids Cancer Foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Donate by mail: Please make all checks payable to: Kids Cancer Foundation of South Florida Kids Cancer Foundation 13833 Wellington Trace, E4-137 Wellington, FL 33414

“We want to stop sinning but we cannot do it by ourselves, it is only through the Grace of God. When you confess the name of Jesus your mentality will change. Your mentali-ty, your heart, is what will stop the vicious cycle of temptation.”

“When you encounter the Fire of God, you encounter the God of the impossible and you are filled with SUPERNATURAL boldness! I declare that the Fire of God brings radical changes to your life NOW! You are called to bring the God of the NOW the the streets, to the schools, to your jobs, to the malls and everywhere you go because you are Supernatural! His name is I Am, He lives in the eternal realm and in the NOW. The revelation is not about the past or future, but of the PRESENT! Receive God’s deliverance! Participate in the wave of transformation of hearts! “

Youth pastors, leaders and believers were transformed by GOD”S PRESENCE, actived in the SUPERNATURAL POWER OF GOD causing a supernatural revolution in this generation

Fresh Testimonies of God’s Power

7 Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer By Bill Bright

I believe the power of fasting as it relates to prayer is the spiritual atomic bomb that our Lord has given us to destroy the strongholds of evil and usher in a great revival and spiritual harvest around the world. Fasting & Prayer How you begin and conduct your fast will largely determine your success. By following these seven basic steps to fasting, you will make your time with the Lord more meaningful and spiritually rewarding. STEP 1: Set Your Objective Why are you fasting? Is it for spiritual renewal, for guidance, for healing, for the resolution of problems, for special grace to handle a difficult situation? Ask the Holy Spirit to clarify His leading and objectives for your prayer fast. This will enable you to pray more specifically and strategically. STEP 2: Make Your Commitment Pray about the kind of fast you should undertake. Jesus implied that all of His followers should fast (Matthew 6:16-18; 9:14,15) For Him it was a matter of when


believers would fast, not if they would do it. Before you fast, decide the following up front: • How long you will fast -one meal, one day, a week, several weeks, forty days (Beginners should start slowly, building up to longer fasts.) • The type of fast God wants you to undertake (such as water only, or water and juices; what kinds of juices you will drink and how often). • What physical or social activities you will restrict. • How much time each day you will devote to prayer and God’s Word. Making these commitments ahead of time will help you sustain your fast when physical temptations and life’s pressures tempt you to abandon it. STEP 3: Prepare Yourself Spiritually. The very foundation of fasting and prayer is repentance. Unconfessed sin will hinder your prayers. Here are several things you can do to prepare your heart: • Ask God to help you make a comprehensive list of your sins. • Confess every sin that the Holy Spirit calls to your remembrance

and accept God’s forgiveness (1 John 1:9). • Seek forgiveness from all whom you have offended, and forgive all who have hurt you (Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4; 17:3,4). • Make restitution as the Holy Spirit leads you. • Ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit according to His command in Ephesians 5:18 and His promise in 1 John 5:14,15. • Surrender your life fully to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master; refuse to obey your worldly nature (Romans 12:1,2). • Meditate on the attributes of God, His love, sovereignty, power, wisdom, faithfulness, grace, compassion, and others (Psalm 48:9,10; 103:1-8, 11-13). • Begin your time of fasting and prayer with an expectant heart (Hebrews 11:6). Do not underestimate spiritual opposition. Satan sometimes intensifies the natural battle between body and spirit (Galatians 5:16,17). Your time of fasting and prayer has come. You are abstaining from all solid foods and have begun to seek the Lord. Here are some helpful suggestions to consider: • Avoid drugs, even natural herbal drugs and homeopathic remedies. Medication should be withdrawn only with your physician’s supervision. • Limit your activity. • Exercise only moderately. Walk one to three miles each day if convenient and comfortable. • Rest as much as your schedule will permit. • Prepare yourself for temporary mental discomforts, such as impatience, crankiness, and anxiety. • Expect some physical discomforts, especially on the second day. You may have fleeting hunger

pains, dizziness, or the “blahs.” Withdrawal from caffeine and sugar may cause headaches. Physical annoyances may also include weakness, tiredness, or sleeplessness. • The first two or three days are usually the hardest. As you continue to fast, you will likely experience a sense of well-being both physically and spiritually. However, should you feel hunger pains, increase your liquid intake. your breath is bad. They stimulate STEP 4: Prepare Yourself Physically Fasting requires reasonable precautions. Consult your physician first, especially if you take prescription medication or have a chronic ailment. Some persons should never fast without professional supervision.Physical preparation makes the drastic change in your eating routine a little easier so that you can turn your full attention to the Lord in prayer. • Prepare your body. Eat smaller meals before starting a fast. Avoid high-fat and sugary foods. • Eat raw fruit and vegetables for two days before starting a fast. STEP 5: Put Yourself on a Schedule For maximum spiritual benefit, set aside ample time to be alone with the Lord. Listen for His leading. The more time you spend with Him, the more meaningful your fast will be. Morning • Begin your day in praise and worship. • Read and meditate on God’s Word, preferably on your knees. • Invite the Holy Spirit to work in you to will and to do His good pleasure according to Philippians 2:13. • Invite God to use you. Ask Him to show you how to influence your world, your family, your church, your community, your country, and beyond. • Pray for His vision for your life and empowerment to do His will. Noon • Return to prayer and God’s Word. • Take a short prayer walk.


• Spend time in intercessory prayer for your community’s and nation’s leaders, for the world’s unreached millions, for your family or special needs. Evening • Get alone for an unhurried time of “seeking His face.” • If others are fasting with you, meet together for prayer. • Avoid television or any other distraction that may dampen your spiritual focus. When possible, begin and end each day on your knees with your spouse for a brief time of praise and thanksgiving to God. Longer periods of time with our Lord in prayer and study of His Word are often better spent alone. A dietary routine is vital as well. Dr. Julio C. Ruibal -a nutritionist, pastor, and specialist in fasting and prayer - suggests a daily schedule and list of juices you may find useful and satisfying. Modify this schedule and the drinks you take to suit your circumstances and tastes. 5 a.m. - 8 a.m. • Fruit juices, preferably freshly squeezed or blended and diluted in 50 percent distilled water if the fruit is acid. Apple, pear, grapefruit, papaya, watermelon, or other fruit juices are generally preferred. If you cannot do your own juicing, buy juices without sugar or additives. 10:30 a.m. - noon • Fresh vegetable juice made from lettuce, celery, and carrots in three equal parts.

2:30 p.m. - 4 p.m. • Herb tea with a drop of honey. Avoid black tea or any tea with caffeine. 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. • Broth made from boiling potatoes, celery, and carrots with no salt. After boiling about half an hour, pour the water into a container and drink it. STEP 7: Expect Results If you sincerely humble yourself before the Lord, repent, pray, and seek God’s face; if you consistently meditate on His Word, you will experience a heightened awareness of His presence (John 14:21). The Lord will give you fresh, new spiritual insights. Your confidence and faith in God will be strengthened. You will feel mentally, spiritually, and physically refreshed. You will see answers to your prayers. A single fast, however, is not a spiritual cure-all. Just as we need fresh infillings of the Holy Spirit daily, we also need new times of fasting before God. A 24-hour fast each week has been greatly rewarding to many Christians. It takes time to build your spiritual fasting muscles. If you fail to make it through your first fast, do not be discouraged. You may have tried to fast too long the first time out, or your may need to strengthen your understanding and resolve. As soon as possible, undertake another fast until you do succeed. God will honor you for your faithfulness.

Top 10 Christian Songs & Books 1


Israel Houghton y New Breed Canción: Te amo Prod: Jesús at thecenter Sello: Integrity Music


Tercer Cielo y Annette Moreno

Canción: Demente Prod: Lo que el viento me ... Sello: Fe y Obra Music

José Luis Reyes

Canción: Haz llover Prod: Se abren los cielos Sello: Prod. Como Un Rio


Misael y Giovanno Olaya

Canción:Primavera Prod: La luz de mi corazón Sello: Rejoice Music

1 One Thing Remains Passion Featuring Kristian Stanfill 2 I Need A Miracle Third Day 3 Forgiveness Matthew West


René Gonzalez

8 Jaci Velasquez

Canción: Si tu lo dice Prod: Mi vida Sello: Reda Music


Canción: Con el viento a mi favor Prod: Diamond Sello: Canzion



Canción: Yo ganaré Prod:Reset Sello:Funky Town Music

Abraham Velasquez

Canción: Poderoso Prod: Gracias Sello: Luar Music

4 Redeemed Big Daddy Weave Love Come to Life 5 Whom Shall I Fear (God Of An... Chris Tomlin 6 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lo... Matt Redman 10,000 Reasons 7 Your Love Never Fails newsboys

5 Jacobo Ramos

10 Juan Luis Guerra y 4:40

Canción: Dile al corazón que... Prod: Dile al corazón que... Sello: Integrity Music Latin

Canción: El quitapena Prod: Coleccion de Música... Sello: Karen Records

8 Need You Now (How Many Times.. Plumb 9 Good To Be Alive Jason Gray 10 Jesus In Disguise Brandon Heath



Los mas vendidos El presagio


Jonathan Cahn


Satanás ¡Mi matrimonio no es tuyo!


Puertas del cielo abiertas

Iris Delgado Perry Stone

La sutil artimaña de Satanás


Steve Foss

Oraciones que derrotan a los demonios


John Eckhardt

Salmo 91


Peggy Joyce Ruth

El ayuno


Jentenzen Franklin

Una vida sin conflictos (Libro de bolsillo)


Joyce Meyer


Declara bendición sobre tu día


Oraciones que producen cambios


Oraciones que traen sanidad


Limpie su casa y la de su familia


Oraciones que derrotan a los demonios y rompen maldiciones

Cindy Trimm Kimberly Daniels John Eckhardt Perry Stone

John Eckhardt

Oraciones que rompen maldiciones


John Eckhardt

15. Cómo interpretar los sueños y las visiones Perry Stone

El cielo es tan real


Choo Thomas

Oraciones que activan las bendiciones


John Eckhardt

No moriré


Wanda Rolón

¡Necesito a papa!


Ofelia Peréz

La mujer que prospera


Conceptos Financieros


KRAVIS CENTER www.kravis.org 701 Okeechobee Boulevard West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 832-7469 Jersey Boys This is the story about Rock and Roll Hall of Famers The Four Seasons, and how four blue-collar kids became one of the greatest successes in pop music history.(Note: Contains adult language.) DATE: Dec 19- Jan 6 Tickets Start At: $35.0 LA TRAVIATA by Giuseppe Verdi In the glittering and decadent world of 1850s Parisian nightlife, Alfredo falls desperately in love with the beautiful Violetta, one of Paris’s most notorious courtesans. Despite her reservations, she returns his love and they flee Paris for the tranquility of the countryside. Friday, January 18 at 7:30 PM Saturday, January 19 at 7:30 PM Sunday, January 20 at 2:00 PM Tickets Start At: $20.00 Motionhouse Under the artistic direction of Kevin Finnan, Motionhouse melds highly physical dance theatre and mesmerizing aerial imagery with fi lm and graphics to create unique gravity-defying dance productions. Tuesday, January 22 at 7:30 PM Wednesday, January 23 at 7:30 PM Ticket Price: $28.0


Miami City Ballet presents Program II The highlight of Program III is a world premiere from a young choreographer who’s taking the ballet world by storm, The Royal Ballet of London’s Liam Scarlett Friday, January 25 at 8:00 PM Saturday, January 26 at 2:00 PM Saturday, January 26 at 8:00 PM Sunday, January 27 at 1:00 PM Tickets Start At: $20.00 FLAGER MUSEUM One Whitehall Way
P.O. Box 969, Palm Beach, FL 33480
(561) 6552833 http://www.flaglermuseum.us Bluegrass in the Pavilion 2013 All proceeds benefit the South Arts’ emergency planning for Gulf Coast cultural institutions. NORTON MUSEUM 1451 South Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 832-5196 http://www.norton.org Calm and Carry On: World War II and the British Home Front, 1938-1951 November 1, 2012 - January 20, 2013 This exhibition explores the impressive gamut of England’s home-front efforts just before, during, and after the war years 1939-1945. While millions of British men and women served in the military overseas, England’s entire creative class mobilized to win the war on the home front. Drawings, posters, photographs, film, furni-

ture, fashion, and more will illustrate how they did so. LION COUNTRY SAFARI 2003 Lion Country Safari Road Loxahatchee, FL 33470 (561) 793-1084 Florida’s only drive-through safari and walk-through amusement park invites you to spend the day on safari with over 900 animals. With animal displays and encounters, animal feeding experiences, 6 rides, water sprayground, food, shopping and more, you are sure to have a memorable experience at Lion Country Safari. WEEKDAYS Open Daily at 10am WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS ONLY Gates Open at 9:30am PALM BEACH CONVENTION CENTER 650 Okeechobee Boulevard West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 366-3000 Palm Beach Pet Expo Event Dates: Dec 8, 2012 - Dec 9, 2012 Event Website: http://www.palmbeachpetexpo.com/ Faith Deliverance Church of God Center Event Date: Dec 9, 2012 Event Website: http://www.faithdeliverancecog.com 8:00am - 9:45am Early Morning Worship Services 10:00am-11:00am Sunday School PALM BEACH INTERNATIONAL POLO 3667 120th Avenue South Wellington, FL 33414 (561) 204-5687

Jan 6, 2013 - Apr 21, 2013 Starting in early January, every Sunday the competition is firstrate. Many of the finest polo players on the planet come to show their riding skills in High and Medium Goal matches. Located in the heart of South Florida’s legendary horse country, International Polo Club Palm Beach is a world-class polo club designed to showcase the finest the sport has to offer. Thousands of fans will be on hand to celebrate the 2013 Polo Season at International Polo Club Palm Beach. The season will feature a series of renowned polo tournaments attracting the world’s finest players. FTI Winter Equestrian Festival
 Jan 9, 2013 - Mar 31, 2013 Palm Beach International Equestrian Center
Equestrian Club Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33414 
Come to Wellington and be part of the FTI Winter Equestrian Festival, a 12-week international equestrian extravaganza. See only the best riders of their class - Olympians, adult amateurs, juniors, and children. This one-of-a-kind venue covers more than 140 acres and offers the latest in facilities. Not only will you enjoy the action in the stadium, but also galleries for shopping, wine and coffee bars, tasty food fare, outdoor cafes and children’s area. Boca Raton Museum of Art 501 Plaza Real, Boca Raton, FL 33432 
 October 24, 2012 - January 13, 2013 The Art of Video Games The exhibition in Boca Raton, presented by FMSbonds, Inc., explores the 40-year evolution of video games as an artistic medium, focusing on striking graphics, creative storytelling, and player interactivity. During its stay in South Florida, the Boca Raton Museum of Art also offers a variety of associated programs and educational opportunities for visitors of all ages and interests.


Spring Training Baseball: MiamiMarlins / St. Louis Cardinals
Feb 23, 2013 - Mar 28, 2013 Swing, batter-batter, sa-wing! Get your gloves oiled up and ready to snag a foul ball at Roger Dean Stadium, the 2013 Spring Training home to not one, but two World Series Championship teams – the Florida Marlins and the St. Louis Cardinals. Everglades Day Festival
 Feb 9, 2013 - Feb 9, 2013 10216 Lee Road
Boynton Beach, FL 33473 See alligators! See birds of prey! See a wetland ecosystem that goes back a few millions years and unlike anything else in this world. This famous landscape entices everyone, from adventure seekers wearing Indiana Jones-style fedoras or those just looking to kick back and relax within one of the Earth’s natural beauties. In The Palm Beaches discover the incredible by being part of the annual Everglades Day Festival, taking place at the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. Delray Beach International Tennis Delray Beach Stadium & Tennis Center
201 West Atlantic Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33444 Championships
Feb 22, 2013 - Mar 3, 2013 Throughout the week enjoy the hospitality of ITC and Delray Beach with special happenings to entertain fans of any age. Sign up for the Ultimate Experience Clinic and learn with Grand Slam legends. With Kidz Day, VIP Parties, multiple events for charity, Pro-Am matches and more. You are sure to ace a good time. Honda Classic
 Feb 25, 2013 - Mar 3, 2013 PGA National Resort & Spa
400 Avenue of the Champions
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Championship play in The Palm Beaches is not only about golf at this event. Enjoy fireworks or

listen live music. Follow in the gallery of a Pro-Am. Experience PGA National Resort & Spa as a firstrate host, dine at its great restaurants, enjoy a legendary spa and watch spectacular golf all in one location. The Honda is more than just golf – it is a week-long exp PALM BEACH COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER 650 Okeechobee Boulevard
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 239.949.5411 American International Fine Art Fair Feb 6, 2013 - Feb 10, 2013 A glittering array of painting and design from many of the most prestigious art dealers in the world will present their best at American International Fine Art Fair. Fully-vetted paintings, sculptures, jewelry, antiques, and decorative designs from classical antiquity to contemporary creations are on display for all to enjoy. SOUTH FLORIDA FAIRGROUNDS 9067 Southern Boulevard
West Palm Beach, FL 33421 South Florida Fair Jan 18, 2013 - Feb 3, 2013 Be In the Know: Fairs are always fun. With over 100 years of entertainment practice under their belt, this fair is one of the top-rated events in South Florida. Be sure to ride the midway and check out all the known bands that stop by this annual Palm Beaches event. And while you’re there…enjoy a warm funnel cake.

10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tours depart hourly starting at 10:00 a.m. walks of the Cypress Swamp, the and last tour departs at 4:00 Marsh Trail, and both day and evep.m. daily. ning canoe trips. Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge
 10216 Lee Road
Boynton Beach, FL 33473

US441/ SR7. 143,874-acre refuge for such species as snail kite, wood stork and alligator. Fishing, boat ramps, canoeing and bird watching. Nature observation trails, 5.5 mile canoe trail and visitor center. Newly opened interactive exhibits and films including a virtual airboat tour and night sounds of the Everglades. Call the Refuge for the current schedule
of guided

4751 Main Street
Jupiter, FL 33458 Angels Cypress Airboats
Various locations within The Palm Beaches

Cypress Airboats offers private tours of the Florida Everglades on our custom smaller boats. Packages range from two hour to full day events. We are also available for photo shoots and film work. Loxahatchee Everglades Tours 
15490 Loxahatchee Road
Boca Raton, FL 33076

A tour into Florida’s beautiful Everglades on an airboat. The ultimate Florida experience. See Florida the way it used to be. It’s fun, exciting and educational. Enjoy our Everglades Eco-awareness Tour. Open daily


Explore Seminole War History Riverbend Park
 9060 Indiantown Road
Jupiter, FL 33478

In 1838, the Battle of the Loxahatchee during the Second Seminole War, took place right here. Today, things are far more peaceful. Riverbend Park is a great place to hike, bike, ride horseback, kayak, canoe, or take it easy. There are nearly 10 miles hiking/biking trails, 7 miles of equestrian trails, and 5 miles of canoeing/kayaking trails. And if you want to start an adventure on the Loxahatchee River, a National Wild and Scenic River, Riverbend is

the right place to begin. Climb the Lighthouse Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse and Museum 
Lighthouse Park 
500 Captain Armour’s Way
Jupiter, FL 33469

Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum offers climbing tours of the landmark 1860 Lighthouse, History Museum, gift shop, snack shop, programs, sunset tours and weddings. Open Tuesday - Sunday, 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Last Lighthouse tour at 4:00 p.m. Call or see website for climbing restrictions. Walk Through the Gardens Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens
 4000 Morikami Park Road
Delray Beach, FL 33446

Experience the essence of Japan in Florida, featuring a 16-acre park of renowned Japanese gardens, worldclass bonsai display, galleries of historical and contemporary Asian art, family activities, signature Japanese festivals, museum store and lakeside Asian café. Mounts Botanical Garden 
 559 N. Military Trail
West Palm Beach, FL 33415

Palm Beach County’s oldest and largest botanical garden, a 14-acre urban oasis with over 2,000 species of tropical and subtropical native and exotic species. There is a $5 suggested admission. Group tours arranged on request. See and Talk to the Animals Busch Wildlife Sanctuary
 2500 Jupiter Park Drive
Jupiter, FL 33458

The Busch Wildlife Sanctuary is a non-profit, educational based care facility for injured animals. We’re dedicated to bringing wildlife and people together to develop community awareness of the value of Florida’s natural resources. Lion Country Safari 
 2003 Lion Country Safari Road
West Palm Beach, FL



Lion Country Safari-West Palm Beach. Drive through safari with hundreds of animals roaming free and amusement park with animal encounters and demonstrations, rides, shopping, food and thrills. Palm Beach Zoo
 1301 Summit Blvd. 
West Palm Beach, FL 33405

Enjoy 23 acres of tropical splendor with over 1,500 animals from North, Central, South America, Asia and Australia. Interactive fountain, carousel, waterfront Tropics Café and new Malayan Tigers. Nature Centers Daggerwing Nature Center 
11200 Park Access Road 
Boca Raton, FL 33498

The boardwalk has two trails, bench-style seating, as well as an observation tower to view the abundant plant and animal life. Green Cay Nature Center
 12800 Hagen Ranch Road
Boynton Beach, FL 33437
Biking: No

The wetland features an elevated boardwalk featuring interpretive signs about the habitat. The Nature Center includes a lecture hall, gift shop, and live animals in an extensive exhibit room that highlights wetland attributes. Gumbo Limbo Nature Center
1801 N. Ocean Blvd. 
Boca Raton, FL 33432

Biking: No
Stroll through the butterfly garden, climb the observation tower located on the winding boardwalk through coastal hammock, or sit in a Chiki hut. Visit the saltwater tanks brimming with marine life, including sea turtles, CHRISTIAN EVENTS King Jesus International Ministry/Ministerio Internacional El Rey Jesus Tamiami
14100 SW 144th Ave.
Miami Florida 33186 www.kingjesusministry.org

21 day fast by Aposle G Maldonado. It will be from Monday, January 14th and will end Monday, January 27th. I encourage you to join our 21 day fast if you are looking for transformation, breakthrough, healing, deliverance, or develop a more intimate relationship with God from one to One. Deborahs 2013 Deborahs on the Frontline is a annual bilingual conference for more than 4,000 women from all corners of the earth at King Jesus International Ministry.. February 8 y 9, 2013 Free! Invite a girlfriend. Christmas Services at Christ Fellowship Coral Gables 280 Miracle Mile Miami, FL 33134 Let there be LightSunday, Dec 23 9:00a at Christ Fellowship. You and your family are invited to help us light up the Christmas season at Christ Fellowship Coral Gables starting December 9th. During the season, you’ll experience live holiday music, inspiring messages, and volunteer opportunities to serve the community. We also have a fun and safe environment for your kids with special holiday treats such as snow flurries after every service! We also have special Christmas weekend services, please see dates and times below. St Ignatius Orthodox Christian Church 777 Glades Rd Boca Raton, FL 33431 (800) 966-4066 Eastern Orthodox Christian Liturgy Sunday, Dec 23 10:00am Youthful families of all ages gather for original Bible-based Christian worship & loving fellowship together. Our 10:00 am Sunday Mass Divine Liturgy is approximately 1 hour in length and conducted in English. All denominations are invited to join in worship with us.


Y dijo:¿A qué compararé el reino de Dios? Es semejante a la levadura, que una mujer tomó y escondió en tres medidas de harina, hasta que todo hubo fermentado. S. Mateo 13:33 Así como la levadura produce un cambio químico irreversible hasta fermentar toda la masa, el Reino de Dios transforma en lo mas profundo la mente y espíritu de un hombre. Este hombre a su vez transforma su entorno abarcando todos los etnos de su vida como son la familia, hijos, vecinos, trabajo hasta progresivamente estremecer las naciones. Dios necesita del hombre para traer Su reino del mundo espiritual al natural, ya que El estableció desde su creación que solo el hombre tiene el derecho legal y la autoridad para operar en la tierra. Cuando Adán peco, le entrego la autoridad a Satanás y quedamos separados de la presencia de Dios. La humanidad es totalmente incapaz de remediar su estado caído (Efesios 2:1-5,12). Pero Dios en su misericordia, entrego a su único hijo Jesús, hecho hombre, para que con su muerte pagara por nuestros pecados y pudiéramos recibir la salvación. El Reino de Dios es Dios en la vida de los hombres, transformando el viejo mundo por un nuevo orden. El reino de Dios es “el cielo en la tierra”. Son las buenas noticias que Jesús declaraba para su pueblo (Lc 4,18-12; Mt 11,3-5). Cuando somos ciudadanos del reino, recibimos el poder de Dios para cambiar todas las circunstancias que nos agobie. Significa una esperanza para el mundo, la superación de todas las alienaciones humanas, la destrucción de todo el mal, del pecado, del odio, de la desunión, del dolor, de la enfermedad y muerte. Por lo tanto el Cielo en la Tierra no es un lugar donde ir, ni algo que se gana y mucho menos se refiere a un cielo para después de muertos. Es una decisión que tomar! El reino comienza aceptando a Dios en nuestras vidas, recibiendo el Espíritu Santo de Jesús quien es el único autor de la transformación de nuestros corazones. Cada acción y actividad del Padre es motivada por su deseo y pasión de ver su reino establecido en la Tierra por lo que el reino de Dios es nuestra gran comisión dada por Jesús “vayan y hagan discípulos en todas las naciones”, Mateo 28:19. Dios esta levantando en esta generación hombres, mujeres, jóvenes y niños en todas las naciones del mundo con mentes y corazones transformados para estremecer el planeta con El Reino De Dios. Dios nunca nos abandona, pero no puede, sin tu permiso cambiar tus malas decisiones. El pecado abre las puertas a Satanás dándole autoridad a vivir entre nosotros y es así que las tinieblas se han apoderado de nuestro matrimonio en divorcios, nuestros hijos en pandillas y drogas, nuestras finanzas con deudas acumuladas, y la auto-destrucción y contaminación del planeta. Yo te desafió a aceptar la invitación del Rey Jesús de entrar en tu vida en la persona del Espíritu Santo. Es hacerte ciudadano de su reino y no una religión, es Dios mismo sin intermediarios obrando en ti y los tuyos. Fuimos creados por El para El, Dios te puso dones y talentos que a lo mejor ni siquiera has descubierto, que te llevaran a ser exitoso en tu propósito de vida. Descubre tu verdadero Yo y talentos guiado por Jesús y deja tu legado en la tierra. El te da la misión y la provisión para alcanzarlo. Esta revista, El Cielo en la Tierra, pretende ser una semilla diminuta de mostaza, que un hombre toma y siembra en su huerto; y crece hasta hacerse un árbol grande, en cuyas ramas anidan las aves del cielo. Así como la semilla solo da frutos cuando es sembrada, la Palabra de Dios necesita ser enviada para que toque a otros y ellos a otros hasta que sea estremecida toda una ciudad con Su presencia. Oro para que esta diminuta semilla “El Cielo en la Tierra” alcance tierra fértil en mis lectores que reciban Tu palabra, que te reconozcan padre como nuestro Rey de Reyes, señor de señores y sus vidas sean transformadas dando frutos al ciento por uno. Que venga a nos Tu reino, con dominio y con poder!

Gisela Ramirez Editora-Gerente General


5 Diseño de portada: Maria C. Galavis Ilustracion: Loulouvz


A pesar de todas las advertencias, millones de personas se convierten en adictos. Por Qué?

3 EDITORA – GERENTE GENERAL Gisela Ramirez Rohrscheib gramirez@elcieloenlatierramagazine.com

Contenido 3 La restauración de lo sobrenatural en la iglesia 5

Alimentos Orgánicos


No me convertiré en un adicto .... Yo sé cuando parar!

9 Los beneficios del Ayuno What & When & Where informacion actualizada mes a mes, sobre las actividades y recreaciones en el area de West Palm Beach (ver seccion en ingles pags. 11-14)

DIRECTORA DE MERCADEO Carolina Winfrey cwinfrey@elcieloenlatierramagazine.com DISEÑO Y MONTAJE Soda Advertising www.sodaadvertising.com MC Galavis mc.galavis.n@gmail.com FOTOGRAFIA Erica Rohrscheib erohrscheib@elcieloenlatierramagazine.com DIRECCION 9835-16 Lake Worth Rd., Suite 170, Lake Worth, Fl. 33467 Cell: 561.317.8848 Fax: 561.383.8848 WEB www.elcieloenlatierramagazine.com


La restauración de lo sobrenatural en la Iglesia por: Apostol Guillermo Maldonado

“En este mensaje vemos cómo fue el comienzo de la Iglesia, cómo Cristo vino a demostrar el poder sobrenatural de Dios, cómo la Iglesia fue fundada en este poder y cómo se alejó del mismo admitiendo los sustitutos. Pero sobre todo veremos quién es Dios, Su naturaleza sobrenatural, y los pasos para restaurar lo sobrenatural de Dios en nuestra vida y en la iglesia.”

¿Quién es Dios?

Como Caminar en El Poder Sobrenatural de Dios Por: Guillermo Maldonado Whitaker House Publishers 2011 / Paperback


Dios es muy grande y no lo podemos definir. Es un ser espiritual, inmutable, con atributos sobrenaturales y que vive en la dimensión sobrenatural. Dios no puede ser definido de otra forma que no sea sobrenatural. Cuando la iglesia comenzó lo hizo con la doctrina de lo sobrenatural. Ya no es así. Hoy cuando se habla de lo sobrenatural la gente religiosa se ofende, porque lo sobrenatural va más allá de la razón. Dios no nos diseñó para vivir por la razón sino por fe y Su poder sobrenatural. El diccionario define a Dios así: es el gobernador sobrenatural del Universo que tiene poder y autoridad. Jesus vino a demostrar lo sobrenatural de Dios.

Cómo definimos sobrenatural? Sobre significa por encima, arriba de, algo que excede la forma natural. Sobrenatural es un ámbito que tiene un orden de existencia que va más allá de lo natural y tiene dominio sobre esta dimensión natural: la ley del tiempo, el espacio y la materia. Lo sobrenatural tiene la habilidad de trascender el mundo espiritual y manifestarse de forma tangible y visible en la tierra, con señales, milagros, maravillas, visibles. Cuando hablamos de lo sobrenatural ofendemos a la gente porque va más allá de la razón, sobre todo si es religiosa. Tienen miedo. No están abiertas a lo nuevo, son vino viejo. Yo quiero señales,

“ a quienes también, después de haber padecido, se presentó vivo con muchas pruebas indubitables, apareciéndoseles durante cuarenta días y hablándoles acerca del reino de Dios. Hechos 1:3 “

milagros y prodigios en la Iglesia. Quiero lo sobrenatural. Las cosas como están hoy, el pecado y la iniquidad es tan fuerte en el mundo que Dios tiene que manifestar lo sobrenatural. Lo sobrenatural fue diseñado por Dios para ser primero capturado y luego, enseñado.

Qué es un Supernaturista? Naturista es alguien que estudia la naturaleza, plantas, medicina, todo lo que es natural. Le voy a introducir un nuevo término a una generación que no cono-ce más allá. Supernaturalista es alguien que funciona y opera más allá de la razón. La Biblia le llama visionarios. ¡Esto es loco! Siempre mira más allá de lo natural. Si eres cristiano, nacido de nuevo eres un supernaturista. Mira más allá de los doscientos miembros que tienes. Mira más allá del negocio que tienes.

“Dios no te llamó a la razón, te llamó a que salgas de la barca. Dios te trajo a ti para abrirte los ojos. Deja lo viejo y ex-tiéndete adelante.” Lo sobrenatural establece el ritmo, el orden y el fluir de la vida de Dios en nuestra vida. el orden produce vida. Cuando no hay orden el flujo de vida se interrumpe, Cristo vino a la tierra a manifestar el Dios sobrenatural como el ungido con poder. Y lo hizo de dos formas con el Espíritu de Dios y con la fé, en Su identidad. La fé es la entrada legal a lo sobrenatural, al mundo invisible. La fé es la entrada legal al mundo que va más allá de lo sobrenatural. Cuando Cristo se va delega esa unción a la iglesia. La iglesia nació en el río de lo sobrenatural.


En Hechos no hay un solo capítulo que no tenga un evento sobrenatural.

¿Cuáles son las razones por las que la iglesia perdió lo sobrenatural? 1. El primer paso para alejarse de lo sobrenatural fue la influencia del pensamiento griego. La filosofía de Platón y Aristóteles fue influenciando la iglesia para que cambiara la fé por la razón. 2. Se ha predicado un Cristo histórico pero no resucitado. 3. La iglesia no ha sabido cómo moverse en lo sobrenatural porque quitaron a los apóstoles y profetas. Estos son los ministerios de rompimiento, los que traen lo sobrenatural a la iglesia. 4. No hay enfoque en lo sobrenatural. No lo buscamos. Sólo esperamos un sermón que alimente nuestra miseria, nuestro pecado, nuestra mala manera de vivir. 5. La iglesia ha desestimado el principio del ayuno y la oración. Eso es antiguo, es para otros. ¿Cómo vamos a tener poder en la iglesia sin oración ni ayuno? 6. La gente se ha apartado de buscar a Dios, y cuando vienen a la iglesia le ponen a Dios el tiempo en el que tiene que moverse. 7. El pecado original, el deseo del hombre de manejarse en lo natural. Cuando no tienes lo sobrenatural tendrás una forma de piedad, pero sin poder. Tu carácter no puede cambiar en lo natural. Con toda la disciplina que quieras no vas a cambiar, no vas a vencer a Satanás sin poder. No vencerás el pecado sin lo sobrenatural. Cu-

ando lo sobrenatural no está en la iglesia, ésta se reduce a un club social. ¿Cómo podemos hablar de fé en un lugar que está vacío de revelación? No hay nada nuevo. Cuanto más se aleja la iglesia de lo sobrenatural Cristo será visto como un mito o leyenda.

Pasos para restaurar lo sobrenatural Restaurar es volver al estado original. La iglesia tiene que volver a su estado original y volver a ver los milagros como algo diario. La iglesia tiene que ver la restauración de lo sobrenatural, y para eso necesitamos: 1. Arrepentirse, volver a pensar de la manera que Dios te creó, un ser sobrenatural, para que tenga dominio sobre esta dimensión, para hacer milagros, maravillas. No hay restauración sin arrepentimiento. 2. Tener temor de Dios. Sólo el que no quiere más de Dios no tiene temor de Él. No hacer cambios en tu vida es una señal de que no tienes temor de Dios. 3. Necesitamos la restauración de los cinco ministerios de Efesios 4:11 en la iglesia. No tene-mos problemas con los pastores, evangelistas y maestros, pero sí con los apóstoles y profetas. 4. Ser bautizado con el Espíritu Santo con la evidencia de hablar en nuevas lenguas.

“Dios dice: Mi iglesia está satisfecha con los sustitutos, no me quieren a Mí, quieren otra cosa.” Tomado de CAP 2011 Conferencia Apostolica y Profetica. Apostol Guillermo Maldonado

Alimentos Orgánicos Gisela Ramirez

Cada vez es más frecuente escuchar hablar sobre productos orgánicos tanto en vegetales y frutas como en productos de origen animal, pero ...

¿qué son los alimentos orgánicos?

herbicidas, abonos, semillas genéticamente modificadas y otros ingredientes artificiales. En vez de ello se emplean métodos alternativos para el control de plagas y se elaboran compostas para devolver al suelo los nutrientes perdidos.

Son alimentos que no han sido expuestos a pesticidas,

En los animales, estos no han sido tratados con hormonas, anti-


bióticos y se han criado en condiciones naturales.

¿Qué beneficios tienen los alimentos orgánicos o biológicos?
 En lineas generales, podemos resumir que son mas nutritivos, por lo que requieres comer menos; tienen menos o ningún residuo de pesticidas y/o abono, que aunque no se ha demostrado el daño posible en concentraciones bajas, se desconoce sus posibles efectos a largo plazo. Los alimentos orgánicos tienen un mejor sabor, por lo que los productos de Latinoamerica son mas deliciosos que los producidos en USA. Las prácticas agrícolas son naturales por lo que no ocasionan daño al medio ambiente. De los productos de origen animal, no contienen las hormonas ni anti-

El gran beneficio de los alimentos orgánicos es que están absolutamente libres de residuos químicos y sustancias de origen sintetico a la vez que ofrecen una mayor protección del medio ambiente por medio del uso de técnicas no contaminantes.

bióticos con lo que son tratados los animales para su cuidado y engorde en los criaderos no organicos.

¿Por qué son más caros los alimentos orgánicos que los alimentos ordinarios?

Cómo sabemos si algo es realmente orgánico?

Los productos orgánicos certificados suelen ser más costosos que sus equivalentes comúnes y corrientes por diversos motivos: 1) la oferta de alimentos orgánicos es limitada con relación a la demanda de los mismos. 2)los costos de producción de los alimentos orgánicos suelen ser más elevados porque requieren más mano de obra por unidad de producción. 3) la manipulación postcosecha de cantidades relativamente reducidas de alimentos orgánicos tiene un costo más alto por la separación obligatoria de los productos orgánicos respecto de los ordinarios especialmente durante la elaboración y el transporte. 4) los precios de los alimentos incluyen costos adicionales como la promoción y protección del medio ambiente tratando de compensar las pocas ganancias por los volúmenes reducidos y por los periodos de rotación necesarios para enriquecer la fertilidad del suelo; mayor bienestar de los animales; ademas, cubre el desarrollo rural a través de la creación

Como los productos orgánicos incrementaron su popularidad, el mercado competidor cubrió con ese nombre otros productos de origen dudoso. Eso hizo necesario una estandarización de lo que significa producción orgánica y el etiquetado con la certificación de un ente regulador. Asi nació en Estados Unidos en el 1990, El Acta de Alimentos Orgánicos (NOP) siglas que vienen del Inglés de Organic Foods Program, bajo la dirección del Departamento de Agricultura (USDA). El NOP preparo estandares requeridos para la certificación. Los alimentos etiquetados 100% orgánicos se refieren a todos aquellos que son cultivados cumpliendo con todas las regulaciones, mientras que hay otros calificados como “hechos con ingredients orgánicos” que sólo aprueban parte de la regulación.

de más empleos agrícolas y al asegurar un ingreso justo y suficiente para los productores.

Referencias: 1.ORGANIZACION DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS. (FAO). ORGANIC AGRICULTURE. http://www.fao. org/organicag/oa-faq/oa-faq5/es/ 2.DIANE GOW McDILDA. THE GREEN LIVING BOOK. EATING GREEN. Ed, 2007.


No me convertiré en adicto ...yo se cuando parar!

Cuando la ciencia comenzó a estudiar el comportamiento adictivo en la década de los treinta, se pensaba que las personas adictas a las drogas tenían una falla moral y falta de fuerza de voluntad. Esos puntos de vista formaron la respues-ta de la sociedad al abuso de drogas,


tratándolo más como un fallo moral que como un problema de salud, lo que puso el énfasis en las acciones punitivas en lugar de las preventivas y terapéuticas. La adicción se define como una necesidad compulsiva de consumo de sustancias psicótropicas pero no sólo esto, también existen adicciones al juego, a la comida, al sexo… Normalmente, se empieza a consumir una droga como acto social, como algo lúdico que se hace con amigos, cuando salimos de fiesta, etc., para pasar después a una segunda etapa en la que se pierde el control sobre la conducta adictiva. Nadie se propone intencionalmente convertirse en un drogadicto o alcohólico declarado. Pero, ¿Por qué? a pesar de todas las advertencias, millones de personas se convierten en adictos. Porque antes de esa primera chupada, inhalada, o trago, la mente ya ha

estado engañándose a sí misma al pensar: “No me convertiré en un adicto, yo sé cuándo parar, o, yo puedo soportar unos cuantos tragos o drogarme unas cuantas veces y lo puedo dejar cuando quiera” y asi muerden el anzuelo del auto-engaño. Si ademas, se tiene un corazón herido con problemas afectivos, crisis en la familia, el deseo de escapar del abuso social, inseguridades y/o la búsqueda de nuevas experiencias te empujaran en cada crisis a buscar de esa gratificación ficticia y rápida que brindan las drogas. Los científicos estudian los efectos que las drogas tienen sobre el cerebro y el comportamiento humano y usan esta información para desarrollar programas para prevenir el abuso de drogas y para ayudar a las personas a recuperarse de la adicción. Siendo el tratamiento terapeutico del paciente una alternativa que ayuda a muchos a salir de la adicción, sigue siendo una solucón temporal como lo revela el porcentaje tan alto de recaidas. Los adictos se comportan como enfermos cronicos que viven día tras día una lucha contra las tentaciones. La recuperación de un adicto no será total e irreversible hasta que las heridas de su corazón, que fueron la raiz de la tentación, sean sanadas. Es tambien en nuestro corazón donde residen las emociones naturales que nos ha dado Dios. Perder nuestro corazón o juicio es perder nuestro deseo por las cosas naturales que Dios nos ha dado; como la fami-lia, las relaciones saludables, un buen trabajo, y la ética moral. Ya que la drogadicción comienza en el corazón, el corazón es lo que necesita ser arreglado. Sólo Dios puede arreglar a un corazón adicto. Hebreos 4:12 dice: “Porque la Palabra de Dios es viva y eficaz. Y más cortante que toda espada de dos filos; y penetra hasta partir el alma y el espíritu, las coyunturas y los tuétanos, y discierne los pensamientos y las intenciones

del corazón.” En otras palabras, la Palabra de Dios puede revelar cosas del corazón que ni siquiera sabemos que existen. La Palabra de Dios es espíritu y verdad y si nuestros corazones han sido engañados, sólo la verdad de la palabra de Dios puede desengañarlos. Dios nos lo advierte, porque nosotros no podemos ser más listos que una adicción. “Dios ama al adicto y quiere liberarlo porque desea lo mejor para él. Él puede restaurar el corazón y darle sanidad a la vida del adicto si el adicto se vuelve a Él. ¿Cómo hace esto? Lo hace a través de Su Palabra. El Crea-dor de todas las cosas puede restaurar. Él llenará el corazón con lo que es correcto y bueno, porque Él es el estándar. Él es más grande que todos nuestros problemas, dudas, y miedos. Él es el amor. Dios está ansioso por ayudarte (Romans 5:6-11). Él te ama mucho y no quiere que atravieses esta prueba sólo. Jesús se complace en que vayamos a Él como somos, pecaminosos, impotentes, necesitados. Podemos ir con toda nuestra debilidad, insensatez y maldad, y ser arrepentidos a sus pies. Es su gloria estrecharnos en los brazos de su amor, vendar nuestras heridas y limpiarnos de toda impureza”.

Todo lo que necesitas es creer Haz una oración simple y sincera. “Padre Celestial, creo que tu hijo Jesucristo murió en la cruz por mi pecado y fue resucitado de la muerte. Confieso y pido perdón por mis pecados. Gracias por perdonarme y amarme. Ayúdame a vivir una nueva vida que te plazca, como una nueva creación en Cristo Jesús. Sostenme a través de esta circunstancia. Es más grande que yo y no puedo hacerlo sin ti. En el nombre de Jesús, amén”.

La relación que desarrollas a través de tu aceptación del Hijo de Dios, Jesucristo, como tu Señor y Salvador te renueva, tanto mental como físicamente. No puedes cambiar el mundo a tu alrededor hasta que hayas cambiado el tuyo. Podemos elegir vivir en desobediencia a los planes de Dios —vivir en pecado— (Romanos 3:23); o podemos pedir perdón y agradecer a Jesucristo por sacrificar su vida como pago por nuestros pecados. Si decidiste convertirte en un hijo de Dios el día de hoy, bienvenido a su familia. Él nunca te dejará. Hebreos 13:5 dice: “Porque Dios ha dicho: ‘Nunca te dejaré; jamás te abandonaré’”. Juan el evangelista, al hablar de los milagros de Cristo dice: Estos empero han sido escritos, para que creáis que Jesús es el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios; y para que, creyendo, tengáis vida en su nombre (Jn. 20:31)...

No esperes sentir que estás sano, más dí: “lo creo, así es, no porque lo sienta, sino porque Dios lo ha prometido” Muchas comunidades cristianas están probando ante el mundo que el único poder para liberar realmente al hombre enviciado, de manera que este tenga seguridad para continuar andando por la vida sin temor al fantasma de la recaída, es El poder del Espíritu Santo y el Evangelio. En EE.UU. hay numerosos centros de recuperación de jóvenes enviciados que utilizan conjuntamente el énfasis espiritual y la laborterapia. Para mas informacion http://www.biblia2000.com.ar/ jovenes/drogas8.htm


EL AYUNO Y SUS BENEFICIOS PARA EL CREYENTE Fortalece tu espíritu y desintoxica tu cuerpo para comenzar el 2013. Por Gisela Ramírez El ayuno es una disciplina espiritual por la que de manera voluntaria, la persona renuncia al consumo total o parcial de alimentos por un tiempo definido. Está al alcance de todos los creyentes con el propósito de fortalecer su espiritualidad, proveer respuestas a las oraciones y para ayudarlo a vencer las barreras que le impiden vivir una vida cristiana victoriosa. El ayuno junto a la oración son armas de destrucción masiva que trae como beneficio: En lo espiritual: 1. Lo lleva de la prueba del desierto a la afirmación de su identidad.

2. desata la provisión sobrenatural. 3. Deseo mayor de orar, tener mejores perspectivas de la Palabra. 4. Nuevo poder para la guerra espiritual 5. Un quebrantamiento de las actitudes que obstruían el crecimiento espiritual y rompe el espíritu de demora. 6. Descubrir nuevas maneras de mayor acercamiento a la presencia de Dios 7. Anhelo de santidad y profundidad en la relación con Dios 8. Respuestas a las peticiones. En lo físico y emocional: 1. Limpia nuestro cuerpo de las

toxinas. Al ayunar sentirá dolores de cabeza, dolor de huesos, etc., porque su cuerpo se está desintoxicando. 2. El sistema digestivo deja de trabajar, de modo que el cuerpo toma el tiempo para restablecerse. 3. Trae descanso al sistema nervioso 4. Baja la presión arterial y reduce el colesterol malo. 5. Rejuvenece su cuerpo. 6. Agudiza su capacidad mental. 7. Rompe la adicción a la comida chatarra. 8. Rompe el poder del apetito incontrolable. 8. Ayuda a perder peso. 9. Trae un cambio en su actitud emocional. Planee su tiempo de ayuno, este es un compromiso suyo con Dios. El ayuno debe ir siempre acompañado de oración y estudio de la Palabra, pues su propósito es apartar tiempo para escuchar, estar atento a la presencia de Dios y lo que El quiera decirnos. Cuando usted toma control de su apetito físico, desarrolla su fuerza de voluntad para tomar control de las emociones y de carácter.


ALGUNOS TIPOS DE AYUNOS. El tipo de ayuno que escoja es entre Dios y usted, dependiendo de su habilidad física. Él honrará su mejor sacrificio. Puede tener una combinación de ayunos. Por ejemplo, pueda que usted participe en un ayuno completo por 1 a 3 días y luego continúe con un ayuno como Daniel. AYUNO COMPLETO Bebe únicamente líquidos. Usted establece el tiempo. Consulte con su médico. AYUNO DE DANIEL No come carne, no azucares (dulces), no pan ni harinas. Bebe agua y jugos (naturales de ser posible). Come frutas y verduras. Hamburguesas vegetarianas (Veggie burgers) son una opción si no es alérgico a la soya. Algunos beben bebidas proteicas. AYUNO DE TRES DÍAS Este ayuno puede ser cualquier tipo ayuno (Ayuno completo, de Daniel, rendir una comida). Puede ser un sacrificio aparte de comida. AYUNO PARCIAL Ayuna de 6 AM a 3 PM. O desde la salida hasta la puesta del sol. Este ayuno puede ser de cualquier tipo. AYUNO DE SACRIFICIO Rendir o dejar algo que sería un sacrificio personal. (TV, Comidas, Juegos, Internet, etc.) Referencias bíblicas del ayuno: Isa. 58; Mat. 6:16-18; Mat. 9:1415; Luc. 18:9-14
 Relación con la oración y lectura de la Palabra: 1ª Sam. 1:6-8; Neh. 1:4; Dan. 9:3, 20; Joel 2:12; Luc. 2:37; Hch. 10:30, 13:2; 1ª Cor. 7:5
 Referencias al ayuno Corporativo O Congregacional: 1ª Sam. 7:5-6; 2ª Cró. 20:34; Esd. 8:2123; Neh. 9:1-3; Joel 2:15-16; Jon. 3:5-10; Hch 27:33-37
 Recuerde, que está en la actitud del corazón sincero buscándole a la cual Dios responde con una bendición. ( Isa. 58; Jer. 14:12; 1ª Cor. 8:8). Que Dios le bendiga grandemente en su ayuno.


Consejos para tu Ayuno 1. Cuando ayunas tu cuerpo se desintoxica, eliminado toxinas de tu cuerpo. Esto puede causarte dolor de cabeza leve o irritabilidad, especialmente cuando dejas de tomar café, té o azúcar. 2. Sentirás dolor de estómago por el hambre. Toma mucho líquido. Tu cuerpo lo necesita. 3. Limita tus actividades y haz ejercicio moderadamente. Toma tiempos de descanso. 4. Escucha música de alabanza y adoración. 5. Ora durante todo el día. Aléjate de las distracciones como la televisión o conversaciones que no edifican. Enfoca tu atención a buscar la presencia de Dios. 6. Si te desanimas, llama a tu líder u otro hermano para orar juntos.

¡Comencemos y terminemos fuertes!

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