The McGill Tribune Vol. 03 Issue 6

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McGill Tribune Published by the Students’ Society of McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Wednesday October 12, 1983

Volume 3, Issue 6

Budgetary P ro cess Revealed by Brian Todd T h e process o f bud geting a club or group is com p licated at best, but when changes occur in the process, it b ecom es an alm ost im possible task. T hat w as the case last year w hen the S tu dents’ S ociety in com in g-executive, headed by Bruce H ick s, decided to stick strictly to the A pril 29th deadline for club budget su bm ission. T his deadline, in previous years, had n o t been adhered to for a num ber o f reason s, including the fact that the deadline w as at the end o f exam s and the beginning o f sum m er vacation . T his year’s execu tive, elected in A pril, 1983, decided to adhere strictly to the rules o f S tu dents’ Society b ecause, as V .P . F in ance P aul Reilly put it. “ n ot sticking to the rules cost last year’s execu tive a lot o f m o n e y .” If som e rules are to be en forced , the E xecu tive decided that all the rules had to be enforced. T he process o f creating a budget starts in the spring o f every year when the subsequent year’s executive is selected for each club or group. T he finan cial o fficer o f each grou p receives a budget sheet from the S tu dents’ S o ciety . A lso available is a b ook let describing the preparation o f a budget along with other details ab ou t club finan ces, and Jon S h ifm an , S tu dents’ S ociety C om ptroller, is also available for con su ltation ab out the prospective budget. O nce the budgets are draw n up by the clubs and received by the S tu dents’ S ociety, S hifm an and V .P . F inance, in this case, P aul R eilly, m eet w ith the

clubs to review their program m ing as w ell as to discuss rules and regulations. A final allocation is agreed to by all parties and then sent to the Joint M anagem ent C om m ittee (J .M .C .) T he Joint M anagem ent C om m ittee is an um brella organ ization m ade up o f Student C oun cillors, m em bers o f the E xecu tive, S h ifm an and represen­ tatives o f the U niveristy A dm inistra­ tion and the D ean o f Students. It is designed to oversee b udgets. O nce it has m ade any m o d ifica tio n in the budgets w hich it deem s necessary,

it recom m ends that S tu dents’ C oun cil approve the budget. This year, large num ber o f clubs did not subm it their budget on tim e. A s a result, the budgets w ere n ot considered by the J .M .C . S om e o f these clubs claim that they were inform ed by Front D esk personnel at the S tu dents’ Society o ffic e last A pril that there w ould be no p r o b le m w ith la t e s u b m is s io n s . W hether this grace period w as actually m en tion ed has not yet been verified by S tu dents’ S ociety em p loyees. G roups that lost their fun din gs this

year did not lo se their room s or their status as recognized clubs. They m ay also apply next year for funding. As» w ell, S tu dents’ S ociety has tried to help th o se clubs w ho have not received fun­ ding by finding other sources o f funds. T he C am era C lu b, T he Caribbean Students A sso cia tio n , The Interna­ tional Students A sso cia tio n and the M ature Students A sso cia tio n have all been helped to discover new w ays o f raising funds. Luckily en ou gh, n o clubs have been

Blood Drive ’83 by Kate Eccles D esp ite the fact that this year’s goal o f 3000 pints w as not reached, the Red C ross w as pleased w ith the 2616 pints delivered by M cG ill at the B lo o d D rive. A lth ou gh B lo o d D rive co-chairm en P aul M acLaren and R oger O sm on d had b een w orking since M ay to ensure this year’s su ccess, u nfortun ately last year’s 2701 pints w as n o t exceeded. M arie D a v is, chairm an o f prizes and entertainm ent, arranged som e attrac­ tive incentives for d onors. A m o n g the prizes given aw ay were a w hitew ater rafting trip for 8, a w eekend for 2 at C hâteau C ham plain, and a w eekend for 2 in N ew Y ork. A liso n Fripp co ­ ordinated volunteers for the drive, as w ell as for F riday’s dance, and Satur­ d ay’s tw o show ing o f T o o ts ie . T hese events were w ell-attended b y students. It w as not lack o f advertising that

caused few er students to participate than expected. A sid e from adver­ tisem ents in The Daily and The Tribune, canvassing in classroom s, p o ste r s p r in te d by L abatts, and h ourly an nou ncem en ts on C JF M , each d onor w as o ffered dis­ cou n ts at B lo o d D rive entertainm ent events, p izza, free beer and a pepsi at Burger K ing. C hairm an R oger O s­ m ond finds that “ having such incen­ tive prizes for everyone w orks far b et­ ter in attracting donors than several door p rizes.” W hy, then, in a sch ool o f over 15,000 students did on ly 2616 m ake the tim e to donate? Perhaps it is the

it can take less than h a lf an h our, and is practically painless. R oger also m en­ tioned that several students com p lain ­ ed o f colds and flu this year. For th o se w h o co u ld n ’t give this tim e, y o u ’ll have another chance at January’s E ngineering B lo o d D rive, or at the M edical B lo o d D rive in M arch.

A Point Well M ade1 . by Suzanne Parent A ce M cG ill debatina team .m em bers Bill M lacak and C arol Brebner used co o l logic and keen w it to progress to the final round o f the Q u een ’s N o v ice D ebating T ournam ent held in K ingston O n tario, O ctober 1-2. C hallenged by tw o debaters from the R oyal M ilitary C ollege, Bill and C arol o p p osed the resolu tion , “ W inner Take A ll” . T he RM C team to o k the p osition that the best in any on e co n test sh ould receive

Tribune Meeting All staffers should be prepared to eat lunch in T h e T rib u n e offices today at 12 pm. Election of members to the Publications Board and the Editorial Council will take place. As well, we’ll discuss our 1st Feature issue. You’ll probably find us in B18-B19 — but we may still be in 411. Only the shadow knows... T ru st m e , th is w ill g e t y o u a h e a d in lif e ...

general apathy w hich is typical o f M cG ill students or, suggests R oger, it is th e fact that p eop le o fte n have several m iscon cep tion s ab out giving b lo o d . T h ey think it is a p a in fu l, tim econ su m ing affair w hich ruins your day, and w eakens your b ody. A ctually,

all o f the rewards o ffered by that con ­ test. T he M cG ill team countered by suggesting that coop eration , rather than co m p etitio n , sh o u ld be the organizing principle o f society. In a clo se v o te, the h ouse (w hich was w eighted heavily with RM C cadets) passed the resolution and crow ned the R M C team winners. A d d ition ally, the M cG ill team o f P a t r ic ia C o g a n a n d K a t h e r in e P olid ak is captured 9th place and F rançois P ico tte was deem ed on e o f the top ten individual debaters o f the tournam ent. In the public speaking co m p etition , Patricia C ogan proceeded to the finals and, with the topic “ Paradise is on ly tw enty m inutes aw ay” w as the 3rd place public speaker. The M cG ill D ebating U n io n w ill be h o stin g its an nn ual H igh S ch o o l D ebating T ournam ent on the w eekend Of N ovem ber 11th and 12th. ( If an yone w ould like to help, stop by the D ebating o ffic e , B-14, in the U niversi­ ty C entre.)


McGill Tribune

Page 2

Budget from page 1... forced ou t o f activity due to a lack o f fun ds, reports Jon Shifm an. C onsideration s are under w ay to distribute a revised buget sheet that will feature an easy to fo llo w fill-in-theblank form at. A s w ell, advertisem ents ab ou t the finan cial-consultan t services available b oth in the form o f the C o m ­ ptroller and the budget preparation guide are being considered for next vear. In addition to m aking d ecision s on club b ud gets, the J .M .C ., this sum m er w as faced w ith the prospect o f cutting over $10,000 from its ow n budget. T h ey decided to close the U niversity Centre on M on d ay and T uesday nights, based on clubs u sage o f the building in the past. This led to pro­ blem s b oth with W o m en ’s U n io n and P layers’ Theatre, w h o had already planned events for T uesday nights. B oth o f these problem s arose ou t o f a

lack o f com m un ication betw een the groups involved and the J .M .C . In the future it is hoped that groups, alon g with their budget prop osal w ill provide an ou tline o f their basic g o a ls, pro­ gram s and h ours, as w ell as having a financial o fficer on hand in the su m ­ mer to m ake d ecision s. M eetings are being held for interest groups, both fun ded and n on -fu n d ed (w h o applied for fun ds), on O ctober 19 and for n on -fu n d ed clubs w ho did not apply for fun ds on N ovem ber 2 to discuss grievances and future co n ­ siderations in order to sm ooth ou t the budgeting process. It appears that co m m u n ication is the greatest ob stacle left at this p o in t. In­ com in g financial o fficers have to be aw are o f the resources available to them to help create their budget and get it in on tim e and o n the other hand, S tu dents’ S ociety m ust be aw are o f the needs o f the diverse clubs and groups that it recognizes.

SYSTEmflTIC CYCLICAL REVIEW COmmiTTEES Applications are now being accepted for students wishing to serve as members of Systematic Cyclical Review Committees. During the year, a review committee will be set up for each of the following units:

m ED IC IN E Anatomy Anesthesia Artificial Cells and Organs Biochemistry Biomedical Engineering Diagnostic Radiology human Genetics Humanities and Social Studies in medicine medicine Opthalmology Otolaryngology Pediatrics Surgery DENTISTRY (entire faculty) ED UCATIO N Physical Education The objectives of the University In conducting these reviews are the Im­ provement of Programs, the establishment of priorities, and the allocation of resources. Students, In order to be eligible for appointment, must be from within the faculty concerned but not from the unit under review. In the case of the Faculty of Dentistry, students must be enrolled within the Health Sciences, but not in Dentistry itself. Inquiries concerning any of these appointments may be directed to Steven V. matthews, Vice-President (University Affairs), at 392-8971.


DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS OCTOBER 18,1983, AT 4:30 p.m. Steven V. matthews Vice-President (University Affairs)

Wednesday, October 12, 1983


STUDENTS’ SOCIETY APPLICATIONS are hereby ca lled for th e follow in g a p p o in ted p o sitio n s: (D ead line: 4 :3 0 p .m ., Friday, O ctob er 14th , 1983) SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE: REOPENED •Committee for the Coordination of Student Ser­ 1 student from vices each of Law, Dentistry, Music and 2 students at large 2 students •Physical Development (undergraduate) 3 students •Timetabling and Student Records

COMMITTEE FOR THE COORDINA­ TION OF STUDENT SERVICES SUBCOMMITTEES AND BOARDS: •Advisory Committee for Disabled •Assesment of Student Needs •Athletics Board •Counselling Service Advisory Board •Health Service Advisory Board •International Student Health Insurance •Publications •Sexual Harassment •Steering

3 3 1 2

3 2 at least 2

5 at least 2 students

AD HOC COMMITTEES OF McGILL UNIVERSITY: •Advisory Committee to Select the Dean of Engineering •On Academic-Industrial Research Relationships •Selection Committee for a Humanities-Social Sciences Area (McLennan) Librarian •To Review the Appointment of the Warden of the Royal Victoria College

2 students 1 student

2 students living in residence •Undergraduate Area Library Advisory Committee 2

For more information, contact the Vice-President (University Affairs), Steven Matthews at 392-8971. “General Application” forms are available from Students’ Society General Office, Room 105, of the University Centre, 3480 McTavish Street.

L isette N oodelm an, Chairm an Students’ Society Nominating Committee

^ Wednesday, October 12, 1983

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McGill Tribune

M cG illFEST: A S u c c e s s ! w g g mÊmÊ *1 t


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Wednesday, October 12, 1983 ^

McGill 1ribune

Page 4

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by le ie s a fa y

KARATE Registration October 11,12,13

“ How To Be A Great Writer” How To Be A Great Writer, based o n the w orks o f C harles B ukow ski and a p lay by H enry C hinaski, will be at the Centaur until O ctober 16. I preview ed the play W ed n esd ay last; what I saw con flicted w ith w hat I ex­ pected. A fat, balding, bearded, un­ w ashed and repulsive m an, our hero fou n d his w ay in to a single room set, sitting at his typew riter, surrounded by beer and w hiskey b ottles, an over­ flow ing ashtray, lon g-forgotten fo o d , broken dow n furniture, dirty cloth es, and m any balled-up pieces o f paper — the sign o f a great writer. I slum ped in m y seat, assured o f disapp oin tm en t, but intent on preserving m y ob jectivi­

w orld around him . A s a destitute writer and struggling artist, w e see the w orld through his eyes w ith a clarity that occasion ally devices co m fo rt. Bythe play’s end, yo u find yo u rself laughing at his pain yet sym pathizing and understanding it as w ell. Y ou feel his sense o f iso la tio n and lon eliness but in turn believe in his u ndying h opes. M ina E. M ina, in his portrayal o f C hinaski, and as an accom plished film and television , presents to view ers and en tirely b eliev a b le and d e lig h tfu l character. H is role is deligh tfu l — especially w hen he “ d ances” to the sounds o f Joh nn y P ia n o , the only other character on stage.


FREE KIMONO SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR McGILL STUDENTS 3419 Cote des Neiges at Sherbrooke 937-8302

tyLuckily, the p lay succeded in keep­ ing m y attention glued to the stage. By the second h alf, I w as sitting up straighter and listening attentively to im parted w ords o f w isdom (?) by our m aster o f cerem onies. T hese were delivered in the form o f recollections o f ch ild h ood , ad olescen ece, his rela­ tionship with his father, and his rela­ tionship s — or lack o f th ereo f — with w om en. T hese m em ories were painful, yet hum orous; each contributed bits and pieces tow ards the final m esage. This play draws you in to the life o f on e m an and his feelings o f and for the

P ia n o ’s character, portrayed by John R ob y, com p oser o f m usic and lyrics, gives us m any catchy lines and jazzy tunes. T his p lay is not for everyon e. It co n ­ tains so m e q u estio n a b le lan gu age w hich cou ld — and did — o ffen d som e. N o ticea b ly , som e seats were em pty after interm ission.

How To Be A Great Writer or Blues, Brahms, Bach and Beer runs until Oc­ tober 16, as a p re-N ew Y ork engage­ m ent. B ox o ffic e o f the Centaur T heatre can be reached by ' dialling 288-3161. I ’ll n e v e r



o F w h a t 's - h i s n a m e

this year?

Oinkers on the Town

Don’t be left out.

by Kathleen Carey


y e a rb o o k

rem e m b ers.

To get your picture inO ld M cG ill '84, all you have to do is have your graduation portrait taken at Van Dyck and Meyers Studios by Friday, October 28. The address is 1121 St. Catherine St., just west of Peel St...They are open daily, except Sundays from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, Thursdays until 8:30 pm. For the initial fee of $15.95 plus tax, you will get four 4 X 5 proofs to choose from, a 5 X 7 color enlargement of your favourite and a place for you in the Grad section of the book that covers all of McGill. Also make sûre you buy your copy of Old M cG ill '84 on the spot and save $2.00. But hurry! The last day to have your pictures taken is October 28. On­ ly portraits taken at Van Dyck and Meyers Studios will be published in Old M cG ill ’84. get the picture?

OLD M cG ill 1984 See you there

T w o little piglets w alking d ow n the street w ondering w here the heck they sh ould eat. N o t w anting to stray far from their pen they happened u pon Restaurant Vietnamien. D elicate egg rolls so flaky and crisp served w ith carrots and watercrest — ju st a w hisp. Strings o f n o o d les and m ush room s com b in e to m ake sou p. T he peppery spice m ay m ake your to n g u e droop. A n d then the rest com es on a big plate o f w hite b e e f and ch icken on a lon g to o th p ick — Oh what a delight! Included is salad w ith a dressing part sw eet. By this tim e the little piglets started to bleat (I m ean o in k ). N o t able to w alk form bellies in flated, they instead to o k in m usic and tea till d eflated. Fried apples and b ananas m ade the m eal m ost co m p lete, and the bill d id n ’t m ake them fall on their s e a ts . B ecause each piglet ate for under a $10 spot; F or th e atm osp here and the fo o d , it w a sn ’t a lot. A n d then they w addled h om e form 73 Prince Arthur East prom ising each other th e y ’d tell o f this feast! Le C olom b ier R estaurant V ietnam ien is o p en everday from 5 p .m . to 11 p .m . O n our oin k scale this restaurant ranks oink! oink! oink! oink!


T k

McGill Tribune

Todd R. Kasenberg Editor-In-Chief

Brian F. Todd Executive Editor

Kathryn Buleychuk and Sarah Chisholm Managing Editors

k__________________________________________________________________ *

McGill Tribune

FROM THE DESK OF... Todd R. Kasenberg Editor-in-Chief, The McGill Tribune. V_____________ __ ______________ R o m a a e te rn a , R o m a in v ic ta . T h e e te r n a l a n d in v in c ib le R o m e .

I am ab solutely appalled by the incon sid eration o f a select, undem ocratic few w ho seem to have n oth in g better to do w ith their tim e, op in io n s and resources than to spray-paint ridiculous political and social rhetoric on the w alls o f our venerable in­ stitu tion . C ontrary to the very principles o f dem ocracy to w hich w e ascribe, our w alls have b ecom e “ totalitarian ” (rem iniscent o f C aesarian R om e) in their on e­ sided exp ression . Indeed, our w alls are u nfairly biased! M cG ill h as been p la g u e d by id e o lo g ic al a n d p a rtis a n d ia rrh e a . L a st y ea r, it w as th e sta te o f Israel a n d th e Jew ish p eo p le b e a rin g th e b r u n t o f a sp ra y -p a in t c a m ­ p aig n ; n o w , d is a rm a m e n t a n d fem in ist cau ses seem to b e p ro m in e n t. H o w d o th o se o f th e o p p o site o p in io n re b u t sp ra y -p a in te d slo g an s? W h o will re b u t? S h o u ld we en ­ c o u ra g e a so ciety w here th e sp ra y -p a in t ca n is as re g u la r a fix a tio n in o u r d aily lives as h o u se keys are? T o these queries, I respond by saying that w e m ust n ot perm it racial or political bias w ithou t appropriate rebuttal tim e and space, and I, for o n e, am n ot prepared to carry a can o f fluorescen t orange around w ith m e as I g o ab out m y daily routine. D estroying the beauty o f a building to achieve w hatever g oal is a n a lo g o u s to taking five steps backw ard to gain o n e step fow ard. I w ou ld like to add that change is still m ost effectiv ely m ade at the b allot b ox or in num bers. Spray-painters are generally a part o f a frustrated m inority w ho tend on ly to add heat to th e fire o f p ub lic d isapproval o f their cau ses. Instead o f gaining respect for their o p in io n s, “ artists” on ly in fu riate th o se w ho understand respon­ sibility and citizen sh ip. A s an alternative to spray-painting, both The McGill Daily and this publication o ffe r varying degrees o f space for an ou tlet o f view s. W h y n ot use your brains and your student p ub lication s, and refrain from the barbarism o f d efacin g our beautiful cam pus? The FINAL WORD: if I’m n ot m istaken, I believe I saw a slogan painted on the ro a d b a rrie r on D octeu r P en field that read to this effect: “ R apists sh ould have their balls cut o f f . ” T h e spray-painting o f a building is indeed a form o f rape. The suggested punishm ent w ould be both desirable and effectiv e.



CJhe ‘P rincipal and Mrs. Johnston’s


1Reception fo r




who are studying at M cQ ill fo r the first time


will he held


Uuesday, October 18, 1983.


4 : 3 0 to 6 : 3 0 p.m.


University Centre

{A ll international students who are at M cQ ill fior the first time are invited. I j you haven't received' 1

your invitation Would you kindly pick one up at the

University Centre Information D esk anytime between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. until 1 2 noon on October 18, 1983.

The McGill Tribune is published by the Students’ Society of McGill University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect Students’ Society opinions or policy. Tribune editorial of­ fices are located in Rooms B18/B19 of the University Centre, 3480 McTavish Street, Mon­ tréal, Québec, H3A-1X9, phone 392-8927. The Tribune Advertising office is located in Room B22 of the University Centre. Letters and submissions should be left at the editorial office or in the Tribune mailbox at the Students’ Socie­ ty General Office. Typesetting and paste-up by Daily Typeset­ ting, Montréal, Québec. Printing by Richelieu Roto-Litho, St-Jean, Québec.

Features’ Editor: Ralph Quirino Photo Editor: Donna Shield Sports’ Editor: Sarah C. Marshall Advertising Manager: Art:

Michael Bennett Donna Lawrence Donna Simmeftnan Production: Kate Eccles Elizabeth Silsky Glen Cunningham Sports: Tom Duffy Craig Scott Earl Zukerman Features:

Kathleen Carey Ravi Durvasula Teresa Fay

Photographer: Mark Lachovsky Circulation: 10,000

Beacon On The Hill by Ravi Durvasula M an y years dow n the line, I w ill rub m y aching b ody and com plain to m y grandchildren o f “ old intram ural slow pitch softb all in ju ries.” T h ey, o f cou rse, will be m ortified . “ Our friends at sc h o o l,” they will co m p la in ,” have grandfathers w h o got sm ashed up playing fo o tb a ll, or w restl­ ing. S om e o f their grandfathers even have perm anent m uscle dam age from to o m uch v id eo w hen they were you ng. A n d all y ou have are pains from slow pitch softball? H o w em b arrassin g!” “ O fo o lish ch ild ren ,” I w ill reply, “ that w asn ’t ordinary slow pitch so ftball. W e played at M cG ill, at a place called F orbes F ie ld .” “ Big deal. The rules are the sam e e v e r y w h e r e : y o u lo b th e b a ll underhand to your ow n team , you ca n ’t steal b ases, y o u ’re not su pposed to wear cleats ’cau se yo u m ight hurt so ­ m eon e. H o w can y o u p ossib ly get in­ jured ?” Then they’ll start worrying ab ou t w hat to tell their friends at sch o o l. This will be m y cu e to release the gory details. “ O kids with very large m ouths, listen to m e ,” I’ll start, “ the rules are the sam e everyw here. But not all fields are created alike. I d o n ’t think our field w as created. R ather, it resulted. It w as a direct setback to the days o f the Ice A g e, w hen glaciers deform ed the face o f the ea rth .” T h ey ’ll question m y logic. “ S o , because o f the field co n d itio n s, you c o n sid e r e d y o u r se lv e s b ra v e, d id you?” “ A b so lu tely , im pudent on es. T he in ­ field had the con tours o f the m o o n . The g rou n d s’ crew w as a herd o f w ild elephants. Sim ple S unday h ops becam e treacherous b oun ces headed straight for the m ost sensitive parts o f the b o d y .” Their lo o k s w ill still be incredulous. I w ill g iv e th e m a c o n v in c in g d em onstration . “ L isten to th is ,” I’ll say, and, bending m y knee, w ill allow them to hear the sou nd s o f m angled cartilage. “ That w as from a bad b o u n ce ,” I’ll explain.


Their eyes will light up. There was som ething to tell their friends! “ T h a t’s not a ll,” I’ll co n tin u e, hav­ ing w on their attention , “ get a lo o k at th e se .” I’ll show them the rem nants o f cou n tless bruises and gashes that line m y legs and arm s. “ T hese are d ue to the tree-studded c liff that run alon g the left side o f the field. I’d g o headfirst d ow n the hill and crash in to a m etal fen ce at the b o tto m w hen ch asin g dow n fo u l balls. “ But, m y flock o f disbelievers, that is all trivial in light o f w hat I am ab out to tell y o u .” I’ll lo o k at their eager faces and tell them the m ost horrifying fact ab out F orbes Field. “ T he ou tfield w as a parking lo t .” Q uizzical lo o k s will cross their faces and they’ll ask the ob v io u s q uestion, “ D o n ’t they usually put the parking lot on the o u ts id e o f the ball p ark?” “ Y es, that is co n v en tio n . But at F orbes F ield, things were unique. T h at’s w hy the cars were parked in center field. P icture, if y ou can, O on es o f lim ited o u tlo o k , the plight o f the p oor ou tfielder w h o , in tracking dow n a fly ball, w ould have to hurdle H o n d a C iv ic s and P o n tia c A c a d ia n s alon g the w a y .” “ W hat happened if he d id n ’t see the car, or if h e co u ld n ’t clear it? ” they’ll ask in nocen tly. “ H e ’d break his b ones. T h a t’s what m ade our gam es d istin ctiv e.” I’ll give m y reply in a calm v o ice, and, in a casual m anner, relate the instances o f ou tfielders collid in g w ith parked cars, until they beg m e to sto p , unable to listen to any further atrocities. “ D o y o u n o w u n d ersta n d , O children with m inds o f clay, that ours w as n ot ordinary slo w pitch so ftb a ll? ” I’ll ask, in a w inning fash ion . “ Y es, w e u nd erstan d,” th ey ’ll co n ­ c e d e .” A nd w e agree: getting crunched by a three-hundred-pound linebacker is not h a l f as dangerous as so ftb a ll at F orbes F ie ld .” A nd then th ey ’ll run o f f to sch o o l to tell all their friends ab ou t their rugged grandfather and his injurious exp loits in a slow -pitch intram ural softb all league.


McGill Tribune

Page 6

Wednesday, October 12, 1983

QUAA Hockey Scholarships by Earl Zuckerman Last w eek ’s announcem ent o f 20 h ock ey scholarships given to Q u eb ec U n iv e r s ity A th le tic A s s o c ia tio n a t h le te s h as b rig h te n e d th e o u tlo o k o f university h ock ey in Q uebec. F our players on each o f the five Q U A A h ock ey team s (M cG ill, C on cord ia, O ttaw a, U Q A C and U Q T R ) have been awarded $ 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0 s c h o la r s h ip s , in eluding four M cG ill R edm en

Cross-Country Tourney by S.C Marshall T he M cG ill C ross-C ountry R unning Team has just co m ­ peted in their second successive w inning w eekend tournam ent. O n Saturday O ctober 8, the 20 o f them , plus their coach , T om Silleta, m ade their w ay dow n to Sherbrooke U ., to take the Sherbrooke Invitational T ou r­ nam ent, hands dow n. T he tourney saw six team s in b o th th e M e n ’ s a n d th e W o m en ’s categories racing in the m uddy, w et, overcast, and co ld . T he m en ’s distance w as 9 km , and w om en ’s, 6 km . M cG ill runners blew aw ay their o p p osition , as our 20 Red and W hite captured both Team titles, from the field o f 60. The p oin ts system w orks out so that the team with the least num ber o f p oints w ins. In the W om en ’s, M cG ill pulled in on ly 8 p oints.

Their closest com p etition was Sherbrooke, with 21 p oints. Third cam e the Laval team , w ith 38 p oints. M cG ill m en were a little less o m n ip oten t, en­ ding up first with 25 p oints. L aval cam e secon d, with 38, and Sherbrooke pulling in third, w ith 57. M cG ill placed three runners in the to p fiv e in b oth the M en ’s and the W om en ’s events. T hese speedy M cG illites are: N ath alie D elom b aerde, Karen G ordon , and Sandra m aki, and M ark Sm ith, D aniel Saum ier, and Lyam P eyton. C oach Silletta w as keen on the participation, and, “ Very pleased w ith the effo rts put in by all runners, despite the bad con d ition s. I’m lo ok in g fo r­ ward to an exciting Q U A A C ham pionsh ip m eet (O ctober 2 2 ).”


Paul Gagné, w h o played with the Q M JH L C hicou tim i Saguenien last year, scoring 51 goals and 60 assists with 111 p oints in 63 gam es; G agné w h o scored 5 goals and 2 assists in 2 gam es for the R edm en last week has since left M cG ill for fam ily reasons; Alain Robichaud, w ho played 69 gam es for the Q M JH L Trois Rivières D raveurs last season (51-59-110), and attended the N H L ’s P ittsb u rg h P en g u in s training cam p last m onth; Réal Paiement, w ho played for 3 s e a s o n s w ith th e IH L M ilw a u k ee A d m ira ls b efo re toilin g w ith F rance’s N ation al ‘B ’ Team (23 gam es: 25-44-69 as a d efen cem an !) last year; and Sylvain Gagné, w ho com es to M cG ill from the A A A C E G E P St. Laurent team (42 gam es: 21-84-104), also a d efen cem an . T he unprecedented scholar­ ship program w ill n o doubt b o o st the im age o f the m uchm a lig n e d QUAA hock ey league. Whert asked to co m ­ m ent on the m atter, M cG ill H o ck ey C oach Ken Tyler said that he thinks, “ T he scholar­ ship program will no d oub t in­ crease aw areness o f Q uebec university h o ck ey .” “ It will certainly im prove the Q U A A , and m ight induce som e Q M JH L players to consider a university ed u ca tio n ,” added Tyler.


CHRISTMAS CHARTERS V an co u ver — $3 Montreal Vancouver Vancouver Montreal

Leave Arrive Leave Arrive

22 22 01 02

Dec Dec. Jan. Jan.

E d m o n to n — $ 3 Montreal Edmonton Edmonton Montreal

Leave Arrive Leave Arrive

22 22 03 03

Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan.

9 9 . 0 0

8:30 pm 10:50 pm 11:59 pm 7:30 pm 5 9 .00

9:50 pm 12:20 am 1:20 pm 7:00 am

Devotre r ^ VOYAGES côté! f r * CUTS VOYAGES CUTS MONTREAL McGill, Student Union Building (514) 849-9201

B E T H E R E ............ W IT H P R ID E EXCITING & ENTERTAINING ^cDfncfÿm SUPER SUPER REDMEN FOOTBALL Friday, O ctober 14 6 :0 0 P.M.


No This Is N ot A M isprint K ickoff Tim e Is

Saturday, O ctober 15

6 :0 0 P.M.

5:00 P.M.


vs our own McGILL REDMEN


-W eather Perm itting-


vs our own McGILL REDMEN

in the new ly lighted Mc C o n n e l l w i n t e r s t a d i u m

lo ca ted next to th e stu d e n t residen ces ju st off Fire S tation road QUAA LEAGUE HOME OPENER

P lenty o f P rizes, Giveaways and Fun!



McGill Tribune

^ Wednesday, October 12, 1983

Page 7 )


RedSocs Thump Bishop’s by Tom Duffy Last W ednesday (O ct 5), the R edSocs took on the B ish o p ’s G aitors and w on 5-0. It loo k ed like a stronger B ish o p ’s squad that to o k to the field in this, their second m atch

o f the season against M cG ill. M c G ill d rew f ir s t b lo o d , how ever, as V alerio G azzola slid a wet pass forw ard to John K w am ya, w ho blasted a shot in­ to the left-han d corner o f B ish op ’s net. M cG ill had foun d

X R I B SCO REBQ A Rj n Football Soccer Ice Hockey

Oct 8 Oct 5 Oct 7 Sept 8,9

McGill (17) at Carleton (20) Bishop’s (0) at McGill (5) Sherbrooke (1) at McGill (3) York Invitational Tournament McGill (6) vs Guelph (5) McGill (4) vs Seneca (5) McGill (5) vs York (6)

their rhythm , and were able to beat the G aitors’ d efen se again tw o m inutes later. From the edge o f the b o x , D ickens S t.-V il centered it to V alerio, w h o drill­ ed it alon g the ground past the B ish o p ’s keeper. V alerio also scored M cG ill’s third g o a l. Un this o n e, he d eftly volleyed the ball, liftin g it over the outstret­ ched hands o f the keeper, and in to the net. Q uickly, the score w as 3-0, and no longer an evenly m atch­ ed con test (sound fam iliar?).




Oct 1 Oct 2 Oct 8,9

Oct 8

Oct 8

Oct 4

Head of the Trent Head of the Rideau McGill Invitational McGill (35) vs Concordia (0) McGill (25) vs St. F.-X. ’B’ (0) McGill (25) vs Carleton (0)

Sherbrooke Invitational (w) 1- Nathalie Delombaerde 25.16 2- Karen Gordon 26.03 5- Sandra Maki 28.56 Team: 1—McGill 2—Sherbrooke 3—Laval (m) 1- Mark Smith 33.16 4- Daniel Saumier 35.02 5- Lyam Teyton 35.07 Team: 1—McGill 2—Laval 3—Sherbrooke

Vabier (Club) Invitational (m) McGill vs Joliette 15-11, 8-15 vs Ed. Montpetit 15-11, 15-12 vs Vanier Sr B 15-7, 15-12 vs Chinese VBC 6-15, 6-15 (Semis) vs Boucaniers 6-15, 12-15 (w) McGill vs Champlain 15-1, 15-11 vs Rosemount 15-10, 15-8 vs Celtic 15-12, 15-9 vs Laval VBC 5-15, 15-9 (Semis) vs Celtic 9-15, 15-6, 6-15 (w) Plattsburgh at McGill (3 of 5) P: 15-2, M: 15-7, P:15-5, P15-5, M:15-12

M cG ill did n ot execute their gam er as w ell in the secon d h alf, but B ish o p ’s w as unable to m o u n t any significant o ffe n se , and the R edSocs cam e away u nscathed. A hand ball on the G aitors’ goal line gave M cG ill a penalty sh o t, with 7 m inutes re­ m aining. V alerio to o k the sh ot, to increase M cG ill’s lead to four g o a ls. The R edSocs struck again w ith less than a m inu te to play. M arc N o e headed the ball h o m e, o f f a lo w , hard corner kick by Chris Barrow .


Field Hockey Rowing


Redpath Conference GP W Gonzos 2 2 Earthmovers 2 2 Defaults 2 1 The Hill 2 1 The Falcons 2 1 Gonads 1 1 Holy Terrors 2 0 Ab. Skins 2 0 Phoenix 1 0

Leacock Conference Force 2 Rowdies 2 Mens Rea 2 Turbo Chargers 2 Sperm Whales 2 Fast Eddie 1 Skanks 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 0

L 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 2 1

0 0 1 1 1 0 1

T Pts 0 4 0 4 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 0 0 0

3 3 2 2 2 2 0

Faculty League Interdicts Inkspots Loopholes Tnarbs B Team


1 1 1 1 0

1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

Strathcona Busters HVH II Hanging Meat Grubby Paws Dentistry I USFL

0 0 0 1 1 1

2 2 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

2 2 2 0 0 0

FLAGFOOTBALL — WOMEN Flying Butts Plumbers’ Pride Engineering Wanderers Tight Ends Superwomen Douglas Hall Gardner 0


by Katherine Buleychuk T he w o m en ’s rugby team had their season opener against C ham plain G E G EP on O ctober 1, and for m any it w as a gam e to be rem em bered. Y ou w ould never have believed from the ex­ cellen t team w ork that tw o thirds o f this year’s team is m ade up o f roo k ie players. T he final score w as a 0-0 tie, largely due to M cG ill’s, strong d efen siv e lin e. T hree tim es M cG ill w as able to get the ball out o f their ow n end zo n e, and back to centre field w here they r e g a in e d co n tro l over C h a m p la in . T h ro u g h o u t the gam e the scrum w orked as a solid unit and gave the backs the d efen sive support they needed to d o som e excellent ball pass­ ing. For m any o f the girls it w as their first rugby gam e. A n d , in the w ords o f a ro o k ie, the gam e w as a lot m ore fun because o f all the support from the season ­ ed players. The entire team also greatly appreciated all the sup­ porters. dM any o f the m en ’s rugby team (w h o had just p la y e d a w in n in g g a m e ) p ostp on ed their show ers and p ost-gam e beer to cheer us on. W e h ope to see everyone o u t at the next gam e on W ednesday, O ct. 12 at 8 p .m .




W Operated by Student Services i Student»' Society ot McGill UnleereUw


C O M IN G E V E N T S Football Soccer Ice Hockey Field Hockey Rowing Rugby CrossCountry Basketball Swimming Volleyball

Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct

14 12 16 19 14 15

Oct Oct Oct Oct

13 15,16 15 15

Bishop’s at McGill McGill at Sherbrooke McGill at Bishop’s Plattsburgh at McGill McGill at Trois Rivieres Chicoutimi at McGill Gala Home Opener Laurentian at McGill OWIAA Part II at McGill Brock Invitational Regatta First Rd. Senior Cup

Oct Oct Oct Oct

22 21 16 13

QUAA Championships at Sherbrooke Martlets’ 2nd Annual Alumni Game CEGEP Relay Meet (w) Plattsburgh at McGill


HAPPY HOUR 10:30 pm -

11:30 pm



McGill Tribune

P age 8

Wednesday, October 12, 1983




The McGill Students’ Society and the Office of the Dean of Students wish to thank all th ose who helped m ake W elcom e W eek ’83 p ossib le N ev in e Y o u ssef L ynn S ilk au sk as P erry Lin B rian Rocklin K evin S tew art R o b ert M artin eau S te v e n M atth ew s M arc F ortier D anial G a d o n a Kelvin R a n p e rsa d A nita H o ro v e n ck o K atie A rm stro n g J o h n M arlow e

th e e v e n t c o o rd in a to rs :

and any of you we may have forgotten.

th e s e c a m p u s g ro u p s: G a m m a P hi B eta S orority K a p p a A lp h a T h e ta S orority L a m b d a C hi A lp h a F raternity P hi D elta T h e ta F raternity S igm a C hi F raternity R esid en ts of R oyal V ictoria C ollege

t h e m e m b e r s o f t h e M c G ill P r o g r a m

Earle T aylor C a th ie S h e e ra n L isette N o o d e lm a n A n d y C h e rn a Ian B a n d e e n Jo e l R o e ssn e r A na P a u la L o p es

B o a rd :

J o n T atto n A n n e S later A n d re w J o h n s o n J o h a n n e M ongrain Ju d ith W einstein M a u re en A n g ela C h u n g

L eo G a n a G ra ce L o p e s E ileen Kilbside Ed Fuller A ngie R o m e ro L y n n e O ’C o n n ell L in d a C h o w C hip Y o la n d e W estra L o u ise B e rn a rd H elen G ra h a m B enjie K imia Orit B u e n o M artin S co tt F io n a C h ai R a n d y B éch ard Inez M ary B ey rer K im berly B ruch Emily F o rd Jill T an sley R ock S u z a n n e Allen C hristine Bujold C a th y H ajnal O rla Swift D an K ato S a ra h C o p e la n d S tev e. K ravick K ate R o d d M elinda H am J o h n Finnerty M icheline Kroll M a u re en T obin

Ja ck ie C a rra h N ao m i N eu b e rg e r Ja ck ie N a th a n H eidi G o ssack D aniel S ta u d in g e r Kim S ilk au sk as Em ile R ich ard W a rre n F ischer Lisa W olanski Tim K linger L a u re n c e 'G a b o rit D avid Griffiths Y at K. Lo A n n L o ew e n N ad in e A u d e t A ngele S u m m e rs L eigh B ow ie Erika M cP h ee B rain a B erg en M elaine S h e rid a n P au lin e B e a u c h a m p S h elley B eck R o g er O sm o n d P aul M cL aren S im m a L evine D ian e K irkw ood M szkowski D o ra L en g B arb L ecke K ayvan N ikkhoo J e a n M ichel Blais T ra ce y S h e e ra n S u z a n n e M a n th a

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