Tree Issue
The M cGill Tribune*W ednesday 9 April, 1986
I I M ’S Q
T U »
Wednesday 9 April
Friday 11 April
Sunday 13 April
Tuesday 22 April
Around the Fireplace: Conversation
TFIE M AIN EVENT: a m ajor tent partv on low er cam pus to celebrate last day of classes. 9 :30 p.m . to 3 a.m . A d m is sion $5 .5 0 . Tickets availab le at Sadies and the door.
St. Martha's-in-the-basement w orship service. 10 :30 a.m . 3 5 2 1 University. Brunch to follow , all w elcom e.
M cG ill Book Fair Depot D ay, 8 :30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m . at Redpath H a ll.
a n d hot c h o c o la t e w ith M c G ill ch a p lain s Rev. H elm ut Saabas and Rev. Fr. Andreas D esvpris. 4 p.m . New m an Centre. 3484 Peel.
M cG ill Choral Society: Free Concert featuring V iv a ld i's " G lo r ia " and other p opular works. 8 p.m . at St. George A n g lican C h u rch . 1 1 0 1 Stanley.
M ulticultural Muslim Club of Dawson
Thursday 10 April Bible Study: Not Just Yes and Amen,
C o p lle ge presents G a ry M iller speaking on “ W hat Does The Gospel Mean to Muslims?” 7 p.m . Leacock 13 2 . Free.
open discussion. 7:30 -9 p.m . at United Theological C o lleg e. 3 5 2 1 U niversity.
M cG ill Ukrainian Students: End of year
s r *
T U »
Sunday 27 April
Tuesday 15 April
Atwater Library Poetry Reading Series M cG ill Young Alum ni present "H o m e "Entertainment of the Future," a
presents Johanne Lafleur and D eborah M c C u lle n . 2 p .r o -4 p.m . 12 0 0 Atwater.
dem onstration of the latest in a u d io visual equipm ent. Free.
party. 7 p.m .. U nio n Building, room B -0 9 -1 0 . A d m is s io n $ 2 .0 0 n o n m em bers. $ 1.0 0 m em bers. ☆
« * «
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Wlc6i££ Ckotol Society
* «
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Friday, April 11th at 8:00 pm St. George's Anglican Church 1101 Stanley St.
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P>uj^iaHt Utcludeo U w atdi'o "G io tia" and otkex popdan, um fo
A nuw er l Xw
* « «
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McGILL S TU D EN T S ’ SOCIETY STUDENT LEADER REGISTRATION The 1986/87 President. Editor, Co-Ordinator or Chief Officer of any McGill student Club, Society. Publication, Service, Council, Committee or Association must register with the McGill Students’ Society NO LATER THAN APRIL 15th, 1986.
Mr.Qwxote , I
Cam pus
Address. Building
Room No.
Cam pus Telephone Number(s). 2. Y o u r organization is recognized by the_____ :-------------------------------------------------------------------- (N.B. Only the Students’ Society, the 14 faculty and school societies and the Students’ Athletics Council have the authority to recognize other campus groups.) .T itle .
3. Name of Chief Officer. Registration allows M cG ill organizations to: 1 be able to book space in the Union: 2. be able to book space in other campus buildings at M cG ill rates: 3. receive the summer edition of the M cGill Student Leader Bulletin: 4. be kept informed about the leadership seminar in September: 5. receive a copy of the operating manual for dub officers.
Sum m er
Student leaders must complete the form below or obtain a “ Summer Registration” form from the Students’ Society General Office. Union 105. 3480 McTavish Street, complete it and hand it in BY A P R IL 1 5 th to Leslie Copeland. Operations Secretary.
.A p t.
Address_______ .Postal
Sum m er
T ele p h o n e d ).
.( 2 ) _
R o o m 1 0 5 , 3 4 8 0 M cT av ish S t r e e t , M o n tre a l, Q u e b e c H3A 1X9
. Title
Address. .Postal
T e le pho ne d).
__ (3)_________
5. A U T H O R IZ A T IO N T O R E L E A S E IN FO R M A T IO N The Students’ Society is often asked for the address and phone number of students holding various positions at M cGill. Kindly initial one or more of the following lines authorizing the Society to give the above addresses and phone numbers to those requesting them: a) Student leaders on campus only b) A n y m ember of the public asking to get in touch the person holding your position
Hand this form in at the Students’ Society General Office or mail to: L e s lie C o p e la n d , O p e ra tio n s S e c r e ta r y ,
4. If you will not be in Montreal area during the summer, please fill in the name and summer address of one member of your organization who will be in Montreal. Nam e.
Campus groups not registered by April 15th will be considered inactive and will lose all campus privileges until such time as they are reinstated.
client- 5^ ^ w
ignature_______ _______ :____ 1_____________ T o d a y ’s
-----Date.-----------------------------------i— 2-----
The M cGill Tribune*W ednesday 9 April. 1986
M ultilateralism Better W ay, Says Economist by Jenny Henderson Canada should stop worrying about bilateral free trade with her southern neighbour and wake up to the potential of multilateral free trade instead. This was the message Professor Albert Breton delivered at Concordia last Thursday, in a public lecture entitled "R e fle c tio n s on the M a c d o n a ld Report". The University of Toronto professor of Economics was one of thirteen commis sioners who formulated the Macdonald Report on the economy presented to Parliament last September. The report called for a free trade deal with the U.S. and drastic changes in the social, political and economic structure of the country. Breton agreed with the driving force of the report—that the marketplace works well, but he described the per sonal views he would present as "dif ferent from both the prevalent views in the media and those of Macdonald." (Donald Macdonald, former Liberal finance minister, headed the commis sion.) The choice between free trade and protectionism is a false question created by the media, Breton said. And the Con servative government's adoption of a
"rhetoric of free trade is idiotic because selling free trade is impossible. If you're going to take that course, for Cod's sake don't use the word," he said. The question Canadians should ask themselves is whether bilateralism with the U.S. or multilateralism with Europe, the Third W orld and Japan is better for our national interests. The fact that Canada already does seventy-five per cent of her trade with the U.S. is not, as some economists argue, a reason for negotiating a bilateral free trade deal. For Breton, this fact dem onstrates j n u nh e a lth y dependence on the U.S., signalling the need for Canada to seek multilateral free trade deals elsewhere. If Canada takes the bilateral road, Breton p re d icts she w ill forgo multilateralism. Signs in the European press already indicate the general con sensus that "Canada can't be in the game with us if she goes along with the U.S.", and the Third W orld would see a bilateral deal "as if Canada was sitting in the rich man's glove." What then does multilateral free trade offer to Canada that bilateral free trade cannot? For a country that values political independence, multilateralism offers security in numbers. To illustrate
this point, Breton turned to the world of culture. "Americans have never had cultural policy including broadcasting, book publishing or film production. They're going to call these things businesses and we're going to be sitting at the negotiating table for years," he said. European countries, however, have the same cultural policies as Canada. Most also have regional and industrial policies that are absent in American policy but an integral part of our own. So according to Breton, "If we're all sit
ting around the table together, it's going to be easier to bargain with the Americans," while still standing firm on Canadian policy. Breton agrees with the Macdonald report's conclusion that Canada can stand to loose a few Crown corpora tions. "But privatization does not re quire arrangements with Americans," he stressed. Given a bilateral free trade situation, it would become complicated to pre vent unwanted American participation in any attempts at privatization in
Canada. "Let's say NBC wants to buy CBC ," Breton said. "If we say Crown corpora tions can't be purchased, we're going to be crowning the country left, right and centre—wherever there's a problem." Breton sees a danger in pursuing negotiations with the U.S.—even if they prove to be unsuccessful in the end. The danger is in projecting the idea that Canada is no longer interested in multilateral free trade to the rest of the world. Photo — Lionel Chow
N e w C o u n c il P le d g e s to F ig h t X e r o x F e e by Michèle Dupuis Next year's Student Council was off with a bang, last Wednesday evenings as Vice President external Ian Brodie pledged to fight the $100 course materials charge "immediately" at the first meeting of the 1986-87 Students Council. An amendment was made to the agenda of the meeting at the outset to include the discussion of the $100 charge, and to give Brodie the oppor tunity to suggest alternatives to the charge. "W e propose that professors put together (supplementary) course notes and sell them through the new bookstore and the money raised will th e n be d is tr ib u te d to th e departments," said Brodie. Brodie noted that this would en courage departments to create materials for classes because departments would receive funds from sales in proportion to the amount of materials they amass ed. Under the current situation, depart ments would receive their cut of the fees, explained Brodie. In effect, this would encourage departments not to compile course materials. However, Brodie stated that although StudSoc was "currently planning ac tion" against the $100 charge and for
their suggestion, he could "not say what (that action) is now." In other council business, John Kaplan, Arts representative to Council was acclaimed as Council representatibve to the CFRM Board of Directors. Rick Chance, Management Rep to C o un cil was nominated for V.P. Finance. Grace Ann Baker, and Carlene Gardner, both Clubs reps to Council, were nominated for V.P. University Af fairs. Randy Flemings, Senate rep to Coun cil, and Lindsay Glassco, V.P. Internal, were both nominated to the Joint Management Committee. Flemings was also nominated to co-ordinate the South Africa Committee. Chris Alexander, BoG rep, was nominated to the External Affairs com mittee. Heather Corcoran, Arts rep, Steve Cohen, Science rep, and John Kaplan, were nominated to the Univer sity Affairs Committee. Nominations for all positions will close tonight before their election by councillors. No nominations were received at Wednesday's meeting to positions on the Internal Nominating Committee, the Tribune Publications Society's Board of Directors, or the Speaker.
L eg al A id G e ts L o g o The M cG ill Campus Legal Aid Clinic is pleased to announce that the search is over—we have found our winning logo. The design reproduced here was con sidered by our panel of judges to most closely approximate the spirit of legal aid in general, and the particular ap proximate the spirit of legal aid in g e n e ra l, and th e p a r tic u la r characteristics of our student operated clinic. Hearty congratulations go to our winner—Joseph Varga, a second year
Industrial Relations student. The direc tors would like to thank the fine con tributions submitted by the other en trants. W e regret that there can be but one winner. M CLAC is presently closed until May 12, at which time we will re-open equipped with our stfiking new logo. If you would like to discuss any type of legal problem, feel free to drop by anytime between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm, or call us at 392-8918.
M c G ill students suspended swotting for exams M o n d a y afternoon and turned out in force to watch M c G ill's very o w n version of th e Flood. O v e r a m illion gallons o f w ater thundered d o w n Peel as a w ater m ain on M o u n t Royal at th e head of that street burst. N o n e o f M cG ill's property ended up in th e O ld Port, as parts o f Peel street undoubtedly did, but it was excuse enough for m any students to bring out the five year old in th e m . " I'd m uch rather be here than in class," said a bright eyed, young-at-heart M c G illite w h o splashed about in the pure, clean, cold w ater.
D a ily S till T o P a y O n e D o lla r by Brian Todd As this paper went to press last night, Students' Council was to approve in principle the new lease agreement with the M cC ill D aily. The agreement which comes after one year of hard-fought negotiations between the D aily and Students' Society (StudSoc) changes lit tle in the existing contract. It does, however, bring the selection of both the D aily Chief Returning Officer and Judicial Committee more under the StudSoc umbrella. Said StudSoc President James Green, of the new agreement, "W e're happy with it. It was written by the Daily themselves so they should have no pro blems with it." Council was asked to ap prove the document in principle as the StudSoc lawyer has not yet seen the ac tual document. "H e may want to play with the wording but the actual content will remain the same," said Green. The agreement renews the D aily lease at a nominal rate of one dollar per year. This figure differs radically from figures bantered about by both sides when commercial lease rates were being con sidered by the Students' Society.
The agreement renews the D aily lease at a nominal rate of one dollar per year. This figure differs radically from figures bantered about by both sides when commercial lease rates were being con sidered by the Students' Society. The agreement holds provisions for a complicated system whereby a member of the Daily Board of Directors Selec tion Committee will sit on the StudSoc Nominating Committee to nominate a Chief Returning Officer for both groups and the Judicial Board of the Students' Society of which three members will become the Judicial Committee of the Daily Publications Society subject to the approval of the Daily Selection Com mittee. The lease agreement is contingent upon the running of £ D aily referendum in the fall of 1986. Two options for the referendum question are contained in the lease agreement. The first would eliminate the staff veto on the Board of D irectors and drop the student representation from six to its former level of four. The second option splits the two parts into two separate ques tions, one on the staff veto, the other on
student representation. The job of deciding which referen dum will be run will be decided by the newly-elected Board of Directors. For his part, Green favours the two-parted option. "Students should be able to say what they think. If they want to agree with both parts of the question, why not have the option of answering them both?" In other Council news, Students' Council was asked last night to approve a recommendation from this year's Ex ecutive Committee to increase the honoraria of the Executive Committee beginning with next year's Executive. The honoraria for the President would rise from $2,500 to $5,000 while that of the Vice-Presidents would rise from $1,500 to $4,000. Councillors were provided .with a schedule of honoraria from other Cana dian universities and colleges which show ed figures for P re sid e n tia 1 honoraria as high as $18,185 at the University of Western Ontario and as low as $2,034 at Queen's University at Kingston (not including a summer wage of $300 per week for eighteen weeks.
The M cGill Tribune»W ednesday 9 April, 198f>
L ia is o n O f f ic e M e r g e d W i t h A d m is s io n s O f f ic e by Tribune News Staff As the first of a series of reforms pro posed by the M cG ill Association of University Teachers (MAUT) aimed at streamlining M cG ill admissions pro cedures, the Admissions Office is being amalgamated with the Information and Liaison Office, although the effects of the merger are as yet unclear. The amalgamation, one of several recommendations put forward in the preliminary draft of "M cG ill's Future: Suggestions For The Way Ahead," was prescribed in order to better deal with changes in the admissions situation since the early 1970's. In the preamble to the proposed changes, Professor Storrs M cCall and Dean Irwin Gopnik, who drafted the proposals, recognize that "University Admissions offices no longer see themselves as the guardians of the entrance to the citadel, but as ac tive players in an increasingly com petitive search for good students. In
Réjeanne Baril pharmacienne
stead of portcullises, universities are e q u ip p in g them selves w ith red carpets..." With this in mind, measures are being implemented to eliminate the current unwieldy and time consuming admis sions procedures at M cG ill. The Infor mation and Liaison Office, which deals with recruitment and provides a link between the University and high schools and colleges across North America w ill be integrated with the pre sent Admissions Office under the leadership of Vice-Principal (Academic) Sam Freedman. To oversee the new operations, M cG ill has recently appointed Professor W illiam Purdy of the Chemistry Depart ment as Associate V ice -P rin cip al (Academic). Purdy will be primarily responsible for the formulation of admissions and recruitment policies as well as scholar ships and student records. Project goals
Matthieu Roberge pharmacien *
include the automation of the new Ad missions Office and the integration of the Residence Admissions Office with the Admissions Office so that eventually both applications will be processed simultaneously. Professor Purdy will take office on )une 1st on a part-time
basis. Already, the three liaison officers who had been charged with visiting CEGEPs and high schools as part of the M cG ill recruitment drive are carrying out liaison work from their desks in the newly combined Office of Admissions in Dawson Hall. What will happen to
the visits to high schools and CEGEPs is unknown. Officials in the Office of Ad mission referred the Trib u n e's questions to Peggy Shepherd, Director of Admis sions, who was unavailable for com ment.
P r in c ip a l J o h n s to n F a v o u rs T ie d F ee In c re a s e by Tribune News Statt M cG ill's Principal David L. Johnston gave his qualified support for higher tui tion fees and the recommendations of the Future Options Group (FOG) which was received by M cG ill Senate last month. Speaking to the members of the PostGraduate Students' Society (PGSS) Council, Principal Johnston said that students must recognise that funding for higher education is incredibly strapped and that it must somehow be increased. Johnston said, however, that he would only be in favour of a tuition fee increase if a minimum of one-third of the increase went directly to the univer sities' budgets. He also revealed that the previous PQ minister of higher education Yves Berubé seriously considered a proposal for just such an increase in the Parti Québécois last six months in power. But, Johnston noted that an increase did not seem imminent since Claude Ryan, the present minister of education, is bound by a Liberal party resolution to continue the present tuition freeze for the time being. Johnston clarified his position on the recommendations of the FOG report w hich include proposals for the establishment of professorships devoted only to research with not teaching in volved. Johnston defended the FOG report describing it as "a. Socratic document, meant to stimulate debate within the
University", and aimed at its (the university's) renewal. "N one of the proposals are writ in stone," said Johnston, but he pointed out that the document contained much that was fresh and "exciting". "For ex ample, it looks at proposals for post tenure reviews for professors. No other university is looking at that at this time," said Johnston. In other moves, PGSS Council voted to establish an adhoc committee to ex amine the question of Graduate student membership in M cG ill Students' Socie-
In introducing the motion, PGSS President Dianne Dutton stressed that the committee was not a prelude to seccession from StudSoc but is intended rather to "Clear up a lot of the questions and ambiguitites plaguing relations bet ween the two societies for the past years. W e have got to stop going the same routines every year." The committee will conduct surveys and hearings and examine various legal aspects of the PGSS-StudSoc relation ship.
S u m m e r E m p lo y m e n t C e n tr e O p e n s The ten Canada Employment Centres for Students (CEC-S) in the Montréal region offer once again their placement services to students looking for summer jobs. Registering early with the CEC-S definitely increases the possibilities of finding a summer job. It is also a good way to get all kinds of practical informa tion, concerning summer employment. Students can also join the "O dd Job Squad” team at any time during the summer. These teams do odd jobs such
as gardening, cleaning, babysitting, repairing, maintenance, name just a few. Consult your local Canada Employ ment Centre or your Canada Employ ment Centre on campus to know the ad dresses of the CEC-S in the Montréal region. Special activities will be held by the Canada Employment Centres for students. They want to help as many students as possible to find summer jobs. W hy not give them a try; they're there to serve you!
L e s T e rra sse s 705 R u e S te . C a th e rin e W . M o n tre a l H 3 B 4 G 5
(5 1 4 ) 2 8 8 -0 6 4 2
OBOMSOIMS Open 6 days a week
DELIVERY — 288-0642
The University of Detroit School of Dentistry is accepting applications from Canadian students. Contrary to some rumours, there are no residency requirements, nor are there citizenship requirements. Canadian DATs are accepted. Applications are being accepted now for entry 1986. For further information call or write: Admissions Office University of Detroit School of Dentistry 2985 E. jefferson Detroit, M l. 48207 (313 ) 446-1858
Editor-in-Chief — Brian Todd Assistant Editor — Melanie Clulow Entertainment Editor — Barbro Dick and Neil Milton Features Editor — Stephen Hum News Editor — Adeeb Khalid fQ 2 Z
Photo Editor — Ezra Greenberg Sports Editor — Frank Young Production Manager — Jacki Danylchuk Ad Manager — Jack Berry
Contributors: Lionel Chow, Heather Clancy, Robert Costain, Nigel Crawhall, Kathy Dimma, Michèle Dupuis, James Green, Jenny Henderson, Jordan Waxman, Daron Westman.
Mr CMI Tribune
The is p u b lis h e d b y th e S tu d e n ts ' S o c ie ty ot M c G i l l U n iv e r s it y . O p in io n s e x p re s s e d not n e c e s s a rily re p re s e n t S tu d e n ts S o c ie ty o r M c G il l U n iv e r s it y o p in io n s o r p o lic y . Th e ed to r ia l o f f ic e is lo c a te d in B - 1.5.o f th e U n iv e r s ity C e n tr e . 3 4 8 0 M c T a v is h S tree t. M o n tr e a l. Q u é b e c , H 3 A 1 X 9 te le p h o n e 3 9 2 -8 9 2 7 . L e tte r a n d s u b m is s io n s s h o u ld b e le ft at th e e d ito r ia l o ffic e s o r in t th e m a i'b o x at th e
S tu d e n ts ' S o c ie ty G e n e r a l O f f ic e T h is is y o u r p a p e r. C o m m e n ts , c o m p la in t s , o r c o m p lim e n t s s h o u ld b e a d d re s s e d to K e ith D e n m a n . C h a ir m a n . T r ib u n e P u b lic a t io n s B o a rd The
a n d left at th e S tu d e n t S o c ie ty G e n e r a l O ffic e .
A d v e r t is in g O f f ic e is lo c a te d in r o o m
8 -2 2 o f th e U n iv e r s ity C e n tr e . Its te le p h o n e lo c a l is
3 9 2 -8 9 5 4 T y p e s e ttin g a n d a s s e m b ly b v D a ily T y p e s e ttin g , 3 4 8 0 M c la v is h S tree t. M o n tr e a l. P rin tin g b v P a y e tte a n d S im m s . St. L a m b e rt. Q u é b e c .
E d ito ria l E d ito r W is h e s
F a re w e ll
by Brian Todd This is probably the last time the words "by Brian Todd" w ill appear in the M c G ill Tribune. It seems fitting and even required then to comment on this occasion. After four years of writing for and editing this newspaper, a little self-indulgence won't hurt. (Besides it fills space quickly and it is the last week of classes.) The following then are photos from my album of the Tribune; pardon me if the fingerprints obscure some. 1) it all began in a fourth floor office where the population of pigeons was usually higher than the number of staff. In some ways, the story of the M cG ill Tribune is a parable for everyone's college years. The Trib was created in 1981 by Students' Council as an amorphous monthly publication. The staff spent the next five years shuffling from office to office and trying to identify what the T rib ' s true identity was. What you see here is what came about. It may be far from perfect but it certainly is unique and if anything reflects the personalities of its editors and creators. W e haven't had 75 years of struggle to mold us vet. 2) The most often-asked questions when stragglers find their way to our almost-palacial offices in the bowels of the Union Building are "W hy are there two papers on campus?" and "W hat's the difference between you guys and the D aily. Hopefully the answer to the second question is patently obvious by now. W e are different from the top to the bottom. The Trib mentality is best seen in every person who works here. They're all individuals. O ur difference can be read in these pages. (See pages one through sixteen). This is probably the best reason for having a Trib. The academic community is built on the precept of a multiplicity of voices and opinions. Having both a Trib and D aily is like having a choice between tea and coffee. Someimes one is more to your taste but there is always a choice. 3) The relationship between the Daily and the Trib, like any other media, is a working one. The Trib happens to be the Daily Typesetting operation's largest single client. Sometimes our relationship with the D aily becomes more antagonistic, sometimes more friendly. However, no one on this staff thinks there shouldn't be a D aily. Most of this staff appreciates the job that the D aily does. Sure everyone dislikes certain parts of the D aily but we also dislike certain parts o f the Trib, the Gazette (well, maybe a lot of it), the G lo b e , the N ew York Tim es, the Voice and on and on. No one denies the press the right to exist because they don't like their editorial policy. In some ways, general frustration with the D aily has led some to the portals of B15 (Trib central). Maybe in the long run there'll be a merger but I can't help thinking that having an alternative to the alternative media is a good idea. If you want complete campus coverage look no further than the M cG ill Tribune.
4) Perhaps it's the end-of-the-year syndrome but of late we've even heard rumblings around this office sounding something like "W h y even bother covering campus politics, after all, they are so petty." W ell, maybe in the face of global annihilation campus politics are a tempest in a tea-pot. As students, however, we are a powerful lobby group. A collectivity of-at least 16,000 shouldn't be messed with. This collectivity offers a rare chance to ef fect political change for ourselves. Even if it means keeping the price of beer down or being part of a small boycott, there are chances for us to affect our own lives as well as those of others. 5) This picture is a little more well-handled but it probably is a little better in focus. Besides being the farewell of yours truly, this issue marks the curtain call of Michael Smart, Adeeb Khalid, Stephen Hum and Frank Young. Ten tative plans have it to move the entire bunch down the 401. Khalid as our representative to academe will continue through to Wisconsin-Madison and w ill be found amidst corn-fields thereafter. The rest will lodge amongst the bank towers and ex-Montrealers in Canada's golden Mecca. Look for the names of these scribes in the future. Remember your read their names here first in the M c G ill Tribune. 6) This is the sappy staff photo. Please read the staff box for your guide to the player's positions. Needless-to-say without the help of Jack, Mel, Jacki, Adeeb, Mike, Stephen, Frank, Barbro, Neil, Ezra, Heather, Sophie and countless others this paper would look like it did in September, 1982 (pretty bad). If you should happen to meet one of this group on the street in April, give them a quarter for coffee and maybe even a pat on the backfor having survived the Trib. 7) The empty office photo. This is the one I don't like much. Everyone has gone their separate way. The office looks alright with people in it, empty it is a windowless cell. Maybe some of the staff w ill come back in the fall; it'll be different though. The M c G ill Tribune, a way of life which may be dangerous to your health; avoid inhaling.
In tr o d u c in g ...
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M cG IL L S P E C IA L free drink with any size pizza!
lu n c h
from $3.25 (with soup)
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Au Point du Gourmet... A Cut Above 1 4 2 0 PEEL (near Ste Catherine) telephone 8 4 4 - 5 1 5 6
Letters To The Editor To the Tribune: In response to the editorial on April 2, 1986 entitled "Is the ASUS worth hav ing” , I find that it fails to give enough credit to a school society which has been successful at the student grassroots level. Since, as was correctly stated, the ASUS is an "intermediatelevel organization", often shadowed by the Students' Society, it is no wonder that achievements made here go un noticed. But aside from subsidizing par ties and guest speakers, the ASUS is en tirely capable of promoting student awareness programs—programs design ed to involve and assimilate students in to the ASUS. It is capable of organizing student-Professor debating teams whereby a topic is picked, researched, and presented by teams in debating fashion, as well as organizing complaint boxes on all floor of the Arts and Science buildings. This would be to allow students the chance to articulate their complaints, grievances, and/or problems to the ASUS. yAt which time something would be done to rectify the unfavorable situation. But to come out openly and de nounce the ASUS as ah organization planning to "offer less rather than more services to its students next year", I feel is grossly unacceptable and very premature. I can certainly empathize with the editorial staff of the Tribune because I was ,tired of the lip-services being paid t the ASUS as an effective school society. THat's why I decided to run for a posiiton on its council. But to criticize the contributions and ideas of a new ASUS council, before they have seriously contributed their ideas for a group discussion, tarnishes their reputa tion in the eyes of all students forever more. In closing, give us a chance to prove ourselves worthy, before condemna tion. Incidently, I haven't got keys to an ex ecutive bathroom! Mark Wynston Holder Vice-President Arts (Elect) The ASUS
To the Tribune: M y compliments on your issue of 2 April, 1986. I found its tone refreshingly humourous. It is good to see that some on campus can take our politics with a grain of salt. Does this mean that political jokes are again an acceptable form of discourse? David Rose BAU3
To the Tribune: On the night of the 17th of March, after the Daily dismissal ballots were counted, there was not a feeling of ab solute jubilation around the last meeting of the 'Yes' Committee. As necessary as it was, some of us were sad, and I among them, that the entire staff of the Daily had to be dismissed. But on one point we all shared great satisfaction: somehow the M cG ill Daily once again belonged to the students. A line of thinking that has been noticably absent from the past several years' Daily and evidenced so clearly in the Special Impeachment Issue. W e had come up with a method that had finally made the management of the paper responsible to the students who own and financially support it. A lbeit a very awkward recourse generally and an extremely unfair one to innocent staffers, now the students at least had some way to respond to total abuse of editorial autonomy if it ever came to pass again. Hopefully, it will never need to hap pen agafti, and probably the only reason it had to happen this time, was that those in fact responsible for the gross irresponsibility, abuse and in competence of this year's Daily never thought they would be held accoun table for their actions. But in the future, anybody can now initiate an identical referendum and w ill have two u n a n im o u s J u d ic ia l C o m m itte e
judgements already in their support. Not only was the entire staff against us, but also all four so-called "student representatives" on the Board of Direc tors of the Daily, at least one of whom had the decency to allow the students to vote on the question. And we still won, even though our only support came from the students themselves. This referendum should oe con sidered as a warning shot to the Daily core that the paper has to change and be an open forum for student opinion. This time no follow-up effort was made to take-over the D a ily after the dismissal. And the interim staff was ap pointed from old and new. But if things don't change then this recourse could be used to force change by having an interim staff of all new people bent on redirecting the D aily and refusing sub missions from the old gang. Such an in terim staff could be appointed by stu dent representatives who are actually "representative" of students and who want to change the D aily, such as most of the student representatives elected for next year. The decision will be up to the new Daily staff: reform from within or forced reform from without? And next time, if it ever has to hap pen, the scare tactics, used by the peo ple who controlled this year's D aily, of bankruptcy and shutting down the paper forever, can now properly be dismissed for what they really were, lies made by the type of people who would stop at nothing to prevent from actually having to defend themselves and to be held accountable for their reprehensi ble behavior throughout the year. There is now a chance for reform to make the Daily an open forum for the expression of ideas at this university, to change the Daily constitution and end the travesty of democracy it upholds, an opportunity to convince the students through reason, to mobilize them through fact and to give them an occa sion to value their newspaper. Jeffrey Edwards LL.B. IV
B o o k s In S p a c e by Quentin Compson and Daron Westman Summer. Warm wind, rain, and gentle nights. It's a season for the im agination to wander a bit (and like Tennyson's Ulysses “ becoming a part of all that I have met"). For a time-pressed student, it's an opportunity to read books guiltlessly, for pleasure's sake. For the newlygraduated, a chance to read the things you never had the time to before you commit yourself to the brass tacks of making a living. It's a brush with freedom, “ Piecing together the starry worlds, from all the lost collections," Here are some pieces retrieved from the collection. Chinam en is a remarkable piece of work, first published in 1980. Maxine Hong Kingston, a second generation Chinese-American, lives and teaches in Hawaii, but she was born and raised in the Chinese community of Stockton, California. Her first book The Woman W arrior was a unique memoir which combined the understated grief and hard-won serenity of a Chinese elegy with the passion of a feminist tract. The results imbued Ms Kingston's memories of her childhood with resonance of a dream. Just as The W oman Warrior dealt with the lives of Chinese woman, Chinam en is about the men who shaped Kingston's life. In their ability to "restore the subjects of their stories both works are acts of filial piety. In Chinam en Kingston brings to life, by force of will and poetry, her male ancestors restoring them to their dignity as people in the process. W hile her works deal with the overseas Chinese experience, they speak, in their essence, to heart of what it means to be human. W illia m Ken nedy proves that anywhere, but anywhere, can be the turf that dreams are made of. The sum mer months will allow you the time to pick up Kennedy's books Legs, Billy Phelan's Greatest Gam e and Ironw eed. Together they comprise the so-called Albany trilogy, tough gritty slices which evoke the quiet and desperate hell of
trying to get by in the years of the Great Depression. Legs, the first in the series, is a juicy, often comic, recreation of the fast and pretty times of Jack "Legs" Dia mond, Albany's favourite son on the FBI's most shot-at-hoods-in-America list in the 1930s. The latter two works deal with the not so fast and not very pretty times of Billy Phelan, a smalltime everyman caught up in the flotsam of the Depression. Kennedy is a latterday success story going out of work and un publishable to a Pulitzer Prize winner in a matter of a few years (Iron w eed won the Pulitzer). It's a well deserved suc cess: Kennedy ability to invest the streets of Albany, New York, with a dusky, dow ntrodden elegance is nothing short of remarkable. His feel for the way hoods, ex-hoods and street people talked and lived is unerring. Mario Vargos Llosa is one of the le a d in g lig h ts o f th e w e ste rn Hemisphere's real cultural revolu tion—the emergence of Latin American literature is a vibrant and imaginative force in the world's libraries. Llosa, a Peruvian, like many of the other "new " Latin American writers is an artist of broad, cosmopolitan background and liberal politics out of step with the El Supremos of the region. Llosa shares with such writes as Gabriel Garcia Mar quez and the late Julio Cortazar a prose and storytelling style gifted with magic. Llosa stories are a mixture of surrealistic in cid e n t and rich, m ulti-layered humour. Aunt lulia and the Scriptw riter is a picaresque autobiographical novel about a young man who arrives in Lima to make his fortune. There he falls under the spell of his "aunt" Julia a mysterious and much older woman and "the Bolivian", an eccentric radio scriptwriter whose soap opera scripts thread throughout this great comic novel. Canadian Bolsheviks: The Early Years o f the Com m unist Party o f Canada,
published in 1981 by Ian Angus, has been called by Norman Penner "an im portant contribution to the study of the history of the socialist Left in Canada." Angus, who has been active in the
labour and socialist movements in Canada for the past twenty years, has produced a painstakingly-researched and well-documented study which traces the development of the Com munist Party from the first stirrings in 1919 until the consolidation of Tim Buck's control in 1931. Citing internal party documents, contemporary reports and interviews with participants, Angus breaks much new ground and often cor rects the various offical views of the par ty's history. Especially valuable is a 43-page appendix reproducing major documents from the party's early years. Family D ancing, the first book by David Leavitt, has been widelyacclaimed in glowing terms by many reviewers. The N ew York Times called Leavitt "Am erica's most promising and highly acclaimed young writer," and Es quire dubbed him "a literary leader of a new (and as yet unnamed) generation." Though it is hard to see exactly what all the fuss is about, this collection of short stories does contain a few gems. "Counting Months," one of a number of stories dealing with death from cancer, is especially moving and truly deserved the O. Henry prize it won in 1984. Other good stories are "O ut Here," examining the strains in the rela tionships between three sisters, and "Territory," a fascinating study of a
mother's reaction to her son's homosex uality. A Sinless Season, Damon Galgut's first novel, is another book which is over praised but nonetheless well worth reading. Galgut is a 23-year-old South African who has already received a number of awards and honours for his short stories and playes. A Sinless Season, apparently written when Galgut was seventeen, is a story with certain af finities to Lord o f the Flies. Galgut's tale of three juvenile delinquents sent to reform school is a penetrating study of boyhood and the violence of its emo tions. The novel is written with a simple and understated style, which makes the shock and power of the conclusion all the more shattering. But Som e o f Us A re Brave, a Black Women's Studies Anthology edited in 1982 by Gloria Hull, Patricia Bell Scott and Barbara Smith, is an invaluable col lection of essays about the distinct ex periences of Black American women. The authors, including such wellknown writers as Alice W alker and M ichele Wallace, cover such topics as teaching Black Women's Studies in the university, Black women's history and literature, Black feminist theory, and racism. Especially valuable, and by no means dated, are the six bibliographies or biliographical essays on a variety of
topics, and the select course syllabi for different kinds of courses on Black Women's Studies. Blue Rise, by Rebecca Hill, and the Cheer Leader, by Jill M cCorkle, are two novels worth reading together for their complementary insights into what it means to be a (white) woman in small Southern towns. Hill, born in Tennessee and raised in Mississippi, has written her first novel about a woman who leaves her unsatisfying life in the North to return to her Mississippi home and struggles to reconcile the different values of her two worlds. McCorkle's book, also a first novel, is the story of a young North Carolinan-woman emerg ing from adolescence and trying to define herself despite the expectations foisted upon her by her family and friends. The W ork o f a Com m on W om an, the collected poetry of Jody Grahn, with an introduction by Adrienne Rich, is an im portant milestone in the career of this feminist poet. The poems in the series "The Common W om an" are refreshing ly realistic portraits of ordinary and working class women, while the "She W h o" poems are an equally-powerful but more mystical celebration of women's existence. But the best piece by far is the long poem "A Woman is Talking to Death", an intensely moving poem probing the effects of violence against women. Grahn's poetry is strongly marked by her personal perspective as a working-class lesbian and is definitely not to be missed. Saul's Book, Paul Rogers' first novel and winner of the Editor's Book Award in 1983, is a compelling portrait of the relationship between a Puerto Rican boy who works as a prostitute on the streets of New York and an intellectual and alcoholic ex-convict who becomes his mentor and protector. The novel is a realistic and believable account of the gay street life in New York as well as an excellent study of the complex passions that develop in the relationship bet ween two men. Though a bit graphic and hard to take in parts, Saul's Book is an impressive example of the heights that the gritty school of writing can reach. Henry Carlisle's latest novel, The lonah M an, is the tale of a modern-day sea captain who is forced to implement an ancient custom of he sea when his boat is sunk—the sacrifice of one man in an over-crowded boat so that the rest will survive. The captain's obedience to the moral law of the sea of course gets him into trouble when he returns to land, and the resulting conflict is an ex traordinary exploration of the search for principles to believe in a world of con tradictory moral systems. As always, Carlisle's style is spare and laconic, so nothing gets in the way of his incisive character portrayal. Ella Leffland's Last Courtesies and O th er Stories is the first collection of short stories written over the last two decades. Leffland has an incredile power to delineate the isolation and breakdowns of communication and understanding which mark human rela tionships in this age of fragmentation. The title story, which looks at what hap pens to sheltered woman when her world begins to unravel with the death of her mother, is a terrifying analysis of the ease with which one can lose touch with reality. Places in the W orld a W oman C ould W alk, the first book by Janet Kauffman,
examines the lives of women living in the rural towns of the American Midwest. Kauffman, who grew up on a tobacco farm in Pennsylvania and now works on her own farm in Michigan, specializes in strong but poor women who face the daily tasks of life alone but undaunted. Her women, almost all of them widows or women who have left their husbands or been left by them, have raised coping to an art form and demonstrate the beauty there can be in the simple lives of people who just get the job done.
STEf?fllMEHT 7
The M cGill Tribune»W ednesday 9 April, 198f>
Q u iz on South A frica Offers Big Prize by Nigel Crawhall This term, the M cG ill South Africa Committee has been testing the background knowledge of its members with weekly tests. W e decided that this was such a good educational tool that we would provide a concentrated quiz to M cG ill students. W e are even offer ing a prize for the most number of cor rect answers. The prize consists of Part o f M y Soul, the autobiography of W in nie Mandela. Anwers can be returned to SAC c/o the Students' Society office in the Union Building. A. True or False ? 1. The African National Congress is primarily funded by the USSR 2. Inkatha is part of the United Democratic Front 3. Bishop Tutu is against sanctions 4. Chief Buthelezi is against sanctions 5. Oliver Tambo is the General Secretary of AZAPO 6. Not all Black South Africans have to carry passbooks 7. "Coloured" South Africans have the vote 8. Afrikaaners are the largest single ethnic group in South Africa
Harare Maputo Luando Maseru Mbabane Gaborone Antananarivo Lusaka D. What do these initials stand for in South Africa? NP HNP PAC ANC UDF COSAS A Z A PO PFP NUSAS BCM COSATU SO M AFCO E. Identify the following RSA heads-ofstate with the event that took place
during his term of office. W orld War II John Vorster Legal crea P.W. Botha tion of Apadheid Magnus Founding Malan of the A N C Hendrik Rivonia Verwoerd Trials Sharpeville Jan Smuts
Pik Botha
F. What do the. following mean in English? Umkhoto we Sizwe Nkosi sikelel'i Afrika Amandla! Ngawetu! G. On Namibia 1. What country first took Namibia as colony?
2. What was the Namibia's name at this time? 3. In what year did South African oc cupation of Namibia become " il legal"? 4. What is the name of the main Namibian opposition group fighting South African rule? 5. What is the military wing of the movement called? 6. To what does the U.S. administra tion link Namibian independence?
B. Identify thé follow ing p eo ple M olly Blackburn Albert Luthuli Alfred Nzo Lilian Ngoyi Allan Boesak Solomon Mahlangu Louis le Grange Jan van zyl Slabbed Allen Hendrikse Charlotte Maxeke Walter Rubusana Sam Nujoma C. W hich of the following capitals have suffered military aggression from the Republic of South Africa?
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Crimes Arresting
T ra g e d y P ro v e s B in d in g by Heather Clancy
Have you ever had a bad day? They seem to be the rule for the Magrath sisters in Beth Henley's Crimes o f the Heart.
Set in Hazelhurst, Mississippi, “ five years after Hurricane Camille," Crimes o f the Heart could be considered a Southern tragedy. Nothing seems to go right for the Magraths. The youngest girl, Babe( (Whitney Malin), stands to spend thirty years in prison for attemp ting to murder her husband Zachary. She claims she “ didn't like his looks.'' The middle child Meg (Sue Smith), liv ing in Hollywood with a thwarted sing ing career, is basically considered "cheap Christmas trash" in the town, a label which has been endearingly pinn ed on her by her cousin Chick Boyle (Annita Bensabat). Lenny Magrath's (Vicki Barkoff) smallest problem is her inability to have children, her largest is her "Old Grandaddy's" determination to make her feel worthless bacause of it. On top of their separate gripes, they all share the infamy and memory of their mother's suicide (years ago she hung herself along with the "yeller cat"). It's easy for people to dwell on their own problems, and the sisters don't mind doing a little wallowing, although the main concern of the action is to keep Babe from being convicted of her crime. As the women rekindle a compa nionship which has been dormant, they unveil their hearts to each other. Tragedy seems to be what keeps them
B e n e fit F o r L o st S tu b
by Neil Craik
“ It's not just a beer bottle, it's a way of life.” Thus was born the Stub Aid movement. Last Tuesday stubby sup porters gathered in the ballroom for a day of national solidarity, to listen to some of Montreal's finest local talent, and of course to share a few brew while recalling the days of old when men were men and bottles were stubby. Like its predecessors, Live Aid and Farm Aid, Stub Aid was originally con ceived as a well-intentioned politically motivated event. Despite it's potential political significance it was this viewer's impression that not surprisingly, the music took over (sound familiar?). The sponsors of the event, Delta Kappa Ep silon, have petitioned the government in the hope of coercing them into bring ing back the stubby. Erik Neilson's lips are sealed on the government's position but if they aren't careful it could blossom forth from a movement to save an old relic into a true national force. The issue really hit home with me when I thought about my childhood (yes there are sillier things than getting drunk on Tuesday). I have vivid memories of sitting down in the living room with my family to watêb Hockey Night in Canada: a veritable picture of Canadian contentment we'd all open up a stub and sip away. When Fidyvif’
Meeker came on the sipping stopped and the real drinking began. Maybe that's why I have vivid memories of sit ting down, but only blurry recollections of standing up. And how may I ask is a boy to get to know his father if they don't go beer hunting together? This sport has been devastated by the intru sion of longnecks: what man out in the woods, being real, wants to wrap his lips around a long neck? I suppose that I have wandered from the issue at hand but the emotional intensity runs deep. For the few who made it to Stub Aid (unfortunately the bad timing of Tues day during the final paper deluge made for a small but enthusiastic crowd), it certainly worth the trip. The bands, most of whom had performed at DEK pub during the semester, ranged from mediocre to excellent. Honourable mention should go to the Ethnic Drives and Weather Permitting who both put on sqfid shows, but it was Secret Act whose very Jistenable, danceable sound made the hit of the evening. (See them at Club Soda April 16. Free) It is a rare treat to see many of Montreal's finest young bands back to back, and those who missed it should curse themselves tor doing so y i JH l A slo f th#ibottle, it could well be too little, too late'but it was sure worth a try.
together. They becom e more vulnerable, but they learn to live. Although "Life sure can be miserable," they learn to "take a chance...take some sort of a chance." The production is solid. Despite some initial line flubs and accent losses which can probably be attributed to opening night nervousness, the play was well held together. The action picks up con siderably in the second and third acts. (I was impressed with the composure of Whitney Malin during the third act as a large cast-iron pot accidentally fell on her back.) Director Michael Wener makes good use of the stage, an impor tant factor considering the setup of Player's Theatre, and the movement seems very natural. Whitney Malin, Vicki Barkoff, and Sue Smith function effectively as the three sisters. Their relationship is ex tremely plausible, and they often had the audience laughing in empathy. An nita Bensabat as Chick Boyle is a wonderful tension reliever and a strong performer. So is Ian Schacter as Barnette Lloyd, Babe's lawyer. His man nerisms often had the aduence chuckl ing. Russ Bentley as Doc Porter seems to be the only rough spot in the play's motion. Crimes o f the Heart plays April 2 through 5 and April 8 through 12 in Player's Theatre. For ticket information call 392-8989. For a temporary escape from your study prison, try Crimes.
The M agrath sisters (W h itn ey M a lin , V ickik Barkoff and Sue Smith) en jo y a rare m o m en t of happiness and accord in C rim e s o f th e H ea rt.
Looks O ver Sound At Gene by Neil M ilton
Once again the real music was at Concordia as last Saturday, Welsh 'art rockers' Gene Loves Jezebel made an appearance at Concordia's Hall Building, preceeded by locals Ethnic Drivers and from Ottawa Screaming Bamboo. The excessive security at the Hall Building was worthy of any fine Gulag: the crowd was forced to wait outside in the cold before being granted admis sion, during which time meagre enter tainment was provided by the antics of a group of fifteen year olds attempting to flog their tickets after being refused entrance, and the traditional visit by the ever congenial M UC police. After the joys of the wait outside it was almost anticlimactic to climb seven flights of stairs only to discover that the sound checks were far from complete. Ethnic Drivers kicked things off. Though their set started off weakly, things did eventually come together. As usual they demonstrated considerable talent but with so many people on stage it is very difficult to avoid a murky, rather nebulous sound. Certainly a slight change of mix might have helped. If there is going to be a saxophonist on stage, it would be nice to hear him from time to time. Unquestionably the band is not entirely to blame for this and it was rather frustrating indeed to hear the records played between sets at greater volume and with greater sound quality than the live act. Ethnic Drivers were most successful with their more ag gressive, strident material when the band demonstrated some true force and cohesion, while their more heavily calypso/ska influenced songs, by and large, missed the mark. After a remarkably short break, Screaming Bamboo took to the stage. There must be strange things afoot when a quartet such as this hails from
staid Ottawa, but then again stranger things have come from Minneapolis (the Replacements, Husker Du...). Screaming Bamboo were not nearly as painful to listen to as their name sug gests and in fact their fast, and reasonably loud, material makes for great live shows. The rhythm section was dynamite and more than made up for some rather indifferent guitar work. The most dramatic aspect of their per formance was the stage presence of the lead singer, whose phenomenal, cap tivating eyes and eloquent gestures make quite an impressive front for a hardcore band. One song in particular used staccato backing vocals to great ef fect and was the high point of the even
ing. The one remaining question is whether or not anyone could tell when she was playing the keyboards merely by listening: their impact on the overall sound could charitably be described as minimal at best. The last song played prior to the start of Gene Loves Jezebel's set was most appropriately a track from Ziggy Star dust; 14 years later one could say that glitter is making a comeback, albeit slightly mutated, but GLJ showed very little to indictate that they will be heard from in one, let alone fourteen years. For the uninitiated, GLJ are not two but five people, all male. Their music might be most succinctly described as 'less ac-
S e n s u a l 9 1 /2 W e e k s U n d e r r a t e d
by lordon Waxman It just goes to show you cannot trust a Gazette film review. 9 1/2 Weeks is perhaps one of the most underrated films of the season, and with its sheer creative excellence in photography and sound, deserves much more recogni tion than what it has received. The film does not contain a multitude or plots or intricate story-lines. Nor does it display any Oscar-winning acting per formances. This does not, however, work against the film. In fact, nearly all aspects of the film are understated and as such, work extremely well. The dom inant character, John (Mickey Rourke), a Wall Street money trader, commands the tone of the scene with very few words. His mere presence and facial gestures work intensely as a means of dialogue. All of Rourke's previous roles, including Rumblefish and The Pope o f G reen w ich Village, contain the same wry spirit and power as 9 1/2 weeks. His art dealer girlfriend, Elizabeth, is played by Kim Basinger in what is arguably her best performance to date. , She too relies quite a bit on body i language. Basinger can be remembered j as the femme fatale in The Natural and ; as one of 007's lovers in Never Say ; Never Again. i 9 1/2 W eeks is not the average boymeets-girl-happy ending love story, and j is much less pretentious than one. It is 2truly a concept film which blurs the -distinctions between love and lust, trust and violation, obsession and posses sion. Soon after a brief first encounter in Chinatown (New York City), John begins to excite and explore Elizabeth, his new conquest. In return for her nights, he cooks and cleans for her, dresses and undresses her, feeds and pleases her. Elizabeth is blindfolded, shocked and excited into sensual ecstasy. Ultimately she becomes men-
>ves Jezebel Show cessible, Culty-Curish', and of course comes complete with bold ringing guitar of the sort popularized by The Edge and now so prevelant as to be rather dull, with high, haunting vocals. The sound was pretty good considering the room but the music seemed to lack definition. Awash in a sea of noise, the only instrument that appeared capable of rising to the surface was the rather frenetic, driving bass. However, I doubt that many were looking at the bassist, nor listening too attentively. The bulk of the crowd seem ed intent on screaming madly and at tempting to fondle the lead singer. How many of these people had used fake ID to get in? It was a somewhat unfortunate
performance for a group seemingly more interested in haircuts and clothing ' than music, and the singers ostentatious prancing and childish antics with the microphone detracted from a sound that has potential. Aptly the concert didn't end, it degenerated. The most fitting image of the evening was that of a very 'conventionally' dressed man stooping to recover some leaflets advertising the forthcoming M AD (Mind Altering Devices) single while the 'alternative' crowd oblivious ly surged by. Exciting alternative music should challenge your mind not your hairdresser, but unfortunately this was not the case on this occasion.
tally and physically possessed by her strange cool lover, mesmerized by his calm charm and deadly smile. The whole thing may sound trite, but the film itself is engrossing and quite mesmerizing. Each successive scene seems to take place in a new location, stretching the limits of an established space and each contains the most masterful photography and sound I have seen and heard. The cameraman in this film has an çye for the eccentric, the sensual, the artistic and the interesting. He covers New York City with some inside knowledge, moving like a native from the gutters to W all Street, from Soho to Little Italy, from C h in atow n to downtown, and then out to New Jersey and Long Island. He captures Elizabeth with such in novative beauty it is breathtaking. Im agine every frame of this film enlarged and laminated, and then venued at any modern print gaHery or shop. The film ing is that good. O f the most memorable scenes, one depicts her silhouetted, dancing behind Venetian blinds. Another finds her clad only in a white
men's undershirt, making love with John under a gushing rain gutter. The use of close ups and extreme close ups enhance the sensory'quality of the subject and the utter sensuality of Elizabeth. One can almost taste the fruits and vegetables that John feeds here as she sits eyes closed on the kit chen floor. This technique combines with ex cellent sound reproduction and a driv ing score by Jack Nitzsche for what is auditory and visual rapture for the au dience. The outstanding soundtrack provides conceptual emphasis and acts as a strong complement to the film with such songs as "I do What I Do To Have You" by John Taylor, and "Slave To Love" by Brian Ferry. It ^also features pulsing numbers by Eurythmies, Brian Eno, Corey Hart, and Joe Cocker, to name just a few. The production in 9 1/2 W eeks is on the whole quite good. If the film is lack ing anywhere it wo^ild have to be in the randomness with which the scenes are edited. Some reach true climax or frui tion whereas some others leave the au dience unfulfilled.
On other counts, the film is not as bad as has been claimed. Although the ac ting, casting and directing in the film are above average, 9 1/2 W eeks has been panned as being "vacuous" and for portraying a particular stereotype of women. Let the viewer note that the film is based on a novel by a woman; named ironically enough, Elizabeth McNeill, and its screenplay was also written by a woman. There is no gratuitous sex in the film, nor any rape (a little kinky sex, maybe). Furthermore, I highly doubt Elizabeth is supposed to represent a cer tain type of female. As I said, the film is just not that pretentious. 9 1/2 W eeks is a film about a pas sionate consum ing relationship between tw o adults in N ew York City. O ne w hich borders on love and on lust, som ew here betw een pleasure and pain. Based on an interesting co n cep t, 9 1/2 W eeks is
worth twice the price of admission just for the camera work, clarity of sound, and the musical soundtrack itself. If the "Academ y" has any guts, it too will give this film its just acclaim in these categories.
S O M A F C O B e n e fit G o o d S h o w
by Robert Costain Fundraisers must often sink to the level of creating guilt in order to garner reluctant support for their cause. Such was not the case with the benefit last Saturday sponsored by the M cG ill South Africa Committee and the Black Students' Network, to raise money for the Soloman Mahangu Freedom Col lege in Tanzania. It was probably one of the more successful events held in the Ballroom this year, and it was apparent that the crowd was there not only to support a worthy cause, but also to see a good show. An excellent series of performances is what they got, as well as an emotional but enlightening account of life as a black student under Apartheid in Soweto. The evening was extremely balanced between the entertainment aspect of the music and the benefit nature of the event. The crowd was con stantly, but gently reminded why they were there, both by the bands and the speaker from South Africa. The show began with a spirited per formance of calypso-style music from Ebony Affair. From the moment they took the stage at the early hour of 8:30 p.m., they had the crowd moving with joyous rhythms and melodies. They made it clear that it was an evening to be enjoyed. After a brief intermission, Fourth Stream came on and performed a sw inging set of improvisational jazz tinged with a pinch of fusion. Their set was lively but unfortunately short, though they had the crowd swaying and tapp ing its feet the whole time. Glenn Clarke played an excellent bongo solo and was accompanied for one piece by a lively dancer, Selwyn Joseph, from the Dance Factory. This built up the crowd's enthusiasm even more as people continued to trickle in throughout the performances.
J a h C u tta p ro v id e s s tu n n in g fin a le to S O M A F C O
Before Jah Cutta took the stage to cap the benefit with_a wonderful set of reg gae, Opa Kekan'a, a young student from Soweto who will be attending SOM AF CO, took the stage and gave a fascinating and emotional description of life as a black student in South Africa.
b e n e fit.
Finishing his speech by urging the crowd to continue their support, he left the stage to rousing cries of "Amandla!" The evening will probably remain et ched in people's memories for some time.
The M cGill Tribune»W ednesday 9 April, 1986
April 15th to April 20th
Compiled by Barbro D ick and Neil M ilton This being the last Tribune, it seemed like a good idea for your faithful Enter* tainment Editors to provide a guide for ways to wile away empty hours this month. Ha! You may laugh. I'm not go ing to have a moment to spare in April. But wait. What about that week bet ween Philosophy and Neuro-biology exams? W hy not catch one of these entertainment events and get your mind off the awful task of learning eight mon ths of lectures in eight days?
April 10th to 12th Place des Arts presents the "Royal Winnipeg Ballet" in Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier. Perfor mances begin at 10 p.m. with tickets priced at $12, $14, $18 and $24.
April 16th Secret Act farewell show at Club Soda. Their last show before going England. FREE.
April 10th to 13th UZEB Jazz at Club Soda Tickets $12.50.
April 8th K.D. Land and the Reclines at the Spectrum 9 p.m. Tickets are $12.50
Death Sentence. Vancouver hardcore at The Rising Sun.
Claude Dubois at the Spectrum 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $16.50 April 20th "Level 42" at the Spectrum 8 p.m. Tickets are $16.50
The Vipers: garage from NYC at Les Foufounes.
April 9th "M inistry" at the Spectrum 9 p.m. Tickets are $14.50
April 21st Marianopolis Band Nite at the Spectrum 8 p.m. Tickets are $5.
April 12th Lyle Mats at the Spectrum 9 p.m. Tickets are $16.50
April 10th Fred Curchack's "Stuff as Dreams are made on" at Cen taur Theatre. Curtain is 8 p.m. Call 288-3161 for reservations.
April 22nd to 26th April 13th
Players' Theatre presents "Dreamscape & Fix This" 8 p.m. in Players' Theatre. Tickets are $4 (student) and $6 (regular). A matinee can be ar ranged for large groups.
This Sunday and all following Sundays in April are "Sunday Comedy Nite" at Station 10, 2071 St. Catherine (934-0484). A ls o featured are v id e o movies.
April 10th to 19th Arthur M iller's "The Crucible" opens at Concordia (Loyola Cam pus). Evening perfor mance are at 8 p.m. while matinees begin at 1:30 p.m. Admission is free, but reserva
April 22nd and 23rd
The Pandoras: all female band from the west coast at Les Fou founes. Tickets $5.
April 24th to 29th "M ic h e rl Lemieux, Solide Salad" at Theatre M aison neuve, Place des Arts at 10 p.m. Tickets are $14.40, $16.50 and $18.50. C a ll 842-2112 for telephone reser vations. April 25th and 26th "M erry M en" at the Spectrum 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $15.50 (Friday) and $16.50 (Saturday). April 26th
April 18th to 19th
April 11th ASUS presents "The Main Event", a tent paryto celebrate the last day of classes. 9:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. on Main Campus. Tickets are available at Sadies.
"Inner C ircle" at Station 10, 2071 St. Catherine W. featuring Tequila Buck-a-Shot N ite
c LU
Moliere's "Tartuffe" opens in the Concordia Theatre Depart ment's major theatre. Curtain is 8 p.m. for evenings and 1:30 p.m. for matinees. General p u b lic , $3 students and seniors, $2. Call 848-4742 for reservations.
tions (848-4741) are required as seating is very limited.
Live videotaping by the Asexuals at The Rising Sun
Record Collection Convention at the Spectrum. This day-long event opens at 9 a.m. Tickets are $3.25 April 29th "Jubilee Jamboree" presented by the Centaur Theatre Com pany, 453 St. François Xavier, O ld Montreal. The evening in cludes; cocktails at 6:30, the premiere of the musical "D on Messer's Jubilee" at 7:30 (Ah, so this is the origin of the ever corny, borrowed name Jubilee Jamboree!), and a Jamboree supper with free beer and wine served at 9:30: The evening also includes country tunes, door prizes and free Bloody Caesars. Tickets are a hefty $65 and are available by calling 288-3161. A note for manage ment students, Visa/Mastercard are accepted.
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in t h e U n io n L o b b y
3 9 2 -4 7 6 5
a service o f Students' Society am
to n o o n
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The M cGill Tribune»W ednesday 9 April, 1986
U n d e r t h e Big T o p ? ASTROLOGER
Helps on all personal prob lems. Love. Marriage, Business. Health Based on Birthdate Information Don'tlettimeand distance stand in your way She Succeeds where others fail. Send $3.00, Name, Blrlhdate, Self AddressedStamped Envelope.
Radio McGill Cable FM
TOP 20 FOR M ARCH 3,1986 tw
(3 0 5 ) 9 5 6 - 9 1 6 5
ks 1
2 3 4
2 10
8 9
Sigue Sigue Sputnik * Secret Act Peter Murphy Ministry Husker Du Lords of the New Church Chris and Cosey
Love Missile (12") My Neighbourhood Final Solution (EP) Twitch Candy Apple Grey
EMI (UK)*Polygram Sire Geffen
Killer Lords Techno-Primitiv
1RS Rough Trade
The Big Heat Contemporay World Album Born Too Soon
1RS Psyche ^ Label Psyches
Psycho Candy Reconciled Debut Johnny Comes Marching Home Big Plans for Everybody Shark (12") 1 Wanna Be a Cowboy (12") Wonderland Black and White (12")
W EA W EA Psyches
EMI 1RS R u m bles
3 3 7
Mercury WEA
vcn >
1101 NE 165th Terrace N. Miami Beach, Florida 33162
2 3 3
MoneyBack Guarantee
2 1
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20
11 20 21
Stan Ridgeway Asexuals P.I.L. * S.C.U.M. The Jesus and Mary Chain The Call "Ultimatum The Del Lords
24 23 30
Let's Active "The Promises Boys Don't Cry
49 26
Erasure *4th Floor
9 5
14 6
4 3
Mrs. JUexaadria AMERICA'SFOREMOST PSYCHICASTROLOGER Doyoun*«dhelp? Doyouhave Bad Luck? Sha reveals your Destiny - Love, Luck, Success. Business Problems. Happiness. Specializing in re-uniting Loved Ones. BasedonBirthdateinform ation. Sendname, dateof birth, self-addressed, stampedenvelope, $3.00to: MRS. ALEXANDRIA 9751 NW27thAvenue Miami. FL 33147 (305) 836-7541 SomethingGoodisgoingto HappentoYou MoneyBackGuarantee
by lames Green What's bigger than Woodstock, bet ter than an evening with either Christie Brinkley or Mel Gibson, more fun than the Bahamas in mid-winter and more extravagant than the Royal Wedding? So maybe I'm exaggerating a wee bit, but you tell me what you get when you add up the following: The Last Day of Classes + Lower Campus + 2500 "participants" + A Tent + Giant Video Screens + High tech, mood enhancing effects + Cheap alcohol? The answer without a doubt is "The Main Event" The Main Event is the brainchild of the Arts and Science Undergraduate Society (ASUS) who have undertaken complete responsibilty for the $22,000 budget. There are three reasons the ASUS decided to take this enormous risk: firstly, there was a general consen
sus that entertainment on campus has been too conservative because no one has been prepared to risk holding an event of any magnitude; secondly, it ap peared that there was not going to be any large scale celebration on the last day of class (for many of the members of the ASUS Council April 11th is their final day at McGill); and lastly, it was felt that the proceeds of at least one of the events sponsored by the ASUS this year should go towards a charity (a percentage of the ticket price plus any profits are going to LEUCAN and LAMPLIGHTERS for cancer research). All of this may sound a little on the boring side. But...the bottom line is that a party of these proportions, located on lower campus involving so much money, high-techery and energy, will have an extremely difficult time being anything but the most outrageous ex travaganza that M cG ill has seen in years. See you there.
TH ENEWWARRIOR c e r t i f i e d
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Canadian Artist ' Import/lndeperodent Chart Climber Compiled by: Douglas R. Hylton - Music Director
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Business today is an economic battlefield. It now demands gutsy strategic planners. Conquerors. And we seek the best. Only the best. For more information, contact:
La Corporation professionnelle des C .M .A . 555 West Blvd. Dorchester Suite 724 Montréal (Québec) H 2Z 1B1 (514) 875-8621
The M cGill Tribune»W ednesday 9 April, 198fe
IBM P erso n al C om puter It goes whereyougo... I n y o u
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I ! 1l F o r m o r e in f o r m a t io n
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T h e M c G i l l M ic r o D i s p l a y C e n t r e lo c a t e d in B u r n s id e H a ll B u ild in g — L o c a l l- B - 1 9 O p e n M o n - T h u rs 2 p m -6 p m
The M cGill Tribune»W ednesday 9 April, 198b
I3 n
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M c G ill P r o g r a m m in g N e tw o r k
1 T h e P r o g r a m m i n g N e t w o r k i s s t a r t i n g to p l a n e v e n t s fo r th e n e x t y e a r a n d w e w o u ld li k e to I k n o w w h a t y o u w a n t fr o m us. I t w o u l d g r e a t l y h e l p u s i f y o u c o u l d f i l l o u t th is s u r v e y a n d i r e tu r n i t to th e S t u d e n t s ' S o c i e t y G e n e r a l O ffi c e , R o o m 1 0 5 , U n iv e r s ity C e n tr e o r t h e b o x e s 1 in R e d p a t h L ib r a r y a n d G e r t's P u b . W ith y o u r h e l p w e c a n l o o k fo r w a r d to a g r e a t n e w y e a r .
Saturday, April 19 This is the end... Come one, come all. Contributors and jH friends are invited to the apocalyptic, jl|. final blow-out for the 1985-86 Tribune. Come reminisce or simply come drink (Something to tell your grandkids about!
1 1 1
Ill s § ^
2. Concerts P lease check the appropriate boxes below and g iv e us suggestions on who you would like to hear in the catego ries checked. <
1 1 I 1
For the complete details check the Trib office
1. W elcome W eek and Winter C arnival are sp ecialized them e events. P lease giv e us your comments on these events and w hat you would suggest be ad d ed , ch anged, kept, or dropped.
1 *
lazz n R eg g ae □ Rock □ New W ave □ C lassical □ Folk □ T raditional □ H eavy M etal □ Funk □ A lternative □ Others:
3. Speakers Politicians □ Authors n Scientists (71 F.conomists (H Entertainers f l M edia Personalities l~l Poets n Sports Personalities I- ] Others:
4. Performing Arts and A lternative Programming: D ance f~1
G ame Tournament (chess, monopoly, b ridge, crib b age, w argam es, etc.) □ O ther: f l Thanks for gettin g involved.
EXTENDED HOURS T h e M c L e n n a n a n d U n d e rg ra d u a te L ib ra rie s w ill b e o p e n f o r a d d itio n a l h o u rs d a ily (e x c e p t F r id a y s ) f r o m S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 1 2 , 1 9 8 6 to T h u rs d a y M a y 1s t as fo llo w s :
M EXICAN FOOD Californio Style C o m p le t e
m e a ls
fro m
$ 3 .1 5 .
A ls o s e r v in g v e g e ta r ia n d is h e s 1 0 :0 0 a m - 1 2 :4 5 a m
S u n d a y
Happy Hour
M o n d a y
T h u rsd a y
8 :3 0 a m - 1 2 :4 5 a m
F r id a y
8 :3 0 a m - 2 2 :0 0 p m
S a tu rd a y
8 :3 0 a m - 1 2 :4 5 a m
2 for 1 4 -7 p .m . 7 d a y s a w ee k
T h is
e x t e n s io n
o f L ib r a r y
fo r
stu d y
p u r p o s e s o n ly . L ib r a r y s e r v ic e s s u c h a s C i r c u l a t i o n o r
Tacos 990
1425 Stanley St. 288-3090
R e f e r e n c e , w ill n o t b e a v a ila b le .
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SUNDAY SPECIAL 50% OFF! From 3-6 p.n,. Any meal purchase over $3.15—You receive 50% off the least expensive of the 2 meals CARLOS & PEPE’S
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I ■ I S HJ 111 IB Iffllffl H H ) ff l m i ) 1 ! I I ■ 1 ) B 19 9 ) ( 9 M (H ® I l B ) I I ( 9 11 IB I I H I OB ID 1
S t u d e n t S o c ie t y o f M c G ill U n iv e r s it y a n d l e s S e r v ic e s A lim e n t a ir e s C . V . C .
l o s in g
o f
o o d
b e v e r a g e
U n iv e r s it y
G e r t r u d e ’s P u b
p e r a t io n s
C e n tre
o r
h e
u m m e r
C a f e t e r ia
H o t M e a ls & S a la d B a r S id e : C L O S E D A P R IL 1 1 , 1 9 8 6 G r ill S i d e : R e g u l a r S c h e d u l e u n t i l A p r il 1 1 , 1 9 8 6
P iz z e r ia
P a r t i a l s c h e d u l e f r o m A p r il 1 4 , t o A p r il 2 5 / 8 : 0 0 a m t o 4 : 0 0 p m L a s t d a y o f o p e r a t i o n : F r i d a y , A p r il 2 5 , 1 9 8 6
R e g u la r S c h e d u le u n t il F r id a y , M a y 2 , 1 9 8 6 T h e A lle y R e g u l a r s c h e d u l e u n t i l F r i d a y , A p r il 1 1 , 1 9 8 6
S a t e llit e
W e e k o f A p r il 1 4 t o A p r il 1 8 M o n -T h u r s: F r id a y : S a tu r d a y :
1 1 : 0 0 a .m . t o 6 : 0 0 p .m . 1 1 : 0 0 a .m . t o 1 : 0 0 a .m . C LO SED
C a f e t e r ia s
M a n a g e m e n t, A r ts , L a w :
C L O S E D A p r il 1 1 , 1 9 8 6
M u s ic .
C L O S E D A p r il 1 8 , 1 9 8 6
E . U . S . , R e d p a t h L ib r a r y :
P a r t i a l O p e r a t i o n s f r o m A p r il 1 4 / 2 5
E .U .S . 8 : 0 0 a m t o 2 : 0 0 p m
E d u c a t io n :
R e d p a th 1 0 : 0 0 am to 6 : 0 0 p m B o t h c l o s e A p r il 2 5 , 1 9 8 6
R e g u l a r s c h e d u l e t i l l A p r il 1 1 , 1 9 8 6 A p r il 1 4 t o J u n e 2 7 — 1 : 3 0 p m / 7 : 0 0 p m J u ly 2 t o J u ly 2 5 — 8 : 0 0 a m / l : 3 0 p m A u g u st— C L O S E D
D e n tis tr y :
P a r t i a l o p e r a t i o n f r o m A p r il 1 4 t o M a y 3 0 1 0 :0 0 a m t o 2 :0 0 p m M ay 3 0 —C L O S E D
Sum m er O p eration s 1 1 :0 0 a m /5 :0 0 pm 1 1 :0 0 a m /3 :0 0 pm
M o n -T h u r s: F r id a y : R e d p a th
P iz z e r ia
P u b
G e r t r u d e ’s
T e rra c e
8 :0 0 a m /5 :0 0 pm 8 :0 0 a m /3 :0 0 pm
R e sta u ra n t
W e a t h e r p e r m it t in g , o p e n d a ily ,
1 1 :0 0 am to 3 :0 0 p m
In c a s e o f i n c le m e n t w e a t h e r , t h e D e li s a n d w ic h b a r w ill b e a v a ila b le in G e r t r u d e s P u V e n d in g
( O u t s i d e R e d p a t h L ib r a r y a l o n g t h e l e d g e ) rom .
O p e r a t io n s
V e n d i n g o p e r a t i o n s w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e in a ll l o c a t i o n s d u r in g a ll s u m m e r m o n t h s .
Awards Presented W ithout Food Fights
by Barbro Dick The finest of M cG ill jocks and jockettes celebrated last Friday evening at the Varsity Sports Banquet held at the Bonaventure Hotel. Although jock straps were side-stepped for more for mal attire, several athletic supporters were in attendance. One such sup porter was myself. Former weak link in the Women's Soccer defense, this halfbaked athlete has since turned reporter with the great pleasure of covering last Friday's festivities. Cocktails opened the evening at 6:15 p.m. with M VP awards at 7:00, (these are too numerous to cite individually as brevity is essential here to ensure suffi cient space for "Frank's Farewell!") and dinner at 8:30. A bagpiper led in the
head table, consisting of such notables as Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dubeau (Direc tor of Athletics), Dean Irwin Gopnick (Dean of Students) and out going StudSoc President James Green. But as is the custom with these sort of wing-dings, things got delayed thus the fresh fruit appetizer wasn't served until after 9 bells. Fine herb soup, salad with vinaigrette dressing, deboned chicken and rice and rhubarb pie followed. A litre of fair-to-good house wine could be had for $15, with which one crass in dividual was heard toasting, "Here's to leaving with someone other than who ya came with!." Dinner was preceded by the Benedic tion given by a limping Dean Foti, who sustained a "charley horse" upon enter-
Frank's Swan Song
U n d e r t h e B le a c h e rs
by Frank Young Well, the old clock on the wall says that it is quarter to graduation and, un fortunately, I can't move the hands back. So, this will be the last of my col umns here at M cG ill. W hile this thought doesn't please me, I hope that it makes Yankee fans smile. For once, I am at a loss as for a topic to write on, so perhaps I'll let my mind wander. Yeah, that's the ticket! I've attended many sporting events here at M cGill, but a few of them stand out as being either exceptionally ex citing or incredibly boring. The most fun that I've ever had at a sporting event was the football homecoming game against Queen's last year. What a day. For those youngsters who were still in high school at the time, allow me to set the scene. Queen's is M cG ill's arch-rival. Even if you don't know that, you will once you meet the illiterate slobs who attend that miserable institution in Canada's prison capital of Kingston. Every second year, they send about 1/4 of their student body to Montréal for the RedmenQueen's game. Last year, the Gaels' fans were drunker than usual as they poured the purple dye all over themselves (this is what people in Kingston do for fun). Truth be told, the M cG ill fans were nowhere near sober either. It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm with a scotch mist pouring all around. The game was a rout for Queen's from the opening kickoff. The Gaels won by a score of approximately 65-30, but the numbers were im material when one considers the damage that the students—mainly from Queen's—did to the stadium and to the mental health of the senile sports writers in Montréal. George Springate said that all students were "animals", while Tim Burke had a week-long fit in the Gazette. In short, it was a memorable day. Hopefully next year's game will be as much fun. The worst event that I witnessed at M cG ill was either this year’s season football finalé against Ottawa, or a .basketball game against Trois Rivières 'last year. The football game was close, but the caliber of play, like the weather, was miserable. There were about 150 diehards in Molson Stadium that day, why I'll never know. The basketball game was a terrible blow out that the Redmen won by about 40 points. The crowd was lulled into silence early on, and I didn't hear anything even closely resembling a cheer all game. Not to take anything away from the basketball team. M y first article at M cG ill was about an exhibition game between the Redmen and ahh...l seem to have forgotten, but I know that M cG ill won. Anyway, the article was written for the Daily (you remember) and it went in unedited. My next basket ball article was cut down to about 75 words, and the third was a paragraph. Fortunately, my friend Howard Lando was Sports Editor here at the Tr/b, and
he asked me to write for him. Goodbye D aily.
But I digress. The hoops team has won the Quebec title all three years that I covered their games. Obviously a coincidence, but it is much more en joyable covering a good team than covering a bad one. O r ig n ia lly , " F ro m U n d e r the Bleachers” was going to be a one shot deal, but I have so much fun expressing my opinion and angering certain peo ple, that I decided to continue the col umn on a regular basis. Now, as the sun is about to set upon my time at M c G ill—sniff, sniff—it is time to put it to rest. I don't mean to sound maudlin, but the prospect of graduation is slightly disconcerting. I mean, to go from being a student, to being unemployed is quite a jump. Oh well, everyone says not to get upset, so I won't, but rest assured that I will miss this place. It has been a great four years. The reason it has been a great four years has little to do with the courses, professors or the academic awards. This is a great place because of the students and because of Montréal itself. The bureaucrats who staff this school can be enough to drive a man to drink. O r to drive a drinking man to excess. I don't want to insult the staff of M cG ill, but waiting in line is never any fun. % Okay, that's it for the anger. I had a great time here at M cGill, and I'm sorry that I now have to start contributing to the country's economy. Oh well, that's life. Before I go, I have to thank a number of people for helping me out here at the sports desk. First of all, thanks to Brian Todd for allowing me to get away with things that the news writers can't. Thanks to Howie Lando, Pete Nelson, Chris Whitehead, Alex Murphy and all of the other writers over the last two years. Thanks go to the brothers of PsiUpsilon for their weekly seminars. Thanks to Coach Schildroth of the basketball team for supplying a neverending stream of quotes, and thanks to the Pearl for his weekly statistical round up. I could go on and on, but there is one other man who I must thank. Without this man, there would not have been a sports section at the Tribune. I am, of course, referring to Harry Guy, my loyal assistant over the past two years. Harry, take care of yourself. Just one last thing I want to mention. You may remember a column that I wrote in October that detailed the farce that has become of the new gym. A Patrick H.F. Baillie wrote in a couple of times to take me to task for daring to say anything bad about the administration: such as their heels were dragging. Well Patrick, it is six months later, and what has changed? Hopefully, there will be a badly-needed new gym at M cG ill before my kids graduate from here, but I am not going to hold my breath. Thanks for reading. Watch the Jays fly, and aloha from the sports desk.
ing the hotel, and was followed by an amazing slide presentation set to music featuring team candids (ie. the Synchro swim team posing appropriately to "Legs" by ZZ Top). The evening's M.C. was CBC Radio Sports commentator John Hancock, who did a fine job albeit minor pronunciation bloopers. Those well versed in M cG ill tradition might very well have come armed with Spray 'n Wash in anticipation of Rugger initiated food fights. Luckily, or perhaps, for some, alas, no such food frolics broke out. Unlike last year, no member of the head table was made the target of a luke-warm deboned chichen projectile. Considering the past four or so banquets, all of which were hosted by the Chateau Champlain, it can be deduced that the choice of hotel plays a major role in student behavior. Chateau Champlain seems to somehow irk and evoke the uninhibited in otherwise dedicated, reserved M cG ill athletes. The Bonaventure's wise choice of decorum must have a soothing effect. Needless to say, the highlight of the evening was neither the menu nor the seating arrangement. The moment of anticipation — the major award presen tations of which all nominees were most deserving.
swimmer Mac Teskey. Awarded by Teskey himself, the trophy honored an athlete "w ith special q u a litie s .” Linebacker Cliff Wilson was this year's recipient. The Martlet Foundation Team A w a rd :
was presented to the Martlet Basketball team for their excellent season. M olson Cup Players o f the Year, were
M ike Sanham — Football, Robin Bélanger — Football, M ike Gray — Soc cer, Mark Reade — Hockey, Bernie Rosanelli — Basketball, Bonnie MacNaughton — Basketball. Uldis Auders A w ard : was presented to
2nd year Patrick Arsenault — Basket ball, for combined excellence in athletics and academics. M uriel V. Roscoe A w ard : is presented to
the graduating female student for "her proficiency and leadership in athletics." Those eligible for this year were Paula Bôgglid — Basketball, Lizanne Bussières — Cross Country Running and Track and Field, and Rita Toporowski — Row ing. The winner: Lizanne who, among her many achievements, finished 4th in the 1984 New York City Marathon and was Q U A A Individual Women's Cross Country champion in 1982 and 1984.
The Teskey A w ard : A new award in
stituted in the honour of courageous
D. Stuart Forbes Trophy: is presented annually to the M cGill male athlete who "through his athletic achievements, has brought'the most recognition to the University." This year's nominees included Simon O nabow ale — Basketball, Robert Quinn — Cross Country Running and Track and Field, Mark Reade — Hockey, and Guy Savard — Rowing. Mark Reade was this year's recipient for his outstanding achievements, in cluding Q U A A All-Star. Molson Player of the Month for November and January and the establishment of 14 team records in 1986. M ajor
A sincere congratulations extended tc all winners! After the closing comments offered by Harry Zarins, athletes and guests retired to the Verdun Room for dancing and trophy comparison. A fine evening was had by all.
Side-line com m ents: a photo of the
Martlet Soccer team was shamefully omitted from the program booklet: there was not a cigarette for miles: the dreaded static cling seemed to be an af fliction for one and all: and tuxedoes both traditional and otherwise were all the rage.
W h e e lc h a ir B -b a ll O p e n s Eyes
by Corinne Smyth and Helena Katz For this year's M cG ill Redmen basket ball team, last Thursday's wheelchair basketball game against the Wheelchair Wonders was a first. Organized by A c cess M cG ill in conjunction with their Disability Week, the game was a learn ing experience for both players and spectators. "Just being here gives you a good ap preciation of what it's like to be in a wheelchair, " said Redmen Simon Onabowale. Many of the nearly 100 spectators agreed. "It makes them realize how lucky they are, the healthy players," a spectator from Concordia University noted. The Wheelchair Wonders led the en tire game with the Redmen in merry chase. According to Wonder player Louis Nissim, "The Redmen were better than most teams we've played. They scored many points. Most people don't get past twenty." The final score was 48-33 for the Wonders. Playing from a wheelcahir gave Redmen players a different perspective on the game. For Clint Hamilton, "it was a totally different experience when looking up at the net. The biggest thing is being so close to the ground. The mo tion for shooting is the same but you
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C la u d e B riere reach es for sky in w h e e lch a ir ch allen g e. have to use your arms more." Richard Watson observed that "you can't move like you want to, you can't shoot like you want to and your upper body must be strong." Access M cG ill members were pleased with the success of their event, par ticularly in terms of creating awareness
of the potential of the disabled. Redmen coach Ken Schildroth said that he was "struck by what good athletes they were, not by the fact they were in wheelchairs.” He, perhaps, best cap tured the point which Access M cGill was trying to put across—to see the per son first and the disability second.
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A TENT PARTY ON LOWER CAMPUS Last day of classes T i c k e t P r i c e i n c l u d e s : h e a t e d t e n t & d a n c in g a ll n ig h t P e r c e n t a g e o f t i c k e t p r i c e ----- p r o c e e d s g o t o
L e u k e m ia - C a n c e r R e s e a r c h