The McGill Tribune Vol. 13 Issue 18

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V a le n t in e s D ay t

R e M





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d esserts

^ o u v e t r i e d t h e r e s t, r w v o t a s k t h e b e s t! J

A n t h o lo g y o f L it t le L o v e N o te s So you think you are in love...Think again, SSMU President M ark Luz is the only one who sent you a valentine message. See page 12

Inside This W eek N ews: Student reps lobby SSMU to recon­ sider its position on the blood drive. See page 3 O p/Ed: America's silent cry for help falls on deaf ears north of the border. See editorial, page 6 Features: Absurd little suggestions for those d ish earten d by the yearly love ritual. See page 9 Entertainm ent: Get a job, you pop culture fool. H ow? Here's advice right from the m edia mouth. Also, Run-DMC talks tough. See page 17 Sports: Intercollegiate Baseball league will see light of day if McGill's Dan Brock has it his way. See page 23




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T u esd ay . F e b ru a ry 8 H o w d y , f e llo w b u c k e r o o s ! W h y n ’ch a m o sey o n d o w n to El Ranchero R e d H e r r i n g for o u r w eekly h o ed o w n . 5 PM, w e ’ll h a v e a sh a ke-and-bake-off! S hatner B07, 398-A1HA. T he D e p a rtm e n t o f H is to ry p resen ts Prof. T h o m as Ingersoll (U. de M.) sp e ak in g on “Am erican H istorians an d the R om ance o f Early N ew O rleans History.” 4 PM, T h o m so n H ouse, 3650 McTavish. All w elcom e. C h ris tia n

A w a re n e ss D ay

events: Displays, sp eaker, film, d ram a/ m im e p resen tatio n , live m usic, free bibles, etc. 10 AM-4 PM, S hatner 107/108. For info call Jean at 282-7768. W o rsh ip Fest: 7 PM, H ow ard P alm er Auditorium , 5th floor M acIntyre Med. Bldg. All w elco m e. For info call Wai at 365-3983.

F a c u lty o f M u sic concerts: C oncert-lecture o n C uban m usic by Jorge G om ez Labrana. 3 PM, Clara L ic h te n s te in H a ll, Rm . C -2 0 1 , 555 S herbrooke St. W. Rachelle Taylor, h arpsichord. 8 PM, R edpath Hall. Both are free. For m ore info call 398-4547/8101.

T h u r s d a y . F e b r u a r y 10 Q P IR G p re s e n ts J u d ith P lant, ecofem inist w riter an d ed ito r o f N ew Soci­ ety Publishing H ouse, sp e ak in g o n "D e­ v eloping Sustainability: An Ecofem inist Strategy for a Liveable F uture.” 7:30 PM, FDA Auditorium . For info call 398-7432. SSMU C o u n c il m eets a t 6 PM in Shatner 425/426. All w elcom e. LBGM's C oordinating C om m ittee M eeting occurs at 5 PM in S hatner 432; everyone is en co u rag ed to attend.

T he M cG ill R e d m e n H o c k e y T e a m tak es a step u p in th e w orld to face off against C oncordia at th e M ontreal Fo­ rum , 4:30 PM. Buy y o u r tickets at the Currie Gym an d see th e H abs oldtim ers play after th e gam e.

T he F a c u lty o f M u sic presents the McGill W ind Sym phony. 8 PM, Pollack Hall. Free. For m ore info call 398-4547/ 8101.

The L a tin A m e r ic a n A w a re n e s s G r o u p m eets at 5 PM in S hatner B09-

SACOMSS offers a "Friends and Family o f Survivors o f Sexual A buse” facili­ tated m utual aid su p p o rt gro u p . Call 3982700.

T he G h e tto S afety P ro je c t's Vol­ u n te e r O rientation session m eets at 5 PM in S hatner 107/108. All th o se interested in d oin g a safety au d it o f th e G hetto should attend. T he A rt H is to r y S tu d e n ts ’A s so ­ c ia tio n co n clu d es its Art Exhibit today. 9 AM-12 PM, Leacock 232. T he F a c u lty o f M u sic presents th e McGill C o ntem porary Music Ensem ­ ble: H o m ag e to Anton W ebern. 8 PM, Pollack Hall. Free. For info call 398-4547/ 8101. A m n e s ty I n t e r n a t i o n a l M cG ill m eets every T u esd ay at 6:30 PM in Shatner 435. New, old an d casual m em bers w el­ com e. For info co m e to Shatner 410 o r call 398-1209SACOMSS offers a “W om en with Eating D isorders” facilitated m utual aid su p p o rt gro u p . B ody im age issues also addressed. Call 398-2700.

LBGM has a w eekly bisexual dis­ cussion gro u p . 5:30 PM, Eaton Bldg., 5th floor. A friendly g ro u p dealing w ith issues directly relevant to bisexuals; all w elcom e. SACOMSS offers 2 facilitated m u­ tual aid su p p o rt g roups: "W om en Survi­ vors o f D om estic V iolence” and “Men Survivors o f Sexual A buse.” 6:30-8:30 PM, private room s at McGill. Call 398-2700. M cG ill I m p r o v perform s co m ­ ed y every W ed n esd ay in th e Alley, 8 PM. Free for all. T rès funny.

The C e n tr e f o r D e v e lo p in g A re a S tu d ie s p resen ts O liver Coom es, D ept, of G eography, sp e ak in g o n “Freer to Lose: T he P easantry an d P opulist Agrarian Poli­ cies in W estern A m azonia.” 12 PM, 3715 Peel, Rm. 100. S c a rle t K e y s are aw ard ed a n n u ­ ally to stu d e n ts w h o have dem onstrated leadership in extracurricular activities and contributions to th e McGill com m unity. A pplication d ead lin e is today; nom ination form s available at SSMU desk. T he Sci e n c e U n d e r g r a d u a te S o ­ c ie ty p resen ts “T he P rincess B ride” for V alentine's Day. G ert's, 2 show ings, 4 PM a n d 8 PM. Free. M cG ill C h r i s t i a n F e llo w s h ip m eets at 7 PM, b asem en t o f Presbyterian College, c o m e r M ilton a n d U niversity (Milton en trance). All w elcom e. For info call Jean at 282-7768. LBGM h as tw o discussion groups, both in the b asem en t o f th e U nited T h eo ­ logical College (3521 University). Com ing O u t g roup m eets at 5:30 PM, G eneral D iscussion at 7 PM. Friendly atm o sp h ere, all w elcom e. T oday is th e d ead lin e for L ati­ tu d e s , the Journal o f D eveloping Area Studies. Leave subm issions in b o x by SSMU desk. Q uestions, call A ndrew a t 286-0702 o r Vera at 728-4150. F a c u lty o f M u sic concerts: Jo sée April, organist. 12:15 PM, R edpath Hall. Free. Music from th e A m ericas- C ham ­ ber Music an d E lectroacoustics. 8 PM, Clara Lichtenstein Hall, Rm. C-201, 555 S herbrooke. Free.

T R A N S IT N E T W O R K P a id

o ffic e

tia t

s t a f f w a n t e d :

A re y o u g re a t w ith people? D-Base? Do y o u ta k e initiative? If you are, and want to work 20hrs/wk during the academ ic year, contact L o m e D aitchm an or H ow ard M arko w itz at 398-2902. O r send C.V. to Shatner Building, 3480 McTavish, suite 408.



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The McGill Tribune, February 8-14,19

Shatner. For d etails call Brian W. at 272-

McGill S ym phony O rchestra and Choirs. Pick u p free p asses at Pollack Hall B ox O ffice. 8 PM, P ollack Hall. For m ore info call 398-4547/8101.

M c G ill

8959. C om m itted vo lu n teers (m ale and fem ale) n e e d e d for W o m e n ’s AIDS H o s ­ p ic e to give h an d s-o n , practical su p p o rt a n d care. P lease call S haron at 525-9210.

S a tu r d a y . F e b ru a try 12

M cG ill I m p r o v hosts free com ­ ed y w o rk sh o p s every Saturday from 12-2 PM. M eet in S hatner lobby.

H ave essays, argum ents, creativ­ ity o r a se n se o f hum our? Subm it to th e P illa r! T ake it to th e b o x by th e SSMU d esk . Include nam e a n d p h o n e num ber. D eadline: M arch 1.

S u n d a y . F e b r u a r y 13

Assistant Michael Broadhurst Edtors-in-Chief MicolZarb News Editors RamRandham Steve Smith Features Edtots Cheryl Devoe Cherie Payne Entertainment Edtots Catrin Morris Brendon York Sports Edtots Christopher Rigney Charles Thomas

A nyone interested in sharing their ex p e rie n c e s in d e v e lo p m e n t w o rk in C anada o r abroad? I n t e r n a t i o n a l D e v e l­ o p m e n t W e e k ru n s Feb. 7-13, p resen ta­ tio n s Feb. 9-10. Call 844-6585.

S pend a cozy afternoon w ith your favourite M cG ill B a s k e tb a ll team s on the eve ofV alentine’s. M artlets at 1 PM, Redmen a t 3 PM against Laval at th e Currie Gym. T he F a c u lty o f M u sic presents Z abel M anoukian, piano, in a concert w ith com m entary. T ickets $12/$8 students & seniors. R efreshm ents served afterw ards. Info a n d p h o n e reservations: 398-4547.

M o n d a y . F e b r u a r y 14 H a p p y V a le n tin e ’s D ay! C om e o rd er y o u r tasty healthy non co rp o rate organic food from the M cGill O r g a n ic F o o d C o -o p M ondays betw een 11:30 AM-4:30 PM in E aton Bldg. Rm. 505. Bring a deposit; p ick u p s on W ednesdays. T he A r c h a e o lo g y S p e a k e r s Se­ r ie s presents Prof. Michael S. Bisson sp e ak ­ ing o n “T he Lost Jullien Collection." 12:302:30 PM, Stew art Biology, Room S3-3. F a c u lty o f M u s ic concerts: C ham ber Music Recital, as part of McGill Faculty M em bers in Concert. 8 PM, Pollack Hall. E lectroacoustic m usic from Argen­ tina. 8 PM, Clara Lichtenstein Hall, Room C201, 555 S herbrooke St. W. Both are free. For m ore info call 398-4547/8101. T he S e x u a l A s sa u lt C e n tr e o f M cG ill (SACOMSS) offers a “W om en Sur­ vivors o f Child Sexual A buse” facilitated m utual aid su p p o rt group. 7-9 PM, private room at McGill. Call 398-2700.

O n g o in g ... R e d H e r rin g ! Submit. D eadline. M arch 11. See huge ad in this issue for details. You w o n ’t be sorry. Peace.

T h e F a c u lty o f E n g in e e r in g h osts th e 10th Annual Q u e b e c E ngineer­ ing C om petition. F eb . 11: A m b a s sa d o r D av id M alone gives a p resen tatio n o n an envi­ ronm ental them e. 3 PM, Architecture Bldg., Rm. G10 Feb. 11-12: D esign C om petition projects o p e n to public in S hatner Ball­ room . For info call N orm an S p en cer at 398-4396. S a v o y S o ciety is looking for p e o ­ ple to h elp build sets for their upco m in g p ro d u ctio n o f “T h e G ondoliers." W hy m iss this ex cellen t o p p o rtu n ity to play w ith p o w e r tools? N o ex p erien ce n eces­ sary, give as m uch tim e as y ou w ant. Call 288-1880 o r 934-4854 for info. T he A s s o c ia tio n o f Y o g a a n d M e d ita tio n is offering relaxation ses­ sions: M on. 11:30 AM-12:30 PM, W ed. 12:30-1:30 PM, Thurs. 1:15-2:15 PM. Mon. a n d W ed. held in S hatner 425, Thurs. in B09- D ress com fortably an d please b e o n tim e. E veryone is w elcom e. P h ilo s o p h ic a l F ra g m e n ts , the u n d erg ra d u ate journal o f philo so p h y , is lo oking for subm issions for this year's issue. P ap ers are d u e Feb. 18. For m ore info, call A ntonia at 282-1763 or see th e signs o n Leacock’s 9th floor. Are you q u estio n in g your sexual­ ity? D o you n eed help com ing out? O r d o you have any o th er co n cern s an d you n e e d to talk? Phone LBGM's p e e r c o u n ­ selling p h o n e line at 398-6822, 7-10 PM Mon.-Fri. Strictly confidential; y ou can also d ro p b y th e office, Shatner 432, for face-to-face support.

T h e E n g lis h D e p a r tm e n t presents th e play “T en Lost Y ears” at Motrice Hall in th e Arts Building, Feb. 9-12 and 1619, at 8 PM. T ickets $10/$6. For info call 398-6070.

M cG ill N ig h tlin e is an an o n y ­ m ous, non-judgm ental telep h o n e listen­ ing, inform ation, an d referral service o p e n from 6 PM-3 AM. Call u s at 398-6246!

M cG ill C h r is tia n F e llo w s h ip ’s b a k e sale & H ershey Kisses sale. 10 AM-3 PM: T hurs. M cConnell, Bronfm an; Fri. M cC onnell, S h atn er; M on. B ronfm an,

W a lk s a fe F o o t P a tr o l hours: Sun.-Thurs. 6:30 PM-12:30 AM; Fri.-Sat. 6:30 PM-2:30 AM. Call us! W e’ll w alk you an y w h ere you w an t to go. 398-2498.

ea c h

Edtor-ln-Chief Benoit Jacqmotte

W ant ex p erien ce in publishing, advertising o r fundraising? Be th e m an ag ­ ing ed ito r o f th e P illa r (AUS literary m agazine). Call 282-6348 now!

T he F a c u lty o f M u sic presents th e McGill Sym phony O rchestra an d Choirs. Free passes available at Pollack Hall Box Office this w eek . 8 PM, Pollack Hall. For info call 398-4547/8101.


T r ib u n e

T he M cG ill E ast A s la n J o u r n a l is eag erly seek in g u n d erg ra d u ate subm is­ sions from any discipline w h ich pertains to East Asia. P lease h an d in p ap ers to th e 3rd floor office o f 3434 McTavish ASAP, o r co n tact D avid at 843-8993.

S ki T r ip to Mt. G abriel sponsored b y th e French C ulture Club (SEFUM). $20 m em bers, $25 non-m em bers, plus rentals. Call 846-2577. All welcom e!

F rid a y . F e b r u a r y 11

W e d n esd ay . F e b ru a ry 9 T he Y e llo w D o o r C o ffee H o u s e p resen ts original Irish stories told by Mike B um s, follow ed by an o p e n stage. $2. 8 PM, Y ellow D oor, 3625 Aylmer. For info call 398-6243.


a b r o a d

Languages International TESL course coming to Montreal 2 wk. intensive course in afternoons to teach English overseas Certificate awarded. Feb. 14-25, $395. Early registration, $345 before Feb. 5.

Tel. C o llect (416) 925-7010

Fax (416) 925-7477

NetworkEdtots Bamaby Clunie Monique Shebbeare Photo Edtots G eoff Gibson Jack Sullivan ProductionManagers Jonathan Wassermai Tiffany Welch Asst Prediction Mjp. Nicholas Roy Advertising liaison Sanchari Chakravar ■ Prodjctien Assistants

Brenda Chow AhnDucharme Andy Hastings Christiane Spamk Publications Manager Keith Gallop Madethg Assistants Rima Zaarow Carol Zabbal Typesetters Barbara MacDougal, Jonathan Poplack What’s OnCoordnator Jennifer Ralston Letters Coordinator Renée Cheng Cover Photo Linda Lieberman Staff

Ramsey Blachkxk AbbaBrodt Craig Bernes Arme Campagna Yuan Carrière Ian Carter TedFrarM Cohn Ferguson Kate Gibbs Allnan Henderson Scott Lanaway MattLarge IizLau LindaUeberman Harris Newman Mary-Margaretpnes SteæPratt ErmaRhôdes pnathanS. lama Scolnick Ken Scott ParomitaSbal KashifZahoor

The M cGill Tribune is published by the Students' Society of McGill University. The Tribune editonal office is located in B01A of the William Shatner University Centre, 3480 McTavish St, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1X9. Telephone 398-6789 or 398-DOOM. Letters and submissions should be left at the editorial office or at the Students' Society Gâterai Office Deadline for letters is noon Thursday. Letters must be kept to fewer than 351 words. Comments of individual opinion must be no more than 500 words. All letters MUST contain the author's major, faculty and year, as well as a phone number to confirm. Letters without the above information will NOT be printed Other comment can be addressed to the chair of the Tribune Publication Board and left at the Students' Society General Office. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Students' Society or of McGill University. The Tribune advertising office is located in Rm 105, phone 398-6777. Printing by Chad Ronalds Graphics, Montreal Quebec.

he McGill Tribune, February 8-14,1994

P age 3

e w s

ouncillors asked to reth in k b lo o d drive issue B Y M IC H A E L BRO A D H U RST Four m em bers o f Students’ icie ty (SSM U) cou n cil have co Ip on so red a m otion to rescind lo u n c il’s N ovem ber 11th, 1993 le c is io n to ce ase participating in Canadian Red Cross (CRC) blood I rives. T h e m otion, sponsored by led icin e R ep David M cCaughey, Athletics R ep Ja m e s Stew art and trts Reps Liane T hom as and Corey Cooke, will b e presen ted to cou n|il at this Thursday’s m eeting. SSMU voted to ce a se partici­ pation in its annual ShatnerC entre floo d drive b ecau se the question­ naire the CRC u ses to screen d o­ lors includes a question that SSMU determined discrim inated against lom o sexu als. A ccording to Secio n 2.3 o f the SSMU Constitution, tSMU can n o t associate itself with Organizations that discrim inate on te basis o f sexual orientation. T h e m otion states in part îat “according to the CRC, the |isk o f contacting HIV from a transrsion, w h en the d on o r has had Protected (ie. u se o f a co n d o m ) le x with a gay m ale (1/2000) is 58 ]imes higher than from a d onor rat has had un protected sex with heterosexu al (1/ 115000).” M cC aughey stated that he litiated the m otion o n b eh alf o f ie Medical Students’ Society (MSS) /hich b elieves that the CRC w as

n ot represented at the initial SSMU debate. “First o f all, [SSMU] didn’t allow the Red Cross to exp ress its o p in ion ,” he said. “T h e MSS has passed a m otion stating that the questionnaire w as n ot discrim ina­ tory.” B ut m em ­ b ers o f SSMU council and Les­ bians, Bisexuals and G ays o f M cGill (LBGM ) that voted in fa­ vour o f the No­ v em ber m otion

tion that the sponsors o f the m o­ tion hold. “I think the issue w as so im portant that it w ould b e healthy to have it d eb ated tw ice," he said. “I think the Red Cross has to b e given the b en efit o f the d oubt ________________ to m aintain the p u rity o f th e b loo d supply,” Stew art added. “I d on’t believe [the CRC] are trying to d isc r i m i n a te against h om o­ sex u als.” “P e o p l e are arguing that w e are trying to stop discrimina­ tion ... but the clea r cu t issue is a c o n s titu ­ tional question. A s a n SSM U councillor, one w o u ld h o p e th a t [Stew art] w ould uphold that fo rem o st,” stated Carter. SSMU President Mark Luz argued that the qu estion should b e forw arded to SSMU’s Ju d icial B oard in ord er to determ ine its constitutionality. “It still is, a s it w as then, a qu estion o f constitutional inter­ p retation,” Luz said. “It’s su b jec­

“It’s weird to me that everyone would think the Red Cross is homophobic, or that they would willingly cut out 10 per cent of the population that can give blood without reason.”

w ere dism ayed th a t the issu e w a s a g a in o n the agenda. “I t ’s an u n c o n s titu ­ tional m otion,” s a id S e n a te / B oard Rep Rich Latour. “They’re using statistics to b ack up their c la im , and LBGM has statistics to b a ck up theirs. [The motion] d oes n ot ad­ dress the issues involved.” LBGM C o o rd in a to r Chris Carter w as up set by the n ew m o­ tion. “It’s blatant h o m o p h o b ia,” Carter said. Stew art exp lained the posi­

—David McCaughey, Medicine Rep to Council

tive, but w hen y o u p u t th e q u e s tio n n a ir e a g a in s t th a t c o n s titu tio n a l c la u s e , d is ­ crim ination is a facto r in it.” B u t Stewart said that stu d en ts w ere afraid to take a s ta n d th a t m ig h t a p p e a r hom ophobic. “P e o p l e are le tt in g them selv es be g o v ern ed by e m o tio n , n o t reason. Y o u ’ve g o t to lo o k at the b lack and w hite, and not le t in te r e s t g ro u p s at M c G ill in flu ­ e n ce your vote, and m ake your d e c is io n w ith C o u n c illo r J a m e s rationale, rather than em otion ," Stewart said. Clubs Rep Farah Nazarali w as n o t surprised by the new m otion. “I think it’s part o f a general b ack lash that has b e e n g oin g around the cam p u s,” sh e said. B ut M cC aughey said that he

S t e w a r t a r g u e s f o r r a t io n a lity has found the entire issue un set­ tling. “It’s w eird to m e that every­ o n e w ould think the Red Cross is hom op h o bic, or that they w ould w illingly cu t o u t 10 p e r ce n t o f the population that can give b loo d w ithout reaso n .”

Senate reviews report on persons with disabilities BY RAM RANDHAW A

w ith satisfactorily. “I think this university is T h e J o in t S e n a te / B o a rd m aking very p ositive progress, Committee co n cern in g P ersons how ever, th ere are certain areas rith D isabilities issu ed its annual that still n e ed to b e ad d ressed ,” 1‘ep ort fo r the 1992-93 acad em ic sh e said. “For exam p le, stud ents rear at the last W ed n esd ay’s sen w h o are part-tim e b e c a u se o f ite m e e tin g . T h e c o m m itte e , their disability sh ou ld b e elig ib le /hich m et eigh t tim es during the fo r sch olarsh ip s." >ast year, con sists o f eigh t m em A lth o u g h th e u n iv e rs ity :rs ap p o in ted b y sen ate, three po licy d eem s students w h o are le m b e rs ap p o in ted by the B oard co m p elled b y their disability to )f G ov ernors, sev en students, and study o n a part-tim e basis elig ib le six m em b ers o f the university fo r M cG ill-fund ed loan s an d bur­ s a r ie s , it m a k e s n o m e n tio n o f s c h o la r ­ ships. U nder norm al cir­ c u m s ta n c e s, s c h o la r ­ sh ip recip ien ts are re­ qu ired to m aintain full­ tim e a tten d an ce at the university. jb T h e rep ort also „ reaffirm ed the p o sition £ o f “C oord inator, O ffice o fo r Students w ith D is§ ab ilities," an n o u n cin g •■2 that the p o sitio n b eH c a m e full tim e during the 19 9 2 -9 3 acad em ic y e a r. J o a n W o lfo rth to o k o v er the p o sition as o f Ju n e 1 o f last year. W o lfo rth ex­ p lain ed that a w o rk in g E ffo r ts co n tin u e to m a k e th e u n iv ersity m ore a c c e s s ib le to d is a b le d stu d en ts com m u nity w ith p o sitions related to students w ith disabilities. T h e com m ittee w as esta b ­ lished 10 years ago, and b a ses its m and ate o n a p o licy statem en t approved b y Sen ate in 1986. T h e statem en t co v ers issu es from ad­ m ission to the university to s p e ­ cial parking policies. SSMU VP U niversity Affairs Ruth P rom islow e xp la in ed that although the p olicy statem ent w as a step in the right d irection, there w ere som e issues it failed to d eal

group h ad b e e n se t up to investi­ g ate the ap p lication o f part-tim e status to stud ents w ith d isabili­ ties. T h e rep ort also ou tlin ed the exp en d itu re o f a m ajor grant from

“I think this university is making very positive progress, however, there are certain areas that still need to be addressed.” — Ruth Promislow, VP University Affairs the M inistry o f E du cation w h ich co n sisted o f 2.6 m illion dollars w orth o f physical alterations to the cam p u s. T h e alterations w ere aim ed at ensu ring that b oth the d ow n tow n and M acdonald C am ­ p u ses w e re “b arrier-free.” O f the 2.6 m illion dollars, ap p roxim ately 1.5 m illion dollars

w ere sp e n t o n m ajo r ren ov atio n s su ch as the installation o f n ew elev ato rs, ram ps, an d lifts. An­ o th er 6 0 0 ,0 0 0 dollars w ere sp en t o n in terio r ren o v atio n s an d m is­ ce lla n e o u s p ro jects, w ith the re­ m aining 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 d ollars g o in g to “design, co n tin g en cy , adm inistra­ tion, and su p erv ision .” A cco rd ing to th e report, a total o f 125 stud ents w e re regis­ tered w ith the o ffice fo r stud ents w ith disabilities. A lthou gh figures p ertainin g to the n u m b e r o f d isa­ b led stud ents ad m itted to the u n i­ versity in past years w e re unavail­ ab le, figures classifying stud ents b y their cu rrent a cad em ic y ear sh o w ed a stead y in crease o f d isa­ b led stud ents in the ju n io r a ca ­ d em ic years, su ggestin g a stead y in cre ase in en ro lm e n t sin ce 1988. P rom islow em p h asized the im p ortance o f m aking p o ten tial ap p lican ts to th e university aw a re o f the serv ices o ffered fo r stu­ d ents w ith d isabilities at M cGill. A lthough inform ation ab ou t the university’s facilities is sen t w ith the a c c e p ta n c e p a ck a g e , th o se stud ents w h o are sen t ap­ p lication s m ust find a university calen d ar in o rd er to fam iliarize th em selv es w ith the serv ices b e ­ fo re th e y apply.


P age 4

Students question Daily fees

News Briefs IR C


a s k s f o r r e fu n d f o r c le a n in g c h a r g e s

Several students are prepar­ ing to subm it a referendu m q u e s­ tion that w ould am en d the D aily Publications Society (D P S) C on­ stitution. T h e q u estio n w ould re­ quire students to vote every three years o n w h eth er they w an ted to continu e funding the M cG ill D a ily through the cu rrent d irect student levy. A ccording to S ectio n 7.1 o f the ■ D PS C onstitu tion, ev ery m em b er o f the Publications So­ ciety m ust pay a fee to the Society w hich is determ ined by the B oard o f D irectors. All students e x c e p t those a t M acdonald C o ll e g e , som e graduate students, and Continuing Education students are con sid ered m em bers o f the S ociety and currently pay $ 6 .7 0 p e r y ear to the D a ily . A ccording to Arts U nder­ graduate Society P resid ent J o e W ong, a group o f students includ­ ing him self, the E ngineering U n­ dergraduate Society (EU S) Presi­ dent W illiam Phillipson and M an­ ag em ent Undergraduate Society (M US) President Ronald Balinsky, m et in N ovem ber to discuss the subm ission o f a student-initiated referendum q u estio n that w ould am end the D aily P ublications So­ ciety Constitution. W ong has sin ce said h e d oes n ot support the attem pt to am end the D PS’s constitution. B alinsky and Phillipson d e ­ clined to elab orate o n the specific w ording o f the referendu m q u e s­ tion. “I w ould like the inform a­

G ardner Hall President and Inter R esidence Council (IRC) m em ber Eric H offstein has sent a letter to the Guy Chattier, G eneral M anager o f the Hotel Chateau Mont St-Anne, the hotel used by IRC during its annual Ski Trip in early January. The letter requests reim bursem ent for cleaning charges to certain room s in the hotel. According to IRC President Sevag Y eghoyan, many students felt that they w ere unjustly charged fo r extra cleaning fo r their ro o m s. In the letter, Hoffstein noted that som e students that w ere charged felt that their room s required only nom inal cleaning. Y eghoyan rem arked that w hile many students had initially com e forth to com plain about the extra charge, only tw elve w ent through the process o f filing formal com plaints. Y eghoyan also expressed dissatisfaction with the shuttle bus service that was made available to students. Matthew Marois, D irector o f Student Sales for Ski Fo 5 Seasons, the com pany through w hich IRC organized their ski trip, claim s to have explained to Y eghoyan that shuttle buses w ere only free during the day and for certain trips at night. Y eghoyan maintains, how ever, that IRC was under the im pression that all shuttle bus service w ould b e free. Y eghoyan also claim ed that bus drivers took advantage o f the intoxication o f several students. “Although the standard price was $1.25, if a student w as drunk the bus driver w ould ask for m ore. Som e students ended up paying as m uch as $3.00 for the ride,” said Yeghoyan. N either Marois nor Chartier w ere available for com m ent. M







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[MUS],” B alinsky said. Balinsky exp lain ed the ref­ eren du m w as intended to m ake the D a ily m ore responsible to stu­ dents w ho funded its op eration. “W e d is c u s s e d p o s s ib le m echanism s w h ereb y the D a ily m ight b e m ore responsive to stu­ d en ts’ n eed s,” he said. “T h e o b je c­ tive is n o ta n anti-D a ily cam paign. T h e ob jectiv e is to pursue student interests acro ss cam p u s.” M anagem ent R ep to Stu­ d en ts’ S o ciety (SSM U ) co u n cil Mitch Costom , w ho also attended o n e o f the group’s m eetings in N ovem ber, said m any students had v oiced co n cern s ab ou t their inability to w ithhold their student fe e s to the D aily . “A lot o f p eop le have ap ­ p roached m e as M anagem ent Rep and have asked m e w hy they are paying fo r the D a ily " he said, stressing that he w as participating


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in the form ulation o f the référé dum q u estion solely as an ind p end ent student. EUS President Phillipson al d eclin ed to reveal the speci w ording o f the question, b u t si gested that an am end m ent to t D PS Constitution w ould manda a referendum every three yea requiring students to ren ew th< support fo r the D aily!s curre level o f funding. “It’s in the st dents’ interests to s 1 if they support t D a ily [every thi: -D a ily y ear,” h e said. Rather than tem pting to enfor a c c o u n ta b ility th e n ew sp ap e Phillipson stress! the n eed to allc stu d en ts to dete 1 m ine w h eth er th supp orted the Dc ly s current level o f funding “I’m n ot trying to ce n so r t new spaper or en force re sp o n bility," h e said. “It’s giving st dents a ch o ice ." D a ily Coordinating Edit D ave Ley suggested that studen dissatisfied with the D aily!s c o te n to rm a n d a te h ad b etterw ay s w hich they could address th« concerns. “Personally, if they [studen have p roblem s with the D a ily , i n ot the b est w ay to d o it. “I w ould ask, ‘H ow w ou [the referendum ] m ake it m o re s p o n s iv e ? ”’ h e a d d e d . Le stressed that the ame ndme nt wou n ot provide a m echanism fo r a dressing such concerns. If the referendu m questic is accep ted b y the SSMU Chii Returning O fficers, the D aily Pul lications B oard m ay still prevei the q u estion from appearing the e lectio n and referendum p< riod, schedu led this year fo r Marc 8th, 9th, and 10th. A ccording Section 10.3.2 o f the D PS Const tution, any three m em bers o f th Publications B oard o r the studei initiator o f the q u estio n m ay hav the qu estion referred to the Ju d cial Com m ittee. T h e D a ily cu rently uses the SSMU Ju d icial Boar in that capacity. . T h e D a ily Board o f Direc tors, accord ing to the sectio n , re serves the right to overrule th Ju d icial C om m ittee’s verdie i o the accep tability o f the referee dum q u estion b y a unanim ou vote.

-Ronald Balinsky, MUS President

In an attempt to reverse losses in revenue, the Marriott Corporation has proposed a series o f food and beverage price increases around campus. Marriott is contracted by Students’ Society (SSM U) to op erate fo od services around campus. Food and beverage services w ere previously operated by Scott’s Food Services, w hich left its contract with SSMU in 1991. The contract was subsequently picked up by Marriott’s, w hich initially cut prices by 30 per cen t in an attem pt to entice custom ers. Unfortu­ nately, these price cuts did not generate exp ected profit levels. Marriott’s contractual obligations require the corporation to pay SSMU either 11 per cent o f their profits or $350,000 p er year, w hichever is higher, regardless o f the McGill op eration’s overall profitability. In order to reconcile their intake and the minimum guarantee with SSMU, Marriott’s has proposed to adjust certain food and beverage prices to their 1991 levels. SSMU’s Food and Beverage Committee has voted to accep t Marriott’s price adjustments. The final d ecision will be made at SSMU’s council m eeting this

1 - it O

tion to com e ou t in a timely and appropriate fash ion ,” Balinsky e x ­ plained, suggesting that he and others responsible for the referen­ dum w ere likely to release details o f the question later this w eek. B alin sky, P h illip son , and W ong all stressed they w ere not acting on b eh alf o f their re sp ec­ tive faculty associations in the matter. “I d o n ot e x p e c t [the refer­ endum ] to b e initiated b y the

“The objective is not an anti campaign. The objective is to pursue student interests across campus.”

a r r io t t C o r p . p r o p o s e s p r ic e in c r e a s e s


The McGill Tribune. February 8-14.19

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or, O R D E R Y O U R S A T S A D IE ’S »

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The McGill Tribune, February 8-14, 1994

S a d i e ’s

T a b a g ie


For the first time since 1990, the Students’ Society (SSM1J) owned Sadie’s Tabagie has re­ versed its trend of losing money and turned a profit. Though no figures have been released, SSMU VP Finance Paul Johnson has indicated that the Sadie’s at the Shatner Univer­ sity Centre and the Faculty of Law’s Chancellor Day Hall turned profits in the period from Sep­ tember to December 1993This turn-around in Sadie’s operations appears in stark con­ trast to the doubts which sur­ rounded Sadie’s future last fall. In October, Sadie’s financial dif­ ficulties culminated in the con­ troversial suspension of its man­ ager Robert Werbin. In light of Werbin’s suspension, SSMU called an emergency session of council in which SSMU’s future connection with Sadie’s was con­ sidered. Since 1990, Sadie’s has re­ quired subsidies from SSMU which have totalled $146,493- In order to plug this drain of funds, several members of the SSMU executive and the Financial Man­ agement Committee consider an informal proposal from the Marriott Corporation to take over

r e v e r s e s

the management of Sadie’s. Marriott’s already operates food services on campus. Though no decision has yet been made on the Marriott pro­ posal, Sadie’s has since operated in a partnership between SSMU and a managerial committee com­ posed of students employed at Sadie’s. According to Johnson,

h is t o r ic a l

egy which puts the operations in the hands of those who deal with it day to day,” he explained. Since Werbin’s removal, SSMU and the students on the SMC have worked hand in hand in the supervision of Sadie’s op­ erations. Student employee and co-manager Mary-MargaretJones noted that although Werbin’s dis­

N e w m a n a g em en t system p a y s o f f f o r S a d i e ’s T a b a g ie

this relationship has so far proven successful. “The day to day operations have been managed by the Sadie’s Management Committee (SMC). It’s a different management strat­

M c G ill S ID E

missal was unfortunate, it allowed the students to redefine their re­ lationship with SSMU. “Rob’s leaving caused a lot of problems but it also broke the power dynamic,” she observed.



Johnson asserted that the new relationship has allowed the students employed at Sadie’s to effectively participate in the tabagie’s success. “The students have helped us with their responsibility. Their input lets us know what sells and what doesn’t, they’re more care­ ful about the day to day tasks like stocking the shelves, and they’re providing better service,” he said. “The students now have a sense of ownership,”he added. SSMU’s contribu­ tions to the financial turnaround at Sadie’s have included the in­ stallation of a new computer system at the store. The new com­ puter is linked directly to SSMU’s accounting system and provides an item by item ac­ count of Sadie’s inven­ tory. SSMU Comptrol­ ler and Sadie’s co-manager Daniel Laforest elaborated on the advantages of the new system. “The purpose of a com­ pletely computerized inventory is to control purchases in detail.

a r d

t r e n d

Whereas the inventory was once divided into 10 departments we now have 75 which gives us an opportunity to better know their profitability,” Laforest stated. Yet Johnson maintains that the main reason for the upswing in Sadie’s profits has been the dedication of its student employ­ ees. “Without a group of stu­ dents as devoted as these ones are, we wouldn’t be seeing the turnaround that we have now,” he said. Laura Poce, a U2 educa­ tion student and Sadie’s em­ ployee, expressed her satisfac­ tion with the new organization at the store. “Everyone’s responsible for their own cash and assignments are broken down. Each student is responsible for different opera­ tions like scheduling or order­ ing,”she asserted. “Getting closer with SSMU has made things a lot easier.” Sadie’s employee and U2 English literature student Rachel Kotick also found the new rela­ tionship mutually beneficial. “It’s really improved stu­ dent relations and created a bet­ ter rapport with upper manage­ ment which has allowed students more of a say,” she said.

T E X T B O O K S C A N N O T P R O V ID E E X P E R IE N C E . M c G I L L 'S A L U M N I C A N .

T h e M e n t o r P r o g r a m is a g o o d o p p o r t u n ity to e x p lo r e a fie ld a n d le a r n w h a t y o u c a n 't f r o m a c la s s . I t m a tc h e s 3 r d a n d 4 t h y e a r s tu d e n ts w h o a r e d e f in in g th e ir e d u c a t io n a l a n d c a r e e r g o a ls w ith g r a d u a te s w h o h a v e b a c k g r o u n d a n d e x p e r ie n c e in t h a t fie ld . S tu d e n ts w ill b e m a tc h e d w ith a n d a lu m n u s w h o w ill p r o v id e c a r e e r o r g r a d u a te s tu d y a d v ic e a n d in f o r m a t io n .

M e n t o r s h a v e v o lu n te e r e d

f r o m a w id e r a n g e o f f ie ld s . S t u d e n t s m a y n o t u se th is s e r v ic e f o r jo b s e e k in g p u r p o s e s , h o w e v e r i t m a y le a d t o li f e lo n g fr ie n d s a n d c o n t a c t s . In t e r e s te d s tu d e n ts s h o u ld f il l o u t t h e f o r m b e lo w , in d ic a t in g p r e ­


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f e r r e d a re a s o f in t e r e s t f o r c a r e e r o r s tu d y . O n c e p a ire d w ith a n a lu m n u s , s tu d e n ts a n d M e n t o r s m e e t a m in im u m o f 3 tim e s d u r in g th e a c a d e m ic y e a r.

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The McGill Tribune, February 8-14,19e

P age 6


L iv in g

Toronto poet Greg Gatenby once referred to Cana­ da’s relationship with the United States in terms of a sibling’s relationship with an alcoholic brother: “’s like watching your brother become an alcoholic,” he said, “...a mixture of sadness and amaze­ ment, as there is no help we can give.” The analogy of the alco­ holic brother is a fitting one to describe our relationship with the United States. Since the days of Teddy Roosevelt, Canada has watched in help­ less wonder as the United States developed a costly ad­ diction to asserting its influ­ ence on a global scale. Need­ less to say, a great part of our fascination with America’s strength stemmed from our ingrained fears that one day Uncle Sam might start swing­ ing his big stick in our direc­ tion. Those fears were, how­ ever, tempered by America's brief withdrawal into isolation­

T h i s


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It never ceases to amaze me that comer stores in this province survive just by selling the staples: beer, gum and ciga­ rettes. Well it makes sense. Four out of five dentists rec­ ommend Trident to their pa­ tients who chew gum, and more significantly, one third of Quebecers are cigarette smok­ ers. Unless you’ve been stuck in the snow for the last three weeks (which isn’t an unrea­ sonable suggestion), you are already familiar with the very public demonstrations by many dépanneur owners who feel their livelihood is threatened by massive sales of contra­ band cigarettes. Popular CFCF 12 wisdom tells us that twothirds of cigarettes in Quebec are purchased illegally. In confusing “If my friend asked me to jump off a bridge I certainly would” fashion, lo­ cal dépanneur owners have organized independent sales of tax-free smokes themselves. As of February 2nd, five of these so-called peaceful pro­ tests have been organized. Members of a newly-founded coalition argue that small fam­


i t h

ism which was apparent from Woodrow Wilson's administra­ tion to that of Franklin D. Roosevelt. America’s addiction was renewed after the Second World War and found its greatest outlet in the Cold War with the Soviet Union. As the most powerful capi­ talist nation on Earth, the United States took the reins in the scram­ ble to counter the communist threat. The United States discov­ ered in the threat of communism a powerful intoxicant which was to become its drug of choice for the next forty years. As the world polarized into East and West, Canada inevitably fell under the shadow of the United States’ umbrella despite Canadian at­ tempts to assert the independ­ ence gained from the crucial role she had played during the Sec­ ond World War. Since the 1950s, Canada has successfully mediated but argu­ ably never moderated American foreign policy. All it has really been able to do is to watch its


b r a i n .

T h i s

ily businesses are in jeopardy: taxes are too high and public security at an all-time low. How­ ever, in the midst of all the fracas, the fact that smoking is a deadly, addictive behaviour has been cut from public concern like a hot knife through lung tissue. The main question is if the success of small business should be considered more important than the health of our citizens. Particularly when the main ben­ efactors in the smokes wars are the major tobacco companies and not Mom ‘n’ Pop shops. Personally, the people that I am most concerned about are teen-aged girls—the fastest growing segment of smokers. Having been one myself, I know that with a little pressure it is easy to end up pinching an Olympic torch of insecurity, a beacon of significance smaller than an Eddie Bauer pocket flash­ light. I don’t care if old habits die hard, my concern is new habits die young. Historically, the taxes on tobacco have had two streams of thought behind them. The first is that smokers are incur­ ring a major health risk and therefore are more likely to place a strain on our health care system. As such they are ex­ pected to bear a greater burden of the cost than non-smokers

C a n a d a 's

brother’s addiction intensify and try to repair the damage wrought by his binges. The Vietnam War was the darkest stage of the United States’ addiction. As its closest neigh­ bour, Canada saw and heard the tragic consequences as this ad­ diction began to tear the United States apart. And all Canada could do was watch its big brother fall. Under Lester Pearson, Canada did not support the American involvement in Vietnam. Pearson even went so far as to speak out against the bombing of North Vietnam in a speech in Philadel­ phia in 1965. But like any addict, the United States did not want to be told that it had a problem and lashed back at Pearson’s audac­ ity. But Vietnam was a shock­ ing wake-up call for America’s policy makers. America’s addic­ tion had cost the lives of over 58,000 young Americans and the limbs and minds of countless more. Vietnam brought the ad­ dict face-to-face with the costs


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and the painful realities of his addiction. Subsequent administrations denied the consequences of America’s addiction and buried the lessons of Vietnam in legisla­ tion inspired by the shame and bitterness of playground politics which continued to classify Viet­ nam as the enemy. After the fall of South Vietnam’s government in 1975, the United States im­ posed an embargo on Vietnam that was defined under the Trad­ ing with the Enemy Act. For the next 19 years this embargo re­ mained in place, and though peace had been established, Vi­ etnam technically remained an enemy of the United States. Last Thursday’s lifting of this embargo symbolized a major step forward and away from the haunting memories of the Viet­ nam experience. On the same day, Sergei Krikalev became the first Russian to participate in NASA’s space shuttle program, thus opening a new chapter of cooperation between the United

b r a i n

through these sin taxes. Sec­ ondly, the high price of smokes is designed to discourage peo­ ple from engaging in such highrisk activity. The Ottawa-Quebec agree­ ment to cut taxes on cigarettes, announced late last week, fails to consider this as removing taxes can only encourage greater tobacco use. This will increase the burden on the health care system while simultaneously withdrawing a major source of funding from that same system. Personally, I am all for organiz­ ing a Mouvement pour l'Abolition des Taxes Réservées aux Books et Tampons et Pads et School Clothes et All Instru­ ments of Education et Basic Necessity. Canadians pay taxes on all important items, so please, don’t expect me to feel too sorry for cigarette retailers in their hour of need. Call me jaded, but frankly, the photograph of “Some Guy Waving Wholesale Carton of Ex­ port A Greens” on the Montreal Gazettés January 31st cover will not inspire tears of recognition when it joins Doisneau’s “The Kiss” and dorky Einstein car­ toons on dorm walls in years to come. The Ex in Export is a far cry from the X in Malcolm. The attempt to present an image of those involved as members of a campaign of passive resistance

a l c o h o l i c

o n


x p o r t

is as pathetic and false as con­ fusing the Mahatma with the Sailor on a carton of Player’s. Using economic measures to combat smuggling is poor strategy as we are not engaged in an economic conflict with smugglers. Rather, we should be concerned with their crimi­ nal behaviour. The problem could have been solved with police not policy. As Holt Renfrew demon­ strates, if you limit the supply of luxury goods, people will pay more. The problem is not the high price of legal cigarettes, it is the availability of cheap illegal ones, and it is against illegality that the battle should be waged.

b r o t h e l States and its favourite Cold War drinking buddy. It would appear that Clinton’s administration is well on its way to confronting its nation’s addiction and the ru­ inous effect it has had on Ameri­ ca’s domestic life. And last Thursday, for the first time in decades, Canada had the chance to help her brother find the road to recovery. By refus­ ing to allow the testing of cruise missiles over Canadian terri­ tory, Canada could have sent a clear message to her southern brother that the time to deal with his problem had come. As Clinton struggles to reprioritize America’s values against his country’s weakness for global power, Canada should not be offering the United States an­ other drink. The Chrétien gov­ ernment's failure to take a stand against America's addiction has let both Canada and her strug­ gling brother down. STEVE SM ITH



r e e n s .

Special mention goes to du Maurier’s favourite friends over at the Montreal Roman Catholic Church. Whether they intended to condone the selling of contraband smokes by allowing dépanneur own­ ers to peddle their wares on Church property is known only unto the Lord Himself. The Pro-life Catholic church encourages civil diso­ bedience in its war of moral­ ity and argues that abortion is murder. Yet on its own park­ ing lots, we now find the organized sale of the tools of a trade that contributes to 10,000 deaths in Quebec each year.

P o liicc ijT u f o ppv_ C ^o m m e n ts a n d L e tte rs to th e E d ito i

A ll a r e w e l c o m e t o s u b m i t c o m m e n t s a n d le t t e r s t o t h e e d i t o r . T h e T r i b u n e r e s e r v e s t h e rig h t n o t t o p r in t m a te r ia l c o n s i d e r e d r a c is t , s e x i s t , o r h o m o p h o b i c b y t h e e d i t o r i a l b o a r d . V i e w s e x p r e s s e d in c o m m e n t s a n d le t t e r s a r e n o t n e c e s s a r i l y t h e v i e w s o f t h e e d i t o ­ rial b o a r d . L e tte r s m u s t b e n o m o r e t h a n 3 5 0 w o r d s , a n d c o m m e n t s a r e lim it e d t o 5 0 0 w o r d s . C o m m e n t s a n d le t t e r s m u s t b e s u b m i t t e d b y 3 PM o n T h u r s d a y a f t e r n o o n f o r in c lu s io n in t h e f o l lo w in g w e e k ’s is s u e .


rhe McGill Tribune, February 8-14,1994

T h e

t r e e

a p p le s

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o f k n o w

le d g e :


D is a p p o in t e d ...

a c id ?

In the beginning, I’ve been told, there were two individuals named Adam and Eve. These two got to hang around without any cares in a blissful garden. They only had one rule: ‘Don’t eat from that tree in the middle of the garden.’ The tree, appar­ ently, was the Tree of the Knowl­ edge of Good and Evil and, rules being made to be broken, eat from it they did. Why was God so irked? What kind of plant was that anyway? Many people seem to think it was some kind of apple, but I’m not convinced. I’ve eaten lots of apples—Macintosh, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith—you name it. While they all may be very tasty, I’ve yet to come across one so revealing as to warrant eviction from any­ where, let alone Eden. So the question remains, what was that plant? In the proc­ ess of satisfying my curiosity I came across one wildly specu­ lative yet nonetheless very in­ teresting solution. In his book Food of the Gods, Terence McKenna is interested in exam­ ining what exactly it was that led human beings to develop the complex systems of con­ sciousness which are our most defining feature. McKenna looked at the geographical and tribal histories of areas in Africa associated with early hominids. He discovered that archaeologi­ cal findings have linked early Homo Sapiens with cattle in whose dung certain forms of fungus thrive. He suggests that the missing link is an hallucino­ genic mushroom, proposing that the ingestion of mind expand­ ing substances is what led to the evolution of the species which we affectionately know as Homo Sapiens. McKenna’s view is that hallucinogens broadened the realm of conscious experience beyond the confines of instinc­ tual, biological functioning shared with other animals, and created a new sphere of con­ scious thought not previously explored. The hallucinations opened the flood gates of con­ scious experience, and these new concepts demanded articu­ lation. These more complex thought processes required more intricate words and sym­ bols in order to convey their novel meanings and implica­ tions. Due to the influence of the mushrooms, McKenna ar­ gues, we developed the capac­ ity for language which sets us so firmly apart from other animals, and we left the grunt behind forever. McKenna laments the fact, however, that once we devel-



oped the capacity for language, we lost touch with our halluci­ nogenic roots. Many people feel that our languages are funda­ mental to our world view. As Aldous Huxley wrote in The Doors of Perception, “that called ‘this world’ is the universe of reduced aware­ ness, expressed, and, as it were, petrified by language. ”Language, as with any medium, has an impact on those who use it. When writing or speaking, one can onlyconvey meanings which fall within the given parameters of language. We cannot verbally express anything which is not imbued with meaning by social consensus. The same holds true for self-communication, that is, thought. Thoughts can be seen as largely a function of language. One can think, “my foot hurts,” because words have been cre­ ated to express the meanings of pain. However, any attempt to think about something which does not have existent words to describe it would fall within the realm of sensation and would not conventionally be consid­ ered as conscious thought. In a sense then, we are confined by our language. Unless new terms are developed to describe any particular phenomenon, it can­ not be meaningfully conveyed to others. This is the same situa­ tion which McKenna believed led to the evolution of hominids into Homo Sapiens. The inges­ tion of hallucinogens led to a wider range of experience which required a greater medium with which to convey meanings. For McKenna, one of the most significant features of our use of symbols (i.e. written words) to relay information, is the fact that they “allow us to store information outside of the human brain.” McKenna feels that now, our significant cultural developments are no longer stored and transmitted in and from the human mind, but are kept largely outside the brain in files and microchips. As well, due to the increasing size of the human population, the natural process of selection, which can only function in smaller groups, has ceased to operate. Thus, because we are so many, we have ceased to evolve. It’s ironic that now the very thing which defines us as the evolved spe­ cies of humans, namely our ca­ pacity for language, has helped to contribute in bringing us to an evolutionary standstill.

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tively applied. The mandate of the Ad­ missions Office is to administer these policies. Its admissions officers are highly competent professionals. The quality of the students admitted to McGill is clear testament to that fact. The characterization of these individuals as “just glori­ fied secretaries” is demeaning to both the admissions officers, and to the secretaries of this university. McGill’s stature de­ rives from the dedicated efforts of a team of highly competent academic and support person­ nel working together toward a common goal. My experience as an academic, and as an aca­ demic administrator, leaves me with no doubt that our support staff, from clerical to executive, are highly professional, deeply committed, and extremely valu­ able contributors to the attain­ ment of that goal. They have earned and deserve our respect.

Re: “Senate Decides to Ditch Dean of Admissions”[Trib­ une, January 25-31, 1994] I write regarding your re­ cent article “Senate Decides to Ditch Dean of Admissions” . I think the story is well written, but I must express my displeas­ ure and disappointment at the remarks attributed to Prof. Wayne Lapp that admissions officers are “really just glorified secretaries”. I would have hoped we had long outgrown the atti­ tudes expressed in those re­ marks, which I find completely unacceptable. They are insult­ ing to, and calculated to insult, both secretaries and admissions officers. They are a total distor­ tion of what I know the people in the Admissions Office are about. I hope Prof. Lapp will join me in repudiating a viewpoint I believe to be inimical to the well-being of McGill. I, and the entire Admissions Office, share William C. Leggett his concern that there be good Vice-Principal academic relations with the Of­ (Academic) fice; but there are much better ways to discuss them than those T h in ice ... quoted. Re: “White Trash and Ol­ ympic Politics” [Tribune, Feb­ C. Abbott Conway ruary 1-7, 1994] Associate Professor of Catrin Morris has obvi­ English and Dean of Admissions ously never stopped to con­ sider the parallels between her­ self and the championship fig­ D e m e a n in g ... ure skaters she condescends to Re: “Senate Decides to ridicule. If these hard working Ditch Dean of Admissions”[Trib­ and artistic athletes are merely stepping into “high-heeled scis­ une, January 25-31, 1994] I write in response to your sors to move about on a sheet article entitled “Senate Decides of ice”, then what is Ms. Morris to Ditch Dean of Admissions”. up to exactly when she writes In general I found the article a column? In the opinion of this balanced and factual, as is typi­ “average person”, she sharpens cal of your reporting. her intellectual blades in order The matter of academic to perform, like a skater, for an involvement in admissions and audience, striving perhaps for a admissions decisions, which particularly graceful gesture or forms a part of your story, is an other figurative expressions to important one and deserves impress and entertain while she clarification. Your readers cuts people to ribbons. The should know that admissions difference between the two policies are developed by fac­ endeavors is that one is chal­ ulties, and must be approved lenging, artistic, expressive, by the Senate Committee on sporting and HARD WORK, Admissions and Scholarships, while the other is a lazy, critical, and by Senate. Membership on cop-out which mocks the mis­ these bodies is overwhelmingly takes and misery of others and academic. Student involvement creates victims—your readers is also substantial. To suggest know which is which. Dear Ms. that the admissions process does Morris: “Don’t knock it ‘til you not have heavy academic in­ try it!” David Morris volvement is simply inaccurate. The motion approved by Sen­ U3 Chemistry ate changed none of this. It simply made the Vice-Principal T u n n e l o f lo ve... Academic directly responsible Re: Discellaneous, Trib­ for ensuring that the admis­ une, February 1-7, 1994. sions policies of the university Why even try to review an are appropriate and are effec­


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abum when one of your writers (Michael Broadhurst) does not even know what he is talking about? Just two of the problems I have with the recent review of the soundtrack for Philadelphia are: 1) If truth be known, the song “Streets of Philadelphia” bares little, if any, resemblance to the music on Nebraska. Any intelligent reviewer would com­ pare this song to the songs on Tunnel ofLove. The instrumen­ tation and the overall approach to the music are so far away from the style and themes pre­ sented on Nebraska yet almost identical to the aforementioned

Tunnel of Love. 2) “Christopher Barron is no John Fogerty". Thank you for this blatant observation. The point of a cover song is to hear someone different play and/or sing it. “Have You Ever Seen the Rain”is a beautifully written song—why not let William Shatner have another crack at laying down some vocal tracks? Oh, and by the way, CCR cov­ ered “I Heard it Through the Grapevine” back in the 70s. Hey Michael, John Fogerty is no Marvin Gaye. I really don’t care what you think about this album per­ sonally, but if you are going to try and be witty please remem­ ber the old adage: “It’s better to be thought a fool and remain silent than to open one’s mouth and prove it.” John Lewitt U3 Drama and Theatre E n lig h te n m e n t...

Re: Jonathan S. Like we care about Mr. S.’s woeful existence and the dead­ lines that surround him. Why the Tribune continues to sub­ ject the population of McGill to the drivel that “Jonathan” (who evidently lacks the courage to stand before his peers) pro­ duces is beyond me. Please spare us, before it's too late. Fortnight after fortnight Mr. S. delights us with his cursory summation of his Buddhist per­ spective by sprinkling his col­ umn with cute little “enlighten­ ing” quotes. Please write again Jonathan. The suspense is kill­ ing me. Frankly, you, the editors, should be more pugilistic with Mr. S., as he “playfully” sug­ gests you are. I’m sure you’re not, but it seems that Jonathan could use a reality check. Robert W. Donald U2 Arts


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S ex u a l “intim idâtor" p a id o f f A Swarthmore College freshman is to have his expenses at the univesity of his choice paid for by the College after having been accused of sexual harassment. Last semester, Ewert Yearwood was accused of harassment by a fellow student who claimed that Yearwood was stalking her at a dance, phoning her late at night, and making questionable comments to others such as “I’m going to have her.” The president of the liberal arts college, Albert Bloom, claimed that Yearwood’s actions were not sexual harassment but amounted to engaging in “a pattern of intimidation.” In order to “make it clear to Yearwood that intimidation would not be tolerated,” the college has, in Bloom’s words, “provided the means for [Yearwood] to learn better to manage his own behaviour.”This has amounted to having the college pay for a year at Columbia University in New York, the university of Yearwood’s choice. The college will be shelling out approximately $20 000 for tuition, room and board. “(The case exposes) an outrageous infestation of political correctness,” said Yearwood’s lawyer. Yearwood denies all allegations and claims his actions were misunderstood. Swarthmore said it will consider readmitting Yearwood next term if he undergoes counselling - at the school’s expense. source: files from the Western Gazette

Byte busters break ban According to criminal lawyer Edward Greenspan, the University of Toronto

Varsity broke the spirit of the publication ban on details of the Karla Homolka trial.

The publication of details regarding the trial of Homolka and that of her estranged husband, Paul Teale, for the murder of two young women in Ontario, was banned in July 1993 by Justice Francis Kovacs. The ban has proven difficult to enforce, information on the trial being readily available to knowledgeable users of Internet, the global computer information exchange system accessible through campus computers. Also,

The McGill Tribune, February 8-14,

B r ie f s the ban does not apply to media south of the border, and trial details have readily leaked northwards. In a recent edition, the Varsity published step by step instructions on how to access the information by “bouncing ofF computers at non-Canadian universities. Many Canadian universities have removed the news group from their mainframes, but the information is apparently still available through other, less topic-specific news groups. According to Greenspan, the Varsity could be found guilty of counselling an offence, given that their actions could have been construed as inciting people to break the ban. source: files from the University of Waterloo Imprint

Surface ruffling fea th ers a t Queen's Surface, a controversial Queen’s journal, plans to publish despite an Arts and Science Undergraduate Society referendum to withdraw the journal’s funding. Last fall, the students of the faculties of Arts and Science voted to withdraw Surface’s funding due to the journal’s questionable content. Surface’s mandate, to represent minority viewpoints at Queen’s, was, according to some, violated by the content of the likes of the “Sex Issue” which carried articles such as “How to make love to a white boy.” Surface editor, Junipero Lagtapon says that the journal will now depend on funding from sources outside of the university. Failure to acquire all of the 600 dollars necessary for each issue will, according to Lagtapon, result in a reduced size and reduced frequency of publication. Lagtapon expressed dissatisfaction with the referendum campaign and the decision by ASUS to cut the journal. He said that in representing only the majority viewpoint, ASUS ensured that minorities on campus wouldn’t be heard. Presently, Surface is being run out of a basement apartment and staff are having to use ASUS computer facilities. Their status is still being debated by ASUS. source: files from the Queen’s University Journal

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You've just seen a plane burrow through Mount Royal and come out the other side and land upside down on a '79 Chevy, and now all the passengers are out there try­ ing to flip it right side up and get it going again, and you don't know who to tell. Come write for us. The Tribune Shatner B01A.

P age 9

îe McGill Tribune, February 8-14, 1994

r i n t r o d u c i n g

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Valentine’s Day has be­ nne a ritual of cheezy gestures nd dated sentiments that have rorn thin. In fact, we believe alentine’s Day is a joke. So >rget the flowers, the corny irds and the stale chocolates ecause this is the new Valenne's Day aesthetic. We think tat you’ll agree that the followig suggestions will bring the armth back into an otherwise aid and hollow day. Furthertore, we believe that Valenne's Day should not discrimiate on the basis of whether you -e involved with someone or ot. For this reason, we have dected activities in which all m participate with friends or gnificant others, if they really rant to. DRESS-UP GAMES: For the Thespian at heart, m suggest the following role­ laying activities: —Dress up like your ivorite characters from “The eachcombers”and cook home ■ies together while re-enacting >hn LeClair s game five over­

time goal against the King’s in last year’s Stanley Cup final. —Go to the Salvation Army and select appro­ priate 1970s wear. Then go to the Ritz-Carleton and pretend that you’re Mr. and Mrs. Roper. — Go to Eaton’s, try on leo­ tards and do an interpretive dance of the Cuban mis­ sile crisis or the 1988 free trade de­ bate for the secu­ rity cameras. OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES: —Take a horse-and-buggy ride through Mon­ treal and have a good cry together. —Build a snow fort, col­ lapse it and try to rescue one another. —Go to Le Faubourg and purchase 100 hot and chewy


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A prophetic H. L Mencken ice wrote that love is the triumph imagination over intelligence, owthat Internet and Telepersonals ive replaced soda shops and idge games as initiators of roantic relationships. Mencken's wit:ism takes on new meaning. If )ur current Valentine last saw you iked when you were a baby tamely, one of your parents), it ay be time to work some more eativity into your dating stratees. The road to love in the ’90s, it ■ems, is not about playing it overly nart and conventkmal. Take heart, nely McGill students, there is a orld of romance that exists beind lecture chat at Leacock and lursday nights of sweaty groping Gert’s. Mercifully, the Tribune is searched high and low and iscovered a few new arenas for :m to let loose your caged libido. ‘ P e rs o n a l C o m p u te r: If duve got a modem at home, you eed never leave your house to îeet new acquaintances. Not only oes PC usage cut down on transortation bothers, it drastically reuces consumption of hygienic roducts. Every McGill student is ntitled to receive a password (free f charge) granting them access to iternet, a series of amalgamated omputer networks spanning the lobe. A 19-year-old Ottawan resntly met her husband on an


e a t lire

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Internet chat line, thus providing proofofthe systems’Chuck Wolerylike (of TV’s “Love Connection”) power to bring geeks together. ‘ T e le p e r s o n a ls : These aren’t just personals, they’re talk­ ing personals. Anyone may place an ad promoting their redeeming qualities, personal characteristics and fetishes by recording a voice message, accessible free for women and for a small fee for men. The Mirror, one of Montreal’s alterna­ tive weeklies, publishes the Top 100 of the over 1800 ads on line for the discriminating consumer of love. ‘M cC len n an -R ed p ath Li­ b rary : This will come as no sur­

prise to the hundreds of students who flock to the library come exam time after hours of preparation - in front of the mirror. Not only does McClennan-Redpath demand no cover, it offers flexible hours (open until 1 AMduring exams), and you may even get some studying done on a slow night. ‘H ealth S ervices: Fear of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) drives many students to be extra cautious about the after din­ ner part of the date. Why not secure piece of mind by meeting new acquaintances in the waiting room, then proceeding to have yourselves tested on site? Health Services, located at the Powell Building, offers free blood testing for a wide array of STDs. Hopefully


a l e n t i n e ’s


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cate them when night falls. —Put on ski masks and poke McGill security guards with pens. —Search downtown gar­ bage cans for recyclable cans and use the money for metro fare. Enter suburbia and con­ vince an innocent family that you are their long-lost relatives from Estonia. Invite them to come visit you. —Walk around the city and convince small children that the parking metres are made of chocolate. Laugh if they stick.

bagels. Then cover yourselves with them and walk around St. Catherine’s summoning pigeons. —Throw each other’s boots into passing construction trucks and then attempt to lo­

p l a s t i c

BACK TO BASICS: —Sit in an enclosed room, think really hard and try to lactate together. —Get some strong, pref­ erably Kevlar, string and tie it to each others molers. Take turns attaching the string to a fire hydrant and then cross the street. Let the traffic do the rest. Lots o’ laughs. —Accuse each other of infidelity (singles can improvise), have a steamy, torrid affair with a dépanneur owner and then make up. Fantastic. —Invite a friend over for

d o l l s

you’ll be sharing more than urinanalysis results in no time. ‘N ow here: Overwhelming sentiment on campus seems to be that the place to meet your future mate is no place special. That means anywhere you least expect to meet someone - on the sidewalk, in the halls, at the hardware store, any place you’re not consciously search­ ing someone out. It may reek of Seinfeld-ian philosophy, but doing nothing, nowhere, may be the best social laxative on campus. “You meet themeverywhere. Never, ever in meet them through other friends; you meet them through activities; you meet them sitting on a bus; you meet them walking on the street,” said Students’ Society VP External Andrew Work, McGill’s policy set­ ting Rudolph Valentino. Indeed, there seems to be no place which isn’t fair ground for moving in on a prospective date. “I picked mine out of the gutter,” explained one student who wishes to remain anony­ mous. “She was passed out...and she was unconscious. She’s al­ most ready to come out of a coma, and we’re going to get married.” So there you have it, weary lovers. With a little more imagina­ tion, and a bit less thinking, you just might be lucky enough to trip over your next sweet pea. Ain’t love grand?

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a e s t h e t i c dinner. Strategically place a De­ pends adult diaper with choco­ late pudding in the bathroom. Separates the true friends from the posers. Makes for a good dessert too. —Before class, eat a shish taouk (falafel for vegetarians), get sauce all over your face, then walk around, hug your friends and watch their reac­ tions. Ask them if it makes them feel erotic. See how they run alternative - Eat a shish taouk, get sauce all over your face and ride the bus or metro. — Call up your local poli­ tician and ask her/him if they like bacon. Do not respond but stay on line. The suspense will kill them. Do not answer door for the rest of the week. These are but a few sug­ gestions as to how you can spice up your February 14th. Just re­ member, it’s a great big world and we’re all just trying to get by. We are one but we are not the same. We’ve got to carry each other, carry each other... One. We would like to thank Tony Danza for his inspiration and comments.

l o n g e r

s u f f i c e

Wooing with words for a mate unlike your mother


P age 10

P e r ils


p a r t n e r s ’ p a r e n t s

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As if getting into relation­ ships wasn’t difficult enough...As if keeping it together weren’t difficult. The timing, the set-up, the sexy dinner, the commit­ ment, and all the trimmings that make it work are in such a delicate balance that you can only hope that the last minute touches you add will stabilize any disequilibrium present. But one aspect of a relationship that remains was completely unpre­ dictable from grade two on were THE PARENTS. Even now, when we think we know ourselves, they have the capability of walk­ ing in and making our lives re­ semble the aftermath of a small war. So in the spirit of St. Valen­ tine, who was thrown into a medieval jail cell and left to rot, here are some examples of meet­ ings between parents and sig­ nificant others that went awry. This first one concerns a man who, fearing for his reputa­ tion, has chosen not to reveal his identity. Setting: Vancouver; Time: 1988 Mindset: Idiots “My girlfriend at the time and I had decided to stay in a hotel for Valentine’s Day. It was

quite a big affair because it was going to put me out 300 dollars. I was 17, and she was 16 and we had been having sex for months, obviously without the knowl­ edge of our parents. And I wasn’t going to tell them about this, ”he explained, looking woeful. “Of course, the hotel had a policy of not letting people un­ der 18 reserve a room. So, of course, the hotel calls up to verify this reservation and who do they get? Her mother. Who of course freaks out and confronts her daughter. Then, I’m called in and I get involved. I’m scream­ ing; they’re screaming; she’s screaming; everyone’s scream­ ing.” “My Valentine’s Day was spent in a separate room listen­ ing to a ‘conference’ between my parents and her parents as they tried to figure what to do with us.” Shelliza Mohammed, a U3 biology student, had similar prob­ lems getting intimate with her partner. In high school, she and her boyfriend, Sinclair, had the prob­ lem of losing her earrings in all sorts of places: the bedroom, the car, the guest room. Sinclair’s parents inevitably were the only people who found them.

V a l e n t i n e ’s

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“Sinclair would make up the most outra­ geous stories to explain these lost things," Mo­ hammed said. “But he would explain it in Chi­ nese to his parents. So I never knew exactly what was going on. All I saw were really suspicious faces get more suspi­ cious and then relax. And all I tried to do was to look innocent.” K a t h r y n

Stockwood had the most radical approach con­ cerning the relationship between her now ex­ Ensure a quick getaway or be sure of a funeral boyfriend and her par­ ents. She had her parents assimi­ come tramping up the stairs vited a friend (yes, just a frienc late her lifestyle rather than the screaming at me to get ready. to his house. He told his parent other way around. She was yelling for at least two that Kim was gay, expecting h “My parents would walk in minutes before she noticed parents to freak, which they die “Of course, when Kim on me all the time: in the base­ Yaleh in my bed. She looked a ment, in my room, in my sister’s bit shocked,” Kathryn recalled tually arrived, he was a hit. room, in the guest room,” she with hoots and guffaws. “And Carter explained. "My mom an said. then she said, ‘Yaleh, you dad loved him. My brother love “My father [once] walked in NAUGHTY boy. Naughty.’ It was him. They were amazed at ho^ much they liked him. When h on me and Yaleh in the base­ hilarious.” was gone, my dad gave one c ment. He sort of grunted and Not all meetings with par­ apologized at the same time, ents need be catastrophic. Chris the biggest concessions I’ve evç “Oh,... Sorry”. And he...just Carter’s parental experience has heard him make. “He said, ‘You know, eve: walked out. been warped because of the “My mom was a bit more nearly complete state of denial though Kim is gay and all, he1 conservative. Once, Yaleh had they are in about his homosexu­ not such a bad sort.’ Now, he ju: slept over and my mother had ality. Yet last summer, he in­ has to learn a little bit more,”

I f s p rin g b r e a k s u d d e n ly le a v e s y o u b ro k e ,

fa s te r o r m o r e c o n v e n ie n t w a y to s e n d a n d re c e iv e m o n e y

le t W e s t e r n U n i o n c o m e t o y o u r a id . W e c a n tra n sfe r m o n e y fro m

o n

The McGill Tribune, February 8-14, !99

C a n a d a to

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le McGill Tribune, February 8-14,1994

o o k la t e

y o u r s e lf a - C

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Another year, another 'alentine’s Day—one of the tost unfair, contrived “holiays” invented by capitalism hough I must confess I don’t :ally know whether the day ; celebrated in non-capital;t states.) Those that have a gnificant other revel in the ne day of the year when ven the most burly male jotball player can gush, and et maintain his reputation, hose without someone to lay tonsil hockey with, parcularly those who have resntly lost a match, recogize the inaneness of the 'hole thing, yet secretly wish ley were a part of it. Valentine’s Day falls into îe group of days of the year n which pressure looms over our head to make it the erfect ____-day ever. This roup includes Hallowe’en rid the worst of them all, ew Year’s Eve. The best ray to deal with this pres­ ire is to recognize that the ay will suck no matter what ou do, no matter whether ou’re single or happily comlitted. And forget the ultiîate dream of meeting Mr. r Ms. Wonderful on V-Day îote the rhyme with D-Day; ’s no coincidence), it’s just ot going to happen. Sorry to urst your bubble, but that’s îe way it’s going to be. It’ll e far less agonizing if you ice it now. A few months back, I lade the suggestion that peole have an increasing proensity to make that commir­ ent, take the plunge, tie the not, check your personity at the door, whatever nu care to call it. While I id this w;»s not necessarily bad thing, I did not advoite in any way going out to ap yourself a mate. It seems, iwever, that the editors of ose trashy mags of Cosmo id Mile didn’t read my ilumn very carefully (I didn’t ren know the Tribune was stributed in the US.) Both e magazines’ current issues :eb. 1994) have a feature on )w to trap yourself a man. lough I’m no longer in the arket, I couldn’t resist readg up on their advice for iding eternal bliss. Cosmo, that advice-giver at everyone scorns, mostly xause they’re ashamed that ey read it when they were ), took the unabashed 60s iproach for hooking a an— make it seem like a 'actical idea—make it seem


s ty le

PRIVATECOW S BY C H E R Y L DEVOE like his idea, and for God’s sake, honey, don’t have any self-respect! The creators of this piece, called “Practical reasons he should marry you”, give some “selling ideas” to “subtly introduce...into his beautiful brain.” I kid you not. Included in this list are: “He’ll get a tax break”; “He can deduct you as a dependent”; and my per­ sonal favourite, “You never gloat when you’re right.” Like I said, forget the self-respect thing. Madamoiselle, on the other hand, tries to fit into the new feminist world. It writes a full article on the subject, en­ titled “Hooking him: a last ditch guide.” It seems there was a concerted effort in this article to avoid being accused of advising women, or 13year-old girls, as the case may be, that you should throw your dignity out the door, entrapment is the be-all-andend-all. Its experts advise you to ask: “Do you really want to be married to him, specifi­ cally, or just want to be mar­ ried?”They also impress upon the reader that getting preg­ nant is “not only a bad idea, it’s sociopathic.” So Madamoiselle ful­ filled it’s role as the modem women’s mag. But interspersed with all that great advice is the same old story: manipulate, just don’t let him catch on that you’re smart enough to do so. “You have to let your honey feel as though he’s the genius who cooked up the commit­ ment plan—that he’s the one at bat...” The truth is, no matter how much the world of academia has progressed, and some would say it has pro­ gressed very little, pop culture is years behind, and it’s that which has the greatest effect on our youth. Curious how in both of those magazines arti­ cles never suggested just ask­ ing that special guy to marry you. Instead, we’re being told that we should take all that intelligence that we’re now allowed to have, and manipu­ late, con and entrap. After all, we don’t just want that man to marry us, we NEED him to marry us. Great new image we’re being saddled with, women. Happy Valentine’s Day.


l o o k

a t

q u e e r

BY MARY-MARGARET JONES (excerpted from the McGill Student Handbook) C am p u s, 1111 Ste.Catherine E., 526-3616. Astrip bar, but rumor has it that the music and the men are rather mediocre. The serving staff is rather aggressive and the men are a little older. Cover charge. Men only except Sundays. L o u b a r, 1364 Ste. Catherine E. 524-1960. In the summer the terrace is a good place to talk with friends over inexpensive draft. Interior bar is cozy and they have a large pool room. Women are older, francophone working-class crowd who all seem to know eachother; not many women of colour. Not wheelchair ac­ cessible. Acasual, quiet place to go before G-Spot. (see below). L ézard , 4177 St-Denis (corner Rachel), 289-9819. Hard-edged techno music, New Wave/ Alternative nights, and the drag shows make Lézard one of the best alternative bars in the city. Gays are welcome every night, but Mardi Interdit is the most gay night. Mixed gay/

p o s it iv e

straight, male/female crowd. There’s usually a cover of $2.00 or so. Sky, 1474 Ste-Catherine E., 598-2475. Becoing more adventursome, with Tribal Night

on Sunday. The music is techno/ disco, and they have 2 for 1 drink specials Thursday to Sunday. The main complaint is a little too much attitude. Mixed. S tation C, Ste-Catherine E./

c lu b s

de la Visitation (Beaudry Metro), 523-0064. You cannot be gay/ lesbian/ bisexual in this city with­ out coming into this amazing com­ plex at least once. Three bars in an old post office: 1. K ata co m b es This bar has less of a prep-fag crowd, mature men, and the music is pretty good. Warn­ ing! The back of the bar is known as the Vortex. If you don’t want to get felt-up or a quick hand-job, don’t go there. 2. K .O .X . Main floor. The best dance bar in the city, renovated to look like a gymnasium reminiscent of those high school fantasies we’ve all had. Great cruising. Great looking boys. Much attitude. 3. G -Spot Top floor. Station C’s most excellent women’s bar. Boys allowed Thursdays and Sundays. Good place to go with your female friends. Small dance floor, but great pool table, techno-music in dire need of an overhaul, and womyn every­ where! Attitude is a must here. Not many womyn of colour; bartend­ ers are gorgeous and know it. No wheelchair access. Undoubtedly the best womyn’s bar in the city.

c o m m i t t e e

C a ll in

fo r

th e

a p p lic a tio n s

fo llo w in g

fo r

m e m b e r s h ip

c o m m itte e s :

The University Senate, responsible for the formulation of University Policy, conducts most of its affairs through committees. You, as a student, can make a difference ... Get involved! Committees give students the greatest voice in the formulation of University Policy. Strong student representation is crucial when decisions are being made. Academic Planning & Policy Committee - Review of Existing Programs - University Teaching 1 learning - New & Revised Courses & Programs - Planning & Priorities Timetabling & Student Records - Timetabling - Sessional Dates - Student Records Working Group Admissions & Scholarships - Admissions - Scholarships Librairies Humanities & Social Sciences Library Advisory Committee University Bookstore Technology Transfer Committee on Computing

Committee on Physical Development Committee on Women Committee on Equity Advisory Committee on the Concerns of Women Students Committee on Person? w^h Disabilities Security Committee Regulations re. Sexual Harassment Discipline Committee Grievance Committee Advisory Council on the Charter of Students' Rights Health Services Advisory Board Counselling Services Advisory Board International Student Health Insurance Universtiy Residences Museums & Collections Honorary Degrees & Convocations

Application forms are available at the Information Kiosk Return completed forms by Friday, Feb. 1 8, 1 9 9 4 . For more information, contact: Ruth Promislow, Y.P. University Affairs at 3 9 8 * 6 7 9 7 G e t

in v o lv e d .

S tu d e n t R e p re s e n ta to n If c o n c e r n s Y O U !


im p o r ta n t

The McGill Tribune, February 8-14,199'

P age 12


q u iero VJ.S - IVe got a messy desk I need some help with... ¥MC - Kuldeeskah! - G.AW ¥H.R - Nowif only you and I couldtake off for a year...V.P.E VHey Hey Hayes! blessé, but not broken. The Scottish theologian rides again! - GA.W. and admirers VT.B - Bushel and a Peck do do do do - H VN.B and D d’A- let the games begin! VC.M - The sweetest baclava this side of Alex­ andria! - NOT chief VRS and DI - I couldn’t ask for better! Your roomie. VViv, Greg, Pina,Janet, Tamara, Simon, Patrick - Amore beautiful face we could jot put forth! I love you all! - G.AW VYou’redefinitelymyfavouriteandI'mreadyto take on Maria -The other woman. VC.W- 1just love a model at efficiency. Ooh la la! - V.AE

VJanet, Sue, Laura, Michelle, Naomi - Hi -Jenn VTo my boyfriend, who wears crazy hats, plaid pants, andwhointermittentlysuffersfromscurvy - Hey, whassupp? - fromyourgirlfriendwith the crazy hair, the gravitationally influenced arms, and the black boots. VGreg ofthe “that was dumb" fame-you are so hot, you make me sweat just by looking at you. Be mine tonight - Lonely in lust. VGuy B. - What?! It’s 5AMand you’re still here. Do you miss usyet? Keepon GMing. - Monique, Sue, Julie. We love ya. VMaria K. - Has anyone told you lately that you’re beautifuP! We love you. - Monique, Sue, JulieD. hugs VTo my dearest Benoit - Boy have I got a small toothless rodent for you! G VKathleen - Ce nomqui me donne des sensa­ tions divines et parfois non-Catholiques; est une folie d’ivresse qui fait Tressaillir mon coeur. Marc- Mikael VKathy B. - Gotten any crazy messages lately? Some ghosts have come back to haunt your valentine message. - Monique, Sue, JulieD.

VR. C- more than just a cola! Momlikes you, the friends like you (alot.0, you, blade, you’re VChris Godsend- Ifyoudon’t start paying more! - G.A.W attention to me, I’m going to start chasing someone else... - Anon. VMIKIE - for someone with a penis, you’re pretty okay. - C VFi, Sue and Louise - 1hope the opportunityto graduate fromINS(with HNRS) happens soon... VT.H. - Maybe some other time...G.AW - love Bry VS. G - You are my Bengali Fire Princess - A VSue - May you receive your Loving Spoonful Blond Admirer this V-Day - FREAK VKim - Mayyou findthe Valentine’s coffeeboy. - Steve

VMadhatters - We rule. Maybe someday we’ll rule in broomball. - Steve

VTeh whan, my sweet - The colour of my love is vibrantly red, Sweet as a rose petal’s whisper, Passionate as a Phoenix’s birth. Ruby like the pommegrant seed, Waiting deep within it’s layers of skin, Searching for the warmth of the sun. - S.K

¥A.H the 1st - 1miss you in a heart beat - Your lover

VFiona - Hiding away in that building way up yonder...just thought I’d send you a long dis­ tance HELLO! - Monique VDoggie! - This is the coded one ha.

VLiam - I’ll never love and adore you as much as Z does - Shakespeare girl VMarkie and the SSMUtones - 5 little offices, 5 tons of work, why didn’t anyone warn you?! thank god for free photocopies. Keep the faith Aghost VLiebling Patrick - Auf meinliebling reception­ ist. 1stes zu spat zu“opt out?" P.S: Ein pizza, drei Kase, Bitte. - McTavish 3480

bad. It only gets better from here. Happy Valentine’s you sexy babe.

VMoira - Swurfle, snurfle, Snurfle. Nowpretend that you don’t know me. - HVD. TAM.

I met you? Was it fate? It doesn't matter becaiu we are together. - te amo, Caroline

VRuth - 1like your chair. - Jen

VCosta witha “C - myheart goes vavavavoom every time you walk into the room. Happy “V" day. - Two serious babes.

VCherie! May your Valentine’s Day be “Ho Bizarre!", Your partner in ludicrousy, CheryL

VAngel of Satan. Guide me intothe darkness. I love you. 666 VTerminal Chucks- Thisyearthe mugs areours. -Jen ¥Kristen and Helena - ! love my bio geek friends! - Jen VPeter - I’m happy we made chocolate chip dookies together. - Jen

VTo my dear sweet Maryam- Fate brought together and now the love you have kindled growing in my heart - Love always, Marco

VMichelle - No man, no way - Jen

VG. - Geez your the besL - J.

VCheryl - foraneditor, youare reallyneaL - T<

VStephanie - Meet mefor squash. Happyv-day woman - you know who

VJackie - Max calls you! Come do the wild rumpus where the wild things are! - R.P

VR. - nowwrrr. - J. and P

VErica Huff-1hope you findthiswishof Happy Valentinesamongtheblackandwhitetoonehot sexybabe ontheprowL..Grrr... - anadmirerfrom 4836

VRich Latour - from the bottom of my short sleeve sheathed heart, I wish you a merry valentine’s day, Mr. President!

¥M. Z. - Please, a blissful end to yourapartment woes and bitter ex-wooers... B. VAriBaratz-You hot sexybabe of a stud! Your abs turn me on. Your brown curlylocks remind meofMichelangelo’s David Yousayyouarethe best kisser. hmmm...Well babe, next timethe ice wine will have K>cool the fried deer.

VJacques - Ifyou let ustie you up, I won’t make you jump too high, love ya! - yer director

VQueridos Lerjmand Lev - Que tienen un dia alegre y especial. Happy Valentine’s day. - una amiga VTo my favouriteJungle Boy - Happy Valen­ tines day - love always, your dear friend, Ramrouma

VTo my dearest friends on top Floor D - wish I could be there with your on Valentine’s Day love Gini

VRachel - You’re the best partner I ever had! love ya. - Jack

VMy dearest Tom - Whose thughts are worth more than pennies, and whose intentions are worthmorethangold. Listentotherhythmofmy heart, my love for you unfolds. - Sonia

VAnu - love you for your consideration and friendship all these years - love Evelyn

VMark - you are perhaps the best karate kicker I have ever seen. - Jenn VJanet B. - Supercalifragilisticexpealidodous. Jenn VFiend - My mirror awaits - Cherie VGreg - You have really long eyelashes and really short hair. - Jenn

VI wanttoknowandseeinsideyoursoftbeauty. Aftersittinginfrontof Hogan’s chem. adventure, we both leave alone! - O.A

VDear Samer - et vous? - fromthe one

•to the beautiful model - like vision who on occassion sits near mein Canadian Mass Com­ munications - Hi

VC de la GF - Tu as obtenu mon captivé mon coeur. - VPE

VM. - I want to take your tight butt, ludous breasts, and oooh! those firm thighs, and just cover them with my inner fluids. - yours (scrib­ bled out - ed).

VPatrick - don’t worry, the rope won’t cut your wrists. See ya on Monday and Wednesday. Director mon

VDearest Pumpkin - You are the brightest, orangest, larged ! _ . 1T_ . ;uiivtfor ùie best year ever. All my love - J. Bear

VStri - life’s too short to spend underneath a pool table - Shark

VMike B., - There’s a pube inyour beer. -Jesus

VClemence - a fan of Wren andStimpyif I ever did see so. Are they men or women? We’ll discuss this profound problemover rawcookie dough kilo per kilo. HappyValentine’s - love YJ

VJoshydoggy - bossa nova, baby! - your boy­ friend Chiaseth

VMy man - Yo man, Ijust wantedtotell you that youdaman, man. Youdaman. - Fromyourslave in love.

VMoney - U hot chick- happy V-day - l .dee

VMarie-Clo - joyeux fete de St Valentin (that’s in french)! - many kisses, Liz

VSwü - no more chewing - love EvU

VYK, SG, A, JR, KB, SH, AR - Tswawwassen, home of our hearts! 54-40, Splashdown, and BC ferries! We love you! - GAW

VKLF- 1thought I might writeyousomething here incase youshould come across a Tribut, I love you, happy valentine’s day.

VS and T - Pancakes and eggs benedict some­ time soon? - Jen

VNatalie - I really miss you and I want to apologize for hurting you. I wish we wer^ speaking. -Michael(oh, indy,indy)

VTo Tony - the hunky fifth fellow. Happy VDay. - fan club; Montreal, Ottawa, Regina, Vancouver

VAnisa - we all love you lots so get well and Happy Valentine’s Day. - your little sister.

VR. Iton - Yourcharmand goodlooks have not gone unnoticed - interested student

VDear Tommy - To the one and only 8.5 GAP.A (cumulativeasspoint average)...Happy Valentine’s Day - Two serious babes.

V Ethan - Tma big Giant’s fan and I love your column. I want you BAD. - Faye King

VYou’re the greatest, Irving Irving!

V Ethan - You are better than L Taylor to me! You’re my hunkahunk of burning love! - Jen

VI.R - Above reproach! Above the parking lot, but not above bleaching to blonde. All McGill loves your handiwork! - V.P.E

VRPL - You Itnowwhat I have to say. I. M. U. Keep the faith. Let’s Brussels. - M

VBenoit - Mom wasn’t kidding: you will f blind - Shish Taouk


VOne year. I love you.

VYou! You turn my crank.- Smiley

VHey stickgrabbers - free happy valentines, j hey! Here’s lookingat you. Tree cheers - Andre

VStrahan- Habsrule! Boston’sgoingdown! -Jen

VDear Patrick- Excuse me, like, wheredoI pick upan application to, um, like, be your valentine (chuckle, chuckle)? Is it past the deadline? Confused

VSlots - To my headbanging, snow grappling partner, I say, ’fockyue?!’ - unohoo

VDarling - Despite the turbulence in our rela­ tionship recently, I just wanted to tell you how much I care. Happy v-day. - Me

VI love you Goofy, with all my heart - Snoopy

VTo the cutest women I knowwith the rock on her finger - Let the poorbastard playCivilization, and watch out for the clawless rodents—I hear marriage tends to be dull!!! B. VTo theguywiththeponytailat theSSMUkiosk: don’t worry- I’ll give enough paper fer life - the valentine maniac VMichelle -1loveyourhoots andOOeees. Be my captain for a night or two. - Chris VMichelle - you rock my world’ - Beelzebub ê VLori - Be mine always? Bestiality? - your devoted secret lover VHomer - My pills! - dad VOpie - thanx for putting up with my antics, come for the food, stay for the freak! - Cap’n

VDear Danielle - Your eyes are like gold ar your hair is like silk. Happy Valentines Gigs!

VTil Dejlige David- Kys, kaerlighedogeros p valentine dag - Fra soenne Eva VDear Liz- Great photos! Thanx foreverythin - Geoff andJack VAlister - whot up...? You tweakme - love tor thumb VLisa Ziai - HappyV-dayüsoon, you’llbe seeii your own special valentine! Yeah! Many hu and kisses - LG. VSusan: Thanks for listening this summer. VDarling N- Won’t you be my plossive? Labi dental, alveolar, uvular, whatever you pref glide, lateral fricative, sides vibrate, glottal sto no. don’t stop - Dipthong VPina D. - Howcan eyes so dark, sparkle wi such light7Howcan a human heart ever conta such love7 Be mine - Bellissima. VCheryl - 1think you’re pretty cool. - Cherie VApplejack, Applejack - Dolly andI will alwa love you. -Jolene

VMichael Henderson - you are one of the m beautiful men we have ever seen. Any time y are available... VSatan - Your Egyptian eyes your army boc yoursexynaval - BABE-1can'twait tillyoucor to Montreal. Waiting anxiously in Montres Farah

VMr. Chairman pf the Environmental Comp tee - Your gorgeous eyes have captivated n Staytuned-1 mayact soon. - firing f°r'■ moment. VPatron, 325 years, here we go! - love Gopi

VAntonia - You look ravishing, are ravishii are to be ravished Remember me your kisse

VTo all the librarians - thought you deserved a valentine, I’myours(at least 'til I payyouthe $30) - Achronically late student


VAnuj - Love ya! - Evil

VSjouk - Oscar Wilde7! Sounds wild! Let’s get crazy...not too insane. - Chris

VMichaela - The planets are aligned Let’s together! - Love P.T

VSean - coordinates loggedin?Engage...Happy Valentine’s Day. - love Evelyn

VRyan - You are so mega important to me - Tee Hee

VRam - Don’t let the bastards grindyou dov Cheesehead - Steve

VMichael- Even now, I’d still give you Ritz crackers with peanut butter. - Cherie

VTrudy -1wantyou. Playwithmetonite?- Toby

VSteve - Okay. - Ram

VTo my dearest slappa - will you marry me on the carpet and return with my son?

VSMITH - hail to the worst poker face in t world’!! Love 'n' kisses, B.

VOooh! Paul Archer (mgmt) - 1wish you could be with me inthe elevator at the Montreal Stock Exchange! - Your commerce games lover

VJay - 1want to grab your hard penis andma youcumall overmyquiveringbody. I thenws to fuck! - love, M

VEllen - Despite yourobvious mistake ofgoing to the wrong university, I still love you. Christopher

VQuillia: Nomatterwhat you'll always haven Love Brad

VTo the ASAexecs - You are the lightof mylife. You give me hope and smoke, and unhealthy lungs. Have a groovy valentine

VSlap-happy-laughing-boy, ie. Greg - why are you so desperate for a girl when there are three women who love you and admire you right under your nose? "Out of the mouth of babes" Tam, Janet, and Viv.

VOur one and only Mira - who akam mira aandna? - your favourite gal

VTo Allison R. ( - Happy Valentine’s Day. - you have three guesses.

VJack andJaquie - Delta! Need I say more ?! GAW

VVem - be my valentine and run across the world with me!

VLeslie Wada - Til be you this springbreak, but don’t tell anyone. Happy birthday, 20 ain’t so

VJoe - You’re Chinese - Greg

VChris - your abyssy mind has me entrapped a little mouse

VTheodore Runde - hey cutie Happy Vale tine’s day - signed a secret admirer (of yc poetry) me.

VTo my love diego - was it a coincidence that

VFor Nina- wishingyoua happy V-dayandt

e McGill Tribune, February 8-14,1994

A t of luck on your summer romance - love, ak and Assilem lark- we are only separatedbySIXDEGREES SEPARATION. I'm writing this because I it the sun around your neck. Happy V-day - Hot after your necklace. 0 all you lovely lawstudents: over time IVe ie to appreciate your pretentions and snide arks. NOT! I hope all your valentines are ty. - anon aren - You know how I sometimes take all clothes off to go pee...well, I’m thinking of each time. All my love - Mary-Marg. at - I think you’re kind of cute. I see you ind in the history department. Sometimes I :h your leg in class but you don’t notice. ear Hot—! thanx for the phone, we need to together for some personal affirmation! I ped the pita! - Viper

Page 13


o 1I

fabulous of roomates! - love EJM VMy dearest Godiva - you are the sexiest thing on earth. PSDon’t tell thewife. - the Great Gasby VDear Emma - great photos! Thanx for every­ thing. - Geoff andJack VGee Mitch,Jen, Pig! - Happy hearts day. sorry no flowers or candies- how ‘bout a beer? Long distance sucks. Smile - LOR VDear Dan - Great photos! Thanx for every­ thing. - Geoff andJack. VToChristaK. -youlookgreatonthestairmaster, hope to see you at Gertz this thursdaywhere I’ll reveal myself. Or maybe I’ll run into you on the street! VDear Pablo, Mark, and Inder - how about Valentine’s day in mexico! Howromantic! - your pal, Harold

dam- You can steal the bases, but you can’t 1the pitcher.

VGreandu - YouarethetruemasterofDimensia 13- Satan smiles upon you. - Team Acapulco HEAT

arbonzo - HI bring the paint. Together we paint it black.

VAlexander Mckee - Happy 2nd V-day, I love you. - Lisa xo

ear D. - Maybe a hell month but I still love ya. >pyV-day. - love H

VLisa - Happy V-V-V-V-V-Valentine’s-day!

eoff - I’d like to get you in a Dark Room.

VJ.P.S - 1 love you! You are my hot and sexy valentine. You make megowildandturnmeon! Happy V-day - love MF.R

eil and Benjamin - Happy V-day! I miss you l. - love me. ffiat was I thinking? Married woman looking a schnaggle beagle that can cook and likes ig pushedaround - onlyshort, dark, married l named Robin need apply. o myblonde friendlygiant - happyv-day. Ho! Ho! - Beansprout - You’re the best kept secret since Steve er. xo. tear Linda - Great photos! Thanx for everyig - Geoff andJack inda - I’ve always luved you, even now in r four, xoxo tear Nathan - Great photos! Thanx for everyig. - Geoff and jack

VCynthia and Salima - 1can't stop dreaming of the two of you - hot, steamy, covered in maple syrup and ready for action. When can I come over for breakfast?

Dear Joyce Boro - Great photos! Thanx for erything. - Geoff andJack Pina - all I want for Valentine’s is to knowthat u’re toying with the idea of handing in your ssis sometime before convocation! KEL and MUO - Happy V-day to the most

V2X Sara, Julie, Jason, Joanna, Peens & Cathy: Hope your Valentine’s Day is filledwith rollick­ ing funk - you’re all beautiful! EB

^Neil M- HZHZHmy calculus god. Sometimes I like you. Fromyour favourite area under the curve. - Angela.

VCarolyn: here's hopin' we find some., sigh. Jana'

^Papillon - Come here mylittlebutterfly, I want to collect you. ^Darling Clement - We’re laughing now. - Your secret admirers. *R5helliza - 1love the way you do the cha-cha. -Jeff. ^PColin - thank you for a lushyear safe in your care. I amin love with you. You’re deadspesh. - Samantha. Wlarco Dibuono- ifyou’resingle, lookaround, she’s closer than you think. Thursday 5 o’clock; she’ll be at the kiosk in the union building. Be there! - The Matchmaker. aPDear John: I wanna wake up next to you. When will you wake up to this. Love, your broomball queen. *FHey Linus - Thanx for wandering over with yourblanket andcloudof dirt. Ha, ha. Thanxfor being there. I love you. - C »Dear Matt Carlin, Iloveyoubeyondwords and always will. You know who this is from.

VTo FYC, have a bloodygoodaValentine’s day. VTracey: Happy Valentine’s Day! Remember, you promised me an office key! Jana. VKyle: Hopethis doesn't makeyoublush! Have a happy Valentine’s day - Jana. VTo the GrandPoo-bahofSUS: Basically, Iwant you to have a happy Valentine's day! from her administrativeness VJ: to they guy with the best smile on campus! You can ROW over to my TRACK anytime Happy Valentine's Day - 90210. VEihan - you arc the most neurotic person I have ever met. MB VJana Sue, what should you do? YouVe got 2 Valentine’s, both you love you. Follow your heart and be happy. VTo Alex Wills, I have admired you for a long timenowandjustwantedtolet you knowI love you. Love always, T. VHappy Valentine's Day Schnitzeli! I love you. DG.

VThe partners - Thanx for being my second family! Happy V-day. - Allie

VTo the ice-maiden no longer, I'mgladyou’ve thawed With love: Mr. Fuzzy.

VTanya - You’re cool - Joe

VA Valentine to the duke: you thoroughly rock myworld, youextracurricular god 21/2 years.. what wifi Will Baker think!

VM - Pour yourselfa cupof ambitionandrefuse to wash the dirty dish. K.

VGreg - You’re black. - Joe VSkink - You stink - Joe

VIsabell - You’re the sweetest, nicest most beautiful person. Council is lucky to have you love always

Seema- Ifyou don’t hand inyour papersoon, l going to give you an F. Happy Valentine’s Y?

vn ff- to my gravelly-voiced, goldenhearted honey pie. Love always, B.

VDearJana, HappyValentine'sDay! Withlotsof love, XXX your best friend Fayez.

’racy - I have not stopped thinking of you :e that chain mail bra night. I’mforeveryours

en R. - Your sexy eyes, your pretty smile, tir... blondhair. Sorry, I still double-take, after these months. Your the best Damn dwesterner IVe ever met! Lovett kisses. B.

Much love andhot fudgesundaes on V-day! XO Ms. Shillelah.

VJo -MayyourValentine’sDaybe 20lbs. lighter. K.

VDeb - You’re a prettygood roommate, but all those late night rituals where you kill chickens and cats are starting to scare me. - Happy Valentine’s day, Mike

VBubblebutt - You can sit on my radiator anytime - love, Hot ass

iindy - hearing your voice on that megaone gives me shivers...Things you’d say to :k up an athletivcs promo girl...

honey. You melt the cheese on my pizza - P.S. discard after use. - Your secretive admirer.

VDear Bjorn, No other heart can ever be more true than mint Asecret admirer.

tear Chris - Great photos! Thanx for everylg. - Geoff andJack

tear Joyce Lau - Great photos! Thanx for sything - Geoff andJack


VMike Ball, Let's not worry about what other people say. Tonight will be outs. Shaun.

VH - I’m still interested.

VJoe - your observational skills amaze me typist

•rin- Happy V-day - the editorial staff at Ms, babe feminists, and fromTrish xoxo

O f

VMichael: Loving you since the day we met, Cheryl

:yan- I’lloverlook your newhair, ifyou’llover k my obvious flair for not knowing how to ke a decision. - A.G

tear Ramsey Great photos! Thanx for everyig. - Geoff andJack


VRAM- The soundof your sexy voice - PLEAD­ ING, begging, “Please just do it tonight." How could I say no?

VAngie you have short hair - Joe

Carl Abrams - Happy V-day. - love your secret nirer.


VDear Witold- Great photos! Thanx for every­ thing. - Geoff andJack VSolinstaff- the best colleagues Iwill ever have. -Ned. V3rd West - Thanx for the memories and for being the best floor in Rez. Shit happens. - Ned. VMel - let’s swing in the moonlight on a desert isle. Your true Gugiber. VSweet brown Asian-Almondeyes and dread­ locks in Pop Culture class. You doodle moons andstars andstuff. I like your style. Fmtoo shy. VPeter Fabio - There is no one else we would rather hear talk about bibliographies. - Tommy, Jessie and Winnie. VCamille - be mine. - Francis, the talking mule. VRuthie P. - My heart pounds, throbs, and gushes for thee - No-Name Man VGugiber - speechless since we first met you. We live in awe of your masculinity. Love, your harem. VPapillon - J’aurais toujours faimde toi. VRobert Chai - I want to roll in your LOVE

VMeine liebeTochterAnnemarie Bittesei mein herzliebes “Valentine". Dein Vater, Norman. VMel - IVe run off with your mother! B. VJerky & Peens: You can forget your keys & your agenda, but never forget “the issues". Here’s to some serious “Do me-ism" on V-Day! XO Bradley. VSarah & Kel: Once among the ranks of the romantically challenged, just look at you now! You twoaretrulyinspirational - Happyloveday! XO Brade. VDear 3-4 - ! hope we will always be the best N.F.'s that ever lived Love 3-5.

VDave Austin: a simple lust is all my woe: the thin threadof agony that runs throughthe veins afterthe flesh is overspent inover-taxing acts of love. We live as we dream-alone. So let’s get it together! Be my Valentine. The One. VFarah - you were a phantomof delight when first you gleam’d upon my sight, a lovely appa­ ritionsent tobe a moment’sornament; youreyes as stars of twilight fair, like twilight’s too, your dusky hair; but all things else about you drawn frommay-timeandthecheerful dawn, adancing shape, an image gay, to haunt, to startle, and way-lay. Be my Valentine now and forever., please. Atimid admirer. VBrendon - is it required to have long hair and be really skinny to be an Entertainment Editor? I’ll wash your hair anyday. M.

VDear Sophie - Wish you Valentine's Day is Monster-sized Monster-iflic, Monsteriy Fun! E.L

VDear Edith, Rosesare red, violetsareblue. I am your neighbour, andyou are mine too. aFondly yours, TC

VDear Paul Samuel, alias "Bingo”, someday you’ll find a Valentine who will always be your closest friend - Your dorky dad - Norm.

VMy beloved Tim Wu, I can’t stop thinking about you! You are the only man I could ever love. With love, your China Doll

VDear Princess Sara Elisabeth, you will always be my Valentine as tong as I live - your dad Norm.

VSweetheart, HappyValentine's Day! Yes! Yes! Yes! L Goldstein.

VTo A. and M, moje psychologistki wasze blekitneoczysatajaknieboletnie, atwojewiosy, Agi, ha kolor najpiekniejsZej ruzy. See you later - MJS. VAC, SC, TC, EL Happy Valentine’s Day. Re­ member, don’t sinktheeightball! With love, QT. VDearest Laura - will the kindest person I have ever known please be my Valentine’ - Norm.

VCANCRUSHER!!! I have something for you! A big huge Valentine's wish! I’ll see you in Europe and on the roads of unknown destination this summer. Happy Valentine’s & Happy Birthday...CHICKEN! Love, MAD DOG. VBecky Pitt, this Valentine’s wish is for you, a friend so dear and true. Happy Valentine’s sweetie. Love your neighbour on St. Urbain. VDearJack and Geoff - You make our flashes go off- Cheryl and Sanchari

VTo Fayez: Happy Valentine’s day to my best friend X and an O, Jana.

VClaudine, have I made it to #5 yet? Chuck

VToTrish ("DidsomebodysayBrunchSpecial?" &Zoi (“I’min-0no, I'mnot in- OK, I'minnow"):

VDear Tracy, loyal friendship true and true, such is what I feel for you. Happy Valentine’s Day! E


VCherie - 1think Fred Flinstone wouldcall you droll, verydroll I like that Editoriallyyours, MB. VPrinoeof fishscales - you have myheart, so in return, Iwant the groundhog! HappyValentine’s - 1love you. VBecky - You’reaswonderful as hot applecrisp and icy cold milk. I miss you, Jen. VTo the tropical mama & my five Uki, Happy Valentine’s Day! Where would I be without U2? Luvold faithful. VSnuggles - Faraway - So close - but I wish I could be by your side, if only for today. Happy Valentine’s. I miss you. I love you. (most) VDear Ceilie, never give up on anybody. Mira­ cles happen everyday. Happy Big "V" Day! E VIn memoryofJO who just graduated May the women of McGill who knew him share 30 secondsofsilence... because30seconds isall we gotVDave - It must be the hair - Jen VTanya - Let me pas you to my roomate Hold on a sec VSusan G - 1never count on anything 'cept my fingers and toes. - Copa VTom: Ever ridden a Kawasaki? I’ve got two helmets in my wallet. C + R VKelly T. - Your black velvet gloves are still in Ray’s bedroom. Go claim them. Til watch. Charles. VTo Keith, Rima, and Carol - thanks a million, andkeep on selling. Our virility is inthe balance - Ed Board VMalcolm: Your intelligenceandsoft voice isso sweet I aman admirer small in formbut not in spirit. Happy Valentines Day! VJen A - Fmwailing for your supply to rise to meet my demand Let’s sçjrâ price. VMr. Darling S. Sator. You bring the rubber, Dessert is on me!! Donna XOXO VJustin - “She's a wild wildwo-man, sexy crazy a-ni-mal!" VMES, I actuallyfoudna PizzaHut forpost-next IMAX You're great We should get together more often. Brad VH & R - Romantic Trafficpart? - Jen VTo: Little Earthquake - I have a mountain of love savedup for you... please take ft! From: Big hurricane P.S. Who’s Diana? VTo VulaKadadodis I love you I loveyou I love you?! What more can I say?Fromme (of course) VReemo and Heids, Parshka, Harshka! Who needsshlongswhenwe haveeach other. Thanks for always being there! Gigs. VJustin- Yeah, likeyou needanotherValentine. Don’t think Til write you one. VBamaby/DoubleHomidde/WanderingE>awg - Hope you stay out of trouble! B. VTo Patricia Harewood- Get a life! Have mylife and be my valentine. FromA.A.A. (An Anony­ mous Admirer) VStairmasters - My heart longs for you all - Jen VYou: tall, blonde, gregarious, and BLAZING! Me, tall, brunette, shybut remarkably intelligent Let'sget togetherCatrin, IVe lovedyou for years. VTo LucySabeta - NdinokudaBhebi! When will youcomeoutofthearchitecturebuildingandlet me love you. Happy Valentine’s Day! - From Shamwari Yako. VTo Rumbi - 1don’t even knowyour last name, but I know I love you. Be my all... I’m already yours! Fromthe person who knows your every step.

The McGill Tribune, February 8-14,19

Page 14



a m © nnB H B B a

Whintal, Oh little one. The coucaracha of Cancun. We’ll have to do your dance again. Happy Valentine’s!! Love YJ WMs. S.D. I need some tonsil rehabilitation and you’re the therapist that I have in mind Your favourite urban farmer boy will pencil you in anytime! - Idiot. WCarth, Happy Valentines Day! Happy Valen­ tine’s Day! HappyValentines Day! HappyValen­ tines Day! HappyValentine’sDay... anadmirer??? WMark: Congrats on that special tone in your voice. Cheryl

your arms, the heart of your touch, the.. Love Bazooka Joe. ffjo, aka MissJune It’s too bad that the winter has been so long and cold for you. XC V***We are family...ABC; Do Re Mi, 12 3 Baby you and me! Hey Ladies in the house - here’s looking at you! Love Andrea. WTo Maureen - You see - 1promised and kept my promise. Ha. Happy V. Geo. VDear Sigs, Rub a dub, sixsigs in my tub. Love, my ass.

**Rich - Stuck between a rock and a hard place? You are always listening, thanks, Jen

Wose are red, Christmasismerry. Ourfavourite valentines are John, Geoff, Sarah, Joanne and Sherry! (alias: the kids)

^Darling Adrienne, Happy Valentine’s Day, Sewwtie. I.C.W.T.M.LT.Y.T. LoveJMSD 1st.

tPDear Muppet SmokyJoe is gonna make you beg. Love Smoky.

Wweet pea - i wuv ooo eben dough ooo sumtimes call me fings wike caramel

VBrent - You rock my geo. departments. Sexy M.F., dont 'chu you knowit’s a baton! - The girls that aren’t.

Wheryl - you da best, better than all da rest. Love, Michael. W o Leanne, When are you going to set me up with Jane! Mike. W o Helen S. Don't be abitter woman. I prayed for you - he’s around here somewhere, and he’s not balding! Happy Valentine’s Day!! ^Dear Waffles, Happy 1yr +5 nx>s.! You’re the best valentine ever. Love always and forever, Boof! Wue Sue Sue: the only girl who reallywill have a happy V-Day! Sob! Will you be my valentine anyway? LG.

W o Melissa: My first Valentine - To the woman that changed my life. Always, Mark. Wo: All those who knowhowto enjoy life! Me and you, we could do lots of things for two. From: Lady Victoria. VDear Brunchers, Happy Valentine’s Day. Feb­ ruary 13thwe eat! Don't forget the Ms Magazine. ^Krista, When romance came last you weren’t home! Be sure to keep your thoughts set. on a future of true love. Nerak VDear Shlomo, you have touched me in places I never knew I had You have enlightened my soul and freed my mind I love you. Esther.

^Hé Seb (Mgmt)! What do you think about having our next secret meeting at Lafleur?? With love, the twin (which one?)

WMicol - Don't tell that tall Chilean about our Saturday massage dates. Expectantly yours, M.

Wdlo Steph! Après 61/2 ans je t'aime toojours! Gros bizous Chanchou.

^Sylvie baby, You’re the Greatest. Of all the engineers I know, not one compares to you! Happy Valentine’s Day! the Commerce babe.

WAdnan, Pablo,Joe, Alex, Dave - We needto do the bonding thing" All of us. LoveJ? 4PChris: More like the candle going out with the smoke still stroking the air, more like that than the sudden blackness after lightning. - Danica «*Dear Smokey, Thanks for hanging in there. We're the best. Love your muppei Wtairmasters: Another V-day, another showing of the Princess Bride. When do I get a Wesley of my own? Have a good one! Love, R. ^Dear Randy, Those classes are no longer enough. Your mere presence makes me wet with desire. Love, Jennifer. **Caro,Just incase youdon’t get one fromDan, Happy V-day! Fromyour fastest tight-end XXX W)n my mind all the time, making my nights sllepless. If you look in my heart, you find a Caroline. love Eddy. ^Laila: Happy Valentine's to the legally-free woman - congrats! Love, your sis. W4y dearest Cainy, I enjoy spending time with you as much as shoving foreign objects up my nasal passage. You are sweeter than a Felix and Norton cookie. I love you. Seany. Wiina Pretty Ballerina: Have a happy Valen­ tine's Day! May you receive many red smarties from that special someone!!! - Munchkin. Wfappy Valentine's DAy to my Peel Pub bud­ dies, Lisa and Adriana. love, Darryl. **KSA - good lick on TC for KKG. I can give you more BTs if youy cfon't pass out on my bed at PSK - KH W"o all the guys of McGill. Be careful out there, Farah’s looking for a love slave. M

Wami. You made me laugh with your funny faces and your cute accents. But, I think I laughed hardest when you killed me and called me fat boy. I love you. ^Lizzie S. - To the tall, the blond, two-pack-oMarlboro/Wild Turkey-voiced Wonder. I think you shouldmake theCanadian flaga permanent part of your wardrobe. Good luck and chin up! Love, B. W o myfucking machine, I want tosuckon him with an ice cube and turn you on cuz you make me wet and horny. M. ^Councillor Jen S. #1 - Good luck with the campaign, even if it hasn't started yet - B. VDear Smelly! Won’t you be my valentine forever? Love Goof! Winda, Enjoy Your Day!! VMy Macadamia - I’mnuts about you. Peanut. ^fjason, I'm still loving you! Happy Valentines Day. Love Kim W o my beautiful half-breed: Let's get some Barbecue and get busy! Love and cheap lusty sex, Cheryl. ^Karla: Love me when I have manderine juice breath and you’ll love me anytime! Love, Tony. ^Dear Adrienne, Last year it was the steamy log cabin. This year let’s just stay at home. Happy Valentine’s Day, Sweetie. Love, Harold Wruit-at-the-Lurch, I think your deafness is endearing, and I’ll always love your walk. J. VDear Sam, O want the report. She should be writing this, not me. Geo.

^Hey Friar Lome! Renounce your vows! You're wanted' ?Mystery Babe?

WTo my favourite little men in my life, Manoah, Salim, and Jaharga. happy V-Day from your mom and friend Tina. One love, Peace and Unity. And stop being so rude, dudes.

W>avid, 25 words aren’t nearly enough to describe the love in your eyes, the warmth of

W o Phillip Becks! Things are often hidden in

plain view!! “O insensata cura dei mortali" What may the woman labour to confess? She is interested From Spirit of Zorba! W o Ethan S. A wonderful reporter with the uttermost imagonation! Thanks for making me smile. Have a great valentine. VKan your kiss kross the seven seas kissy kissy Geff? A transatlantic A. ^Dear Tansky, You and Bonnie Doon are always in my heart! Love Gigs. W o the Trib, Thanks for doins these free Valentine messages! WCiosk staff: We know, we know, next year parkas. Thanks for your warmth! W o Jack and Geoff, our Tribune buddies, we havn’t forgottenyathiseyar. havea happyV*day! C.B.S. Wàtrin - Out-boring, dull, blah pieces.... InSane.... Keep up the good work. Love, B.J. W o Melpo, This Valentine’sDayI wanrttotake your lucious body and caress it in every way possible. Then, calm it down with love. G.V. ^MarianT.,Tues unco-équipierextraordinaire; Que pourrais - je demander de plus? Beaucoup d'amour en cette St-Valentin. Isabelle. Wo: GenevieveGoulet! (Mgmt) Isawyouat the aventes-age presentation. Since this moment I can’t stop thinking about your deep blue eyes and sexy pony tail! I want you, not just in my dreams. Your U2 lover. ^Dear Michaela, Our hearts bum for you. We hope thatyouwill keepour eternal firesburning. We spend sleepless nights fantasizing about you. Magazines and videos will no longer do. With love and adoration, Georges and Harold W o my dearest publicity guy - want to with­ drawand meet me in Rio? Or maybe just be my surrogate valentine...Snookums Wharon, I’m sorry I’ve been in such a sour mood Help meobtainREMPutme tosleepwith your charms! - A.C. Walut Isa’Je t’aime fort fortfort andI hopeyou’ll Find the guy of your dreams soon! Your sister adorée! Wpit-man, You, me, plaid, whipped cream. HappyValentine’sDayfromhell. Love,Garbonzo. ^Dear A.U.S. Winter Carnival Staff, You folks were and are the best. Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, Harold *PHey Chris Irwin (mgmt) I wanted to be an OBCC just to have the chance to see you more often! But you never picked me as a CO. Sniff Wisa Skinner: Since the day I sawyouat Frosh, I haven’t been able to stop thinking of you. You were the best - numéro uno- froshlqpder, hope to see you soon, Joe T.

pocket or are you just happy to see me? Be my valentine? All the time? SC Wide to Maia, Maia My heart’s on faia. If you don’t love me I think Tmgonna daia.

VJR, you're really cool, I'll really miss you, stay really close. Love, your parallel thinke

Woe K: You suck leathery platypus egges!!! xC

Wrendan: Nice ahhss Love Chris

Wob— I knowyou don’t often hear me say it but on Valentine’s Day, I thought it wouldmean a lot—checkmate! XO Trish.

^Jonathan, baby you can play your tin flut< me anytime. Hugs and kisses and more...R

Wteph, the goddess of AUS, you are stunning, I'mshy. An admirer. Wbthe gorgeousguywho liveson 3663 Lome. Why aren’t you more neighbourly? Happy Val­ entine’s Day. W o thesistersofKappaAlphaTheta, Wannabe a Theta Gotta be a Theta Kappa Alpha Theta’s what I want tobe. Got alongwithout youbefore I met you. But I can't get alongwithout younow. Happy Valentine’s Day to the best group of women around! Gigs. ^PJaysen, Can’t wait to lie on the sandwith you underneath the blazing sun. happy Valentine’s Day! Guess Who. WTiff - thanks for the ever-present ear. I'll love you always, Michael.

Wfo buddy! VHey Sister: You’ve made a hot-cereal love of me. Love Wilfred Brimley. Wmoush - Thanks forthe procreatingtip, S. a bit neg. Thanks for makingthe seminar liv< and watch out for those Armenian nu< reactors - B. ¥We love you so much (except Steve)! We playing pool tomorrow. Be ready! love Gamma Phi Girls. WSMU Receptionists: Thanks for all your line artillary. keep on smiling! M& K&M& G&L&D&D&A. Guess Who. ^Caroline I don’t koneabout the ’Tits" partf you’re unbelievable! Happy Valentine’s Luv, Nick.

Wusi Lonergan -1have never lovedanyone as much as you - you truly beautiful. Forever Kev.

Wverytime I see your beautiful eyes and i I just feel like holdingyouAngie. Till yousa> you love me too.

f^Ryan Bernstein, We don’t think you know how much you mean to us. You are wonderful and beautiful.

^Drew darling: I may have been bitten c but twice shy? Maybe, maybe not....XOXO

^Dear Eric, I’ll be lonely on Valentine’s without you sweetie. But I’ll be thinking of you every minute. I love you, Allie.

WP - logic tells me that you're wicked. N VAlex: where would we be without you? are awesome, love, Michael.

Werge: What areyoudoing reading this paper? Loving you still, Cheryl.

^PPJ - you the cutest VP Finance at SSMU.

«fjack - when did you learn to read7 Love, Michael.

Wo J. My sex hungry boyfriend, get reac steamup in theJacuzzi. I want you to pene my body and make me scream. M.

^Lovely PartyGirls - thanx for the scotch - you'll soon be crowned - K-E-L-L-Y, why? - I’monly a shadow, in hoc Buck Jr.

Wo F. N.: Let me dip into your love! Dor our love dissi-pâté! It's our des-tahini t< together! B.

VDear Camille, Your smile just makes me melt. I want to see your new room (especially your bed)! Love, Kelly.

Wandy Handy Man - Teach me to shoot gun.

VDear Kimmy-bubble, Whoomp! There’s my BUTT. Love Beavis.

Wor Hugh, My heart doth beat for thee a I’myours.

W\nne-thing, thanks for being my partner in crime. Hugs and kisses, R.

WTo my favourite crab, Good hunting. J.

W3abu, thereonce was aboy frombluffins, who for breakfast liked to eat muffins. He snarfled themdown, all over the town, then told his tale to his four puffins. XO M. ffJD - Never forget the good times! There will always be a place in my heart for you! Love SJ «*JHTo the best roommate in the world Happy Valentine’s Day! Love SJ

Wlm, Here’s to more late night phone discus­ sions when you're drunl... Love K. (R?)

W>ear Phi Delts, The sisters just love your big, shiny, new stereo! Thanks for letting us dance until dawn! Love, The Gamma Phis.

W/ivian, the number of men comming to the front counter (SSMU) has tripelled I wonder why?!!!

VDear Gabriel and Jonah, you are like t bowls of radio-active jello, love Melissa

W o the Hotel du Parc Brunch Bunch: wishing you all-u-can-eat Belgian waffles on Valentine’s Day, luv Trish.

W)le Simpsy! You were cool when we did that thing over by the place that one time. - Your other girlfriend

^Councillor Jen S. #2 - Good luck in warmer climes next year, andby the way, didja send me a Valentine, anyway? B.

W o Sul, Sweet smile...Your shyness, amus And all the while...Your cuteness is allur Happy Valentine.

WTo my sex machine Shelly, I’m so excited about our first V-DayI think I will spontaneously explode. Love and Kisses on all you pink parts, Jay. Warah? Where are you roommate71miss you! Happy V-Day, Love Cheryl.

WSeoff - your humour keeps me sane la Mondays. Thanks a million, Michael.

^Jolley Rancher: I vibratingly await your 1 tame me.

W)ear Georges, Howmy heart yearns for powerful muscles on top of my flimsy 1 With adoration, Harold W o the most gorgeous guy of Manage: Benoit Beausejour, Hope to keep intouch, fromyour fanclub (not the one from Lavî Weilh, Does this fed like a grade nine back to you too? S. W o the Trib Staff, Please don’t choke on pits this Valentine’s Day—ASappy Colunr

Wojen,I leather, Kate, Katherine, Shelliza Will the goons of Terminal Chuck be myV tines?

^Rich - I love you. Do you, even if I keep missing your parties due to falling asleep at 9? Good luck, you’ll kick butt I've no doubt. B.

Woses are red, Violets are smelly, eh? Happy Valentine’s Day to Dr. Tellier.

V Amina, EventhoughI canneversendas< and sniff Valentine’s Day Card, will you b Valentine? - Ethan

Wo: Devin Bisson From: Your littleTuntunand da famous granny scratch scratch! Don’t worry about the lemongrass!

W o Suzanne, Anne, Renée, Joan, Laura and Elizabeth, If you’re under the weather, and reading this verse, the best way to get better is with a health services nurse!

W o all the girls I’ve loved before, Love ^ andJulio

Wiarah: Don’t ever catch me with a handful of condoms again. ^Heyt handsome, Is that a trumpet in your

Woses are red, grass is green, the world’s best lab lech isJ McQueen.

Wugzee, love me, hold me, stay with marry me. -A.C.

^Dearest Merciless Marcy, This V-Day I w

The McGill Tribune. February 8-14,1994

strip you down and grab you all over until you scream and gyrate all over. -Sex Pot ^Monsieur, Prepareyourself for a romantic first Valentine’s Daytogether. Tonight, which doyou prefer, black or white? With all my heart, Lori VTo Janesse, I love you, I need you, I shall die for lack of thee! -Your secret love slave

/ ? j J e t t a d o r e

P‘g ^Krista, Michelle, Caroline (and Rebecca by proxy) you are the T-Z spiritual guidance that gives life meaning. ^Barnaby - you fought the law, but who won? MB

^Jonathan P: nice lid Love, Michael. VTo the little person in my head Mazel-tovon theBigO! HappyValentine’sDay, LoveRumford VTo Labatt's 50, I love you, you're one damn fine beer! -Chris VPablo, you have possibly the reddest head of anyhumanbeing Ihaveeverknown. Love, Mark

^PCheryl, I love you, oh yes I do! - Buddha

VPaul, Don’t worry ifyourcatapults don’t work! Admiral Cheng-Ho was a eunich!

VTanya, I knewI shouldn't have quit smoking. Now we never hang out. I live for your smile. MB.

*PTo my Gaffer, Want to be my key grip? -Best Boy

VSo you’re Jennifer Shapiro! Joe

V Aaron: Will you be mine, despite that I "just count gum!’’? Your love slave... M.M.

^To Jay, This Valentine’s Day will be the best one ever because I will be spending it withyou. I love you. Shelly.

^Sadie’s staff: Keep that register humming. Panic button! Thank you! M+K VTo my Love Machine Shelley, Happy V-Day and here’s to staircases, sexual noises, jacuzzis, whippedcream, g-strings, shortskirts, roses, and your private parts. Hugs and kisses, Jay

VHey George! (Mr. Yoga) Wishingyou a happy Valentine’s Day. Remember me? Pine Avenue, bus 144, aerobics? DONT BE LATE!!! ^Seema P. Girl, you are too cute!

^Dearest Michele, Happy V-Day babe! You are the greatest girl in the world. I love you with all my heart. Lots of kisses, Jeffrey

W J. : You're such a buff gym stud - you can benchpress me anytime. Big hugs and sloppy kisses fromyour gymbunny, R.

^Beauty, This day is put aside for us, to be together in each others arms, withonlyour love to keep us as one. -George

^Queen R.C. - Fortunately enough for me, you've always been my cookie. I heard you're getting nookie, you flower lily of my heart Is it true? - B.

^fjen Small: thank you forbeing PollyAnna. MB ^Dear BarfBag Specht, No one loves you! VOy Pfred, You are my bestest pal, Thank you, Loveyou, "Ijust donXget it’’ Loveandfriendship always, SC VBenoit, my big Belgian bundle of LOVE. Thanks for being the best roommate and hand warmer this side of the Rockies.

^To RamandSteve: Will it help you to love me more ifyou knowthat I handedthis inbefore 11 p.m. on a Friday night7Hope so... Trish VJC my Hatter buddy - 1worship you. MB. VHogfart, StoppingKimMitchell coverswas the smartest/stupidest thing you have ever done. Love, Knob

VTo my two lovers... André (Mgmt) and Seb (Mgmt), from your Patou XXX

^Jumpin’ Pat Splat Cross-dressing your style was titillating, NowI’vescratchedyourballs why don’t you flick my ... Zippo.

^Smother me, Cover me, Roll in tabouleh - I await you, bus company

VJoe, youare possiblythe coolest humanbeing I’ll ever meet! Love, Mark

^Coucou Rob (MgmO! You are an incredible person! With love, the Twins! XOX

VMark, Don’t you have a smoooo to run? Get back to work and stop writingValentine's, Love Chris

^Fiona: how do you put up with him7 MB VHey MM. Just don’t forget what sound a lark makes and you will have peace and happiness for ever after!! VTo my adorable E.LF. Happy Valentine’s babe! -Love T.K.B. VExec: Ifincest isbest, we’redoingitwrong! Stip weekenL7??Your two most obnoxious members ^Cornell - Your pressed shirtsdrive to the brink of passionate bliss - Secret Fan f^Chris- Michelle doesn’t like you!! Leave her alone. -A friend VFN - you make my toes curl. MB. ^Pat Gay: Are you? An interested observer

VMark, Make Fettudni El Marco, Joe

^C,after we merge, youcanacquiresomeofmy yuckies! -C VTo my sexy lover, Twenty-five words aren’t enough to describe our relationshipandsex life. I want you. Love, your multi-orgasmic girlfriend ^Alex, youarepossiblythebiggestJohnNunziata fan I have ever known! Love, Mark ^Isabelle, ma petite chou, dancer dans la lune! VTo the songbirdof the office, keep on cooing! Us. ^Building porters: Thanks for your magic. Happy Valentine’s Day! M+K ^Sjouk, Blond, you are, Tall, you are, Demand­ ing of back rubs you are, I love you, Let’s have and affair. -Your Prince Charming VToJoe: Fueledbydepthless rage, Iam beyond regret or pity -Pitt VTo the Big talker Pablo: Blah... Blah... Blah... I have nothing to say but get me a babe in Mexico! -Dr. Goodvibes ^Dear Brad, Remember me fromthe thirdfloor bathroom at the Sig house7Sorry I woke you. Love, Gisele

VJ. Little: Apple & pesto, pizza & a little office. Achallenge or two. Cheering at the sidelines. M

VTo Rob H, Todd M. and Chris V. since you guys didsuch a job on that toilet for SuperBowl, can’t wait to see it for Valentine’s...

¥To Itchy, May you die a thousand painful deaths, Love, Scratchy ^To my LD.S. pals, Happy Valentine’s Day! I loveyou tons. You’reandawesome group! Love JoAnne VHey Gardner 7: Happy Hearts Day fromyour ever-adoringfloorfellow! Checkyourmailboxes... Love Danica VTo Steph, I cant say I love you, but I can say I care, and if it were up to me, fd wish you’d always be there. Superman ^Harold, Pablo and the other guy, don’t talk to me at 4:40 am I can be an asshole! ^Gure, youmake possibly the best KraftDinner of any human being I have ever known! Love, Mark ^Erin, Sorryabout the linguini andclams! I love you! Mark ^Andrew, I’dstagediveontoyour face anytime! Love, Mark «*Skink, WHO DID IT..7! WHO DID IT? Love, Vince and Gofredo Fatulo VTo Tony, Marco, Jimmy and Carolyn, my favouriteartsstudents, nomore embargos! Love, Mark ^Danielle... Hey! Mark ^Greg, You are possibly the BALDEST human being I have ever met! Love, Mark VJen Smith—it's time to gossip! Love, Mark ^Danielle G. I will be lost without your guid­ ance. You must stay... you have no say in the matter! Love, Mark

VTo Anita, the love of my life. You bring sunshine to the studio! Love you.

^Cheryl, Put one leg over there, and one over there, Love C

^To Nina P., Happy Valentine’s to a #1 roomy! Thanks for keeping our household filled with sweetnees. Hope your sweetheart will make up for missingthe occasion ( I promise I won’t think of you) Love, Lis

^SAUNDERSON: Idon'tcareaboutyour gloves, just what*s in them. The serious one.

^Bubbles, Oh the pleasure I’d like to give you with my big guitar. Love, Joe Satriani

Wirna, Iwant tomake some beautiful music for you, from the Rock Star. Barry

^PUPS, We are sun & moon; yet cemetaries, planétariums, lesbianlobsters,whirlpools, mazes, sleepy ACC, lunches... Couldthis be kismet7Un beso, MUPS

¥H-1 know you know that J.

VRandy, Maybe this Valentine’s wish isn’t as psychotic as one fromEmilywouldbe, but itwill have to do! Peace Bro, Harold

^Hoover: Joyeux St-Valentin! Thanks toyou, H, andyes, even the snap, for making mylife ‘Très ça va!” Love and hopefully Toronto, R.

^Dearest Kirsten, I amreallylookingforwardto “Ski Day" in March. You’re too amazing! Phil

VTo our new friend CS, Here's to many hours in the library & lots of fun times on our couch! Happy Valentine’s Day S+J

^Boys, I ampossiblythe funniest human being you’ll ever meet! Love, Mark

VHooooooHoo! Dipyour head ingoat fat lately Hans? -Love, Mark

^Knobby love Pokey. Pokey love Knobby. Knobby have razor. Pokey have dead fish.

VDearH.My heartburns foryou! LoveBIGGeo.

VM(J)M, Happy Valentine’s Day! We are fa-mily! Love, E(T)M

^Begonia: Happy Valentine’s fromone spouse to another! Love, la Reine

VAlex - Here you are 23 and ENGAGER, and ya love it! Good luck! B. ^Roommonsters, Thanks for making this year so fab. You are really perf. Keep up the swell keenness. With a smile and a song... CVL

VCarl Brab: I’m in your TV class. Why haven’t you noticed me? Look around you

VMedynsei: You light up my life, you bring me hope to carry on -It was the salmon mousse! Dick

VTo Nicole, the girl who’s in my thoughts, and in my heart... Shall we snuggle tonight7 N!

VTo Cheryl: The best damn female broomball player I've ever had the privilege of head­ butting. Mark

^Specht, We’ll be your Valentines, the Palm Sisters

VDear Aaron, I’ve been in class thinking about you. I can’t gel you off my mind. Please take action and seek me out. I can’t standto be apart from you anymore! Hugs & Kisses, Jennifer

VTo my Honey Bear, I wish we could be togethertoshareour lovingthoughts, affections, and, most of all, GIFTS! I miss you. Love always, BOO

VBarnaby, You have possibly the BESTbalance ofanysuspect foradouble homocidc Ihaveever known! Love, Mark

VTo Tony, We love you (Well, at least we need you) The Fabulous Baked Brothers

^Monique - dump that Latour dude and edit with me. Love always, Michael.

^Cornell, You are possibly the most ORGAN­ IZEDhuman being I have ever met! I knowyou love me, really, deep within you soul! Mark

VPat- two words: hidden obsessions. You dirty

VTo the “cow”whose first language is Greek— you don’t look too, too much like a grape on your way to the “Y", Love Trish

^Skink, You are possibly the smelliest human being I have ever met! Love, Mark

^Larry, You have such a cute smile... Luv XXX

VJW - 1like the way you lay things... love, MB.

VShazia, “Thenbe notcoy, goseek romance, Be merry, but do not lag: For having lost your little chance, Through life you will go stag."

VTo the inhabitants of the House of Tilt: of all my (numerous) fans, you are my favourites. HappyValentine’s Day! Love(anda BIGWINK), KurtB.

VMy teddy bear, my Pooh, I’ve loved you for a year- and for the rest of my life -SL

^Robin- Sometimes your super powers amaze me. Don’t pick, my love. J.

Page 15


^Specht, I love you, Buddha’s Babe. ^To: Trevor Bell, A: “Hello, nice to meet you.” B: “Do I know you?" A: “No... but you should” -From: Attracted

**To the Tribune: Leeches! Buzzards! Vultures! Get the hell away from me! Love always, Mark ^Charles: you can caption me anytime. MB. ^Yvette, Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, Your chaperone and boyfriend manager, Mark ^Corey, good luck on your voyages—don’t forget to write! Mark

*>Mark, You once colonized people. I was once colonized, Joe ^Jennifer S. I apologize for anything I may do right now, Joe *To Claude: The planets are aligned Let’s get together. Love DO VI love poutine. Me too! VTo Stacey Lattislaw from DC, you’re young and pretty, I’m your biggest fan, Kate S. VTo Amy: The planets arealigned Let ourorbits cross. Fergus

VMeg: Roses are red, Violet are blue, Jolly Jumper is sweet, and Edward is cute! XO Kim

VTo my dearest, G.J. Andrigo. The best Valen­ tine a girl couldask for! For us“Lifeisa Highway" to and from each other. Thanks for the “Good Times." Love Us

VCwirenko: Ride mymuscleback. Yourfriendly smile makes me throb and your perfect Aid knocks my rocks. Be my valentine.

Walentine, I won’t even bother asking you to be mine, you already knew you were mine, a long time ago. Your better half

VDear Jon Seal, Hi, my hear is heavy with passion. Those economics classes can no longer satisfy. Each time I see you inclass mybodygoes crazy. Hot flashes, quivers, are only some of the symptoms I can describe on paper. Love, Toby VDear Abby, My dog started sleeping with my cat What should I do? Confused in Cleveland VJoAnn, Please don't talksomuch inclass, Love OB VTrish, Happy Valentine’s Day! Will you be mine7 Love, Crazy about cool whip. VTo Heather and Chantal: Roses are Red, Violets are fun. The coolest people at Health Services are from Verdun. VSusanne Lonergan: Susi, Susi, with the long blonde hair. You are beautiful. Fm in a fit of dispair. VUsa Skinner Happy Valentine’s Day from your myriad of admirers. VMy dearest girlies: I love you immensly! love, Marni. VLove Ya Jules! The Boob VDear Ladies of Gamma Phi’s, Did I ever tell you, you were my hero? You are the wind beneath my wings! Love, the Brothers Fromage VDear Tori, Watch your back, Til be waiting for you sweetheart. Love, Adam. VDearest Tribune Editor-In-Chief, Your wet kisses make me return...and return ...and return....Love, the faithful typist VFriends. VTo Carla: MyApplejackbuddy...HappyValen­ tine’s Day! Attitude iseverything! Smile — Linda. VSchnoozer the Schnoo! This valentine is for you! Lots of Love fromyour sparrow(and diggy dog too! ARF!) VDear RORD, Keep workingon your addiction and we will keep working on our growing up process. P.S. Bambi Bambi Bambi Bambi Bambi BAMBI P.P.S. WOOF WOOF WOOF. VRenee: I like the way you type MB VChristopher - Fabio is getting jealous of the time you spend with me. I'll be your pin-up anyday. MB. VDear Carolyn, Thanks so much for all the wonderful dinners and study sessions! Love Allie. **Paul J. - WTtip me, cut me to pieces, tell me I can’t spend any more! Oh baby, you know how to make me hurt! B. VMal —You just have to ask baby —C.S., R.R. ^Tony & Marco, Join Arts. Joe ^Mike B. You are the press. Joe. *Joe: you are a goof. Mike B. Djamil, HappyV-Day Big Bro. Fromyour not so secret admirer, your little sis. VHappy Valentine's Day to my loves: Doe , Birdy, Toots andJenny! Love Lala. ^Suzanne Lonergan: Roses are red, Violets are blue. The English department isn’t the same without you. ^Cornell, Happy Valentine’s Day —Keep up the good work. Lisa & Susanne. P.S. .About that Language Arts... ^Shawn Thompson, Did anyone ever tell you, you look like Tyler Benchfield? Well you do —

I 1© v e

P age 16

but better, xd VTo all the funky bunch: Katie, Zainab, Seb’, Eric, Loie and Eric (the twins bro) Lots of Love and have a happy, your dudette CB.S.

the puck-tossing, lint-trapping, lamb-toting loveof-my-life, fromthe reasonyou smilewhen you pass through Belleville.

^Bundle of Clam! You so tender. Love Pablo.

VBROADHURST: Youknowyou’relonelywhen you’ve got holes in your gloves. Love the undomesticated K.D. cooker!

VTo Shirley, Debra, and Robyn: Roses are red, Violets areblue. HealthServices is great, Thanks to you!

VI just wished we could spend more time together so that I couldtell you how much I like you: ET.

^Professor Iton: Roses are red, your khakis ain't blue. I'min the front row and I’mwanting you!

VLogan: Sorryabout the praying mantis, lizzie.

VTo Jim, Bob and Lang, My heart is heavy dreaming about you. Love Maria. VNic, Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Here is your last valentine clue Myhouse 6:30, Don’teat —eat later, Guaranteed to satisfy. Steph.

VDee, You’re #1 in my heart. Love, Steve V99 Guilbault: I choo-choo-choose you! Thanx for all you support! Happy V-Day, BFL

^Cherie mmmm.... chocolate

"To Heather, Happy Valentines, love Ya, Stacy Lattislawand Nancy Ann Cianri.

^Monique - As longaswe live, I will love saying exactlywhat I knowwill spark a blood pressure rise You’re a good sport, and thanks for being a bud... Love, B.

'•Erin Smellie Wellie When Am1goingto get a massage and see my Art displayed!? —Wiggler. W o my lover, Happy Valentine's Daybeautiful or should I say ultimate babe. You do things to me that make me feel like cumming. George ♦►Dear Kevin Katz, Happy Valentine's Day! Love, You KnowWho. •EH.—“You’resuchaprofessional!”Thanx for the sessions! 1thinkI'mcured. Squeekie Dinner. "Dearest MR. I melt when I see your ludous body, youmake me so hot whien I lickColombo all over you. Love and Kisses, J.S. "J.S. Go Easy. Colombo.

VA mon Yogi Bear, Joyeuse St Valentin de ta rousse preferee VTo the beautiful girl with the long hair. (That’s you JennyO Guess who...I’ll call soon. How’s your tatoo?

"Geoff andjack - You gotta get out of the dark more often, those pupils are having difficulty undilating - B. "EH! Martin Rolland (Bio)! I'll never forget the wonderful relationship we have! Chantal! AH'

VSailor •—I will love you forever, your peanut VFarah, you bring a smile to the face of everyone you know. Quite anaccomplishment, I’d say. Keep up the good work, Mike.

"To Liz(not Litz), Mybake-sale buddy! You're a real sweetheart! Hope all your Valentine wishes oome true! Happy Valentine's day! Love from, Litha.

VDear Shari, Real original, Typist

♦Pomme de Terre —Poopsey, Woopsey!

VDear Bub, Whydon’t youget your bloody ass back from England for Valentine’s Day, you Crofter! Peace, Harold

"To Karen K. Thanx to you and Ketmie for carrying the sweets. Happy Valentine’s Day! love from, Lisa Z.

" I never thought that cupid would ever get me...then his arrow came through me. It was faster than I thought!!! Your little devil

VLise cheese, xoxoxo Melissa.

^Dear K.R., GY., andM2, HappyV-Day. I hope youguys hada great weekendwithq-lie andthe beast Sincerely, Noel.

"To theEdBoard-Whipme, beat me, makeme hurt! This is becoming a redundant theme in my life. Your Belgian Love Slave

"Moira, Happy Valentines, We'll miss you!

VQ: “Y” not’ I love you.

VLet it Rayn, Let it Rayndown on me HappyVDay Rayndear.

y © hi

VDear Matthew, Happy Valentine’s Day! Hugs and Kisses, Love Shari.

VTrish, Was that a look? I think that was a look. Forget it, no Valentine’s Day wish for you. Z.

VMy dear little Phi Delt, thanks for the rock! Loving you dearly and regularly, Cheryl.

The McGill Tribune. February 8-14.1994

"Dear Farah, Happy Valentine's to a super roomie. Love, Allie

VJen, you’re cute. Joe.

"TotheSHCD Classof 1994: Havea veryhappy valentine's day. Hope ÿou all find your Sweet­ hearts soon! Love Lisa and Liz.

VYour gold and curly hair drove me crazy. Zeina R, You’rethe sweetest Class Rep inchem class. HappyValentine!

"Dear Chamoudi —My valentine today, my love forever —will you marry me? With Love, Your Modd

VHappy Valentine’s to the most wonderful council ever, not to mention basically fabulous friends! Love PO0BAH

"Dear Ayesha andR.B., Hope you have a great Valentine's, FromZahra Hassanali.

VDear Caroline, Great Photos! Thanks for Eve­ rything Geoff andJack.

"To the Hurst of Broad Aha! Snuckthisone by you! So much for word search! Happy V-Day, I appreciate and luv ya, LS.

Maybe we can "pass go” together? From, The Black Current

"Paco, Mypendulousbreastsswaytothelatino beat of your spanking.

"My HomeboyNader. You'vegot mewrapped around your finger like the metal and leather around your wrist and waist You are in my fantasies baby.

"McGilL We love to hear fromyou. We’re an anonymous, confidential informationandreferai service that wants to listen to you! McGill Nightline

"MADONNA - you melt my butter. F.

"Maiajanowitz. I’mtooshytoshowit, let alone say it - but I think that you’re GREAT.

"Mark Piibe. You know the laws of the land, but are you ruled by your heart? If you're interested, don't mitigate, litigate. XOXOXO "Rich:'re the most lovable geek in the world See you at Columbia, you Prez you. Michael. "Happy Valentine's tomyBrusselslovebunny! Love Rich L

"Salam, Man of my Dream If you feel like lovingme, Ifyou've got the notion, I secondthat emotion. Just say yes. Mutatis Mutandis.

"Ruth P. Have you heard the news?™ Rich L

"SG You’reso awesome, but whydyougoget married MB.

"Lizzie S. Here's your Valentine now stop whining!! Rich L.

"First 'crises of the subject' now “women's bitchin’ let's find a gender neutral and free you of the three day stubble Domeet my European sentiments...?

"My fellow Gardnerites, hope you enjoyed your year on top. Love YfaU! President Eric.

"Cherie. Apparently your minor is waiting.

"Rosena you makeour heartsbeat faster. Ifyou ever meet up withBettyor Tyrone again give us a calL We love you.

"AN: First you made me laugh, and then I farted MB "To my big burly guy, I love your fuzzy chest andyour naked ass that peeks out of the covers at night. Be mysnugglebunny nowandforever and remember I will always be there when you fall out of the shower. Love Pumpkin XOXO "To R.P.LL, youwork makes usproud Never quiL Happy Valentine's Im El Beef. "To Seanie D. Your chair is the best! KD. "Cherie, youworry too muchabout thedetails, but you’re still rny favourite chyck. M "Hello Roly. Your butt issimplydivine. Happy Valentine baby. Fromyour future loverboy

"Jen Small, let's do it together!! Love, Rich.

"Farah. Thanks for the Starburst babe. M

"To McGill's Madonna' Blond hair and blue eyes, Backpacker babe! Stay in my life, you're thebest! Laserbeamssteal myheart. Medvedcek is perfect. "To the “Do-Me” women of Durochen may yourdayof love be filledwithençSess chocolate andice creampassions! HappyValentine's day! "Jamjam. Yoursexypowderblueskipantsthat showoff your skinny legs turn too many heads! Don't do the roller coaster routine on me again! Anxiously awaiting to party it up in Costa Rica.

"Chris C Darling-campaigning foryou makes howl AAOOOU. Take it easy, your fellow loverless friend. F "UPDATE. Identity and whereabouts of lost Trib editor may have been discovered Time spent together needed to confirm reports de­ scribing himas cuddly, argumentative and veg­ etable eating. XOXO Timeless. "To Myla, Mahal kita, gusto mo ng ganas para sa kapay. Don't islam the door up the istaiis. Sean (aka junior, shuko, gabi). "My buttisbuffed, polishedandwaxedforyour hard erotic tool’. Give it to me Kory. Eddy M. "Dearest Eddy M You light my fire baby, don't want tokeep itbottledupanymore. Iwarn your body!! Nader A.H. "(ApparentlyanEddy, KoryandNadermenaj a trois is a possibility in the near future - typist). "Tina (mother of three) We love you gir Happy Valentine’s day. You deserve it Youloyal radio fans. "Moody and Tareq! Bottoms up dudes. A happy Valentine's wish hoping that you’ll train darling Yasmina not to 'wet' all over the place PS. Ifondyouroourageofheightstotallygroovy. "Ram and Steve I love you more than you could possibly imagine Michael "Trish: We oouldnt possibly love you more Ramand Steve

"To Eddy. Hey, Mr. Club rep., just look a bit closer and you will find me. Love C

"Pete, seen Casablanca lately?! Happy V-day BABE. LuvRou.

"To Mittens-Keep me warmthis winter! Love "Rebecca, Schmebecca. joe.


"Paco, I want to rubyour ankle with my sweci nectar. Kat.

"Benoit you are so Belgian. I want to roll you in waffle batter.

"Susi L Thanks for letting me sit on your lap. Happy Valentine! Love, Sam. P.S. see you Monday.

"Dear Craig Bridgman. You’re right, not ALL men are guilty unitl proven innocent - Your “CEO friend."

"Dear DinaS. Yo babe, I don't see you nearly as much as I'd like; but your Quelques Fleets scent is present in my nostrils, and your knowl­ edge of "Biology Administration" (your major) amazes me! Love, your teenage-years friend

"Hugs, kisses, and squeezes to the entrepre­ neuroftheone-manredlightdistrict-Valentine’s day is good for business! (From two happy customers)

"Dear Ben, If you must know, you are still my blond fantasy man. Sanchari.

"To Fang^Myfuzzy-wuzzy lovey-dovey baby! Yur-D-Best! Mamsy.

"Naiomi, been a while since I’ve seen you, maybe we'll go out some time. J

"L - are youstill reading? I love youbeyondany words. MB.

"To the other stairmasteis, J - see you in the Union Bldg. R- or is it Shatner BLOG? S-Right after I call - I'll get back to you. Love, T.

"Cornell - Wanna go for a beer sometime, on a Sunday night no less? B.

"Chan, my god, you are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever set eyes upon. Your eyes glimmer like shimmering pools of holy water, your smile shines like a thousand suns, Keep smilin'! Luvya! JW

"To my fellow “risk-takers”. You bring the Halls, FUbring the ice cubes and the hot water.

"Dear Antony. To hot, steamy, passionate nights in Regina. Meow!

"Hey everybody: Dont feck with me - Babs

VMark L You stink like poo. Joe VDear Kim, You are the most beautiful girl at McGill! I love your new haircut! Love, The Man!

F a c u l t y

VKaren you are the queen of cool. I worship you.

o f

A r t s

T e a c h in g A w a rd s

VProf GT: thanks for the insight MB. VTo All the Non-Understanders who I just can’t get enough of: (you knowwho you are...) Fuck you, I won’t do what you told me! VTo the self-proclaimed understander, read this! Gotcha’ Signed, the Trib typist


d e la R o sa V


fleu riste

Any student, alum nus or m em ber of the acad em ic staff m ay submit a nomination. Nom ination form s are available in Faculty of Arts departm ental offices.

VQ I’mtaking you seriously. Love, R.P. VVPF: Your biceps, Your ledgers, Your accpac! VPE. VGreggy-poo, I love you! JA VAlex, Won’t you research my love! Your successor, VPE

D elta H o tel

475 President Kennedy Montreal, Quebec TeL 985-3055 Fax 284-4342

1 F O / discount


w ith McGill Student I.D.


Please send nom inations to:

C. Manfredi, Chair Committee on Teaching Department of Political Science/ Leacock Building

D e a d lin e : F r id a y , M a r c h 4 ,1 9 9 4

Page 17

The McGill Tribune, February 8-14,1994

filte r éam m eni B e y o n d

t h e

K eith C am pbell In tern sh ip C oo rd in ator The V illag e V oice, NY

As an intern you can go from fact checking and freelance copy editingto contributing to sections— like our “Reels” section—and can work your way up from there. They’re mostly unpaid. Connections can help. Journalismschool? Some peo­ ple around here went but it doesn’t seem to have made much of a difference. You’re better working and getting lots of clips together. Last year we had 160 applicants for 15 intern slots. And the applicants were better qualified than lam... G lenn W heeler A ssociate E d itor NO W M agazine, T o ro n to

I have a BA in journalism— and while such degrees will help you get hired, the intellectual stand­ ards were low and the education poor, so I got an MA in criminol­ ogy, worked at Canadian Press, then became a freelance writer. It’s a very poor time in the news industry. Establish a relationship with a publication (often through free­ lance writing) and they may start assigning you stories. Get a beat, an area you can cover quickly. Connections aren’t so important. Story ideas are judged on a merit basis. K im C larke C ham pniss M uchM usic re p o rte r, T oron to

The world of ideas is always important. While inuniversity(Eng­ lish at UBC) I became involved in the student radio station (CITR) which led to my career in the music industry, stepping stone to step­ ping stone, from CITR to club DJ, to band manager, to agent, to MuchMusic. Avi Lew is M uchM usic, T o ro n to

Usefulness of [my BA] educa­ tion: absolutely none. Chutzpah and shmoozability mean much more in this business than Chomsky and Schopenhauer. I’ve sold hot dogs, used cars, agnolotti, and children’s birthday parties—and I’ve always learned everything on the job. Advice: Drink heavily in the bars surrounding your target TV station, radio station, or newspa­ per. In no time you’ll be best bud­ dies with all the top brass, and you’ll have any job you want. Ziggy L oren c H o st'A ctress o f L ife on Venus

Avenue, M uchM usic, T o ro n to

The level of education I reached was grade 13. This was the 70s and the emphasis was not on scholastic achievement, believe me! Entering a prosperous economy,

B .A .:

t o

we all felt too hopeful. Now when I meet you (students), you’re all so sad and jaded. Don’tget caught upwithMen/ Women, booze or drugs. Stay out of the sun, if you want longevity on camera. Do not feel that it is below you to be picking up coffee or lunch orders. Take a dumb job and be creative with it. Create your own job. Do what you fear and dread most. Accentuate your flaws. Put heart into your work. Be up-beat. Wear great clothes! Je n n ife r M orton M uchM usic, T oron to

My courses [BA McGill] gave me a critical view of communica­ tion—pursuing it in a social, his­ torical, and theoretical context. McGill’s education was directly and indirectly very useful. Having lived in Montreal and speaking French helped me get a job as a PA at Musique Plus...and over to Much. People who persist, with lots of energy and ideas and ... who are focused seem to get their foot in­ side the door.

s h m

o o z e

I didn’t go to university. I grew up in journalism—was sur­ rounded by it. But it’s different today. At least 9 out of 10 of us at CFCF12 have at least a BA. Specialize in something else, not only communications, etc. Mitshumi is just finishing up her MBA. Definitely do get an intern­ ship—I did. Fifty per cent of mak­ ing it is being at the right place at the right time. Lely C on stan tin op le A ssistan t to P ress R ep résen ta liv e , N B C N ight Une, W ashington, D.C.

Innews media, havinga wellinformed clue about current issues is more important than getting spe­ cialized degrees. Connections do get your foot in the door. But you have to live up to them. H eath er Ryall C o -p rod u cer o f The D in i Petty Show, CTV, T o ro n to

Don’t be afraid to start small. Get a variety of experiences, espe­

o r

n o t

t o

s h m

only that I spend two hours a week answ ering queries from student jour­ nalists like yourself. Journal­ ism school is useful only if you wish to pursue a ca­ reer as a pro­ fessional mo­ ron. Myadvice to the wouldbe writer is to write, write, write, without cease, and to find someone to critique your work who is both intelligent and honest. Worry later about pecuniary rewards and ca­ reer advancement—the first, most crucial step is to develop a love for language and a capacity for ma­ nipulating it. Also, if you have the opportunity to choose your par­




BY CATRIN MORRIS For those of us with random degrees in humanistic studies and philosophy, graduation day serves as a swift Doc M artens kick in the (usually ripped and Guatam alan) pants. A B.A. isn't exactly a gift certificate redeemable at your nearest high paying entry level job. Underemployment is our generation’s W oodstock. W e are jaded and willing to settle for less money but want jobs th at will quench our intellectual thirst. W e are actually willing to take unpaid internships all the while building heinous student loan debts and sighs of despair from disgruntled parents. But, in the words of Ru Paul, “You gotta w ork.” The internship: The very concept of an unpaid job is inimical to equal opportunity in the workplace. Unpaid internships are the McJobs for the urban elite, but paid internships are generally more com petitive. W hat to do? The application deadlines approach for the June positions. Canadians can work in the States if a temporary visa is obtained in advance. According to Internships 1994, (a hefty $ 3 0 but crucial guide) you should create a one-page-only resume and cover letter - which should be professional without being utterly void of personality- for each application. Prepare a list of references who can be contacted upon request, and be sure to send clippings or any other tangible proof of your genius. Interns may be mere peons, who must deal with fax machines and annoying "intern activities” (cheesy happy hour nights) Still, /rrterns are in — and can absorb as much knowledge - and connections — as possible Words of advice from the other side: The Tribune bugged lots of people from the world of journalism, publishing and broadcasting to expose industry secrets. The general consensus is that journalism school is not the best path. Hands-on experience, w hether on or off campus, demonstrates you can actually do what you theorize in your Habermas class. Are connections that important? W ell, unfortunately...yes. The old adage th at “it ain 't what you know but who you know" may be a little extrem e, but go swallow your ethics and get a masters degree in bullshitting. Gone are the days of Bob “I worked in the Washington Post mailroom when I was eleven” Woodward. Don’t get too cynical, though. Sure, the rich well-connected brats do get an easy Joan and David foot in the door. But in order to stay there, says one Spy intern, "having a brain doesn’t hurt."

Jo h n M aynard E d itorial A ssistant in Style se c­ tio n o f th e W ashington Po st

Fortunately, the fact that I watch a lot of TV was instrumental in my getting hired! Unfortunately, as in many industries, getting a job is related to who you know. The best education is first hand experi­ ence. Leslie R oberts H ostftfontreal A M L iv e , T ra vel T ra vel. CFCF, M ontreal

cially hands-on practical experi­ ence, at smaller stations. I went to community college and was an intern at ATV in the Maritimes. T im othy Long A ssistant E d itor, Spy M agazine, New Y o rk

I got to Spythrough its edito­ rial intern program. It doesn’t pay much but it gives the powers that be a chance to see what you can do. In my case, it lead to a position that pays $250,000 a week and requires

o o z e

ents, I would suggest Tina Brown and E. Graydon Carter. K atie P o ttin g er E d itorial In tern , Spy m agazine, New Y o rk

I am only a lowly intern, but there is one crucial thing I have learned: You must be well-con­ nected. Connectionsareeverything! My best advice would be to start attending the right parties and shmoozing heavily. P.S. having a brain doesn’t hurt either.

ili mu

W riting Staff

Spy M agazine, New Y o rk

Advice? Make contacts, im­ press people, work hard for every­ one ... more important than a good cover letter. Journalism school’ No. A thousand times no. Best thing about magazine publishing? Plenty of time to polish your prose. Worst thing? The pay. No union, high supply, limited demand. Result’ Poverty. C ath erin e W allace C ity E d itor and In tern sh ip Co­ o rd in a to r, The G azette, M on­ tre a l

Hands on experience in cam­ pus or community papers is a plus. It shows you can actually do the job. Write a variety of stories, from features to hard news. Journalism school is helpful as a form of training. Summer internships at The G azette place you as a replacement reporter. But there is a hiring freeze on now and it’s a tough market. I went to Ryerson journalism school. Journalism’s just about the most fun job you can have. E rica Ehm M uchM usic Y J, T o ro n to

Mystudies at Ottawa U[BAin Comm.] were primarily theoretical. I learned absolutely nothing about television. In Montreal I worked at CHOM FM when I was 17, as a music librarian. I dee-jayed at local new wave/ punk bars in the early 80s, and worked at various record stores. I started as a receptionist for the New Music television show on Toronto’s CITY TV, became enter­ tainment coordinator, then got the on-air job after working on-air at a local cable company for a year or so. Advice: Work in all different jobs in the music biz. Hang out with bands. Read a lot. Write a lot. Volunteer your services to anyone who will take you. Start at the bottom and work up. Listen to advice.


P age 18


r e n t


a m

b u r y

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b r a v e s

of understatement. Any given program might include any­ thing from Pavement to the It seems to be a rite of Shuffle Demons to a Sasha passage for any local green­ remix of the Pet Shop Boys, horn entertainment journalist with an interview with Atom to focus on the DJ who spins Egoyan thrown in for good the hippest, most cutting-edge, measure. Such diversity may and most obscure tunes in the unnerve even the most open country. Po-Mo self-reference minded, underground-positive listener, but aside, if you that’s the haven’t heard point of the of Brent Bambury7, you show: to chal­ go to bed too “I mean, what is our lenge the lim­ early. As the of what culture? It’s pretty its host of Brave C a n a d a ’s much a sea of junk youth finds New Waves, acceptable. the most and we’re just “In some a n o m a lo u s surfing it” ways the mu­ program on sic and the the CBC airw aves, —Brent Bambury, content of the interviews is Bambury is the Host of Brave New designed to o ff-th e-w all ving to the Waves b e’s C B C ’ s an in-yourstaunchy face way of yang. In an interview with the saying ‘somebody out there Tribune, Bambury described likes it, so why don’t you?”’ the content of the music/ inter­ Bambury explains. BNW is a much needed view format of the show as, “Eclectic to the point of being forum for the broadcast of mu­ suicidal,” without any degree sic and ideas, to a national


a v e s

o n

audience, that is normally lim­ ited to small, local, usually uni­ versity-run stations. So what the hell is BNW doing taking up four hours of air time each weeknight on Canada’s largest network? When asked about the CBC’s motives, Bambury prof­ fers, “I’ve heard us rationalized by management over the years in that we’re introducing a younger audience that we’re going to deliver to other shows.” So BNWis essentially an evil plot by the corporate fiends of CBC to warp the minds of youth, channelling our concerns from the ex-cen­ tric to the conventional topics of Lister Sinclair’s Ideas. We’re being boringized. Some might argue, how­ ever, that ZWWdoes have some intrinsic value, contributing something essential to the cul­ ture. Just what that is, how­ ever, is something even Banbury cannot explain. “As for what we contrib­ ute to the culture, I don’t know,” he said. “I mean, what is our culture? It’s pretty much a sea of junk and we’re just surfing it. That’s all we’re doing.”



The McGill Tribune, February 8-14,1994

s e a



c u l t u r a l

And they’re getting paid to do it. To state that Bambury has one of the most interesting— not to mention most fun—jobs in the world of media cannot be cause for argument. Aside from the fact that, in radio, Bambury does not have to wear a suit, he also has a proficient staff who do the dirty work, while he comes off as the pop culture boy wonder. Bambury’s staff members make the on-air omniscient persona possible. While he admits to sounding like “an idiot” in person, he credits his staff for giving him “an enormous amount of the confidence that I carry onto the air.” Well, idiot or pop culture genius, Bambury is one of the lucky few who can combine personal interest with a ca­ reer—a luxury in a time when holding out for that ideal ca­ reer often results in turning 40, eating crow, taking a Mcjob, and shamefully hiding the fact from those whom you once tried to impress.

Brave New Waves Airs each weeknightfrom midnight until 4:00am on CBC 93-5.

j u

My education made me a b e tte r con-m an. You learn how to p lay the gam es. Edu­ catio n just gave m e m ore confidence to play th e con gam e. I got my foot In the d oo r w hen Iw as 19 b y going to a tin y station andoffet inu to do anything—clean toi­ lets basically. This ICBC] is a netw ork and people m ove around. You w ork w ith one p rodu cer in som e stub-dick tow n, and the n cxtth ln gyou know th e producer is som e­ w here else, and you r nam e trav els. K now specifically w hat job you think you can d oandfaaveacouplc ofgood argum ents about w hy you ca n d o it. If you use your im agination, you can create asp cclfic n ich e for yourself, b u t know the co n te x t In w hich th at n ich e can fit. The g reat thing about the m edia is th at it needs stu ffto feed It all the tim e, and it’s going to get bigger w ith technology. Y ou r talen t has to be con­ vincing som ebody th a t you have ta le n t

S O ... Y O U T HI NK Y O U 'R E PRETTY FUNNY, EH? E n t e r Tike R e d H errin s .’s C o n t e s t s ! O

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C a te g o r y

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A d a p t in s tr u c tio n s fo r a in to a f a e r i e t a l e .

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h a P P "Y e v e r a fte r- '

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W e ' r e r e c r u i t i n g e d i t o r s f o r n e x t y e a r - if i n t e r e s t e d , c o m e t o o u r m e e t i n g s o r o f f i c e h o u r s in S h a t n e r B - 0 7 . W e a ls o n e e d


p e o p l e t o s e ll a d v e r t i s e m e n t s o n c o m m is s io n .

D E A D L IN E : M A R C H


K e e n e r a le r t!

If i n t e r e s t e d , d r o p b y o u r o f f i c e o r c a l l 3 9 8 - 6 8 0 6 .

- - G E N E R A L S U B M IS S IO N


B rent Bam bury H ost, B ra v e New W aves, CBC, M ontreal


C a te g o r y


D E A D L IN E : M A R C H



The McGill Tribune. February 8-14,1994


l o o d


e l a t i o n s

BY STEVE PRATT If you’ve seen the posters around campus displaying a sil­ houette of a woman hefting a dripping axe and are expecting Sharon Pollack’s Blood Relations to be a slash 'em up stage version of Freddy Kreuger’s family life, don’t go. If, on the other hand, you’re anticipating a well-staged enact­ ment of a woman’s life with an intelligent feminist slant, then don’t miss it. Most people will remember the cheerful nursery rhyme: "Lizzie Borden took an axe She gave her mother forty whacks When the job was nicely done She gave her father forty-one” What many will not know is that the nursery rhyme is based on a true story from the 1890s. So, in the form of a play we are presented with a nursery rhyme about a real woman. Art, imitating art, imitating life. Yeah. A framed narrative adds to


i s s J u

l i e

BY COLIN FERGUSON Tuesday Night Cafe’s Miss Julie is a compelling story acted by some of McGill’s finest. I suggest you go. August “Pig” Strindberg was born in 1849. He wrote Miss Julie some seven years before his major breakdown and string of destructive marriages. Strindberg’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dead Swedish Misogynist Play­ wright, challenged the societal rules of the 19th century with their upper/lower class marriage. Being a witness to the problems of their marriage — and being the pig that he was — Strindberg publicly condemned the con­ cept. MissJulie, which also cen­ tres around such an inter-class union, is sculpted with misogy­ nist intentions. Yet when it is removed from the frustrated, yet brilliant, yet frustrated, yet pork­ like hands of its creator, its mes­ sage becomes reversed. The play presents a sensitive and sympa­ thetic commentary on the com­ plications and struggles of the gender and class system. Strindberg would most probably be very upset with the modem effects of his play. But... he is dead. The play opens with Christine and Jean, the Count’s cook and valet, exposing through casual conversation, the work­ ings of their lower class relation­ ship. Miss Julie, daughter of the

a t t a c k s

the layered complexity of Blood Relations. The play begins when an actress from the future visits Borden after her acquittal for the murders. But we have a bizarre role switcheroo—the actress por­ trays Lizzie and Lizzie plays a maid, creating a play-within-aplay. The actress from the future plays Lizzie throughout the play as a symbol of the universality and timelessness of Lizzie’s plight. Right out of a Grimms’ fairy tale, Lizzie is the youngest daugh­ ter of a rich, widowed man who has remarried a sour, oppressive woman. This evil stepmother treats Lizzie like a servant and threatens to inherit the family property after the father dies, which would leave Lizzie and her sister under the stepmother’s reign forever. (Sa­ distic cackle here.) Meanwhile, Lizzie’s father is trying to marry her off. The result? Mr. Borden and the evil stepmother are sud­ denly found murdered with - you guessed it - an axe. The big question is “DID SHE DO IT?” (As TIME-LIFEsug­

: g e n d e r ,

t h o s e

b lo o d y

gests, “Read the book!., er.. see the play!” because my lips, in accordance with the high journal­ istic integrity of the Tribune, are hermetically sealed.) The strength of the play, though, lies not in the plot, but in the feminist exploration of the pressures placed on Lizzie which could have conceivably lead her to murder. Lizzie laments that, unlike others, she was not “marked” by a “magic formula” at birth to become a conventional woman. Instead, Lizzie has de­ voted her life to defying conven­ tional, limiting, female roles. Blood Relations is about negotiating the ground between conformity and social acceptance on the one hand, and the subver­ sion and rejection of social norms on the other. This message pervades the play on several levels, including deftly subtle lines like, ‘That’s what you do with things that are different, you kill them,” and slyly hidden symbolism in the form of Lizzie being literally trapped in an oversize birdcage in the second

c la s s

a n d

The most complete set


of test prep tools in the w o rld . CALL N O W : (5 1 4 ) 2 8 7 -1 8 9 6 1 -8 0 0 -6 6 7 -T E S T

3 3 0 Sharbroolc* W „ Suit* 2 8 0

g e n d e r

r o le s

act. The acting is solid through­ out the cast, with particularlystrong performances by Karen B. Cowley as Lizzie and by G a b r i e 1 1e Kemeny, who plays the actress from the future. Overall, the plot and the themes, presented by di­ rector Kemeny, are smoothly mixed. The result is a very enter­ taining play that sends out a strong message.

Blood Rela­ tions isplaying at Players’ Theatre (3rdfloorShatner Bldg) through to Saturday, Feb. 12. All shows at 8 PM. For tickets The Grimm-est fairy tale of all call 398-6813.

g o o d

Naomi Count, enters B u c k , and brings with her the Christopher Peake, and Lori aspirations Delorme are all and values of talented per­ the upper formers. The class. Jean script is pre­ desperately sented clearly wants to rise and with a sub­ in the world tlety of emo­ and Miss Julie tion which of­ dreams of the fers a refresh­ passivity of relinquishing ing change from the the responsi­ bilities and re­ scream -tillpressive re­ y ou - e mo te cloak that strictions of her role many produc­ tions seem to model social A strong cast and strong message wear. The char­ status. Both are confined and both acters are distinct and presented need change. By the calculated with an honest commitment to manipulation of Miss Julie’s the separate points of view. I look forward to watching dream of escape, Jean attempts to advance and the sad psychol­ the confidence and fluidity of a ogy of the class system is carved. performance inspired by the pres­

Page 19

a c t in g

ence of an audience. Having only had the chance to see a dress rehearsal, I can say that all the promise and glory of a good

show is apparent and I anticipate a very rewarding run.

RunsFeb 7-12.8pmMorrice Hall. Tickets $4.

"STUDENS-HWEOGOL"?? "Students' Wheels" to the uninitiated like TRAWG. Yes, looks like GROG has taken a turn for the worse and gone off to study Old English this term, or should we say Future English for him?! Anyway, for you the "studens” , it means a good deal. Take advantage of GROG'S post-Xmas deflationary, antiquarian stance and travel between Montréal and Toronto at just$59* return with Voyageur. Grog's busy with his ancient manuscripts right through March 30“' 1994. But you must return by that date!!

T O R O N T O - M O N T R É A L $ 5 9 .*


’CONDITIONS: WÊÊKM Youmust be25yearsof ageorless andpresent avalid1993-94 fulltimestudies Student ID.card(cards issuedinpreviousschool yearsmust bevalidatedfor’93-94) oraRegistrar's Confirmationof Enrollment. NodiscountedOne-wayfare available Taxes as applic- iMo8**cc»d) ableareextra. Alltravel must be completedbyMarch30th. 1994 Xjs». .


____________Entertainment D

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for Canadian jobs in the com­ munications industry? Janine Marchessault, a post-doctorate fellow at McGill, argues that while this new tech­ nology can be very exciting, there are many problems. “It could just create more atomized markets for American commercial products,” Marchessault explained. “Build­ ing a larger infrastructure does not automatically mean that it will be filled with more Cana­

The information super­ highway. No one knows quite what it is but everyone sees it as the wave of the future. Keith Spicer, head of the Canadian Radio Television Tel­ ecommunications Commission has hinted that this new inter­ facing of computers with televi­ sion and even telephones will go largely unregulated in Canada. What does that mean


“ b



c o m

p e t i t i v e

dian products. The kind of talk going on today went on about cable in the 1970s.” So is there any hope for the smaller TV stations, compa­ nies and networks? While many Canadians ea­ gerly await this new messiah to bring more jobs in tow, others continue to forge ahead in the ultra-competitive television in­ dustry. Phillip Leclerc is an associ­ ate producer for World Affairs



‘h i - t e c h ’

Television Productions, a pri­ vate company with offices in Florida, Montreal and Hong Kong. The company produces a series of informative and inno­ vative programs that deal with current global events in an in­ formal setting. While the con­ tent of the shows is Canadian, the market is American. Markets like Calgary or Montreal “just don’t cut it”, ac­ cording to Leclerc. I Ipwards of five million people are needed




The McGill Tribune, February 8-14,199







in d u s t r y

for an informative show to sui vive in the private sphere. While some of World Al fairs’ shows are picked up b the CBC, Leclerc complains tha the old boys network goes ; long way in limiting the compa ny’s opportunities. “I’m sure no one would b< surprised by the large amoun of nepotism that goes on at th< CBC,” he explained. World Affairs sells all o their shows to PBS in the US, bu they are bought on a demanc basis. If PBS refuses to buy th( show then production is imme diately stopped in an effort tc cut losses. To stay ahead of the game, Leclerc is constantly pitch ing the American network tc cover him financially. Despite the “bitchin’ com­ petitiveness” of the industry, Leclerc warned against produc­ ing shows on demand. If the network executives know that “you are a lackey they will treat you like one.” One of the production company’s shows, The World in Review, runs against modern trends. In a world environment where news programs increas­ ingly rely on hi-tech satellites to whiz talking heads across bor­ ders and into living rooms, The World in Review uses a face-toface discussion format. The moderator of this program is McGill’s own, Principal David Johnston. The television industry may be very competitive and increasingly hi-tech, but there is always room for hard working, creative and determined indi­ viduals (although you would never know it from watching Entertainment Tonight). If you fit this description there is a good chance that the new superhighway may mean at least an opportunity to show your stuff and find a paying job.

du Maurier^lid. /[rtf P e r fo r m in g c









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The McGill Tribune, February 8-14,1994


d e c a d e

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Page 21

s t i l l

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aggressive in sound, but lyrics possession, I got a closet full of do change. What it is is the Adidas and I’m stomping out words got harder, we got harder, pimps and all of that. All we do what people talk about got is express what’s in our heads, Run DMC spoke with the harder. The whole atmosphere so that’s what came out on Down Tribune)\isi prior to their Febru­ around is, you know, if every­ With The King. ary 4th show at Backstreet. body is gonna ^ H W m nm na ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ T rib u n e : Present were Run, DMC and be on that tip, What is Run-DMC JamMaster Jay. “My Adidas are my today, compared we get on that thing, you possession, i got a to the Run-DMC Tribune: For this tour know what of a decade ago? you’re doing now, are you play­ closet full of I’m saying? Run: Were ing mostly new or older mate­ Adidas and I’m JMJ: Wê Run-DMC. Its like rial? stomping out aren’t on that diapers are pam­ DMC We’re doing old and trip, we ain’t pers, pampers are new, because our old stuff is just pimps and ail of yelling and diapers. as dope as the new stuff. Our that” cursing. When DMC: We songs have held up we made can fit in with for the past eleven Down With years, like we — Jam Master Jay anything, any­ The King body. We toured have, you know every track ^ ^ m m m m m with Naughty By what I’m saying5 that we got, we did every track Nature, we toured with Dr. Dre, So we got the old, with a hard attitude. When we so we fit in where we fit in, we got the new. did 'My Adidas’, it was aggres­ because we are consistent and T r ib u n e : sive in that, okay, it was a record our thing is what it is, you know a n y o n e How have the re­ talking about a sneaker, but the what I’m saying? We ain’t got a k n o w in g actions been to the <u that, you things we were singing, we were special meaning or anything, new material? Jj could have touring, no one did more tours we’re just two MCs and a dope DMC: In >J every new than us, and my Adidas are my DJ. credible. Mad en 3 band, every ergy, mad flavour, § new rapper r Tribune: all on one Y ou’re probably show, and finding a lot of peo­ have Runple who weren’t a c r o s s tow n o r a c r o s s th e co u n try DMC on the into rap ten years Run-DMC: Grandfathers of rap get aggressive W e D eliv er! ago that are just getting into what I’m saying? Now that’s show, we’re gonna bring the roof down. We’ve got our high things and just finding out about rockin’, that thing is hard. fitc/Cenna F e e d e r s Tribune: Jay, you’ve been powered lyrics, and JamMaster Run-DMC now. Have you no­ 5 5 0 8 Sherbrooke St. W . ticed a lot of people who don’t on the turntables since the be­ Jay’s incredible scratching, and nothing is experimental, it’s all know what to make of the old ginning, right? C p 4 8 7 -1 3 0 0 JMJ: True, true, no DATs, skill. material? @ 1 -8 0 0 -4 6 3 -4 3 8 3 Phone orders accepted Tribune: A lot of groups JMJ: Nah, ‘cause we do it no nothing, straight like me. Run: No DATs will shame now play live shows which don't for kids that are like twelve years old, and we’ll say “Who’s JamMaster Jay, using the wax, hold any water compared to down with the old school?”, and keeping it raw, keeping it real, their albums. Run: That’s because they real. You come to the show they’ll all go “Oooh!” just use DAT machines, cut it on tonight and you’ll see, this is 3 0 Tribune: How did you get and say their rhymes. what rap is, this is what the DJ is, hooked up with the ‘Judgement Tribune: How has your this is what the MC is, this is the Night’ project? O f f B e l l 's L o n g D i s t a n c e ! music changed since your Rais­ purpose of the mixer, this is the DMC: They called us. The fun thing about it was that we’d purpose of the microphone. We ing Hell days? Your newer mate­ been wanting to work with Liv­ ain’t got no games, no gim­ rial seems much more roughneck ing Colour, but we’d never gotten micks, no glitter, just straight up in terms of lyrics. DMC: We were always the chance. So when we got rap vocals. The DJ really called for Judgement Night, we picked a band we already had in mind, so that worked out cool. Tribune: Was it a little • O ff d a y tim e r a t e s ! N O S IG N U P FEE! strange doing something you’d • O ff e v e n in g r a t e s ! This Is a special sp ed service pretty much invented, just as all • O ff w e e k e n d r a t e s ! iv id e dto to !students provided these years later other bands are • O f f a n y t i m e ! across Canada picking up on it again? DMC: No, it wasn’t that e Individual billing - each student has their own account e strange. We do this, you know S A L E • No Minimum Usage • Can be used on any touch-tone telephone # • No risk - Use Beil Canada Long Distance at anytime, but pay full price # • Optional family plan for even greater (fiscounts among family members #


what I’m saying, during our whole career, we do this. We made ‘Rock Box’, and that wasn’t even collaborating with anyone to get either the rock crowd or the rap crowd. The rock beats are dope if they’re strong, and the guitar is mean just like RunDMC, then I’m saying that’s how we do it. We did the Aerosmith thing, and that was because we like the beat and guitar of the original ‘Walk This Way’. The only thing we did was vocals, otherwise the music is dope. Billy Squier’s big beat, you know

scratches, spinning it fat; beats and rhymes. Tribune: How can you explain the differences between touring today and in the eight­ ies, in terms of crowd response? DMC: It’s not what we get, it’s what the crowd gets. The crowd might be sitting there sleeping on Run-DMC, but when the show go down, everybody goes home saying Run and them was the best, you know what I’m saying? Everybody that’s our so-called competition, they know they’re in for a fight. We got an arse­ nal of hits, we got a great track record, but even with­ out us say­ ing that or



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A) Students' Society of McGill Executive Vice Vice Vice Vice

d 'i n s c r i p t i o n :

Internal Affairs External Affairs Finance University Affairs

B) Senators

Arts (2) Dentistry! 1 ) Education (1 ) Engineering (1 ) Law (1) M anagem ent (1 ) M edicine (1) Music (1 ) Religious Studies (1 ) Science (2)

p o s itio n s :

D) CKUT Board of Directors (2) E) Arts Undergraduate Society

President Vice President Administration Vice President Academ ic Vice President Internal Vice President Finance

G) QPIRG Board of Directors (9) H) DAILY Board of Directors (6)

C) Undergraduate Representative to the Board of Governors (1 ) The nomination forms can be picked up at the M a in Desk in the SSM U office in the Shatner Building, 3 4 8 0 McTavish. Nom ination forms are available until Feb. 1 5 , 1 9 9 4 at 12 noon. T h e d e a d l i n e f o r a l l e x t e n d e d n o m in a t io n s is F e b . 1 5 a t 1 2 n o o n .

Further inquiries can be directed to the CRO's Jane Rhee and Dave Harman at 398-6810. N O TE: S o m e p o s itio n s m a y n o t b e a v a i l a b l e f o r e x t e n d e d n o m in a t io n s . P l e a s e c h e c k w ith th e SSM U o ff ic e f o r c o n f ir m a tio n o f t h e a v a i l a b l e p o s itio n s .


NOTE: By-Law I, Article 5.3 requires that referendum questions be published eighteen (18) days prior to the opening of the advanced poll. Due to a conflict between publication dates and constitutional requirements, those individuals submitting referendum questions should have completed petition forms handed in at the SSMU main desk by February 10, 1994 (noon). Those submitting petition forms after this date (from February 10 (noon) to February 15 (noon) must waiver their constitutional right to full publication run of their question. Ja n e S. Rhee Dave Harman Co-CRO


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e McGill Tribune, February 8-14.1994

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club’s almost-assured approval to team, as they have played and as a home field for McGill. While CBC writer/broadcaster in the Athletics Board, when the faired well in exhibition games the diamond hasn’t been reserved Moncton, NB, after he graduated board convenes next on March against American schools. The as of yet, Brock has received no with a bachelor of arts fromMcGill With the Blue Jays on the 15th. If accepted as a McGill sports Canadian schools are looking to objections from the Parks Depart­ in 1988. Brock became involvedwith :rge of earning “dynasty” status club, Brock’s club will be entitled form a four-team league which ment regarding the use of city the Riverview Reds of the New facilities. would most likely schedule its id the upstart Expos having to a $1000 interest-free loan from Brunswick Senior Baseball League, Matter of fact, Brock hasn’t games between Labour Day and the university. rrowly missed the playoffs, the the same league in which former In his plan to “promote base­ the middle of October. Brock will any real objections since he put iditional American pastime of Expo Bill “Spaceman” Lee his “pipe seball suddenly has a Cana­ ball as a sport at played—for the Moncton Mets. dream” in mo­ an flavour to it as never before. the university Lee is Brock’s top choice for man­ tion. Canadians such as Larry level,” Brock ager of the McGill squad, although “A m az­ alker and FergusonJenkins have hopes to field a he doesn’t exactly expect the ingly, we team of 20 to 25 oved that players from north of “spaceman” to jump at the offer. haven’t come e border could not only com­ competitive var­ Interest in the club has been across any roadité, but often dominate at the sity players, overwhelming so far. After Brock blocks so far ajor league level. While Canada with the possi­ put up a handful of signs around o that we haven’t is become a veritable hotbed of bility of organ­ campus, over 50 people attended been able to get iseball, it has yet to catch on at izing a junior the first meeting, many with full over,” said e university level, where there varsity team as intentions of taking up an active 03 Brock. “I hope irrently exists no university base- well. membership. « that we re as Ç0 Ideally, ill league. Frustrated by this, Brock will be holding the Ë fortunate in the st-year McGill law student Dan he would like team’s first practice at 9 AM on o' future.” •ock has taken it upon himself to hold a train­ February l6th at the Currie gym­ Director found the McGill Baseball Club, ing camp at the nasium. The practice offers mem­ of Athletics ith hopes of setting up an end of August, bers a chance to get acquainted Robert Dubeau before selecting teruniversity league. was equally im­ with one another and an opportu­ “Many people consider it a a team by Sep­ Well, at least we found home plate...we're still lookingfor first pressed with nity to thaw from the deep winter pe dream,”said the 29-year-old tember 1st. Brock’s progress in the club’s early freeze. be meeting in Toronto with rep­ As for potential competi­ itive of Montreal. “Lots of peoAs for now, Brock knows stages. resentatives from the other schools e have thought about doing tion, Brock has been in contact that there is still much work to be “I’ve been pleasantly sur­ over the mid-semester break, with rmething like this, but no one’s with university officials and team done, yet he couldn’t be happier prised by the work which Dan has hopes of hammering out the spe­ representatives from Guelph and •tuallydone anything until now. ” done with this club, ”said Dubeau. with how the idea has been re­ Last Friday, Brock’s “pipe McMaster Universities, along with cifics of a league. Brock has also been in con­ “His love of the sport has been the ceived thus far. earn” came one step closer to Durham Community College in “It’s an idea whose time has tact with City of Montreal officials driving force behind this project.” scorning reality, as the Départ­ Oshawa, Ont. come, and now we must push Brock’s interest in baseball Durham is the only school regarding the use of Parc ent of Athletics Management ahead,” he said. was piqued during his tenure as a Lafontaine’s junior baseball park oard voted to recommend the to already have a competitive B Y C H R IS T O P H E R R IG N E Y

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The McGill Squash Club alked away from last weekssociation (OUAA) championlips, held at the University of Western Ontario, in the same osition they ended up in one ear ago. As a team, they Finished ;venth out of the 10 universities presented at the tournament. Head coach Dave Behm greed that considering how tuch younger this year’s squad than last year’s, a seventhlace finish is definitely respectble. “This year’s team is made p mostly of first and second ear players,” explained Behm. The fact that they performed up ) last year’s veteran team’s reults is certainly an accomplishîent.” The Redmen’s number one nd two players—Andrew hompson and Graham Burt— /ere McGill’s brightest performrs during the championships. Both players came away /ith2-1 records and played strong quash against tough competiion. Number five man Mark Lau Iso played quite well, managing 2-1 record as well. As for the emainder of the team, Andrew loss (#3), Chris Peake (#4), and

s e v e n t h



ment from his players continue into next season. “We improved more dra­ matically this year. If we can get ment next year, I think we could challenge for a third or fourth place finish,” he stated. As the teamcaptain, Andrew Thompson, explained, the team began the year with minimal ex­ pectations, but went into the sea­ son finale with higher hopes. “We had so little experi­ ence that our expectations at the beginning of this year were low,” stated Thompson. “With our strong perform­ ance at the Crossover Tourna­ ment our expectations rose, and I was hoping we would place fifth at the OUAA Championships,” added Thompson. “But, despite the slight disappointment, we did match last year’s results.” Next season McGill will count on five returning players, as Peake is the only player who McGill's Andrew Thompson will be moving on. Coach Behm Queen’s, trailed by the University looks forward to leading a team of Toronto, Ryerson, McMaster, with more mileage under its belt. “We are only losing one McGill and Guelph. player, which means a more ex­ The OUAA Championships marked the end of what proved perienced team, higher expecta­ to be a rebuilding year for the tions, and hopefully better results McGill Squash Club after losing next year,” stated Behm. It ap­ four players fromlast year’s squad. pears that the McGill Squash club Behm hopes to see the improve- may peak Peake-less!

Kasim Khan (#6) all finished with identical 1-2 records. Khan ended his rookie season as McGill’s best performer, boasting the team’s Western won the overall title ahead of the University of Waterloo. Third-place went to -------------------------------------



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meter breaststroke consolation fi­ nal. Head Coach François Laurin McGill’s Léo Grepin and Eric Potier stood toe-to-toe in a battle was pleased with the swimmers’ with the best swimmers in Quebec efforts. "They did very good. We had and did not flinch. Grepin and Potier were the only McGill swim­ a good weekend. They swam well, mers of the five-member Red and they swam tough. They’re getting White squad to reach the finals in ready for CIAU’s,” he commented. Laurin also believed that this the Esso Cup meet in Laval last weekend, in preparation for the meet would help the swimmers upcoming Canadian Interuniversity later on because it helped them get Athletics Union (CIAU) champion­ used to swimming in finals, which meant that the swimmers would ships in March. The meet featured many of swim each race twice instead of Quebec’s top club swimmers, only once. “It was good, they learned a which meant that medal possibili­ ties would be almost impossible. lot, and it was a positive experi­ The McGill contingent, however, ence,” said Laurin. Inaddition to the CIAUcham­ still managed a respectable show­ ing against some of the province’s pionships, team members Craig Perfect and Grepin will also be elite. Grepin finished fifth in the trying to earn a spot on the Cana­ 100 meter freestyle final and also dian team for the Commonwealth managed a second-place finish in Games. The next meet for the entire the 200 meter freestyle consola­ team is the provincial champion­ tion final. Potier also qualified for a ships in Quebec City in two weeks. final, finishing seventh in the 100 It also represents the last chance for meter breaststroke. He ended up swimmers to qualify for CIAU’s. Laurin will make sure the second in the consolation final of young athletes are ready for the the 200 meter breaststroke. Other top placings were challenges that lie ahead. “Our next three meets are the turned in by Anna Leong, first in the consolation final of the 400 biggest three meets of the year so meter individual medley, and this is what we have to concentrate Benoit Janvier, second in the 100 on,” he said. B Y KEN SC O TT

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12 women’s teams. University of Toronto, as is befitting the host of any meet, clearly beat the pants off everyone else. They finished first overall with 115 points. McGill was a distant second with 58 points, and Laurentian third. The Martlets did their usual damage, with their regulars dish­ ing out the beatings. In the wom­ en’s 1500 meter race, McGill’s Superwoman, Linda Thyer, again came in first in a time of 4:36:34. She easily met her objective of qualifying for the Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union (CIAU) National championships. Melanie Basset, who placed 7th, and Kelly Fallon, who placed 13th, both recorded personal bests in the race. The Redmen had a tougher time in their Toronto stay. Their highest placing came in the 1000 meter race, with Peter Madden grabbing third in 2:34:84. Andrew Bloom placed fifth in the 300m and the 600m, with times of 37:l6and 1:25:67, respec­ tively. Max Oates placed third in the triple jump, with a leap of 13-47 meters. In the 4 by 400m relay race, the Martlets won in a time of 4:17:85. First to fourth were Caroline Healy, Meredith Motley (whose father won a silver medal at the Tokyo Olympics back in

Over the course of its long, arduous season, like all teams, McGill's Track and Field will have its ups and downs. Mind you, their downs are the ups on a good day for most other teams. At the Uni­ versity of Toronto Track Classic, last weekend, the McGill teams performedwith mixed results. Their showing was substandard com­ pared to their normal achieve­ ments. Dennis Barrett, the head coach of the McGill track and field operation, makes no excuses about the ambiguous results. “We had sick runners who couldn’t make it, we had injured runners. Some of them weren’t committed to the meet. Jean Nicolas Duval [an engineering student and a stellar runner for the Redmen] couldn’t come, cause he’s drown­ ing in his work. Engineering is really tough, you know.” Are those excuses, Dennis? “Nah, nah, those aren’t re­ ally excuses. Hey, wait a minute, we did well. We were second overall in the standings. Everyone who had to get qualifying times got them. This meet just wasn’t a really important one in the standings. In fact it had no bearing on us whatsoever.” The event played host to 27 teams overall, with 15 men’s and


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1964). Right behind Motley were Diana Owen taking the third leg and the anchor Brenda Welsh. Figuring again quite promi­ nently in the women’s 300m were Welsh (third) and Motley (fourth). In the women’s 3000 meters, Kelly Butler of Guelph came in first, with Linda Thyer, by nowjust slightly winded from her 1500m effort, coming in second with a time of 10:01:89. Kelly Fallon was fourth in 10:34:49. “The purpose of this meet was for the [runners] to run them­ selves into shape,” explained Barrett. “December, because of exams and vacation, was a write­ off. They just want to run their best now. If they don’t win the provin­ cial championships, the CIAUwon’t pay for their trip to the Nationals in Edmonton.” Barrett continued. “Oh, they’ll qualify, but if they don’t win they will have to pay for the air fare and stuff all by themselves. I think that’s incentive enough. That’s why they work so hard... that’s why this meet was a tune-up.” Like athletes who play for big bucks, the Martlets and Redmen will have to turn in a tremendous effort to get that free trip to Ed­ monton. Start watching for it next Saturday, when they will travel to the Sherbrooke Invitational track meet.

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busy at 10:15 on a textbook pas; from teammate Nancy Robitaille But the Martlets’ banc played on and created a numbe of opportunities in the third whicl they were unable to convert intc digits on the scoreboard. Thi Patriotes, however, made ampli use of their chances which wen limitedby their penchant for mind less penalties. Patriotes Greno: and Caroline Proulx rounded of the scoring with a goal each ü final period. Though disappointed wit! the final result, Martlets assistar coach John Clarke commend» his players for their best perform ance of the season. “The team really came to gether and played well,” he saic “We played good systems am were just looking for that goal.’ Clarke added that with on game to go against Concordh this game will serve as a worth reminder of his team’s develop ment since the season began la; October. “We’ve made massive im provements. We’re really work ing the slot and the point wel and we’re a lot hungrier,” h enthused. “This is a good end b the season and a great start t< next year.”

B Y S T E V E SM ITH Despite their most impres­ sive performance of the season, McGill’s hockey Martlets’ were torpedoed by the CEGEP St. Laurent Patriotes 5-0, last Satûrday at McConnell Arena. When the Patriotes Caroline Proulx slid one past Martlet goaltender Annette Van der Linde at 0:49 of the first period, it ap­ peared as though the McGill squad was well on its way to another tragic display of inexperience. The next nine minutes, however, witnessed an impressive display of Martlet pressure as the squad indulged in some intense forechecking and managed to keep the Patriotes bottled up in their own end. Unfortunatelyscor­ ing is not the Martlets’ forte, and despite a number of McGill chances, the Patriotes’ Stephanie Grenon snowed on the Martlets’ picnic with a blast from the slot at 9:42 of the first. But the game wasn’t out of reach, and the 25 fans who showed up teetered on the edge of their seats in anticipation of a Martlet comeback in the second period—or at least a shot on goal. It was the Patriotes’ Sandra Coté, however, who kept the goal judge

Association des Etudiant-es Em ployé-e-s Diplom é-e-s de McGill <

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McGill Tribune, February 8-14,199-*


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The McGill Tribune, February 8-14,1994

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B Y ABBA BRO DT Religion and sports, two very different pastimes, make for very strange bedfellows. Athletes who have mixed the two have not always met with success. There have always been Jewish athletes, Islamic athletes, and Christian athletes in profes­ sional sports. Their religion is never really a factor unless it happens to clash with their sports. Andrew Bloom, a 19-year-old runner on the McGill Redmen track team is one such athlete who has to mix his Judaism with his running. What distinguishes him from other Jewish athletes is that he is a religious Jew, an observant Jew. And that flies in the face of his track running. Yet, he still does both. Having just returned from a run, Andrew Bloom is a mess. There is brown slush and salt covering the entire backside of his running suit. His breath is a little short, but aside from that he has barely broken a sweat. Col­ lapsed next to him is his running partner for the day, Eric Tagamik, who looks to be on the verge of a massive coronary, with all his panting and wheezing. “He’s pretty out of shape” says Bloom, somewhat apolo­ getically. “Hey Eric, show him your flab...”, to which Eric gleefully obliges, lifting up his soaked shirt to expose a rolling wave of flesh. Bloom breaks out into a laugh, and before long, he is talking, only too happy to ex­ pound on the rigours of being a Jew and running track. “When I was growing up as

“If they are not present, women cannot speak. And if their voices are not heard, their concerns cannot be addressed”

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McGill’s sails. “Usually, our offence is a lot stronger,” Martlet middle blocker and sometime power hitter Brita Weiss commented after the game. “We have a good team; we just have to come together. We’re waiting for it to happen. Maybe we should just take it.” Coach Rachèle Béliveau was candid about the loss. “We’re playing well, and then we make a few mistakes in a row, and a game that was, say, 5-5, is now 9-6, and then the difference is there. We’re a very young team. We have to de­ crease those kinds of mis­ takes.” Although the team is now out of the playoffs, Béliveau remains upbeat; she knows that the rebuilding process will take a few more years. The Martlets wind up their season this weekend, hosting Université de Sherbrooke on Friday at 7 PM and on Saturday at 1 PM.

a s n o w y , s lu s h y c a m p u s is h e l l . . . .. .im a g in e d o in g it


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SSMU is currently recruiting people for an

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1 5 2 P R IN C E A R T H U R E M O N TREA L, H 2X 1B 7

The Tribune is still looking fo r w riters. I f you a re interested, come out to S h atn er B01A, or call 398-6789 fo r C harles or Chris.

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time to go to the meet Then I have to walk from the motel to f o the sports center. Sometimes I’ll l o o k i n g have to walk for over an hour in B Y C R A IG B E R N E S the cold, and leave really early Shabbat morning to get there. Sunday afternoon at the The meets start pretty early, so I never really have a chance to go Currie Gym, the volleyball to synagogue to pray. I’ll usually Martlets continued to make a just pray in the motel,” Bloom respectable showing without acsaid. ! tually winning a game. The team “This week [at the Univer­ hosted the fourth-ranked sity of Toronto Classic track meet] |Université de Montréal Carabins, won’t really be a problem. We’re losing in straight games, 15-13, leaving early enough Friday 15-5, and 15-7. morning, so I won’t have to go The match was not with­ up by myself. I’ll stay at home, out its moments of tension. In then walk to U of T. It’s not like a few weeks ago when we were the first set, McGill trailed but in Plattsburgh, and I had to stay kept up with les Carabins, fi­ in this little dinky motel, there nally pulling within one at 13 was absolutely nothing there.... 12. The blocking worked and the Martlets availed themselves It was a real hick town.” Dennis Barrett, head coach of their opportunities to score. of the McGill track team, praised McGill delayed les Carabins at set point with a beautiful Gillian Andrew for his determination. “I’ve got to commend King kill, but the Red and White Andrew for what he does. He defense only went so far; Mon­ seems really determined to up­ treal won the game on its hold his beliefs... that’s not so next opportunity. easy in this day and age.” The second and third Bloom’s say on the whole games began evenly before the matter is simple but endearing. technically superior Carabins “You have to try and do the pulled ahead. After that first things that you like without sac­ game, the wind was gone from rificing your religious beliefs. It’s hard to do sometimes but it’s worth it.”

a kid in Toronto, I found that I was always faster than my friends,” said Bloom. “My school didn’t have a track team, so I tried out for the North York Track and Field team. The only race that I could run was the 400 meter race, because it was the only one not on Shabbat (Saturday),” he explained. As a religious Jew, Bloomeats only kosher food, prays every morning and keeps Shabbat. In order to keep Shabbat, a Jew has a strict set of rules to observe. From sundown Friday night until sundown Sat­ urday night, a religious Jew can­ not write, turn on a television or a light, cannot cook or bake, cannot drive a car and cannot be driven, among other things. The majority of Redmen track meets take place on Saturdays. The out-of-town meets usually re­ quire that the team travel on either Friday nights or Saturday mornings to get to the event, which would exclude Bloom from attending the meets. But not really. “If the team will be driving on Shabbat to get to a meet, I’ll just leave either a day earlier or a few hours earlier. I’ll take a bus up to the city, rent a motel room and stay there by myself, until it’s

V IS A M /C A C C E P T E D .

-Marrion Lay




V o lu n te e rs ARE NEEDED t o h e lp e v a lu a t e t h e b a r r ie r s to


a c c e s s ib ility f o r p e r s o n s w it h d is a b ilit ie s in M c G ill's b u ild in g s

P h o to M e e tin g s Tuesdays at 6:00. Room B 0 1A Shatner New Photographers always welcome

a n d s u r r o u n d in g a r e a s .

Contact: R U TH P R O M IS L O W V P U n iv e r s ity A f fa ir s



N o te s

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Varisco varooom s R edm en eagers p ast B ish op ’s

200,000 dollar shortfall to do aw ay w ith U d e M teams

Guard Rick Varisco proved his worth to the McGill Redmen Basketball team by landing almost a third of his team’s points in a 74-56 victory over the Bishop’s Gaiters, at the Currie Gym, last Saturday. Varisco, whose name did not even appear in this week’s McGill basketball press release, amassed 23 points to help the Red and White boost its league record to five wins and two losses. The Redmen dominated the Gaiters in the early going, taking a virtually insurmountable 49-25 first session lead. Todd McDougall contributed 18 points to the McGill cause. The Redmen are back on the courts on Friday, February 11th, at 8:30 PM at Concordia’s Loyola Gym to challenge the third-ranked Stingers.

Yves Therrien, Director of Student Services at the Université de Montréal was categoric: “At this stage, we know that students are not willing to support student sports.” Therrien was interpreting the results from a Léger et Léger poll conducted in November at the U de M to evaluate student opinions about the provision of student services at the university. The poll was commandeered by the Fédération des Associations Etudiantes du Cam­ pus de l’Université de Montréal (FAECUM) and will serve to guide the FAECUM and Student Services as they set their future priorities. Geneviève-Catherine Béland, the general delegate to the FAECUM, was quick to point out that the decision “does not mean that even if students are not ready to increase funding for [intercollegiate] sports teams, that they are not willing to support them period.” But, Robert Boucher the U de M’s director of sports services, suggested that intercollegiate sports teams cannot function without a serious commitment by students or the university. In September 1994, the U de M will cease to contribute to the budgets of these teams and the poll results suggest that student services will do the same. If this were the case, the intercollegiate program would lose almost 200,000 dollars of its 250,000 dollar budget. The Department of Sports Services’ Management Committee will deter­ mine next month whether to continue operating the U de M’s four intercolegiate teams, those being men’s and women’s swimming and volleyball.

In door fie ld hockey team second at B ishop s Despite three wins, it only took one loss to keep the McGill indoor field hockey team’s hands off the winning trophy at the five-team Bishop’s University Indoor Field Hockey Tournament last weekend in Lennoxville. Only Quebec’s senior team, the eventual winner, managed to better the Martlets, who ended up second overall with a 3-1 record. McGill’s top scorer for the tournament was Yvette Macabuaug, whose efforts were supported by rookie Jessica Barnett’s deuce. The indoor field hockey league continues play at Carleton University on the weekend of February 19th.

M a r tle ts

N o strin gs a n d no con n ection s, no ties to y ou r a ffec tio n s, you 're fa n c y f r e e a n d f r e e f o r an ythin g fa n c y . N o d a tes th a t can't he broken , no w ord s th a t can 't b e spoken, esp ecia lly w hen you 're fe e lin g rom ancy. L ik e a robin upon a tree, lik e a s a ilo r th a t goes to s e a , lik e an u n w ritten m elody, you 're f r e e , you 'll see.

Anyone who's worked on the Tribune this year, come out for a staff photo. Shatner B01A, today at 5:30 PM

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The McGill women’s bas­ ketball team fought their way out of a disappointing first half to defeat the Bishop’s Lady Gaiters 72-51 at the Currie gymnasium last Saturday night, maintaining their undefeated status in Que­ bec University Basketball League (QUBL) play. The team received a scare when their top scorer, Vicky Tessier, suffered a minor knee injury in the first 10 minutes of play and was forced to miss the remainder of the game. Before the injury, Tessier was three-forthree inside the paint and well on her way to another fine per­ formance. Bishop’s managed to capi­



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talize on McGill’s disrupted game plan, keeping the Martlets’ lead down to only eight points at the half. Lady Gaiter Stacey Ryan kept the game close by shooting three-for-three from three point range in the first twenty minutes. Bishop’s Melissa Frankovitch, who finished the game with 22 points, was also a key factor in the close 35-27 first session score. Martlet first year forward Alyson Slater summed up the shaky first half well. “It was pretty scary,” she said. “Without Vicky [Tessier], someone else had to step up their game and put some points on the board.” That “someone”turned out to be second year Kingston na­ tive Lesley Stevenson, who fin­

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ished the game with a career high 20 points and five rebounds. Her characteristically aggressive play at both ends of the court sparked the team into playing the McGill-style basketball which has them ranked sixth in the nation, and which eventually led to the win. It became a team-oriented effort as everyone participated and all but one McGill player scored. Rookie guard Jennifer Stacey racked up 12 points for the winning cause, and Martina Vander Vlist and Anne Guildenhuys finished with 11 and Vicky Tessier barrels to basket 9 points respectively. McGill’s improve their 8-0 record this Kelly Davidoff and Danielle weekend when they travel to Goldfarb also chipped in with a Concordia Friday night to battle couple of hoops each to round the pesty Stingers, and they host out the scoring. the Laval Rouge et Or on Sunday The Martlets will look to at 1 PM.


N o tice to S tu d e n ts in A r ts an d Scien ce I

The Student Affairs Office of the Faculties o f Arts & Science is currently being reviewed.


W e d n e sd a y 9 F e b r u a r y 1 9 9 -4

An O p e n F o r u m will be held on from

4 : 0 0 - 6 : 0 0 ip.m. in se a c o ck 2 3 2 to give students an opportunity to relate their experience or express their opinions about the work of the office.

Students who would prefer to relate their experiences to the Review Committee in private session can call to arrange an appointment with the Secretary of the Committee at 398-4990 (Office of the Dean of Students). The members of the committee are: I. Gopnik, Dean of Students, Chair J. Hobbins, Associate Director, Libraries J. Pharo, Senior Advisor, Faculty of Engineering A. Scrannage, VP Academic, AUS C. Katz, VP Academic, SUS T. Duff, Secretary

F lo ra te ria ^ W E D E L IV E R



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Fhe McGill Tribune, February 8-14,1994

R e d m

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h o c k e y

B Y K A SH IF ZAHOOR With only four games re­ maining in the Reason, the McGill Redmen’s playoff hopes are fad­ ing quickly. The Redmen had things going their way for two weeks in January. During those two weeks, McGill posted a 4-0 record, had back to back shut­ outs from Richard Boscher and Patrick Jeanson. Unfortunately, last w eek was an entirely different story. Losing three o f four, the Redmen w ere pushed to the brink o f elimi­ nation, despite an overall w in­ ning record. T he dismal w eek began with a 3-2 loss at Kingston to the Q u een ’s G olden Gaels. Still feel­ ing the effects o f the dishearten­ ing setback, the Redmen cam e to play the 10th ranked and highly feared Université du Q u éb ec à T ro is -R iv iè re s P a trio te s la st W ednesday night. McGill was looking to capture their first win against the Patriotes this season (they suffered a 3-2 loss at home and dropped a 4-1 decision at UQTR). McGill found itself in trou­

C r o s s

ble early in the game. Only two minutes elapsed before TroisRivières found its way onto the scoreboard. In the Redmen zone, left winger Stéphane Paradis di­ rected a faceoff back to Alain Côté, at the point who ripped a shot toward the goal. Patrick Genest redi­ rected the slapshot into the net for a 1-0 UQTR advan­ tage. The Patriotes would add two more goals before the end of the first with the score 3-

“Conditions for the ski were very poor, there was very hard snow, ice was broken into large chunks so it gaves us a rough time,”said McGill’s Chris Sumner regarding the bad conditions that led to his team’s poor showing at last weekend’s Ottawa Citizen Winterlude WinterTriathlon race in Ottawa. “I was frustrated because if you have all these chunks it is difficult to have a good push. I had to use a technique called double polling. It’s made usu­ ally to go downhill so it slowed me down,” he added. Sumner couldn’t place him­ self among the top finishers, but his teammate Dave Currie came in fourteenth place with a time of 1.06. Sam Butter grabbed eighteenth place with a time of 1.07. The triathlon was part of Ottawa’s Winterlude festival, a midwinter series of events in the nation’s capital. The race was composed of a seven-kilometre skate on the rideau canal, eight kilometres of cross country skiing and a sevenkilometre run. After the races, last Sunday night, both Sumner and team President Steve Gentles ex­ pressed different opinions to the Tribune about the vocational aspect of the McGill Nordic ski

P atrio tes n etm in d er F ran ço is Gravel. T he real significance o f the goal was that the man who assisted on the score, Martin Laquerre, picked up the 100th

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riod. McGill could only counter with Laquerre’s 101st point, on his ninth goal of the season. The Patriotes outshot the Redmen, 36-29, for the game. McGill tried to revive their winning ways last Fri­ day against the Ryerson Rams who had previ© ously managed only 25 two wins all C "Qs e a s o n ,

g McGill trailed E the Rams 2-0 X after the first period, but fought back with three 0. the's Mama Cass Elliot of the Mama's and the consecutive T r o i s Papa's-andyou thought she was dead! goals from Rivières made matters worse with another goal point o f his carreer on the play. defenceman Laquerre, Todd at 15:39 of the second period He is only the fourth Redmen Hanrahan, and Martin Routhier. The Redmen weren’t able before McGill finally answered defencem en in M cGill’s history to hang on to their slim goal edge with a goal of their own. This, to accom plish such a feat. as the Rams helped contribute to Laquerre’s assist was the however, was more than ordi­ McGill’s dismal week with two only bright spot for the Redmen nary goal. Guy Boucher collected a as the Patriotes w ent on to score straight scores and a 4-3 victory. Ryerson’s Steve Hudson loose puck and snapped it past two more goals in the final p e­

c o u n t r y


p l a y o f f h o p e s

Page 27

s k i te a m

team. “McGill is too much a main­ stream university in terms of sports, and since we don’t re­ ceive much from the athletic department, we can’t prove our­ selves,” said Sumner. “We are not supported by McGill. We have a lot of talent. A few weeks ago, one of our skiers in Ottawa came second in the Nakkertok

“r e c s ” a t W race. But we haven’t had much opportunity to race with other universities.” Gentles disagrees with Sumner. “We are categorized as a recreational club, so the budget we receive is very small, I don’t really disagree with that,” he explained. “The main problem we have to face is the fact that


seems to be different point of view here too.” While his team was com­ peting in Ottawa, Andrew May, the team’s head coach was in Vermont for a cross-country week-end ... recreational?

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there is no circuit established in Quebec for Nordic ski.” “We could go in Ontario but it’s a 5-8 hours long [journey] and it costs a lot,”Gentles added. “We’ve [written] to other Que­ bec universities about a Quebec circuit but there doesn’t seem to be a favorable answer. Since the club has a recreationnal part and a competitve part, there


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fired the game winner with nine minutes to go in the game. The Redmen finally brought their three game losing skid to a halt thanks to the offensive punch provided by rookie forward Kelly Nobes against Laurentian in an 87 triumph. Nobes scored a goal and had an assist in the game against the Voyageurs. His return to the lineup last week led to more scoring chances and points on the scoreboard. McGill (12-8) plays a key divisional game against Concordia on Tuesday, February 8th, at 4:30 PM at the Forum in the annual Corey Cup. In order to make the playoffs, the Redmen need to finish at least third in their divi­ sion. Four games remain in the season, with two against the thirdplace Stingers. Three points sepa­ rate the Redmen and Concordia, who can clinch third place and eliminate McGill with a win and a McGill loss this Friday at TroisRivières. With McGill’s track record against the Patriotes this year, the Redmen’s season will most probably be decided on Tuesday.

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