RIo de Janeiro 2019 - 11th World Chambers Congress

Page 1

An ICC and WCF Event

Contents Introduction


Introduction Letters

Side Programme 93 Cultural Programme...................................................................94

George Teixeira Pinheiro....................................................... 6

Social Programme........................................................................98

SĂŠrgio Papini ............................................................................... 8

Pre and Post Tours in Rio de Janeiro................................. 100

Paulo Protasio............................................................................. 9

Surrounding Rio de Janeiro................................................... 104

Executive Summary........................................................................10

Visit Brazil.................................................................................... 106

Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations 13

Logistics 111


Passports and Visas.....................................................................116

Our services.......................................................................................15


Engagement in overall International Projects.....................16


Engagement in ICC and WCF projects...................................20


Expertise in Organizing Events.................................................24

Map of Rio de Janeiro’s Transportation.............................128

Partnership with ACRIO..............................................................28

Suggested Venue..........................................................................130

Importance of the Chambers....................................................39

Venue: Convention Center and Windsor

Visit Brazil........................................................................................112

Oceanico Hotel.............................................................................132

Strategic partners 41

Floorplans of the venue.............................................................134

Organizing Committee.................................................................42

Proposed date................................................................................136

Professional Congress Organizer............................................46 Governmental Support.................................................................50

Marketing and Communications 139

Private Sector Support.................................................................51

Marketing strategy......................................................................140


Pre Congress Strategy (2017-2019)...................................141 Strategy for the 2019 Congress............................................142

Brazil: The hosting country 57 The largest biodiversity on the planet...................................58

Funding 145

Lifestyle and gastronomy............................................................60


Business and environment..........................................................61

Estimated expenses for the 11th WCC...............................147

Brazil is entrepreneurial..............................................................62

Estimated budget - Summary.................................................148


Estimated budget - Detailed...................................................149 Contacts...........................................................................................158

The chosen city: Rio de Janeiro 65 Why Rio?.............................................................................................66

ANNEX I Support letters 161

Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016 ................................70 Rio de Janeiro - The Gateway to Invest in Brazil......................72 Rio: Facts and Figures...................................................................80 Important Events Held in Rio de Janeiro..........................82

Congress Programme 85 Theme: Creating a Shared Future...........................................86 Topics of interest.............................................................................87 Suggested speakers........................................................................88 World Chambers Competition.................................................90 Business Matching..........................................................................91




Introduction letter

George Teixeira Pinheiro The Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations (CACB) is honored to be part of Rio de Janeiro’s candidacy for the 11th World Chambers Congress (WCC), promoted by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). The reasons that support our candidacy are countless and, certainly, of great importance to the exchange of experiences that the event will provide to the leaders and entrepreneurs from all over the planet in 2019. Since 2009 we have been working towards this goal, making it a strong pillar of our management, majorly by believing and trusting the potential of Brazil to host an event of such importance. We wish, in 2019, to open our doors to share great experiences and, most important, open our minds to new ideas. We want to teach and learn, speak and listen, know and be known by colleagues from around the world who have the same goal as we do: growth. CACB is an enterprise system that mobilizes thousands of entrepreneurs. Through our capillarity, represented by 27 Federations - one in each Brazilian state and the Federal District - and 2,300 Chambers of Commerce, we are present in every corner of Brazil, a country of continental dimensions. Leading an associative system, we offer our members, mostly micro and small entrepreneurs, the ideal tools to grow and be consolidated in the market, either through our political representation or the provision of programs and services. Since 2006, the Revenue and Services Generation Program (Progerecs) offers a varied portfolio of products and services that provide sustainability to all the entities participating of the CACB system, allowing our institution to promote the necessary support so that the entities work for the development of Brazilian companies. For 16 years, the Brazilian Chamber of Mediation and Business Arbitration (CBMAE) disseminates among our members the extra-judicial methods of dispute settlement (MESCs in Portuguese), a fast, agile and uncomplicated way to resolve conflicts. A CACB’s division, CBMAE is a network of Chambers that works together with the entities of our system. Reducing the high burden of legal proceedings in the country and, consequently, improving the Brazilian business environment are some of the main objectives of CBMAE.


With the Empreender Program, CACB seeks to elevate the competitiveness and survival of micro and small enterprises of the country. Through an internationally recognized methodology, the participating entrepreneurs are encouraged to seek new markets and technologies and adopt effective postures facing the current and future challenges, besides developing their leadership. Currently we participate, alongside ten international organizations, of the Al -Invest 5.0 Consortium, a project funded by the European Union, which will operate in 18 countries of Latin America. The project aims to contribute to poverty reduction, by encouraging the productivity of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and promoting sustainable development. In addition to making feasible actions and projects that benefit the entire Brazilian production chain, we also represent our business community and their demands by maintaining constant and connected contact with the Executive and Legislative Powers, reaching several achievements for Brazilian businessmen throughout our history. Two years ago, we joined with six other entities, representatives of the Brazilian productive sector, to form the National Trade and Services Entities Union (UNECS) in order to form a single voice in the fight for our rights. To give an idea of the representation of UNECS, together, the seven organizations represent a revenue of R$ 788.4 billion, more than 16 % of the Gross Domestic Product of Brazil, as well as being responsible for providing more than 9 million formal jobs. This makes CACB an entity of power and representativeness in favor of the entrepreneurs of our country. Besides all the technical features of our organization, the city chosen to host the 11th Congress speaks for itself when it comes to its readiness to receive an important event such as the World Chamber Congress. The well-known “Wonderful City” of Rio de Janeiro – in addition to all its beauty, inviting sights and business opportunities – hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Games that left as legacy an important infrastructure to better welcome visitors arriving in the city to participate of the 11th WCC Chambers Congress. Therefore, there is no doubt: CACB is highly qualified to receive the 11th WCC and make it a huge success among the worldwide Chambers of Commerce. We hope to receive the visit of all members of the Chambers Community in 2019, not only to be enchanted with the beauties that Rio de Janeiro offers, but primarily, to bring in their luggage different knowledge to be shared with all colleagues that will make happen the Brazilian edition of the WCC.

George Teixeira Pinheiro President Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations – CACB


Sérgio Papini Dear colleagues, As a member of CACB’s Board since 2009 and Vice-President for International Affairs since 2011, I have had the opportunity to be a part of Rio de Janeiro’s bidding process step by step and proudly support it. I am pleased to announce that I am happy and excited, looking forward for the presentation of our proposal to host the 11th WCC in 2019, in our next meeting in Madrid. Before everything, I would like to tell you how it all began: In 2011, at the 7th WCC, in Mexico, CACB brought one of the most numerous delegations and formally manifested to ICC/WCF its intention to host the 11th Congress in Brazil. Later, in 2013, at the 8th WCC in Doha, CACB held an important role, participating with a stand at the Exhibition Pavilion and also indicating a Speaker. In that same year, CACB indicated a member to participate of the election of the World Chambers Federation General Council, and I was honored by the choice of several chambers all over the world, approving my name to integrate this important organization. In 2015, in Torino, at the 9th WCC, CACB increased its participation, being one of the sponsors, contributing with a Speaker for a plenary session, a moderator and holding a big stand. Engaged and glad for the privilege of the friendship and mutual respect with my colleagues from all five continents, I hope to deserve your confidence to promote, supported by all of our Brazilian team, one of the best ICC/WCF Congresses ever held.

Sérgio Papini de Mendonça Uchoa Vice-President for International Affairs – CACB Member of the WCF General Council


Paulo Protasio The Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce participated very actively in the first World Chambers Congress in Marseille, representing CACB. Since then, the world has changed a lot and today we are looking with the proposal of hosting the Congress, a new element, the Chambers of Commerce as important actors on the new metropolitan areas. We are on the 21st century and we can perform, as the very first business organization in our country, building on a big stage a better world, starting with our own cities. In fact, Chambers are on a global process playing a very important role as institutions. This process is only possible due to the profound work that we have experienced during decades of existence, and we want to put ourselves in the best position to be first across the line to serve better our communities as a whole. Rio de Janeiro desires to be the host city for the next 2019 World Chambers Congress Creating a Shared Future. In order to achieve such goal, we have taken in consideration a major global event – The Olympic Games. The Games continue to be part of our agenda. The previous experiences on countries that hosted the Games unleashed an unrivalled international status, by geo reference the City. Chambers are multisector organizations that offer a recognized vehicle for business engagement and are remarkably resilient organizations that have stood the test of time and challenges. In 2019 the Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce is going to be commemorating its 210th anniversary. Chambers are built on a volunteerism model. This is an important dimension that sets the chambers apart from many other bodies and should play an increasingly important role if we want to unlock business to business mentoring. Chambers have an established youth structure to help build young people’s understanding of business and give them hands on experience of enterprise and the business world. They offer a helpful platform to keep local and global performance for all cities. And cities, in the process of hosting an event like the Olympic Games, must have an active Chamber of Commerce. Our compromise to be the Host City of the 11th WCC brings the opportunity to reveal to the world the development activities that are being designed for South America and that are part of our global agenda. The cycle of the World Chambers Congress is, with no doubt, the entrance gate for business generation during the Olympic Games at this time to be held in Tokyo in 2020. Creating special packages for members of the Chambers will be very important in the dissemination of business in a globalized way. As an Olympic City, Sydney will be our mirror for the proposal of the 11th World Chambers Congress, in 2019, and we are already working with them, compromised with the growth of the World Chambers Federation network and the success of the 10th WCC. Our proposal is part of a process started in Marseille, representing all Brazilian chambers opening a new avenue for this universal event. We are already creating a shared future. In Rio, we received the visit of 205 nations and the Chamber of Rio opened its door for all Chambers members worldwide. We developed special programs with 30 different countries and their Hospitality Houses during the Rio 2016, at the same time we created the most extensive business program in Brazil, Casa Rio Brazilian Embassy for Business, with more than 4,000 participants in business events and conferences. This new arena can be important for ICC/WCF network. Let us work together.

Paulo Manoel Lenz Cesar Protasio President of Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce


Executive Summary Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is bidding to host the 11th World Chambers Congress in 2019. This process, conducted by the the Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations (CACB) and Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce (ACRio), demonstrates a unique opportunity to celebrate the 100 years of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the 20 years of the realization of the first World Chambers Congress in a different way: occuring for the first time in South America. Brazil is the 7th largest consumer market in the world and has 30 million people that ascended to the middle class in the last years, increasing their purchasing power. This data shows the representativity to have Brazil as the destination of this important event. Rio de Janeiro, by the way, is one of the main entrance gates in the country and also, the second most developed Brazilian city, being one of the favourites for foreigners. In addition, Rio has a good infrastructure, with flights connecting a large number of cities in the five continents, more than 42,000 rooms in different categories of hotels, suppliers well qualified to work in the 11th WCC 2019 and public transportation to connect the city faster. The entire infrastructure was amplified with the international events hosted in the city in the last years, specially for the World Cup in 2014 and for The Olympic Games in 2016. With the theme “Creating a Shared Future�, the 11th World Chambers Congress will be engaged to promote a union between the Chambers of Commerce worldwide to improve the networking and best practices back to the entrepreneurial class. The main topics will be related with sustainability, entrepreneurship, technology and Governmental initiatives, which demonstrate the preoccupation to develop a relevant content that can be easily applied for all the participating Chambers. Visiting Rio de Janeiro will be an opportunity to be immersed in our culture, habits and flavours. It is only the start to discover this continental country with many diferent landscapes, but with a happy and friendly population all over the territory. Come in and see what Brazil has to show you!



Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations


CACB In Brazil the Chambers of Commerce are better known as Trade and Business Associations. The history of these insitutions in Brazil can be traced back to 1811, when Brazil was still a Portuguese colony. They were formed by small traders who, through these associations, joined forces to fight for their rights and safeguard their freedom and citizenship. Today, Brazil has more than 2,300 associations that conduct a wide range of activities in large and small urban centers across the country always seeking managerial enhancement and the social and economic strengthening of the Brazilian business community. They bring together thousands of companies, most of which are small and medium-sized businesses. The Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations (CACB) was created to act as a special branch of associations and federations helping to expand and consolidate support services and tools for Brazilian entrepreneurs. Present and active throughout the country, the Confederation comprises 27 federations and brings together trade and business associations from all Brazilian states. It currently gathers over 2,300 local trade and business associations with members from all sectors of the economy, including liberal professionals. CACB’s system of chambers rallies thousands of entrepreneurs who, from their spontaneous participation in trade and business associations, find the ideal tools for growth and consolidation. CACB’s system comprises a portfolio of products and services offered nationwide thanks to its extensive reach, which greatly benefits entrepreneurs and generates revenues for the sustainability of the organizations.


Our services International Mission

SME Development

The Confederation’s core policy is to improve the busi-

For over twenty years, CACB has been developing

ness environment and develop national and interna-

projects to strengthen small and medium companies.

tional projects that aim to strengthen enterprises and

The project, called “Empreender”, consists in the com-

enhance business representation.

bination of companies in sector hubs (also called focus groups or clusters) which, with the aid of a facilitator,

Also, CACB has an executive branch for internation-

discuss their problems and seek solutions. The focus

al trade and cooperation, called Brazilian Chamber of

groups gather companies from the same segment:

Commerce and Industry (BCCI). The purpose of this

baking, clothing, civil construction, auto mechanic, for

branch is to organize and receive foreign missions,


creating the opportunity for Brazilian and foreign entrepreneurs to meet and do business together.

The project has already served more than 60,000 companies in Brazil, causing increases in earnings

BCCI offers major strategic information on the visited

and profit margins, improving processes and gener-

market, customized studies according to companies

ating jobs. Focus groups can also be used to work on

and institutional needs, as well as a comprehensive

production chains, local production arrangements,

network of international partners who can provide

and local development. Empreender’s methodology

support in establishing contact with business and gov-

was recognized by the World Chamber Federation in

ernment entities in the countries of interest.

2005, when CACB’s project was one of the finalists during the World Chamber Competition. Since then,

Issuance of Certificate of Origin

the methodology was taken to countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

CACB has experienced and qualified professionals for the issuance of Certificates of Origin. The Certificate

Capacitar Program

of Origin (CO) attests the origin of the goods from the exporting country, and also specifies the rules of origin

Since its creation, the Capacitar Program (Qualify

negotiated in trading agreements between Brazil and

Program) has been implemented in more than 200

other countries. Therefore, this document secures

Brazilian Trade and Business Associations, and its in-

trading advantages in tariff preferences negotiated in

struments have been used in various cooperation and

the trading agreements. Its major benefit is the reduc-

consultancy projects throughout Central America,

tion or exemption of import taxes for clients abroad.

Asia and Africa.

As a result, export companies benefit from competitiveness gains in the product’s final price. In addition,

In 2007, the Capacitar Program was introduced

it has one of the simplest systems approved by the

during the 5th WCF Congress, held in Istanbul. In that

Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade

competition, 70 projects from 38 countries partici-

(MDIC) for the issue of Digital Certificates of Origin in

pated, and the Capacitar Program was elected as

the country.

the best project of cooperation among business entities.

CACB issues preferential and non-preferential CO, through an electronic system which allows exporters

CACB’s team currently offers specialized consultan-

to fill out and apply for the document online. Through

cy to Brazilian and foreign entities seeking the orga-

its system, CACB issues more than 80,000 Certificates

nizational development of business entities.

per year, representing 21% of the issuance in Brazil.


Engagement in overall International Projects The Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) is the executive branch of the Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations (CACB) for International trade and cooperation. CACB’s growing participation in international bodies such as the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the significant number of international cooperation projects led CACB to create the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which actively supports, through its services and projects, the internationalization of Brazilian companies and affiliated associations.

Corporate Business Networks - Empreender International

qualification with demand, and disclosing interregional comparative analyses, thus contributing to the strengthening of the systems of education and technical and professional qualification in the

For over twenty years, CACB has been developing a

countries involved.

project to strengthen small companies. The project, called Empreender, as mentioned before, consists in

Project participants include business and professional

the combination of companies in sector hubs which,

qualification entities from 8 countries, with funding

with the help of a facilitator, discuss their problems

from the European Union.

and seek solutions. Empreender’s methodology has received an international award, and in partnership


with the Brazilian Service of Support to Micro and Small Enterprises (Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às

The Partnership Project between the Centers of

Micro e Pequenas Empresas - SEBRAE), it has been

Professional Qualification of the Business Associations

implemented in several countries of Africa, Asia and

of Baviera (bfz) and CACB is financed by the German

Central America. It is currently under implementation

Ministry of Cooperation and Development, and

in Peru, Colombia and Bolivia.

seeks to consolidate CACB as an agent in Brazilian international cooperation.

RIFA - Inter-regional Network for Adaptation of Technical and Professional Qualification to the Needs of Activities and Trades

As a result, micro, small and medium enterprises in Brazil and in partner countries of the projects implemented by CACB will benefit from better general conditions and the institutional milestone, as well as from the expansion of services, especially in foreign trade. The result in the long run will be job creation and

The purpose of the RIFA Project is to improve the qualification of human resources, and therefore the employability, as well as the competition among companies,




income generation.

Red de Cámaras


qualification in Morocco, Benin and the Ivory Coast.

Red de Cámaras (RDC) is a cooperation and collaboration platform for regional and international


The RIFA Project is based on two major lines of

integration, designed to meet the needs of business

action: aligning the offer of technical and professional

institutions and their affiliates.







This strategic alliance gathers countries like Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Spain, and recently Brazil. Based on the agreement, it is now possible for companies affiliated to the participating chambers to get discounts in international trade with the countries involved, in addition to access to domestic and international business information, business opportunities with countries of the network and access to the services of member institutions. Objectives of the Chambers in the Network: a) Generating further benefits to its members and partners; b) Establishing and strengthening subsequent relationships between members (synergies); c) Promoting platforms for learning and exchanging experience (know-how); d) Promoting member qualification; e) Providing opportunities of internships between the chambers and/or affiliates f) Helping members search for information; g) Disclosing business opportunities; h) Promoting and facilitating an appropriate business environment for trade; i) Supporting the institutional development of the Network’s Chambers and/or Institutions to promote free trade; j) Encouraging regional and international integration. The RDC relies on the support of EU’s AL-INVEST IV program, which aims to support the internationalization process of Latin American companies. The Red de Cámaras is comprised of fifteen member institutions, including: 1. Cámara de Industria, Comercio, Servicios y Turismo de Santa Cruz - Bolivia (CAINCO) 2. Cámara Nacional de Comercio de La Paz - Bolivia 3. Cámara Nacional de Industrias de La Paz - Bolivia 4. Cámara de Industria, Comercio, Servicios y Turismo de Chuquisaca - Bolivia 5. Cámara de Industria, Comercio y Servicios de Tarija - Bolivia 6. Cámara Nacional de Comercio - Bolivia 7. Cámara de Exportadores de Santa Cruz (CADEX) - Bolivia 8. Federación de Exportadores del Ecuador (FEDEXPOR) - Ecuador 9. Cámara de Comercio de Cuenca - Ecuador 10. Cámara de Comercio de Lima - Peru (CCL) 11. Asociación de Comercio Exterior de Colombia (ANALDEX) - Colombia 12. Asociación de Cámaras de Comercio del Eje Cafetero y Norte del Valle - Colombia 13. Cámara de Comercio de Casanare - Colombia 14. Cámara de Comércio de Almería - Spain 15. Confederação das Associações Comerciais e Empresariais do Brasil (CACB) - Brazil



Our expertise in international cooperation projects

Empreender Project (1989 – 2002)

■■ Partners:

Capacitar Northest Program (2005 – 2007)

and Trade and CACB ■■ Results: Business Development in 27 Chambers of Commerce in Northest Brazil

Empreender International Project (2005– 2008)

■■ Partners: SEBRAE ■■ Results: Dissemination of Empreender’s methodology in South Africa, Mozambique, Chile


and Colombia, with participation

für München

of more than 500 companies.

und Oberbayern and Chambers of Commerce from Santa Catarina

Consolidation of CACB’s international area (2008 – 2016)


■■ Partners: Training and Development Centers of the Bavarian Employers’ Associations (bfz) gGmbH and SEQUA gGmbH Partner of German Business

■■ Results:

■■ Result: Establishing a network

Implementation of sectoral centers

of international consultant

in more than

and, insertion in international

100 chambers of

cooperation activities in several

commerce in Santa


Catarina State

Capacitar Program (2001 – 2005)

■■ Partners: Essen Chamber of Arts

■■ Partners: Essen

Dissemination of sectorial business in South American countries (2011 - 2014)

■■ SEBRAE ■■ Results: Dissemination of sectorial business in chambers of Bolivia, Peru e Colombia.

Chamber of Arts and Trade and Federation

Al Invest (2015 - 2020)

■■ Partners: Chamber of Commerce of Santa Cruz - Bolivia, Chamber

of of Trade and

of Commerce of Lima, Chamber of

the Business

Commerce of Uruguay, Chamber of

Association of

Commerce of Costa Rica, Chamber

Minas Gerais

of Commerce of El Salvador,


Guatemalan Exporters Association

■■ Results: Business

(Agexport), Chamber of Commerce

Development in

of Paris, Eurochambres, Sequa and

25 Chambers of

Inter-American Development Bank

Commerce in Minas Gerais State

(IDB). ■■ Result: Result: The Al-Invest 5.0 program bets on working as the most efficient and longterm means of fighting against

Mediation and Arbitration Project (2002)

■■ Partners: IDB and SEBRAE ■■ Results: Dissemination

poverty. It supports development of productive capacities, entrepreneurship and associative

of Mediation and

actions of SMEs of Latin America,

Arbitration in Brazil

as well as promoting processes of integration, social inclusion and worthy employment opportunities, thus promoting the sustainable development of these companies.


Engagement in ICC and WCF projects The ties among ICC and CACB/ACRio date back to the 20th century, when Mr. Teóphilo de Azeredo Santos exercised his mandate from 1987 to 1988 as Chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce – the first and only Brazilian to hold such position. Mr. Azeredo Santos holds the lifelong honorable distinction of being ACRio’s Benefactor since the election occurred in 1971, besides that, he worked actively as a Counselor at the Judicial Matters Business Council at ACRio for more than 25 years and he has also served as ACRio’s Vice-President for 4 terms, totalizing 8 years of great and dedicate service to the Chamber of Commerce and the entrepreneurial community of Rio de Janeiro.

When it comes to participation at ICC and WCF’s Congressess:

1999 CACB was present on the First World Chambers Congress in Paris! The Confederation was represented by Mr. Paulo Protásio, who is now the President of the Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce.

2005 CACB’s participation at WCF events continued in Durban, South Africa, when its project “Empreender” was one of the finalists at the World Chambers Competition for Best Small Business Project. The successful experience in Brazil and the recognition in such an important ceremony led CACB and partners, to promote the Empreender methodology to countries in Africa, Central America and South America. Many SMEs that participate in Empreender are frequently recognized with the leading Brazilian Management Award, the MPE Brazil – Competitiveness Award for Micro and Small Businesses.

“It was on its debut participation at the WCF’s Project Competition, in 2005 in Durban, that CACB saw one of its projects, “Empreender”, as finalist of the World Chambers Competition. On this occasion, the institution was represented by 4 delegates.” “Todays President of the Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce (ACRio), who will be co-hosting the World Chambers Congress in Rio in 2019, was representing CACB at the Premier World Chambers Congress.”


CACB has growing participation in international bodies such as the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and in international cooperation projects. The Confederation is officially affiliated to the World Chambers Federation (WCF), a branch of the International Chamber of Commerce, since 2008 and is an active participant not only in almost all of the Congresses organized until now but also on strategic meetings of the institution, such as: ■■Arbitration Comitee ■■ICC WCF International Certificate of Origin Council Meetings ■■ICC WCF World ATA Carnet Council Meetings ■■IDB and ICC Preferential Rules of Origin Experts Group ■■WCF General Council Meetings

2009 2007 Two years later, in Turkey, CACB was awarded for the “Capacitar Nordeste” Project, recognized as the Best International Cooperation Project between Chambers. Capacitar Nordeste was developed in partnership with KHS Essen – and Essen Chamber of Arts and Crafts. The program, implemented in the Northeast of Brazil boosted the local Chambers of Commerce to bring better services to their associates, combining best practices to their administration and services, and supporting the associative initiative to enhance their participation at the local development.

Based on the previous success where CACB’s project was the winner on the World Chambers Competition, the Confederation was invited to present a panel, along with four other countries, to talk about the challenges of managing an institution with significant capillarity. In Malaysia, CACB integrated, by invitation, the board of examiners that elected the top ten best projects of the awards program. At the time, “Capacitar Nordeste”, CACB´s program, one of the winners in 2007, was considered by the WCF a model-project to follow.

“During the nomination of the winner at the award ceremony, CACB’s delegates, represented by its President Mr. Alencar Burti, Mr. Cloves Cedraz, representing the Local Chambers of the Northeast of Brazil, Mr. Carlos Rezende and Mr. Andreas Dohle, demonstrated great enthusiasm captured in a photo that has become a symbol of the World Chambers Competition.”


2011 The Brazilian institution was also present honoring the first Congress in the Americas, in Mexico City. CACB brought a delegation of 11 people, from Presidents of Local Chambers as well as representatives of the public and private sector. For the first time, the Confederation participated with a stand in the exhibition area of the Banamex Center. In addition, CACB was invited by ICC/WCF to participate in the fast networking session of the Americas. Its President, JosĂŠ Paulo Dornelles Cairoli, represented Brazil and exposed the Brazilian economy in order to facilitate connections with chambers and companies present in the venue.


2013 CACB took 8 delegates to the 8th WCF Congress in Qatar. During a meeting with Mr. Peter Mihok and Anthony Parkes CACB confirmed once more to the World Chambers Federation its intention to bring this important event for the first time to South America. Green and Yellow brightened the Exhibition Area during the 8th Congress.

2015 23 delegates, among them important businessman, participated in the Congress in Torino, Italy. The institution was a GOLD sponsor of the event. CACB also had a 36m² stand at the Exhibition Center where the delegates divulged CACB’s intention to make the city of Rio de Janeiro as the next destination for the 11th World Chambers Congress.

2017 Australia - CACB hopes to be in Sydney, once more with a big delegation willing to do business and expand network conections; Longing to be promoting the city of Rio de Janeiro as your next destination for the 11th World Chambers Congress!


Expertise in Organizing Events

Timeline CACB’s Great Events Year



21st CACB Congress – A Leap to the Future – Facilitating Ways

22nd CACB Congress – Brazil of Results

Venue selected

Pestana Bahia Hotel - Salvador/BA

Hilton Hotel - Belém/PA

800 people

700 people



Werner Linding Director of the Center of Training and Development of the Bavarian Employers Association - Germany

Simão Robison Oliveira Jatene Governor of the State of Pará

Michel Fleming Vice-President of ICC WCF - France

Alessandro Teixeira Executive Secretariat of the Brazilian Ministry of Development Industry and Foreign Trade

Kwanele Gumbi Vice-President of DCCI – Durban, South Africa

Alessandro Teixeira Executive Secretariat of the Brazilian Ministry of Development Industry and Foreign Trade

Julio Alfaro President of the Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Timor Leste

Brizola Neto Minister of the Brazilian Ministry for Work and Employment

Fernando Pimentel Minister of the Brazilian Ministry of Industry and Foreign Trade

Aod Cunha Economist – CEO of J. P. Morgan Brazil

Aldemir Bendine President of Banco do Brasil

Humberto Ribeiro Secretariat of Commerce and Services from the Brazilian Ministry of Industry and Foreign Trade

Number of participants Number of panels

Great Names

Miriam Belchior Minister of the Brazilian Ministry of Planning, Management and Budgeting

Jorge Gerdau Johannpeter President of Gerdau Group

Maurício Borges President of APEX – Brazilian Agency of Exportation and Investment Promotion



Timeline CACB’s Great Events 2013



23º CACB Congress – Brazil of Solutions

1st National Forum CACBMil

2nd National Forum CACBMil

Summerville Resort - Porto de Galinhas/PE

Convention Center Ulysses Guimarães - Brasília/DF

Costão do Santinho Resort Florianópolis/SC

900 people

1,500 people

1,200 people




Luiz Fernando Barbery Paz President of the Cámara de Indústria, Comercio, Servicius y Turismo de Santa Cruz – Cainco/Bolívia

Dilma Roussef President of Brazil

Roberto Romano Professor of UNICAMP

Samuel Gleiser Katz President of the Cámara de Comercio de Lima/Peru

Guilherme Afif Domingos Brazilian Chief Minister of the Secretariat for Small and Medium Companies

Merval Pereira Journalist

Julian Domingues Rivera President of Confederación Colombiana de Cámaras de Comercio – Confecámaras/Colômbia

Luiza Helena Trajano President of Magazine Luiza, one of the biggest department stores in Brazil

Miriam Leitão Journalist and Book writer

Nuno Fernandez Thomaz Vice-President of the Associação Comercial de Lisboa – ACL/Portugal

Dourival Dourado President of Boa Vista Serviços

Guilherme Afif Domingos Brazilian Chief Minister of the Secretariat for Small and Medium Companies

Guilherme Afif Domingos Brazilian Chief Minister of the Secretariat for Small and Medium Companies

Guilherme de Almeida Freire Director of Institutional Relations of ABEAR – Association of the Brazilian Airlines

Letícia Mary Fernandes do Amaral Vice-President of IBPT



Congress of CACB


Congress of CACB



Congress of CACB


National Forum CACBMil

2nd National Forum CACBMIL


Partnership with ACRIO The Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce (ACRio) is one of the oldest and most traditional organization that represents the country’s civil entities, having accompanied the numerous and profound changes occurring in the political, economic and social development of Brazil.

In History In 1808 the Royal Family arrived in Brazil and settled in Rio de Janeiro. The following year, the Prince Regent Dom João expresses, through the Decree of 15th of July 1809, his desire to formalize the construction of the Commerce Square, “...where we gathered together the merchants to handle their transactions and business...”. ACRio was born national and has always acted as the cradle of innovative ideas, since the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic, the Abolition of Slavery to the Consolidation of Labor Laws. Always a pioneer in leading the process of modernizing the country. ACRio is also known as Casa de Maua, in honor of its third president, Irineu Evangelista de Souza, acclaimed as one of the greatest businessmen of the Second Empire. In 1846, he founded the Brazilian shipbuilding industry, and in only one year, he already owned the country’s largest industry, employing over a thousand workers. He was recognized as the patron of The Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce, and received lifelong titles of Baron and Viscount of Maua.


At ACRio were born many of the most important entities in the national scene as the National Industry Confederation (CNI), the National Trade Confederation (CNC), the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA), the Support Service for Small and Medium Enterprise (Sebrae), the Brazilian Academy of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Rio Conventions & Visitors Bureau, to name a few. Due to its active contribution for the business environment, ACRio was provided the condition of Technical and Advisory Board of the Federal Government in the study and solution of problems relating to the national economy, by Decree No. 6348 of July 26, 1940. More recently, on June 24th, 2004, ACRio was also recognized as a Public Utility Authority of the State and the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro. The Chamber of Commerce serves as the official interlocutor between the entrepreneurs of Rio and the municipal, state and federal governments. It is a business platform, identifying opportunities in the state, highlighting its rich cultural and historical tourism and economy and preserves the image of Rio nationally and internationally.


General meeting of the Young Entrepreneur’s Business Council at ACRio

Some of the projects proposed: ■■ To mobilize and invest to host the Olympic Games in Rio; ■■ Creation of Export Processing Zones; ■■ Rio as a capital for discussions on sustainability (Eco 92, Rio +20 ...); ■■ Designed and proposed the implementation of the “Marvelous Port” which is restructuring and revitalizing the port area of Rio; ■■ Developed and promoted the donation to the City Hall of a modern online system for issuing tax doc-

General meeting of the Women’s Business Council at ACRio

uments for the sale of services, aims at contributing to the reduction of bureaucracy and tax evasion; ■■ Campaign to elect the statue of Christ the Reedemer as one of the 7 Wonders of the World. The Rio Chamber of Commerce holds seminars, lectures and discussions with officials and experts from different sectors of the economy, and provides associated services, such as chambers of arbitration and foreign trade, library, auditoriums and other venues for events.

General Marco Aurelio (COO of Rio 2016 Organizing Committee), Mr. George Pinheiro and Mr. Protasio discussing actions to be held by the Chambers of Commerce during the Olympic Games

ACRio has proven its role as Chamber of Commerce and interlocutor of the business class by employing diverse actions and projects in different sectors, mostly engaged in 5 areas of the city, state and country: Integration, Development, International, Sustainability and Governmental Actions.




With 22 Business Councils, ACRio covers the major

With the goal of helping to elaborate an Strategic

topics that surround its members and entrepreneurs,

Plan of Integrated Urban Development for the

promoting equality and integration at its core. The

Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, ACRio

22 Councils and their members and presidency hold

composes the Consulting Council of the Metropolitan

meetings monthly, where various topics concerned

Plan along with 45 entities and professionals, they

to their sector are debated, events are created and

are responsible for accompanying the development

projects are proposed and accompanied. The 22

and execution of the Plan that will present a model of

Councils are: Juridical Matters; Comerce of Goods

development and shaping for all the 21 cities included

and Services; Culture; Development of Sport; Urban

on the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, by



working side by side with the State Government for

Innovation and Technology; Young Entrepreneurs;

the next 25 years. The Plan is being elaborated with



funding from the World Bank Group and the prediction

Health; Envinronment and Sustainability; Women

is that it will be ready to be delivered by June of 2017.

Entrepreneurs; Small and Medium Enterprises;

ACRio participates from the logistics and infrastructure

Economic Politics; Work Relations; Public Safety,

development of the country with the project ZIS-L

Ethics and Citizenship;

(International Zone of Services and Logistics) along






Insurance; Third-party

with PELC (Strategic Plan for Logistics and Cargo of

Services; Tourism and Foreign Trades.

Rio de Janeiro) by signing an intention protocol with Aware that the socioeconomic development among

the State Secretariat for Transportation to accompany

cities can be an incentive to the growth of national

the implementation of PELC and by also holding

economy, specially with the opportunity of integration

several meetings and public hearings to discuss the

created by the Olympic Torch`s Relay on the 300+

logistics of the state of Rio. Since the creation of PELC

cities where the Torch has passed and their Chambers

in November of 2013, R$ 5,5 millions were granted

of Commerce and City Halls, and by taking advantage

from the World Bank Group, which will be destined

of the networking of 2300 Chambers of Commerce

to help improve Rio’s development for highways,

spread throughout the Country, the Presidents of

ports, airpots, hailways turning Rio into a Global Hub

ACRio, CACB and FNP (National Front of Mayors)

both as an international gateway as well as a logistic

signed a Protocol of Intentions during the 69 edition

integration among the 250 cities comprised on the

of FNP`s National General Meeting that occurred in

largest Megalopolis of the country (axis Rio de Janeiro

May at ACRio’s facilities.

– São Paulo).



Mr. George Pinheiro signs the Protocol of Intentions between the Brazilian Chambers of Commerce and the City Halls, along with him signing the protocol there are also Mr. Protasio, Mr. Eduardo Paes (Mayor of Rio de Janeiro) and Mr. Marcio Lacerda (Mayor of Belo Horizonte and President of the National Front of Mayors)

We live in a very tough moment for the economy, with deep reflexions on the collection of taxes of the city, state and federal government. But, the crisis bring the necessity of mobilization, change of paradigm and search for alternatives. One event such as the Olympic Games aids to mobilize ideas and relationships among entities. ACRio and CACB’s idea to include Brazilian cities, in a process of rise of the national development is very interesting and we are happy to work towards this goal�. President of National Front of Mayors and Mayor of Belo Horizonte, Mr. Marcio Lacerda. 32

Entrepreneurial Flame Recently, ACRio and CACB have launched a project

The Entrepreunerial Flame gathered more than 1,000

entitled Chama Empreendedora – Entrepreneurial

participants through the sixteen states where it has

Flame – inspired by the Olympic Torche Relay and

been presented, generating business opportunities

it values that were shared with Brazilians from all

as well as revenue increasing by showcasing a whole

over the country, such as fraternity, unity, hope and

new international market for all the associates and

confidence in the country, the core of this project is the

chamber’s members.

integration through associativism by valuing the local potentialities and fomenting foreign trade, specially for

As a result from Stage 1 of Entrepreneurial Flame,

the Small and Medium Enterprises. In order to do so,

more than 250 entrepreneurs and their products (all

ACRio and CACB relied on the existing networking of

of them made in Brazil) were invited to participate

Chambers of Commerce and Commercial Associations

on exhibitions during the Olympics Game in Rio de

throughout the country, proving the concise and

Janeiro, at the Museum of Tomorrow, and at the

intertwined relation necessary for all Chambers to

Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce. The aim of

grow closer and improve their practices, offering

the exhibitions was to showcase Brazilian products

better services for their members.

to foreigners and tourists during the Games Time at two locations of great transit. Another product

The Entrepreunerial Flame had its focus on fomenting

from the Entrepreneurial Flame that benefited the

the exporting and trade culture among Brazilian

entrepreneurs is a physical catalogue, also comprised

entrepreneurs and businesses, by exposing a series

with products from companies that participated on

of Brazilian services available such as: the adaptation

the project, it is being divulged worldwide through

of the products for international market, commercial

a partnership with the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign

intelligence, international networking for buyers and

Trade at the Embassies and their Promotion Sectors,

sellers and logistics transportation to other nations.

you might even find one!

The Entrepreneurial Flame is welcomed by entrepreneurs from the Northeast, at the Pernambuco Chamber of Commerce

The Entrepreneurial Flame in São Paulo, on May 02nd, 2016









Regulators, Financiers & Investors, resulting in 800 Casa Rio is the most extensive business program ever

prospect companies.

held in Brazil. For six months, conferences were held, business meetings and presentations of investment

All of the Chambers affiliated to ICC had the

opportunities in the city of Rio de Janeiro for a total of

opportunity to participate in Casa Rio through an online

43 high quality events.

matchmaking platform named Biz2BR, where the members and companies of the Chambers interested

Casa Rio welcomed its international and national

on doing business in Brazil were warmly received,

visitors from March to September, at the Museum

having Brazilian counterparts at ACRio ready to talk

of Tomorrow, and at the Rio de Janeiro Chamber of

and meet them, therefore, increasing the opportunity

Commerce.The focus at Museum of Tomorrow were

of generating leads, prospects and business.

the conferences that exposed and debated matters related to Life Sciences, Infrastructure, Design &

Longer presentations on the business environment

Fashion, Business of Sports, Tourism & City Branding,

and city opportunities for foreign delegations and

Startups & Entrepreneurship, New Medias, Energy,

newcomers companies to the city were developed

Big Cities and Big Data. The eleven conferences

on the premises of Rio de Janeiro Chamber of

gathered more than 3,000 participants, among

Commerce, together with B2B meetings with selected

them: Business Leaders, C-leves and Entrepreneurs,

International Delegations and local companies.

Visit of a delegation from Vietnan

Reception of a Delegation from the UK in 2016



Sustainability Rio has gradually become the capital of Sustainability, as seen from the past international Congresses held at the city (Rio+20 in 2012; ECO-92, both United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development), likewise the active role of Mayor Eduardo Paes at the C40 (a networking of the world’s megacities commited to addressing climate change) from which he was elected as President for three years. Knowing the importance of Sustainability for the development of a better planet, ACRio has embarked on many actions to also raise this flag. The Mundial Center for Sustainable Development (Centro Rio+) from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is going to install its headquarters at the building of the Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce. ACRio has embraced Pacto do Rio (Rio’s Pact, on a free translation) and its efforts to improve life in the city of Rio de Janeiro by offering full institutional support and its headquarters to host meetings, events and the office of Rio’s Pact. The NGO gathers a range of compromises that aim to align public organs with private partners, civil society, research sector and international organisms, allowing the planning and execution of integrated actions always targeting the principles of social justice, efficience of resources and good governance. As a product of Rio’s Pact, we can mention the Rio Sustainability Forum and the pilot project at Manguinhos Slum. The first Forum was held at ACRio in July, generating a very productive space of discussion, where several different agreements were signed with partners such as United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and many others. As a Result of the 1st Rio Sustainability Forum, Rio’s Pact has also started its first local pilot project: The Local Agency of Manguinhos. The agreement provides the training for 15 young residents of Manguinhos slum, aged 16 to 24. The trainings comprise notions of citizenship, innovation and entrepreneurship by the Institute of Engineering and Management in partnership with UNFPA.

As Mr. Niky Fabiancic - UNO Brazil’s System Resident Coordinator stated: “Brasil has a worldwide leadership when it comes to the climate area. With an office at ACRio, we will be able to incentivate the creation of projects aimed to stablish a sustainable economy. It is possible and necessary to develop the economy, by also working towards environmental and social issues”.


Governmental Actions Several actions and projects are being proposed both by ACRio and CACB on the scope of governmental actions, such as simplification and debureaucratization,





and economical reform and many other topics.

Municipal Government It is common knowledge that bureaucracy slows down the economy, generates more costs for the investors and entrepreneurs and contributes to the stagnation of the development of a country. Based on all of that,

The Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Mr. Eduardo Paes, The President of ACRio, Mr. Paulo Protasio and the President of ACRio’s High Council, Mr. Humberto Mota

the Program Rio+Fácil (Rio Easier, in free translation) was launched by ACRio and the City Hall and in only one month, more than 200 consultancies were realized and many entrepreneurs were attended. The project is composed of a set of measures present in 15 municipal decrees that simplify several administrative procedures such as opening a business and obtaining license for events. Through the integration with more than 30 Secretariats of the city, the number of bureau and offices that the population has to go through is smaller and automatized via an online plataform.

State Government

The Vice-Governor of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Mr. Dornelles, The Governor of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Mr. Pezão and Mr. Paulo Protasio during a hearing at ACRio entitled “Quita Rio”

By exercising its role as Technical and Advisory Board of the Federal Government in the study and solution of problems relating to the national economy and also as Public Utility Authority of the State and the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, ACRio held in December of 2016 a conference at its headquarters to implement a project proposed by the State Governor, Mr. Pezão, entitled “Quita Rio” with the goal of solving the financial problems related to taxes in the State. ACRio, through the Act nº 008/2015 proposed the creation of a committee of noteworthy men with proven entrepreneurial and intellectual abilities from several segments of the society. The Work Committee is expected to define strategic actions and proposals to aid the State and the Country out of the current crisis, as well as make feasible proposals of studies related to the retake of socioeconomical growth, the Committee was approved by the Governor and the meetings have already started.


Federal Government

of Rio de Janeiro gathered alone more than 135.000 signatures and the project along with the petitions

ACRio was one of the entities envolved with a great

were delivered at the National Congress, where are

national campaign: “10 Measures Against Corruption”

now waiting to be voted by congressmen, senators and

(free translation), the initiative came from the Federal

the president of the country.

Attorney that integrate the largest task force against corruption ever carried out in Brazil (Operação Lava

ACRio also embraced an NGO called “Young Action

Jato), the goal was to gather 1,5 million signatures

from Brazil” (free translation) which targets the youth

throughout the whole country and submitting them

by trying to awaken their interest on participating

to the Legislative along with a project composed of 20

actively of the politics of the country as citizens. The

proposals to change the legislation and make it harsher

NGO develops its actions majorly on studies of the

on crimes of corruption.

candidates and current politicians by ranking them according to levels of corruption, social control,

For about 4 months, ACRio provided space at its

governance, and competence. The organization intends

entrance hall for a book of signatures and by also

to also implement a program of Citizenship Formation

constant advertising and marketing the campaign

in schools from the whole state to involve children and

through its channels. The result was that the State

teenagers into the practice of citizenship and politics.

The President of Brazil, Mrs. Dilma Roussef visits the Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce and receives “The Declaration for a Better Country”


Importance of the Chambers

The current situation which Brazil is going through requires




and mobilization. There is the necessity of the entrepreneurs to speak up and engage on a movement to defend their interests. Therefore, the Rio de

CACB together with ACRio share a history of more

Janeiro Chamber of Commerce, the oldest entity of

than two hundred years of service for Chambers

civil representation of the country, along with the

of Commerce and their member’s interests on

Brazilian Confederation of Chambers of Commerce

business, government, economy, politics and society.

convene their associates, members, employees, and

Therefore, throughout the years, both entities have

the civil society to gather on a bottom-up action,

gained a considerable protagonism among different

towards political and economical stability. A calendar

layers of institutions, organizations and actors inside

of events that aim to provoke reflexion and define

and outside the country that have helped to build

guidelines to be undertaken by the Government and

projects based on the free initiative, as well as free,

the Nation are part of CACB and ACRio’s efforts,

sustainable and fair commerce by stimulating the raise

aiming the transformation of the current political and

of entrepreunerships and foreign trade.

economical frame.

The Chambers of Commerce and Commercial Associations in Brazil have proven the importance of the associativism networking by showing resilience to the most adverse circumstances in the political and economical scenario throughout the years of consolidation of democracy in Brazil. The Chambers of Commerce provided support, services, political and institutional articulation among diverse sectors of the country, whether it is with the Industry, Government, Service Sectors, Foreign Trade Agencies, Economic and Financial Organizations, ACRio and CACB have always provided the means necessary for all of the demands from the businesses and entrepreneurs to be heard.

Mr. George Pinheiro and Brazil’s interim President, Michel Temer during an event promoted by CACB in Brasília, in June 2016

Mr. George Pinheiro signs the Cooperation Agreement with Mr. Protasio regarding the candidacy of the 2019 WCC in Rio


Strategic partners 41

Organizing Committee The Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations will work in partnership with the Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce (ACRio) in the organization of 11th World Chambers Congress. The combined knowledge will allow both entities to create a Congress with the most relevant themes related to the international chambers business together with all the expertise of the host city. Below an overview of the CACB’ and ACRio’s team, along with part of the Rio Conventions and Visitor Bureau staff, that will be actively involved towards the success of the 11th WCC:

George Pinheiro President of Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations (CACB)

Mr. Pinheiro presides the bid for the 11th edition of the WCC. George was the financial director of CACB between 2009 and 2015, although he actively participates in the CACB since the 70’s. In 2016 he was elected President of the Entity that represents more than 2,000 chambers in Brazil. Internationally recognized, since 2002, he is Honorary Consul of Peru in the states of Acre, Rondonia and Mato Grosso. He participated in several trade missions, fairs and meetings in the most diverse countries in the world, representing Brazilian Trade and Business Associations.

Papini is a Brazilian entrepreneur and VicePresident for International Affairs at CACB since 2012. Before, he was CACB Secretary General and Sérgio was already Chairman of the Commercial Association of Maceio and President of the Federation of Trade and Business Associations of Alagoas. In 2014, he was elected a member of the World Chambers Federation General Council.

Sérgio Papini de Mendonça Uchoa VP for International Affairs at CACB and member of WCF General Council


As president of ACRio since 2015 and great enthusiast of the World Chambers Congress, along with Mr. George Pinheiro, Mr. Protasio presides the bid for the 11th edition of WCC. His passion for associativism and international affairs took him to the very first edition of the WCC back in 1999, in Marseille, France when he was serving in his first term as president of ACRio. Ever since, Mr. Protasio has defended and worked towards a more connected and intertwined world for the Chambers of Commerce

Juliana Kämpf COO – CACB National Management of the WCC Rio 2019 Bid

Paulo Manoel Lenz Cesar Protasio President of Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce ACRio

As National Coordinator, Juliana is the key interlocutor for WCF and all other Chambers of Commerce. She has an overall management responsibility for internal organizing committee team. Juliana has been working with Chambers of Commerce for the last 6 years and also represents CACB in several ICC and WCF meetings in Brazil and other countries.

Gabriele Oliveira International Cooperation Analyst - CACB Marketing and Promotion Manager of the WCC Rio 2019 Bid

Gabriele has been working with national and international cooperation projects for more than 8 years, with experience coordinating meetings, missions and projects executions in many countries. As a Market and Promotion Manager of the 11th WCC 2019 Bid, Gabriele is responsible for marketing, communication and programme design.


Marylis Fantoni International Relations ACRio Regional Management of the WCC Rio 2019 Bid

Marylis is responsible for bringing international delegations and arranging meetings, seminars, workshops and events aiming to approximate Brazilian entrepreneurs to international companies. For the 2019 Rio de Janeiro’s bid, she serves as the Regional Coordinator in Rio de Janeiro, revising the project, maintaining constant communication with ICC and other partners as well as an overall supervision of the bidding process in Rio.

Michael has great experience in different sectors of tourism as well as organizing events. He serves as Counselor for the Tourism Business Council at ACRio. Before acting as a Commercial Director for RCVB, he worked as Institutional Relations for the entity, developing projects, partnerships and commercial and business actions. For the WCC Rio 2019 Bid, he works representing RCVB and ACRio at the marketing and promotion of our candidacy.

AndrĂŠa Raeder Rio Conventions and Visitor Bureau Institutional Cooperation and Sponsorship for the WCC Rio 2019 Bid

Michael Nagy Commercial Director at Rio Conventions and Visitor Bureau Marketing and Promotion for the WCC Rio 2019 Bid

Working for 11 years in the area of Conventions, Congress and Events at RCVB, Andrea prospects new events for the city of Rio de Janeiro and accompanies the candidature of international events for the city. With a great networking of contacts and know-how to bring closer different institutions and entities from the private and public sector, Andrea is able to support the WCC Rio 2019 Bid.

Eric Boulanger has been working for the past 16 years in the area of Congresses and Events of Rio Convention & Visitors Bureau, prospecting new events and working close to the organization and operation of the events. In Rio de Janeiro, Eric is responsible for the Logistics and Operations in order to make the World Chambers Congress in Rio in 2019 happen successfully.


Eric Boulanger Rio Conventions and Visitor Bureau Logistics and Operations for the WCC Rio 2019 Bid


Professional Congress Organizer To support the CACB and ACRIO in the bid process of the 11th World Chambers Congress, we have selected MCI as our partner. MCI, a Professional Congress Organizer (PCO), is an international association and event management organization with more than 60 offices in 31 countries around the world, and was selected to be the official organizer of the event. Established in Switzerland in 1987, today MCI is a world leader in offering strategic engagements and

For the 11th WCC organization, MCI will be responsible for the following services:

activation solutions that represent an innovation in the world of industry meetings, events, associations

■■ General Planing with CACB and ACRIO

and conferences.

■■ Scientific Program, supporting speakers and invited people

In Brazil, MCI began its operations in 2009, and

■■ Registration management

its growth strategy involved the acquisition of

■■ Marketing & Communication strategies for the

renowned domestic companies to become the largest

■■ Negotiation with suppliers and logistics

and Latin America, as well as the PCO team with the

■■ Sales and management of the local sponsorships

most in-depth knowledge in multiple industries and


promotion of the event

association and event management company in Brazil

and exhitibition

professions. In Brazil, the company has offices in

■■ Executive secretary during the event

three Brazilian cities, including Rio de Janeiro.

■■ Financial control and accountability

At MCI, we believe that when people come together, magic happens…” Sebastian Tounder Chief Executive Officer – MCI Group


The MCI’s project team will provide high levels of logistical and strategical support to the 11th WCC. The people that will work in this candidacy are listed below:

Director PCO: Juarez Carvalho

Operations Manager: AndrĂŠia Brum

Account Manager: Renata Pozza

Project Manager



Sales and Sponsorship Unit

Marketing Unit

Innovation Unit

Registration Unit

Scientific Unit


Governmental Support The Brazilian Government, represented by the Minister of Industry, Trade and Services, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Tourism are committed in the efforts to bring the 11th WCC to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2019. Hosting this event represents a significant legacy for the country in terms of relationships between the chambers, possibilities to amplify the international business of Brazilian companies and share best practices amongst the delegates. Besides this support on Federal level, the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex Brasil) is an important supporter for the 11th WCC 2019. The agency’s core business is to promote Brazilian products and services abroad, and to attract foreign investments in strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. In this sense, Apex Brasil works to identify business opportunities, promoting strategic events and providing support to foreign investors interested in investing resources in the country. Another important partnership is the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (SEBRAE), a non-profit entity with the mission of promoting the sustainable and competitive development of small businesses. Their role is to foster entrepreneurship, providing guidance to help these companies to grow and generate more employment, helping to develop the Brazilian economy. In addition, the official tourism associations, like Embratur, TurisRio and Riotur, respectively the Brazilian, Rio de Janeiro (state) and Rio de Janeiro (city) are supporting this bid, making contributions to the success of the 11th WCC 2019. The State Government is also present and supporting the bid for the Congress through its International Relations SubSecretariat by offering data, information from the state, adding intellectual support and intelligence to the whole process, as well as advocating along with the Governor and the state the defense for this candidacy. Together, these organizations will help promote the event to the local and international target audience, in addition of providing support materials for the Brazilian bid. Moreover, in addition to this confirmed institutional support, opportunities exist to solicit and secure funding for the event from organizations such as Apex Brasil and SEBRAE.


Private Sector Support Private sector support for 11th WCC 2019 will be solicited from companies interested in strengthening relationships between the chambers worldwide or to increase their participation in a specific country. It includes companies from different sectors of the economy, like air, automobile, communication, transportation, banking/finance, construction, electrical, chemical industry, amongst others. In Brazil, important companies have manifested their interest by this proposal. The country’s recent economic scenario benefits companies to export their products and services making the 11th WCC an important opportunity for them to do business and expand their network with Chambers of Commerce around the world. In addition, we identified that an additional opportunity to generate income for the 11th WCC 2019 in Rio de Janeiro is to encourage the most important chambers to become exhibitors, as it will be a great opportunity for them to showcase their products and services to help delegates and other chambers do business in their local community (country, state or city). The Brazilian Organizing Committee along with ICC/WCF and MCI will work hard to secure these and many others sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities for the event, making the 11th World Chambers Congress 2019 a successful edition in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Stakeholders Most of the supporters not only want to support the Rio WCC’s candidacy, as they also want to participate personally of the congress. This support demonstrate how Brazilian governmental and business community are engaged to bring the World Chambers Congress to Rio de Janeiro. An important supporter is the Rio Convention & Visitors Bureau (RioCVB), a nonprofit foundation that focuses on attracting national and international technical and scientific congresses and events to the city of Rio de Janeiro. RioCVB is committed to support international societies with high quality event suppliers, governmental entities and any additional needs to facilitate a succesfull event in 2019. For the Rio 2019 World Chambers Congress, several Chambers of Commerce both national and international support the candidacy and the eventual realization of the Congress in Brazil. In Brazil, Chambers from all five regions of the country have showed their support by signing letters of support and their commitment to mobilize all their network of associates and members to participate of such a great event. Please find enclosed in ANNEX 44 letters of support from the following entities and companies:

■■Brazilian Ministry of Tourism ■■Brazilian Ministry of Industry, Services and Foreign Trade - MDIC ■■Brazilian Tourism Board - EMBRATUR ■■Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro ■■State of Rio de Janeiro Tourism Authority ■■City Hall of Rio de Janeiro ■■Secretariat of Tourism of the City of Rio de Janeiro ■■World Trade Organization – WTO ■■ICC Brasil ■■Brazilian Agency for Investment and Exporting Promotion - Apex Brasil ■■Brazilian Service of Support to Micro and Small Enterprises - SEBRAE ■■Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development - ABDI ■■National Confederation of the Young Entrepreneurs – CONAJE



■■Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute - IBP ■■Brazilian Association of Hotels in Rio de Janeiro ■■Brazilian Association of IT Companies - ASSESPRO ■■Rio Conventions and Visitor Bureau - RCVB ■■Rio Negócios – Rio’s Investment Promotion Agency ■■Rio Galeão - International Airport Tom Jobim ■■Iberoamerican Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services - AICO ■■ICC Slovenia ■■Exporters Union of CPLP ■■Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Mercosul and the Americas – CCMercosul ■■Brazil-China Chamber of Commerce ■■Italian-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Rio de Janeiro ■■Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce ■■Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce ■■Turkish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry ■■Brazil-Chile Chamber of Commerce ■■India-Brazil Chamber of Commerce ■■Federation of Chambers of Commerce from São Paulo, Brazil - FACESP ■■Federation of Chambers of Commerce from Minas Gerais, Brazil - FEDERAMINAS ■■Federation of Chambers of Commerce from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil – FEDERASUL ■■Federation of Chambers of Commerce from Santa Catarina, Brazil – FACISC ■■Federation of Chambers of Commerce from Bahia, Brazil - FACEB ■■Federation of Chambers of Commerce from Espírito Santo, Brazil - FACIAPES ■■Federation of Chambers of Commerce from Paraíba, Brazil - FACEPb ■■Federation of Chambers of Commerce from Mato Grosso, Brazil - FACMAT ■■Federation of Chambers of Commerce from Tocantins, Brazil – FACIET ■■Federation of Chambers of Commerce from Pará, Brazil - FACIAPA ■■Federation of Chambers of Commerce from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil - FAEMS ■■Ernst & Young – EY ■■Nissan Brazil



Brazil: The hosting country


The largest biodiversity on the planet Brazil has 26 states and a Federal District (where the capital, Brasília, is located), divided into 5 macro-regions: North, Northeast, Midwest, Southeast and South. The country has an area of 8.5 million square kilometers, occupying nearly half of South America. That area has several climate zones which include the tropical wetlands in the North, the semiarid in the Northeast and temperate zones in the South. Climate differences contribute to ecological differences forming different biogeographic zones that can be organized into seven biomes. Among the biomes the Amazon Forest stands out for being the world’s largest tropical rain forest with more than thirty thousand plant species; the Pantanal is the world’s largest floodable plain; other biomes are the cerrado, the caatinga and the Atlantic Forest. In addition to these terrestrial biomes, Brazil has 8.5 thousand km of coastline with a variety of ecosystems that include coral reefs, dunes, mangroves, lakes, estuaries and swamps. The variety of biomes reflects on the wealth of Brazil’s flora and fauna, making it the most varied in the world. The country holds more than 20% of the world’s species, and is one of the top megadiverse countries. Many of Brazil’s species occur exclusively in the country (endemic) and several of its plant species have global economic importance such as pineapple, peanuts, Brazil nut and carnauba.


Culture and miscellaneous population

alike, are entitled to profess and practice their

The fairly heterogeneous Brazilian population is

Brazilian Culture one of the richest in the world.

made up of native Indians (more than 200 local

In each state is possible to find different kinds of

indigenous groups) and Afro-descendents (we have

cuisine, creeds, accents and lifestyles. This entire

the second largest black population in the world) as

blend makes Brazilian people one of the most

well as European, Arab and Asian descendants (SĂŁo

hospitable and cheerful in the world. All these

Paulo has the largest Japanese colony outside Japan).

cultures are present in many popular festivities and

beliefs in Brazil. Al this diversity is the reason that makes the

manifestations, being the main of them the Carnival, In the country, all religions coexist without conflict

which is celebrated in different ways according to

or discord. All citizens, Brazilian and foreigners

the region of the country.


Lifestyle and gastronomy In Brazil, differences do not have to be conflicting, rather, they are a cause for celebration, which is expressed in the country’s countless popular festivities. Celebrating is part of our national identity, being present in religious events or pagan festivals. It is through these popular manifestations that the Brazilian people show their zest for life. It is also impossible to talk about Brazil without refering to the local gastronomy. It received influences from Europe, Indigenous Brazil and Africa and all of this mix became the Brazilian food appreciated by many visitors. The country also has exotic fruits and flavors, enchanting and refreshing selective palates from all over the world. The most popular dish is called feijoada, always served piping hot. It was created by the African slaves from the leftovers of the Portuguese masters’ meals. It goes with both the national spirit, cachaça, or the drink made from it, caipirinha, blended with sugar and fresh lemon. Other popular dishes are acarajé, pão de queijo and colonial breakfast. Besides that, the exotic fruits, spices and the creative ways locals use them are an inspiration to the world’s great chefs.


Business and environment Brazil is the 7th largest consumer market in the world


and the perspective is that by 2023 it will be the 5th.

Communications Technology (ICT) sector in the world;






Due to government incentives, during the past ten

the fifth-largest online market and the fourth-largest

years, 30 million people ascended to the middle class,

mobile phones market in the world. And the country is

what helped to maintain the countries’ economy due

the number one app developer in Latin America thanks

to the rise of household consumption.

to the nationwide entrepreneurship’s boom.

Geographically, Brazil is privileged once it has marine

Brazil has 98% of world reserves of Niobium, and

access to North America, Europe and Asia (most

accounts for 92% of world exports to 70,000 tons

current destination of commodities). In addition, it

a year. It is believed that the element is critical to

borders with 10 countries in South America.

the world for technological development which has lightness and refractory properties and is used in the

Currently, Brazil significantly invests in expanding

production of steels and super alloys with special

the Brazilian logistics net, especially in railways to

purposes used in rocket components.

facilitate the flow of production. Ports are also being expanded. As a legacy of sporting events that have taken place - Pan American 2007, Confederations Cup 2013, World Cup 2014 and The Olympics 2016, the country took a leap in the quality of its airports, including the expansion on the number of daily international itineraries. As a way for development, Brazil offers various



largest consumer market in the world

types of incentives in order to expand the economy in remote areas distant from large cities, or provide social advances to parcels of skilled workers.


million people ascended to the middle class


Brazil is entrepreneurial Nearly four in ten Brazilian adults already have a business or are involved with the creation of a company. This is the data revealed by the latest survey done by GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) held in 2015 and sponsored by SEBRAE (Brazilian Service of Support for Micro and Small Enterprises). In the past 10 years, the franchising sector has been growing by an average of 10% to 13% annually, according to the Brazilian Association of Franchising. It is the country of origin of many global challenger companies, such as Embraer, Marcopolo,




The country’s efforts to boost its culture of innovation and


promises to sustain its economy.


Nearly four in ten Brazilian adults already have a business or are involved with the creation of a company.

Events Everyone wants to be in Brazil. Why? Be it for successfully hosting the FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 and the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games, or for being considered one of the world’s largest and most promising economies, Brazil is and will remain under spotlights for decades. When it comes to congresses and meetings, Brazil is also the ideal place to choose as nowhere else may gather good infrastructure, cutting edge scientific research,



country worldwide in number of international events

unexplored natural potential for medicines and, also, the ability to have fun. Brazilians sure know how to enjoy life and to entertain their guests. Great rhythms, dances, huge parties, delicious food, tasty drinks, fresh fruits and a pleasant weather all year round provide visitors with a unique leisure experience. We dare to say that no other country can mix interesting business




in Latin America

deals with great fun as Brazil can. Besides that, Brazil has the largest and most important market for trade fairs in South America and is also a great market for Trade Shows: only in 2015, a total


of 307 trade shows under 33 different categories were hosted in Brazil. The country was ranked in 11th position worldwide according the International Congress and Convention Association - ICCA1 and the 1st in Latin America in number of international events, having received 292 international events in 2015. This position can be explained for the large network of top-ranking hotels and resorts, good convention centers, airports of quality, transportation, telecom and financial services. And this entire infrastructure is improving in the last years, especially with the sports

Language: Portuguese (English and Spanish are spoken in tourist areas) Currency: The currency in Brazil is the Real. Dollars, euros and traveller’s checks can easily be exchanged in hotels, authorized banks and currency exchange offices. All international credit cards are accepted in most hotels, shops, restaurants and commercial establishments.

events that are happening in Brazil lately. There is no doubt that bringing the 11th World Chambers

US$ 1,00 = R$ 3,40

Congress for Brazil will proportionate a remarkable

June, 2016

experience for all the attendees. Hosting the Congress in Brazil offers business communities of Europe, Asia and the Americas unparalleled access to global trade opportunities due to Brazil’s priviledged marine access to these regions.


ICCA is based in Amsterdam and has the most complete database of international meetings in the world


The chosen city: Rio de Janeiro


Why Rio? RIO, THE PERFECT CITY FOR MEETINGS Rio is known as an outstanding city to host a congress. Over the last decade, global data indicates that year in year out Rio has ranked 1st as international destination for meetings in the Americas. It has also ranked among the top 10 and 20 several times. Rio provides all of the necessary infrastructure and professionalism for the successful organization of the 11th World Chambers Congress.

RIO, WELL CONNECTED The Rio de Janeiro Galeão–Antônio Carlos Jobim International Airport is linked to airports in over 80 countries. There are no restrictions whatsoever for citizens from more than 50 countries to enter Brazil.


RIO, A GREEN AND COSMOPOLITAN CITY Rio is in a lavish natural setting, with the largest urban forest in the world, two bays, lagoons, 90 km of beaches, and mountains. Rio is one of the main cultural capital cities in Brazil and as such boasts museums, cultural centers, historical buildings, musical events, theaters, and a wide variety of restaurants, shopping malls, and tourist attractions.


RIO, THE HAPPIEST AND FRIENDLIEST CITY IN THE WORLD Cariocas (natives of Rio de Janeiro) are known around the world as warm and friendly people. The city earned the prize for the happiest city in the world according to Forbes Magazine. The city of Rio was chosen as the World Capital of Friendliness in 2001 in a survey conducted by the University of Michigan and University of California.

In July 2007, the statue of Christ the Redeemer atop Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro was selected as one of the New 7 Wonders of the World.

RIO, THE BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN SOUTH AMERICA The British edition of Travel Weekly magazine awarded Rio de Janeiro the Best Tourist Destination in South America in 2003.


RIO, EXCEPTIONAL GASTRONOMY Rio is a delicious gastronomy center with different Brazilian cuisine, such as feijoada, barbecue, caipirinha, and fish. With a large number of restaurants and bars, the city also offers diverse eateries and restaurants that offer foods from different places around the world, with a mix of flavors and tastes.

RIO, NOT ONLY A PRIME TOURIST DESTINATION The concentration of scientific and technological activities also characterizes Rio as one of the most important centers in Brazil and Latin America.

RIO, A SAFE CAPITAL FOR INVESTMENTS Rio de Janeiro stands out from the country due to the relevance of its economy when compared to other capitals and cities, as well as Brazil itself. With the recent lowering of investment-grade for Brazil by Standard and Poor’s Rating Services, Rio de Janeiro shows that the city is fighting on another direction from that in Brazil; not only has Rio maintained its investment-grade but it is also beyond the national level.


RIO, BRAZILIAN ECONOMIC HUB The main economic industries in Rio de Janeiro are oil and gas (Brazilian capital for petroleum), telecommunications, thermo-electrical, naval, chemical, metallurgical, pharmaceutical, agricultural, food and beverage, audiovisual (radio, movies, and TV), civil construction, information technology, and tourism. Rio de Janeiro is one of the main gateways for international tourism – 1 out of every 4 foreigners comes to Rio.

RIO, UNCOUNTABLE FACETS Rio is the perfect place for nature lovers who want to be close to the city and by the sea. It is a city for modern and romantic people who appreciate art, culture, and local cuisine, a city where business travelers will also find comfort and feel safe.


Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016 The success, in numbers, of the greatest sport event of the planet

The Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016

■■ 4 million of public altogether;

were a huge success. The whole world applauded

■■ More than 100 hours of sports transmission in the

the organization and results from the event. The


images from the competition, opening and closing

■■ 110 hours of music attractions on every stage;

ceremonies, the Hospitality houses, the postcards and

■■ 904 street artists, among them: actors, jugglers,

fraternization among the people will be forever in the

mimes, dancers and musicians; ■■ Around 5.200 flights inside the Panoramic Balloon;


■■ Around 1.150 people used the bungee jump The





structure downtown;

entrepreneurs and locals from the city of Rio de

■■ 250.000 products sold in about 50 food trucks;

Janeiro celebrate and account all the great numbers of

■■ 500.000 liters of beverage were consumed;

this party, which reveal the positive outcome of the

■■ 1 ton of fireworks;


■■ 24 hours of Samba during the “Carnival Meeting”; ■■ 200 kids average per day, participating in more than

The functioning of the city is praiseworthy of all

20 sports activities at the Sports Centers;

sides. Rio de Janeiro received 1.17 million tourists. The occupancy rate of the hotel network was 94%.

Hospitality Houses

The athletes broke 91 Olympic records and 27 world

In total, 54 Hospitality Houses established their


activities at the City of Rio de Janeiro during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The success of the


Hospitality Houses during the Olympic Games Rio

The city’s transportation beat attendance records

2016 impressed the organizers of the Houses, who saw

during the Olympic period. The BRT, which was one

their visitor’s expectation triple in the first days. The

of the main means of transport used by spectators,

truth is that the cariocas (locals) and tourists received

carried 11.7 million passengers, while the subway

with great enthusiasm the idea of these spaces, which

carried 13.9 million people in lines 1, 2 and 4, with a

registered complete success from public participation

record on August 17th, carrying 1.121.000 people.

and engagement.

Almost 10 million spectators were transported by the trains.

With technology, sustainability, natural diversity, promotion of business and cultural interchange, the

Olympic Boulevard

Houses promoted the nations that participated of

The Olympic Boulevard in the Port Region of Rio

the Rio 2016 Olympic Games and the sponsors and

de Janeiro, the largest live site of the history of the

institutions related to the event.

Games, was the highlight of the event. Together, the three Boulevards, one at the Port Region, one at the Parque Madureira and the other at Miécimo, Campo Grande, attracted about 4 million people. Some of the numbers of the 3 Boulevards during the 17 days of functioning:


port; a new subway line; and a flush of municipal


projects, big and small, that had long been on the wish list of city planners” – The New York Times, USA

“We’ve come a long way with these large-scale events in showing Brazil to the world. Since 2007, Brazil has

“The ceremony that opened the Olympic Games at

hosted the Pan American Games, a papal visit, Rio+20

Rio de Janeiro’s Maracanã stadium on August 5th cost

— a huge sustainable development conference – the

a fraction of what London spent four years ago. But

World Cup, and a number of other large sporting

ingenuity and style made up for it. The film directors

events. The events aren’t just about boosting the

who staged the show conjured up a rainforest, a favela

number of visitors. Our pitch is larger; it’s about

and an animated city in a celebration of Brazil’s hybrid

attracting investment to Brazil and integrating our

culture.” – The Economist, USA

economy with the world. We want to showcase a new vision of the country.” Vinicius Lemmertz, Head of the

“A party of music, colors and sport in Rio de Janeiro, on

Brazilian Tourism Board (Miami Herald)

a pair with a marvellous city, with beauty and rhythm” – El Clarín, Argentina

“These were marvellous Olympic Games in a marvellous city. They are leaving a unique legacy for

“Spectacular, spectacular, spectacular.” – La Tercera,

many generations to come. History will talk about a


Rio before and a much better Rio after these Games.” – President of IOC, Mr. Thomas Bach (BBC)

“It is as if someone had turned on the switch and lighted up people. All of a sudden, everything is splendid.” –

“Perhaps Brazil’s biggest resource is its people. A

Telegraph, UK

Ministry of Tourism study released in August showed that Rio’s hospitality during the Games received a

“Brazil surprised with a party full of light and music,

98.7% approval rating from international tourists.” –

with many remarkable scenes. There was party, some

Miami Herald, USA

samba, and, overall, a great celebration at the benches” – Sport, Spain

“The 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio have profoundly altered this city of six million, yielding a revitalized


Rio de Janeiro - The Gateway to Invest in Brazil Economic Overview and Business Friendly Environment

According to a reasearch conducted by the FDI Intelligence, a consulting company from the Financial Times, Rio de Janeiro is at the third place in the ranking

Rio de Janeiro has the second Brazilian GDP, US$

of the “South American States of the Future 2016/17”.

267.3 Billion (11.8 % of Brazil’s GDP), corresponding

According to the FDI Intelligence, almost 250 FDI

to a GDP per capita of US$ 16.3, and its population, of

projects were recorded in the state between 2011 and

6.2 million inhabitants, is the third largest population

2015, with the automotive OEM sector commanding

of the country, which makes the state a powerful

the highest level of capital investment of all sectors.

consumer market. Moreover, Rio is the third smaller state of Brazil, occupying an area of only 43,780 km2

The State also ranked second for Economic Potential

at the Southeast region, sharing borders with three

and third among the Major South American States in

other states in the same Southeast region: Minas

the business friendliness and connectivity categories.

Gerais, Espírito Santo and São Paulo and it is bounded

Rio de Janeiro is also in fifth place when considered the

on the east and south by the Atlantic Ocean, a strategic

qualitative FDI Strategy. Besides, according to another

position that ensures easy access to the rest of the

research made by the same institution for American

country and abroad.

cities, two cities of the State were ranked: Rio de Janeiro city and Itatiaia. The city of Rio de Janeiro is

The State provides a great logistic infrastructure

a new entrant featured in this year’s Latin American

with over 27,000 km of roads, 3,000 Km of railways,

top 10 cities, and already occupies the third position.

7 ports (and another one under construction) and 12

The city is also present in the top 10 Major American

airports (two of which are international and privately

Cities for economic potential. In other hand, Itatiaia is

operated). Besides, Rio de Janeiro has an electricity

the South America best ranked micro city in regard to

installed capacity of 8,443 MW, comprising four

economic potential and occupies the sixth position in

thermoelectric plants (901.7 MW) and two nuclear

cost effectiveness.

plants (Angra I and II - 1.990 MW). With an important heritage in education, Rio de Janeiro has more than 130 universities and 500 technical schools. Continually investing in basic and higher education, Rio de Janeiro has 11,096 schools and 3.6 million students, and it ranks third among the Brazilian States according to the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB). In 2007, the State of Rio de Janeiro appeared as one of the main destinations of foreign investments in Brazil and, in 2009, became the main destination, maintaining the first place until 2014. In 2015, the announcements totalized U$$ 1.7 billion announced to the State of Rio de Janeiro according to RENAI (Brazilian Investment Information Network).


Compareded FDI US$ billion 60,0

Rio de Janeiro SĂŁo paulo Minas Gerais



Rio grande do Sul 44,4


39,4 33,0

30,0 22,7 20,0 18,8 13,9 10,0

8,5 3,2


5,7 2,2

0,0 2004-2006



Source: Rio de Janeiro's State Government Secretariat for International Relations


Great foreign investments into Rio de Janeiro and main opportunities According to Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN) the State will receive US$ 98.6 billion in investments during the period of 2014-2016. The State of Rio de Janeiro has successful cases of foreign investment in a variety of areas, to name just a few: foods and beverages (Nestlé, Ambev, Danone), health and personal care (Procter & Gamble - P&G), research and development (EMC², L’Oréal, GE, Intel, Ambev, Microsoft), infrastructure, logistics and real state (Global Logistic Properties – GLP, Changi, Trump Corp, Lafarge), oil and gas (BG Group, Chevron Texaco, Sinopec, Siemens), metallurgy, steel and mining (Ternium/ Techint; Anglo American). The success of Rio de Janeiro promotion is due to several factors: specific tax incentives, government support, proximity to the consumer market, suppliers and strategic locations to guarantee skilled work force, all these with the Government and private sector support.


Oil and gas The strategic location of the state of Rio de Janeiro places it as one of the vertices in the production of oil and gas, which is evident given the proximity to the main sedimentary basins in the country: Campos and Santos. As the relevance of this sector for the world economy, it also represents major investments in the State. The FIRJAN’s survey Decision Rio 2014-2016 presented that almost US$ 60 billion of investments were contracted to Rio de Janeiro for the analyzed period. The State produces 1.6 million barrels/day of oil (67.1% of the national production in 2015), 11.1 billion m3/day of gas (40% of the national production in 2015) and the equivalent of 70% of the Brazilian pre-salt reserves are on the shore of Rio de Janeiro, what indicates that the sector will have enormous importance in the state in many years to come. The biggest world O&G companies have operations in Rio (Petrobras, BG Group, Chevron Texaco, Sinopec), and the state has a significant chain and highly qualified companies that follow global standards. The O&G business environment includes services, IT, R&D, shipyards and shipbuilding, among others.

Automotive The automotive sector has many successful examples of promoting foreign direct investment in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Some of the biggest world automakers, as MAN, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Hyundai Heavy Industries, Renault-Nissan, Neobus and Marcopolo, have its plants in the state. The seventh, Jaguar Land Rover, started its project and will start production in Itatiaia in 2016. Among those, some of the biggest investments annouced are from Nissan (around US$ 3 billion and 2,000 jobs), PSA Peugeot Citroën (US$ 2.1 billion and 4,600 jobs) and MAN (around US$ 1,6 billion and 5,000 jobs). The manufacture of vehicles in Rio now accounts for 10% of industrial production in the state. The sector is responsible for a total of US$ 10.2 billion in investments, comprising the period between 2007 and 2015 and, currently, employs more than 18,000 workers.


R&D The State is a center of knowledge development and innovation, with an impressive capacity of re-inventing itself and attracting more creative solutions and industries and the highest concentration of PhDs in Brazil (67/100,000 inhabitants). In an analysis of the courses in Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, IT, and Business (Management, Economy and Accountability), Rio de Janeiro has the highest number of best evaluated courses according the Brazilian Ministry of Education: 128 undergraduation courses with the highest grades, and 27 graduation courses with the highest grades. Since 2009, Rio attracted 23 of the 37 private centers spotted in the country, representing more than US$ 3 billion in investments, and a workforce of more than 2,000 researchers. In the oil and gas sector, big companies as BG, FMC, and Schlumberger are in the Technological Park of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ. The city was also chosen by some of the major IT companies, as Cisco, EMC², IBM, Intel, and Microsoft, and for some from different sectors, as L’Oréal, GE, Ambev, and Lafarge.


Logistics and Infrastructure In the last nine years the State of Rio de Janeiro is growing in a faster way. An example of project executed in the infrastructure sector is the Metropolitan Arc, a 145 kilometers road that embraces all the metropolitan region bringing development and mobility for the municipalities close to it. This highway is connected to several federal highways, including Vitoria/Rio/Santos (BR 101), Rio/São Paulo (BR 465), Salvador-Rio-São Paulo (BR 116) and Rio-Belo Horizonte (BR 040), without passing through the urban core of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The region still concentrates areas with low population density, with great logistics and fiscal incentives, strategics to attract new companies to the region. In 2014, the Industrial Complex Açu Port started operation, with 17 km of wharf line accommodating up to 47 vessels, and covering an area of 90 km². It has two port terminals (T1 and T2) and the capacity to handle various types of cargo such as petroleum, iron ore, coal, solid and liquid bulk and general cargo. The port already received US$ 2.4 billion of investments generating 10,000 direct and indirect jobs. Nowadays, there are 8 operating companies in the Industrial Complex and 4 companies with installation planned for 2016. Besides, two of the main railways planned as part of PELC (Strategic Plan for Logistics and Cargo of Rio de Janeiro) will be in Rio de Janeiro: EF 118, with 572 km stretch from Rio de Janeiro to Vitória (state of Espírito Santo); and EF 354, with 3,500 km stretch over the Brazilian side of the Bi-oceanic Railway, from Cabalero Port (Peru) to the Açu Port (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). This transformation should continue during the coming years. Important Federal projects in roads and railways are expected to Rio, and the State is working in PPP projects for sewage and water treatment, urban mobility and connectivity (broadband).


Renewable Energy Since 2011, Rio de Janeiro is disseminating and popularizing renewable energy through the Rio Capital of Energy Program. This program was responsible for the implementation of photovoltaic panels at the MaracanĂŁ Stadium, the Planetarium and other widely popular places; it has encouraged local production of ethanol, the production of biomethane from landfill gas, among other measures. The state of Rio de Janeiro has the right conditions to receive the photovoltaic industry, due to its excellent logistics to serve the local Brazilian and international markets, industrial tradition, labor, skilled labor, tradition in R&D, and many automakers photovoltaic panels.

Cosmetics The cosmetics sector in Brazil remains high, growing close to 10% per year during the last decade, and is the 3th biggest market in the world, representing 9,4% of the consumers, behind only the United States and China. More than 220 cosmetic industries in Toiletry, Perfumery and Cosmetics are located in Rio, including the recent investments of Lubrizol and Procter & Gamble, which factories started operation in 2015; and the research center and the new headquarters of L’Oreal, with inauguration scheduled to the end of 2016. Since 2011, it was announced more than US$ 750 million in investments to Rio de Janeiro and it is expected US$ 180 million of investments by 2018.


Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology

Food and beverages

The pharmaceutical industry has managed to maintain

Being the third largest consumer market and very

its continued growth and recorded double-digit

close to the other important markets in Brazil, Rio

growth in the last five years. Big companies as Merk,

de Janeiro has important production of juices, beers,

Biomerieux, Glaxosmithkline, and Roche are already

mineral water, organics, biscuits and pasta, dairy and

installed in the state, and it is expected up to US$ 600

fish. The State is the choice of some big companies as

million in investments to this sector in Rio de Janeiro

Nestlé, Piraquê, Vigor, Itambé, AMBEV, Coca-Cola,

by 2019.

Lavazza, and BRF. It is estimated US$ 1.3 billion in investments by 2018 in this sector.

Six of the 21 Official Laboratories, those responsible to produce medicines, serums and vaccines to the

Rio de Janeiro has the greater annual beer

Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), the Brazilian public

consumption of the country (105.5 liters per

health system, are in Rio de Janeiro. Among them are

inhabitant), similar to Germany. This is maybe one of

the main laboratories, Fiocruz and Biomanguinhos,

the reasons Rio de Janeiro stands out with the beer

and three of the Military Forces.

market, with plants of Petrópolis, Ambev and Brasil Kirin breweries. Besides, the craft beer market grew

The city of Rio de Janeiro hosts the first and main

138% during the last three years.

pole of biotechnology of Brazil, composed by a technological park and an incubator. Bio-Rio

Referring to food segment, the fish market is also a

Foundation incubates 21 companies and is focused

great investment option. With a coastline of 636 km

on industry and environment. Besides, the Bio-Rio

and a production of 79,000 tonnes of fish in 2015,

technological park houses 42 companies. Rio de

Rio de Janeiro is very attractive for fishing industries.

Janeiro is protagonist in Industrial and Environment

Camil, Fenix Pescado, Costa Marine Preserves and

Biotechnology and Human Care, especially human

Ruby are already benefiting from this market.

health and in vitro diagnostics (IVD).


Rio, Facts and Figures Area: 1,171 km2 Population: 7 million

Weather: Mostly sunny, average temperature 27ºC / 80ºF Weather during preferred period of the congress TEMPERATURE MONTH May Jun Jul


Max F 97° 90° 91°

C 36° 32° 33°

Min F 52° 54° 55°

C 11° 12° 13°

RAIN (days) 9 7 6

About 42,000 hotel rooms, facilities,

Events and Tourism Infrastructure

and services for meetings and events

■■ More than 50 experienced and

(professional organizers, travel

skilled professional congress

agencies, audiovisual equipment,

organizers and trade show

airlines, ground transportation,


convention centers, venues for social events, etc.).

■■ Top-level simultaneous translation and first-class equipment companies, freight forwarders, and customs

Sports and Leisure ■■ Corcovado Mountain and Statue of Christ the Redeemer: one of the New 7 Wonders of the World – tours by train ■■ Tijuca Forest: the largest urban forest in the world – in the heart of the city – tours by Jeep ■■ Pão de Açúcar - Sugar Loaf: cable car linking two mountains – amazing view ■■ Environmental reserves and waterfalls ■■ Host of 2014 FIFA World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games ■■ Sun, beaches, and many sports ■■ Bike lanes and jogging tracks throughout the city


brokers. ■■ More than 500 travel agencies. ■■ Experienced coaching companies. ■■ First-class telecommunication services. ■■ 59 consular and commercial representations. ■■ Nearly 400 museums, libraries, theaters, music halls, and art galleries. ■■ Multilingual tour guides.



1. The city of Rio was chosen as

The Joint Committee for Tourist

the World Capital of Friendliness

Security comprises:

in 2001 according to a survey

■■ State Security Secretariat

conducted by the University

■■ Military Police Force

of Michigan and University of

■■ Civil Police Force


■■ Municipal Guard

2. In July 2003, 24,000 readers

■■ Fire Department

of the British newspapers The

■■ Municipal Tourist Office

Guardian and Observer chose Rio

■■ State Tourism Office

de Janeiro as the sixth favorite

■■ Rio Convention and Visitors

tourist destination for their annual travel edition. 3. In July 2007, the statue of Christ

Bureau ■■ Brazilian Association of Travel Agents

the Redeemer atop Corcovado

■■ Brazilian Association of

Mountain in Rio de Janeiro was

Professional Congress

selected as one of the New 7

Organizer Companies

Wonders of the World. 4. In July 2012, UNESCO granted

The Joint Committee can provide

Rio de Janeiro the status of World

special security for congresses,

Heritage – Cultural Landscape.

events, and groups in the city.

5. In 2009, Forbes Magazine

To improve the security for

granted Rio de Janeiro the title

residents and visitors, the

“The Happiest City in the World.”

government created the CICC

6. In 2011, The Wallpaper

(Integrated Center for Command

magazine gave Rio de Janeiro the

and Control), a high-tech center

Design Award as “The Best City.”

that operates 24 hours per day with officers from eight different government institutions, including


the Municipal Guard, Civil

■■ Carnival: the greatest parade in

Military Police, Civil Police, Fire

the world ■■ New Year’s Eve: fantastic fireworks and beach parties ■■ Cultural heart of the country – capital of Brazil for 200 years

Defense, Traffic Department, Department, Mobile Urgency Assistance, and Federal Roadway Patrol. Together they control the main areas of the city through cameras and can act very quickly

■■ Traditional historical center

on issues of security, traffic, public

■■ Museums: rich collections and

order, and medical emergencies.

special international exhibits ■■ Modern architectural landmarks ■■ Film, fashion, theater, dance festivals ■■ Free open air concerts with national and international top performers ■■ Wonderful opera house – municipal theater


Selection of Important Events Held in Rio de Janeiro

11th International Congress of the World Federation of Public Health Date: 2006 No. of participants: 10,000

United Nations Conference for the Environment and Development - Rio ’92 Date: 1992 No. of participants: 20,000

13th World Congress of Cardiology Date: 1998 No. of participants: 19,000

Americas Telecom Rio 2000 Date: 2000 No. of participants: 27,000


3rd Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment Date: 2005 No. of participants: 6,000

17th World Petroleum Congress and Rio Oil and Gas Date: 2002 No. of participants: 40,000

13th International Congress on Immunology Date: 2007 No. of participants: 6,000

13th International Congress of Endocrinology

World Congress of Neuroscience Date: 2015 No. of participants: 4,000

Date: 2008 No. of participants: 6,000

Soccerex Global Convention

Olympic Games 2016

Date: 2011 No. of participants: 4,000

Date: 2016 No. of participants: 2 million

27th Congress of the International Union of Architects

World Congress of FIGO

Date: 2020 No. of participants: 7,000

Date: 2018 No. of participants: 8,000


Conference Programme 85

Theme: Creating a Shared Future The slogan “Creating a Shared Future” reflects perfectly the efforts employed by CACB and ACRio to strengthen the national and international networking of Chambers of Commerce and highlight their protagonism and necessity on the twenty-first century as the interlocutor for the entrepreneurial class. The word creation is defined by the dictionary as: “to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes” meaning that creating is a verb that requires action, and a type of action that is not given or natural, but historically and socially constructed through actions and transformations that involve individuals and their will. With the word creation, the 2019 edition of the 11th World Chambers Congress proposes an agenda of actions and activities that aim to develop a sense of shared value along with business opportunities, where the business contribute to a sustainable agenda for development of the nations through the Chambers of Commerce. By adding the term “shared” to the main theme of the 11th WCC, we intend to raise a sense of unity and fraternity, strengthening Chambers internally and internationally to create a truly efficient networking of Chambers of Commerce that fully understand their role as means of representation and channel to their associates and members. The idea of future works perfectly for such a historical Congress edition, in which ICC marks its centenary, as well as the 20th anniversary of the very first WCC in France. With a temporal perspective, the 11th WCC aims to build on the heritage and past of the Chambers of Congress, working in the present to transform the future we want to live in.


Topics of interest CACB and ACRio have decided on the most up-to-date subthemes and topics to be discussed in simultaneous panels during the three days of the Congress. The topics reflect the major sectors of engagement and commitment that the Chambers can work in order to fulfill their roles as representatives of the business class: ■■ The importance of infrastructure for the development of the economy; ■■ The role of the Chambers of Commerce in the quest of sustainability on a digital world; ■■ Renewable Energy and the end of the petroleum cycle; ■■ Startups and Social Enterprises as a product of the 21st century; ■■ Small and Medium Enterprises and the role of the Chambers of Commerce; ■■ The raise of service’s quality worldwide; ■■ Generating value to the commodities through industrialization and integrated services; ■■ Logistics, Insurance, Publicity and Finances in the digital era; ■■ The influence of the Chambers of Commerce in the local and national government; ■■ Climate change and its impacts on business; ■■ Big Data, Smart Cities and IOT: Innovation and Technology working together with the update of the Chambers of Commerce; ■■ Inclusion and equality of youth and women in the Chambers of Commerce; ■■ Simplified business environment: debureaucratization of the economies; ■■ Gateways to the world: opportunities of foreign trade; ■■ Shared Value: inclusive growth, circular economy, social equity and environment protection for generation of revenue; ■■ Demographic Shift; ■■ The phenomenon of metropolization of the cities.


Suggested speakers Brazil held 292 international congresses in 2015, which makes the country the 11th most important destination for congresses in the world and the 1st in Latin America (Source: ICCA – International Congress & Convention Association) Below, we have listed some of the major names that have come to Brazil during the past 3 years as keynote speakers of different events: At Casa Rio Conferences, a program created by Rio Negócios and supported by ACRio in the period before, during and after the Olympic Games, several names from private and public sector participated at the Museum of Tomorrow in a round of debates from various sectors during 7 months, among them, we mention: Mayors from San Francisco, London and Tokyo, as well as CEOs and presidents from the Brazilian and Latin America branches of: Nissan, EY, Microsoft, Cisco, Coca Cola Company, Visa Inc, PepsiCo, IBM, General Electric, McKinsey & Company, and Itaú. For the event entitled Casa Rio Beyond the Games Global Summit, diverse personalities were present, such as: Mr. Luis Alberto Moreno – President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IBD); Mr. Thomas Bach – President of the International Olympic Committee; Mr. Luke Dowdney – Founder of Fight for Peace; Conrad Bird – Head of Marketing at the UK Prime Minister’s Office; Mrs. Nadine Gasman – UN Women Representative in Brazil; Sir Martin Sorrel – CEO of WPP. A Brazilian organization, HSM, holds annual events that are internationally recognized, the 15th edition of the HSM ExpoManagement in 2015 at the Transamérica Expo Center in São Paulo, gathered thousands of participants from many parts of Brazil and the world. To list a few of the speakers:


Paul Krugman (Economist, winner of the Nobel Prize,

also organized and promoted by Endeavor. The editions

elected as one of the 100 best global thinkers and

of 2014 and 2015 featured the following names:

writer and columnist of The New York Times); Daniel Lamarre (CEO of Cirque du Soleil); Walter Robb (CEO

2014: Luciano Coutinho (President of The Brazilian

of Whole Foods, the world leader on healthy food busi-

Development Bank (BNDES), one of the largest devel-

ness); Clayton Christensen (Harvard Business Schol

opment banks in the world); Fabio Coelho (President

Professor and worldwide specialist on strategies of

of Google Brasil); Edemir Pinto (President of BM&F-

innovation and growth); Marc Goodman (Counselor

BOVESPA, the Brazilian stock exchange, the 13th larg-

of global security related to new technology, worked

est in the world)

with FBI, UNO and NATO). 2015: Guilherme Leal (President of Natura, Brazil’s Georg Kell (Founder and former Executive Director

number 1 cosmetic manufacturer); Constantino Junior

of the United Nations Global Compact), Raj Sisodia

(Founder of Gol Airlines, the largest low-cost airline in

(Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Conscious Cap-

South America); Jorge Gerdau (President of Gerdau,

italism), Nolan Bushnell (Founder of Atari and fast

the largest producer of long steel in the Americas)

food chain Chuck E. Cheese’s), Jim Collins (Business consultant, author and lecturer on company

Besides all the names listed from events that already oc-

sustainability and growth), participated of the HSM

curred in Brazil, CACB and ACRio have already invited a

ExpoManagement in 2014, the event was available

list of world-class speakers such as:

to more than 20 thousand people during three days

■■ Roberto Azevedo (the Director-General of the

in Brazil.

World Trade Organization); ■■ José Serra (Brazil’s Minister for the Ministry of

As for the city of Rio de Janeiro, the Global Entrepre-

Foreign Affairs);

neurship Congress (GEC) in 2013, promoted by En-

■■ Daniel Feffer (President of ICC Brazil);

deavor, gathered audience from 125 countries, where

■■ Frederico Fleury Curado (President of Embraer S.A.

the discussion was about the best practices related to entrepreneurship, research and new opportunities. Among the speakers and panelists were:

and Vice-Chairman of ICC); ■■ James Bacchus (Chairman of Global Practie Group, Greenberg Taurig); ■■ Joaquin Cottani (Chief Economist for Latin America,

Fiorina Mugione (Chief of UNCTAD’s Entrepreneurship Section, Division on Investment and Enterprise); Alexandre Hohagen (Facebook’s Vice President for

Standard & Poor’s Rating Services); ■■ Robson






Confederation of Industry Brazil).

Latin America and Former Managin Director for Google Latin America); Linda Rottenberg (Endeavor’s

We are certain that through partnerships with spe-

co-founder and CEO).

cialized events agencies and organizations that hold events, seminars and congress, along with ICC/WCF

The CEO Summit is an event that congregates every

support, we will be able to share the expertise, know-

year some of the greatest entrepreneurs, executives and

how and networking to bring to Rio de Janeiro in 2019

investors sharing cases of success of CEO’s from Brazil,

the most updated and relevant speakers.


World Chambers Competition

in the south and southeast – the most developed regions in Brazil that hold about 70% of the GDP, but less than half of the Brazilian states and population. With these criteria it was possible to recognize

The World Chambers Competition is ICC/WCF’s global

important initiatives for communities and Chambers

awards program recognizing the most innovative

that are located on regions that are less developed. It

projects undertaken by chambers of commerce and

is known that very frequently, the actions proposed

industry from all over the world.

by projects of less structured Chambers do not apply to Chambers that have a more developed structure

The Competition provides a unique opportunity for

and region. On the other hand, these actions are an

chambers to showcase originality and inventiveness,

important stamina to the quest for better conditions

reveal determination to develop businesses and

and to the development of the entrepreneurial

improve services to its members.


CACB believes that giving recognition and awards to

Therefore, with the experience of who already

Chambers regarding their best projects is an important

participated as competitor and as judge at the World

initiative giving the countries and institutions

Chambers Competition, we propose to innovate

significant visibility, as well as creating opportunities

in 2019 in Rio de Janeiro, with the creation of an

for other participating organizations to take a look at

award or category in accordance to geographical

best practices around the world.






stage of development of the countries and regions Brazil, also known as a continental country due to its geographical dimensions – it is the 5th largest country in the world – still struggles against social inequality. Along its regions you will find various stages of social economic indicators; sometimes as the same level of first world countries, other times as developing countries and in occasions even shares characteristics with underdeveloped countries. These characteristics are reflected in the stage of development of Chambers that are part of CACB’s system. This motivated our entity to adopt geographic criteria to reward initiatives of Chambers nationwide; it contributed to avoid concentrating awards in regions


participating in the Competition.

Business Matching An event is a great opportunity to do networking and global business! During the 11th World Chambers Congress, the Chambers will be stimulated to schedule meetings with each other. The exhibition area will have a specific space designated to the Business Matching, where delegates can network in a private setting. These meetings can be schedule using the Congress mobile app, through which delegates can search for the themes and chambers of specific interest to them and contact them. Through the automated system, delegates will receive a confirmation messages prior to each meeting to remind them of the appointment. The Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations (CACB) will also contribute to the approximation of the different chambers with the Brazilian companies and Government entities.

CACB believes that the recognition and awards given to Chambers regarding their best projects is an important initiative of the ICC/ WCF that should always take part of its Congresses since it gives the countries and Chambers significant visibility and creates opportunities for the participating organizations.� 91

Side Programme


Cultural Programme Every visitor comes to Rio de Janeiro with the intention of enjoying the country’s rich culture. The city is a highly cultural city with an eclectic mix of cultures and a population that has given shape to various forms of artistic expression. This is evident from the lifestyle of Rio’s residents and their habits. In order to be in touch with this culture, some good places to visit are:

MUNICIPAL THEATER Designed and built by A. Guilbert and Francisco de Oliveira Passos, the theater opened on July 14, 1909. The main murals are by Eliseu Visconti, and the ceiling and backdrop are by Rodolfo Amoedo. The mosaics are by Henrique Bernadelli. Visiting hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 9 A.M. - 4 P.M.

RIO’S ART MUSEUM The old palace hosts the museum’s exhibition rooms. The neighboring building is the space for the School of the View (Escola do Olhar), which is an environment aiming to produce and provoke experiences, colective and personal, and its main focus is on the formation of educators on public schools. Visiting hours: From Tuesday to Sunday, 12 P.M. - 7 P.M.


THE HOUSE OF BRAZILIAN HANDICRAFTS Praça Tiradentes is the house of the new Centro SEBRAE de Referência do Artesanato Brasileiro (CRAB), or Sebrae’s Benchmark Center of Brazilian Handicrafts, an institution which aims to value and qualify this activity throughout the country, promoting cultural reflection and bringing the sellers closer to the customers. Apart from displaying the Brazilian arts and crafts in all its diversity, the new place also houses an auditorium for debates and seminars, a concept store, and a restaurant that serves typical dishes of the Brazilian gastronomy.

THE MODERN ART MUSEUM OF RIO DE JANEIRO The building represents an architecture mark, that’s the architect Affonso Eduardo Reidy’s result and the Roberto Burle Marx’s project. Containing more than 15 thousand works, his collection is made by sculptures and paintings by international renowned artists, besides notable Latin American artist groups. Visiting hours: From Tuesday to Friday, 12 P.M. - 18 P.M. Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 11 A.M. to 18 P.M.

CULTURAL WONDER PORT The place presents a journey through the history of Rio de Janeiro that has as its starting point the Port Region of the city. The room with an interactive exhibit explores the content using high tech in an innovative and intuitive manner. On Brazil’s largest multi-touch screen, that measures a total of 22 meters, the visitor can access the series of transformations the region has undergone via maps, infographs, photos and videos during the construction phase as well as future plans for the region.



MUSEUM OF TOMORROW Questions like “where did we come from?” and “where are we going?” pervade the thoughts of the world’s population and are common among all peoples. Reflecting on these questions, as well as others, the visionary project of the Museum of Tomorrow took shape and became an ample space for debating and studying the impact of our actions and how we can alter the decaying scenario that draws close. Institutions with worldwide renown, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Google and NASA are part of the collective effort that studies how individuals can change our destiny on Earth. The Museum of Tomorrow is a pioneer project: there is no place like this one in the whole world where cultural and research activities have this aim of studying our tomorrow. Visiting hours: From Tuesday to Sunday, 10 A.M. - 5 P.M.


Social Programme A Congress is not only an event to obtain knowledge, exchange insights and network in a spontaneous setting, it is also a moment to enjoy the host city with all its culture and gastronomic richness. To enhance these experiences, the social acitivities proposed for the 11th World Chamber Congress include an immersion into the Brazilian culture, with elements as Carnival, soccer and music songs, such as samba and bossa nova. For this reason, we will offer a cocktail and a dinner for all the participants, where all these elements can be lived. Freedom, dance and fun will characterize the social programs of the 11th WCC 2019. In a Brazilian atmosphere, participants will be invited to experience all the happiness of the country’s people, and entertain themselves with national song and presentations. Rio de Janeiro has many places to receive these events, such as the Municipal Theater, National Historical Museum, Parque Lage (inside the Botanical Garden), Jockey Club Rio, Sapucaí (the most famous catwalk of samba), Rio de Janeiro Yatch Club, Píer Mauá, Marina da Glória, and even the Maracanã Stadium, the temple of Brazilian soccer. These places join Brazilian culture with a great place for celebrations, allowing a brilliant start to the Congress and also a closing of the event to become memorable for all that participate of the 11th World Chambers Congress. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of ICC, we have the intention to include another social activity in the 11th WCC: an exclusive dinner in one of the most iconic symbols of Rio de Janeiro: the Sugar Loaf, to be offered to the Chairmanship and General Councils of ICC/WCF and selected guests. Located some 200 meters (over 650 feet) above sea level, atop the unforgettable Morro da Urca hill, the Cota 200 Restaurant offers a dazzling experience in every sense. With breath-taking views and striking decor, the restaurant, with capacity for about 200 people raises Brazilian cuisine to new levels, with unexpected flavors and ingredients, in a welcoming ambience that showcases the real elegance of the Rio lifestyle.

1 Municipal Theater 2 National Historical Museum, 3 Parque Lage (inside the Botanical Garden) 4 Jockey Club Rio 5 Sapucaí (the most famous catwalk of samba) 6 Rio de Janeiro Yatch Club 7 Píer Mauá 8 Marina da Glória 9 Maracanã Stadium, the temple of Brazilian soccer 10 Cota 200, Sugar Loaf













Pre and Post Tours in Rio de Janeiro You can also enjoy your trip to Rio de Janeiro to visit the famous attractions that the city offers. Below there are descriptions of some icons of Rio de Janeiro:

CORCOVADO – CHRIST THE REDEEMER Considered one of the New 7 Wonders of the World, this is one of the main tourist attractions in the city. Standing 2,330 feet above sea level and providing a sweeping panoramic view of the sea and mountains, it is a world famous view. The mountain is crowned with the statue of Christ, 98 feet high with a 26 foot pedestal containing a chapel that can hold up to 150 people. The top of the Corcovado can be reached by electric train or car. Visiting hours: 8:30 A.M. – 6:30 P.M. daily.

SUGAR LOAF This natural symbol of Rio de Janeiro can be seen at the entrance of Guanabara Bay. Located some 200 meters (over 650 feet) above sea level, it offers breath-taking views. There are two stops during the cable-car trip to the top of the rock. The first is from the station at Praia Vermelha to Urca Hill, which rises 705 feet above the bay, and the second links Urca Hill to the top of Sugar Loaf, 1,300 feet high. Each stage lasts 3 minutes. For tourists who wish to see Rio from the air, there is now a Tourist Heliport located on the top of Urca Hill. Visiting hours: 8 A.M. – 10 P.M. daily.


LAPA ARCHES AND SANTA TERESA DISTRICT Located at the Largo da Lapa Square, the center of Rio’s turn-of-the-century nightlife, the Lapa Arches, holds its place in history as the last monumental construction work undertaken in colonial Rio. This magnificent structure contains two rows with 42 arches. Originally built as an aqueduct to supply the city with water, today it carries another outstanding attraction: the scenic tram lines that link the Carioca Station downtown to the picturesque Santa Teresa district, a vibrant artistic community with a great range of bars, restaurants, museums, cultural centers, and art studios.

BOTANICAL GARDEN A paradise on earth, filled with plants and trees from the four corners of the world. Founded in 1808, it spreads over an area of 340 acres. More than 5,000 species of plants, with the most impressive being the Imperial Palms planted in 1842. Visiting hours: 8 A.M. – 5 P.M. daily.

TIJUCA FOREST Rio’s largest park is the Tijuca National Park, covering 3,300 hectars, including Tijuca Forest. The Park is the largest urban forest in the world. As you look up at the Corcovado from Lagoa, the green forests cling from the edge of the mountain and stretch over miles to your left, making up Tijuca National Park. Roadways run through the entire park, allowing visitors to take in its many natural wonders. On weekends, some of the routes are open to pedestrians only. The most popular part of the park is Tijuca Forest, which is reached from Alto da Boa Vista and accessible from all parts of the city. Visiting hours: 8 A.M. – 5 P.M. daily


BEACHES Rio has 90 km of white-sand beaches available all year round, due to the pleasant weather. The famous Rio de Janeiro beaches are iconic and definitely an obligatory stop to swim, sunbathe, and drink a traditional água de coco (coconut water). Some of the most famous beaches in the city are: Copacabana, Arpoador, Leme, Ipanema, Leblon, Praia Vermelha, São Conrado, Barra da Tijuca, Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Prainha, Grumari, and Macumba.

NEW MARACANÃ One of Rio’s most famous picture postcards has recently been fully renovated. Mário Filho Stadium, known worldwide as Maracanã, has undergone the greatest restoration ever to comply with FIFA international standards. The stadium, which hosted the final match of the 2014 World Cup, has a Walk of Fame and its own museum, displaying the ball from Pelé’s 1,000th goal, among other notable items. The surrounding area also benefits from these improvements that will facilitate the flow of traffic and pedestrians. Visiting hours: 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. daily

AND MORE Brazilian Music: Musical performances and free concerts can be attended throughout the year all over the city. Gastronomy: Rio is a paradise for food lovers. Fine, sophisticated restaurants feature international cuisine and savory, exotic Brazilian dishes. Other options include: The historic center of Rio, museums, galleries, Santa Teresa’s art studios, old houses, and trolley cars, the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon, and beaches with kiosks and live music.



Surrounding Rio de Janeiro Close to the city of Rio de Janeiro are other interesting locations that deserve to be visited by delegates that will spend more days in the destination. Here are our suggestions:

COSTA VERDE (GREEN COAST) Cities: Angra dos Reis, Ilha Grande, Paraty, etc. Islands, coves, beaches, mountains, and the amazing beauty of the sea. The natural beauty of Costa Verde is countless – the color of the sea, the Atlantic Forest’s exuberance, the paradise islands. Costa Verde is the perfect setting to practice water sports, go deep-sea fishing, and embark on long boat tours.

SERRA VERDE IMPERIAL (IMPERIAL GREEN MOUNTAIN) Cities: Petrópolis, Itaipava, Nova Friburgo, etc. Privileged weather, good restaurants, and the charm of the Imperial City. The region has excellent restaurants, hotels, cozy inns, and gorgeous sites. Enjoy the winter festivals and many other events all year round. Rivers with clear water, waterfalls, trails, and exuberant forests invite hiking and ecotourism.


VALE DO CAFÉ (COFFEE VALLEY) Cities: Vassouras, Valença, Conservatória, etc. Colonial farms and houses complement the scenery in a welcoming atmosphere and climate. The Coffee Valley Region offers its visitors excellent weather and a historical journey through Rio de Janeiro’s rural architecture, colonial style – large houses, farms, and former slave houses – a rich cultural heritage worth visiting and exploring. The exuberance of the Atlantic Forest provides several options for leisure and fun and ecological adventures.

COSTA DO SOL (SUN COAST) Cities: Búzios, Cabo Frio, Araruama, etc Sun, salt, blue skies, and the wilderness of the ocean. You first feel the magic of the Sun Coast when you see the first windmill – a landmark of the region. Then there are hundreds of wonderful beaches and lagoons, one after the other. A perfect route if you like the sun, wind, sea, water sports, beautiful people, and good food and enjoy top restaurants and a lively night life.

AGULHAS NEGRAS (BLACK NEEDLES MOUNTAIN) Cities: Mauá, Itatiaia, Agulhas Negras, etc. A mountain climate, green forests, and peaks covered with snow in wintertime. The Agulhas Negras region is one of most precious ecological sanctuaries due to its exuberant nature and striking natural beauty. The European culture – present in its local gastronomy – completes the scenery. All this natural wealth can be found in the National Park of Itatiaia, the first in Brazil. The park shelters animals and vegetation that exist only in this region. It is a perfect setting for long walks, diving into crystal clear and ice-cold waters, or simply appreciating the exuberant nature of one of the most beautiful regions in the state of Rio de Janeiro.


Visit Brazil Besides the Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil has other wonderful cities and cultures to be discovered. Even being part of the same country, you can find diferent beauties and traditions in each region of Brazil. Some good places for post tours of 11th WCC are:

GOLD CIRCUIT Located in Minas Gerais State, the Circuit of Gold includes the cities of Sabara, Ouro Preto, Congonhas, São João del Rey and Tiradentes. All these cities are close to Belo Horizonte, the capital of the Minas Gerais State, and are famous to be an area with a large quantity of gold in the colonial age. Ouro Preto, which got from UNESCO the title of Cultural Heritage of Humanity, also has the most valuable collection of the Baroque art, the largest homogeneous complex of Brazilian’s Baroque architecture and in the world. The main icon of this art in Brazil is the Master Antonio Francisco Lisboa, known just as Master Aleijadinho (the little cripple). His works in wood and stone were the “trademark” that decidedly defined the Brazilian Baroque style.

SALVADOR Salvador, the capital of the State of Bahia, was the capital of the country until 1763. The city, without a doubt, keeps in touch with its African roots and traditions with respect to its cuisine, religion, and artwork. It is divided into two parts: The “Lower City” is at sea level and is where the city´s original port and commercial area, including Mercado Modelo (Model Market), are found. It is also the best part of the city to experience a capoeira demonstration, a Brazilian martial art developed by slaves, which is an important aspect of AfroBrazilian cultural expression. The “Upper City” is reached by alleys, stone steps or the famous Lacerda elevator. This part of the city is where the majority of museums, churches, modern architecture and the Pelourinho neighborhood are located. The restoration of the Pelourinho area has given Salvador a new lease on nightlife.

LENÇOIS MARANHENSES Located at about 332 km from São Luís, the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is considered the “Brazilian Sahara”, for its 155 thousand hectares dune desert, which extends itself from the continent towards the sea, but with a great difference: the deserts at Lençóis Maranhenses rains over 300 times more, which forms hundreds of emerald-green lagoons in the middle of the huge dunes, offering to the traveler a beautiful scene, with the white sands and the lagoons. The park entrance is through the Barreirinhas (240 km from São Luís), a small city with reasonable tourism structure and an aircraft landing field where the pousadas are located. The best period to visit Lençois Maranhenses is from January to August when the lagoons are fullest, in the plenitude of its beauty.



MANAUS AND THE AMAZON RAINFOREST Manaus is the capital of Amazonas, the Brazil’s largest State, and is located in the North of the country. It is an ideal starting point when visiting the rest of the Amazon Region. Tour boats leave Manaus to see the Meeting of the Waters, where the black waters of the Negro River meet the white waters of the Solimões River, flowing side by side without mixing for several miles. Visitors can also explore riverbanks and streams, swim and canoe in placid lakes or simply walk in the lush forest. Those in search of real adventures may even choose to go deep into the jungle and experience the Brazilian Amazon and all its flora and fauna face-to-face.

IGUASSU FALLS Iguassu Falls located on the border of the State of Parana, is one of the most famous attractions in all of Brazil. The 275 massive waterfalls are divided between Argentina and Brazil, and provide vastly different views and experiences depending on what side they are viewed from. Within the surrounding city of Iguassu Falls, the main tourist attractions go hand-in-hand with the exuberant scenery provided by nature. In the “Land of the Falls”, visitors can revel in the splendor of the natural forests, rivers and lakes, as well as the world’s largest hydroelectric work, the Itaipu Dam. Travelers also have the unique opportunity to experience the falls and attractions not only in Brazil, but in Ciudad del Este (Paraguay) and Puerto Iguazú (Argentina) as well.





Visit Brazil Rio is linked to airports in more than 80 countries. 21 international and national airlines link Rio de Janeiro to the main capitals of the world. ■■ Aerolineas Argentinas

■■ Gol

■■ Air France/KLM

■■ Ibéria

■■ Alitalia

■■ Lan Chile

■■ American Airlines

■■ Lufthansa

■■ Avianca

■■ Passaredo

■■ Azul


■■ British Airways


■■ Copa Airlines

■■ TAM

■■ Delta

■■ TAP

■■ Emirates

■■ United Airlines/Continental

■■ Ethiopian Airlines

Miami 8hs




Panama City 8hs

Buenos Aires 3hs


Santo Domingo

Air Travel Time From North America: 9-14 hours Central America: 7 hours South America: 3-8 hours Africa: 10 hours Major European capital cities: 11-12 hours Oceania: 18 hours Asia: 25 hours Australia: 17 hours China: 22 hours



China 22hs

South Euro 10hs

UAE 13hs

Angola 8hs

Australia 17hs


Air Ticket to Rio de Janeiro: PRICES STARTING AT *

Weekly Direct Flights Country

City From / To

Rio de Janeiro






US$ 1,145.00



Buenos Aires

US$ 340.00




US$ 930.00




US$ 1,904.00




US$ 758.00




Hong Kong

US$ 1,292.00





US$ 955.00





US$ 817.00





US$ 828.00



Mexico City

US$ 856.00




US$ 880.00




New Delhi

US$ 1,518.00




New York

US$ 981.00





US$ 617.00


Panama City


San Jose

US$ 1,100.00





US$ 1,515.00

Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo



US$ 1,152.00


US$ 872.00

United States


Global Total


Round-trip ticket for June 2016/Skyscanner US$ 1.00 = R$ 3,40


Rio de Janeiro Galeão Antônio Carlos Jobim International Airport ■■ Located at Ilha do Governador ■■ 36 Km from Windsor Barra, the proposed venue ■■ Transportation - air conditioned buses, taxis, shuttle buses ■■ Capacity: 17 million passengers per year ■■ 430 flights per day ■■ 22 air companies ■■ 254 international inbound flights weekly ■■ Gates: 12 (7 international and 5 national) ■■ 2 Terminals

Santos Dumont Domestic Airport ■■ Located downtown ■■ 26 Km to Windsor Barra ■■ Capacity: 9,9 million passengers per year ■■ 335 flights per day ■■ Gates: 6 ■■ 2 Terminals


Passports and Visas Visas are granted by Brazilian consulates abroad. The citizens of the following countries, along with citizens from Mercosul countries, do not need a visa to enter Brazil, only a valid passport is required: ■■ Andorra

■■ Monaco

■■ Argentina

■■ Morocco

■■ Austria

■■ Namibia

■■ Bahamas

■■ Netherland

■■ Barbados

■■ New Zealand

■■ Belgium

■■ Norway

■■ Bolivia

■■ Panama

■■ Chile

■■ Paraguay

■■ Colombia

■■ Peru

■■ Costa Rica

■■ Philippines

■■ Denmark

■■ Poland

■■ Ecuador

■■ Portugal

■■ Finland

■■ San Marino

■■ France

■■ Slovenia

■■ Germany

■■ South Africa

■■ Great Britain

■■ South Korea

■■ Greece

■■ Spain

■■ Hungary

■■ Sweden

■■ Ireland

■■ Switzerland

■■ Iceland

■■ Suriname

■■ Israel

■■ Thailand

■■ Italy

■■ Trinidad & Tobago

■■ Liechtenstein

■■ Tunisia

■■ Luxemburg

■■ Turkey

■■ Malaysia

■■ Uruguay

■■ Malta

■■ Vatican

Citizens from coutries that require a visa will easily find representation in several countries on all continents around the world.


Entry visa for foreigners

When the visa is not required

The visa is federal permission for a foreigner to enter

It is possible to enter and remain in the country for

Brazil. For most countries, it is only issued overseas;

a specific period of time without a visa so long as the

but for some, a visitor’s entry and permanence in

visitor’s passport is valid. This permission is derived

Brazilian territory is authorized for a determined

from diplomatic agreements signed between Brazil

amount of time, defined according to the purpose of

and some countries, and it is classified according to the

the trip.

purpose of each trip.

However, all foreigners who wish to stay longer in

Should you have any doubts about obtaining a visa

Brazil or who were born in countries that do not

to enter Brazil, contact the local or nearest Brazilian

have an agreement with Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign

consulate. The information written above is subject

Affairs should request a visa. It is advisable to consult

to change, serving only as a preliminary general

necessary requirements beforehand, because the

orientation to the foreign traveler. When planning a

process may take a few days to be completed.

tour or business trip, it is indispensable consulting the

The visas are granted to foreigners who come to Brazil

Brazilian diplomatic offices in your country. It is worth

for reasons that include diplomatic missions, official

remembering that all country in the world request

trips, tourism, to visit friends and family, business,

visas for those who are going there to work.

participation in sport and artistic events, as well as their presence in international seminars and conferences.

Support to facilitate the Brazilian visa

The foreign visitor shall fill in the Visa Request Form,

MCI’s team includes an attendance person for the

available in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English,

participants 11th WCC. This person will support their

individually, that is, even if the tourist is taking a minor,

doubts about visas, flights, accommodation, and any

the minor shall fill in his/her own form. Moreover, if

other information about the destination. In case of

the minor is coming to Brazil without his/her parents

necessity to get a Brazilian visa, the attendance person

or guardian, he/she needs to present an authorization

will send the request for the registration’s department,

with the signature of both parents.

which will provide an Invitation Letter to the delegate. This letter assists the participant with the visa request

The request for an entry visa to Brazil can be made at

for Brazilian Consulate, once it mentions the reason

any Brazilian consulate overseas. A fee must be paid,

why the person intend to come to Brazil.

which varies according to the type of visa requested and the amount of time the tourist will remain in the country. It is important to remember that the passport must be valid for at least six more months, from the date the visa is requested. A recent 3x4 or 5x7 colored photo with white background must also be presented.


Security According to EMBRATUR, a Government Tourism Department, one of the urban myths that surrounds Brazil and can put people off a visit is the safety and security issue. As the other parts of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is a pacific city, without wars or terrorist attacks. It is also important to mention that Brazil is a stable country and does not suffer with natural disasters. All of these questions contribute for the country to receive events, as for facilitate the entrance of delegates as to enable more previsibility about the conditions envolving the period of the event. As Rio de Janeiro hosted the Olympic Games this year, the Government is investing US$ 33 million in security equipments and team training, which will stay as a legacy in the city for future events, as well the legacy left with the World Cup in 2014. To train its security agents, since 2011 the State Public Security Secretariat has signed several agreements with the Brazilian Ministry of Justice and the Embassies of Spain, the US, France, the UK and Germany among others, reaching more than 13,000 beneficiaries. The main agreement was signed with the Ministry of Justice, totalling R$13.2 million ($3.89 million) for the 2015/16 biennium. Another 7,674 professionals – 5,636 military police officers and 2,083 civil police officers, in addition to guest agents from other institutions, are expected to be trained during the same period, in various courses such as counterterrorism, risk assessment, crowd control, tourist safety/security, and languages. Resources have also been invested in equipment, including mobile police stations, mobile command and control centers, Elevated Observation Platforms, and aerial imagers for helicopter monitoring. The state also relies on the Integrated Command and Control Center, which has access to images from 2,000 cameras throughout the city and another 1,500 installed in State Police cars, and will be the focal point of public security operations. All of these demonstrate that Rio de Janeiro is a safe place for all the attendees of 11th WCC.



Accommodation Rio de Janeiro has approximately 42,841 hotel rooms in different categories. CATEGORY

AVERAGE RATES US$ 233.00 US$ 173.00 US$ 118.00 US$ 62.00 US$ 50.00

The hotels are well distributed in the entire city; however there is a big concentration in Copacabana and Ipanema’s region. On the other hand, over the last years, Barra da Tijuca, the neighborhood where the event will take place, received a large investiment of hospitality brands due to the Olympic Games, nowadays the number of rooms in Barra da Tijuca totals nearly 12,850.




For the 11th WCC the proposed venue is the Windsor Convention Center, a hospitality complex situated in Barra da Tijuca that has 1,136 rooms in total. The complex has three hotels and one Convention Center.

Distances to Windsor Convention Center: Hotel




Time by car

Time by public transportation

Windsor Barra

Barra da Tijuca

0 km

0 min

0 min

Windsor Oceanico

Barra da Tijuca

0 km

0 min

0 min

Windsor Tower

Barra da Tijuca

0 km

0 min

0 min

Sheraton Barra

Barra da Tijuca

1,8 km

5 min

08 min

Promenade Paradiso All Suites

Barra da Tijuca

2,8 km

7 min

16 min

Windsor Marapendi

Barra da Tijuca

3,0 km

8 min

10 min

Novotel Barra da Tijuca

Barra da Tijuca

4,1 km

8 min

11 min

Grand Hyatt

Barra da Tijuca

6,2 km

12 min

40 min

Bourbon Barra Premium

Barra da Tijuca

10,0 km

22 min

41 min

Hilton Barra

Barra da Tijuca

12,5 km

22 min

48 min

AmĂŠricas Barra Hotel e Eventos

Barra da Tijuca

12,9 km

26 min

30 min

Courtyard Barra da Tijuca

Barra da Tijuca

14,3 km

25 min

48 min

Grand Mercure

Barra da Tijuca

18,8 km

33 min

55 min

Quality Rio Olympic Park

Barra da Tijuca

20,6 km

33 min

1h 13 min

Grand Midas Rio Centro


15,6 km

30 min

1h 28min

Sheraton Grand Rio Hotel & Resort


14,9 km

32 min

26 min

Caesar Park Ipanema manage by Sofitel


15,0 km

32 min

36 min

Best Western Sol Ipanema


15,4 km

35 min

50 min

Fasano Rio de Janeiro


15,6 km

38 min

56 min

Golden Tulip Ipanema Plaza


15,8 km

36 min

42 min

Sofitel Copacabana


17,1 km

39 min

59 min

JW Marriott


17,6 km

40 min


Rio Othon Palace


17,8 km

40 min

54 min

Belmond Copacabana Palace


18,6 km

49 min

1h 46min

Windsor Atlantica


19,5 km

45 min

55 min


Transportation Private Transportation Rio de Janeiro counts on experienced companies to provide shuttle buses for participants who attend meetings and events. Multiple car rental companies are available for the delegates.

Taxis There are about 35,000 taxes throughout the city, easy identified by yellow color. Besides that, in the city we can find a large quantity of taxi cooperatives, many of them easily requested by mobile apps, what becomes a convenient service for the delegates. Moreover, for the 11th World Chambers Congress, we will make agreements with these cooperatives to increase the offer of taxis around the event venue.





International Airport – Windsor Convention Center

R$ 90,14 / US$ 27.00

72 min


National Airport – Windsor Convention Center

R$ 67.00 US$ 20.00

60 min


US$ 1.00 = R$ 3,40


Public Transportation ■■ Bus lines connect the entire city ■■ Special buses with air conditioning ■■ Metro / Subway - 42 km and 2 lines linking Ipanema, Copacabana, City Center, and the North Zone

Traffic Control Military police support traffic operations in areas near the hotels and convention center.


Infrastructure Expansion Projects in Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro increased its transportation infrastructure. The actions that were undertaken for the 2016 Olympic Games were integrated with the projects that were implemented for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Among these projects we can list: ■■ Line 4 will allow 240,000 people to commute daily from Barra da Tijuca to the city center in just 35 minutes. With 14 km of extension line, the new metro line cut through the neighborhoods of Barra da Tijuca, São Conrado, Gávea, Leblon, and Ipanema. ■■ Transcarioca: Express highway linking Barra da Tijuca to Galeão–Antônio Carlos Jobim International Airport in BRT (Bus Rapid Transit). Extension: 39 km. ■■ Transoeste: Express highway linking Barra da Tijuca to Santa Cruz e Campo Grande in BRT. Extension: 56 km. ■■ Transolímpica Express Highway that links the major installations of the Olympic Games to the Transcarioca and Transoeste lines. ■■ Lagoa-Barra connection in an express corridor (General Osório Subway / Alvorada Terminal - Rio de Janeiro’s Olympic Park): two BRT tracks. ■■ Possibility of surpassing stations for express lines. ■■ Stations with 90 cm high platforms for boarding at bus level, with 30 regular stations (local), 6 express stations (express local), and 2 terminals. ■■ Ticket integration with large capacity modules. ■■ Feeder Bus Lines: Shorter lines interconnecting the T5 Corridor with the boroughs located in the projected influence area. ■■ Complementary Bus Lines: Longer lines connecting the T5 Corridor to the city’s downtown area and main urban areas.



Map of Rio de Janeiro’s Transportation



Suggested Venue

Windsor Barra Complex

Integrated, the complex offers all the necessary logistics for the 11th WCC: ■■ More than 22,000 sqm of modern events rooms, with lighting and climate control state-of-the-art. ■■ 120 events room ■■ Services of Food and Drink with recognized quality. ■■ Accommodation in hotels 3, 4 and 5 stars ■■ All the hotels and Convention Center integrated ■■ High level of staffs

Distances ■■ International Airport Tom Jobim: 38 km ■■ Domestic Airport Santos Dumont: 26 km


The Windsor Barra Complex includes: ■■Windsor Barra ■■Windsor Oceanico ■■Windsor Tower ■■Convention Center

Windsor Barra

Windsor Oceanico

■■ In operation since 2005

■■ In operation since 2015

■■ 5 stars

■■ 4 stars

■■ 338 rooms

■■ 444 rooms

■■ 10,000 m of events area

■■ 28 meeting rooms


■■ 60 meeting rooms

Windsor Tower

Convention Center

■■ Opening in 2016

■■ Opening in 2016

■■ 3 stars

■■ 10,000 m2 of events area

■■ 354 rooms

■■ 22 meeting rooms

■■ 6 meeting rooms


Venue: Convention Center and Windsor Oceanico Hotel The Convention Center is part of Windsor Barra Complex. The place has an area of 10,000 m² and 22 meeting rooms, being ideal for large events. The Convention Center is connected with Windsor Oceanico and Windsor Barra Hotel, and the second floor of the events area is fully linked, what seems to be a unique space. The Windsor Oceanico Hotel has a phenomenal structure in Rio de Janeiro: the hotel is connected with the Convention Center in the 1st lower level and 2nd floor. A footbridge also links the hotel with Windsor Barra, what facilitates the access by delegates hosted in that hotel. The Windsor Oceanico has a total of 17 comfortable rooms for all kind of meeting and events.


For the 11th WCC, the places for the event include the Windsor Oceanico Hotel and the Convention Center, according the table below:






Exhibition (stands, secretariat, coffee break)

2nd lower level (WOH) rooms Americas I to IV



2,064 m²

Business Matching

2nd lower level (WOH) rooms Galápagos I to III + Aruba I to III



546 m²


3rd Floor (WOH) rooms Asia I to VI

2,500 people


1,487 m²

Parallel 1

Ground floor (WOH) rooms Europa I+II

450 people


663 m²

Parallel 2

Ground floor (WOH) rooms Europa III+IV

450 people


658 m²

Parallel 3

2nd floor (CC) rooms Oceania I to V

480 people


890 m²

Parallel 4

2nd floor (CC) rooms Oceania VI to X

450 people


858 m²

Society Secretary Room

2nd floor (WOH) room Bora Bora III

21 people


82 m²

Media Desk Room

2nd floor (WOH) room Bora Bora I

48 people


137 m²

VIP Room

2nd floor (WOH) room Bora Bora II

54 people


61 m²

President Room

2nd floor (WOH) room Bora Bora IV

18 people


54 m²

Support Room (PCO)

2nd floor (WOH) room Bora Bora V

24 people


34 m²

Subtitles: CC – Convention Center WOH – Windsor Oceanico Hotel


Floorplans of the venue WINDSOR OCEANICO HOTEL





Aruba I - III Galรกpagos I - III

PD= 4,40m PD= 3,00m

AMERICAS I to IV Escalators Ilhabela I

Ilhabela II

Ilhabela III

Ilhabela IV

Ilhabela V

Removabel walls

2nd Lower Level 2nd Lower Level EXPO CENTER

PARALLEL 1 Elevators


Lobby Acess




EUROPA III - IV Escalators

Ground Level Expo Center Main Acess

Ground Level




Media Desk Room BORA BORA I


Society Secretary Room BORA BORA III

President Room BORA BORA IV


Support Room BORA BORA V



PARALLEL 4 Escalators


















Removabel walls

2nd Level

2nd Level















3rd Level 3rd Level


Proposed date Following the trend of the previous World Chambers Congress, the suggested date is June 12nd to 14th, 2019. This period is ideal because the temperatures are comfortable, between 12°C (54°F) and 32°C (90ºF) and rains around seven days during the month. Besides that, this date also avoids the periods of high season related to vacations, which occurs in July in Brazil, which will contribute to better costs in hotels and other services in Rio de Janeiro. Moreover, this period does not compete with other national and international chamber events, to prevent competing with the audience.



Marketing and Communications


Marketing strategy To achieve our goal to reach more than 3,000 participants on the 11th World Chamber Congress in Rio de Janeiro we propose a strategic marketing plan involving different communication media, with the main goal to promote the event to potential delegates and chambers around the globe to participate as well as draw the attention of potential sponsors to invest in the Congress. Our pre and post congress campaings will include online and off-line elements as further detailed in the budget estimate.

Social Media, Management and Call Center Management of social media created for the congress and its call center

Public Relations Selection and Managent of specialized PR company


Creating World Chambers Congress Community

Website Management of the official site creation

OnLine and Off Line Campains Managements of design materials produced for sites, banners, flyers and others

Management of the relation with support societies and others intitutional

E-mail Marketing Management of creation and send for all mailing

Pre Congress Strategy (2017-2019) Online “Save the Date” An online banner will be created as a “Save the Date” of the Congress as well as for general information purposes. In addition, information advertising will be constantly updated ICC/WCF’s website as well as on the Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations and Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce, in addition to the websites of partner chambers. Updates will also be divulged in the official social media channels of the 11th WCC and the host proponent chamber.

Promotion in related events 10th World Chambers Congress - Sydney

Other events

Considering that the 10th World Chambers Congress

Brazil has 27 Federations of Chamber of Commerce,

in 2017 will be the last edition before the event in

that can also be called State Chambers and each

Brazil, we intend to execute a big promotion that will

promote an annual event with audience ranging from

stir the senses of the participants, leaving a taste of

200 to 1,800 participants each (the variable number

what’s to come in 2019 in Rio de Janeiro

depend of the size of the Chamber in each State).

This promotion includes a Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

We will also focus on Latin America Chambers of

stand, where representatives of CACB and ACRio

Commerce to support with local communication

will distribute flyers, stickers and souvenirs to the

throughout this region. At the events of these

delegates of 10th WCC 2017, and provide information

Chambers, we will attempt to make short presentations

on the destination of the next event. A Brazilian

and distribute promotional materials of the 11th WCC,

cultural presentation will be an additional support to

like flyers and maps of the city.

promote our country to the delegates and give them a taste of the Brazilian way of life.

Promotion in public spaces During this pre event, advertising campaigns will be developed in strategic places around the city, such as beaches, bus panels, street clocks/thermometers and subway stations.


Strategy for the 2019 Congress Digital campaign During the preparation of the Congress the outreach of the digital campaign will steadily increase, with full disclosure of the official website and update of the Congress information in the social medias, like facebook and twitter, website of partnering Chambers, website of other partners, like Rio Convention and Visitors Bureau and the sponsors.

Congress Mobile App An exclusive Mobile App will be developed for the 11th World Chambers Congress, that will be available for the participants with general information including important dates, preliminary scientific program, possibility to schedule Business Meetings, information on Rio de Janeiro, including hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions. This app will be available to all participants (delegates, accompanying people, sponsors).

Public Relations The 11th WCC will be promoted in different online and offline media channels, such as the main newspapers and magazine related with chambers of commerce, websites of relevant media partner, blogs, among others.

E-mail marketing Different e-mail marketing campaings will be released to the contact databases of the Chambers and partners with the goal to attract our target audienct to participate of the event.

Congress Press Office During the event, media partners will be at the event to update the news flashes and press releases with the main information of each day of the 11th WCC. In addtition, TV channels and radio broadcastings will be encouraged to stay in the Exhibitor’s Hall to make interviews and divulge the event. Prior to the event they will be instrumental in creation of larger contact database of journalists worldwide and facilitate press meeting between the chambers and the media.

Welcome campaign During the event indoors banners of “Welcome to the 11th World Chambers Congress� will be distributed at the International Airport Tom Jobim and Santos Dumont Airport to welcome the delegates to the event as of their first moments in Rio de Janeiro. And outdoor banners at Windsor Hotels, the venue of the event, will show that the event is hosted at that venue.





Revenue The Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations understands that it is of utmost importance to offer sound financial planning and management for the 11th World Chamber Congress. The Local Organizing Committee, in partnership with our Professional Congress Organizing (PCO) MCI, will work to plan, manage and control the budget according to the congress revenue to preserve the financial health of the event. Based on WCC previous REGISTRATION FEES, CACB suggests the following values for 2019:

Proposed Registration Fee International Delegate


Companion International Delegate

US$ 350,00

Least Developed Country Delegate

US$ 650.00

Companion Least Developed Country Delegate

US$ 200.00

Local Delegates

US$ 800.00

Companion Local Delegates

US$ 250.00

The Registration Fee includes: Delegate


■■ Welcome Cocktail

■■ Welcome Cocktail

■■ Access to all scientific sessions

■■ Gala Dinner

■■ Coffee Breaks ■■ Lunch ■■ Participant Kit ■■ Gala Dinner

Income In order to prioritize the financial health of the event, CACB and ACRio, along with the PCO, will place priority efforts in securing revenue from the private and public sector, as described in the “Strategic Partners” section of this book, in forms of sponsorship, sale of the exhibition area, as well as utilizing revenue from the tickets sale. Our goals will be:


Local sponsorship

US$ 650.000

Registration fees

US$ 2.015.000

Exhibition fees

US$ 300.000


US$ 20.000

Estimated expenses for the 11th WCC In the following pages we include an overall budget for the 11th WCC in Rio de Janeiro. These costs are an estimate based on actual costs in 2016 for 3,000 delegates. We have included the main costs for the organization of this event, including marketing and promotional strategies and one site inspection of the ICC / WCF. The budget also includes the financial support for 50 delegates of less developed countries, according the official list developed by UNO, that includes the following countries: ■■ Afghanistan

■■ Madagascar

The criteria to select these delegates

■■ Angola

■■ Malawi

will be defined between CACB/ACRio

■■ Bangladesh

■■ Mali

and ICC/ WCF after the confirmation of

■■ Benin

■■ Mauritania

Brazil as host for the Congress.

■■ Bhutan

■■ Moçambique

■■ Burkina Faso

■■ Myanmar

Please note that costs may change

■■ Burundi

■■ Nepal

based on changes in the briefing,

■■ Cambodia

■■ Niger

increases due to inflations, but also

■■ Central African Republic

■■ Rwanda

negotiations with suppliers that may

■■ Chad

■■ Chad Sao Tome And Principe

provide cost savings.

■■ Comoros

■■ Senegal

■■ Dem. Rep Of The Congo

■■ Sierra Leone

■■ Djibouti

■■ Solomon Islands

■■ Equatorial Guinea

■■ Somalia

■■ Eritrea

■■ South Sudan

■■ Ethiopia

■■ Sudan

■■ Gambia

■■ Timor leste

■■ Guinea

■■ Togo

■■ Guinea-Bissau

■■ Tuvalu

■■ Haiti

■■ Uganda

■■ Kiribati

■■ United Rep. Of Tanzania

■■ Lao people repubicBhutan

■■ Vanuatu

■■ Lesotho

■■ Yemen

■■ Liberia

■■ Zambia


Estimated budget - Summary Amount in dollar


$264.705,88 $49.705,88 $438.351,88 $96.270,59 $169.676,47







$2.647,06 $67.044,12

















Total costs


Estimated Cost


Estimated budget - Detailed Description of Budget Items



Unit cost €


Estimated Cost $264.705,88

Registration Area: Ground Floor Exhibition Area: 2th underground - 2,064 m² Business Matching: 2th underground - 546 m² Plenary Hall: 3th floor - 2,500 in theater Parallel 01: Europe I + II 450 classroom style Parallel 02: Europe III + IV - 450 classroom style Parallel 03: Oceania I to V 350 classroom style Parallel 04: Oceania VI to X - 350 classroom style WCF Secretariat Office: Bora Bora III Media Center: Bora Bora I Speakers Preparation room: Bora Bora II ICC and WCF Chairmanship rooms: Bora Bora IV Privative Meeting Room: Bora Bora V Lunch: brunch in same space of exhibition area 5% of ISS plus 10% Service Tax 02 days set up, 03 days for congress, 01 day for dismantling






Description of Budget Items



Unit cost €



Garbage collection / Dumpsters





Carpet rental for exibibition - cost in sqm





Security morning and afternoon





Security night





Cleaning just for exhinition area





Fire Brigade





Ambulance / Intencive Care Unit set up, event and desmantling





Electricity Generator set up and event












Unit cost €

Estimated Cost

Description of Budget Items 3. CATERING


Coffee Break morning





Coffee Break afternoon





Water for Set up / Dismantling





Refreshment WCF Secretariat Office





Refreshment Speakers room





Refreshment Privative Meeting room





Lunch brunch in same space of exhibition area





Service Tax







Unit cost €

Estimated Cost

Description of Budget Items



Estimated Cost


Cocktail (food + no alcoholic drinks)





Cocktail (alcoholic drinks)





Service Tax





Venue Rental to be define










Shuttle 45 pepople each bus





Miscellaneous av equipments, forniture, decoration, security, ambulance, electriciti generator, etc.







Unit cost €

Estimated Cost

Description of Budget Items



Reception Cocktail





Dinner (food)





Dinner (alcoholic drinks + no alcoholic drinks)





ISS plus Service Tax





Venue Rental to be define















Shuttle 45 pepople each bus





Miscellaneous av equipments, forniture, decoration, security, ambulance, electriciti generator, etc.







Unit cost €

Estimated Cost

Description of Budget Items








Shuttle (in/out airport)





Flight Tickets - International Speakers in Business Class






Description of Budget Items



Unit cost €


Estimated Cost $55.235,29

7.1 CREATION Logo, webmail, e-mail marketing, flyers, banners, poster, signage for marketing in public spaces, and others









"Empresa Brasil" a CACB Magazine monthly publication, starting in 2017





Publications on Media Centre of ICC various publications



























Unit cost €

Estimated Cost

7.2 PRINT MATERIAL FOR EXTRA PROMOTION Flyers, banners, signage in public area 7.3 NEWSLETTERS AND MAGAZINES

7.4 WORLD CHAMBER CONGRESS 2017 Facebook ADS, Google Adwords, and others a media partner will be contract 7.5 DIGITAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT Facebook ADS, Google Adwords, and others a media partner will be contract 7.6 PRESS RELEASE Specialized Company 7.6 MERCHANDISING Merchandising in public spaces 7.7 WELCOME BOTH IN AIRPORT Dedicated both in airport to receive the participants

Description of Budget Items 8. POST



Post Office





Stationery and administrative expenses (telephone and copies)










Description of Budget Items



Unit cost €


Estimated Cost $ 67.044,12

Plenary room: lighting, structure, computing,projection, sounding, cables, support material, image return, main-power





Plenary room: translation booth and headphone





Parallel 01: lighting, structure, computing, projection, sounding, cables, support material, image return





Parallel 02: lighting, structure, computing, projection, sounding, cables, support material, image return





Parallel 03: lighting, structure, computing, projection, sounding, cables, support material, image return, main-power





Parallel 04: lighting, structure, computing, projection, sounding, cables, support material, image return





Registration computers, label print





Media Center: computers










Human Recurses Technicals







Unit cost €

Estimated Cost

Description of Budget Items 10. SERVICES


Event Insurance - Civil Responsibility





Legalization (License and Fees)










Translation text of website and others





Interpreter simultaneously for plenary







Unit cost €

Estimated Cost

Description of Budget Items 11. HUMAN RESOURCES Project Manager

$18.470,59 6





Registration Manager





Exhibition Manager





Scientific Manager





Registration Coordinator





Registration Hostess





WCF Secretariat Office Hostess





Media Centre room Hostess





Speakers room Hostess





ICC and WCF room Hostess





Private meeting room Hostess





Room Hostess 02 per room





Set up of material and bags







Unit cost â‚Ź

Estimated Cost

Description of Budget Items 12. REGISTRATION







Online Certificate + Online Research







Unit cost â‚Ź

Estimated Cost

Description of Budget Items 13. CONFERENCE MATERIAL



Lay Out | Sponsorship Guide



Printing | Sponsorship Guide



Lay Out | Final Program



Printing | Final Program



Lay Out | Attendees Material badge lanyaerd, certificated, bag, note













Printing | Badge and Badge Lanyard





Printing | Notepad










Conference bag





Lay Out | Signage backdrops room, totens, registration, etc.





Conference app mobile





Material Transportation







Unit cost €

Estimated Cost

Description of Budget Items



Entrance Portico





Registration Setup





Regular Booth Setup 6 sqm each (estimeted 40 units)





Plenary Scenography





Parallel Scenography





Extra Signage 10 totens







Unit cost €

Estimated Cost

Description of Budget Items

15. PROFESSIONAL CONGRESS ORGANIZER Fee this is just a estimated fee to complement the budget. PCO fee wil be necociate in the future, they have different fee models and will present the best way to work in partnership with CACB and ACRJ







Description of Budget Items



Unit cost €



Credit Card Fee (3,8%) above registration this is a simulation revenue to apply the Credit Card Fee and complementary this budget



Financial and Bank taxes





Description of Budget Items





Unit cost €

Estimated Cost



Air Ticket Economic Class










Daily Support Fee





Total costs


Estimated Cost



Contacts Juliana Kämpf COO at CACB National Management of the WCC Rio 2019 Phone: +55 61 3321-1311 E-mail: Marylis Fantoni Foreign Trade at ACRio Regional Management of the WCC Rio 2019 Phone: +55 21 2514-1299 E-mail:

For more information about Brazil's candidacy to host the 11th World Chambers Congress, please access:



ANNEX I Support letters 161








Free translation: Dear Sirs, Referring to your letter of June, 16th, I express my satisfaction by knowing the interest of ACRio and CACB to receive, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the World Chambers Congress in 2019. Since know, I appreciate the invitation – which honors me greatly – to participate as one of the speakers of this important world event, in case Rio de Janeiro is chosen to be the host city for 2019. I take advantage of the occasion to congratulate ACRio and CACB for the important work that both entities have been employing in the articulation of entrepreneurs from Rio de Janeiro and all entrepreneurial associations of Brazil, taking also in consideration the international experience, and the opportunities and challenges related to external insertion of the Brazilian companies. Cordially, Roberto Azevêdo.






Of. 0118/2016 CONAJE

Brasília, 25 de julho de 2016.

To Mr. George Teixeira Pinheiro President of the Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations – CACB Dear President, The Brazil’s National Young Entrepreneurs Confederation – Conaje, a nonprofit institution that supports and promotes the business initiatives in Brazil, also endorses actions that can collaborate in the professional and personal growth of our associates. We aim to create a complete qualification and representation network to the young brazilian businessman. Conaje would like to show its support to the 11th World Chambers Congress in Rio de Janeiro. We believe it will be the perfect opportunity to exchange commercial and business experiences with our associated institutions, who will be in touch with others international players, all of them capable to aggregate so much to our young entrepreneur cause in Brazil. We wish the success of the event and are honoured by the opportunity to participate. Best Regards,

Fernando Milagre President of Conaje


IBP-PRES-56/2016 Rio de Janeiro, August 16th, 2016.

Mr. George Teixeira Pinheiro – President Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Association – CACB

Re.: World Chambers Congress 2019

Dear Sirs, The Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute – IBP is enthusiastic to learn that you are considering Rio de Janeiro to host the World Chambers Congress 2019. IBP itself has been candidate to host more than one oil & gas international events, all of them organized with a great success and with a very good feedback from the attendees. Among them, we can mention the World Petroleum Congress, the state-of-the-art event, held in 2002, which attracted many Ministers, CEOs and top management of the worldwide industry. We do believe Rio de Janeiro has a natural attractiveness to host international events, with a wonderful landscape and a brand new and robust variety of hotel rooms. Moreover, Rio is now much more prepared in terms of infrastructure, due to all the improvements built for the Olympics. Therefore, we would like to recommend the candidature of Rio de Janeiro to host the World Chambers Congress 2019. If we can be of any support, please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind Regards,

Jorge M. T. Camargo President


Rio de Janeiro, August 10th, 2016. ABIH-RJ-CTA-055/2016 To the Mr. George Teixeira Pinheiro President Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Association - CACB. Re: World Chambers Congress 2019 Dear Sirs, The Associação Brasileira da Industria de Hotéis do Rio de Janeiro – ABIH-RJ was thrilled and honored to learn that you are considering Rio de Janeiro as the host for the World Chambers Congress 2019. We belive that The World Chambers Congress is a unique event capable of opens up an array of new opportunities and interconnections for the global community of chambers of commerce found in every city, region and country across the world. In addition, that the WCC 2019 event will be a memorable experience to Rio de Janeiro and, with its numerous benefits, increase the various sectors of the local economy of the city. Count on our institutional support and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns surrounding the event. On behalf of the Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Hotéis do Rio de Janeiro we welcome you to Rio. Kind Regards,

Alfredo Lopes Executive President

Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Hotéis do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Rua Guilhermina Guinle, 272 – 6º andar • Botafogo/RJ - Rio de Janeiro • CEP 22270-060 Tel.: (21) 3410.5131 • e-mail: - Site



Rio de Janeiro, May 12th, 2016. To the Mr. George Teixeira Pinheiro President Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Association - CACB. Re: World Chambers Congress 2019 Dear Sirs, The Rio Convention & Visitors Bureau was thrilled and honored to learn that you are considering Rio de Janeiro as the host for the World Chambers Congress 2019. The cosmopolitan city of Rio is ideal for international meetings. Home to more than 7 million inhabitants, Rio boasts fantastic weather, savory cuisine, hospitable people, sport, entertainment and quality meeting facilities and a modern infrastructure to ensure that your event runs smoothly. With more than 42.500 hotel rooms and ample meeting spaces, including Riocentro Exhibition & Convention Center – the largest convention center in Rio de Janeiro – Rio is a logical choice for your event. Rio de Janeiro has also created a Joint Committee of Tourist Security. The committee is composed of military and civil police forces, fire department, municipal and state tourist offices, Rio Convention & Visitors Bureau, Brazilian Association of Travel Agents, Brazilian Association of Professional Congress Organizer Companies, among others. This joint committee can be summoned to provide special security for congresses, events and groups in the city. According to the International Congress & Convention Association’s statistics Rio de Janeiro has been ranked among the top 10 host cities for international meetings in the world and in the 1st position several times in Americas. Please count on our institutional support and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns surrounding the event. On behalf of the Rio Convention & Visitors Bureau we welcome you to Rio. Kind Regards,

Alfredo Lopes Executive President Rua Guilhermina Guinle, 272 / 6 andar 22270-060 Rio de Janeiro – RJ Tel: (21) 2266-9750 Fax: (21) 2286-7272 Email:


Rio de Janeiro June 28th, 2016

Rio Negócios, the official investment promotion agency for the city of Rio de Janeiro, whose role is to advise international and national companies and entrepreneurs to expand or open new business in the city, proudly supports the bid to host the 11th edition of the World Chambers Congress in 2019 in the Marvelous City – Rio de Janeiro. The city offers favorable conditions in several strategic sectors, has strong consumer and solution supplier markets, maintains a high level at universities and trade schools in forming qualified workforce, and possesses a high capacity of retaining talent. Furthermore, all the infrastructure, mobility and accommodation legacy left from the worldwide events hosted in the past years (The Olympic Games, The World Cup, for example) shows that Rio de Janeiro is the ideal city to host the WCC. As partners of ACRio for the Casa Rio program, a set of Conferences that gathered more than 2,000 national and international business leaders, regulators, authorities and C-levels, on the period before, during and after the Olympic Games, we offer our full institutional support to the candidacy of Rio and subsequently, the organization and realization of the Congress.


Marcelo Haddad President - Rio NegĂłcios




Free translation: Dear Sir Antenor Barros Leal Dear Sir President of the Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Paulo Manoel Lenz Cesar Protasio According to the conversation that you had recently with Kristina Radej, the Plenipotentiary Minister and Head of the Economic Division of the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Brazil, during her visit to the Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce and to Mr. Paulo Manoel Lenz Cesar Protasio, regarding the activities of the Republic of Slovenia in the councils of the International Chamber of Commerce and the World Chambers Federation, Allow-me to inform you that, We, the National Committee of ICC for Slovenia (ICC Slovenia), together with the Slovenia Chamber of Commerce (CCIS), support Brazil and the Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce in its candidacy to host the 11th edition of the World Chambers Congress in 2019. We are hoping for an even greater cooperation and we wish you a lot of success in the future! Sportive greetings before the Olympic Games Rio 2016! Dr. Andrej Friedl Secretary General of ICC Slovenia and Counselor of the Director-General of CCIS.


Lisboa (Portugal), Agosto, 05, 2016. To: World Chambers Federation Subject: 11.º World Chambers Congress (WCC)

Dear Sirs or Madams, Based on the valuable contributions to the promotion of a favorable environment for the strengthening and integration of the Brazilian business system, establishing strategic partnerships and developing products and services that stimulate the competitiveness of business and economic development, the Exporters Union of CPLP, would like to manifest its support for the nomination of CACB and its affiated ACRio to the organizaton of the 11.º World Chambers Congress in Rio de Janeiro.

The CACB is one of the most representative business Confederations in Brasil, and it's increasing participation in events and international bodies such as the

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), World Chambers Federations (WCF), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Inter-American Development

Bank (IDB), as well as in a significant number of international cooperation projects as the AL INVEST 5.0 and the experience obtained by the participation in several international events, are the guarantee of the the Confederation's ability to actively support, through services, projects and events, the activities of Chambers of Commerce and Trade Associations globally. Thus, the Exporters Union of CPLP supports the organization of the 11.º Word Chamber Congress in Rio de Janeiro, by the CACB and ACRio Associations. Cordially,

Presidente União de Exportadores da CPLP Av. Almirante Reis, n.º 113, 9.º andar, 901 Lisboa - Portugal

Av. Almirante Reis nº113, 9.º Andar - 901 1150-014 Lisboa - Portugal


São Paulo, June 7, 2016. Confederation of Commercial and Business Associations of Brazil – CACB Ilmo. Mr. President Mr. George Teixeira Pinheiro Commercial Association of Rio de Janeiro – ACRio Ilmo. Mr. President, Mr. Paulo Manoel Lenz Cesar Protásio It is with great satisfaction that the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Mercosur and the Americas - CCMercosul expresses its full support for the candidacy of the city of Rio de Janeiro, in 2019, the 11th World Chambers Congress. The CCMercosul acts as a link between political will and rules of government and the commercial purpose of the business. With globalization the organization, besides being intra-regional trade also started to promote the commercial interests of Mercosur and the Americas in general, the rest of the world. The CCMercosul undertakes to make every effort necessary for the success of Rio de Janeiro's candidacy, in 2019, noting that if Rio de Janeiro is successful, we will be partners in the operation of this new development opportunity that opens to the country


CÂMARA DE IND. E COMÉRCIO DO MERCOSUL E AMÉRICAS Rua Manoel da Nobrega, 1.686 – Ibirapuera – São Paulo –SP – Brasil CEP- 04001-005 – FONE – 55 11 5524-6370 –







Rio de Janeiro, June 20th, 2016

To: ACRio - Associação Comercial do Rio de Janeiro) CACB – Confederação das Associações Comerciais e Empresariais do Brasil

Dear Excellencies:

We would like to express through hereby, our great interest in ensuring that the city of Rio de Janeiro will become the official location of the 11th World Chambers Congress (WCC), which will take place in 2019. Therefore, as a Chamber of Commerce and industries Brasil – Chile (CCIBC) we will give our full necessary support for the viability and development of this important event of Commercial Integration which undoubtedly will be very beneficial to further strengthen trade ties between all participating countries.

Sincerely yours,





Ofício 029/2016 A

Belo Horizonte, June 2, 2016 Excellency Mr. George Pinheiro President of Confederation of Commercial and Business Associations of Brasil – CACB BRASÍLIA - DF Mr. President, The Federation of Commercial and Business Associations of Minas Gerais FEDERAMINAS comes through this letter to express their full and unconditional support to the 11° World Chambers Congress (WCC), the World Congress of Chambers in 2019 in the city of Rio de Janeiro, represented by the CACB and its affiliated entity , the commercial Association Rio de Janeiro - ACRio , who will complete 210 years in 2019 . Rio de Janeiro is it one of the most visited cities in the world and prepared to host major events, as was the case of the Confederations Cup in 2013, the World Cup in 2014 and on August of 2016, the Olympic games, we’re convinced that the meeting of leaders and executives of Chambers of Commerce will be a huge success in Rio de Janeiro. We’re very thankful for your attention and we wish you the best regards and consideration. Sincerely,

Emilio César Parolini President



_________________________________________________________________ Ofício 029/2016

Florianópolis SC, 02 de junho de 2016. Ilmo. Senhor George Teixeira Pinheiro Presidente da CACB Prezado Senhor, A FACISC – Federação das Associações Empresariais de Santa Catarina, que congrega 34.000 empresas, em suas 146 filiadas, vem manifestar total apoio à candidatura da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, para sediar, em 2019, o 11º World Chambers Congress (WCC), Congresso Mundial das Câmaras. Com certeza este evento marcará o Brasil e o Rio de Janeiro, construindo legados para a retomada do crescimento econômico e social através das Associações Comerciais.


Ernesto João Reck Presidente da FACISC

FACISC – Federação das Associações Empresariais de Santa Catarina Rua Crispim Mira, 319 - Centro Florianópolis - SC - 88020-540 tel 48 3952.8844 / fax: 48 3952.8809 /

Free translation: Dear Sir George Teixeira Pinheiro President of CACB FASCISC – the Federation of Chambers of Commerce from the State of Santa Catarina, an organization that congregates more than 34,000 enterprises, in its 146 affiliated Chambers of Commerce, manifests full support to the candidacy of the city of Rio de Janeiro to host, in 2019, the 11th World Chambers Congress (WCC). We are certain that this event will be very important to Brazil and Rio de Janeiro, building legacies to the recovery of economic and social growth through the Chambers of Commerce. Yours sincerely, Enersto João Reck President of FASCISC


Salvador, 06 de junho de 2016.

Sr. George Teixeira Pinheiro Presidente da Confederação das Associações Comerciais e Empresariais do Brasil - CACB SCS Quadra 03, Bloco A, nº 126. Edifício CACB - Asa Sul CEP: 70313-916 - Brasília - DF

Mr. President, The Federation Commercial Association of Bahia - Faceb is pleased to support the initiative of the CACB in pleading that the headquarters of the WORLD CONGRESS OF 2019 OF CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE is in RIO DE JANEIRO, City that meets all the conditions to host such an important event there since the Olympics, Pan American Olympics and the World Cup. Certain of our victory in the request, Sincerely,

Clóves Lopes Cedraz Presidente

Rua Conselheiro Dantas, nº 05, edif. Pernambuco, 9ºandar – Comércio - Cep: 40015-070 - Salvador - Bahia Telefone: (71) 3241-1127 - Fax: 3242-3197 - E-mail:



FACE/Of. 345/2016

To: CACB Brasília – DF Brazil Att.: Mr. George Teixeira Pinheiro President Ref.: 11º World Chambers Congress (WCC)

Dear Mr. Pinheiro, By this letter, our organization (FACE-PB, Federation of Commercial and Business Associations of the State of Paraiba, Brazil) expresses our full support at the request of the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to host the 11th World Chambers Congress (WCC), in 2019. Best Regards

Alexandre J. Beltrão Moura, MSc., MBA

President Contact e-mail:

Av. Floriano Peixoto, 715 – 3° Floor 58.400-165 - Campina Grande – PB Brazil Phone: +55 83 3341.3306


OFICIO FACMAT Nº 055/2016 – PRES Cuiabá/MT, June, 03, 2016.

Mr. George Teixeira Pinheiro President of the Confederation of Commercial and Business Associations of Brazil - CACB

Dear Sir, The Federation of Trade Associations and Business in the State of Mato Grosso - FACMAT, representing approximately 10,550 members, divided into 53 business associations of commerce, industry, services and agribusiness , aware of the importance of holding an event of this scale in the country , formalizes its support for the candidacy of the city of Rio de Janeiro as the official headquarters of the 11th World Chamber Congress ( WCC ) - World – Congresso Mundial das Câmaras de Comércio - scheduled for 2019 . The expectation that our demonstration will contribute in achieving this goal and strengthen our Commercial Associations , we renew our cordial greetings . Best regards,

Jonas Alves de Souza President


Ao Exmo. Sr. George Teixeira Pinheiro Presidente da Confederação das Associações Comerciais e Empresariais do Brasil SCS Quadra 03, Bloco A, nº 126, Ed. CACB 70313-916 Brasília - DF

Prezado Senhor,

A Federação FACIET,vem Comerciais e postularem a Congress.

das Associações Comerciais e Empresariais do Estado do Tocantins – por meio desta, manifestar apoio à Confederação das Associações Empresariais do Brasil e à Associação Comercial do Rio de Janeiro, para candidatura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro à Sede do 11º World Chambers

Sem mais, agradecemos.


Pedro José Ferreira Presidente Federação das Associações Comerciais e Empresariais do Estado do Tocantins

Free translation: Dear Sir George Teixeira Pinheiro President of the Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations (CACB) The Federation of Chambers of Commerce from the State of Tocantins – FACIET, manifests through this letter, our support to the Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations and to the Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce on the candidacy for the City of Rio de Janeiro to host the 11th World Chambers Congress Yours sincerely, Pedro José Ferreira President of The Federation of Chambers of Commerce from the State of Tocantins


Free translation: Dear Mr. President, The Federation of Chambers of Commerce from the State of Pará – FACIAPA, representative entity of the entrepreneurs from Pará, respectfully addresses this letter to manifest our support to the candidacy of the City of Rio de Janeiro to host the 11th World Chambers Congress in the year of 2019. This entity fully supports the referred initiative, being at your disposal for whatever is necessary for the achievement of this goal, because we consider that initiatives of such nature elevate the name of the country and of the Chambers of Commerce, led by CACB, in the international system, reason for why we reaffirm that the Federation of Chambers of Commerce from the State of Pará – FACIAPA will always be open to support all actions able to generate business, and, consequently, contribute to the growth of the Brazilian economy. Yours sincerely, Fábio Lúcio de Souza Costa President




Ofício n2 023/2016/FAEMS

Campo Grande/MS, 15 de Junho de 2016.

limo Senhor George Teixeira Pinheiro MO. Presidente da CACB- Confederação das AssociaçõesComerciais e Empresariais do Brasil Brasilia/DF

A Federação das Associações Empresariais do Mato Grosso do Sul - FAEMS, vem através deste manifestar seu apoio à candidatura da cidade do Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil para a sede do 11. World Chambers Cangress (WCCj, Congresso Mundial das Câmaras. Sem mais para o momento, reiteramos nossos votos de estima e consideração.

Alfredo Zam i Júnior Presidente da FAEMS

Rua Piratininga, 399 - Jd. dos Estados. CEP 79020-240 - Campo Grande/MS Fone: (67) 3325.1614/3382.3435

Free translation: Dear Sir George Teixeira Pinheiro President of the Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations (CACB) The Federation of Chambers of Commerce from the State of Mato Grosso do Sul – FAEMS manifests through this letter, our support to the candidacy of the City of Rio de Janeiro to host the 11th World Chambers Congress. We reiterate our greetings of high esteem, Alfredo Zamlutti Júnior President of FAEMS







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