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Legacy Scholarships 30.....Future Awards
Legacy Scholarships
Created through the generosity of sponsors who are no longer living, these scholarships are held in perpetuity for the purpose of providing financial aid to students in the McKelvey School of Engineering according to the donor’s wishes.
Bernard and Pearl M. Agruss Scholarship Francis F. Ahmann Scholarship Adolf H. Altvater Scholarship Vladimir Anastasoff Scholarship Allen Barco Memorial Scholarship W.A. Bemis Scholarship Sylva and W.R. Bendy Scholarship Catherine E. and Charles M. Blair
Scholarship Robert L. and Melba L. Brown Scholarship William Brown Scholarship John and Katie M. Bruner Memorial
Scholarship Bernice Serenco Chod Memorial
Scholarship Class of 1983 Scholarship Class of 1985 Scholarship Class of 1986 Scholarship Ralph Coatsworth Scholarship G.Murray and Wilda Coffey Scholarship King T. and Adele M. Coffey Memorial
Scholarship Gottlieb Conzelman Manual Training
School Scholarship Ralph L. Cook Scholarship Samuel Cupples Scholarship Danforth Foundation Scholarship William H. and Elizabeth G. Danforth
Scholarship Deisenroth, Theobald, May Scholarship Albert F. Diederich Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Myron Dmytryszyn
Scholarship Frank E. Dolson Memorial Scholarship Gaston F. DuBois Scholarship Willard H. Duetting Endowed Scholarship William S. Fabianic Scholarship Raymond W. Fahien Scholarship Alvin E. Forrer Scholarship Thomas J. and Katherine R. Fricke
Scholarship Charles E. and Marlene H. Geisel
Scholarship Dr. Robert J. and Marjorie M. Getty
Endowed Scholarship Juan M. Gottschalk Scholarship Ralph L. Gray Memorial Scholarship Albert P. Greensfelder Scholarship Richard L. Hedden Scholarship Leona Herman Scholarship August and Ruth Homeyer Graduate
Scholarship August and Ruth Homeyer Scholarship William L. Huse Scholarship Laura and William Jens Memorial
Scholarship Joseph Yandell Johnson, Sr. Scholarship Thomas E. Johnson Scholarship Malcolm H. Jones Scholarship Jordan Family Scholarship John and Ida Landwehr Memorial
Scholarship Vance C. Lischer Family Scholarship Lloyd O. Lohaus Scholarship Eugene W. Lohman Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Lohman
Scholarship Elmer W. Lueckerath Scholarship Lundquist-Stebbins Scholarship W.Garnett Maddox Scholarship L.and E. Matthey and T. and H. Tankersley
Scholarship Robert D. McClure Memorial Scholarship Professor Gustav R. Mesmer Memorial
Scholarship Harold and Helen Meyers Endowed
Scholarship Carlen and Grace Moyer Scholarship Joseph and Jacqueline Moyer Scholarship Seeley W. Mudd Scholarship Edwin H. and Margaret K. Murty
Scholarship Mrs. Carl H. Neiman Memorial
Scholarship Dr. Eugene H. Nicholson Memorial
Scholarship Richard A. Notvest Scholarship Robert and Marie O’Donnell Graduate
Fellowship Joseph O. and Mary Jane Ondr Endowed
Scholarship Joseph O. and Mary Jane Ondr Endowed
Scholarship 2 John Lane Ornum Memorial Scholarship William C. Parrish Family Scholarship Herbert M. Patton Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Elmer H. Payne Scholarship Lester A. and Marcella K. Piper
Scholarship Frederick Pitzman Scholarship Erwin O. and Dorothy S. Potthoff
Scholarship Procter and Gamble Chemical
Engineering Scholarship Emeline F. Rea Scholarship Lucy and Elmer A. Schramm Memorial
Scholarship Dolores and Ben H. Schulze Scholarship Harvey Serenco Scholarship Honoring the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Joe and Betty Serenco Memorial
Scholarship Walter L. and Egon A. Siegerist
Scholarship Jerome J. Spector Memorial Scholarship Ernst Henry Spellmeyer Memorial
Scholarship Harold Arthur Spellmeyer Memorial
Scholarship Adele Margaret Spitzfaden Memorial
Scholarship Audrey and John Steinfeld Scholarship Steinhauer/Bryan Study Abroad
Scholarship Steinhauer/Torrance Scholarship Karl F. Steinhauer Scholarship Elvera Stuckenberg Scholarship William R. Stuckenberg Memorial
Scholarship Norman J. Stupp Memorial Scholarship Jean J. and Edna G. Thyson Scholarship Carl F.H. and Shirley C. Ullmann
Scholarship John Lane Van Ornum Memorial
Scholarship Lewis E. and Vera D. Walkup Scholarship William R. Warmbold Scholarship Charles E. Wills Memorial Scholarship John P. and Kathleen K. Wilson
Scholarship Jean and Raymond Winkler Scholarship Frederick C. Woermann Scholarship Wunsch Foundation Scholarship Richard E. Young Memorial Scholarship
Future Awards
We are grateful to those sponsors who are currently building endowments or who have chosen to establish scholarships and fellowships in the McKelvey School of Engineering through their estate plans or life income gifts.
Endowment Building
Mohammed Mohsin Ansari and Alya Haq Rhonda Germany Ballintyn, Nicolaas Ballintyn, and Nathan Ballintyn Dr. Hui Hua Shu and Dr. Keith Bernstein Jane W. Douglass and Joshua Y. Douglass Scott W. and Kim S. Fancher The Fullgraf Foundation Hardesty Family Scholarship William H. Hochstettler III and Cheri L. Hochstettler Richard and Jody Homans Stephen and Pauline Liu Robert Mullenger and Rhonda Radcliff Anthony and Andrew Nocchiero Mary and Joseph Studlick Anthony and Kim Thompson Mr. Alan Cheung Frank C-P Yin and Grace C. Yin
Brookings Partners
Mr. Randall Aach, PE, and Mrs. Sherrie Aach Tony Abyad Shirley and Thor Anderson Jeffrey and Nancy Balter John and Charlotte Berra Michael G. Biggers Jerry and Rosalie Brasch Earl F. Burkhardt Robert L. Bussmann Roger and Tracy Chamberlain Mrs. Dorothy W. Coad Baker Cunningham and Doris Drewry Suren Dutia and Jas Grewal Amy Duvall and Jeff Campagna Ms. Marla Esser Cloos Mr. Louis V. Caputo William F. Flynn Amy Duvall and Jeff Campagna Donald DeZutter David P. and Carol G. Gast Edward E. and Gail R. Gilcrease Alex and Pat Gray Michael and Beth Grunow Robert L. Heider William H. Hochstettler III and Cheri L. Hochstettler Al Ingram Harold A. Klotz, Jr. Gregory and Susan Kruszka Toby H. Kusmer and Ruth L. Kaplan Edward Bopp Lacey Robert and Temma Lapin James D. Leach Dr. Christine H. Lorenz Yoshio Matsumoto James M. and Judith McKelvey Warren Moe Robert Michael Moore David M. and Carla A. O’Brien Ibe and Gwen Oteh Corley and Patricia Phillips Mr. Raymond F. Pieper Joan Powers Stanley J. Proctor Daniel D. Richard Jr. Don and Peggy Ross David Rossetti and Jan Avent Stewart and Bette Schuster Donald W. Smith Richard K. Teague
Mr. Hoyt W. Wallace Gary and Peg Wendlandt Joel R. Wendt Doug and Suzanne White Robert and Virginia Wierschem Anonymous (2)
For more information, please contact:
Abe L. Cross Executive Director of Advancement McKelvey School of Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis MSC 1202-414-3100, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, Mo 63130-4899 (314) 858-4324 abecross@wustl.edu