Insights into hispanics' enrollment

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Insights into Hispanics’ enrollment on the health insurance exchanges New McKinsey research sheds light on why Hispanic enrollment rates continue to be low—and how these numbers could be improved.

In the U.S., Hispanics are more likely to lack

lowing question: “Are you of Hispanic, Latino,

health insurance than any other racial or

or Spanish origin?” Respondents to the

ethnic group, and enrollment on the individual

Spanish-language version of the survey were

health insurance exchanges is disproportion-

drawn from an online U.S. Hispanic panel.

Erica Coe, Jenny Cordina, Elizabeth P. Jones, and Suzanne Rivera

ately low among Hispanics—issues that have been well documented. As payers are pre-

Of the 554 Hispanic survey respondents, more

paring for the 2016 open enrollment period

than half (53%) reported being without health

(OEP), we wanted to share new McKinsey

insurance in both 2014 and 2015. (Among

research that sheds light on why Hispanic

all respondents to our survey, 36% reported

enrollment rates continue to be low, and to

being uninsured in both years.) When we

offer suggestions on how to address some

compared the Hispanic respondents and non-

of the challenges involved in increasing

Hispanic respondents who reported being

Hispanic enrollment.

uninsured in those years, we found several similarities: both groups, for example, con-

Between February and April 2015, we survey­

sisted predominantly of low-income men

ed 554 adults of Hispanic descent who were

between the ages of 30 and 49. However,

eligible for qualified health plans to better

health status was better among the Hispanics.1

understand the factors influencing enrollment rates. All of these respondents reported that

We also uncovered three factors that appear

they were U.S. citizens or legally entitled to

to be contributing to the lower enrollment

live in this country, and that they were not

rates among Hispanics: 1

eligible for Medicare or Medicaid. Penalty awareness. A slightly higher percentThe survey, which was conducted in both

age of Hispanics than non-Hispanics report-

English and Spanish, is part of a much

ed that they were unaware of the financial

broader research effort we have been con-

penalty for lacking health insurance (46%

ducting into decision-making among health-

vs. 41%, respectively). Once we informed all

care consumers, particularly those shopping

respondents in both surveys about that pen-

for health insurance on the public exchanges.

alty, however, the Hispanics were significantly

(Since November 2013, when we conducted

more likely to say that they would purchase

our first OEP study, we have surveyed more

coverage (41% vs. 27%, respectively).

than 14,000 consumers.) Respondents to this year’s English-language survey were defined

Subsidy awareness. In our surveys, price sen-

as Hispanic if they answered “yes” to the fol-

sitivity and affordability concerns were high

wide range of researchers A have found that health status is generally better among Hispanic than non-Hispanic Americans, for reasons not entirely understood. Average age is much lower among Hispanics than among other Americans, but other factors also appear to be involved. For more information about differences in health status between Hispanics and non-Hispanics, see the CDC report, Summary Health Sta­ tistics for the U.S. Population: National Health Interview Survey, 2012, and Population Research Bureau’s post, “Exploring the Paradox of U.S. Hispanics’ Longer Life Expectancy.”


McKinsey & Company Healthcare Systems and Services Practice

Web 2015 <article slug> Exhibit 1 of 1

Shopping behavior on the public exchanges

Shopping behavior among consumers eligible EXHIBIT Shopping behavior among consumers eligible for qualified health plans Shopped1


Enrolled in a plan1

Enrolled in ACA plan1




Did not shop1



Did not enroll1




Enrolled in non-ACA individual plan1


Hispanics were 9

43% of Hispanics

percentage points

who shopped did

less likely to shop

not enroll, compared



Enrolled in non-individual plan

with 26% of the general population

% of Hispanic population




% of general population

Statistically significant difference between Hispanics (n = 554) and general population (n = 3,006) at 95% confidence level.

Source: McKinsey’s Center for U.S. Health System Reform Hispanic and National 2015 OEP surveys

among all survey respondents, independent

Decision not to complete a purchase. Lack

of ethnicity. The majority of the respondents,

of knowledge about penalties and subsidies

including the Hispanics, thought health

helps explain why the Hispanic respondents

insurance premiums should be less than

to our surveys were almost 30% less likely

$100 per month. However, awareness of

than other respondents to shop for insurance

subsidy eligibility was lower among Hispanics

(see Exhibit). However, the Hispanic respon-

than among other respondents. For example,

dents were also less likely to complete the

among those who remained uninsured in

purchase once they had started shopping.

both 2014 and 2015, only 5% of the Hispanic

Part of the explanation for this may be that

respondents were aware of the size of the

the Hispanic respondents were almost twice

subsidy they were eligible for, compared

as likely as the non-Hispanic respondents to

with 12% of the non-Hispanic respondents.

report having encountered technical prob-


lems on the public exchanges. For example,

Insights into Hispanics’ enrollment on the health insurance exchanges

16% of the Hispanic respondents, compared

The campaigns should focus on increasing

with 9% of the non-Hispanic respondents,

awareness of the penalty for not having in­

said they were unable to open a user account.

surance, the subsidy levels individuals may be eligible for, and the carriers offering health

Language barriers may have contributed to

insurance in a given region.

the technical problems in a few cases, but it is unlikely they were a major factor in most cases.

Price transparency should be a central

Just 4% of the Hispanic respondents in our

element of the campaigns. The Hispanic

surveys said they spoke only Spanish at home,

respondents in our survey, like their counter-

and 6% said they read newspapers and maga­

parts in the general population, were very

zines only in Spanish. In contrast, 83% of the

price sensitive. Messages focusing on the

Hispanic respondents reported they spoke

economic benefits of having coverage may

English at home (part or all of the time), and

be compelling to Hispanics because our

77% reported they preferred to read in English.

research has shown that once indivi­duals

Furthermore, those who preferred Spanish were

obtained health coverage on the exchanges,

more likely to have enrolled in an insurance

Hispanics were more likely than those in

plan than were those who preferred English.

the general population to try to access healthcare services.

Similarly, lack of computer proficiency does not appear to underlie the technical problems

The Hispanic population will continue to

many of the Hispanic respondents reported.

be important to payers, providers, and

More than 90% of both Hispanic and non-

government agencies as they work to enroll

Hispanic respondents said they used comput-

the residually uninsured and to understand

ers at home, and use of smartphones and

how individuals shop for coverage on the

tablets was higher among Hispanics than

exchanges and use healthcare services.


Increasing enrollment among Hispanics to equal that in the general population will

In addition to technical difficulties, another

require targeted efforts from all of these

factor that may have contributed to the low


purchase rates among Hispanics was unfamiliarity with health insurance com­panies. For example, 69% of the Hispanic respondents, compared with 83% of the other respondents, had heard of their local Blues plans. Awareness of national health insurers was also lower among Hispanics (54% vs. 63%, respectively).

Moving forward It appears, therefore, that awarenessbuilding campaigns are likely to be crucial for boosting enrollment rates among Hispanics.

Erica Coe ( is a senior expert in the McKinsey Center for US Healthcare Reform. Jenny Cordina (jenny_ is an expert principal in the firm’s Detroit office. Elizabeth P. Jones ( is a consumer knowledge expert in that office. Suzanne Rivera ( is a consultant in the firm’s Denver office. This article was originally published on the Health Affairs Blog ( 2015/08/26/insights-into-hispanics-enrollmenton-the-health-insurance-exchanges/).


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