2018 NHBR Business Services Guide

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NH B u si n e ss Re vie w’ s B u s i n e s s S e r v i c e s G u i d e 2018

$19.95 Vol. 39 No. 17


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New Hampshire Business Review (USPS 413430) is published 28 times a year, bi-weekly with an additional issue in July and December, by McLean Communications, 150 Dow Street, Manchester, N.H. 03101. Periodical postage paid at Manchester, N.H. and additional mailing offices. Subscription rates: One year, $32.00, two years, $55.00, three years, $80.00. Single copy $1.75. Postmaster: Send address changes to NHBR, PO Box 433273, Palm Coast, FL 32143. The New Hampshire Business Review assumes no responsibility for typographical errors that do not materially affect the value of the advertisement. This publication’s liability for an error shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the error.

Welcome to the 2018 NH Business Review Business Services Guide For 22 years, NH Business Review’s Business Services Guide has been giving the information and advice that helps businesses, no matter the stage of growth. In fact, the Guide has long proven itself to be a valuable resource for New Hampshire businesspeople, with a substantial collection of facts and figures about Granite State companies and organizations as well as a wide range of helpful articles on essential topics – such as this edition’s pieces on two of New Hampshire’s most valuable, and free, sources of assistance to the state’s entrepreneurs: SCORE and the New Hampshire Small Business Development Center. For 2018, our Business Services Guide sponsor is once again Comcast Business. We thank them for joining us in bringing you what remains a unique tool for anyone doing business in New Hampshire. We also want to thank the hundreds of businesses and organizations that each year take part in our surveys to provide the data we’re presenting to you. Their contribution, as always, is invaluable.

Jeff Feingold, Editor New Hampshire Business Review

(ISSN: 0164-8152)


Contents insights & Advice 24 New Hampshire companies are going global – and yours can too 30 Can crowdfunding work for your business? 4 Legislative session 2017: A business scorecard 14 Getting to know SCORE 18 UNH centers enable businesses to advance technologies

32 How to prepare for a business loan application 36 Issuing a private placement 37 Retirement saving tips for the self-employed 38 Improving operational performance

20 NHIRC offers businesses grant opportunities

47 Taming the legal issues that snarl small businesses

22 Making dollars and sense in government contracting

48 How do you select an IP attorney?

23 Small defense contractors face December security deadline

49 Selling a business in confidentiality

50 Things to remember when hiring an employee 52 Keeping today’s workforce ready for tomorrow 57 Understanding the Trump administration’s increased scrutiny of H-1B employers 58 Workforce Accelerator 2025 to create skilled, educated workforce 64 Tapping the potential of VoIP 65 Dealing with a data breach 66 Windows 10: Should my business upgrade? 67 3 survival tips for IT budgeting season 68 How to evaluate RFPs

Resources Who’s Who in State Government. . . . . . . . . . . . 8

NH regional planning commissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Business associations and assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Banks & Lenders with sba loan guarantees. . . . . . . . 34

Energy Suppliers . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Chambers of Commerce. . . . . . 16

Top Law Firms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Energy Efficiency consultants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Regional Young Professionals Networks. . . . . 21

Employment Services . . . . . . . . 54

Economic Development Agencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Business incubators. . . . . . . . . 28


Health Insurers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Media Outlets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Printers & print services. . . . . 77

Architectural Firms. . . . . . . . . 82 Engineering Firms. . . . . . . . . . . 86

College internship sources & fields. . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Airports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Marketing Services. . . . . . . . . . 69

Meeting & Conference Facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92


142,940,452 employees



Not including Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands

Average weekly wage: $1,027








Northeast Urban Region























2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015



Average weekly wage: $1,027













Source: New Hampshire Employment Security


Source: Small Business Association




of NH adults have completed high school or higher education


have completed a bachelor’s degree or higher






Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2016 estimate
















Source: American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates, US Census Bureau, Sept-16. Prepared by: Economic & Labor Market Information Bureau, NHES


Legislative session 2017: A business scorecard Interests ran the gamut from tax cuts to online lottery sales By Bob Sanders

Lawmakers approved increased funding for the community college system, provided $10 million for $1,000 annual merit scholarships to New Hampshire students who remain in-state and set to lower the business profits tax and business enterprise tax.

Bob Sanders is a staff writer for New Hampshire Business Review. He can be reached at bsanders@nhbr.com.


You’d think all New Hampshire businesses would celebrate when business taxes are reduced. Yet the Legislature did just that, and no one is really rushing out to stock up on fireworks. Even the Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire — one of the main advocates of said tax cuts — is measured in its assessment of the 2017 legislation session. “It was a good year but not a great year,” summed up David Juvet, senior vice president of the BIA. There are just so many more costs a business has to focus on beyond paying taxes. Indeed, compared to labor, energy and healthcare, taxes are relatively minor, and the cut enacted this year is relatively minor. And it’s almost minuscule when compared to the legislation that can directly affect your sector of the economy. That could mean such things as the level of infrastructure investment (the construction industry); septic system requirements for accessory dwellings (Realtors and homebuilders); online lottery sales (grocers); or a law expanding the threshold on gift certificates (restaurants and retailers). Dig even deeper and you’ll discover that lawmakers passed a bill that would invite billions of dollars of foreign trust-like entities into the Granite State. But before we talk about the latest legislative session’s specific winners and losers, let’s look at the broader picture. It is a lot prettier than back in May, when the House’s attempt at passing a budget — with no tax breaks — went down in flames. The budget that did emerge was passed surprisingly easily with those eye-pleasing tax cuts. The business profits tax, once at 8.5 percent, is now set to shrink to 7.5 percent by 2021, while the business enterprise tax, once at 0.75 percent, will now go down to a 0.50 percent.

The New Hampshire chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business was particularly enthused about the BET cut, since the tax also catches businesses that don’t make a profit and has no real counterpart in other states. “This can only benefit small businesses who are here and are thinking of locating here,” said Bruce Berke, NFIB state director. Almost as important was increasing the Section 179 capital expense deduction from $100,000 to $500,000. “Its biggest impact is on small businesses, like a landscaper who needs to buy new equipment,” Berke said. Bureaucratic shuffle Besides the tax cuts, business organizations didn’t seem particularly excited about the move to split up the former Department of Resources and Economic Development and create the Department of Business and Economic Affairs. The reorganization involves moving authority for the Division of Parks and Recreation and the Division of Forests and Lands into a new Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. The bureaucratic shuffling doesn’t seem to change the status quo, though the NH Timberland Owners Association had voiced concerns that the new Natural Resources and Culture agency might neglect economic functions of forests. But Jasen Stock, executive director of the Timberland Owners Association, said the society was reassured after some language changes in the bill. Other issues touched on nearly all businesses, and there you found unity. When it comes to labor, for instance, most business organizations favored right-to-work and opposed the minimum wage, both of which went down to defeat. Indeed, the only key labor bill that survived allows businesses to pay workers

every other week without asking the Department of Labor’s permission. Businesses were most divided over Senate Bill 129, which would increase payments to biomass generators and raise the percentage of solar energy utilities are required to purchase under state Renewable Portfolio Standards. It also sets aside 15 percent of the Renewable Energy Fund for low- to moderate-income energy projects and loosens restrictions on larger solar projects. It was the only significant energy bill enacted in the past session, becoming law without Governor Sununu’s signature. The governor did sign one other energy-related piece of legislation — repeal of the energy consumption tax, but that was included in the budget, along with the other business tax cuts. “Given that we were able to put the repeal of the electricity consumption tax in place to offset any potential costs to ratepayers, allowing this bill to become law makes sense,” said the governor, of SB 129. But while the BIA said the unasked for tax cut was “helpful,” it comes with “a price,” said Juvet, who made it clear that the organization would have preferred for Sununu to veto SB 129, which, he maintained, will significantly raise electric rates. “We have worked very hard to wage legislative awareness about the impact of the high cost of electricity,” said Juvet. “This is a step in the wrong direction. Every analysis said the costs are going to go up.” But, argued Stock, the state’s wood industry would suffer if the six wood-burning power plants were to be forced to close. “These power plants are a real asset and they produce electricity with a local fuel that we create,” Stock said. Education Lawmakers did little to address the state’s troublesome workplace development shortage, Juvet noted, but it did increase funding for the community college system, though “we were disappointed that the university system was held flat.” Lawmakers did fund the governor’s $10 million scholarship program, which provides $1,000-a-year merit scholarships to New Hampshire students who attend a post-secondary institution in the state, and they expanded a dual-enrollment program, allowing high school students to gain college credits at local colleges before they graduate. Another workforce-related issue was addressed in the capital budget, House Bill 25,

Important bills ADDRESSED during the 2017 legislative session This is a list of substantive business related bills that were passed by the legislature. Bill Number


HB144/517 (budget)

Increases funding for NH Community College System, but not the University System. BIA pleased about the former but disappointed about the latter.

HB144/517 (budget)

Gives in-state students grants of $1,000 a year to attend New Hampshire higher education institutions. Sets up a statewide dual enrollment program that would give high school students taking STEM courses college credit.



Prohibits the state from requiring implementation of common core standards. BIA opposed.


Sets up a statewide dual enrollment program that would give high school students taking STEM courses college graduation credit. (This is also in the budget bill.)


Extends pre-engineering technology curriculum to elementary schools.


Sets aside 15 percent of Renewable Energy Fund for low income solar projects, increases the standards for wood and solar, but could increase rates. BIA opposed; Timberland Owners Association and Clean Tech Council supported.


Requires notice to affected municipalities of energy facility siting.


Allows the state energy efficiency fund projects be spent on public renewable projects.


HB144/517 (budget)

Eliminates the electric consumption tax.


Exempts companies converting or transmitting virtual currency from state banking laws that regulate money transmitters, to lure more bitcoin companies into the state.


Gives mortgage originators a temporary license so they could work here while getting their continuing education requirements.


Deregulates family trusts and allows for Civil Law Foundations, a trust-like entity used by countries that operate under civil law.


Allows out-of-state credit unions to open branches here without permission.


Requires a form approved by the insurance commissioner before a life insurance policy or annuity is sold to the public.

GAMBLING HB144/517 (budget)

Authorizes mobile lottery tickets. Grocers strongly against since it will cut store sales.


Establishes keno in restaurants that serve liquor to partially fund full-day kindergarten. BIA and other business groups strongly favor kindergarten funding, but BIA, restaurants and grocers are neutral on keno.


Regulates, but does not tax, fantasy sports contests.


Extends Cheshire simulcast racing from 36 to 48 months.


Allows wine manufacturers to sell at a retail outlet without having to sell food. Grocers strongly opposed. Clarifies Hepatitis C as a qualifying medical condition for the use of cannabis for therapeutic purposes.


Establishes a commission to study the legalization, regulation and taxation of marijuana.


Eliminates restrictions on being employed by a licensee based on felony convictions and character.


Allows brew pubs to manufacture alcoholic cider.


Eliminates requirements that locally brewed beer only sold in NH would require a federal license.


Requires wholesale distributors of alcoholic beverages to sell obtainable products to onpremises and off-premises licensees.


Adds more conditions that can be treated by cannabis and eliminates requirement that those conditions must interfere with daily living.


Adds chronic pain to qualifying conditions under therapeutic use of cannabis.


Allows community cargivers to dispense cannabis for therapeutic purposes. BUSINESS SERVICES GUIDE 2018 5

which includes $2.5 million in funding for developers building affordable housing. Another affordable housing-related measure involves accessory dwellings units. In 2016, lawmakers required municipalities to include them in their zoning. HB 258 counters current state requirements to increase septic capacity during conversion. That would make sense if you were adding an addition to the house, said Bob Quinn, of the NH Realtors Association, which supported the measure. And there was full funding for kindergarten, which the BIA and other business groups supported, not only because it’s seen as enhancing the education of the future workforce, but will help attract and retain young workers to the state right now. The funding mechanism of expanded kindergarten is keno, and that could have an effect on businesses, specifically restaurants and bars, where keno will be set up in the municipalities that allow it. The NH Lodging and Restaurant Association has been, and still is, torn over the issue, since a majority of its membership has opposed expanded casino gambling. That opposition was partly due to the concern that gambling would counter the image of the Granite State as a family-friendly destination, but also because many members were worried that casinos would suck patrons and their dollars out of existing establishments. Keno could draw people into their establishments. The association didn’t take a position on the bill, but now that it has been signed into law, CEO Mike Somers said, “We will be watching it. There will be a discussion about it in the future.” Convenience store issues While the NH Grocers Association stayed out of the fray when it came to keno, there was no neutrality about online lottery sales, which were tucked into the budget legislation. Currently, lottery players have to go to a store every time they buy a scratch ticket. “You remember something you forget, or see something you’d like to buy,” said John Dumais, CEO of the association. That’s an impulse buy. It’s a major part of the trade of what we do at a convenience store.” It’s true that lottery ticket sellers will still get a percentage of all the ticket buys, even those made without entering the store — albeit that percentage would go down a half a point to 4.5


percent — but that commission hardly makes up for loss of traffic, Dumais said. The grocers had two other setbacks. One was passage of SB 140, which allows wine manufacturers to set up a satellite retail outlet without the requirement of selling food. While the original bill would have allowed six such outlets per manufacturer, “still this concerned us more than anything else,” Dumais said, not because it allows a “package” store that will compete with convenience stores that sell food, but it also “breaks down the walls” that have existed between alcohol manufacturing, distribution and retailing that were erected in the 1930s. The capital budget also includes about $18 million for a plaza complex along Interstate 95, similar to the Hooksett plazas on Interstate 93. “That’s going to hurt every convenience business for 30 miles around,” Dumais said. “The Legislature is looking to make more money at our expense.” Development Contractors were “disappointed” that the capital budget didn’t include the $10 million for school construction aid that had been proposed, said Gary Abbott, executive vice president of Associated General Contractors of NH. So the moratorium continues. But that is more than offset by an extra $38 million for local roads and bridges in a separate bill, SB 38, essentially doubling the amount the state sends to localities now. Lawmakers passed two other bills that could help commercial development. One would enable municipalities to give an exemption of up to 10 years on 50 percent of construction costs on commercial or industrial property taxes for up to a decade — an expansion of a tax break formerly restricted to Coos County. The second would extend the Community Revitalization Tax Relief program to coastal properties subjected to storm surge, sea level rise and extreme precipitation. Finally, the AGC backed a bill that would increase the bond threshold from $35,000 to $75,000 on state projects and $120,000 on municipal projects, meaning that contractors won’t have to post a bond on smaller projects, but still provides protection for subcontractors. At deadline, Sununu had yet to sign HB 654, a bill that started out studying the issues raised by short-term rental companies like Airbnb. But the Realtors backed an amendment that would prevent state housing standard requirements from being used to force unwanted in-

spections into what is often somebody’s home. “This is to protect the private person’s ability to do what he wants with his property,” said Quinn. The Lodging and Restaurant Association had first opposed the bill, worried that increasing the number of short-term rentals would stiffen competition for B&Bs, inns and other lodging providers without requiring them to comply with the same regulations. But it backed off once it was clear that municipalities and towns could still regulate under other parts of state law. The association’s biggest win was HB 473 bill, expanding the threshold on gift certificates that don’t expire from $100 to $250. That means only gift certificates over $250 will be subject to state abandoned property laws. The association also backed a bill that expands tip pooling to those non-tipped employees who aren’t included in the service. The Lodging and Restaurant Association’s biggest disappointment was that the Legislature again flat-funded the Division of Travel and Tourism budget that was supposed to be paid for by 3.1 percent of the rooms and meals tax, a law passed by lawmakers but never implemented. Healthcare The BIA had some other things to be pleased about besides tax cuts. The final budget, for instance, did not slash Medicaid via changing the Medicaid enhancement tax agreement with the state’s hospitals. This wasn’t only a priority of the NH Hospital Association — which threatened litigation over the change — but the BIA as well, because providers would have passed on the extra costs to private insurers and employer-based insurance plans. The final budget would end Medicaid expansion if the federal government doesn’t grant a waiver allowing the state to add work requirements. The Obama administration refused to grant these, but Juvet said that a Trump administration likely would, allowing the program to continue at least though the end of 2018. NH Medical Society Executive Vice President James G. Potter said he was unsure whether the work requirement would push people into the workforce or cause them to drop coverage. But the effect would be “incremental” compared to losing Medicaid expansion altogether, he said. The lack of resources and personnel were top concern of the NH Medical Society and the NH Nurses Association, and lawmakers passed

a number of bills that addressed this. For the society, the biggie was HB 400, which, when combined with the budget, provides more funding to relieve emergency rooms of the increasing demand to treat people needing mental health services that they’re not equipped to provide. HB 400 would revive the Anna Philbrook Center and set up some mobile units. The society took the governor and key lawmakers to observe the situation at Concord Hospital “and they were aghast,” said Potter. There are numerous other bills aimed at alleviating healthcare shortages: • HB 468, for instance, allows mental health practitioners in other states to practice in New Hampshire for 60 days. • SB 137 provides temporary licenses for nurses from nearby states that don’t take part in a licensing compact who wish to work here while awaiting state credentials. • SB 212 enables creation of such a compact for physical therapists. • SB 152 allows LNAs to start work while awaiting a criminal background check. • HB 322 would survey healthcare providers when renewing their licenses to better ascertain where the shortages are. • SB 150 allows pharmacy interns to administer vaccines, and SB 65 expands the vaccines pharmacists are allowed to administer. Trust liberalization In recent years, each session lawmakers pass legislation that makes setting up a trust here more attractive, and this year was no different. New Hampshire is already a haven for trusts used to shield about a half-trillion dollars of assets from taxation and scrutiny. SB 225 expands the liberal trust laws two ways. It adds the Granite State to the list of five states that have deregulated family trusts, joining Florida, Ohio, Nevada, Wyoming and Tennessee. And it makes the state the first in the nation to allow civil law foundations, trustlike entities set up in foreign countries with civil law (as opposed to the United States, that operates under common law) to set up shop and operate here. A related bill, SB 230, makes it easy to set up a power of attorney online. “It continues to enhance the trust codes and our competitive position in New Hampshire,” said Glenn Perlow, a lobbyist for Hamptonbased Perspecta Trust and executive director of the NH Trust Council, not to mention the state’s former banking commissioner.

HEALTH HB144/517 (budget)

Ends Medicaid expansion if feds don’t approve work requirements.


Along with budget bill, reduces the number of individuals waiting in emergency rooms for inpatient psychiatric services. Supported by Medical Society, Nurses Association.


Declares that if substance use disorder services are covered, a health carrier can’t require prior authorization more frequently than once a year.


Allows persons licensed as mental health practitioners in other states to practice in this state no more than 60 days after application to the board of mental health practice.


Allows state insurance department to take steps meant to maintain coverage and stabilize prices in the individual market if ACA breaks down, which could include reviving a high-risk pool or seeking waivers from the federal government.


Provides temporary licensure for nurses from Vermont, Massachusetts or Connecticut (not in the nursing compact) to alleviate nursing shortage. Nurses supported.


Requires providers to complete a survey when renewing licenses to determine where shortages are. Supported by the Hospital and Nurses Association.


Allows for acupuncture detoxification specialists to ease opioid crisis.


Extends the date for performing medical imaging or radiation therapy without a license.


Allows employers to pay wages to employees bi-weekly without getting permission from the state Department of Labor. Business groups for labor against.


Authorizes the insurance commissioner to share examinations relative to workers’ compensation audits with the Department of Labor.


Allows workers to share tips with non-tipped employees not directly performing the service, such as waiters with the kitchen staff.


Funds addition of highway plazas, but doesn’t include money for school construction that contractors were hoping for. Also allocates $2.5 million workforce housing money from the capital budget to the Affordable Housing Fund. Supported by BIA and Home Builders Association.


Gives another 38 million to cities and towns. Strongly supported by contractors.


Gives towns and cities in New Hampshire the authority to offer an exemption of up to 10 years on 50 percent of construction costs on commercial or industrial property taxes for up to a decade.


Prevents municipalities from requiring a new septic system when converting a bedroom into an accessory dwelling. Supported by Realtors and Home Builders.


Creates something akin to the Pease Development Authority to transform the former Laconia state school into a major industrial park.


Increases the bond requirement thresholds from $35,000 to $75,000 on state projects and $120,000 on municipal projects, meaning contractors won’t have to post on smaller projects. Contractors supported.


Allows municipalities to ban accessory dwelling units from townhouses and manufactured housing, and prohibit conversions of ADU to condos. Realtors opposed. Homebuilders ok with final version.


This spreads out the remediation work but doesn’t increase the amount required. Homebuilders didn’t oppose.


Requires architect sign off on some major renovations.


Homebuyer gets to see condo association financials. Realtors supported.


Allows electricians to replace outlet with circuit breaker buttons on the kitchen/bathroom outlets if they keep on going off. Homebuilders supported.

TAXES, CORPORATIONS HB144/517 (budget)

Reduces BPT to 7.5 percent and the BET to 0.5 percent by 2020. Increases the maximum Section 179 deduction against the BPT from $100,000 to $500,000.


Extends Community Revitalization Tax Relief program to coastal properties subject to storm flooding.


Reauthorizing the commission to study apportionment of gross business profits.


Eliminating the hearing requirement for late reinstatement of corporations.


Simplifies the Power of Attorney process.


Makes it easier for out-of-state businesses to reinstate lapse corporation, LLC certificates.


Repeals the commuters income tax, a law not currently enforced. BUSINESS SERVICES GUIDE 2018 7

WHo’s who in state government

Gov. Chris Sununu

William Gardner

Jeffrey Rose

Christopher Way

Michael Bergeron

Benoit Lamontagne

Deborah Avery

Cindy Harrington

James Key-Wallace

Liz Gray

Victoria Ciminio

Tina Kasim

Gov. Chris Sununu 603-271-2121 governor.nh.gov William Gardner Secretary of State 603-271-3242 sos.nh.gov Jeffrey Rose Commissioner Department of Resources and Economic Development 603-271-2411 jeffrey.rose@dred.nh.gov Christopher Way Deputy Director Division of Economic Development 603-271-2341 Cell: 603-419-9164 christopher.way@dred.nh.gov Michael Bergeron Senior Business Development Manager Division of Economic Development 603-271-2591 Cell: 603-419-9163 michael.bergeron@dred.nh.gov Molly Kaylor Business Resource Specialist (Southwestern Region) Division of Economic Development 603-271-2591 mollie.kaylor@dred.nh.gov Benoit Lamontagne North Country Industrial Agent Coos, Grafton and Carroll counties Division of Economic Development 603-271-2591 benoit.lamontagne@dred.nh.gov


Deborah Avery Business Resource Specialist Belknap and Merrimack counties Division of Economic Development 603-271-2591 deborah.avery@dred.nh.gov Mark Laliberte Business Resource Specialist (Seacoast Region) Division of Economic Development 603-271-2591 mark.laliberte@dred.nh.gov Cynthia Harrington Business Development Manager Division of Economic Development 603-271-2591 Cell: 603-419-9839 cynthia.harrington@dred.nh.gov James Key-Wallace Executive Director Business Finance Authority 603-415-0191 JamesKW@nhbfa.com Liz Gray Director of Entrepreneurship Business Finance Authority 603-856-8863 lizg@nhbfa.com Victoria Cimino Director Office of Travel and Tourism Development 603-271-2665 victoria.cimino@dred.nh.gov Tina Kasim International Program Manager International Trade Resource Center 603-271-8444 tina.kasim@dred.nh.gov

Lorraine S. Merrill Commissioner Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food 603-271-3551 lorraine.merrill@agr.nh.gov George Copadis Commissioner Department of Employment Security 603-228-4000 george.n.copadis@nhes.nh.gov Sara Johnson Small Business Technical Assistance Program Department of Environmental Services 603-271-1379 sara.johnson@des.nh.gov Vince Perelli Env. Leadership Initiative Program & Env. Mgmt. Systems Program Department of Environmental Services 603-271-8989 environmentalleadership@des.nh.gov Roger Sevigny Commissioner Department of Insurance 603-271-2830 roger.sevigny@ins.nh.gov Alex Feldvebel Deputy Commissioner Department of Insurance 603-271-2736 alex.feldvebel@ins.nh.gov Ken Merrifield Commissioner Department of Labor 603-271-3699 kenneth.merrifield@dol.nh.govÂ

George Copadis

Roger Sevigny

Ken Merrifield

John T. Beardmore

Taylor Caswell

David Mullen

Dr. Ross Gittell

Lucille Jordan

Susan B. Dunton

Anne Huot

Mark Huddleston

Mike Decelle

Kathryn Barger Deputy Commissioner Department of Labor 603-271-3176 kathryn.barger@dol.nh.gov John T. Beardmore Commissioner Department of Revenue Administration 603-230-5005 john.beardmore@dra.nh.gov Peter Danles Executive Director Joint Board of Licensure and Certification 603-271-6766 peter.danles@nh.gov Beth Edes Executive Director Real Estate Commission 603-271-2701 bedes@nhrec.state.nh.us Taylor Caswell Executive Director Community Development Finance Authority 603-226-2170 tcaswell@nhcdfa.org David Mullen Executive Director Pease Development Authority 603-766-9276 d.mullen@peasedev.org Martin Honigberg Chairman Public Utilities Commission 603-271-2443 martin.honigberg@puc.nh.gov Dr. Ross Gittell Chancellor

Community College System of NH 603-230-3501 rgittell@ccsnh.edu Wildolfo Arvelo President Great Bay Community College 603-427-7610 warvelo@ccsnh.edu Alan Punches VP of Academic and Community Affairs Lakes Region Community College 603-524-3207 apunches@ccsnh.edu Larissa Baia VP of Student Services and Enrollment Management Lakes Region Community College 603-524-3207 lbaia@ccsnh.edu Susan Huard President Manchester Community College 603-206-8148 shuard@ccsnh.edu Lucille Jordan President Nashua Community College 603-578-8900 ljordan@ccsnh.edu Susan Dunton President NHTI-Concord’s Community College 603-271-6484 sdunton@ccsnh.edu Ali Rafieymehr Interim President River Valley Community College

603-542-7744 arafieymehr@ccsnh.edu Charles Lloyd Interim President White Mountains Community College 603-752-1113 clloyd@ccsnh.edu Dr. Todd Leach Chancellor University System of NH 603-862-0963 todd.leach@usnh.edu Dr. Mark Rubinstein President Granite State College 603-513-1307 mark.rubinstein@granite.edu Anne Huot President Keene State College 603-358-2000 president@keene.edu Dr. Donald Birx President Plymouth State University 603-535-2210 dlbirx@plymouth.edu Mark Huddleston President University of New Hampshire 603-862-2450 presidents.office@unh.edu Mike Decelle Dean University of New Hampshire-Manchester 603-641-4107 mike.decelle@unh.edu BUSINESS SERVICES GUIDE 2018 9

businesS ASSOCIATIONS and assistance Automotive Wholesalers Association of New England PO Box 838, 2-4 Main Street Peterborough, NH 03458 603-924-9449/603-924-4490 awane.com Trade association for auto parts stores in the New England area. Provides members with health, life and disability insurance and a bank for financial needs. American Institute of Architects, New Hampshire Chapter PO Box 398 310 Marlboro Street, 2nd Floor Keene, NH 03431 603-357-2863/603-357-0835 aianh.org/office@aianh.org Has over 300 architect members, associate members and allied building professionals. Serves as the voice of the architecture profession and as a resource for its members in service to society. American Society of Home Inspectors, New England Chapter 53 Regional Drive, Suite 1 Concord, NH 03301 603-228-1231 ashinewengland.org info@ashinewengland.org Nonprofit trade organization for home inspectors. Provides newsletters, training, education and legislative information to members. Associated Builders and Contractors, NH/VT Chapter 58 Chenell Drive, Route 106 Concord, NH 03301 603-226-4789/603-226-4442 abcnhvt.org/info@abcnhvt.org Full-service organization providing information and programs in the areas of human resources, business development and government relations for contractors.

To disseminate and dispense information on companies, including a complaint division, consumer education and binding arbitration. Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire 122 North Main Street, Suite 2 Concord, NH 03301 603-224-5388/603-224-2872 biaofnh.com/mail@nhbia.org New Hampshire’s statewide chamber of commerce and leading business advocate, representing members in a variety of industries. Through advocacy with state and federal legislators and regulators, the BIA works to promote a healthy business climate and robust economic future for New Hampshire. Business Committee for the Arts 1 Granite Place Concord, NH 03301 603-224-8300/603-226-2963 nhbca.com/arts@nhbca.com Nonprofit organization that educates, motivates and recognizes business support of and participation in the arts. Administers a variety of programs and services, including Business in the Arts Awards, ArtSavers and Lawyers for the Arts/NH. Business Finance Authority 2 Pillsbury Street, Suite 201 Concord, NH 03301 603-415-0190/603-415-0194 nhbfa.com/brendapenhbfa.com Created in 1992, it offers several loan programs to foster economic development and create employment in NH, with an emphasis on small business assistance. One initiative is the Capital Access Program, which provides incentives to banks to make loans to small businesses considered to have more than conventional risk.

Associated General Contractors of New Hampshire 48 Grandview Road Bow, NH 03304 603-225-2701/ 603-226-3859 agcnh.org/info@agcnh.org Nonprofit trade organization that supports general contractors, subcontractors, equipment dealers and suppliers and other industry professions and is dedicated to improving the professional standards of the construction industry.

Community Development Finance Authority 14 Dixon Avenue, Suite 102 Concord, NH 03301 603-226-2170/603-226-2816 nhcdfa.org State authority that was created by legislation to assist communities with economic development and housing programs through association with nonprofit organizations. The CDFA has financed economic development and housing projects statewide through the use of tax credits, direct loans and grants.

Better Business Bureau of New Hampshire Inc. 48 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301 603-224-1991/ 603-228-9035 concord.bbb.org/info@bbbnh.org

Community Loan Fund 7 Wall Street Concord, NH 03301 603-224-6669 communityloanfund.org/how-we-help/ business/info@communityloanfund.org


The Community Loan Fund is a statewide nonprofit charitable organization that turns investments into loans and education to create opportunity and transform lives. Its small business loan products include: • Business Builder loans of $10,000 to $500,000, available to savvy owners with solid business models. Based on a business skills assessment, borrowers receive recommendations for training or technical support. Borrowers must have been in business for a year and must have filed a tax return for the company for which the loan is requested. • Microloans of $1,000 to $10,000, available to self-employed persons and the smallest companies, including those that are too small or involve too much risk for other lenders. Based on a business skills assessment, borrowers receive recommendations for training or technical support. Borrowers must have been in business for a year and must have filed a tax return for the company for which the loan is requested. • Vested for Growth provides mezzanine, or royalty, financing up to $500,000 (or $2 million with co-investors) to fuel the expansion of high-growth, high-margin NH companies. VFG’s innovative and flexible investment style gives businesses access to expansion capital without the collateral requirements of bank debt, while also avoiding the need to sell the business to pay equity investors. Target companies are those with solid growth plans, strong management teams and superior products and markets. Deal structures are customized to need. Division of Economic Development 172 Pembroke Road, PO Box 1856 Concord, NH 03302 603-271-2591 nheconomy.com/info@nheconomy.com New Hampshire’s center for business retention and expansion. Its goal is to stimulate local economic growth by assisting businesses that are already in operation and by helping out-of-state businesses expand or relocate here. Staff members can link businesses with a variety of financial, technological, business planning, marketing and job training resources. Best of all, this assistance is free and strict confidentiality is assured. Good Roads Association 261 Sheep Davis Road, Suite 5 Concord, NH 03301 603-224-1823/603-224-9399 nhgoodroads.org/nhroads@aol.com Statewide nonprofit association of people involved in the road and bridge building and maintenance industry.

Health Care Association 5 Sheep Davis Road, Suite E Pembroke, NH 03275 603-226-4900 nhhca.org Nonprofit trade organization representing nursing homes, retirement centers and retirement communities. Provides trade advocacy and public information. Home Builders and Remodelers Association 119 Airport Road Concord, NH 03301 603-228-0351/603-228-1877 hbranh.com/info@hbranh.com Comprised of nine “local” associations located throughout NH. Association of industry professionals dedicated to providing quality housing opportunities through education, vision and advocacy for the betterment of our communities. HR State Council of New Hampshire PO Box 3941 Manchester, NH 03105 nhstatecouncil.shrm.org/info@nhstatecouncil.org An affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Management, the council’s mission is to aid in the advancement of the Human Resources profession within New Hampshire by providing leadership and structure as well as partnering with the Legislature to obtain a voice in the state government. Innovation Research Center University of New Hampshire Gregg Hall, Room 136, 35 Colovos Road Durham, NH 03824 603-862-4125 nhirc.unh.edu Created in 1991 by the Legislature to increase collaboration, technology development and innovation between NH businesses and universities. Businesses match their project awards to fund research, which often leads to new products and processes. Program goals include increased competitiveness and profitability for businesses, an increase in the tax base and in local jobs, federal funding of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) awards and additional funding from venture capitalists. International Trade Resource Center NH Division of Economic Development 172 Pembroke Road, PO Box 1856 Concord, NH 03302 603-271-8444 nheconomy.com/info@nheconomy.com A one-stop location where NH businesses that export or are considering exporting

can access the information necessary to effectively explore, develop and penetrate the foreign marketplace. Offers the business community several programs and services including one-on-one counseling, automated trade leads, worldwide marketing promotion, international trade resource library, export finance assistance, market research and education and training seminars. Knowledge Institute 11 Court Street, Suite 230 Exeter, NH 03833 603-658-0340/603-658-0343 buzgate.org BUZGate.org – short for Business Utility Zone Gateway – is a free, web-based directory from the Knowledge Institute that offers a wealth of help in starting and growing a business, including business planning, counseling, marketing, workforce development and several other targeted entrepreneurial assistance resources. Lakes Region Tourism Association PO Box 737, 61 Laconia Road Tilton, NH 03276 603-286-8008/603-286-7007 lakesregion.org/lra@lakesregion.org Nonprofit organization providing information guides, maps and brochures for area attractions, accommodations, restaurants and shops. Lodging and Restaurant Association 341 Loudon Road, Unit 3, PO Box 1175 Concord, NH 03302 603-228-9585 nhlra.com Statewide non-partisan trade organization. Promotes, protects and educates the food service and lodging industries of the state. League of New Hampshire Craftsmen 49 South Main Street, Suite 100 Concord, NH 03301 603-224-3375/603-225-8452 nhcrafts.org/nhleague@nhcrafts.org With more than 750 juried craftspeople in its membership, the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen is a nonprofit crafts education organization dedicated to preserving and inspiring New England’s craft traditions. MerchantBanc 66 Hanover Street, Suite 303 Manchester, NH 03101 603-623-5500 merchantbanc.com Provides customized financial services to private equity investors and promising entrepreneurs.

Manufacturing Extension Partnership 172 Pembroke Road Concord, NH 03301 603-226-3200 nhmep.org/info@nhmep.org An affiliate of the U.S. Department of Commerce, the NHMEP is a nonprofit manufacturing extension center that provides business and technical assistance to manufacturing companies to help them boost sales and retain or add jobs. Monadnock Travel Council of Southwest New Hampshire PO Box 358 Keene, NH 03431 monadnocktravel.com/info@monadnocktravel.com Provides a comprehensive travel promotion program and a forum for communication among travel-related businesses for the Monadnock Region. The National Safety Council of Northern New England 57 Regional Drive, Unit 6 Concord, NH 03301 800-834-6472 nscnne.org Mission is to proactively promote for its members and the general public the prevention of injuries, illnesses and economic losses through communication, education and training. New England Inns & Resorts Association PO Box 1089 44 Lafayette Road North Hampton, NH 03862 603-964-6689/603-964-6792 newenglandinnsandresorts.com Six-state trade organization focusing on marketing and education. Promoting New England as a destination point and educating innkeepers. New Hampshire Association of Broadcasters 707 Chestnut Street Manchester, NH 03104 603-627-9600/603-627-9603 nhab.org/information@nhab.org This broadcast trade association boasts more than 98 percent membership of the Granite State’s over-the-air radio and television stations. The association has lists available of all stations and talk shows. New Hampshire Association of Insurance Agents 125 Airport Road Concord, NH 03301 603-224-3965/603-224-0550

nhaia.com/info@nhaia.com Trade association for independent insurance agents that promotes educational programs, sells products and lobbies for the insurance industry. New Hampshire Association of Realtors PO Box 550, 115A Airport Road Concord, NH 03301 603-225-5549/603-228-0385 nhar.org Nonprofit organization dedicated to the advocacy of real estate issues. Provides legal information and services, education, communication and technology for members. New Hampshire Association of Residential Care Homes 53 Regional Drive, Suite 1 Concord, NH 03301 603-228-1231/603-228-2118 nharch.org/info@nharch.org Nonprofit association dedicated to promoting health, safety, ethical standards and practical efficiency in licensed assistedliving facilities throughout New Hampshire. Works closely with regulators and facility owners/administrators to assure quality of living and care for residents in member homes. New Hampshire Auto Dealers Association PO Box 2337, 507 South Street Concord, NH 03302 800-852-3372/603-225-4895 nhada.com Provides information to members and representation before the Legislature. Also provides self-funded workers’ compensation and health insurance, dental insurance, wellness programs, education foundation and charitable foundation for children. New Hampshire Bankers Association PO Box 2586, 1 Eagle Square, Suite 505A Concord, NH 03302 603-224-5373/603-224-3381 nhbankers.com Statewide not-for-profit trade association whose purpose is to promote the general welfare, usefulness and public perception of banks and banking institutions to the betterment of the state’s economy. New Hampshire Bar Association 2 Pillsbury Street, Suite 300 Concord, NH 03301 603-224-6942/603-224-2910 nhbar.org/nhbainfo@nhbar.org The New Hampshire Bar Association (the oldest statewide bar organization in the

U.S.) strives to improve the administration of justice; foster and maintain high standards of conduct, integrity, competence and public service on the part of those engaged in the practice of law; safeguard the proper professional interests of the members of the bar; and provide a forum for the discussion of subjects pertaining to the practice of law, the science of jurisprudence and law reform and relations of the bar to the public. New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility PO Box 3562 Concord, NH 03302 603-391-7437 nhbsr.org/info@nhbsr.org Mission is to build and support a network of businesses committed to adopting socially responsible business practices and recognizing that people, principles and profits are inseparably linked. New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits 84 Silk Farm Road, Suite 1 Concord, NH 03301 603-225-1947/603-228-5574 nhnonprofits.org/info@nhnonprofits.org Member service organization for nonprofits providing group purchasing, management training, State House advocacy, information network and employee benefits. NH Clean Tech Council 603-777-7700 nhcleantechcouncil.org /kate@nhsea.org The advocacy arm of the NH Sustainable Energy Association, the NH Clean Tech Council advocates for and represents New Hampshire’s clean tech and energy business sector, focusing on the economic benefits from a vibrant clean technology industry. Its purpose is to promote a more innovative and clean energy policy, attract new investment and provide opportunity for growth. New Hampshire College and University Council 3 Barrell Court, Suite 100 Concord, NH 03301 603-225-4199/603-225-8108 nhcuc.org Nonprofit consortium of 22 public and private institutions of higher education in New Hampshire, providing joint programs for member institutions, sponsoring professional development conferences for faculty and administrators, and a forum for discussion of vital issues in higher education. New Hampshire Farms Network 603-252-5299 newhampshirefarms.net BUSINESS SERVICES GUIDE 2018 11

businesS ASSOCIATIONS and assistance A nonprofit aimed at strengthening the connection between New Hampshire farmers, businesses and consumers by developing a greater public understanding of the importance of farming for food security, community health, economic development and land conservation. New Hampshire Grocers Association Inc. 110 Stark Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-669-9333 grocers.org Trade association consisting of over 1,000 independent grocers and chain stores who operate convenience stores, markets and supermarkets, as well as the suppliers. Provides communication, education, legislative programs and functions as the official clearinghouse on all retail food-related information. New Hampshire High Technology Council 36 Lowell Steet Manchester, NH 03101 603-935-8951 nhhtc.org/info@nhhtc.org Purpose is to bring together representatives from the private and public sectors to establish and maintain financial, technical, management, legislative and educational support programs that encourage research and development in New Hampshire. New Hampshire Hospital Association 125 Airport Road Concord, NH 03301 603-225-0900 nhha.org/info@nhha.org Provides advocacy, information and research for the New Hampshire health care community. New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority 32 Constitution Drive Bedford, NH 03110 603-472-8623 nhhfa.org The NHHFA is not a state agency, but promotes, finances and supports affordable housing opportunities and related services for New Hampshire individuals and families through the use of resources and the building of partnerships. New Hampshire Made 539 Calef Hwy., Rte. 125, #104 Epping, NH 03042 603-679-9800 nhmade.com Statewide nonprofit marketing association that increases the awareness of, and


demand for local products and services by utilizing the power of “New Hampshire’s Own” state brand identity program. New Hampshire Medical Society 7 North State Street Concord, NH 03301 603-224-1909/800-564-1909 nhms.org/nhmedicalsociety@nhms.org Largest physician membership organization in the state whose mission is to improve the quality and availability of health care in New Hampshire by keeping the public well informed on health matters by means of mailings, news media and a physicians speakers bureau. New Hampshire Motor Transport Association 13 West Street Concord, NH 03301 603-224-7337 nhmta.org/vera@nhmta.org NHMTA represents over 400 New Hampshire-based transportation companies located throughout the state. It provides services and programs that maximize its members’ purchasing power. It is a strong voice for all trucking related issues within the state. New Hampshire Municipal Association c/o NH Local Government Center 25 Triangle Park Dr., PO Box 617 Concord, NH 03302 603-224-7447 nhmunicipal.org nhmainfo@nhmunicipal.org Non-partisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to the goal of strengthening the quality of local government by helping officials better serve their municipality, improving the education and training of local officials, contributing to the understanding of municipal issues and promoting more effective local government. New Hampshire Retail Association 48 Grandview Road, Suite 2 Bow, NH 03304 603-225-9748 retailnh.com/shop@retailnh.com Statewide organization of businesspeople promoting the success of the New Hampshireretail community, representing over 800 businesses, large and small, in legislative activities and provides specialized, cost saving programs to its members. New Hampshire Society of Certified Public Accountants 1750 Elm Street, Suite 403 Manchester, NH 03104 603-622-1999 nhscpa.org/info@nhscpa.org

Mission statement is to anticipate and respond to member needs and advocate policies which serve NHSCPA members and enhances the professional environment; promote a better understanding and recognition of the profession; and provide products and services that assist CPAs in providing quality professional services. New Hampshire Society of Professional Engineers PO Box 1343 Concord, NH 03302 nhspe.org/info@nhspe.org The society of engineering professionals in New Hampshire promotes the ethical and competent practice of engineering, advocates licensure and enhances the image and well being of its members while implementing the program of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) at the state level. New Hampshire Sustainable Energy Association 54 Portsmouth Street Concord, NH 03301 603-226-4732 nhsea.org/kate@nhsea.org NHSEA’s mission is to strengthen New Hampshire’s economy and conserve natural resources by promoting a transition to clean, efficient and renewable energy. It’s advocacy arm, the NH Clean Tech Council, promotes these efforts. New Hampshire Timberland Owners Association 54 Portsmouth St. Concord, NH 03301 603-224-9699 nhtoa.org Nonprofit organization of forest owners and users working together to promote better forest management and a healthy wood product industry. New Hampshire Travel Council PO Box 3935 Concord, NH 03302 603-290-0839 nhtravelcouncil.com info@nhtravelcouncil.com Strives to constantly understand, interpret and promote the New Hampshire lifestyle so that guests will better value the uniqueness of the New Hampshire experience. NH Works 172 Pembroke Road, PO Box 1856 Concord, NH 03302 603-271-7275 nhworks.org Information center for job seekers and employers, listing current job openings, New Hampshire economic and labor market

information and education and training programs. Career centers around the state offer workshops for technical assistance on preparing résumés and cover letters, job search workshops, employment counseling, aptitude and skills testing and career exploration tools. Oil Heat Council of New Hampshire PO Box 3898, Concord, NH 03302 603-415-8330 nhoilheat.com/info@nhoilheat.com Mission is to represent and be a resource to its members by monitoring and communicating pertinent information, regulatory actions and legislation at federal and municipal levels. Procurement Technical Assistance Program NH Division of Economic Development 172 Pembroke Road, PO Box 1856 Concord, NH 03302 603-271-7581 nheconomy.com/sell-to-the-government Many companies find the concept of selling to the government too daunting to ever get involved. Or, if they have tried it, the red tape factor quickly squelched the interest. The NH-PTAP provides the necessary tools to be competitive in the federal marketplace through one-on-one procurement counseling and technical assistance and electronic scanning of the Commerce Business Daily, federal contract awards, Defense Logistics Agency under $25,000 procurements and foreign trade opportunities. The program’s databases allow clients to access past procurement histories, target appropriate buying agencies and find prime contractor/sub-contractor opportunities. Ski New Hampshire PO Box 528 North Woodstock, NH 03262 603-745-9396/800-88-SKINH skinh.com/info@skinh.com Represents alpine and Nordic ski areas throughout New Hampshire. Activities include marketing, government relations, education and data collection. Small Business Development Center University of New Hampshire Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics 201 Paul Hall Durham, NH 03824 603-862-2200 nhsbdc.org Provides professional, one-on-one business management advice and educational programs, at no cost, to new and existing

businesses. Although the SBDC is not a lending agency, its counselors and staff can provide information on financial resources available in New Hampshire. It has several local business advising centers in convenient locations throughout the state. SCORE (Six N.H. Chapters) Previously known as “Service Corps of Retired Executives,” SCORE assists small businesses with free, confidential business counseling, small business training and workshops and an online resource library. Volunteer mentors, who have broad business experience in a vast range of industries, use their individual skills to help clients develop plans for new businesses, solve business problems and direct them to additional resources including financing. • Merrimack Valley SCORE 275 Chestnut Street, Suite 133 Manchester, NH 03101 603-666-7561 merrimackvalley.score.org • Mt. Washington Valley SCORE 53 Technology Lane, Suite 101 Conway, NH 03818 603-447-4388 mtwashington.score.org • Seacoast New Hampshire SCORE

215 Commerce Way, Suite 420 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-0575 seacoast.score.org • Upper Valley SCORE 20 West Park Street Lebanon, NH 03766 603-448-3491 uppervalley.score.org • Monadnock SCORE 34 Mechanic Street Keene, NH 03431 603-352-0320 monadnock.score.org • SCORE Lakes Region 383 South Main Street Laconia, NH 03246 603-524-0137 lakesregion.score.org Structural Engineers of New Hampshire PO Box 226 Manchester, NH 03105 senh.org A professional association of structural engineers practicing in New Hampshire that is founded on the premise that those in the structural engineering community can improve and advance the practice of structural engineering for both the individual and the profession.

U.S. Small Business Administration 55 Pleasant Street, Suite 3101 Concord, NH 03301 603-225-1400 sba.gov/nh SBA Guaranty Loans are made by private lenders, usually banks, and are guaranteed up to a specified percentage by the SBA. The 7(a) Guaranty Program, its most common loan program, helps lenders provide longer term financing for small business customers. The program limits the bank’s exposure and allows lenders to consider larger loan requests. USDA Rural Development Concord Center, Suite 218 10 Ferry Street Concord, NH 03301 603-223-6045 rurdev.usda.gov/vt USDA Rural Development Business Services works in partnership with the private sector and community-based organizations to provide financial assistance and business planning and helps fund projects that create or preserve quality jobs, either through guaranteed or direct loans. The financial resources are often leveraged with those of other public and private

credit source lenders to meet business and credit needs in under-served areas. Recipients of these programs may include individuals, corporations, partnerships, cooperatives, public bodies, nonprofit corporations, Indian tribes and private companies. White Mountains Attractions Association PO Box 10 North Woodstock, NH 03262-0010 603-745-8720 visitwhitemountains.com Promotes and publicizes recreation and recreational facilities in the White Mountains area. Yankee Chapter, Public Relations Society of America 53 Regional Drive, Suite 1 Concord, NH 03301 603-228-1231 yankeeprsa.org/info@yankeeprsa.org Organization of public relations professionals who work in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Source: NHBR Research


Getting to know SCORE Organization provides essential advice and assistance to NH entrepreneurs By Liisa Rajala

Formerly known as the Service Corps of Retired Executives, SCORE has six chapters in New Hampshire. The biggest, the Merrimack Valley chapter, services nearly 600 clients per year, 75 percent of which are thinking of starting a new business.

Liisa Rajala is the associate editor at NH Business Review. She covers a variety of topics including manufacturing, startups and technological innovations.


Having worked in marketing for Fortune 500 companies such as Procter & Gamble, as well as serving in management roles for Velcro and its subsidiaries, Dick Kuhl is a great resource for entrepreneurs. As is the organization he volunteers with: SCORE — the Service Corps of Retired Executives. SCORE is mainly run by retirees, sharing their business expertise and assisting aspiring entrepreneurs in their startup endeavors and existing small business owners in growing their fledgling business. The Merrimack Valley SCORE chapter — which recently celebrated its 50th anniversary — is one of six in the state and among 350 chapters around the country, all chartered by the U.S. Small Business Administration. It has a staff of approximately 65 mentors

ready to help, and there is no limit to the amount of time one individual can spend with a SCORE counselor. Kuhl, who joined SCORE 15 years ago as a volunteer at the Merrimack Valley SCORE office in Manchester, has worked with one client for about eight years. He was the second counselor assigned to Ken MacGrath, a compliance engineer who started up his own electromagnetic compliance testing facility — Core Compliance Testing Solutions — in Hudson. “I went to the Small Business Administration, and I told them what my plans were and asked if they had anyone who would be willing to help me. The person I spoke to said, ‘Yeah, we could help you, but you may be better served by a SCORE counselor,’” said MacGrath.

MacGrath tests radiated emissions. (Photos by Jodie Andruskevich

Retired executive Dick Kuhl (right), a volunteer with the Merrimack Valley SCORE, was the second counselor assigned to Core Compliance Testing Solution’s founder Ken MacGrath (left). Eight years later, Kuhl still assists the electromagnetic compliance testing facility in Hudson, and the two have become close friends.

These days a SCORE counselor is assigned through COMPASS, a software tool developed by another SCORE volunteer and retired executive, Gene Calvano. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to use the small business assessment tool — available at https://merrimackvalley.score.org/content/small-businessassessment — to organize their business’ functions and problems. COMPASS evaluates companies or would-be companies in five key areas: general management, finance, marketing and sales, human resources and operations. The information helps SCORE assign the best mentors and come up to speed on each assignment quickly. When MacGrath reached out to SCORE, he was constructing his test facility. With the help of his brothers, MacGrath disassembled a fiberglass building in Massachusetts that was then reconstructed on his family’s farmland in Hudson. “The only metal we have above the floor level are the hinges and door knob — everything else is fiberglass,” said MacGrath. It was vital that the building be constructed with a material that did not block electromagnetic interference, which Core Compliance measures to detect possible interference with electronic products. “The radiated emissions test — that’s when we’re looking for how [the product] could potentially interfere with radio stations, TV, police calls,” said MacGrath. The facility also has chambers used to block outside signals, to detect electromagnetic emissions from products, which have a standard set by the Federal Communications

Commission. And Core Compliance tests for radiated immunity, creating an electrical signal that is aimed at the product to determine if it is immune to radio signals from a garage door opener, remote control or cell phone. Core Compliance has performed testing on products that include the Segway, a robotic arm and such medical devices as defibrillators and computers. Since it was during the recession when Core Compliance was starting up, MacGrath capitalized on equipment sales — a doubleedged sword, since it was also potential customers who were closing down. He was familiar with the testing, but needed guidance on setting up the business and running it. Kuhl helped Core Compliance obtain ISO 17025 accreditation, recognition for having a specific quality system in place. “Dick had experience with that,” said MacGrath. “All the help he gave me in getting the accreditation — I don’t think I’d have it without his help.” “It took us about a year or so from the time we started to institute an ISO quality system. It involved doing a quality manual that sets up policies and procedures in a number of areas, from personnel to keeping proper records to correcting mistakes when you have them and making sure you don’t make the same mistakes again. Every manufacturing process is specified,” said Kuhl.

Kuhl also helped MacGrath develop a flyer and create lists of potential customers. “He kind of nudged me along to call people,” said MacGrath, who said Kuhl still visits every Thursday to tend to bookkeeping and other matters. “He’s just been there,” MacGrath said. “I’ve had people – like I wouldn’t have my business if my brothers didn’t help me, if I wasn’t getting this equipment at such a good deal, but Dick is probably the key, above everyone else. He’s probably the one who’s made the biggest difference.” MacGrath in the anechoic chamber, which is designed to absorb outside electromagnetic waves in order to determine what signals are emitted from the product.


CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE GREAT NORTH WOODS Androscoggin Valley Region Chamber of Commerce 961 Main Street Berlin, NH 03570 603-752-6060 androscogginvalleychamber.com Executive Coordinator: Paula Kinney info@androscogginvalleychamber.com North Country Chamber of Commerce 104 Main Street, Suite 206, PO Box 1 Colebrook, NH 03576 603-237-8939 chamberofthenorthcountry.com Executive Director: Kirsten Silfvenius info@chamberofthenorthcountry.com Northern Gateway Regional Chamber of Commerce PO Box 537, 25 Park Street Lancaster, NH 03584 603-788-2530 northerngatewaychamber.org President: Julie Aldrich northerngatewaychamber@gmail.com Umbagog Area Chamber of Commerce PO Box 113 Errol, NH 03579 603-482-3906 umbagogchamber.com info@umbagogchamber.com

WHITE MOUNTAINS Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce 2182 Main Street (Route 302) PO Box 189 Bethlehem, NH 03574 888-845-1957 bethlehemwhitemtns.com info@bethlehemwhitemtns.com Central NH Chamber of Commerce 12 Vintinner Road Campton, NH 03223 603-726-3804 centralnh.org Executive Director: Frank Cocchiarella info@centralnh.org


Cohase Chamber of Commerce PO Box 35 Wells River, VT 05081 802-518-0030 cohase.org Executive Director: Erik Volk cohasechamber@gmail.com Franconia Notch Chamber of Commerce 421 Main Street, PO Box 780 Franconia, NH 03580 603-823-5661 franconianotch.org Executive Director: Heidi Tarling executivedirector@franconianotch.org Jackson Area Chamber of Commerce 18 Main Street, PO Box 304 Jackson, NH 03846 603-383-9356 jacksonnh.com info@jacksonnh.com Littleton Area Chamber of Commerce 2 Union Street, PO Box 105 Littleton, NH 03561 603-444-6561 littletonareachambernh.com Interim Executive Director: Jessica Bunker info@littletonareachamber.com Mount Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce 2617 Main Street, Village Sq., 1st Floor PO Box 2300 North Conway, NH 03860 603-356-5701 mtwashingtonvalley.org Executive Director: Janice Crawford janice@mtwashingtonvalley.org Twin Mountain-Bretton Woods Chamber of Commerce PO Box 194 Twin Mountain, NH 03595 800-245-8946 twinmountain.org info@twinmountain.org Western White Mountains Chamber of Commerce 126 Main Street, Route 112 PO Box 1017 Lincoln, NH 03251 603-745-6621 westernwhitemtns.com

LAKES REGION Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce 383 South Main Street Laconia, NH 03246 603-524-5531 lakesregionchamber.org Executive Director: Karmen Gifford kgifford@lakesregionchamber.org Meredith Area Chamber of Commerce 272 Daniel Webster Highway PO Box 732 Meredith, NH 03253 603-279-6121 meredithareachamber.com info@meredithchamber.com Greater Ossipee Area Chamber of Commerce 2260A NH-16 PO Box 121 West Ossipee, NH 03890 ossipeevalley.org 603-651-1600 President: Stephen Jones II info@ossipeevalley.org

DARTMOUTHLAKE SUNAPEE Greater Claremont Chamber of Commerce 24 Opera House Square Moody Building Claremont, NH 03743 603-543-1296 greaterclaremontnh.org Executive Director: Elyse Crossman info@greaterclaremontnh.org Hanover Area Chamber of Commerce 53 South Main Street, Suite 208 PO Box 5105 Hanover, NH 03755 603-643-3115 hanoverchamber.org hacc@hanoverchamber.org Kearsarge Area Chamber of Commerce 1 Depot Street, PO Box 301 Warner, NH 03278 603-456-3330 kearsargechamber.org President: Dan Watts

Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce 18 South Main Street Rochester, NH 03867 603-332-5080 rochesternh.org President: Laura Ring info@rochesternh.org

Lake Sunapee Region Chamber of Commerce 328 Main Street, PO Box 532 New London, NH 03257 603-526-6575 lakesunapeeregionchamber.com admin@lakesunapeeregionchamber. com

Greater Wakefield Chamber of Commerce PO Box 111, 3 High Street Wakefield, NH 03872 603-522-6106 greaterwakefieldchamber.com President: Millie Badman info@greaterwakefieldchamber.org

Lebanon Area Chamber of Commerce 2 South Park Street, PO Box 97 Lebanon, NH 03766 603-448-1203 lebanonchamber.com Executive Director: Rob Taylor lebanonchamber@lebanonchamber.com

Wolfeboro Area Chamber of Commerce 32 Central Avenue, PO Box 547 Wolfeboro, NH 03894 603-569-2200 wolfeborochamber.com Executive Director: Mary DeVries

Newport Area Chamber of Commerce 2 North Main Street Newport, NH 03773 603-863-1510 newportnhchamber.org Executive Director: Ella Casey director@newportnhchamber.org

Upper Valley Bi-State Regional Chamber of Commerce PO Box 697 White River Junction, VT 05001 802-295-6200 President: Geoffrey Ross director@uppervalleychamber.com

MONADNOCK REGION Greater Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce 3 School Street, PO Box 541 Hillsborough, NH 03244 603-464-5858 hillsboroughnhchamber.org Executive Director: Virginia “Ginks” Leiby info@hillsboroughnhchamber.org Jaffrey Chamber of Commerce 7 Main Street, PO Box 2 Jaffrey, NH 03452 603-532-4549 jaffreychamber.com President: Max Mitchell info@jaffreychamber.com Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce 48 Central Square Keene, NH 03431 603-352-1303 keenechamber.com President: Phil Suter info@keenechamber.com Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce 10 Wilton Road, PO Box 401 Peterborough, NH 03458 603-924-7234 peterboroughchamber.com Executive Director: Sean Ryan staff@peterboroughchamber.com Rindge Chamber of Commerce PO Box 911 Rindge, NH 03461 603-899-5051 rindgechamber.org President: Lynda Hunt info@rindgechamber.org

MERRIMACK VALLEY Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce 49 South Main Street, Suite 104 Concord, NH 03301 603-224-2508 concordnhchamber.com President: Timothy Sink info@concordnhchamber.com Greater Derry-Londonderry Chamber of Commerce 29 West Broadway Derry, NH 03038 603-432-8205 gdlchamber.org President: Will Stewart info@gdlchamber.org Henniker Chamber of Commerce PO Box 885 Henniker, NH 03242 603-428-2100 hennikerchamber.org President: Johanna Michie president@hennikerchamber.org Greater Hudson Chamber of Commerce 71 Lowell Road Hudson, NH 03051 603-889-4731 hudsonchamber.com Executive Director: Brenda Collins info@hudsonchamber.com Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce 54 Hanover Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-666-6600 manchester-chamber.org President: Mike Skelton info@manchester-chamber.org Merrimack Chamber of Commerce 4 John Tyler Street, Unit H PO Box 254 Merrimack, NH 03054 603-424-3669 merrimackchamber.org President: Melissa Ballard Sullivan melissa@merrimackchamber.org

Greater Nashua Chamber of Commerce 142 Main Street, 5th Floor Nashua, NH 03060 603-881-8333 nashuachamber.com President: Tracy Hatch thatch@nashuachamber.com

Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center 550 Central Avenue Dover, NH 03820 603-742-2218 dovernh.org Executive Director: Molly Hodgson info@dovernh.org

Greater Raymond Area Chamber of Commerce PO Box 425, 64 Freetown Road Raymond, NH 03077 603-895-2254 raymondareachamberofcommerce.com President: Mark Desrochers info@raymondareachamber.com

Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce 24 Front Street, Suite 101 PO Box 278 Exeter, NH 03833 603-772-2411 exeterarea.org President: Todd Deluca president@exeterarea.org

Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce Depot Train Station, 81 Main Street Salem, NH 03079 603-893-3177 gschamber.com President: Donna Morris admin@gschamber.com

Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce 1 Lafayette Road, PO Box 790 Hampton, NH 03842 603-926-8718 hamptonchamber.com President: B.J. “Doc” Noel info@hamptonchamber.com

Souhegan Valley Chamber of Commerce 69 Route 101A Amherst, NH 03031 603-673-4360 souhegan.net President: Tracy Hutchins tracy@souhegan.net

Greater Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce 500 Market Street, PO Box 239 Portsmouth, NH 03802 603-610-5510 portsmouthchamber.org President: Valerie Rochon info@portsmouthchamber.org

TriTown Chamber of Commerce 27 Main Street, Suite 1 PO Box 632 Goffstown, NH 03045 603-540-0935 tritownchambernh.org President: Nancy Connor nancychefcol@comcast.net

Greater Somersworth Chamber of Commerce 58 High Street, PO Box 615 Somersworth, NH 03878 603-692-7175 somersworthchamber.com Executive Director: Jennifer Soldati jennifer@somersworthchamber.com Source: NHBR Research & N.H. Department of


Resources & Economic Development

Greater Barrington Chamber of Commerce PO Box 363, 970 Calef Highway (Route 125) Barrington, NH 03825 603-664-2200 barringtonchamber.org Chair: Rich Hollow administrator@barringtonchamber.org


UNH centers enable businesses to advance technologies Partnership encourages collaborative results By Liisa Rajala

The John Olson Advanced Manufacturing Center and Center for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Innovation provide manufacturers with access to testing equipment and faculty expertise to further develop materials, processes and new technologies.

Liisa Rajala is the associate editor at NH Business Review. She covers a variety of topics including manufacturing, startups and technological innovations.


Industry members participate in a metal forming workshop hosted by CAMMI. (Courtesy photos)

When the John Olson Advanced Manufacturing Center opens at the University of New Hampshire in spring 2018, the Center for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Innovation is slated to play a more prominent role as the center’s research and development arm. Established two years ago, CAMMI provides manufacturers access to testing equipment and faculty expertise to further develop materials and processes. Some 25 faculty members from the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, ranging from mechanical engineers to electrical engineers to physicists, work with CAMMI. Turbocam Energy Solutions, an affiliate of Barrington-based Turbocam International, recently completed a two-year project with Dr. Marko Knezevic, studying the use of additive manufacturing – a process that uses 3-D printing – on Inconel 1718 – a nickel-based alloy. The use of additive manufacturing could reduce energy use by 50 percent and material costs by up to 90 percent, proponents say. The idea

is that, through additive manufacturing, parts could be built with minimal machining, which is difficult with materials such as Inconel 1718, says Jonathan Bicknell, general manager at Turbocam Energy Solutions. “If it needs to be closer or a tighter tolerance, we can do machining if necessary, but you don’t have to do much because you’re building pretty close to the finished shape,” says Bicknell. “We wanted to prove how ready a printed component was for an application. Did it need to have extra processing? There’s heat treatments and something called hot isostatic pressing, which is high-pressure, high-temperature. We wanted to see if you could build a component and have it be ready to be installed, or did you need to go through these other processes to make sure the material properties were ready? And we proved you did not need that isostatic press,” which ultimately saves on equipment costs, says Bicknell. “We haven’t seen an impact on our current production but it allows us to have conversations

with our current customers on future production,” adds Bicknell, who is thinking five years or so down the road. New applications Turbocam is working with CAMMI on a second project focused on two other types of materials: Mar-M-509, a nickel-cobalt-based alloy, and Inconel 738, another nickel-based alloy. One application of the materials is the formation of static veins that provide power on the hotter side of an aerospace engine, just after the combustor, says Bicknell. “We’re going to use the same new equipment purchased in the first project plus the creep tester, but these materials are taking us further into the unmachinable materials,” says Bicknell. “We have a high-strength product available for aero engines, so I’m excited about proving that material out through UNH.” Newfields-based Hutchinson Sealing Systems manufactures weather strips for General Motors, Ford, Chrysler and Nissan. The company has worked with CAMMI to test lower-weight materials and is planning another project to develop a new adhesive technology to work in conjunction with stainless steel. “It proved that the direction we were heading in was a viable direction and then we did more material research on our own and found more materials we could use in the future,” says plant manager Paul MacDonald. With each automotive bid cycle every five years, testing new materials with CAMMI enables Hutchinson to develop an advantage to compete with companies around the world, he says. MacDonald says Hutchinson is working with Brad Kinsey, director of CAMMI, and his team on a project that focuses on using computers to simulate materials “and how the materials might deform under certain design conditions for stainless steel. I don’t know if it’s going to move forward yet, but we are certainly going to use their test facilities,” and work with them on computer simulation programs. The testing equipment is a big advantage, say both Bicknell and MacDonald. “That’s a big advantage,” says MacDonald. “It’s close by, and we wouldn’t be going out to buy that equipment because it’s too expensive or we wouldn’t have much use for it. We get a chance to have access to that equipment and people with experience using it.” “Not every company should go out and buy this equipment,” concurs Bicknell. “It’s better

A UNH faculty member works with a student on equipment in the Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Innovation.

to share it. That’s better at the university.” “I think it’s good for the university to engage and I think it’s a lot about showing value,” says CAMMI Director Kinsey, former interim director of the Olson Center and chair of Mechanical Engineering Department. “We need to show value to industry, to show UNH is a resource that will help them. We need to show value to the state so when the NHIRC needs to get re-funded, they see it’s a good investment.” Solving problems Kinsey expects the Olson Center to complement CAMMI by providing more realtime solutions to industry problems. “I often talk about a difference in time scale,” says Kinsey of the divide between academic researchers and industry. “We think about it as a one-year project or two-year project, while industry may have a problem on their shop floor and they need a solution in a few weeks.” The Olson center – funded with a $5.3 million donation to UNH by George Whelen IV, owner of Charlestown-based Whelen Engineering – will be able to respond by hiring research engineers, project managers and student interns to be on hand for shortterm projects, with the hope that short-term projects will transfer to longer term research, says Kinsey. Kinsey says the center has received a few equipment donations, but is waiting to se-

cure a building on campus before purchasing additional equipment. Equipment could have a research purpose in addition to education. The focus is on providing equipment for senior project design teams, such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science majors working on robotic applications. “We have nine senior design projects that have an industry partner, and I think those are great opportunities to start a collaboration,” says Kinsey. “One I’m involved with is a project with NH Ball Bearings, which led to a submission for an NHIRC grant, which hopefully will lead to more opportunities to engage with them.” As for the students participating in the program, says Turbocam’s Bicknell, “it’s hard to differentiate students based on GPA, so we tend to ask them about their senior project. But what the Olson Center is going to do is take senior projects and put them on steroids, where they’re very hands-on, where they come in [to the workforce] more aware of the possibilities and to have that be a part of their education. It’s great for this generation.” Companies interested in working with the John Olson Advanced Manufacturing Center should contact Director Dean Bartles at dean. bartles@unh.edu or Director Brad Kinsey at brad.kinsey@unh.edu for the Center for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Innovation.


NHIRC offers businesses grant opportunities for advancement By Liisa Rajala Twice a year, the NH Innovation Research Center seeks grant applications from New Hampshire companies that wish to conduct research with New Hampshire-based colleges and universities, including the University of New Hampshire and Dartmouth College. Grants funded by the NHIRC support projects under development in the private sector — varying from proof-of-concept to a substantial product or process design. Companies that win awards, which range from $20,000 to $125,000, are required to provide matching dollars or services, and are offered additional training in grant writing to apply for federally funded Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grants. Since 1991, NHIRC projects have attracted

$32.5 million in SBIR awards as well as $900 million in additional funding from other resources and private investors. “These grants continue to promote promising university-industry collaborations that turn research and product development into clear economic impact,” says Marc Sedam, executive director of the NHIRC. “In addition to increasing profitability for participating companies, these projects routinely go on to create jobs and enable businesses to get additional funding from private investors as well as federal sources.” For some companies, the grants have been essential to their success. “We entered the new market area of heat pipes through a NHIRC grant by working with an UNH chemical engineering professor to study the corrosion and aging to improve the reliability of these heat pipes,” says Craig Wood, former CEO of Laconia-based AavidTher-

malloy in a testimony. “UNH had equipment not available at Aavid and the expertise needed to develop a predictive aging model. Aavid officials estimated this market to produce between $500,000 and $1 million within the following year, and add about eight new jobs.” The process for applying for a NHIRC grant is competitive, with oversight by representatives from industry, government and academic institutions. Applications are encouraged from companies in biomedical/biotechnology, engineering, information technology, life sciences, materials science and manufacturing. Interested businesses do not need an academic partner to submit a letter of intent and assistance in locating a partner can be provided. More information, including upcoming deadlines, can be found on the NHIRC website at nhirc.unh.edu.

www.nhirc.unh. edu

✓ Accelerate Development ✓ Create Jobs ✓ Increase Profitability The NHIRC has awarded more than $8 million in state funds to support research projects and has been responsible for the creation or retention of 680 jobs. Awardees have received more than $32.5 million in federal SBIR grants and over $900 million in investment/acquisition capital on dollars spent.

Create university/industry partnerships Accelerate your development through an academic collaboration for prototyping, testing, or using specialized equipment.

Apply for a Granite State Technology Innovation Grant Visit www.nhirc.unh.edu or contact: nhirc.info@unh.edu


Administered by the University of New Hampshire


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REGIONAL YOUNG PROFESSIONALS NETWORKS ABC Young Professionals Group 58 Chenell Drive, Concord, NH 03301 603-226-4789 abcypg.org facebook.com/abcypg twitter.com/ABCYPG info@abcypg.org A group aimed at broadening the professional skills and knowledge of young member professionals in the Associated Builders and Contractors of NH/VT. Catapult Seacoast PO Box 385, 
Portsmouth, NH 03801 catapultseacoast.org facebook.com/catapultseacoast twitter.com/CatapultCCoast launch@catapultseacoast.org Dedicated to providing young professionals with unique and valuable opportunities to enhance personal and professional development. Offers knowledge development opportunities through leadership training, seminars, CEO Roundtables and more. Concord Young Professionals Network (CYPN) concordnhchamber.com/concord_young_professionals_network_cypn.html facebook.com/concordypn twitter.com/ConcordYP Launched in 2006 as a professional and personal development initiative of the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce. Promotes networking opportunities for young professionals and aims to energize young professionals who live and/or work in the Concord area. Derry Londonderry Young Professionals Network 29 West Broadway, Derry, NH 03038 603-432-8205 facebook.com/DLYPN DLYPN@gdlchamber.org DLYPN’s mission is to serve as a mechanism to attract and retain young professional talent to the Greater Derry-Londonderry area through engagement, opportunity and advocacy. Fusion (Lakes Region) PO Box 6503, Laconia, NH 03247 fusionnh.org facebook.com/NHFusion twitter.com/FusionNH fusionNH603@gmail.com Dedicated to the development of the next generation of leaders in the Lakes Region by providing opportunities through civic engagement, education and strategic relationship building.

Greater Rochester Young Professionals 603-332-5080 rochesternh.org/pages/young-professionals-networking-events facebook.com/GRYPNH cmarble@rochesternh.org Designed for young professionals in the area, between the ages of 21 and 35, who meet in a casual setting while networking with others and building their contact base. Through networking and involvement, these young professionals build a sense of community and belonging, build rapport with potential clients, expand their social interactions and represent their company. HYPE: Helping Young Professionals Excel (Salem) 603-893-3177 gshype.com A partner of the Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce, organizing networking, personal career acceleration and events that promote professional development and relationshipbuilding within the community. iUGO Nashua iugonashua.com facebook.com/iugonashua1 twitter.com/IUGO_Nashua info@iugonashua.com Greater Nashua’s home for young professionals looking to establish and expand their social and professional networks. Keene Young Professionals Network 48 Central Square, Keene, NH 03431 603-352-1303 facebook.com/YPNKeene keeneypn@gmail.com Created in 2007 as an initiative of the Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce with a mission of providing a forum to attract, retain and connect young people in the Monadnock Region. Offers valuable networking, social and community involvement opportunities to develop both personally and professionally in a welcoming atmosphere. Lake Sunapee Young Professionals Network facebook.com/lsypn lsypn@gmail.com 603-724-3146 Founded in 2016, the LSYPN’s goal is to bring together young professionals in the Lake Sunapee Region area and provide social networking events.

Manchester Young Professionals Network (MYPN) PO Box 651, Manchester, NH 03105 manchesteryoungprofessionalsnetwork.org facebook.com/ManchesterYPN twitter.com/manchesterypn info@mypn.org Established in 2004 as New Hampshire’s first young professionals organization. Aims to create business and social opportunities, support professional development and welcome new and existing young professionals to the Manchester community. Mount Washington Valley Leadership 2617 Village Square, N. Conway Village, NH 03860 603-356-5701 janice@mtwashingtonvalley.org Affiliated with the Mt. Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce, the MWV Leadership engages young professionals to explore educational opportunities, community connections and mentorship possibilities. It strives to encourage and empower the next generation to contribute to the local community. North of the Notch YP Network facebook.com/pages/North-of-the-Notch-YP-Network/858914380811207 northofthenotchypn@gmail.com Established in 2014 with the help of North Country Listens, NNN aims at hosting gatherings in Coos and northern Grafton counties. Sullivan County Young Professionals facebook.com/pages/Sullivan-County-Young-Professionals/121225954092 A professional development program designed to provide young businesspeople in the area with an insider’s view of the Greater Claremont business community through networking, professional development and community service. Upper Valley Young Professionals facebook.com/UVYoungProfessionals uvnhyoungprofessionals@gmail.com Brings together young professionals to provide educational opportunities and social networking events that enrich the Upper Valley and strengthen the future of local communities.

Source: Stay Work Play New Hampshire, stayworkplay.org. Stay Work Play is a nonprofit aimed at encouraging more young workers to “Stay, Work and Play” in New Hampshire. Connect with Stay Work Play at facebook.com/StayWorkPlay and on Twitter, @stayworkplay.


Making dollars and sense in government contracting Selling to the federal government is nearly a $2 billion business in New Hampshire By Dave Pease

A government contract can be a great boost for your bottom line and worth the effort to pursue it. You don’t have to go it alone. Register online to receive free services and attend extensive training programs.

Dave Pease is program manager for the New Hampshire Government Contracting Assistance Center. For more information on government contracting and the New Hampshire Government Contracting Assistance Center, visit www.nheconomy.com/sell-tothe-government, email govcontracting@dred. nh.gov or call 603-271-7581.


As a business owner, or the manager of one, you probably know your customers well, but work hard every day to win new ones. Have you thought about making Uncle Sam a customer? You should. Selling to the federal government is a $1.8 billion business in New Hampshire, with these goods and services provided by over 500 companies from across the state. The federal government, by way of its agencies like the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs and the U.S. Forest Service, is a great customer. It has rules about the kinds of businesses it must buy from, like women-owned and veteran-owned and yes, small businesses, like yours. But it is precisely those rules and regulations that make government contracting a daunting endeavor. Federal agencies have to follow processes that ensure they are fair and transparent. These are outlined not in a mere few pages, but in rule books containing thousands of pages detailing a roadmap to government purchasing. These rules change and they change often. It is only the largest and most sophisticated businesses that can keep up with them and they have an entire staff to keep them on track. The typical New Hampshire small business does not have a staff dedicated to procuring government contracts, but there’s help available – free help. The New Hampshire Government Contracting Assistance Center is a program within the Division of Economic Development, which is part of the Department of Resources and Economic Development. Congress established the program in 1985 and it is one of 97 centers nationwide, helping to connect businesses of all sizes with the government, which needs the same kinds of goods and services private industry needs. Our mission is to help businesses in all cor-

ners of the Granite State successfully navigate the rules and find good business opportunities. Our staff works as expert consultants to find bidding opportunities and following through to help you win a contract. Our services are free and confidential. In addition to being home to a number of major government contractors – BAE Systems, Sig Sauer, General Electric – New Hampshire is a leader in small business government contracting, ranking 7th in the nation (and 1st in the northeast) in per capita small business contract awards. Many great companies contribute to this remarkable achievement. Here are a few: Red River Computer Co., Inc. in Claremont is a major systems integrator, providing IT products and services to every major federal department and agency – 29 of them in 2016. Founded in 1995, the company rapidly became a leader in its field. The general contractor Monument Construction, LLC was founded in Nashua in 2008. A Service-disabled Veteran-owned small business, Monument is now a leader in serving the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. It has completed projects throughout New England and New York, and have recently extended its reach to the mid-Atlantic states and even Arizona. High tech specialty manufacturer C3I, Inc. is on the verge of moving from Hampton to a new home in Exeter. C3I – critical communications, controls and instruments – designs and produces rugged, sophisticated lighting and other control systems that are used extensively on a wide variety of Navy and Coast Guard ships. A particular specialty is lighting systems for ships that have helicopters onboard. A government contract can be a great boost for your bottom line and worth the effort to pursue it and you don’t have to go it alone. So where should you start? At our website,

Small defense contractors face December security deadline By Liisa Rajala

www.nheconomy.com/sell-to-the-government. Once you are there, you can register for our free services. When you become our client, your information is confidential and we do not sell or provide that information to anyone or any agency. The Government Contracting Assistance Center also offers extensive training programs conducted throughout the year and throughout the state. These free seminars range from providing introductory information to in-depth training for seasoned contractors. Topics range from understanding government markets and assessing how ready your business is to obtain government contracts, to interpreting solicitations and bid documents and Federal Acquisition Regulations. In addition to consulting and training, the contracting assistance center arranges face-to-face meetings, called matchmakers, with the people who want to connect with your business, such as small business liaison officers from prime contractors and small business specialists from government agencies. The staff will also help you prepare for these meetings, so that you make the most out of your time and then we can help you follow up. New Hampshire is home to companies that are innovative, competitive and, frankly, have a level of technology that makes them highly sought-after by prime contractors and government agencies. Our job is to level the field for them, so that our government can benefit from their high quality, costeffective solutions to the needs of the nation.

Companies interested in contracting with the federal government in the defense and homeland security supply chain must have documented cybersecurity protocols in place, including distinguishing which employees have access to making changes in the systems, says Patricia Toth, supervisory computer scientist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Toth was the featured speaker at the DFARS Cybersecurity Conference, held on June 29, 2017 at Nashua Community College. The event was co-sponsored by the New Hampshire Government Contracting Assistance Center and NH Manufacturing Extension Partnership to better inform companies of a Dec. 31 deadline for NIST Standard Protocol 800-171. As part of NIST’s Computer Security Division, Toth was one of the architects for 171. Small businesses that have contracted with the U.S. Department of Defense were familiar with the traditional 853 standard protocol, which requires confidentiality of information shared. 171 focuses on the control of sensitive but unclassified information, also referred to as SBU. Toth told companies to look for markings such as “no foreign dissemination” or “official use only” to determine what information fell under this definition and must be protected. “And the reason why we want you to protect it is, overtime all of this information was flowing out to DOD across the manufacturing community, and there was no standard process of how to protect it,” said Toth to an audience of 160 business people. “So there were folks like yourselves, small business people, manufacturers, federal contractors, universities, colleges, state and local government, all of these people had this type of information but it wasn’t being protected consistently across all of these areas, so 171 attempts to build in that consistency and have a set of protocols in place so the government can be assured this type of information is being protected everywhere.”

Most companies will have some of these safeguards in place already. Toth said about 60 percent of small businesses currently working with the federal government already have 171 in place, but need a training plan and documentation. She also called the requirement flexible, encouraging companies to explain how their controls are as effective as the controls recommended in 171. Companies must identify who is in charge of the information system, document inventory of all hardware systems and update it when configurations are made, plus analyze the impact of changes to the system before they are made, define system boundaries, provide annual cybersecurity training, train new employees on information system protocols, document employee access to the system – not everyone should have access to sensitive material or be able to make system changes – and have a protection plan in place. Toth stressed a system security plan is the most important requirement within 171, and informing the DOD of how the company planned to put in place the 109 other controls would still make the company compliant. Companies seeking assistance building a security assessment could access the ICS-CERT tool on the Department of Homeland Security’s website, though Toth warned some small businesses found it clunky. “What DOD wants is that documentation of how you’re going to get there,” said Toth. “If you do all of those things, it doesn’t mean you’re secure. There’s no guarantee with this. We know one of your employees could click on that link and introduce some kind of malware onto your systems. What this is demonstrating is you’re making an effort to improving the security of resistance,” said Toth. But again she reminded the crowd, “If you haven’t started 171 compliance, do it now. It’s not necessarily difficult, but it can be time consuming.”


New Hampshire companies By Tina Kasim

To be successful in today’s economy, one cannot simply look within our own borders, since 95 percent of the world’s consumers live outside the U.S. Many New Hampshire companies have grown their business and added jobs by exporting their goods or services.

In 2016, New Hampshire exported $4.1 billion in goods and services, an impressive increase over the past decade, since the Great Recession. That’s when Granite State businesses turned to international markets as a way to diversify their customer base to help them weather the downturn. Not only was this good for their bottom lines, exporting helped to keep Granite State workers employed. That momentum has continued and what we are finding is this: The world wants New Hampshire-made products and services. And yet, businesses are reluctant to go global because of regulations, government agencies and market insecurities, all of which can discourage even the savviest business people. This is where the Office of International Commerce can help. Our mission is to assist companies in all phases of exporting and while we can’t guarantee that overcoming these hurdles will be easy, know that help is here.

We have no experience in exporting and don’t know where to start. The OIC offers one-on-one counseling to companies through our network, which includes SCORE, the Small Business Development Center and SBA, as well as training seminars, with a range of topics critical to companies in all stages of exporting. Several times a year, we offer seminars and webinars for a more in-depth understanding of doing business in emerging markets, navigating U.S export regulations and sector-specific opportunities in various parts of the world.









20,048 JOBS

Tina Kasim, program manager for the New Hampshire Office of International Commerce, can be reached at 603-271-8444 or by emailing tina.kasim@dred.nh.gov. For more information, visit exportnh.org.






SUPPORTED BY EXPORTS IN 2014 Source: Office of the U.S. Trade Representative

are going global – and yours can too We are a small business and can’t compete internationally with the larger companies.

There is no international market for my product or service.

Most New Hampshire exporters are small businesses employing less than 50 people, so size is not indicative of success and they probably don’t have millions of dollars to invest in the export process. The New England Export Expansion Fund represents collaboration with the U.S. Department of Commerce, the New Hampshire Office of International Commerce, Provident Bank and the Granite State District Export Council. The funds are available to all New Hampshire businesses, with a concentration on manufacturing companies with 1,500 employees or less in their New Hamp-

If people in New Hampshire buy your products or services, probably people abroad will buy it, too. The OIC can help find those markets by assisting with research and developing an international business plan. The OIC partners with several state and federal agencies to find ways for companies to reach international markets, including the US Department of Commerce; Export-Import Bank; SBA; SBDC; SCORE and the Granite State District Export Council. The export surge continues and it’s time to take advantage of the world of opportunity awaiting New Hampshire businesses.


shire locations. Services companies, such as educational institutions and those related to travel and tourism, and engineering, may also qualify for the EEF. Funds can be used to offset the costs of U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Commercial Service programs that support international market expansion. Services available include customized business matchmaking services, international partner searches, initial market checks and background. Companies interested in the EEF fill out a short questionnaire to get started, which can be obtained from the OIC.



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COUNTRIES THAT IMPORT NH PRODUCTS Source: International Trade Administration






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Dover Business & Industrial Development Authority Dan Barufaldi, Economic Development Director Ph: (603) 516-6043 d.barufaldi@dover.nh.gov www.dover.nh.gov

Location is KEY

City of Somersworth Shanna B. Saunders, Dir. of Planning & Community Dev. Ph: (603) 692-9517 ssaunders@somersworth.com www.somersworth.com

City of Rochester Karen Pollard, Deputy CM, Dir. of Community Dev. Ph: (603) 335-7522 karen.pollard@rochesternh.net www.RochesterEDC.org

Pease Development Authority David R. Mullen, Executive Director Ph: (603) 334-6031 d.mullen@peasedev.org www.peasedev.org

City of Portsmouth Nancy Carmer, Economic Development Program Mgr. Ph: (603) 610-7220 nmcarmer@cityofportsmouth.com www.cityofportsmouth.com


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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES Belknap County Economic Development Council 383 So. Main Street Laconia, NH 03246 603-524-3057 belknapedc.org Executive Director: Justin J. Slattery justin@belknapedc.org Berlin Industrial Development & Park Authority 168 Main Street Berlin, NH 03570 603-752-8587 berlinnh.gov Community Development Director: Pamela LaFlamme Capital Region Development Council PO Box 664 91 No. State Street Concord, NH 03302 603-496-1875 crdc-nh.com Executive Director: Stephen Heavener sheavener@crdc-nh.com Claremont Economic Development & Business 14 North Street Claremont, NH 03743 603-542-7008/603-542-7033 claremontnh.com Director of Planning & Dev.: Nancy Merrill nmerrill@claremontnh.com Coastal Economic Development Council PO Box 698 4 Merrill Industrial Drive, Suite 201 North Hampton, NH 03842 603-929-9244/603-929-3502 coastaledc.org Managing Director: Daniel Gray dgray@coastaledc.org Concord Community Development Department 41 Green Street Concord, NH 03301 603-225-8595 concordnh.gov Deputy City Manager: Carlos Baia communitydevelopment@concordnh.gov Dover Office of Economic Development City Hall, 288 Central Avenue Dover, NH 03820 603-516-6043

dover.nh.gov Director: Daniel Barufaldi d.barufaldi@dover.nh.gov Grafton Regional Development Corporation PO Box 178 131 Main Street Plymouth, NH 03264 603-536-2011/603-398-4868 graftoncountyedc.org CEO: Anne Duncan Cooley connect@graftonrdc.org Granite State Economic Development Corp. PO Box 1491 1 Cate Street, Suite 3 Portsmouth, NH 03802 603-436-0009/603-436-5547 granitestatedev.com President: Alan Abraham aabraham@granitestatedev.com Littleton Industrial Development Corp. PO Box 439 93 Main Street Littleton, NH 03561 603-444-3975/603-444-1131 lidc-nh.org President: Greg Eastman info@lidc-nh.org Manchester Economic Development Office One City Hall Plaza Manchester, NH 03101 603-624-6505/603-624-6308 Director: Melanie Sanuth econdev@manchesternh.gov Monadnock Economic Development Corp. 51 Railroad Street, Suite 101 Keene, NH 03431 603-352-4939/603-357-4917 monadnock-development.org President: Jack Dugan jdugan@monadnock-development.org Mt. Washington Valley Economic Council 53 Technology Lane, Suite 100 Conway, NH 03818 603-447-6622/603-447-9947 mwvec.com Executive Director: Jac Cuddy jac@mwvec.com

Nashua Office of Economic Development PO Box 2019 City Hall, 229 Main Street Nashua, NH 03061 603-589-3260 nashuadares.com Director: Tim Cummings cummingst@nashuanh.gov New Hampshire Business Finance Authority 2 Pillsbury Street, Suite 201 Concord, NH 03301 603-415-0190/603-415-0194 nhbfa.com Executive Director: James Key-Wallace jameskw@nhbfa.com North Country Council 262 Cottage Street, Suite 246 Littleton, NH 03561 603-444-6303 nccouncil.org Executive Director: Dr. Barbara Robinson brobinson@nccouncil.org Northern Community Investment Corp. 1 Middle Street, Suite 201 Lancaster, NH 03584 603-788-2700/603-788-2702 ncic.org President: Jon Freeman jfreeman@ncic.org Pease Development Authority 55 International Drive Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-6088/603-427-0433 peasedev.org Executive Director: David Mullen d.mullen@peasedev.org Portsmouth Economic Development 1 Junkins Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-610-7220 cityofportsmouth.com Program Manager: Nancy Carmer nmcarmer@cityofportsmouth.com

Rochester Economic Development 31 Wakefield Street Rochester, NH 03867 603-335-7522 Economic Development Manager: Karen Pollard karen.pollard@rochesternh.net Salem Community Development 33 Geremonty Drive Salem, NH 03079 603-890-2120 /603-898-1223 townofsalemnh.org Assistant Town Manager Community Development Director: Andre Garron Somersworth Economic Development One Government Way Somersworth, NH 03878 603-692-4262 Director of Planning & Community Development: Shanna Saunders ssaunders@somersworth.com Strafford Economic Development Corp. of New Hampshire 100 Main Street, Suite 101 Dover, NH 03820 603-749-2211/603-749-3336 sedcnh.org Executive Director: Dennis McCann dmccann@sedcnh.org Wentworth Economic Development Corp. PO Box 641 7 Center Street Wolfeboro, NH 03894 603-569-4216/603-569-3317 wedco-nh.org Executive Director: Denise Roy-Palmer drp@wedco-nh.org Source: Compiled by NHBR from a list of economic development officials on file with the N.H. Department of Resources and Economic Development Note: Not a comprehensive list of economic development agencies in New Hampshire

Regional Economic Development Center 57 Main Street Raymond, NH 03077 603-772-2655/603-772-0213 redc.com President: Laurel Bistany


Business Services North (Virtual)

603-342-3174 businessservicesnorth.org A collaboration of White Mountains Community College, Northern Community Investment Corporation and the New Hampshire Small Business Development Center. Offers small business owners help and solutions by making just one phone call to a common number. Trained business consultants discuss with callers how the collaborating entities can best meet the needs of the entrepreneur, with access to the SBDC’s confidential business management assistance and online e-learning program, WMCC’s entrepreneurial counseling and group educational events and NCIC’s business financing, technologyrelated grants and marketing assistance.


The Enterprise Center at Plymouth

1 Bridge Street Plymouth, NH 03264 603-535-3222 Executive Director: Eric Spieth enterprisecenternh.com easpieth@plymouth.edu The state’s newest business incubator and accelerator, the Enterprise Center – a joint venture of Grafton County Economic Development Council and Plymouth State University – provides leased space, mentoring and networking to startups and existing businesses in central New Hampshire.



MWVEC Technology Village Business Center

53 Technology Lane, Suite 100 Conway, NH 03818 603-447-6622 Executive Director: Jac Cuddy mwvec.com admin@mwvec.com Owned and operated by the Mt. Washington Valley Economic Council. Housed in approximately 10,500 square feet, the Business Resource Center provides business counseling (provided by MWVEC, SCORE, RDA, SBDC); training and education programs; financing opportunities; library and Internet access; and international teleconferencing access.




Dartmouth Regional Technology Center

Centerra Resource Park 16 Cavendish Court Lebanon, NH 03766 603-764-6044 thedrtc.com wonda@hazenhill.com A private nonprofit formed in 2004 to assist startup businesses, providing support programs and a 60,500-square-foot, mixed-used technology incubator to foster the development of high-growth technology startup companies in New Hampshire. Provides flexible wet-lab, light manufacturing and office spaces, education, strategic advice and support, shared services and networking to financial and business resources. Has no employees; run by the Dartmouth Entrepreneurial Network and the Tuck School of Business in partnership with the Grafton County Economic Development Council and North Country Council.


DEN Innovation Center and New Venture Incubator

4 Currier Place, Suite 103 Hanover, NH 03755 603-646-8888 Director: Jamie Coughlin den.dartmouth.edu den@dartmouth.edu Officially opening in October 2014, the DEN Innovation Center and New Venture Incubator offer programs to the public including Six to Start, an entrepreneurship “boot camp” – with sessions on brainstorming, pitching, marketing and more – Lunch ‘N’ Learn and DEN hangouts, during which Dartmouth alumni involved with entrepreneurship meet in-person or online to tell their stories. The center aims to support a range of proposals, from social ventures to for-profit businesses, deploying a variety of seed capital and funds to accelerate venture development. It is led by Jamie Coughlin and run under the Dartmouth Entrepreneurial Network, but operates separately from the Regional Technology Center.


Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship

25 Roxbury Street, Suite C Keene, NH 03431 603-352-5063 Executive Director: Mary Ann Kristiansen hannahgrimes.com info@hannahgrimes.com The Business Incubator Program at the Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship in downtown

Keene offers business development and educational services, professional networking and peer-learning and supported, private and shared office space. Associates have access to educational programming, networking, free high-speed Internet, conference space, a kitchenette and shower facilities, among other amenities.



Alpha Loft

844 Elm Street, Suite 100 Manchester, NH 03101 603-629-9511 CEO: Mark Kaplan alphaloft.org info@alphaloft.org A nonprofit incubator that aims to attract, mentor and foster the growth and success of technology startups and innovative companies. The state’s oldest business incubator, it hosts and sponsors multiple startup competitions and holds the National Business Incubator Association Soft Landings International Designation, which recognizes an incubator’s focus on welcoming nondomestic firms into its domestic market. In early 2014, the New Hampshire Innovation Commercialization Center was merged with the abi Innovation Hub to form a larger organization with a bigger footprint in the state — Alpha Loft.


Creative Chef Kitchens

35 Manchester Road, Unit 9 Derry, NH 03038 888-625-2111 Owner: Neelima Gogumalla creativechefkitchens.com info@creativechefkitchens.com An incubator aimed at helping small New Hampshire food businesses grow their operations and get products into stores without having to invest in expensive infrastructure. In addition to commercial kitchen equipment and teaching space, provides assistance with sourcing, marketing and distribution.



Alpha Loft

10 Vaughan Mall #205, Portsmouth, NH 03801 (See description above)


Alpha Loft

21 Madbury Road, Durham, NH 03824 (See description above) Source: NHBR Survey


North Country Council

262 Cottage Street, Suite 246 Littleton, NH 03561 603-444-6303/603-444-7588 Executive Director: Dr. Barbara Robinson brobinson@nccouncil.org nccouncil.org Member communities: Albany, Bartlett, Bath, Benton, Berlin, Bethlehem, Campton, Carroll, Chatham, Clarksville, Colebrook, Columbia, Conway, Dalton, Dummer, Easton, Eaton, Ellsworth, Errol, Franconia, Gorham, Groton, Hart’s Location, Haverhill, Jackson, Jefferson, Lancaster, Landaff, Lincoln, Lisbon, Littleton, Lyman, Madison, Milan, Monroe, Northumberland, Pittsburg, Plymouth, Randolph, Rumney, Shelburne, Stark, Stewartstown, Stratford, Sugar Hill, Thornton, Warren, Waterville Valley, Wentworth, Whitefield, Woodstock


Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission

10 Water Street, Suite 225 Lebanon, NH 03766 603-448-1680/603-448-0170 Executive Director: Steve Schneider nmiller@uvlsrpc.org uvlsrpc.org Member communities: Acworth, Canaan, Charlestown, Claremont, Cornish, Croydon, Dorchester, Enfield, Goshen, Grafton, Grantham, Hanover, Lebanon, Lempster, Lyme, New London, Newbury, Newport, Orange, Orford, Piermont, Plainfield, Springfield, Sunapee, Unity, Washington, Wilmot


Lakes Region Planning Commission

103 Main Street, Suite 3 Meredith, NH 03253 603-279-8171/ 603-279-0200 Executive Director: Jeffrey Hayes jhayes@lakesrpc.org lakesrpc.org Member communities: Alexandria, Alton, Andover, Ashland, Barnstead, Belmont, Bridgewater, Bristol, Center Harbor, Danbury, Effingham, Franklin, Freedom, Gilford, Gilmanton, Hebron, Hill, Holderness, Laconia, Meredith, Moultonborough, New Hampton, Northfield, Ossipee, Sanbornton, Sandwich, Tamworth, Tilton, Tuftonboro, Wolfeboro


Southwest Region Planning Commission

37 Ashuelot Street Keene, NH 03431
 603-357-0557/603-357-7440 Executive Director: Tim Murphy tmurphy@swrpc.org swrpc.org Member communities: Antrim, Alstead, Bennington, Chesterfield, Dublin, Francestown, Fitzwilliam, Gilsum, Greenfield, Greenville, Hancock, Harrisville, Hinsdale,

Jaffrey, Keene, Langdon, Marlborough, Marlow, Mason, New Ipswich, Peterborough, Richmond, Rindge, Roxbury, Sharon, Stoddard, Swanzey, Sullivan, Surry, Temple, Troy, Walpole, Westmoreland, Windsor, Winchester


Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission

28 Commercial Street, Suite 3 Concord, NH 03301 603-226-6020/603-226-6023 Executive Director: Michael Tardiff mtardiff@cnhrpc.org cnhrpc.org Member communities: Allenstown, Boscawen, Bow, Bradford, Canterbury, Chichester, Concord, Deering, Dunbarton, Epsom, Henniker, Hillsborough, Hopkinton, Loudon, Pembroke, Pittsfield, Salisbury, Sutton, Warner, Webster


Strafford Regional Planning Commission

150 Wakefield Street, Suite 12 Rochester, NH 03867 
 603-994-3500/603-994-3504 Executive Director: Cynthia Copeland cjc@strafford.org strafford.org Member communities: Barrington, Brookfield, Dover, Durham, Farmington, Lee, Madbury, Middleton, Milton, New Durham, Newmarket, Northwood, Nottingham, Rochester, Rollinsford, Somersworth, Strafford, Wakefield



Nashua Regional Planning Commission

9 Executive Park Drive, Suite 201 Merrimack, NH 03054 603-424-2240/603-424-2230 Executive Director: Tim Roache timr@nashuarpc.org nashuarpc.org Member communities: Amherst, Brookline, Hollis, Hudson, Litchfield, Lyndeborough, Mason, Merrimack, Milford, Mont Vernon, Nashua, Pelham, Wilton Source: NHBR Survey



Rockingham Planning Commission

156 Water Street Exeter, NH 03833 603-778-0885/603-778-9183 Executive Director: Cliff Sinnott csinnott@rpc-nh.org rpc-nh.org Member communities: Atkinson, Brentwood, Danville, East Kingston, Epping, Exeter, Fremont, Greenland, Hampstead, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, Kingston, New Castle, Newfields, Newington, Newton, North Hampton, Plaistow, Portsmouth, Rye, Salem, Sandown, Seabrook, South Hampton, Stratham


svonaulock@snhpc.org snhpc.org Member communities: Auburn, Bedford, Candia, Chester, Deerfield, Derry, Francestown, Goffstown, Hooksett, Londonderry, Manchester, New Boston, Raymond, Weare, Windham




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Southern NH Planning Commission

438 Dubuque Street Manchester, NH 03102
 603-669-4664 603-669-4350 Executive Director: Sylvia von Aulock



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Can crowdfunding work for your business? Raising capital in a connected world By Andrew Grosvenor

Always give some thought to how your business will raise capital (and who you will be raising it from). Crowdfunding is a great option, but you should plan carefully to ensure regulatory compliance and a successful campaign.

Andrew Grosvenor, an associate with the law firm of Merritt & Merritt, can be reached at 603658-7830 or agrosvenor@merritt-merritt.com.


It’s 2017 and the equity crowdfunding train continues to slowly lurch forward. The SEC’s new crowdfunding rules have now been in effect for over a year and the initial results are … mixed. From May 2016 through the end of that year, a total of 156 companies raised an aggregate amount of $10 million in 163 deals. Equity crowdfunding (in which a company issues ownership interests to many small investors) is still very new at the federal level, so things may heat up if a successful campaign lights a fire under the marketplace. The SEC’s rules are still restrictive, and require all campaigns to go through registered portals, so it may take additional regulatory tweaks to generate more activity in this space. Several states (including our neighbors, Vermont and Maine) have worked to modernize their intrastate crowdfunding laws. It’s early days for intrastate efforts, so most players are still taking a “wait and see” approach. Crowdfunding comes in three flavors: • Donation • Debt • Equity Though all three involve raising small individual sums from large groups, the underlying mechanics vary. First, donation or “reward” crowdfunding is the Kickstarter model – businesses create a fundraising campaign and hope that the money starts flowing in. These dollars come in the form of donations from supporters, and the most successful campaigns may take advantage of quirky internet culture (search google for the famous “Potato Salad” campaign). Donations are not tax-deductible for the recipient or for the donor, and donors receive no ownership interest in the com-

pany. Well-crafted campaigns set out rewards at different donor levels, kind of like NPR tote bags for the digital era. For now, this area is nearly unregulated, though the Federal Trade Commission has shown interest in pursuing fraudulent campaigns. Donation crowdfunding requires businesses to be savvy marketers, but returns may underwhelm because the public’s fascination with Kickstarter seems to be on the wane as disappointment stories surface more regularly (search google for the “Coolest Cooler” saga). Second, debt crowdfunding leverages the internet to aggregate small loans into meaningful capital. Other than the aggregation process, crowdfunded debt is pretty similar to a bank loan. Online portals handle the logistics of connecting borrowers and individual lenders. This may be a better source of funds for less glamorous business ideas because funders are looking for a lowrisk, stable return on their investment dollars rather than the gee-whiz factor of many Kickstarter campaigns. Like most lending, debt crowdfunding is regulated, and businesses considering this option should consult legal counsel before raising capital. Equity Crowdfunding – Uncertainty and Risk Remains Third up is the most interesting: equity crowdfunding. Equity crowdfunding opens up startup fundraising to the many, many potential investors who don’t qualify as “accredited investors” (which basically just means very rich). Under the 2012 JOBS Act, Congress directed the SEC to create a regulatory framework for equity crowdfunding, and after numerous false starts, Title III crowd-

funding has been available since May 16th, 2016. Under Title III, a company may raise up to $1m each year through a registered portal. This portal is tasked with vetting companies, tracking investments and protecting investors. Nonaccredited investors may invest up to $2,000 or 5 percent of their income (whichever is greater) in Title III campaigns each year. Investors should note that this is not the same as buying publicly-traded stocks because there is no resale market for Title III securities and they can’t be resold within the first year. Many states have passed laws to allow non-accredited investors to invest in local companies via more limited intrastate offerings. New Hampshire does not yet have an intrastate crowdfunding system, though federal Title III crowdfunding may obviate the need for a new state law. It will be interesting to see where equity crowdfunding goes in the future. Investor education could be a big roadblock compared to the simplicity of Kickstarter, but it may only take one big success story to light a fire under the market. Small investors may jump at the chance to own part of a company that they’re really excited about. This is a rapidly evolving corner of the market, but if your business is looking for an exciting way to raise capital, and you don’t mind trailblazing a bit, equity crowdfunding may be right for you.

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The Concord Food Co-op supports and reinvests in the community by stocking and preparing delicious food produced by local farms. They have grown into one of the most successful natural food co-ops in the state. Choosing a banking partner that shared their community focus was critical, so they turned to Merrimack County Savings Bank. The Co-op knows that by partnering with a strong, local bank, they can count on expert advice, outstanding service and prompt, local decision-making. A natural fit! Contact Merrimack’s experienced business bankers at 800.541.0006 or visit any of our local offices or themerrimack.com.



Tom Dustin, Vice President, Commercial Loan Officer and Brad Kulacz, AVP, Branch & Business Development Manager, Merrimack County Savings Bank with Chris Gilbert (r), General Manager of Concord Food Co-op.


A closer look

How to prepare for a business loan application By DAVE PETERSON

Whether you are a startup or a well-established business looking to expand, there are pertinent steps you should take as a business owner before approaching a financial institution for funding. Your efforts will significantly impact the lender’s perception of your organization and will allow them to get a better picture of your business and its financial needs. Before applying for a business loan, make sure to: Determine the amount of money you need. Before seeking financial help, take the time to really analyze your business’ financial stance. What will the capital be used for? What is the state of the industry your business is in? Is it seasonal? What other debt do you have? Are you just starting out or is your business expanding? Who else is invested in your company? How urgent do you need financial funding? Knowing the answers to these questions will not only help you determine the amount of money your business is going to need, but will prepare you for when your lender asks these fundamental questions. Understand your numbers. Lenders consider the 5 C’s of credit when a borrower applies for a business loan – character of the business owner(s), capacity (cash flow), capital, collateral and conditions within the industry and economy. This information is used by the lender to measure the financial stability of your organization and understand your business’ ability to successfully pay back the loan. Lenders will also be looking at the debt-to-worth ratio. This is the amount being asked to borrow compared to the equity investment the business owners have put into their own business. Strong equity shows the owners are fully committed and also ensures that the business can operate effectively, when combined with the borrowed capital.


Be prepared for an online review. Business lenders will do their homework. They will review your company’s website, social media accounts and online reviews to ensure that they are professional and positive. Do an online review to ensure your company’s online presence accurately portrays your organization. Review your personal Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram accounts as well, to make sure your image will not be damaged by what you have shared with your online network. Create a professional business package. Before submitting an application, put together the following pieces so that your lender will have the necessary information to complete a business loan application: • Comprehensive business plan • Resume for each business owner • Balance sheet, cash flow, income statement and bank statements

• Financial projections • Tax documents over the past three years for each of the owners and the business • Business certificate or license • Articles of Incorporation or Formation, as applicable • List of executive officers and their back grounds Research lenders. Meet with financial institutions to determine which type will be the best fit for your business. There is an overwhelming amount of choices when it comes to selecting an institution including: community banks, credit unions, commercial banks and online financial institutions. Know what each financial institution has to offer your business. Consider banks and lenders with a local connection that know the market, know the region’s strengths and are vested in the local economy. Be sure to also get to know the lender you will be working with. A good commercial lender will learn about your business or industry and will be able to guide you through fundamental questions such as when to add capital, when to grow and when to add capacity against demands. By understanding what lenders will review and analyze, you will increase your chance for a smooth loan application process. Business loans are available to help your business grow, conduct new research, fund marketing efforts, hire new employees, expand into new territories and much more. No matter the reason, lenders want to help you achieve success. They are available and willing to be a resource as you look to grow your organization.

Dave Peterson, Senior Vice President and Commercial Banking Officer, is located at Camden National Bank’s Manchester, New Hampshire office. Dave is responsible for commercial business development in New Hampshire and the northern region of Massachusetts. With over 30 years of banking experience, he specializes in providing financing and cash management solutions for commercial and industrial businesses.

We’re here to help your business


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BANKS & LENDERS with SBA Loan Guarantee Agreements


Accion East 10 Fawcett Street, Suite 204 Cambridge, MA 02138 617-616-1598 accioneast.org

Claremont Savings Bank 145 Broad Street Claremont, NH 03743 603-542-7711 claremontsavings.com

GFA Federal Credit Union 229 Parker Street Gardner, MA 01440 978-632-2542 gfafcu.com

Mascoma Savings Bank 67 North Park Street Lebanon, NH 03766 603-448-3650 mascomabank.com

Bank of America 10 Mall Road Burlington, MA 01803 877-249-3473 bankofamerica.com

Community Guaranty Savings Bank 28 South Main Street Plymouth, NH 03264 603-536-0001 cgsb.com

Granite Bank 132 Main Street Colebrook, NH 03576 603-237-5551 granitebank.com

Members First Credit Union 44 Bridge Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-622-8781 membersfirstnh.org

Granite State Credit Union 1415 Elm Street Manchester, NH 03108 603-668-2221 gscu.org

Meredith Village Savings Bank 10 State Route 25 Meredith, NH 03253 603-279-7986 mvsb.com

Bank of New England 58 Range Road Windham, NH 03087 603-890-1600 bankofnewengland.com Bank of New Hampshire 62 Pleasant Street Laconia, NH 03246 603-524-1212 banknh.com BDC Capital 500 Edgewater Drive, Suite 555 Wakefield, MA 01880 781-928-1100 bdcnewengland.com Bellwether Community Credit Union 425 Hooksett Road Manchester, NH 03104 603-645-8128 bccu.org Citizens Bank 875 Elm Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-634-7655 citizensbank.com

Digital Federal Credit Union 379 Amherst Street Nashua, NH 03063 800-328-8797 dcu.org Eastern Bank 1 Atwood Lane Bedford, NH 03110 603-647-4446 easternbank.com

Kennebunk Savings Bank 111 Maplewood Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-766-6455 kennebunksavings.com

Enterprise Bank & Trust Company 130 Main Street Salem, NH 03079 877-671-2265 enterprisebanking.com

Lake Sunapee Savings Bank, a division of Bar Harbor Bank & Trust 9 Main Street Newport, NH 03773 603-863-5772 lakesunbank.com

Federal Savings Bank 633 Central Avenue Dover, NH 03820 603-742-4680 fsbdover.com

Ledyard National Bank 67 Main Street West Lebanon, NH 03784 603-298-9444 ledyardbank.com

Franklin Savings Bank 387 Central Street Franklin, NH 03235 603-934-4445 franklinsavings.com

Lowell Five Cent Savings Bank 125 East Dunstable Road Nashua, NH 03062 603-888-5310 lowellfive.com

Merrimack County Savings Bank 89 North Main Street Concord, NH 03301 603-225-2793 mcsbnh.com Merrimack Valley Federal Credit Union 24 Plaistow Road Plaistow, NH 03865 800-356-0067 merrimack-valley-fcu.org NBT Bank 80 Canal Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-623-1433 nbtbank.com Northeast Bank 200 Berkeley Street Boston, MA 02117 800-284-5989 northeastbank.com Northeast Credit Union 100 Borthwick Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03802 603-422-9915 necu.org Northway Bank 3424 White Mountain Highway North Conway, NH 03860 603-356-8010 northwaybank.com Optima Bank & Trust Company Two Harbour Place Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-9600 optimabank.com

Bedford • Dover • North Hampton Pease Tradeport • Portsmouth • Stratham (603) 433-9600 • optimabank.com

34 BUSINESS SERVICES GUIDE 2018 OPTIMA_2017_NHBR_BusinessServicesGuide.indd 1

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Passumpsic Savings Bank 117 Main Street Lancaster, NH 03584 603-788-4715 passumpsicbank.com

The Provident Bank 95 Portsmouth Avenue Exeter, NH 03833 603-760-1510 theprovidentbank.com

Savings Bank of Walpole 11 Westminster Street Walpole, NH 03608 603-756-4771 walpolebank.com

Triangle Credit Union 110 Main Street, Suite 1 Nashua, NH 03060 603-889-2470 trianglecu.org

Pentucket Bank 234 North Broadway, Route 28 Salem, NH 03079 603-893-3588 pentucketbank.com

Radius Bank One Harbor Street, Suite 201 Boston, MA 02210 603-560-4442 radiusbank.com

Service Credit Union 14 Colby Court Bedford, NH 03110 603-629-9898 servicecu.org

Union Bank 263 Dells Road Littleton, NH 03561 603-444-7136 unionbank.com

Peoples United Bank 779 South Main Street Manchester, NH 03102 603-621-5846 peoples.com

St. Mary’s Bank 200 McGregor Street Manchester, NH 03102 603-669-4600 stmarysbank.com

SIS Bank 501 Islington Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-430-0042 banksis.us

Wells Fargo Bank, NA 1455 West Lake Street, Suite 306 Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-667-2753 wellsfargo.com

Primary Bank 207 Route 101 Bedford, NH 03110 603-310-7200 primarybanknh.com

Salem Co-operative Bank 3 South Broadway Salem, NH 03079 603-898-2153 salemcoop.com

Sugar River Bank 10 North Main Street Newport, NH 03773 603-863-3000 sugarriverbank.com

Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank 63 Central Street Woodsville, NH 03785 603-747-2735 theguarantybank.com

Profile Bank, FSB 45 Wakefield Street Rochester, NH 03867 603-332-2610 profilebank.com

Santander Bank NA 223 Main Street Nashua, NH 03060 877-768-2265 santanderbank.com

TD Bank 333 State Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-2880 tdbank.com

*SBA lenders participating in NH Source: U.S. Small Business Administration

Business partnerships brewed to perfection.

As the independent franchise owner of the Dunkin’ Donuts restaurant in Ashland, along with seven others throughout the region, Chris Swanson is passionate about providing guests with great service and high quality products… all with a local touch! Chris knew that selecting a banking partner that shared his same customer and community commitment, would be key to his business success. So he turned to John Swedberg and Meredith Village Savings Bank and found the financial expertise and prompt, local decisionmaking that he was looking for. Contact MVSB’s experienced business bankers at 800.922.6872 or visit any of our local offices or mvsb.com. Chris Swanson, Ashland Dunkin’ Donuts franchise owner with John Swedberg, SVP, Commercial Loan Officer, Meredith Village Savings Bank.



Issuing a private placement

By Julie Morse

Despite its intentions, Regulation A+ will most likely continue to be utilized by larger, laterstage companies or early-stage companies with significant financial backing. Most earlystage companies will find Rule 506 of Regulation D provides the most efficient path to raising capital through private placement.

Julie Morse, a corporate attorney at Orr & Reno, can be reached at 603-223-9112 or jmorse@orr-reno.com.


In 2015, the Securities and Exchange Commission enacted Regulation A+ to provide another option for growing companies that require significant capital Issuing securities in private placements allows companies to avoid the significant time and expense of the federal registration process and often avoid state registration and qualification requirements. The most commonly used federal exemptions for private placements are Section 4(a) (2) of the Securities Act, which provides a statutory exemption for “transactions by an issuer not involving any public offering,” and Regulation D, which describes some “safe harbors” for companies engaged in unregistered offerings. But the SEC enacted Regulation A+ in 2015 to provide another option for growing companies that require significant capital. While the term “public offering” has never been formally defined, case law and SEC guidance have identified several factors that should be considered by an issuer to avoid a public offering of its securities: • Investors must be limited to those sophisticated enough to make an informed investment decision without the benefit of the information required to be provided to investors in registered offerings. • The number of offerees and purchasers must be limited to decrease the risk that an offer or sale is made to an unsuitable investor. • The issuer must provide offerees and purchasers with information about the issuer and the securities being offered. • Investors are required to buy the securities for their own account, without a view to immediately resell or distribute to others. • The offering, when viewed together with the issuer’s other similar offerings made closely in time, cannot be part of the same financing plan. But these factors do not provide definitive guidance on how to conduct private place-

ments that qualify for the Section 4(a)(2) exemption. To provide greater certainty, the SEC adopted Regulation D, Rule 506. Rule 506(b) allows the issuer to offer securities for sale to an unlimited number of “accredited investors” – i.e., potential investors who meet specific net worth or income criteria – but to only 35 potential non-accredited investors. Any non-accredited investors must possess sufficient knowledge and experience that they can evaluate the risks and merits of the offered investment, and the issuer must provide them with significant, specified disclosures about the company and the offering. Rule 506(b) prohibits general solicitation and advertising. Rule 506(c) allows the issuer to offer securities for sale to an unlimited number of accredited investors, and permits the use of general solicitation, as long as the issuer takes reasonable steps to verify that each purchaser is an accredited investor. No non-accredited investors can invest in a Rule 506(c) offering. Securities offered under Rule 506 qualify as “covered securities” under the Securities Act and therefore enjoy a blanket exemption from any registration or other requirements that might otherwise be imposed by state securities laws. However, state regulators are permitted to require issuers to make notice filings and to pay filing fees with respect to covered securities. Regulation A The SEC has authority to exempt transactions from registration if it finds that enforcement is not necessary to protect the public interest because of the limited size or character of the offering. Using this authority the SEC enacted Regulation A, but due to its restrictions Regulation A was rarely used. In an effort to make capital more accessible to

small businesses, the SEC implemented amendments to Regulation A, widely referred to as Regulation A+, which took effect on June 19, 2015. Reg A+ permits issuers to publicly advertise their offerings and, with certain restrictions, to “test the waters” by advertising and gauging investor interest ahead of the preparation of formal offering documents. Additionally, Tier 2 offerings (up to $50 million in a 12-month period) are exempt from state registration and qualification requirements and, subject to certain limitations, permit issuers to raise capital from non-accredited investors. Reg A+ requires preparation of a formal offering circular containing specified disclosures about the company and the offering similar to a registration statement filed by a public company. Companies conducting Tier 2 offerings also are required to prepare audited financial statements and to file annual, semiannual and current event reports with the SEC. A November 2016 report by the SEC found that Reg A+ bolstered Reg A offerings in the 16 months since Reg A+ became effective. Out of approximately 81 qualified Reg A offerings in this time period, about 60 percent were Tier 2 offerings. However, the rise in Reg A offerings still did not outpace overall Reg D offering activity. In addition, the majority of all qualified Reg A+ offerings were by issuers averaging $79 million in assets. Through June 2017, there have been a total of 33 Reg A+ Tier 2 notice filings in New Hampshire, only one of which was by a New Hampshire issuer. Despite the SEC’s stated intent behind the adoption of Reg A+, it is unlikely that Reg A+ will be the best option for most early-stage companies seeking to raise capital in New Hampshire. While Reg A+ will continue to be most useful to larger, later-stage companies or early-stage companies that have attracted significant financial backing and can shoulder its onerous requirements, most, if not all, early-stage companies in New Hampshire will find that Rule 506 of Regulation D is going to continue to provide the most efficient, cost-effective and workable path to raising capital through a private placement.

Retirement saving tips for the self-employed By Bob Bonfiglio

The choice to become selfemployed can be a fulfilling journey but it comes with many responsibilities. Entrepreneurs just starting out are in control of virtually every aspect of their business, which includes their retirement. If you are self-employed or thinking about making the leap, make sure you prioritize your own financial future. Begin by exploring retirement plan options available to you. If you are self-employed, you need to make retirement saving part of your routine. Although it may be challenging to determine what your salary is – and therefore what your retirement savings will be – make it a priority to set aside money each month. Even a modest amount can make a big difference in the total amount of your nest egg. Once your income is more consistent, consider increasing your contribution. There are a variety of retirement savings vehicles for self-employed individuals to consider. You can use one approach or a variety of vehicles to build your nest egg. Among the most popular savings options are: • SEP-IRAs: A Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRA allows you to set aside as much as 25 percent of your net earnings from self-employment, up to $54,000 per year in 2017. It is easy to administer, requires minimal paperwork and gives you the ability to build a significant pool of savings for retirement. • SIMPLE IRA: This is a fairly simple plan to establish for the self-employed or small business owners. You can contribute 100 percent of your net self-employment earnings up to $12,500 ($15,500 for those age 50 and older). As your own employer, you can also make a modest additional or matching contribution.

• Solo 401(k): As a business owner, you’re able to make contributions as both an employer and an employee. As the owner, you can contribute up to 100 percent of your net selfemployment earnings on a pre-tax basis, up to $54,000 in 2017. You can save an additional $18,000 ($24,000 for those age 50 and older) in the plan. For the individual contribution, you have the option of making either pre-tax contributions, or saving after-tax dollars into a Roth 401(k) that offers benefits similar to a Roth IRA. A 401(k) has additional administrative requirements that don’t apply to some of the other savings options. • Individual Retirement Accounts: Another potential option is to maximize annual contributions to IRAs. Those under age 50 can save as much as $5,500 (or 100 percent of income, whichever is less) in an IRA. Those 50 and older can set aside an extra $1,000 above that limit. Contributions may be tax-deductible based on your income. Otherwise, you may have the option to save your after-tax dollars into a Roth IRA, if you qualify. Earnings accumulated in a Roth IRA have the potential to give you a tax-free income stream in retirement, when all conditions are met. Choosing which plan or combination of savings plans is right for you is a personal choice. No matter what options you choose, keep in mind that the best approach is the one that encourages you to create a secure financial future for yourself.

Bob Bonfiglio, a private wealth advisor and managing director with Rise Private Wealth Management in Bedford, can be contacted at 603606-4255 or at bobbonfiglio.com.


Improving operational performance 6 effective steps to help your organization grow By Rosanna Nadeau

In our sluggish economy, mergers and acquisitions not withstanding, the capacity for a business to grow rests in the hands of its people. There are six steps that drive performance improvement.

Rosanna Nadeau, principal/consultant, at Prism Perspectives Group LLC, Mason, can be reached at 603-878-1546 or Rosanna@ PrismPerspectivesGroup.com.


CEOs throughout the world are driving to improve organizational performance regardless of size or industry. Much has been written and studied on this subject, and we find in the myriad of surveys and books as well as in our own experience that there are six steps that, executed effectively, drive performance improvement and growth capacity. First, engage your people. Employee engagement is one of the most written and talked about issues today in business. Following are examples of key actions to enable your people to engage and feel passionate about the work they do, deliver their best performance and to strengthen their commitment: • Build a strong understanding of your business strategy throughout your workforce. Ensure everyone can answer the following: Why do customers buy from us? Who are our key competitors and why do their customers buy from them? How do I contribute to our unique differentiation? • Build trust. Employees need to know that their managers and executives care about them as people as well as being committed to their success. • Make certain each employee is using his preferred skills and has an effective degree of autonomy. • Focus each department on improving its procedures and targeting its activities on better-achieving the company’s competitive differentiation through what people do and how they do it. Second, leverage high-impact leadership practices. Communication is king in today’s organizations. It’s one of the biggest challenges leaders have, and is probably a weakness for many companies. Communicate clearly in simple language, creatively, interactively, daily about core

business subjects, such as departmental and organization performance targets, progress, obstacles and solutions; stories about competitors and customer successes; and current organizational initiatives. Third, identify and remove internal roadblocks. How well-aligned with your competitive differentiation strategy are your company’s policies, procedures and structure? Look for indicators of misalignment such as whether people need to work around policies and work procedures to get things done, whether policies and work procedures enable people to get the right things done quickly. In addition, how are relationships between functions, i.e. manufacturing and sales? Are conflicts and frustrations routine? Fourth, align your metrics. To have meaning, the metrics people focus on need to be understood by them to be within their influence. Your metrics can provide great value when they serve as a guide to decision making and prioritizing work. Non-financial metrics that relate directly to your competitive differentiation can help keep everyone aligned in a similar strategic direction. Explaining how metrics are chosen and measured and tailoring to each department can enable people to understand how they each make a difference in the company’s performance. Fifth, use training and development strategically. Many organizations have a workforce that is approaching or past traditional retirement age. In addition, low engagement levels may lead to increased turnover as more job opportunities become available to people. Do you have training in place to enable people to perform essential

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work as employees leave or retire? Does your training effort prepare the organization with skills for the future? Develop a workforce plan to ensure hiring is done in time to develop people – all employees should receive training that is current-day and future-focused. In addition, develop career paths for people to progress to roles that will be needed in the future. Know your people and what their goals are for the future. Support them in channeling their paths to the future within your company. Sixth, focus on your business strategy. Authors and experts acknowledge three types of value propositions or competitive differentiation strategies in business. The rule of thumb is still to do a good job on all, but to choose one single area where your company can and does excel. The three types are: • Customer intimacy – providing customization to meet each customer’s individual needs, providing outstanding customer experiences and building strong, long-term customer relationships • Operational efficiency – providing a universal set of products and services designed to be cost effective for customers. This is not competing on price as much as it is providing value to customers that saves them money; do your products make customer processes more efficient, i.e. reduce down-time, improve quality? • Leading edge – providing new, innovative products and services based on the latest technologies and practices. This depends on having a strong research function with frequent introductions of new and improved products and services that are both different and effectively meet customer needs.

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TOP LAW FIRMS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE IN 2016 Annis & Zellers 2 South State Street Concord, NH 03301 603-224-5800 annisandzellers.com Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships) Backus, Meyer & Branch PO Box 516 116 Lowell Street Manchester, NH 03105 603-668-7272/603-668-0730 backusmeyer.com Appellate Practice Civil Rights Law Employment Law - Individuals First Amendment Law Baroff & Craven PA 740 Chestnut Street Manchester, NH 03104 603-647-4200/603-647-4664 baroffpa.com Commercial Finance Law Real Estate Law Barradale, O’Connell, Newkirk & Dwyer Three Executive Park Drive Suite 107 Bedford, NH 03110 603-644-0275/603-606-4258 bondpa.com Trusts and Estates Litigation Tax Law Bernard & Merrill 814 Elm Street Suite 407 Manchester, NH 03101 603-836-0257/ 603-626-8490 bernard-merrill.com Workers’ Compensation Law – Employers Bernstein Shur Jefferson Mill Building 670 North Commercial Street Suite 108 PO Box 1120 Manchester, NH 03105 603-623-8700/603-623-7775 bernsteinshur.com Commercial Litigation Criminal Defense – White Collar Education Law Employment Law – Individuals Employment Law – Management Labor Law – Management Land Use and Zoning Law Land Use and Zoning Law Litigation


Real Estate Litigation Real Estate Law Trade Secrets Law Bourque & Associates 835 Hanover Street Suite 301 Manchester, NH 03104 603-623-5111/603-624-1432 nhpatlaw.com Copyright Law Intellectual Property Litigation Patent Litigation Patent Law Trademark Law Brennan, Lenehan, Iacopino & Hickey 85 Brook Street Manchester, NH 03104 603-668-8300/603-668-1029 bclilaw.com Criminal Defense – White Collar Cleveland, Waters and Bass Two Capital Plaza PO Box 1137 Concord, NH 03302 603-224-7761/603-224-6457 228 Main Street New London, NH 03257 603-526-2835 40 Mill Street Wolfeboro, NH 03894 603-569-1055 cwbpa.com Bankruptcy Litigation Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships) Closely Held Companies and Family Businesses Law Commercial Finance Law Commercial Litigation Commercial Transactions / UCC Law Corporate Law Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law Land Use and Zoning Law Real Estate Law Real Estate Litigation Cook Little Rosenblatt & Manson 1000 Elm Street 20th Floor Manchester, NH 03101 603-621-7100/ 603-621-7111 clrm.com Banking and Finance Law Banking and Finance Litigation

Bet-the-Company Litigation Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships) Closely Held Companies and Family Business Law Commercial Finance Law Commercial Litigation Copyright Law Corporate Law Employment Law – Management Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity Law Banking and Finance Litigation Intellectual Property Litigation Labor and Employment Litigation Patent Litigation Securities Litigation Mergers and Acquisitions Law Nonprofit/Charities Law Securities/Capital Markets Law Securitization and Structured Finance Law Securities Litigation Tax Law Technology Law Trademark Law D’Amante Couser Pellerin & Associates Nine Triangle Park Drive PO Box 2650 Concord, NH 03302 603-224-6777/603-224-6696 damantelaw.com Construction Law Land Use and Zoning Law Construction Litigation Real Estate Litigation Real Estate Law Davis & Bujold 112 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301 603-226-7490/603-226-7499 davisandbujold.com Copyright Law Intellectual Property Litigation Patent Law Intellectual Property Litigation Trademark Law Devine, Millimet & Branch 111 Amherst Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-669-1000 43 North Main Street Concord, NH 03301 30 Penhallow Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-669-1000 devinemillimet.com Administrative/Regulatory Law

Appellate Practice Arbitration Banking and Finance Law Closely Held Companies and Family Businesses Law Commercial Finance Law Commercial Litigation Commercial Transactions / UCC Law Construction Law Construction Litigation Copyright Law Corporate Law Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law Employee Benefits (ERISA) Litigation Energy Law Environmental Law Financial Services Regulation Law First Amendment Litigation Health Care Law Health Care Litigation Insurance Litigation Intellectual Property Litigation Insurance Law Land Use and Zoning Law Land Use and Zoning Litigation Legal Malpractice Law – Defendants Medical Malpractice Law – Defendants Merger and Acquisitions Law Mergers and Acquisitions Litigation Nonprofit/Charities Law Patent Law Patent Litigation Product Liability Litigation – Defendants Professional Malpractice Law – Defendants Project Finance Law Public Finance Law Real Estate Litigation Securities Litigation Real Estate Law Tax Law Trademark Law Trusts and Estates Litigation Workers’ Compensation Law – Employers Douglas, Leonard & Garvey 14 South Street Concord, NH 03301 603-224-1988/603-229-1988 nhlawoffice.com Employment Law – Individuals Downs Rachlin Martin 67 Etna Road, Suite 300 Lebanon, NH 03766 603-448-2211/603-448-9967 drm.com Environmental Law Land Use and Zoning Law Trusts and Estates Litigation

Drummond Woodsum Pease International Tradeport
 100 International Drive, Suite 340 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-3317/603-433-5384 1001 Elm Street, Suite 303 Manchester, NH 01845 603-716-2895 dwmlaw.com Education Law Employment Law - Management Immigration Law Labor Law – Management Municipal Litigation Ferro Law & Mediation Group PLLC 57 Market Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-836-5400 ferrolawgroup.com Mediation Gagliuso & Gagliuso Harris Pond Office Park 32 Daniel Webster Highway, Suite 14 Merrimack, NH 03054 603-595-4500/ 603-595-8500 gagliuso.com Construction Law

Construction Litigation First Amendment Litigation Gallagher, Callahan & Gartrell 214 North Main Street PO Box 1415 Concord, NH 03302 603-228-1181/603-224-7588 gcglaw.com Administrative/Regulatory Law Arbitration Banking and Finance Law Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships) Commercial Litigation Commercial Transactions/UCC Law Construction Litigation Corporate Law Energy Law Financial Services Regulation Law Government Relations Practice Insurance Law Land Use and Zoning Law Labor and Employment Litigation Land Use and Zoning Litigation Municipal Litigation Mediation Mergers and Acquisitions Law Real Estate Law Tax Law

William S. Gannon PLLC 889 Elm Street Fourth Floor Manchester, NH 03101 603-769-4756/603-621-0830 wgannon.com Bankruptcy Litigation Bankruptcy and Creditor-Debtor Rights Law GoffWilson Two Capital Plaza Suite 403 PO Box 347 Concord, NH 03302 603-228-1277/603-226-0791 goffwilson.com Immigration Law Gottesman & Hollis 39 East Pearl Street Nashua, NH 03060 603-889-5959 nh-lawyers.com Land Use and Zoning Law Land Use and Zoning Litigation Real Estate Law Green & Utter 764 Chestnut Street

Manchester, NH 03104 603-413-4983/603-669-9330 green-utter.com Criminal Defense – White Collar Hage Hodes 1855 Elm Street Manchester, NH 03104 603-668-2222 hagehodes.com Commercial Litigation Corporate Law Intellectual Property Litigation Patent Litigation Hamblett & Kerrigan 20 Trafalgar Square Suite 505 Nashua, NH 03063 603-883-5501/603-880-0458 hamker.com Real Estate Law Hess Gehris Solutions 95 North State Street Concord, NH 03301 603-225-0477/603-227-0745 hessgehris.com Mediation


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TOP LAW FIRMS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE IN 2016 Hinckley Allen 11 South Main Street Suite 400 Concord, NH 03301 603-225-4334/603-224-8350 haslaw.com Construction Litigation Corporate Law Health Care Law Land Use and Zoning Law Land Use and Zoning Litigation Real Estate Litigation Real Estate Law Hoefle, Phoenix, Gormley & Roberts P.A. 127 Parrot Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-0666/603-431-0879 hpgrlaw.com Environmental Law Insurance Law Integral Business Counsel 155 Fleet Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-766-0408/866-612-3037 integralcounsel.com Corporate Law


Jackson Lewis 100 International Drive Suite 363 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-559-2700/603-559-2701 jacksonlewis.com Civil Rights Law Commercial Litigation Employment Law - Management Labor Law – Management Labor and Employment Litigation Loughlin Law Office Leonard Cotton House Strawbery Banke 144 Washington Street Portsmouth, NH 03802 603-431-6466/603-436-4079 pjllaw.com Land Use and Zoning Law Municipal Law McCandless & Nicholson 58 North State Street Concord, NH 03301 603-856-8441 mcnich.com Nonprofit/Charities Law

McDonald & Kanyuk 7 Hills Avenue Concord, NH 03301 603-228-9900/603-228-2802 mckan.com Tax Law Mark Dean 13 Samuel Drive Concord, NH 03301 603-230-9955/603-230-9669 mdeanlaw.net Energy Law McLane Middleton City Hall Plaza 900 Elm Street, 10th Floor Manchester, NH 03101 603-625-6464/603-625-5650 100 Arboretum Drive, Suite 140 Newington, NH 03801 603-436-2818/603-436-5672 11 South Main Street, Suite 500 Concord, NH 03301 603-226-0400/603-230-4448 mclane.com Administrative/Regulatory Law Appellate Practice Arbitration Banking and Finance Law

Bet-the-Company Litigation Commercial Litigation Copyright Law Corporate Compliance Law Corporate Law Criminal Defense – White Collar Education Law Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law Employment Law – Management Energy Law Energy Regulatory Law Environmental Law Environmental Litigation Financial Services Regulation Law First Amendment Law Government Relations Practice Immigration Law Labor Law – Management Intellectual Property Litigation Labor and Employment Ligitation Land Use and Zoning Litigation Mergers and Acquisitions Law Nonprofit/Charities Law Real Estate Law Securities/Capital Markets Law Securities Regulation Tax Law Tax Litigation and Controversy Trademark Law Trusts and Estates Litigation

Mulvey Cornell & Mulvey 378 Islington Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-431-1333 newhampshireinjuryfirm.com Arbitration Mediation Nixon Peabody 900 Elm Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-628-4000/603-628-4040 nixonpeabody.com Appelate Practice Banking and Finance Law Bankruptcy Litigation Bankruptcy and Creditor-Debtor Rights Law Civil Rights Law Commercial Litigation Corporate Law Food and Beverage Law Government Relations Practice Insurance Law Banking and Finance Litigation Bankruptcy Litigation Health Care Litigation Mergers and Acquisitions Law Mergers and Acquisition Litigation Mass Tort Litigation

Municipal Litigation Product Liability Litigation – Defendants Project Finance Law Securities Litigation Notinger Law 7A Taggart Drive 45 S. Main Street Nashua, NH 03060 603-417-2158 notingerlaw.com Bankruptcy and Creditor-Debtor Rights Law Bankruptcy Litigation Orr & Reno PO Box 3550 45 S. Main Street Concord, NH 03302 603-224-2381/603-224-2318 orr-reno.com Administrative/Regulatory Law Appellate Practice Arbitration Commercial Finance Law Corporate Law Energy Law First Amendment Law First Amendment Litigation

Government Relations Practice Insurance Law Real Estate Litigation Real Estate Law Pierce Atwood One New Hampshire Avenue Suite 350 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-6300/603-433-6372 pierceatwood.com Corporate Law Environmental Law Land Use and Zoning Law Mergers and Acquisitions Law Real Estate Law Securities/Capital Markets Law Preti Flaherty PO Box 1318 57 North Main Street Concord, NH 03302-1318 603-410-1500/603-410-1501 preti.com Bankruptcy and Creditor-Debtor Rights Law Commercial Litigation Construction Law Corporate Law Energy Law

Legal Malpractice Law – Defendants Municipal Law Real Estate Law Securities/Capital Markets Law Primmer Piper Eggleston & Cramer 900 Elm Street, 16th Floor Manchester, NH 03101 603-626-3300/603-626-0997 875 Greenland Road, Suite A-9 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-427-8565/603-427-8566 primmer.com Appellate Practice Banking and Finance Law Commercial Litigation Corporate Law Energy Law Financial Services Regulation Law Insurance Litigation Rath, Young and Pignatelli PO Box 1500 One Capital Plaza Concord, NH 03302-1500 603-226-2600/603-226-2700 rathlaw.com Commercial Litigation

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TOP LAW FIRMS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE IN 2016 Energy Law Energy Regulatory Law Environmental Law Environmental Litigation Government Relations Practice Insurance Law Tax Litigation and Controversy Medical Malpractice Law – Defendants Tax Law Shaheen & Gordon PO Box 2703 107 Storrs Street Concord, NH 03302 603-819-4231 140 Washington Street, 2nd Floor Dover, NH 03821 603-871-4144 80 Merrimack Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-635-4099 169 Daniel Webster Highway Suite 15 Meredith, NH 03253 603-395-4663 One New Hampshire Avenue Suite 125 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-373-6065

11 Concord Street Nashua, NH 03060 603-546-0004 shaheengordon.com Bet-the-Company Litigation Corporate Law Criminal Defense – White Collar Employment Law – Individuals Health Care Law First Amendment Litigation Sheehan Phinney Bass + Green PO Box 3701 1000 Elm Street, 17th Floor Manchester, NH 03101 603-668-0300/603-627-8121 Two Eagle Square, Third Floor Concord, NH 03301 17 1/2 Lebanon Street Hanover, NH 03755 603-643-9070 sheehan.com Bet-the-Company Litigation Commercial Finance Litigation Commercial Litigation Corporate Law Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law Employment Law – Individuals Employment Law – Management Energy Law

Environmental Law Health Care Law Labor Law – Management Intellectual Property Litigation Labor and Employment Litigation Land Use and Zoning Litigation Mediation Mergers & Acquisitions Law Nonprofit/Charities Law Real Estate Law Securities Litigation Trusts and Estates Litigation Tax Litigation and Controversy Tax Law Sisti Law Offices 387 Dover Road Chichester, NH 03234 603-224-4220 78 Fleet Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-7117/603-427-2938 16 Park Street Lancaster, NH 03584 603-788-3018/603-226-2025 sistilawoffices.com Criminal Defense – White Collar

Stebbins, Lazos & Van Der Beken 889 Elm Sreet, 6th Floor Manchester, NH 03101 603-627-3700/603-641-8900 slvlaw.com Banking and Finance Law Corporate Law Financial Services Regulation Law Land Use and Zoning Law Land Use and Zoning Litigation Mergers and Acquisition Law Real Estate Law The Stein Law Firm 81 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301 603-228-1109/603-228-5326 steinlawpllc.com Commercial Litigation Steiner Law Office 30 Oakmont Drive Concord, NH 03302 603-345-6440/603-715-1998 jimsteinerlaw.com Trusts and Estates Litigation

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Sulloway & Hollis PO Box 1256 Nine Capitol Street & 29 School Street Concord, NH 03302-1256 603-224-2341/603-226-2404 30 Exchange Street Gorham, NH 03581 603-466-5946 sulloway.com Commercial Litigation Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law Employment Law – Individuals Employment Law – Management Energy Law Health Care Law Insurance Law Labor Law – Management Mediation Medical Malpractice Law – Defendants Product Liability Litigation – Defendants Real Estate Law Real Estate Litigation Tax Law Trademark Law Trusts and Estates Litigation

Upton & Hatfield 10 Centre Street Concord, NH 03301 603-224-7791/603-224-0320 8 School Street Hillsborough, NH 03244 603-464-5578/603-464-3269 159 Middle Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-7046/603-369-4645 upton-hatfield.com Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships) Education Law Employment Law – Individuals Insurance Law Labor and Employment Litigation Municipal Litigation Real Estate Litigation Mediation Municipal Law Real Estate Law Wadleigh, Starr & Peters 95 Market Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-669-4140/603-669-6018 wadleighlaw.com Bet-the-Company Litigation Commercial Litigation

Commercial Transactions/UCC Law Construction Law Education Law Health Care Law Insurance Law Land Use and Zoning Law Construction Litigation Medical Malpractice Law – Defendants Municipal Law Real Estate Law Waystack Frizzell PO Box 137 251 Main Street Colebrook, NH 03576 603-237-8322/603-237-5002 15 Exchange Street Berlin, NH 03570 603-752-4500/603-752-4411 133 Main Street Lancaster, NH 03584 603-788-4244/603-788-4255 waystackfrizzell.com Criminal Defense – White-Collar Wescott Law, PA PO Box 1700 Bowman Street School 28 Bowman Street

Laconia, NH 03246 603-524-2166 272 Daniel Webster Highway Meredith, NH 03253 PO Box 536 The Jones House Strawbery Banke Museum Portsmouth, NH 03802 603-433-5385 75 Pleasant Street Bristol, NH 03222 603-524-2166 wescottlawnh.com Real Estate Law Winer & Bennett PO Box 488 111 Concord Street Nashua, NH 03061 603-882-5157/603-882-2694 winerbennett.com Real Estate Law List of leading law firms that practice in New Hampshire, including their top specialties, was compiled by New Hampshire Business Review based on results found in “The Best Lawyers in America® 2017,” a list of the country’s top attorneys, published by the national polling firm Woodward-White.

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A closer look

Taming the legal issues that snarl small businesses By Robert L. Best

Whether you’re starting a new business or running an existing one, your focus is on your product, customers, budget, income and, hopefully, your success. You probably stay awake at night thinking about how to expand your business, get your message out to a wider audience, improve customer service and make your customers happy. Your articles of incorporation, employee handbook, operating or shareholders agreement, data privacy and other irritating legal issues aren’t even on your list of priorities. Every minute you spend on these legal issues takes away from your customers, products or service lines and costs money. Small businesses, especially startups, cannot afford too many things that cost but don’t earn. Any attorney can make a case for why you should attend to (and spend money on) the universe of legal issues facing a small business. Lawyers like to talk about risk management, regulatory compliance, possible ways that government agencies will haunt you if you make a misstep, ways your business could fall apart, what your exit strategy is, why your employee might sue you and what dangers lurk in your real estate lease. These are all real and important concerns that can cause real problems if not addressed properly, however, paying someone to scare you into paying them more probably isn’t the solution you’re looking for. Fortunately, taming complicated legal issues is easier than you may think. Here are a few tips to get you started.

1. Be organized and prioritized. You do not have to tackle the whole universe of legal issues all at once. There is a unique set of legal issues associated with governing your business that is completely separate from the legal issues associated with having employees, owning or leasing real estate, generating revenue, getting paid and paying your taxes. Identifying key issues and tackling them in a logical and orderly way makes this process much more manageable and cost-effective. Not only can you wait to tackle legal issues at the right time, you can simplify the number of issues you have to juggle all at once by focusing on one at a time. 2. Set a budget for legal services. Perhaps the worst part of accessing legal services is the high and uncertain costs. Do not give your legal counsel a blank check. Have a discussion about cost, and establish a plan

to accomplish what you need at a price that fits your business. It is true that some legal services can be difficult to plan and budget. Nobody plans to get sued, and the legal cost of defending a lawsuit is hard to predict. However, that is more the exception than the rule. In most cases, legal services related to running a small business can be tailored and scaled up or down to fit a plan and budget. 3. Be specific about what you do. Running an auto repair shop is obviously different than running a restaurant, and much different than running a doctor’s office. The legal issues involved are much different too. Attorneys will know about significant legal issues such as licensing requirements, but probably not all the details about how you do business on a day to day basis. Big picture aside, do not expect your legal counsel to know everything there is to know about your business until you educate them. Find legal counsel who wants to learn about your business and will listen to you. It will make all the difference in making sure you get the solution you want, promptly and affordably. For more information on taming the legal issues facing your business, please contact Robert Best, or another member of Sulloway & Hollis’s Business and Private Client Group at 603-224-2341.

Robert L. Best is a member of Sulloway & Hollis, chair of the Firm’s Health Care Practice Group, and a member of the Business and Private Client Practice Group. He advises hospitals, physicians, health care providers, businesses and professional groups regarding health law and business matters such as formation, governance, contracts, compliance, mergers and acquisitions.


How do you select an IP attorney? A well-chosen advocate can give you the tools to make the best decision for your business By Kimberly A.W. Peaslee

Patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets have different durations of protection at different levels of governed law. There are several factors to consider when determining what form of protection is best for a particular situation.

So you just created, constructed or invented something. Now what? Do you have any protectable rights? If so, what are they? How do you protect your rights? Do you need an intellectual property attorney? If so, how do you choose the right person to help you grow your business and protect your rights? To begin, there are four major categories of intellectual property: patents, trademarks, copyright and trade secrets. Each category provides a different scope of protection, and the various forms of protection overlap. Some of the categories of intellectual property protection are governed by federal law, some are governed by state law and some are governed by both. Some forms of protection last for a limited time, while others last indefinitely so long as you meet certain criteria. There are several factors to consider when determining what form of protection is best for a particular situation. You should expect your advocate to recognize the value of the various factors. Patents A patent is a federal right that enables you to prevent others from making, using or selling your invention. While an inventor can represent him or herself before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), if someone else represents you in a patent prosecution matter, he or she must be registered by the USPTO. To be registered, the person must have passed the patent bar exam. Only those who have a college degree in engineering or physical science or the equivalent of such a degree can sit for the examination. Patent law has changed significantly over the last few years; it is wise to find someone knowledgeable in the patent rules and regulations, as well as current case law to represent you.

Kimberly A.W. Peaslee, Ph.D., is a registered patent attorney with the Concord-based law firm of Upton & Hatfield.


Trademarks A trademark identifies the source of a good or a service and is a form of consumer protection. Trademarks are a state and a federal right. There

are reasons for choosing one form of protection over the other. While you gain rights by using a mark in commerce, you may be able to secure rights in advance of use in certain situations. While a businessperson can represent him or herself in front of the USPTO, if someone else represents you on a trademark matter, he or she must be a licensed attorney in the U.S. or Canada. Copyright A copyright protects a creative expression once it is fixed in a tangible medium, but it does not protect underlying ideas. Copyright is a bundle of five distinct rights that can be licensed independently or as a whole. A copyright is a federal right. There are strict timing requirements for registration that provide you with additional protection. Anyone can practice before the Copyright Office, but if you are going to have someone represent you in this area, it is prudent to find someone who can provide value, and not simply fill out the forms for you online. Trade secrets A trade secret is something that affords its owner an economic advantage over others in a particular business area by being kept secret. Trade secrets are generally governed by state law, but there is some federal legislation that addresses trade secrets. There are many reasons you might choose a particular form of IP protection. You may wish to license your creation to others. You may wish to control the quality associated with your products or services. You may want to prevent others from taking advantage of your investments before you have had a chance to establish your place in the market. You may also wish to have a defense should a competitor approach you for a license to their technology. A well-chosen advocate can advance your goals by giving you the tools you need to make the best decision for your business.

Selling a business in confidentiality No matter the size of the business, many deals begin with a basic level of trust and respect By Brian Hanson

Keeping a sale confidential greatly reduces the chances of affecting employee morale, giving competitors an edge and losing relationships with customers. Executing a comprehensive letter of intent and agreement to disclosure are some of the steps to ensure a business transition is made smoothly. One of the most significant differences between selling a going concern business and a commercial property is the seller’s need for confidentiality during the marketing process. There are many reasons a business owner would want to maintain confidentiality but the key ones are: 1. Staff morale: An open sale process could affect employee morale and workplace atmosphere. Key persons, management and employees will emotionally invest in the process which can be a substantial distraction from the normal course of business. 2. Competitive advantages: Competitors, vendors and industry players could use the uncertainty created by the sale to change credit terms, recruit key employees or try to solicit the customer base. 3. Customer loyalty: Business owners sell for a variety of reasons: health, retirement, boredom or personal issues, among others. No matter the reason, long-term or loyal customers might feel disappointed or even betrayed that an owner “wants out” or fear that under new ownership the business may drift from its core values or operating principles. This could result

in customers taking their business elsewhere or using the change of ownership to price out other service or product providers. Keeping the sale confidential greatly reduces the chances of these situation occurring, but at some point, an owner will need to disclose the sale to employees, vendors, customers and clients. This disclosure is usually driven by indepth due diligence by the buyer(s) who need to interview key people and put processes in place for the transition prior to the closing. This can be a delicate point — balancing the needs of the buyer to put the deal together and the needs of the seller to maintain confidentiality until the deal is a “sure thing.” A business owner won’t want to give casual inquirers access to their employees, vendors and workplace until there is a solid agreement in place. Even a letter of intent may have enough due diligence contingencies that a buyer isn’t really locked into a deal at all. So how do buyers and sellers negotiate this part of the process? There is no single formula for every transaction; it can change due to deal size, trust between parties, third-party financing criteria and the complexity of the business, but there are a few strategies that can help: • Execute a comprehensive letter of intent or term sheet: The more details agreed to in the letter of intent, the less chance of derailing the deal later during the purchase and sale agreement process. Price, terms, strict contingencies, allocation and even monetary and duration limits on representations and warranties can be agreed to prior to in-depth due diligence and disclosure. • Agreement to disclosure: The buyer and seller should discuss disclosure after agreement to terms. Who, if any, employees, clients or suppliers need to be contacted by the buyer as part of due diligence? The seller will want to err on the side of caution, but the buyer will want assurances that there won’t be a material impact on the business with a loss of a key employee,

customer or supplier. • Benchmarked good-faith deposit: A significant good-faith deposit should be required as a sign of commitment from the buyer. Additionally, the deposit can be tied to buyer performance, with portions of the deposit becoming non-refundable as those benchmarks are met. Typical benchmarks might be the “exclusive dealings” period, satisfaction of due diligence, receipt of 3rd party financing commitments, delivery of draft P&S, disclosure to key stakeholders or execution of the P&S. • Nondisclosure agreements: Confidentiality agreements signed at the start of the process should have non-solicitation clauses and clear rules for contact between the buyer and the seller’s employees, customers and trade relationships. Having experienced legal representation and a knowledgeable intermediary can be invaluable when navigating the disclosure process, but no matter the size of the business or the sophistication of the buyers or sellers, many deals begin with a basic level of trust and respect. Sellers expect real intent and effort on the part of the buyer, and the buyer expects forthright disclosure of basic facts to assess the opportunity.

Brian D. Hanson, president of Maine Business Brokers and author of “A Basic Guide to Buying a Business,” can be contacted at 603-570-6160 or through MaineBusinessBrokers.com.


Things to remember when hiring an employee A range of filings, notifications are required under state regulations BY BETH A. DERAGON

NH Employment Security requires new employers to file an Employer Status Report within 30 days of first providing employment in New Hampshire, acquiring the assets of an existing employer or acquiring the assets of a separate unit of an existing employer.

Beth Deragon, an attorney in the Employment Law Practice and Litigation Group at the law firm of McLane Middleton, can be reached at beth.deragon@mclane.com or at 603-628-1490.


Many businesses do not realize that when they hire employees in New Hampshire, there are several filing requirements and regulations that must be followed. NH Employment Security requires new employers (an individual or organization that employs one or more workers) to file an Employer Status Report within 30 days of first providing employment in New Hampshire, acquiring the assets of an existing employer or acquiring the assets of a separate unit of an existing employer. In addition, when an employer hires or rehires an employee, a New Hire Reporting form must be submitted to NHES within 20 days of the date of hire — the first day services are performed for wages or any other form of compensation, or under a contract. A New Hire Report Form must also be submitted when a business enters into an independent contractor arrangement if the contract for services is with an individual or sole proprietor, and reimbursement for services is expected to meet or exceed $2,500 in a calendar year. Contracts for services include oral and written and formal or informal agreements. The NH Department of Labor requires proof of workers’ compensation coverage when there is one or more full- or part-time employee. The only businesses exempt from the requirement to purchase workers’ compensation coverage are sole proprietorships and corporations that have only three corporate officers and no employees other than these three officers. If an employer is found to be noncompliant with this law, it can be assessed a daily fine of $100 per employee for each day of no coverage.

Terms and conditions New Hampshire law and NH Department of Labor rules require that employees receive written notification of the terms and conditions of employment. The written notification must be signed by the employee and should include the employee’s rate of pay, whether hourly or salary, whether commissions are paid, payday and whether any fringe benefits are provided, such as vacation days, sick days and/or health insurance benefits. The easiest way for an employer to comply with this rule is to provide an offer letter to the employee. Before giving offer letters to employees, employers should consult with employment counsel to ensure that the offer letter provides all of the essential information and that it does not convert an employee’s at-will status to that of a contract employee. A copy of the signed, written notification or offer letter should be kept in the employee’s personnel file in the event that an audit takes place or that there is a dispute about an employee’s rate of pay. Since vacation, sick or paid time off are considered wages under New Hampshire law, employees must be notified in writing of their entitlement to this benefit. The notification should include the method of accrual including whether the anniversary date of employment or a calendar year is used to compute accrual of time off. Although New Hampshire law does not require that accrued, unused vacation, sick or paid time off be paid out upon termination of employment, employers are well advised to notify employees in writing whether that time will be paid out at termination. The notification should also specify whether unused vacation, sick or paid time off does or does not roll over from one year to the next. Similarly, if an employee is eligible for a



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non-discretionary bonus or commission payment, the terms and conditions under which such payments will be made must be in writing. Disputes often arise when the employer has not clearly defined all terms. Employers should run draft commission plans by their employment counsel to ensure that the terms regarding when a commission is earned and when it is paid are clear. Employers often overlook the NHDOL requirement that changes to the terms and conditions of employment (e.g., rate of pay and other benefits) must be provided to the employee in writing and signed by the employee. Therefore, whenever an employee receives a pay raise, written notification must be provided and signed by the employee.

interests, you can count on Cross for prompt, interests, you can count on Cross for prompt, professional service. By selecting policies from professional service. By selecting policies from only the top carriers, our experienced only the top carr only the top carriers, our experienced professionals can find the right coverage for you. professionals can find professionals can find the right coverage for you.
















Cost of misclassification Many employers skip these reporting requirements after making the erroneous determination that they do not have employees, but have independent contractors. While that topic is worthy of its own article, it is important to note that having an “independent contractor agreement” and/ or meeting the IRS’s independent contractor test does not mean that the individual will be considered an independent contractor under Employment Security or the Labor Department’s different independent contractor tests. Misclassification is costly, including unpaid unemployment taxes and daily fines for lack of worker’s compensation coverage. Hiring employees requires forethought in terms of proper classification of individuals as employees or independent contractors and compliance with filing requirements and other legal requirements. By taking the time to work through these issues, businesses put themselves in the best possible position.


Keeping today’s workforce ready for tomorrow By Chris Way

Employer collaboration with partners including colleges, universities, technological education centers and communitybased organizations will result in a better worker pipeline.

Chris Way is the acting director of the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development. For more information on the services available, including business retention, international trade, government contracting and business recruitment,visit nheconomy.com or call 603-271-2591.


Employee training programs are available to employers Ask any employer what its most value commodity is and the answer is going to be straight across the board: Workforce. Without skilled and educated employees, companies, services and manufacturers can’t bring to market the components, parts, services, vehicles, appliances or anything that adds convenience, simplicity, safety and even fun. Without talent, companies find it difficult to maintain, never mind increase, their competitiveness. Without a workforce trained in the latest technology and practices for their industry, opportunities will pass them by. The cogs that keep the New Hampshire economy driving forward are manufacturers and service providers. Their success is vital for that economy to be robust, which is why there are key partnerships in place to ensure a pipeline of talent and support. To help today’s employers to meet the hiring needs for tomorrow, four Sector Partnership Initiatives launched by industry leaders over the past year are bringing together businesses in targeted industries – advanced manufacturing, hospitality, health care and information technology – to address their workforce needs. A fifth one, the Infrastructure Sector Partnership, encompassing roads, bridges, energy, telecom and more, is expected to launch this summer. Through collaboration with communitybased organizations, colleges, universities and technological education centers, and registered apprenticeship providers, the initiatives are developing strategies to establish and grow workforce pipelines. Today’s workforce needs to stay ahead of the technology that develops and evolves industries here in our state. Even with highlyskilled workers, training is never complete, as businesses and manufacturing grow to meet demand.

For qualifying New Hampshire companies, there’s assistance available – the New Hampshire Job Training Fund. Since it was established in 2007, it has awarded millions of dollars to companies to keep their workers competitive. By the numbers: The fund is designed for private businesses of any size, in the state, which pay quarterly taxes into the New Hampshire Unemployment Trust Fund. The program provides a 1:1 match to employers that offer job training programs to their employees. Grants range from $750 to $100,000. Since its inception, the Job Training Fund has awarded more than $8 million in grants, with an employer match of over $10 million, providing a total investment of more than $18 million in 24,000 New Hampshire workers. The Community College System of New Hampshire is also involved in creating a skilled and educated workforce, through WorkReadyNH. The program is available to any New Hampshire resident over 18, free for eligible participants and offered at all seven of the state’s community colleges. WorkReadyNH helps people improve their skills and add credentials to their resume. The program strives to develop both soft and hard skills, which are in demand by employers, before participants move into one of the boot camp training programs offered by the community colleges around the state. River Valley Community College, with campuses in Claremont and Keene, established a two-week manufacturing boot camp to meet the growing needs of manufacturing companies in western New Hampshire. Working with the Regional Center for Advanced Manufacturing in Keene, River Valley has created classrooms that replicate a manufacturing shop floor. For hundreds of employers and thousands

e Your Success Is Our Mission

of employees, these programs are a win-win proposition. The employee gains experience in a rapidly growing field and employers have confidence in hiring these employees because they know that they have the skills they need to succeed on the job. The workforce needs of New Hampshire businesses have changed over the past decade and the only way to meet the growing demand for a skilled and educated workforce is to continue to build partnerships that train our workers for the jobs of today while also planning for the jobs of the future. The New Hampshire Division of Economic Development is ready to help companies maintain their competitiveness, which, in turn, keeps the state’s economy robust and growing. For more information, contact the Division of Economic Development at 603-271-2591 or visit www.nheconomy.com. For more information on the sector partnership initiatives, visit nhworks.org.

At a glance

Some of the best New Hampshire job candidates are able-bodied workers with disabilities. These are people who don’t let the little things get them down, and who know how to solve problems and work around obstacles. If you’re interested in hiring a qualified worker with a disability, or if one of your valued employees becomes disabled and you want to keep them on the job, give us a call. NH Vocational Rehabilitation specializes in working with employers in your situation. Our Business Engagement Unit can help with your questions about Workforce Accommodations, Financial Incentives, Employee Retention, Staffing, Support Services, and much, much more. Give us a call. We look forward to working with you.

Offices in Berlin, Concord, Lebanon, Keene, Manchester, Nashua & Portsmouth. Give us a call at 603-271-6719 today!

Hard Work, Loyalty & Integrity...

That is what our company is built upon.

New Hampshire Job Training Fund nhjobtrainingfund.org • Provides a one-to-one match to employers that offer job-training programs to their employees • Grants range from $750 to $100,000 • Designed for private New Hampshire businesses that pay quarterly taxes into the New Hampshire Unemployment Trust Fund

Design/Build • Construction Management • Construction Services • Development •

WorkReadyNH ccsnh.edu/workforce-training/workready-nh • Helps individuals improve their skills and add two nationally recognized credentials to their resume • Offered at all seven of New Hampshire’s community colleges • Free for eligible New Hampshire residents over 18

Call today to explore concepts, budgets and feasibility Ask for Lars Traffie at: (603) 878-2300



P.O. Box 257 | 810 Turnpike Rd. | New Ipswich, NH 03071 BUSINESS SERVICES GUIDE 2018 53

EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 21st Century Leadership LLC 6 Chenell Drive, Suite 200, Box 11 Concord, NH 03301 603-226-9675/603-226-9633 21stcenturyleadershipconsulting.com bgs3402@aol.com Bernie G. Sparks III Leadership consulting, coaching and training in workplace issues for improving the performance of executives, supervisors and rank-and-file employees. Offering classes in leadership development, bullying in the workplace and office security. Abbott Executive Search 16 Salmon Street Manchester, NH 03104 603-669-9909 ext. 201/603-606-5502 abbottsearch.com siobhan@abbottsearch.com Siobhan Tautkus Permanent Placement: Hospitals, Financial Services & Sales Accountemps 1155 Elm Street, 7th Floor Manchester, NH 03101 603-641-9400/603-641-8933 accountemps.com manchester@accountemps.com Barry Roy Temporary Staffing of Accounting and Financial Professionals Accurate Staffing LLC 80 Palomino Lane, Suite 201 Bedford, NH 03110 603-321-1596 accuratenh.com angela@accuratenh.com Angela Roussel Roberge Temporary, temp-to-perm and direct placement. From general laborers, tradesmen, IT, manufacturing, engineering, administrators, human resources and everything in-between. Adecco 11 Trafalgar Square, Suite 103 Nashua, NH 03063 603-598-0117/603-598-0116 adeccousa.com michelle.griggs@adeccona.com Michelle Griggs General Staffing, Clerical, Light Industrial, Professional, Finance, Temp-to-Perm & Direct Hire


Alexander Technology Group 5 Bedford Farms Drive, Suite 304, Bedford, NH 03110 603-637-1466/866-313-4766 alexandertg.com psilvio@alexandertg.com Paul Silvio Temporary, Temp-to-Hire, Direct Hire for IT Professionals Balance Staffing 14 Stiles Road, Suite C201 Salem, NH 03079 603-870-8080 balancestaffing.com marie@balancestaffing.com Marie McKone Pelich Temporary, Temp-Hire and Permanent Staffing: Administrative, Customer Service, Sales, Manufacturing, Warehouse, Light Industrial, Payroll Services Bank W Holdings 5 Bedford Farms Drive, Suite 304 Bedford, NH 03110 603-792-2345/866-313-4798 bankwholdings.com scwalinski@bankwholdings.com Sarah Cwalinski Holding and management company that focuses on building and growing the region’s most successful staffing companies Barclay Personnel Systems 85 Stiles Road, Suite 104 Salem, NH 03079 603-894-0007 barclaypersonnel.com christina@barclaypersonnel.com Christina Dubois Direct Hire, Temporary, Temp-Hire and Contract Opportunities for Administrative, Inside Sales and Sales Support BONNEY Staffing Center 767 Islington Street, Suite 1A Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-430-2121/603-430-9213 bonneystaffing.com portsmouth@bonneystaffing.com Kelly Collins Temp, Temp-to-Hire and Direct Placement Services in Office Support & Administration, Accounting, Customer Service/Sales, Light Industrial Positions, Legal & Medical

Career Connections 116 South River Road, Building D Bedford, NH 03110 603-880-7184/603-880-5460 careerconnectionsnh.com jobs4u@careerconnectionsnh.com Jessica LaPaglia Direct Hire Placement and Temporary/ Permanent Staffing of Office, Administrative, Sales, Accounting/ Finance Central N.H. Employment Services, Inc. 281 South Main Street Laconia, NH 03246 603-528-2828 cnhesinc.com laconia@cnhesinc.com Derek St. Cyr Permanent and Temporary Placements, Office, Administrative, Finance, Professional & Light Industrial, Technical & Engineering CLP Skilled Trades Solutions 783 Route 3A Bow, NH 03304 603-223-9721/603-223-6727 clp.com info@clp.com Seth Chisholm Dependable Trades People: Licensed Electricians, Plumbers, Carpenters, Welders, Construction Laborers, Masons, Warehouse, Production Line, Manufacturing, General Laborers Additional NH Locations: Dover (740-0891), Concord (226-3102) and Manchester (647-1237) CoWorx Staffing Services 130 Central Avenue, Suite 3 Dover, NH 03820 603-834-6002/603-834-6006 coworxstaffing.com jennifer.nielsen@coworxstaffing.com Jennifer Nielsen Full-service staffing, recruiting for industrial, administrative, sales and some technology-based firms Additional NH Locations: Charlestown (826-5264), Manchester (644-0085), Nashua (578-9161), Newfields (775-2503), Newport (865-5113) Cultural Chemistry 150 Dow Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-339-7257/603-339-7257 culturalchemistry.com

mijtsma@culturalchemistry.com Mirjam IJtsma Strategic Human Resources Consulting, Payroll, HR, Recruiting, Training, Employee Engagement, Compliance, OSHA, Construction, Restaurants, Startups Additional NH Locations: Portsmouth (623-3633) The Davis Companies 400 Amherst Street, Suite 304 Nashua, NH 03063 603-891-0111/603-891-9666 daviscos.com info@daviscos.com Rick Hyotte Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing and Software Staffing Durkee Personnel 86 Lafayette Road, PO Box 54 North Hampton, NH 03862 603-964-7183/603-964-7185 durkeepersonnel.com info@durkeepersonnel.com Kerry Sherman Temp & Perm Placement - One-onOne Computer Training Express Employment Professionals 8025 So. Willow Street, Suite 210 Manchester, NH 03103 603-606-7177/603-606-7493 expresspros.com/ManchesterNH jobs.manchesternh@expresspros.com John Roller Professional, Commercial & Administrative Staffing Global Technical Talent 233 Vaughan Street, Suite 102 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-9911/800-775-3135 gttit.com gtt-admin@gtt-it.com Michelle Norton, Angela R Syvertson Recruiting & Pre-Qualifying of Senior Level IT Professionals for National Clients; Immediate & Short-Term IT Contract and Full-Time Staffing Requirements Goodwin Hospitality 11 South Main Street, Suite 200 Concord, NH 03301 603-223-0303 goodwinhospitality.com info@goodwinhospitality.com Eric Goodwin Hospitality Management,

Recruitment, Mystery Shopping, Guest Satisfaction Surveys, Staff Feedback Programs, Exit Interviews, Real Estate, Consulting, Food Safety Audits and Diversity Recruitment Great Bay Staffing 90 Washington Street #301B Dover, NH 03820 603-557-0850 greatbaystaffing.com info@greatbaystaffing.com Brian Hughes Full Service Recruiting Firm dedicated to placing Information Technology and Healthcare professionals throughout the country. HW Staffing Solutions 491 Amherst Street Nashua, NH 03063 603-966-2725/603-943-5673 hwstaffing.com info@hwstaffing.com All levels of Administrative and Office Support as well as Light Industrial, including Skilled Manufacturing Individual Employment Services (I.E.S.) 1 New Hampshire Avenue, Suite 125 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-570-4850/603-766-1901 individualemploymentservices.com Anita Labell Permanent Placement — Executive Search Outplacement, Career Counseling/Coaching, Resume Writing & Career Assessment Testing KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting 5 Bedford Farms Drive, Suite 304 Bedford, NH 03110 603-792-2345/866-313-4798 kbwfinancial.com sdowling@kbwfinancial.com Sean Dowling Temporary, Temp-to-Hire, Direct Hire for Finance & Accounting Professionals Kelly Services 6 Bedford Farms Drive Bedford, NH 03110 603-625-6457/603-668-7403 kellyservices.com 4065@kellyservices.com Shane Corso Temporary Staffing, Temporary to Full-Time Staffing, Direct Placement, Project Services, Recruitment Process

Outsourcing, Business Process Outsourcing, Contingent Workforce Outsourcing and Managed Service Provider Key Partners Inc. 216 Lafayette Road, Suite 103 North Hampton, NH 03862 603-964-9495/603-964-4219 keypartnersinc.com info@keypartnersinc.com Yola DeDominicis Direct Placement, Temporary Placement Leddy Group 116 So. River Road, Building D Bedford, NH 03110 603-666-4051/603-644-8680 leddygroup.com bedford@leddygroup.com Patty McGrail Staffing for Light Industrial, Administrative & Accounting. Also provides Human Resource Consulting. Additional NH Locations: Dover (7494810) and Lebanon (727-0102) Manpower 310 Highlander Way Manchester, NH 03103 603-625-6994/866-552-5309 manpower.com manchester.nh@manpower.com Donna J. Lungo Temporary, Temp-to-Perm and Permanent Placement, Employment/ Staffing Specialists Additional NH Locations: Portsmouth (431-4944) Masiello Employment Services Inc. 294 West Street Keene, NH 03431 603-358-1000/603-352-0435 masemp.com info@masemp.com Julie Pearson Temporary, Temp-to-Hire and Direct Hire in Office Support, Accounting, HR, Light Industrial and Technical McIntosh Staffing Resources 65 Belknap Street Dover, NH 03820 603-742-8325/603-743-3323 mcintoshstaffing.com careers@mcintoshstaffing.com Tracey Madden CTS, CPC Office Administration, Mid-Level

Management, Call Center Relations, Accounting/Finance, Clerical, Manufacturing Management, Human Resources, Sales/Marketing, Light Industrial Merrimack Staffing 239 Drakeside Road Hampton, NH 03842 603-758-1099 merrimackstaff.com admin@merrimackstaff.com Ramon Pena Temporary Staffing with focus on Manufacturing Micro Tech Staffing 1A Commons Drive, Suite 3 Londonderry, NH 03053 603-421-0600/603-437-3992 mtsg.com trina.hall@mtsg.com Trina Hall Commercial Staffing including Temp Positions with focus on IT/Software Developers Monroe Staffing 814 Elm Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-935-9887/603-518-5408 monroestaffing.com caela.goumas@monroestaffing.com Caela Goumas Full-service staffing and consulting firm, serving companies ranging from Fortune 100 to new startup organizations The Nagler Group 5 Bedford Farms Drive, Suite 304 Bedford, NH 03110 603-637-1492/866-313-4796 naglergroup.com mmann@naglergroup.com Maura Mann Temporary, Temp-to-Hire, Direct Hire for Administrative, Human Resources and Legal New Age Software Services Corporation 20 Mary E. Clark Drive, Unit 9 Hampstead, NH 03841 888-445-4141/603-329-5410 newagesoft.com info@newagesoft.com Donna O’Dette Contract and Permanent Employment Opportunities in the Information Technology field

New Dimensions Personnel Services Inc. 113 Cottage Street Littleton, NH 03561 603-444-1100/603-444-0872 ndpsworks.com nancy@ndpsworks.com Nancy Dickowski Temporary, Permanent and Direct Hire Placement in all areas of Office Administration OfficeTeam 1155 Elm Street, 7th Floor Manchester, NH 03101 603-641-9233/603-641-8933 officeteam.com manchester@officeteam.com Barry Roy Temporary Placement of Highly Skilled Office & Administrative Support Professionals Pro-Temp Staffing LLC 316 So. Main Street, PO Box 567 Concord, NH 03302 603-228-6535/603-229-1680 protempsnh.com staffing@protempsnh.com Nancy Newell Accounting, Assembly, Clerical, Data Entry, Industrial Work, Information Technology, Office Support, Retail, Secretarial, Warehouse RGT Associates Inc. 2 Greenleaf Woods Drive, Suite 101 PO Box 1032 Portsmouth, NH 03802 603-431-9500/603-431-6984 rgtassociatesinc.com inquiries@rgtassociatesinc.com Bob Thiboutot CM, CPC Confidential, Professional Recruiting and Placement for Manufacturing and Accounting Management throughout New England since 1983 Randstad Work Solutions 165 South River Road, Suite B Bedford, NH 03110 603-623-1181/603-622-3793 us.randstad.com francis.rowley@randstadusa.com Francis Rowley Permanent and Temporary Placement for Office and Light Industrial Additional NH Locations: Bedford (623-1220)


EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Robert Half International 1155 Elm Street, 7th Floor Manchester, NH 03101 603-647-6200/603-641-8933 roberthalftechnology.com manchester@roberthalftechnology.com Barry Roy Temporary and Permanent Placement of Accounting & Finance, Information Technology and Administrative Professionals Sales Recruiters Inc. 85 Stiles Road, Suite 104 Salem, NH 03079 603-894-0007/603-894-6666 salesrecruiters.com robyn@salesrecruiters.com Robyn Sweeney Permanent, Direct Hire - Sales Recruiting and Sales Staffing Consulting for Industrial, Business Products, Consumer, Hi-Tech and Services Companies Sales Search Partners 5 Bedford Farms Drive, Suite 102 Bedford, NH 03110 603-637-4499/866-313-4798 salessearchpartners.com dvigliotti@salessearchpartners.com David Vigliotti Direct Hire for Sales Professionals Sapphire Consulting 98 State Route 101A, Suite 4-19 PO Box 850 Amherst, NH 03031 603-889-1099/603-879-0632 consultsapphire.com jim@consultsapphire.com Jim Kimberly Organizational Development Consulting, Leadership Development and Executive Coaching

snowdenassociates.com info@snowdenassociates.com Niall James Worn Talent Search, Talent Development. Over 37 years of service excellence experience and expertise to provide both permanent and short-term management talent for clients. Snowden also helps talent to develop their skills and competencies, to be aware of their best tactics and to develop a game strategy that enables your people and your organization to keep everything in check. Sparks Employment Group LLC 6 Chenel Drive , Suite 200 Concord, NH 03301 603-226-9675/603-226-9633 nhemploymentagencies.com resumes@sparksemploymentgroup.com Dr. Bernie G. Sparks MPA,DA, CEIC Temporary, Temp-to-Hire, Direct Hire & Direct Placements in Admin. & Office Support, Executive, Accounting, Engineering, IT, Special Projects-Long & Short Term, Legal, Sales/Customer Services, and Light Industrial, HR Consulting, Leadership Training/ Coaching Staff Hunters One New Hampshire Avenue, Suite 105 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-766-4909/603-766-4907 staffhunters.net amber@staffhunters.net Amber Payne Accounting, Finance, Bookkeeping, Administrative Professionals & Engineering, Temporary & Permanent Staffing Additional NH Locations: Bedford (232-8383)

September Partners Inc. 12 Middle Street Amherst, NH 03031 603-732-4201/603-732-4205 septemberpartners.com info@SeptemberPartners.com Linda Hamilton Sales, Sales Management, Business Development, Marketing, General Management and Engineering Placements

Staffing Sense 11 Court Street, Suite 210 PO Box 567 Exeter, NH 03833 603-772-1700/603-772-1930 staffingsense.com info@staffingsense.com Roy S. Aboody Temporary and Permanent Staffing Services, Administrative, Accounting, Clerical, Customer Service, Finance, Health Care, Sales & more

Snowden Associates 1 New Hampshire Avenue, Suite 125 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-431-1553/603-431-3809

Surge Resources Inc. 920 Candia Road Manchester, NH 03109 603-623-0007/603-624-7007


surgeresources.com sales@surgeresources.com James Petruccelli Employee Leasing TASC Technical Services 73 Newton Road PO Box 1315 Plaistow, NH 03865 603-382-1114/603-382-2377 tasctech.com mark@tasctech.com Mark McDonough Offers Staffing, Consulting and Turn-Key Project Services in the Areas of Engineering, Information Systems, Business and Professional as well as Manufacturing for both Commercial and Defense Client Firms Technical Needs 18 Pelham Road Salem, NH 03079 603-898-3000/603-893-7000 techneeds.com info@techneeds.com Mike Leccese Manufacturing, Engineering, IT Technology, Help Desk, Light Industrial Additional NH Locations: Lebanon (448-9900) and Portsmouth (898-3000) Technology Search Partners 155 Fleet Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-766-4999/603-766-0401 technologysearchpartners.com info@yourtspinc.com Eric Bakke Technology Job Placement with a Focus on Permanent Roles The TPI Staffing Group 53 Marlboro Street Keene, NH 03431 603-352-4155 tpistaffing.net atoscano@tpistaffing.net Anthony Toscano Short-Term Temporary, Long-Term Temporary, Temp-to-Hire/Temp-toPerm and Direct-Hire Placements in All Fields: Clerical, Entry Level, Skilled Trades & Health Care Additional NH Locations: Claremont (543-4155) and Lebanon (727-9765) WESTAFF 2 Greenleaf Woods Drive, Suite 101 Portsmouth, NH 03801

603-427-0465/603-431-6984 westaffnhseacoast.com Ginette Thiboutot Administrative, Customer Service, Data Entry, Reception, Marketing, Light Industrial Wicked Staffing Solutions, LLC. 165 South River Road, Suite C Bedford, NH 03110 603-324-0352/603-294-1828 wickedstaffingsolutions.com vgiuffre@wickedstaffingsolutions.com Vicki Giuffre Provides Temporary, Contract-to-Hire, and Permanent Placement for Administrative Staff, Customer Service/Call Center, Engineering, Human Resource Professionals, Light Industrial, Manufacturing Management, Office Management, Production, Purchasing/Buyers and More Additional NH Locations: Dover (294-4269) Wilson Employment Networks 197 Loudon Road, Suite 250 Concord, NH 03301 603-225-7300/603-225-7320 wilsonemployment.com pwilson@wilsonemployment.com Shannon Wright Specializing in Staffing and Recruiting for Accounting & Finance, Administration, Manufacturing, Engineering, Sales, Human Resources and Legal Support Additional NH Locations: Bedford (624-0600) Source: NHBR Survey

Understanding the Trump administration’s increased scrutiny of H-1B employers BY NATHAN WARECKI

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services intends to focus their investigations on large IT industry staffing firms, but others should be mindful of program requirements.

Nathan Warecki is an associate in Nixon Peabody’s Commercial Litigation Group in Manchester.

In 2017, the Department of Labor announced plans to implement a more targeted approach with regard to worksite visits Each year, in the months leading up to April, tens of thousands of potential H-1B employers embark on the tumultuous journey of sponsorship. The H-1B visa category is numerically capped at 85,000 total visas and this cap has been reached almost immediately in each fiscal year since 2009. April 2017 was no exception. Most H-1B employers believe that the lottery is their biggest hurdle to H-1B sponsorship. But recent announcements from the myriad of federal agencies charged with enforcing U.S. immigration laws highlight continuing challenges. In April, DOL announced plans to protect U.S. workers from H-1B program discrimination and the Department of Homeland Security, and USCIS in particular, announced additional measures to deter and detect H-1B visa fraud and abuse. More recently, Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta announced a more robust DOL enforcement policy, designed to “enforce vigorously” immigration laws relating to the administration and enforcement of nonimmigrant visa programs. USCIS also intends to implement a more targeted approach with regard to worksite visits — unannounced compliance checks by USCIS representatives — in order to identify employers who are abusing the H-1B program. Indicators that might compel a site visit include: the H-1B worker is not being paid the wage certified on the Labor Condition Application, or LCA; there is a wage disparity between H-1B workers and other

workers performing the same or similar duties; the H-1B worker is not performing the job duties specified in the H-1B petition; the H-1B worker has less experience than U.S. workers in similar positions at the same company; the H-1B worker is not working at the location certified on the LCA. Finally, in a notice issued on April 4, DOL announced that it will “protect American workers against discrimination” by initiating investigations of alleged H-1B program violators; considering changes to the LCA, which is a requirement of the H-1B petitioning process, in order to provide “greater transparency for agency personnel, U.S. workers and the general public”; and continuing to evaluate the H-1B program “to provide greater protections for U.S. workers.” Although these announcements do not impose any additional requirements on H-1B winners, they do serve as important reminders of the program’s strictures. Employers should review their immigration sponsorship policies and ensure those workers are in full compliance with the terms and conditions of employment as represented on the LCA and H-1B petition. As part of any immigration compliance program, employers should routinely audit their Forms I-9, and ensure their H-1B Public Access Files, which contain the LCA and other required documentation, are complete and up to date. While any H-1B employer may experience a USCIS site visit, the focus of the administration appears to be on H-1B-dependent employers and employers who routinely place H-1B workers at third-party work locations (e.g., IT staffing/consulting firms).


Identify, develop and build Workforce Accelerator 2025 to create skilled, educated workforce By LIISA RAJALA

Workforce Accelerator 2025 aims to introduce 84,000 employees with postsecondary credentials into the labor market by 2025 in order to meet the projected demands of the New Hampshire economy.

Liisa Rajala is the associate editor at NH Business Review. She covers a variety of topics including manufacturing, startups and technological innovations.


If you haven’t met Sara Colson yet, you’re about to. As BIA’s new director of workforce development, Colson is heading a joint initiative of BIA and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation — with additional support from Fidelity Investments — to help facilitate workforce efforts throughout the state and to identify and encourage more industry-education partnerships. That initiative, Workforce Accelerator 2025, aims to introduce 84,000 employees with postsecondary credentials into the labor market by 2025 in order to meet the projected demands of the New Hampshire economy. The effort, which is helping to answer the question of how education can better suit businesses’ needs, stems directly from discussions at the New Hampshire Coalition for Business and Education (NHCBE) following a Georgetown University report. Examining each state’s workforce needs, the 2014 Georgetown report forecasted that 68 percent of jobs in New Hampshire will require a postsecondary education by 2020. Today, just over 50 percent of the state’s population has a postsecondary certificate or degree. “In some states, [the Georgetown researchers] approached the governor’s office,” says Val Zanchuk, president of Graphicast and BIA past-chair. “In New Hampshire, they looked around and saw the place where government, business, education and philanthropic people are meeting is the Coalition, so they challenged the Coalition to delve into the initiative on behalf of the workforce of the state to see how New Hampshire would approach that.” Recognizing the need to set a more achievable goal, the business leaders and educators comprising the NHCBE embraced having 65 percent of the state’s 25- to 64-year-old population holding a high-quality postsecondary credential or degree by the year 2025. They then developed the “65 by 25” Work Group, which set out to: • Identify target populations

Workforce Accelerator 2025 Director Sara Colson is leading an initiative to help equip 84,000 more people in the labor market with postsecondary degrees or meaningful credentials by 2025. (Courtesy photos)

• Develop strategies to increase higher education attainment and • Build structures to support and sustain a statewide effort “At the end of the analysis, it became clear for New Hampshire to reach the 65 by 25 goal, that whole effort needed to be driven by industry,” says Zanchuk. Meanwhile, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation formed New Hampshire Tomorrow, a multi-year plan to narrow the opportunity gap between low-income and high-income students. That’s where BIA and the Charitable Foundation realized the potential for a partnership. “BIA President Jim Roche and I were both at that rollout,” says Zanchuk. “Afterwards I went up to Katie Merrow [the Charitable Foundation’s vice president of community impact] and I said, ‘You’re taking all these

kids up through high school and you’ll give them career training, but how do you know you’re accomplishing anything and following through with that?’ I suggested the BIA might be a good partner to make sure all of the work they were doing resulted in people getting jobs and having careers.” Replicating partnerships Since Colson started her role in January, she has held more than 100 stakeholder meetings, scheduled with the support of newly hired workforce assistant Amanda Savage. “Everyone is aware there’s a need to be working on the issue of workforce development,” says Colson, who points to New Hampshire’s February 2017 low unemployment rate of 2.7 percent and the Seacoast’s alarmingly low 1.6 percent. “You’re not going to find employees with an unemployment rate that low.” Colson has started by talking to businesses that have existing relationships with local educators. She plans to highlight businesses working toward achieving the 65 by 25 goal on biaofnh.com/workforce so other businesses and school systems can replicate them. “My role is to say, ‘I’ve met with someone in the Seacoast area and they’re interested in workforce development and want to know more about how to set up an internship program,’ and ‘I know someone else in the Keene area who has been doing that for some time and I’m going to connect them to work through this together,’” says Colson. “Helping to facilitate those conversations is really a key piece of it.” Colson’s background makes her a natural candidate to better unite businesses and educators. Starting out as a high school math teacher, Colson later started her own personal concierge business before serving as the executive director of the Lake Sunapee Region Chamber of Commerce. “We operate in silos and some places are doing a great job forming partnerships and other places aren’t, because they don’t have the time or the resources to commit to it,” says Colson. “As a state we’d like to be moving everyone in the same direction because businesses want educators to know what they need, and educators want to make sure they’re teaching the skills businesses need. But at the end of the day, everyone’s working crazy hours and has a little bit of tunnel

Gary Groleau, corporate manager of labor relations and organizational development at New Hampshire Ball Bearings, thinks its vital for industry representatives to be on school advisory boards, collaborating with faculty on ways to align curriculum with industry needs.

vision or they don’t know how to make connections or who to contact. So I think it’s important to try to remove those barriers.” Advisory boards New Hampshire Ball Bearings has established relationships with Laconia’s Huot Technical Center and Peterborough’s Applied Technology Center which have trained high school students in career and technical education programs to work in manufacturing. “We have been a partner with the Huot Technical Center’s CTE program – one of the biggest in the state – from the beginning, and I mean from the moment they put the stakes in the ground to identify the location,” says Gary Groleau, corporate manager of labor relations and organizational development at New Hampshire Ball Bearings. “I’m particularly proud of the pre-engineering and manufacturing programs. We wrote the curriculum, we identified the machines as they went through their capital acquisition process – that they had the same CNC language that we use in our facility so there would be a seamless transition for students who would come to work here.” But New Hampshire Ball Bearings’s involvement didn’t end there. “We did that but one of the ways we sustained it was staying on the school’s policy

advisory committee to stay in touch with their needs,” says Groleau. “It’s the simplest and most dramatic way to make a contribution – to get on these advisory councils and work with the students and teachers to collaborate on steep challenges. It doesn’t take money, it takes insight and perseverance.” At Lakes Region Community College, where Groleau is also on the advisory board, one of New Hampshire Ball Bearing’s employees teaches a course. “It takes deep collaboration to make these things work,” says Groleau. “Businesses have to get engaged,” says Zanchuk. “They have to stop griping about the lack of skilled labor because, in today’s world, businesses have to be part of the solution. “It’s important for the education community to have some ideas of what opportunities there are in the business world and demands of the business world, so they can put what they’re teaching into better context,” explains Zanchuk. For decades, students have questioned the value of learning subjects such as algebra. A well-informed teacher could point to an employer nearby and explain how algebra is used in that work setting, and perhaps tie an internship to fulfill the curriculum requirements, says Zanchuk.




Tracking credentials Ed MacKay, director of the Division of Higher Education for the state Department of Education, is seeing a shift toward ensuring all students are competent in core skill and knowledge areas, which often can be achieved through partnerships with businesses. “Our overarching purpose isn’t to simply attain that 65 by 25 target, but we want to put the foundation in place so we can sustain this commitment to earning credentials and post-secondary degrees,” says MacKay, who is on the BIA’s workforce steering committee. “Eric Feldborg, [director of career and technical education at the Department of Education] is talking to superintendents, career and technical education instructors and manufacturing reps to see what credentials can and should be obtained in high school to put them on a pathway to a career immediately,” says MacKay. To ensure the Workforce Accelerator 2025 initiative is working toward its goal, Steve Norton, executive director of the New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies, will be tracking the metrics and identifying

Each biennium, the Bureau of Economic Affairs receives $2 million from the administrative fund of the NH Department of Employment Security for the Job Training Fund and WorkReadyNH. Businesses interested in sending employees to an existing training session or creating a new training session can apply at nhjobtrainingfund.org for grants ranging from $750 to $100,000. The Community College System of New Hampshire has received a $1.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor to fund registered apprenticeships in occupations in health care, information technology and advanced manufacturing. Businesses interested in setting up a registered apprenticeship should contact State Director Lauren Smith at Smith.Lauren.M@dol.gov.

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the areas where strategies can have the highest impact. “It’s a real purposeful intervention if you will and a lot more organized and directed than we’ve typically seen to address these problems,” says McKay. “Our state is under a 2-year election cycle and budget cycle, so we often lurch from biennium budget to budget and it’s hard to secure long-term investments. The need for that sustained effort is why the BIA and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation three year commitment is so critical to the envisioned success.” There is a lot of optimism about the collective power to resolve the state’s workforce issues, but there is also an underlying urgency and concern of what could result if stakeholders don’t actively get involved. “The impact of not meeting those goals becomes hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax revenue,” says Zanchuk, pointing to the Business Enterprise Tax and Business Profits Tax, which are based on employers’ payrolls. “How do you maintain a quality of life without the tax revenue? It’s really a matter of cultural and economic survival to develop these skills to satisfy the future needs of the state.”

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Tufts Health Freedom Plan 603-228-7450 11 South Main Street, Suite 600, Concord, NH 03301

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COLLEGE INTERNSHIP SOURCES & FIELDS Antioch University of New England 40 Avon Street Keene, NH 03431 1-800-553-8920 603-357-0718 antiochne.edu President: Dr. Stephen B. Jones Jenn Fritz 603-283-2127 Internship Programs: Applied Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Education, Environmental Studies, MBA in Sustainability, Resource Management & Conservation Colby-Sawyer College 541 Main Street New London, NH 03257 603-526-3000 603-526-3010 colby-sawyer.edu President: Susan D. Stuebner Ed.D. Jennifer Tockman 603-526-3765 Internship Programs: Accounting, Art, Art History, Athletic Training, Biology, Business Administration, Child Development, Creative Writing, English, Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Exercise & Sports Science, Graphic Design, Health Care Management, Health Promotion, Nursing, Media and Communications, Multidisciplinary Studies, Philosophy, Psychology, Public Health, Sociology and Sports Management Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755 603-646-1110 dartmouth.edu President: Philip J. Hanlon Monica Wilson 603-646-2665 Internship Programs: Interns are available to work full-time for 8-14 weeks each academic quarter. Contact Monica Wilson to discuss recruiting options. Franklin Pierce University 40 University Drive Rindge, NH 03461 603-899-4243 franklinpierce.edu President: Dr. Kim Mooney Rosemary Nichols 603-899-4045 Internship Programs: Accounting, Advertising, Arts Management, Biology, Business, Computers, Criminal Justice, Education,


Environmental Science, Finance, Fine Arts, Graphics, Information Technology, Marketing, Mass Communication, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, Sports & Leisure, Theater Arts

Design, Health Sciences, History, Holocaust Studies, Journalism, Management, Mathematics, Music Technology, Physical Education, Political Science, Product Design, Psychology, Safety Studies, Sociology

Granite State College 25 Hall Street Concord, NH 03301 855-472-4255 603-513-1389 granite.edu President: Dr. Mark Rubinstein Leslie Paul 603-513-1397 Internship Programs: Available on a case-by-case basis for students in the following majors: Applied Studies/ Allied Health Services, Applied Studies/Human Services, Health Care Management, Individualized Studies, Psychology

Lakes Region Community College 379 Belmont Road Laconia, NH 03246 603-524-3207 603-524-8084 lrcc.edu President: Dr. Scott Kalicki Alan Punches 603-366-5216 Internship Programs: Accounting, Automotive Service, Business Management, Computer Technology, Culinary Arts, Fine Arts, Early Childhood Education, Electrical Technologies, Fire Technology, Graphic Arts, Health Information Technology, Human Services, Liberal Arts, Marine Technology, Media Arts, Office Technology Management, Pastry Arts, Restaurant Management, Teacher Preparation

Great Bay Community College 320 Corporate Drive Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-427-7600 603-334-6308 greatbay.edu President: Dr. Will Arvelo Monique Jordan 603-427-7660 Internship Programs: Accounting, Automotive, Biotechnology, Computer Technology, Corporate Finance, Criminal Justice, Digital Design & Animation, Early Childhood Education, Family Child Care Provider, Homeland Security, Hospitality Management, Information Systems Technology, Liberal Arts, Linux, Management, Marketing, Medical Coding, Nursing, Personal Finance, Phlebotomy, Programming, Special Education, Surgical Technology, Teacher Preparation, Veterinary Technology Keene State College 229 Main Street Keene, NH 03435 603-352-2842 603-358-2458 keene.edu President: Dr. Anne E. Huot Patricia Halloran 603-358-2453 Internship Programs: American Studies, Anthropology, Architecture, Biology, Chemistry, Communication, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Dance Education, Environmental Studies, Film, Geography, Graphic

Manchester Community College 1066 Front Street Manchester, NH 03102 603-206-8000 603-668-5354 mccnh.edu President: Dr. Susan Huard Megan Conn 603-206-8012 Internship Programs: Graphic Design, Computer Science, Exercise Science, Interior Design Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences 1260 Elm Street Manchester, NH 03101-1305 603-314-0210 mcphs.edu President: Charles F. Monahan Jr. Nicole Carace 603-314-1773 Internship Programs: Experiential Learning in Pharmacy, Physician Assistant, Nursing Nashua Community College 505 Amherst Street Nashua, NH 03063 603-578-8900 603-882-8690 nashuacc.edu President: Dr. Lucille Jordan

Lizzy Gonzalez 603-578-8928 Internship Programs: Accounting, Computer Sciences, Early Childhood Education, Honda PACT, Human Services, Marketing, Management, Massage Therapy Certificate, Nursing, Paralegal, Small Business Entrepreneurship, Speech-Language Pathology Assistant, Teacher Education New England College 98 Bridge Street Henniker, NH 03242 603-428-2211 603-428-2234 nec.edu President: Dr. Michele D. Perkins Meghan Brandow 603-428-2358 Internship Programs: Accounting, Art, Biology, Business Administration, Child Development, Communication, Computer Information Systems, Criminal Justice, Education, Environmental Science, Environmental Sustainability, Graphic Design, Kinesiology, Literature, Marketing, Outdoor Leadership, Philosophy, Photography, Political Science, Psychology, Public Relations, Sociology, Sports Management, Theatre, Wellness New Hampshire Institute of Art 148 Concord Street Manchester, NH 03104 1-866-241-4918 603-641-1832 nhia.edu President: Kent Devereaux Lindsay Coats 603-836-2155 Internship Programs: NHIA offers extensive for-credit internships for enrolled students in both local and national businesses. Very limited opportunities are available for students enrolled in other colleges to intern at NHIA. NHTI-Concord’s Community College 31 College Drive Concord, NH 03301 603-271-6484 603-230-9311 nhti.edu President: Susan B. Dunton Ph.D. Pamela Langley 603-271-6484 ext. 4229 Internship Programs: Accounting, Addiction Counseling, Animation and

Graphic Game Programming, Business Administration, Computer Engineering Technology, Criminal Justice, Dental Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Early Childhood Education, Education, Electronic Engineering Technology, Hotel Administration, Human Services, Information Technology, Landscape & Environmental Design, Nursing, Orthopedic Technology, Paralegal, Paramedic, Public Safety Communications, Radiation Therapy, Radiologic Technology, Sports Management, Travel & Tourism (Contact Academic Affairs for additional programs.) Plymouth State University 19 High Street, MSC #44 Plymouth, NH 03264 603-535-5000 603-535-2870 plymouth.edu President: Dr. Donald Birx Jess Morel 603-535-3042 Internship Programs: Adventure Education, Anthropology, Art, Art Education, Athletic Training, Biology, Biotechnology, Business (Accounting, Human Resource Mgmt., Economics, Finance, General Mgmt.), Business Administration, Chemistry, Childhood Studies, College Teaching, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Counseling & Human Relations, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Studies, English Writing, Environmental Biology, Environmental Planning, French, Geography, Graphic Design, Health/Physical Education & Recreation, Heritage Studies, History, Human Performance, Information Technology, Interdisciplinary Studies, Language and Linguistics, Mathematics, Mental Health Counseling, Meteorology, Music & Theatre, Natural Science, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physical Science Education, Political Science, Psychology, Public Management, Social Science, Social Work, Sociology, Spanish, Teacher Education, Theatre Arts, Wellness Management, Women’s Studies River Valley Community College 1 College Drive Claremont, NH 03743 603-542-7744 603-543-1844 rivervalley.edu

Interim President: Dr. Ali Rafieymehr 603-542-7744 Internship Programs: Early Childhood Education, Human Services, Massage Therapy, Medical Assistant, Medical Lab Technician, Nursing, Occupational Therapy Assist., Physical Therapist Assist., Respiratory Therapy, Phlebotomy Rivier University 420 South Main Street Nashua, NH 03060 603-888-1311 603-897-8882 rivier.edu President: Sister Paula Marie Buley, IHM Marie Sullivan 603-897-8246 Internship Programs: Biology, Business Management, Communications, Criminal Justice, Education, Finance, Global Studies, Graphic Design, Marketing, Mathematics, Nursing, Photography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Social Work, Transnational Security Studies Saint Anselm College 100 Saint Anselm Drive Manchester, NH 03102 603-641-7000 603-641-7268 anselm.edu President: Dr. Steven R. DiSalvo Sarah E. Mockler 603-641-7496 Internship Programs: Accounting, Biology, Chemistry, Classics, Communications, Computer Science/ Business, Computer Science/Math, Criminal Justice, Economics & Business, Education, Engineering, English, Fine Arts, French, History, Marketing, Math, Natural Science, Nursing, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish, Theology Southern New Hampshire University 2500 North River Road Manchester, NH 03106 1-800-668-1249 603-645-9718 snhu.edu President: Paul J. LeBlanc Tracy Micali 603-645-9793 ext. 2744 Internship Programs: Accounting, Accounting Financing, Accounting Information Systems, Advertising, Business Administration/Finance Studies, Child Development,

Communications, Community Sociology, Computer Information Technology, Creative Writing, Culinary, English, Environmental Mgmt., Fashion Merchandising, Finance Economics, Game Design, Graphic Design, History, Human Resource Mgmt., Internat’l Business/ Mktg., Justice Studies, Marketing, Operations & Project Mgmt., Organizational Leadership, Political Science, Psychology, Public Service, Retailing, Small Business Mgmt., Sports Mgmt. The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts 6 Manchester Street Merrimack, NH 03054 603-880-8308 603-880-9280 thomasmorecollege.edu President: Dr. William Edmund Fahey Ph.D. Hannah O’Connor 603-880-8308 ext. 16 Internship Programs: Journalism, Publishing Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth 100 Tuck Hall Hanover, NH 03755 603-646-8825 603-646-1295 tuck.dartmouth.edu Dean: Matthew J. Slaughter Lori Lorigo 603-646-2461 Internship Programs: General Business Management UNH School of Law 2 White Street Concord, NH 03301 603-228-1541 603-228-5682 law.unh.edu Dean: Megan Carpenter Ellen Musinsky 603-513-5164 Internship Programs: Community Lawyering, Corporate Criminal, General Practice, Government, Government Relations, Intellectual Property, Judicial

Beth Williams 603-862-2064 Internship Programs: College of Liberal Arts, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, College of Health and Human Services, Peter T. Paul College of Business & Economics, UNH Graduate School University of New Hampshire - Manchester 400 Commercial Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-641-4327 603-641-4305 unhm.unh.edu Dean: Michael Decelle Barbara Wirth 603-641-4327 Internship Programs: Biological Sciences, Business Administration, Communication Arts, Computers, Education, Electrical Engineering, English, Management, Marketing, Psychology, Public Relations, Sign Language Interpretation, Social Work, Studio Arts White Mountains Community College 2020 Riverside Drive Berlin, NH 03570 603-752-1113 603-752-6335 wmcc.edu President: Matthew Wood Martha Laflamme 603-342-3005 Internship Programs: Accounting, Baking and Pastry Arts, Criminal Justice, Culinary Arts, Early Childhood Education, Human Services, Management, Massage Therapy, Medical Assistant, Mobile Equipment Technology, Nursing, Office Technology, Hospitality Source: NHBR Survey

University of New Hampshire 89 Main Street - Hood House Durham, NH 03824 603-862-2064 603-862-3104 unh.edu/uacc President: Dr. Mark Huddleston BUSINESS SERVICES GUIDE 2018 63

Tapping the potential of VoIP What your business can gain with an Internet-based telephone system By John Lunny

Busy New Hampshire business executives may not put much thought into the kind of phone systems they operate in their offices. However, when business owners are confronted with the choice of upgrading or replacing an outdated phone system, it is important to consider what is best for their organization. Today, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology has become an accepted standard for business phone service. Many businesses may be able to use VoIP technology to achieve greater productivity, efficiency, customer satisfaction and cost savings. However, different features are more advantageous for different-sized organizations. Let’s take a look. Using a VoIP service, small businesses gain access to a wealth of features that can make a small operation look like a large business without making a huge capital investment in an on-premises system. For example, you can use an automated attendant to route calls to different people in your organization. If you only have three people on staff, your auto attendant can send callers to the person who has the needed expertise – and it will appear to callers as if they’re being routed to a special department. VoIP for small businesses also provides cost benefits. You incur little initial capital outlay for equipment. And, because your service provider performs all the heavy lifting for buying, installing and maintaining the VoIP technology, you don’t have to staff telecom experts in-house or incur costs to manage an in-house system. For a medium-sized business, a streamlined operation lays the foundation for future growth. One of the first steps a growing business undertakes is organizing different employee functions. When callers seek help, they want to reach the right person within your organization quickly and easily. Advanced call routing, call forwarding and auto 64 BUSINESS SERVICES GUIDE 2018

attendant capabilities can help directly send calls to the appropriate staff member. These features can work in conjunction with a live receptionist or possibly eliminate the need to hire one altogether. Another important feature for all businesses, but especially growing ones, is access to call detail reports. With certain VoIP-related services, you can gather and interpret information about your call traffic. Examples of useful information include calling patterns – what time, day and called parties receive the most traffic volume. This information assists with staffing responsibilities. Businesses of all sizes continually look for ways to improve productivity. If performance lags, growth may be stopped in its tracks. Enterprises have a larger and more diverse group of employees. As a result, a greater number of workers may be working outside the office. More of your staff may be telecommuting, traveling to conferences and meeting with customers. While out-of-the office, your employees need access to your phone system’s capabilities to be as productive as possible. The digital nature of VoIP services promotes mobility. As long as your employees have access to a broadband connection, their mobile devices function just like a desktop phone in the office. They can access most, if not all, of the same features. Plus, your staff is always accessible. They never have to worry about missing an important call. Businesses of any size may face technical failure, an unexpected emergency or a weather event that creates the need for

employees to work from outside the office. In these times, you want to ensure you’re still able to communicate with your employees, customers and vendors. The capabilities of a VoIP service to aid in a company’s disaster recovery plan allow continuous communication even under these circumstances. VoIP service can route calls to a variety of devices, providing enhanced mobility. A VoIP service can also re-direct your calls to another location that’s not affected by the outage. Or, you can simply unplug your IP phone, take it to a new location with highspeed Internet access, and plug it in. As a result, you’re quickly back in-touch. VoIP service offers an abundance of capabilities for any size business. No business is too large or too small to reap the benefits. Although VoIP technology provides an abundance of features, the main advantages boil down to dramatically lowering initial capital investments, increasing productivity and inherent disaster recovery capabilities. Traditional telephone service usually can’t provide the same level of benefits. When choosing your VoIP provider, make sure that you have reliable fiber-based network connectivity and a provider with a strong local presence that can assist you with installation and maintenance.

John Lunny is executive vice president and chief technology officer for FairPoint Communications.

Dealing with a data breach

Is your IT department available 24 / 7?

BY JAMES P. HARRIS We have fielded several calls from employers who have had multiple employees report that they were unable to file their tax returns because someone had stolen their identity. Here are steps commonly undertaken when a group of employees makes such a report. Investigate for a breach The first step is to conduct an internal investigation to determine if the company is the source of the data leak. Information technology professionals examine logs searching for malicious patterns. Circumstances might warrant hiring an outside security consultant to conduct this review. If there is evidence that the employer’s systems were hacked, the key questions to answer include: How was the system hacked? What changes are necessary to stop the attack? How much data was exposed or taken? What categories of data were taken? How many employees are at risk of identity theft? File an insurance claim Companies should also call their insurance company to determine if they have cyber insurance. The products vary, but they often provide coverage for, among other things: legal and other costs associated with sending notices to affected individuals; costs of providing credit monitoring for employees; and defense and indemnification for liability. Send the required notices Almost every state has passed a statute requiring those with knowledge of a data breach to provide notice to the affected individuals. Unfortunately, these statutes are not uniform. Because of the differences in statu-

tory requirements, it is important to quickly develop a list of the states in which the affected individuals reside. Stop worrying about technology. Focus on building your business. Then, notices need to be drafted to meet the specific requirements of Systems Engineering. Get ahead of IT. Now in New Hampshire. those states. A handful of states, including New Hampshire, require that a separate notice be sent to a public official, frequently that state’s attorney general. In addition, some states mandate that companies provide notice 603-226-0300 NewHampshireIT.com directly to the credit bureaus. If law enforcement undertakes an investigation of the data breach, 17_syse_4578_print_ad_3_375x4_875_4c_NHBR_Annual_Pub_0510_OUT.indd 2 5/10/17 they might request that the company delay sending notice to the affected individuals, because public dissemination might hamper the investigation. Companies should get this request from law enforcement in writing. When the notices are sent to the affected individuals, it is recommended to state explicitly that notice was delayed at the request of law enforcement. It’s no longer a question of if a threat will breach It is also prudent to create a reyour perimeter—it’s a question of when. Our cord that the notices were received. experts can design and deploy solutions that Some statutes permit transmission deliver the protection you need to mitigate risk of the notices by electronic means. for your organization. Our services include: If email is used, the company should • Application Security Training obtain a read receipt and maintain a • Data Loss Prevention Assessment record that each message was read. • External Threat Assessment If traditional mail is used, it is wise • Security Awareness Training to use registered or certified mail to obtain proof of delivery. Cyber insurContact an Account Manager today or ance often covers these expenses. learn more at www.connection.com/security

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James P. Harris, a shareholder at the law firm of Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green, can be reached at 603-627-8152 or jharris@sheehan.com.

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Windows 10: Should my business upgrade? There is much to consider before switching BY ADRIAN WELLS

Microsoft’s Windows 10 made its debut in July 2015, six years after the introduction of Windows 7 and today it is increasingly becoming the platform of choice for many small- to mid-sized businesses.

Adrian Wells is a senior network engineer at Systems Engineering with over 20 years of IT experience. He can be reached 603-226-0300 or through syseng.com.


Before making the transition, most businesses want to understand if Windows 10 is safer than Windows 7 because protecting key data and information is the number one concern for most organizations. To help businesses as they make decisions, we outline the Windows 10 security benefits below: One Operating System for Everything: OneCore is Windows 10’s unified and modularized operating system now responsible for powering Microsoft Windows 10, Windows Server, Xbox One, Windows 10 Mobile, Internet of Things (IoT), HoloLens and more. OneCore at its foundational level includes the networking, power management, security, authentication, cryptography, device management, storage and a handful of other essential components that everything else is built around. Because it has been designed to be the system that rules them all, it is more secure by default. Built in BYOD Data Protection: Windows 10 also integrates with Microsoft’s Intune, delivered from Microsoft’s cloud. Intune provides mobile device management, mobile application management and PC management capabilities. The combination of Windows 10 and Intune with Windows Information Protection (WIP), Conditional Access and Digital Rights Management (DRM) allows businesses to now protect against potential data leakage without negatively impacting the user experience. Simply put, this suite of technologies helps to protect enterprise applications and data against accidental data leaks on enterpriseowned devices and personal devices. Defense Against Malware: Prevention is the best method to addressing security threats. Once a system is infected, it can be difficult to detect and remediate. Windows 10 provides strong malware resistance because it takes advantage of secure hardware, which secures the startup process, the core operating system architecture, and the desktop. For example, Windows 10 offers Secure Boot, a combination of technologies that protect against rootkits, software tools that enable unauthorized users to gain control of computer systems without detection and other low-level malware. Windows

10 also leverages technologies such as a Trusted Platform Module (TPM), an international standard for a secure cryptoprocessor, and a Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI), a specification for a software program that connects a computer’s firmware to its operating system, to detect changes in the system startup and viruses in order to help keep data secure. For cyber thieves, it’s a common practice to use web browsers to gain unauthorized access to a business’ operating system. To help shut down that practice, Windows 10’s Microsoft Edge includes an Enhanced Protection Mode and uses App Container-based sandboxing to protect the system from vulnerabilities that may be discovered in the extensions running in the browser (for example, Adobe Flash and Java) or the browser itself. Data Encryption: The BitLocker data encryption feature available with Windows 7 still exists but has been greatly improved with Windows 10. Unlike Windows 7, Windows 10 now supports self-encrypting drives (SEDs). And best of all, encryption speed has been dramatically increased. With Windows 10, it takes mere seconds to encrypt a new flash drive, whereas with Windows 7, it could take more than 20 minutes. Keeping End-of-Life/End-of-Support in Mind: In addition to outlining the security benefits of moving to Windows 10, it’s also important to understand the value of making the switch due to upcoming end-of-support (EOS) dates. Allowing a manufacturer’s product or service to go EOS opens businesses to a number of risks and vulnerabilities including: • Lack of vendor support should something go awry • Cyberattacks • Non-compliance due to licensing issues • Extended downtime – something no business likes/wants to face So, whether your organization is ready to make the move to Windows 10 or simply at the stage of considering the benefits of doing so, keep in mind that there are many resources and subject-matter experts you can rely on to determine if it is the right fit for your business.

3 survival tips for IT budgeting season By Joe McIntyre

With the arrival of fall, it’s time to begin thinking about business goals and plans for 2018. For many companies, this coincides with budgeting season. Below are three survival tips to help you get through the IT budgeting season and look towards a happy New Year: 1. Know where you are: Take an inventory of your current equipment, note the date it entered service and its expected lifetime and then identify your areas of need. Ask yourself: Do our current “line-of-business” business apps meet the functional needs of the organization? Are users struggling with access or performance challenges? This assessment can help you set a forward-moving course and provide you with insight on your current state of affairs. 2. Create an IT roadmap: Take a deep look into your IT crystal ball and forecast what you need today, but also what you think you will need in the near and mid-term future. Doing this will help you create an IT ‘roadmap’ for the next several years. Below are some guiding principles: • Align IT strategy with business goals • Engage management to develop and disseminate formal goals and review strategy • Define project priorities, timing and dependencies • Define the interdependencies of various hardware and software • Engage “data owners” to review new software or emerging technologies • Optimize IT spend to provide maximum value • Identify and control risk • Meet regulatory and vendor management requirements • Optimize tax consequences of capital purchases • Prevent inefficient operational execution and resource allocation • Avoid surprises and cash flow crunches

3. Recognize some things may change: There are many aspects to a good IT budget roadmap, and these documents are rarely a “set-it-and-forget-it” exercise. It is important that you review your budget roadmap on a recurring basis and adjust it as needed as the goals of your organization may shift or become clearer. Some potential challenges you may need to troubleshoot once your roadmap is in place: • Landscape changes such as the cloud, or increased software demands • Risk profile changes, including business model changes and new or obtuse regulatory requirements • Dependencies between software and hardware versions: Vmware, XenApp or SAN firmware • Shifting end-of-life dates • Licensing changes – concurrent vs. nameduser licensing and operating system versions A true budgeting exercise encompasses more than accounting for your recurring fixed expenses and known inputs. It should also account for the future and largely be the embodiment of your company’s business strategy. Predicting the future with any success necessitates that you know where you are now with as much certainty as possible. If you don’t know where your journey is starting, there’s no map that can get you to your destination. And similarly, if you don’t know where you’re going, then knowing where you are now is of little help. Finally, remember that you are not alone and you will have the best chance of success when you leverage internal resources and consult with experienced external teams.

Joe McIntyre, a business development manager for Systems Engineering, can be reached at 603-2260300 or through syseng.com.

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How to evaluate RFPs Writing and submitting business proposals is a lot of work without a guaranteed outcome By Kevin Hallenbeck

Even if you win the contract, you can’t always recover the cost of pursuit. Requiring your sales team to use a go/ no-go decision process will help them and you better distinguish the real opportunities from the losing propositions.

Kevin Hallenbeck, principal of Sandler Training-Manchester, can be reached at 603-232-1520 or at bestsalespeople.com.


Every legitimate RFP presents a potential selling opportunity if there is a reasonable budget and directive behind it. But a budget and the client’s will to choose a vendor are only two of perhaps dozens of conditions that should be met before you decide to answer that RFP with your company’s resources. Most salespeople want to pursue any legitimate RFP they receive, but as their manager, your role is to help them know when to say no. Writing and submitting business proposals is a lot of work without a guaranteed outcome. By virtue of spending time learning your prospects’ issues, meeting with them, offering recommendations, writing and producing the finished proposal, you’ve essentially become an unpaid consultant and invested a lot of professional man hours without compensation. Even if you win the contract, you can’t always recover the cost of pursuit. RFPs submitted to several potential vendors or those for public offering may seem like lowhanging fruit to a salesperson because it’s an open invitation to sell. Getting on a “bid list” might even feel like a big accomplishment to the salesperson going after that account. Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t. A client pursuit decision tool can help you and your sales team win the most profitable kinds of business and avoid the low-margin, high-stress clients that drag on your firm’s ability to deliver best-in-class work. Chasing after nominal-fit RFPs also makes you miss more profitable opportunities that good prospecting would uncover. A “Pursuit Navigator Tool” is essentially a strategic checklist of potential issues that must be addressed and satisfactorily met before a response decision is made for a proposal request. Every company selling expensive products and services should have some kind of decision-making process for qualifying worthy new business opportunities. It’s all about arriving at a go/no-go decision. Less experienced salespeople will tend to lean toward go and can’t imagine saying no to a proposal or quote request. Requiring your sales team to use a go/no-go decision process will help them and you better distinguish the real opportunities from the losing propositions.

Because of opportunity costs and real money spent on submitting proposals, pursuing them involves risk, sometimes very significant risk. As such, the decision to pursue an RFP should not be the salesperson’s alone but rather a team-driven one. Certain conditions must be met to arrive at a “go” decision. A Pursuit Navigator Tool is essentially a comprehensive checklist of existential issues relating to three main components: client, selling team and contract and financing. Client issues can be myriad and may include unfamiliarity or weak relationship, lack of client direction, poor client-side communication, cultural issues and office politics. Selling team issues are things like no experience with vertical industry, internal capability, no client pain identified, your proposal is used for “due diligence” or no information on the competition. Contract and financing examples may include no written agreements, unreasonable guarantees required, questionable payment history, up-front out-of-pocket cost required and no dedicated funding. Each issue identified on the three lists will have a corresponding strategy to solve the issue. Only you can determine an acceptable level of issues and corresponding mitigation strategies an RFP poses to your selling effort. The number of issue checkmarks, especially the ones with no solid mitigation strategy, can be your key metric for a go/ no-go decision. It’s up to you to determine whether the proposal investment can be absorbed with a high enough probability of winning profitable new business. Unfortunately, organizations sometimes take advantage of sales eagerness and will simply use salespeople to get better educated as buyers, while their friends end up keeping the contracts. Never let your company or your sales team be used as an on-demand proposal generator that satisfies a prospect’s need to get a few proposals so they can fulfill their procurement policy. Sales is and always has been an honorable profession. Let’s keep it that way!

MARKETING SERVICES @Website Publicity Inc. 14 Depot Street, PO Box 755 Peterborough, NH 03458 800-450-2818/603-924-8333 websitepublicity.com info@websitepublicity.com Susan O’Neil Digital Agency for Search, Social Media & Mobile Marketing & Advertising. Provides SMBs with Services, Consulting, Training incl. Content Marketing and Customer Research 603 Media Group 20 High Street, Unit 2 Goffstown, NH 03045 603-486-4050 603mediagroup.com info@603mediagroup.com Jeremy Jones Aerial Photography, Commercial Photography, Commercial Building Inspections and Site Surveys via Drones, Portraits and other Studio Photography Services, Agricultural Surveys via Drones ActiveEdge 3 Pitford Way Nashua, NH 03063 603-889-3925/603-578-9329 activeedge.com info@activeedge.com Deepak Gursahaney Marketing, Branding, Web, Print, Interactive, Technology, Social Media, Search Engine Optimization Ad4ce Media 913 Elm Street, Suite 403 Manchester, NH 03101 603-625-5403/603-622-6266 ad4ce.com jrodier@ad4ce.com Paul Hanson, Hank Simpson Full-Service Marketing Support incl. Advertising, Video Production, Public Relations and Social Media Advanced Graphic Communication LLC 111 Saranac St., Suite 125 Littleton, NH 03561 603-444-5439 advancedgraphic.net info@advancedgraphic.net Gail A. Kimball Full Service Graphic Design Studio, Product Packaging, Print Services Akumina Inc. 30 Temple St., Suite 301 Nashua, NH 03060

603-943-7109 akumina.com info@akumina.com Steven Sherkanowski CMS Integration, Ektron CMS and SharePoint Platforms Altos 4 Bedford Farms Drive, Suite 107 Bedford, NH 03110 603-222-9052 altosagency.com connect@altosagency.com James Basbas Digital Marketing, Website Design & Development, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Strategy, Email Marketing Big Hit Media LLC 644 Franklin Pierce Highway Barrington, NH 03825 603-834-6300/603-994-0366 bighitmedia.com scot@bighitmedia.com Scot D. Villeneuve Full-Service Digital Marketing, Branding and Website Development Boldwerks 477 State Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-2065 boldwerks.com adam@boldwerks.com Adam Kaufmann Web Development, Branding, Content Creation, Marketing, Advertising, Social Media and Public Relations BĂśwst 101 Market Street Portsmouth, NH 03842 603-766-8600 bowst.com info@bowst.com Adam Vicinus Mobile App Development, Design Website Development and Design Experience and Expertise with Drupal Content Strategy Brainium Inc. 373 South Willow Street, Suite 197 Manchester, NH 03101 603-661-5172 brainiuminc.com info@brainiuminc.com Kimberley Griswold Corporate Events, Creative Services Brandit Marketing Solutions 15 Zapora Drive Hooksett, NH 03106

603-645-2500/603-645-2504 branditms.com info@branditms.com Scott Chalifour Apparel & Accessories, Promotional Items, Web Development, Web Stores & E-Commerce, Creative Services & Logo Design, Interior & Exterior Branding, Signage & Banners, Video Production & Custom Jingles Braveheart Digital Marketing 844 Elm Street, Suite 100 Manchester, NH 03101 603-770-8863 braveheartdigitalmarketing.com david@braveheartdigitalmarketing.com David Wilson Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Brown & Company Design 801 Islington Street, Suite 35 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-5239/603-436-1363 browndesign.com info@browndesign.com Terri Nulph Print, Publication & Web Design, Strategic Marketing & Design Services, Branding & Identity Burke Advertising LLC 9 Cedarwood Drive, Suite 11 Bedford, NH 03110 603-627-5381 burkeadvertising.com nh@burkeadvertising.com Chris Cooper Search Engine Optimization, Media Planning, Video Production, Branding, Web Design, Digital Advertising Call Design 8 Little John Court Merrimack, NH 03054 603-429-2701/603-429-3769 calldesign.net mike@calldesign.net Mike Call Branding Strategy, Website Design, Literature Design, Logo Design, HTML Email Design, Trade Show/Event Support Calypso Communications 20 Ladd Street, Suite 200 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-431-0816/603-431-4497 calypsocom.com info@calypsocom.com Houssam Aboukhater Integrated Communications Agency

offering Marketing, Public Relations, Graphic Design, Social Media, Crisis Communications, Website Development, Video and more. Cantin Design Inc. 34 Cabernet Drive #4 PO Box 3936 Concord, NH 03303 603-724-9204 cantindesign.com paul@cantindesign.com Paul Cantin Full Service Graphic Design: Brand Strategies, Logo Design & Corporate Identity, Advertising, Marketing, Print Services & Direct Mail, Publications, Elements of Web Design, Trade Show Graphics Cline Design LLC 42 Shaw Hill Road Andover, NH 03216 603-648-2110/603-648-6691 clinedesign.com lorraine@clinedesign.com Lorraine C. Cline Inbound Marketing, Web Creation, Branding and Graphic Design Services Clover Creative Group LLC 169 Daniel Webster Hwy, Suite 18b Meredith, NH 03253 603-677-7032 clovercreativegroup.com shawn@clovercreativegroup.com Shawn R. Dixon Digital Branding Specialists, Custom Solutions for Websites & Marketing. Design services for all media, including Logo, Brochures, Video, Animation, Infographics and Social Media Content Development. Collage Advertising PO Box 341 Nashua, NH 03061-0341 603-880-3663/603-880-7535 collageadvertising.com diane@cadezine.com Dan Richards Print/Broadcast Advertising, Print/Web Design, Media Planning and Buying Cookson Strategic Communications 36 Lowell Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-782-8192 cooksonstrategies.com reachus@cooksonstrategies.com Matt Cookson Strategic Communications, Marketing, Public Relations, Web and Social Media BUSINESS SERVICES GUIDE 2018 69

MARKETING SERVICES Corporate Communications Inc. 65 Seavey Street, PO Box 854 North Conway Village, NH 03860 603-356-7011 corporatecommunication.net corpcomm@ncia.net1 Kimberly Beals Full-Service Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations Company. Publisher of Tourist Maps, Guides and Related Websites. CPorter Designs 35 Sunset Road, PO Box 456 Fitzwilliam, NH 03447 603-585-9803/603-585-9803 cporterdesigns.com coni@cporterdesigns.com Coni Porter Graphic Design, Illustration, Web Design, Corporate Identity CrystalVision, Innovative Web & eMarketing Solutions 15 Rye Street, PO Box 84 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-9559/603-433-9546 cvwp.com info@cvwp.com Deb Brewer Custom Web Application Development, Mobile Development, Ecommerce/Security, Search Engine Optimization, eMarketing, Hosting Drive Brand Studio 170 Kearsarge Street, PO Box 2838 North Conway, NH 03860 603-356-3030 drivebrandstudio.com shift@drivebrandstudio.com Nancy Clark Branding, Strategic Marketing and Advertising, Website Design & Development

hey@epiphaniesinc.com Allen Voivod Social Media Strategy, Digital Marketing, Content Strategy, Facebook for Business, Group Training, Speaking/Workshops Fletcher Media Group 94 Grove Street Peterborough, NH 03458 603-924-6383 fletchermedia.com jfletcher@fletchermedia.com James Fletcher Creative design and Communications for Print, Web, E-mail, Social and Mobile Flyer Communications 59 North Shore Road Derry, NH 03038 603-432-3634 flyercommunications.com pfflyer@flyercommunications.com Paula Frank Website Management: Design and Maintain, SEO Knowledge, WordPress Specialist; Freelance Graphic Design Production Artist, PowerPoint, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator. Fourae Graphic & Design Company 16 Birch Drive Newmarket, NH 03857 603-659-7056/603-659-7056 fourae.com chris@fourae.com Christian Archila Award-Winning Advertising, Marketing Communications and Graphic Design Services for Corporate, Industrial, High Technology, Real Estate, Municipal, Health Care, Financial and Emerging Technologies

brady@gykantler.com Brady Sadler Full-Service Integrated Marketing Firm Girard Advertising 604 DW Highway, Suite 105 Merrimack, NH 03054 603-429-0100/603-429-0120 girardadvertising.com advertise@girardadvertising.com Karen Girard Strategic Marketing Planning, Media Buying, Design & Illustration, Television & Multimedia Production Good Idea Design 18 Harding Road Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-431-3090/603-431-3090 goodideadesign.com nik@goodideadesign.com Nikki Savramis Dedicated to creating clear and effective design solutions for corporate and publishing clients, always with a zealous attention to detail and masterful use of typography Gregg Nadeau Design 70 Old Lyndeborough Mtn. Road Greenfield, NH 03047 603-547-9971 nadeau65@aol.com Joyce Shields Trade & Consumer Advertising, Sales Literature, Packaging and Trade Show Design Hannaford Design 36 Hickory Lane Bedford, NH 03110 603-472-2823 hannaforddesign@comcast.net Joe Hannaford Visual Communications Design

EVR Advertising 155 Dow Street, Suite 301 Manchester, NH 03101 603-647-8606 evradvertising.com jeffe@evradvertising.com Jeff Eisenberg Creates and deploys Integrated Marketing Campaigns developed with exceptional skills in strategy, creative, digital and PR

FIREHORSE Creative, LLC 2 1/2 Beacon Street, Suite 226 Concord, NH 03301 603-225-2334 firehorsecreative.com stephen@firehorsecreative.com Stephen Smith Responsive Website Design, Graphic Design, Web Development/ Programming, Content Management Systems, Brand Development, Social Media Marketing, SEO

Harbour Light Strategic Marketing Inc. 621 Islington Street, Suite A Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-427-2821/603-427-0938 harbourlight.com info@harbourlight.com Ned Savoie Full-Service Strategic Marketing, Award-Winning Web Design and Advertising Services

Epiphanies Inc. 4 Country Club Road, #7372 Gilford, NH 03247 603-524-5248 epiphaniesinc.com

GYK Antler 175 Canal Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-625-5713 gykantler.com

Hatchling Studios 3 Congress Street, Suite 2 PO Box 1094 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-0056/603-436-0061


hatchling.com contact@hatchling.com Marc Dole Animation & Video Production Heartwood Media Inc. 83 Hanover St., Suite 42 Manchester, NH 03101 603-665-9191 heartwoodmedia.com info@heartwoodmedia.com Chris Conroy Videos for Marketing, Branding, Recruitment, Education, Training, and Public Relations Holmes Lewis Inc. PO Box 4139 Concord, NH 03302 603-485-9672 lakesregion.org/listings/holmes-lewisinc-advertising-and-design/ holmeslewiswj@comcast.net Warren Journay Tourism & Corporate Marketing/Design i4Market LLC 680 Brent Street Manchester, NH 03103 603-626-8120/603-218-6057 i4market.com lboilard@i4market.com Louri Boilard Website Design, Online Marketing, SEO, SEM, Graphics, Full Online Solutions Hosting Ideabenders 6 Manchester Street Nashua, NH 03064 603-886-8448/866-286-3840 ideabenders.com info@ideabenders.com Casey Holt Marketing Consulting & Brand Direction; Advertising Concepts, Copy, Design & Production in All Formats; Brilliant Direct Mail, Small Space Print, Outdoor & Radio; Speechwriting Image 4 7 Perimeter Road Manchester, NH 03103 603-644-0077/603-644-5810 image4.com sales@image4.com Liz Hummel Trade Show & Retail Displays, Branded Environments, Display Graphics Industrial Traffic 166 South River Road Bedford, NH 03110 603-623-8006/603-623-8007

industrialtraffic.com questions@industrialtraffic.com Sasha Richard Online Marketing, Branding, Design, Development, Content Strategy, Digital Marketing Isosceles Advertising Design Inc. 1800 Elm Street, 2nd Floor Manchester, NH 03104 603-647-1277/603-647-1380 isoscelesdesign.com info@isoscelesdesign.com Dan Schultz Specializing in Creative Marketing Communication Solutions and Brand Building, Comprehensive Print Management and Web Design/ Development J Maze Design, LLC 26 Franklin Street Concord, NH 03301 603-226-0990 jmaze.com info@jmazedesign.com Jennifer Mazzei Website Design, Maintenance, Email Marketing & Digital Consulting

J.C. Signs 17 Grove Street, PO Box 1085 Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896 603-569-5335 jcsigns.com info@jcsigns.com Jerome Holden Creative, Custom Business Signage and Vehicle Lettering Kent Creative PO Box 8003 Portsmouth, NH 03802 603-436-7778/603-742-0800 kentcreativeweb.net cryskent@earthlink.net Crystal Ward Kent Utilities, Construction, Medical, Environmental, Food, Nonprofits LTD Company 169 South River Road, Suite 8 Bedford, NH 03110 603-623-7699/603-623-5987 ltdspark.com ltd@ltdspark.com Lorrie T. Determann Full-Service Ad Agency, Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations, Special Events, Graphic Design, Web Design &

Interactive Ad Campaigns, Social Media, Copywriting LGA Media Group 57 Main Street Plymouth, NH 03264 603-536-3600 lgamediagroup.com alyssa@truecolorsprint.com Alyssa Yolda Full Service Marketing, Design and Print Production Lizotte Graphics 29 Hardy Road, PO Box 1738 Loudon, NH 03307 603-783-9585/603-783-9536 ned@lizottegraphics.com Ned Lizotte Graphics, Packaging, Trade Show Design, Advertising & Illustration, Offset Printing Local Link Internet LLC 3612 Lafayette Road, Suite 2 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-1158 locallink.com info@locallink.com Roger Wright

Website Design & Development, Site Hosting, Cloud Computing, Print Design, Marketing & SEO The Long Group LLC 22 Greeley Street, Suite 2 Medallion Center Merrimack, NH 03054 603-424-5664/603-424-4153 longgrouponline.com tomlong@longgrouponline.com Tom Long Financial Services, Research, Marketing & Strategic Planning Louis Karno & Company 31 Warren Street Concord, NH 03301 603-224-5566/603-224-9039 lkarno.com info@lkarno.com Jayme Simoes Strategic Communications, Public Relations, Social Media, Crisis Communications, News Distribution m5 Marketing Communications 707 Chestnut Street Manchester, NH 03104 603-627-9600


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MARKETING SERVICES m5nh.com info@m5nh.com Colleen Cowette Strategic Marketing, Advertising, Web Development, Interactive, Public Relations, Event Planning and Media Buying

Linda A. Fanaras Data-driven, Results-oriented Digital Marketing, Branding and Public Relations Firm that works with Technology, Higher-ed, Manufacturing, Health Care and Energy Companies

MSH Marketing Group Inc. 310 Marlboro Street, PO Box 961 Keene, NH 03431 603-352-7830 mshmarketing.com info@mshmarketing.com Scott Hussey Commercial Photography, Website Development, Advertising, Brand Development, Marketing Communications, Videography

Montagne Communications 814 Elm Street, Suite 205 Manchester, NH 03101 603-644-3200/603-644-3216 montagnecom.com scott@montagnecom.com Scott Tranchemontagne Full-Service Strategic Communications Firm specializing in Public Relations, Media and Community Relations, Crisis Communications, Social Media and Experiential Marketing

MarketReach Inc. 12 Murphy Drive Nashua, NH 03062 603-645-1300/603-579-4760 mreach.com inquiry@mreach.com Rod Griffith B2B Marketing Services for Technology, Health Care & Business; Integrated Marketing Programs; Web Marketing & Lead Generation; Sales Tool Development; Channel & Partner Marketing MESH Interactive Agency 540 No. Commercial Street, Suite 308 Manchester, NH 03101 603-809-4164/302-361-3807 meshagency.com info@meshagency.com Bill Schick, Jennifer Kamerman Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Digital Strategy, Brand Development and Design, Competitive Analysis, Corporate Website Design and Development

Moriah Design Agency LLC 241 State Route 2 Shelburne, NH 03581 603-466-2363/603-466-2363 moriahdesignagency.com dr@moriahdesignagency.com Debbie Ryan Tourism Publications, Graphic Design, Logos, Rack Cards and Brochures, Web Design and Production, SEO, Social Networking, Web Hosting Mouseclicks LLC 71 Spit Brook Road, Suite 105 Nashua, NH 03060 603-891-0304/603-891-0366 mouseclicks.com sales@mouseclicks.com Jeremy Milani Search Engine Marketing, Website Development, Intranet & Extranet and Corporate Identity

MicroArts Creative Agency 655 Portsmouth Avenue Greenland, NH 03840 603-430-1110/603-431-5111 microarts.com info@microarts.com DJ Haskins Brand Development, Brand Strategy, Product Launch

Olive Development 1 Middle Street, Suite 220 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-430-6287 olivedevelopment.com info@olivedevelopment.com Chip Pappas Web Development, Specializing in Content Management for Websites & Extranets

Millennium Integrated Marketing 150 Dow Street, 3rd Floor Manchester, NH 03101 603-792-2200/603-792-2201 mill-im.com lfanaras@mill-im.com

Pannos Marketing 116 South River Road, Unit D-6 Bedford, NH 03110 603-625-2443 pannosmarketing.com jpannos@pannosmarketing.com Jim Pannos


Financial Services, Service Industry, Health Care, Manufacturing Parkerhill Technology Group LLC 286 Parker Hill Road Lyman, NH 03585 603-303-5529 parkerhill.com jonathan@parkerhill.com Jonathan Linowes Web App Design & Development, Strategic Marketing & Business Development Paxton Communications 58 North State Street Concord, NH 03301 603-228-4933/603-228-3047 chris@paxtoncommunications.net Christopher C. Cornog Advertising and Marketing Communications for Health Care, Nonprofits, Industrial/High Tech, Financial and Others PixelMEDIA LLC 75 New Hampshire Avenue, Suite 100 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-430-2033/603-430-2034 pixelmedia.com sales@pixelmedia.com Erik Dodier Strategy, Design & Implementation Services for Web Initiatives Proforma Piper Printing 42 Gilford East Dr. Gilford, NH 03249 603-934-5055/603-934-6500 piperprinting.com preston.lawrance@proforma.com Preston Lawrance Direct Marketing for Small Businesses & Nonprofits, 4-color Printing, Targeted Mailing Lists , Promotional Products, Business Forms, Custom Labels, Banners, Logo apparel Advertising Specialties Radar Marketing Group 19 Old Milford Road, PO Box 1090 Amherst, NH 03031 603-924-9400 RadarMG.com info@radarmg.com William Smith Marketing Services & Strategic Planning, Web Design & Development, Video Production & Graphic Design Services, Corporate Identity, Website Conversion Optimization

Rumbletree 216 Lafayette Road North Hampton, NH 03862 603-433-6214 rumbletree.com info@rumbletree.com Charles Yeaton Full Service Agency specializing in Brand Development, Advertising, Design, Interactive Media Sales Up 2343 Elm Street Manchester, NH 03104 603-860-6664 salesupnh.com valerie@salesupnh.com Valerie Bey LeClerc Sales, Marketing, Brand Development, Revenue Generation, Business Development, Self Coaching, Mystery Shopping Scattergood Advertising 49 Hale True Road Chester, NH 03036 603-553-2761/888-434-2510 scattergoodadvertising.com joescattergood@gmail.com Joe Scattergood Printing Solutions, Communications, Design, Consulting, Real Estate Scribble Creative Group LLC 3 Executive Park Drive, Suite 201 Bedford, NH 03110 603-623-3933/888-524-9766 scribblecreativegroup.com info@scribblecreativegroup.com Craig Hayes Advertising, Web Development, Package Design, Branding, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Graphic Design SilverTech Inc. 196 Bridge Street Manchester, NH 03104 603-669-6600 silvertech.com info@silvertech.com Jeff McPherson Digital Marketing, Web Services, IT Consulting, Web Design, Development, Hosting, Business Consulting, Salesforce, Content Management Systems Sparkle Media 63 Goose Hole Road New London, NH 03257 603-867-8707 thesparkle.net ellen@sparkle-media.com Ellen Chandler

Travel & Recreation, Specialty Foods, Special Event Promotion, Trade Show Management for B2B, B2C Stal-McLane Inc. 57 Robinson Road Bow, NH 03304 603-860-2370 fstal@stalmclane.com Frisky M. Stal Marketing, Advertising, Graphic Design, Website Design, Public Relations, Copywriting Star Media of NH Inc. PO Box 3834 Nashua, NH 03061 508-545-6103 starmediausa.com pamelafitzgerald@starmedianh.com Pamela Fitzgerald Media Consulting, Planning and Buying Stick Man Designs 13 Hickory Lane Barrington, NH 03825 603-568-2373 jodeeziner@metrocast.net Jodie Hall Graphic Design and Illustration, with a focus on working with Small Businesses (Also available for Freelance/Sub-Contract) StoreyManseau LLC 603 Upper Straw Road Hopkinton, NH 03229 603-856-7647 storeymanseau.com laurie@storeymanseau.com Laurie J. Storey-Manseau Marketing Consultation and Strategy, Crisis Communications, Media Training

Services for both Print & Web (New Media), Web Application Development, Photography, SEO

Development, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Management

SvenGrafik 31 Storybrook Lane Amherst, NH 03031 603-377-0250 svengrafik.com djohnson@svengrafik.com Daryl D. Johnson Graphic Design for Print & Web for Businesses and Nonprofits, Corporate Branding, Logos, Mobile Websites, WordPress Websites and Web and Email Advertising Design, SEO, Trade Show Design

Tosi Productions LLC PO Box 406 Goffstown, NH 03045 603-232-9109 tosiproductions.com info@tosiproductions.com Tom Tosi Interactive Multimedia and Video Production

Swanson Advertising LLC 8 Stiles Road, Suite 111 Salem, NH 03079 603-893-8946 swansonadv.com kim@swansonadv.com Kim Cesati Design & Production of Direct Mail, Corporate Identity, POP, Packaging, Trade Shows, Websites, Media Planning & Management Tardis Advertising 378 Thornton Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-2211/603-433-2212 tardisadvertising.com tardis@tardisadvertising.com Thomas Kennedy Advertising incl. Web Pages and Social Media, Graphic Art and Public Relations for Retail, B2B and Nonprofit Agencies

Sullivan Creative 6B Hills Avenue 1 Concord, NH 03301 603-228-0836 sullivancreative.com team@sullivancreative.com Pamela Sullivan Integrated Marketing, Graphic Design, Web, PR, Arts, Tourism, Nonprofit and Corporate

Ten20 Strategic Communications 109 Riverwalk Way Manchester, NH 03101 603-566-9399 ten20nh.com mike@Ten20nh.com Mike DeBlasi Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations, Branding, Strategic Campaigns, Design, Website Build, Consulting, Media Training

Sullivan+Wolf Design LLC 75 Main Street, Suite 4, PO Box 579 Plymouth, NH 03264 603-536-5505 sullivanandwolf.com brian.sullivan@sullivanandwolf.com Brian Sullivan Complete Design & Production

Tidal Media Group 155 Fleet St. Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-766-4680/603-766-4729 tidalmediagroup.com info@tidalmediagroup.com Ryan Roskilly Website Design, Application

VirgoDesign 17 Grove Street Wolfeboro, NH 03894 603-569-0078 virgodesignstudio.com j@virgodesignstudio.com Jeannette D’Onofrio Over 25 years of Professional Creative Artwork for Marketing Communications, Specializing in Logo, Sign and Print Design. Visual Communications 1 Keats Drive Derry, NH 03038 603-434-5802 visualnh.com inspired@visualnh.com Susanne Bernier-Robinson Graphic Design Studio WaLa PO Box 570 Bristol, NH 03222 877-424-0821 wala-marketing.com info@wala-marketing.com Michael Bednaz Professional Marketing & Technology Consultants & Web Development Group available for Freelance & Contract Projects in Marketing, Website Development, Graphic Design & Trade Show Services Web-Kare LLP 74 Main Street, PO Box 959 Raymond, NH 03077 877-351-1769/603-895-5503 web-kare.com maryann@web-kare.com Mary Ann Wells Specializing in Industrial Websites, offers Search Engine Marketing, Web Design & Hosting Services

800-881-8047 webactiongroup.com takeaction@webactiongroup.com Steven Forkey Search Engine Optimization, Local Search Marketing, Social Media Management & Marketing, Mobile Websites wedĂź Inc. 20 Market Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-647-9338/603-647-2325 wedu.com info@wedu.com Sean M. Owen, Susan Walsh Digital Marketing Agency, Strategy, Web, Interactive, Social Media, Advertising, PPC, SEM and Public Relations White Birch Communications Group 114 North Main Street, Suite 401 Concord, NH 03301 603-228-3322/603-228-0713 dupontgroup.com wbirch@dupontgroup.com James Monahan Public Relations, News Media Campaigns, Marketing and Communications Services for Businesses and Nonprofits Wilson & Gould 500 Market Street, 9R Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-770-3050 wilsongould.com judywilson1@comcast.net Judy Wilson Branding, Communications and Website Development Windhill Design LLC 7227 Pleasant Street Loudon, NH 03307 603-581-2675/603-556-8448 windhill.com info@windhill.com Link Moser Website Design, Search Engine Optimization, Website Hosting, Online Marketing & Promotion Source: NHBR Survey

WebAction Group LLC PO Box 245 Hudson, NH 03051


MEDIA OUTLETS Alton The Baysider 5 Water Street Meredith, NH 03253 603-279-4516 603-279-3331 newhampshirelakesandmountains.com baysider@salmonpress.com Issue Date: Thursdays Circulation: 5,469 Publisher: Frank Chilinski Editor: Joshua Spaulding Bedford Bedford Bulletin 100 William Loeb Drive, PO Box 522 Manchester, NH 03109 603-668-4321 603-624-0727 newhampshire.com/section/newhampshire1408 editor@thebedfordbulletin.com Issue Date: Thursday Circulation: 9,600 Publisher: Joseph W. McQuaid Editor: Christine Heiser The Bedford Journal 17 Executive Drive Hudson, NH 03051 603-594-6599 603-882-5138 cabinet.com/bedford-journal cabnews@cabinet.com Issue Date: Friday Circulation: 9,552 Publisher: Heather Henline Editor: Sandy Bucknam Berlin The Berlin Daily Sun 177 Main Street, PO Box 279 Berlin, NH 03570 603-326-6100 1-866-475-4429 berlindailysun.com mark@conwaydailysun.com Publisher: Mark Guerringue Editor: Barbara Tetreault Berlin Reporter 79 Main Street Lancaster, NH 03584 603-788-4939 603-788-3022 newhampshirelakesandmountains.com democrat@salmonpress.com Issue Date: Wednesday Circulation: 2,900


Publisher: Frank Chilinski Editor: Tara Giles Candia-Auburn Candia-Auburn Post 100 William Loeb Drive Manchester, NH 03109 603-206-7800 603-206-7801 unionleader.com/section/newhampshire1412 tcaldwell@unionleader.com Issue Date: Thursday Circulation: 3,150 Publisher: Joseph W. McQuaid Editor: Thomas Caldwell Center Ossipee Carroll County Independent 5 Water Street, PO Box 250 Meredith, NH 03253 603-279-4516 603-279-3331 newhampshirelakesandmountains.com tbeeler@salmonpress.com Issue Date: Thursdays Circulation: 4,482 Publisher: Frank Chilinski Editor: Thomas Beeler Chester/Hampstead Tri-Town Times 2 Litchfield Road Londonderry, NH 03053 603-537-2760 603-537-2765 nutpub.net tritowntimes@nutpub.net Issue Date: Thursday Circulation: 8,708 Publisher: Debra Paul Editor: Leslie O’Donnell Claremont Eagle Times 45 Crescent Street, PO Box 888 Claremont, NH 03743 603-543-3100 603-542-9705 Advertising Fax: 603-504-3199 eagletimes.com news@eagletimes.com Issue Date: Monday through Saturday Circulation: 6,000 Publisher: Devin Hamilton Editor: Cameron Paquette

Colebrook Colebrook Chronicle 82 Main Street, PO Box 263 Colebrook, NH 03576 603-246-8998 603-246-9918 colebrookchronicle.com editor@colebrookchronicle.com Issue Date: Friday Circulation: 6,000 Publisher: Donna Jordan Editor: Charles Jordan The News and Sentinel 6 Bridge Street, PO Box 39 Colebrook, NH 03576 603-237-5501 603-237-5060 colebrooknewsandsentinel.com editor@colebrooknewsandsentinel.com Issue Date: Wednesdays Circulation: 4,300 Publisher: Karen Harrigan Editor: Karen Harrigan Concord Binnie Media 4 Church Street Concord, NH 03301 603-524-1323 603-228-2030 wlnh.nh1media.com General Manager: Massimo Rosati Owner of WBIN-TV and several radio stations, including 105.5 JYY, 106.3 Frank-FM, 93.3 The Wolf and 98.3 WLNH Concord Monitor 1 Monitor Drive, PO Box 1177 Concord, NH 03302 603-224-5301 Advertising fax: 603-228-8238 News fax: 603-224-8120 concordmonitor.com news@cmonitor.com Issue Date: 7 Days Circulation: 13,227 Publisher: Heather McKernan Editor: Steve Leone NH 1 News 4 Church Street Concord, NH 03301 603-230-9000 603-228-2030 nh1.com news@nh1.com General Manager: Massimo Rosati

New Hampshire Public Radio 2 Pillsbury Street, 6th Floor Concord, NH 03301 603-228-8910 or 800-639-4131 603-224-6052 nhpr.org President & CEO: Betsy Gardella News Director: Sarah Ashworth Conway The Conway Daily Sun PO Box 1940 North Conway, NH 03860 603-356-3456 News fax: 356-8360 conwaydailysun.com news@conwaydailysun.com Issue Date: Tuesday through Saturday Circulation: 16,100 Publisher: Mark Guerringue Editor: Margaret McKenzie Derry Derry News 46 West Broadway, Route 102 PO Box 307 Derry, NH 03038 603-437-7000 Advertising Fax: 603-432-4510 News Fax: 603-432-4510 derrynews.com editor@derrynews.com Issue Date: Thursday Circulation: 26,500 Publisher: Karen Andreas Editor: Rosemary Ford Dover Foster’s Daily Democrat 150 Venture Drive Dover, NH 03820 603-742-4455 Advertising Fax: 740-3461 News Fax: 749-7079 fosters.com news@fosters.com Issue Date: Daily Circulation: 10,304 Publisher: John Tabor Editor: Mary Pat Rowland Townsquare Media LLC 292 Middle Road Dover, NH 03820 603-749-9750 townsquaremedia.com Owner of WOKQ-FM and The Shark 102.1

Durham New Hampshire Public Television 268 Mast Road Durham, NH 03824 603-868-1100 nhptv.org President & CEO: Peter Frid Exeter Exeter News-Letter 111 New Hampshire Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03801 800-439-0303 603-433-5760 seacoastonline.com newsletter@seacoastonline.com Issue Date: Friday Circulation: 3,776 Publisher: John Tabor Editor: Paul Dietterle Gilford Gilford Steamer 5 Water Street Meredith, NH 03253 603-279-4516 x111 603-279-3331 newhampshirelakesandmountains.com steamer@salmonpress.com Issue Date: Thursday Circulation: 4,158 Publisher: Frank Chilinski Editor: Brendan Berube Goffstown Goffstown News 100 William Loeb Drive Manchester, NH 03109 603-206-7800 603-206-7801 newhampshire.com/section/newhampshire1409 editor@goffstownnews.com Issue Date: Thursday Circulation: 6,800 Publisher: Joseph W. McQuaid Editor: Susan Clark Hampton The Hampton Union 111 New Hampshire Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03801 800-439-0303 603-433-5760 seacoastonline.com hamptonunion@seacoastonline.com

Issue Date: Friday Circulation: 3,224 Publisher: John Tabor Editor: Patrick Cronin Hillsborough The Messenger 246 West Main Street, PO Box 1190 Hillsborough, NH 03244 603-464-3388 603-464-4106 granitequill.com granitequill@mcttelecom.com Issue Date: Friday Circulation: 15,000 Publisher: Leigh Bosse Editor: Joyce Bosse Hollis/Brookline The Hollis/Brookline Journal 17 Executive Drive Hudson, NH 03051 603-673-3100 603-882-5138 cabinet.com/hollis-brookline-journal/ cabnews@cabinet.com Issue Date: Friday Circulation: 5,125 Publisher: Jim Konig Editor: Roger Carroll Hooksett The Hooksett Banner 100 William Loeb Drive Manchester, NH 03109 206-7800 206-7801 newhampshire.com/section/newhampshire1410 editor@hooksettbanner.com Publisher: Joseph W. McQuaid Editor: Thomas Caldwell Hudson Hudson/Litchfield News One Campbell Avenue Hudson, NH 03051 603-880-1516 603-879-9707 areanewsgroup.com news@areanewsgroup.com Issue Date: Friday Circulation: 14,300 Publisher: Leonard T. Lathrop Editor: Leonard T. Lathrop

Keene Keene Sentinel 60 West Street, PO Box 546 Keene, NH 03431 603-352-1234 Advertising fax: 603-352-9733 News fax: 603-352-9700 sentinelsource.com news@keenesentinel.com Issue Date: Daily Circulation: 14,706 Publisher: Thomas Ewing Editor: Paul Miller Kingston Carriage Towne News 14 Church Street, PO Box 100 Kingston, NH 03848 603-734-9050 603-642-7750 carriagetownenews.com elisha@carriagetownenews.com Issue Date: Thursday Circulation: 25,707 Publisher: Karen Andreas Editor: Elisha Blaisdell Laconia The Laconia Daily Sun 1127 Union Ave. Laconia, NH 03246 603-737-2026 laconiadailysun.com news@laconiadailysun.com Issue Date: Tuesday through Saturday Circulation: 18,000 Publisher: Adam Hirshan Editor: Ginger Kozlowski Lancaster Coos County Democrat 79 Main Street Lancaster, NH 03584 603-788-4939 603-788-3022 newhampshirelakesandmountains.com democrat@salmonpress.com Issue Date: Wednesday Circulation: 5,400 Publisher: Frank Chilinski Editor: Tara Giles Littleton Littleton Courier 79 Main Street Lancaster, NH 03584 603-788-4939 603-788-3022

newhampshirelakesandmountains.com courierreporter@salmonpress.com Issue Date: Wednesday Circulation: 5,012 Publisher: Frank Chilinski Editor: Tara Giles Londonderry Londonderry Times 2 Litchfield Road Londonderry, NH 03053 603-537-2760 603-537-2765 nutpub.net londonderrytimes@nutpub.net Issue Date: Thursday Circulation: 10,306 Publisher: Debra Paul Nutfield News 2 Litchfield Road Londonderry, NH 03053 603-537-2760 603-537-2765 nutpub.net ads@nutpub.net Issue Date: Thursday Circulation: 10,313 Publisher: Debra Paul Editor: Debra Paul Manchester The Hippo 49 Hollis Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-625-1855 603-625-2422 hippopress.com news@hippopress.com Issue Date: Thursday Circulation: 41,388 Publisher: Jody Reese Editor: Amy Diaz New Hampshire Business Review 150 Dow Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-624-1442 603-624-1310 nhbr.com jfeingold@nhbr.com Issue Date: Bi-Weekly Friday Circulation: 50,000 Publisher: Sharron McCarthy Editor: Jeff Feingold New Hampshire Union Leader & New Hampshire Sunday News 100 William Loeb Drive, PO Box 9555 Manchester, NH 03108


MEDIA OUTLETS 603-668-4321 Advertising Fax: 603-641-9773 News Fax: 603-668-0382 unionleader.com Issue Date: Daily Circulation: 48,000 Publisher: Joseph W. McQuaid Editor: Trent Spiner Saga Communications 500 Commercial Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-669-5777 sagacom.com Owner of WZID-FM, WFEA-AM and 96.5 The Mill WMUR-TV Channel 9 100 South Commercial Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-669-9999 603-641-9005 wmur.com General Manager: Jeff Bartlett Meredith Meredith News 5 Water Street Meredith, NH 03253 603-279-4516 x8 603-279-3331 newhampshirelakesandmountains.com mnews@salmonpress.com Issue Date: Thursday Circulation: 3,121 Publisher: Frank Chilinski Editor: Erin Plummer Merrimack The Merrimack Journal 167 Elm Street Milford, NH 03055 603-673-3100 603-882-5138 cabinet.com cabnews@cabinet.com Issue Date: Friday Circulation: 10,727 Publisher: Heather Henline Editor: Kerry Miller Milford The Cabinet Press Inc. 167 Elm Street Milford, NH 03055 603-594-6418 603-882-5138 cabinet.com cabnews@cabinet.com


Issue Date: Thursday Circulation: 2,050 Publisher: Heather Henline Editor: Sandy Buckman Nashua The Telegraph 110 Main Street, Suite 1 Nashua, NH 03060 603-594-1200 nashuatelegraph.com news@nashuatelegraph.com Issue Date: Daily Circulation: 2,400 Publisher: Heather Henline Editor: Sandy Bucknam Peterborough Monadnock Ledger-Transcript 20 Grove St., PO Box 36 Peterborough, NH 03458 603-924-7172 Advertising Fax: 603-924-3681 News Fax: 603-924-3681 ledgertranscript.com news@ledgertranscript.com Issue Date: Twice weekly Circulation: 5,383 Publisher: Heather McKernan Editor: Tony Marquis Pittsfield The Suncook Valley Sun 21 Broadway, PO Box 156 Pittsfield, NH 03263 603-435-6291 suncookvalleysun.com svsun@aol.com Issue Date: Wednesdays Circulation: 8,388 Publisher: Arthur E. Morse Editor: Ross Morse Plymouth/Bristol Plymouth Record Enterprise 5 Water Street Meredith, NH 03253 603-279-4516 603-279-3331 newhampshirelakesandmountain.com record@salmonpress.com Issue Date: Thursday Circulation: 4,106 Publisher: Frank Chilinski Editor: Brendan Berube

Portsmouth Portsmouth Herald 111 New Hampshire Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03801 800-439-0303 603-433-5760 seacoastonline.com news@seacoastonline.com Issue Date: Daily Circulation: 9,589 Publisher: John Tabor Editor: Richard Fabrizio Salem The Salem Observer 100 William Loeb Drive Manchester, NH 03109 603-206-7800 603-206-7801 newhampshire.com/section/newhampshire1411 editor@salemobserver.com Publisher: Joseph W. McQuaid Editor: Christine Heiser Sutton InterTown Record 1719 Route 114, PO Box 162 North Sutton, NH 03260-0162 603-927-4028 intertownrecord.com info@intertownrecord.com Issue Date: Tuesday Circulation: 2,250 Publisher: Annette Vogel Editor: Sasha Wolfe Warren Northcountry News PO Box 118 North Salem, NH 03073 603-764-5807 northcountrynewsnh.com ncnewsnh@gmail.com Issue Date: Every other Friday Circulation: 9,000 Publisher: Bryan Flagg Editor: Bryan Flagg West Lebanon Great Eastern Radio 106 North Main Street West Lebanon, NH 03784 603-298-0332 greateasternradio.com Owner of several radio stations, including 107.7 The Pulse, KIXX 101.9 and Q-106

Valley News 24 Interchange Drive, PO Box 877 West Lebanon, NH 03784 603-298-8711 603-298-0212 vnews.com newseditor@vnews.com Issue Date: 7 Days Circulation: 14,500 Publisher: Dan McClory Editor: Martin Frank Whitefield The North Woods Weekly 6 Bridge Street PO Box 39 Colebrook, NH 03576 603-237-5501 603-237-5060 northwoodsweekly.com editor@northwoodsweekly.com Issue Date: Friday Circulation: 15,000 Publisher: Karen Harrigan Editor: Karen Harrigan Windham Windham Independent News 233 Range Road Windham, NH 03087 603-898-7874 windependentnews@aol.com Issue Date: Weekly Circulation: 3,500 Publisher: Jon Carpenter Editor: Jon Carpenter Winnisquam Winnisquam Echo 5 Water Street Meredith, NH 03253 603-279-4516 x111 603-279-3331 newhampshirelakesandmountains.com record@salmonpress.com Issue Date: Thursday Circulation: 7,333 Publisher: Frank Chilinski Editor: Brendan Berube Wolfeboro Granite State News 5 Water Street Meredith, NH 03253 603-279-4516 603-279-3331 newhampshirelakesandmountains.com grunter@salmonpress.com Issue Date: Thursdays Circulation: 5,000 Publisher: Frank Chilinski Editor: Thomas Beeler Source: NHBR Survey

PRINTERS AND PRINT SERVICES DARTMOUTH-LAKE SUNAPEE REGION Dartmouth Printing Company 69 Lyme Road Hanover, NH 03755 603-643-2220 sheridan.com pat.stricker@sheridan.com Pat Stricker Magazine, Journal & Catalog Printing, Publishing Services and Technology Provider Echo Communications Inc. 59 Pleasant Street, PO Box 2300 New London, NH 03257 603-526-6006 echocominc.com mark@echocominc.com Mark Belden Award-Winning, Digitally Integrated Print Communications and Management Services Provider; Design, Print, Mail, Fulfillment R.C. Brayshaw & Co. 45 Waterloo Street Warner, NH 03278 603-456-3101 603-456-3105 rcbrayshaw.com tbrayshaw@rcbrayshaw.com Thomas Brayshaw Offset & Digital Printing, Wide Format Printing, CD/DVD Duplication, Binding, Direct Mail, Promotional Products, Web Services LAKES REGION The Kingswood Press 26 Mill Street, PO Box 506 Wolfeboro, NH 03894 603-569-3017 603-569-3132 kingswoodpress.com kingswoodpress@gmail.com William Swaffield Commercial Job Printing including Offset and Digital Color, Full Bindery Tylergraphics Inc. 13 Lexington Drive, Suite 2 Laconia, NH 03246 603-524-6625 603-528-6386 tylergraphics.com wade@tylergraphics.com Wade Heberling Commercial Offset & Digital Printing with Automated Mailing Services Venture Print Unlimited Inc. 44 Main Street Plymouth, NH 03264 603-536-2410

603-536-2419 printunlimited.com service@printunlimited.com Dawn Lemieux Printing, Copying, Graphic Design, Signs, Website Design, Screen Printing MERRIMACK VALLEY REGION Allegra Marketing Print Mail 128 South River Road Woodbury Court Bedford, NH 03110 603-669-0005 AllegraCentralNH.com info@allegrabedford.com Steve Chaisson Marketing communications provider offering Print & Mailing Services, Banners & Posters, Ad Specialties & Online Solutions. Alphagraphics 97 Main Street Nashua, NH 03060 603-595-1444 603-881-5557 alphagraphics.com/us277 us277@alphagraphics.com David Orpin Business and Marketing Printing, Marketing Services, Signs and Large Graphics, Branded Apparel Ben Franklin Printers Inc. 39 Londonderry Turnpike Hooksett, NH 03106 603-627-1818 603-641-6259 benfranklinprinters.com bfp@benfranklinprinters.com Marc Pinsonneault Commercial Printing BIGraphics Inc. 472 Amherst Street #18 Nashua, NH 03063 603-594-8686 603-578-9794 bigraphicsinc.com info@bigraphicsinc.com Joseph Dumont Large Format Digital Printing & Exhibit Materials Provider Bovie Screen Process Printing Co. 4 Northeast Avenue, PO Box 720 Concord, NH 03302 603-224-0651 603-224-4908 bovie.com print@bovie.com David Gintzler, Gary Shirk Industrial, Technical Screen Printing,

Plastic Fabrication, Membrane Switches, Graphic Overlays Product Marking, Displays Colonial Printing 143 Middle Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-622-4282 603-623-8499 colonialprintingnh.com sales@colonialprintingnh.com Jeffrey Boles Commercial Offset Printing, Graphic Design, Bindery, Wedding Invitations, Yard Signs Concord Litho 92 Old Turnpike Road Concord, NH 03301 603-225-3328 603-225-6120 concordlitho.com print@concordlitho.com Tom Cook Printing, Mailing and Cross-Media Marketing Services Craftsmen Press 134 Hodgdon Road Weare, NH 03281 603-529-6119 603-529-6456 craftsmenpress.com craftsmenpress@comcast.net Michael Beaule Commercial & Municipal Printing, Full Color, Wide Format, Banners and Restaurant Advertising Placemats Cummings Printing Company 4 Peters Brook Drive, PO Box 16495 Hooksett, NH 03106 800-647-0035 603-623-5132 cummingsprinting.com info@cummingsprinting.com John Foss Publication Printing Eagle Copy Center 93 Storrs Street Concord, NH 03301 603-225-3713 603-225-9916 eaglecopy.biz eaglecopy@comcast.net Effie Raft Printing, Copying GCS Promotions PO Box 368 Candia, NH 03034 603-483-5355 603-483-0719 graphicsnh.com

promotions@graphicsnh.com Rick Bouthiette Printing & Promotional Products Granite Image Epsom Circle Shoppes, 940 Suncook Valley Hwy #17 PO Box 683 Epsom, NH 03234 603-736-6056 603-736-6089 granite-image.com print@granite-image.com Denise Robinson Commercial Printing and Copies, Banners, Full-Color Printing, Wedding Invitations, Business Checks Harris Trophy 18 & 22 Hanover Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-669-3984 603-669-4984 harristrophy.com awards@harristrophy.com Frank Fraitzl, Lisa Fraitzl Corporate Awards, Sports Awards, Plaques, Medals, Engraving, Copying, Business Cards, Rubber Stamps Kase Printing, Inc. 13 Hampshire Drive, Unit 12 Hudson, NH 03051 603-883-9223 603-883-9232 kaseprinting.com sales@kaseprinting.com Mike Ribaudo 40� Offset + Digital Printed Catalogs, Newsletters, Mailing, Hard & Soft-Cover Books, Map-Folded Medical Device IFU’s & more Keystone Press 9 Old Falls Road Manchester, NH 03103 603-622-5222 603-622-9432 keystonepress.com dan@keystonepress.com Daniel Biron Full color commercial Printing, Mailings with Variable Data, Banners, Signs, Promotional Items Liberty Press Inc. 660 Mast Road Manchester, NH 03102 603-641-1991 603-641-1992 libertypress@comcast.net J. Claude Laroche Commercial & Social Printing


PRINTERS AND PRINT SERVICES New England Duplicator 8030 South Willow Street Manchester, NH 03103 603-623-7080 603-647-9754 nedupe.com info@nedupe.com Mark Wheeler Digital Printing, Binding, Black/ Color Plotting, Large Format Color, Banners, Signs, Trade Show, Direct Mail, Graphic Design NH Print & Mail Services 30 Terrill Park Drive Concord, NH 03301 603-226-4300 603-226-4399 nhprintmail.com info@nhprintmail.com Kevin Boyarsky Business Printing Services, Mailing, First-Class Presort, Wide Format, Promotional Products Optimum Bindery Services of N.E. Inc. 120 Northeastern Blvd, Unit 1 Nashua, NH 03062 603-886-3889 603-595-4387 optimumbindery.com info@optimumbindery.com Cheryl Newell Bookbinding and Finishing Services Papergraphics 4 John Tyler Street Merrimack, NH 03054 800-499-1835 603-880-1751 papergraphics.biz info@papergraphics.biz Karen L. Hall, Frank Lagana Comprehensive Commercial Offset, Digital and Variable Data Printing for Businesses: Design, Print, Mail, Promotional Items Premier Printing & Embroidery 3 School Street, PO Box 2069 Hillsborough, NH 03244 603-464-5321 603-464-5859 premierprintingnh.com info@premierprintingnh.com Bonita Hadley Copying, Printing, Oversized Copies, Custom Embroidery and Screen Printing Print NH 97 Eddy Road #4 Manchester, NH 03102 603-657-7079


603-657-7087 printnh.com print@printnh.com Project Consultation, Graphic Design, Large-Format Signs and Vehicle Wraps Proofing House Press 47 Northwestern Drive Salem, NH 03079 603-894-6333 603-893-8011 proofinghouse.com mhanna@proofinghouse.com Matt Hanna Printing, Marketing and Creative Design Puritan Capital 95 Runnells Bridge Road Hollis, NH 03049 603-889-4500 603-889-6551 puritanpress.com print@puritanpress.com Jay W. Stewart Commercial Multi-Color, Sheet-Fed Offset Printing Reliable Technologies Inc. 55 South Commercial Street, Third Floor Manchester, NH 03101 603-644-2528 603-627-5553 reliablenh.com sales@reliablenh.com Matt Zanni Print Device Repairs, Supplies and Print Environment Optimization Signature Digital Imaging 880 Candia Rd. Units 7, 8, & 9 PO Box 16328 Manchester, NH 03109 603-624-4025 603-641-2995 signaturenh.com info@signaturenh.com Marsha Fournier Full Color Digital Printing, Large and Small Scanning, Raster to Vector Conversion, Digital Plotting, Bid Document Management Sir Speedy Printing & Copy Center 41 Elm Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-625-6868 603-624-8327 sirspeedyofnh.com info@sirspeedyofnh.com Dick Stonner, Jay Stonner Printing, Copying, Graphic Design, Digital B/W & Color, Marketing and

Advertising Concepts and Direct Mail Services Spectrum Marketing Companies 95 Eddy Road, Suite 101 Manchester, NH 03102 603-627-0042 603-627-1637 spectrummarketing.com kevinl@spectrummarketing.com Kevin Lash Direct Mail, Printing, Large-Format Signs, Branded Apparel, Promotional Products and Publishers of Spectrum Monthly TDS Printing Inc. 8 Spruce Street Nashua, NH 03060 603-882-4510 tdsprinting@tdsprinting.com March McCubrey Commercial Multi-Color Offset Printing Talient Action Group 105 Faltin Drive Manchester, NH 03103 603-703-0795 talientactiongroup.com orders@talientaction.com Karen J. LePine Corporate Collateral Material, Digital Printing, Variable Data Printing, Large-Format Printing, Mail Services, Corporate Gift Town & Country Reprographics Inc. 230 North Main Street Concord, NH 03301 603-226-2828 603-225-8437 reprographic.com info@reprographic.com Dan Kenney, Mike Turpin Digital Printing, Online Print Mart, Document Mgmt., Graphic Design, Personalized Mailings, Direct Mail Services, Fullfillment Wharf Industries Printing Inc. 3 Lexington Road, Unit 2, PO Box 367 Windham, NH 03087 603-421-2566 603-421-1807 wharfindustries.com mcomeau@wharfindustries.com Michael Comeau Full-Service, Quality Color Printing & Digital High-Speed Copying MONADNOCK REGION Curry Copy Center of Keene 7 Emerald Street

Keene, NH 03431 603-352-9542 603-357-9335 currykeene.com cpos@myfairpoint.net Eddie Fitz-Simon Printing, Copying, Retail Office Supplies Savron Graphics LLC 32 Fitzgerald Drive, Suite 1 PO Box 250 Jaffrey, NH 03452 603-532-7726 603-532-4460 savron.com savron@savron.com Rob Crowley General Quick Printing, Color Copying, Faxing & Rubber Stamps Sterling Business Print & Mail 206 Concord Street Peterborough, NH 03458 603-924-9401 603-924-9247 sbc@sbcnh.com George Sterling Business Logo, 4-Color Printing Mailings, Color Copies, Envelopes, Stationery SEACOAST REGION AMI Graphics 223 Drake Hill Road, PO Box 157 Ctr. Strafford, NH 03815 603-664-7174 amigraphics.com info@amigraphics.com Edward Miles Large & Grand Format Printing, Banners, Billboards, Retail POP Signs, Vehicle Graphics & Wraps, Trade Show Graphics Allegra Marketing Print Mail 195 New Hampshire Ave. Pease International Tradeport Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-4680 603-427-0680 AllegraCentralNH.com info@allegraportsmouth.com Steve Chaisson Marketing communications provider offering Print & Mailing Services, Banners & Posters, Ad Specialties & Online Solutions Cocheco PrintWorks 442 Central Avenue Dover, NH 03820 603-749-0113 603-749-3093 cochecoprintworks.com info@cochecoprintworks.com

NOTIFICATIONS Jon West Design, Print, Mail, Marketing, Promotional Items, EDDM, Websites, Broadcast E-mails, CD/DVD Duplication Galligher Printing Services PO Box 1096 Exeter, NH 03833 603-672-4540 galligherprinting.com GPS@galligherprinting.com Dennis Galligher Print Production Services ImageWise, Design & Printing Services 113 Lafayette Road Hampton Falls, NH 03844 603-926-6742 603-926-4644 imagewisegraphics.com sales@imagewisegraphics.com Eric Lindsay Digital and Offset Printing, Graphic Design Kelley Solutions Inc. 210 West Road, Unit 7 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-431-3881 603-430-6855 kelleysolutions.com sales@kelleysolutions.com Lisa Finneral Evaluates & Organizes Your Print and Promotional Needs through a Uniquely Methodical and Measurable Process Lilac Printing 189 Wakefield Street Rochester, NH 03867 603-332-0511 877-577-7241 lilacprinting.com lilacprinting@yahoo.com Marlene Graves Offset & Digital Printing, Signs & Banners New England Printing & Copying 599 Lafayette Road #4 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-431-0142 603-431-1024 newenglandprinting.com info@newenglandprinting.com Alan Higginbotham Print & Digital Copying Services, Promotional Products Phineas Graphics 108 Penhallow Street Portsmouth, NH 03801


603-436-4402 603-436-1052 phineasgraphics.com info@phineasgraphics.com Susan Kress Hamilton Graphic Identity, Publication Design and Digital, Offset and Letterpress Printing for Businesses and Individuals RAM Printing Inc. 5 Commerce Park Drive East Hampstead, NH 03826 603-382-7045 603-382-7629 ramcompanies.com wzaremba@ramcompanies.com Walter Zaremba Commercial Printing, Large Format and Mailing Services Relyco Sales Inc. 121 Broadway, PO Box 1229 Dover, NH 03820 603-742-0999 603-742-9993 relyco.com info@relyco.com Michael Steinberg Business Printing and Payment Solutions Thayer Printing Co. Inc. 13 Liberty Lane Exeter, NH 03833-4362 603-772-6611 hbthayer@comcast.net Harry Thayer Broker of Print Services WHITE MOUNTAIN REGION LGA Media Group 57 Main Street Plymouth, NH 03264 603-536-3600 lgamediagroup.com/truecolors alyssa@truecolorsprint.com Alyssa Yolda Full Service Marketing, Design and Print Production Minuteman Press 1305 White Mountain Highway, Rte. 16 PO Box 1830 North Conway, NH 03860 603-356-2010 603-356-8367 ncmmp.com minuteman@ncmmp.com Patrick Kittle Commercial Printing, Banners, Brochures, Stationery, Mailing Services, Graphic Design, High Speed Copying, Reprographic Service Source: NHBR Survey

Our daily struggle with digital over-stimulation is continuous and real. With emails, pop-up ads, and notifications, we are often in sensory overload. Reading a print publication is a focused experience outside of the digital realm. Printed content has tested better with brand recall than digital, and is easier on the eyes. Bottom line: printed publications provide readers with a meaningful and memorable experience. We help you create compelling publications so your readers truly understand the allure of the printed word.


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Quotes available by Phone, Fax or Visit us at our web site: www.wharfindustries.com

CONCORD OFFICE: 107 Storrs Street Concord, NH 03301 Tel: 603-224-5323 Fax: 603-224-5334

UNSURPASSED SERVICES: Mailing At First Resort, we specialize in orchestrating and managing your direct mail campaigns. From defining your objectives, to advising on postal regulations and how they impact your design, maintaining proprietary and targeted mail lists, you can trust that your critical project will be accurate, timely and on budget! 3 Lexington Rd., Unit 2 • Windham, NH 03087 Tel: 603-622-9748 • Fax: 603-421-1807 Visit us at: www.frmarketing.net

Graphic Design Printing List Management Direct Mailing Strategies


ENERGY SUPPLIERS Agera Energy LLC 555 Pleasantville Road, S107 Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 844-692-4372 ageraenergy.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, NHEC, Unitil Ambit Energy 1801 North Lamar St., Suite 200 Dallas, TX 75202 877-282-6248 ambitenergy.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, NHEC, Unitil Calpine Energy Solutions 401 West A Street, Suite 500 San Diego, CA 92101 877-273-6772 noblesolutions.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, Unitil Champion Energy Services LLC 1500 Rankin Road, Suite 200 Houston, TX 77073 844-856-9382 championenergyservices.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Unitil CleanChoice Energy Inc. 1055 Thomas Jefferson St., NW, Suite 650 Washington, DC 20007 888-444-9452 cleanchoiceenergy.com Franchise Areas: NHEC Clearview Electric Inc. 1201 Elm St., Suite 3200 Dallas, TX 75270 800-746-4702 clearviewenergy.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, Unitil Consolidated Edison Solutions Inc. 25 Corporate Dr., Suite 310 Burlington, MA 01803 800-316-8011 ConEdisonSolutions.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, Unitil Constellation 100 Constellation Way, Suite 600C Baltimore, MD 21202 888-288-0218 constellation.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, NHEC, Unitil Direct Energy Business LLC 1001 Liberty Avenue Pittsburg, PA 15222 800-437-7265 business.directenergy.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, NHEC, Unitil


Direct Energy Business Marketing LLC 194 Wood Ave. South, Suite 200 Inselin, NJ 08830 888-925-9115 business.directenergy.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, NHEC, Unitil

Liberty Utilities 15 Buttrick Road Londonderry, NH 03053 800-375-7413 electric, 800-833-4200 libertyutilities.com Coverage Areas: Approximately 6 percent of the state covered, including western, southern and central areas

Direct Energy Services LLC 12 Greenway Plaza, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77046 866-348-4193 directenergy.com Franchise Areas: Eversource

Mega Energy of New Hampshire LLC 5065 Westheimer Road, Suite 1111 Houston, TX 77056 855-810-6342 megaenergyllc.com Franchise Areas: Eversource

EDF Energy Services LLC 4700 West Sam Houston Parkway North Suite 250 Houston, TX 77041 877-432-5430 edfenergyservices.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, Unitil Electricity N.H. LLC PO Box 1150 Auburn, ME 04211 800-549-6160 enhpower.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, NHEC, Unitil ENGIE Resources Inc. 1990 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 1900 Houston, TX 77056 888-232-6206 gdfsuexenergyresources.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, NHEC, Unitil Eversource 780 N. Commercial Street Manchester, NH 03101 800-554-6025 (business) eversource.com Coverage Areas: Approximately 70 percent of the state covered, including urban, southern to rural, northern areas Everyday Energy LLC 1055 Washington Blvd., 7th Floor Stamford, CT 06901 203-663-5089 comcastenergyrewards.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Unitil FairPoint Energy LLC 1055 Washington Blvd., 7th Floor Stamford, CT 06901 866-842-1084 fairpointenergy.com Franchise Areas: Eversource First Point Power LLC 300 Jefferson Blvd., Suite 104 Warwick, RI 02888 888-875-1711 firstpointpower.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, Unitil, NHEC

Mint Energy LLC 1 Rounder Way, Suite 220 Burlington, MA 01803 877-611-6468 mintenergy.net Franchise Areas: Eversource New Hampshire Electric Cooperative Inc. 579 Tenney Mountain Hwy. Plymouth, NH 03264 800-698-2007 nhec.com Coverage Areas: Approximately 11 percent of the state covered, including central New Hampshire NextEra Energy Services of New Hampshire LLC 20455 State Highway 249, Suite 200 Houston, TX 77070 866-960-4392 nexteraenergyservices.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, NHEC, Unitil Nordic Energy Services LLC One Tower Lane, Suite 300 Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 877-808-1022 nordicenergy-us.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, NHEC, Unitil North American Power and Gas LLC 20 Glover Avenue Norwalk, CT 06850 888-313-9086 napower.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, Unitil

Houston, TX 77057 866-727-5658 rep-energy.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, NHEC, Unitil Reliant Energy Northeast LLC 3711 Market Street, 10th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19104 855-500-8703 nrghomepower.com Franchise Areas: Eversource SmartEnergy Holdings LLC 575 Lexington Avenue, 4th Floor New York, NY 10022 800-443-4440 smartenergy.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Unitil South Jersey Energy Company 816 Elm Street, Suite 364 Manchester, NH 03101 603-625-2244 southjerseyenergy.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, NHEC, Unitil Town Square Energy 208 W Chandler Heights Road, Suite 102 Chandler, AZ 85248 877-430-0093 townsquareenergy.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Unitil TransCanada Power Marketing Ltd. 110 Turnpike Road, Suite 203 Westborough, MA 01581 877-634-2928 transcanada.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, Unitil Unitil 6 Liberty Lane West Hampton, NH 03842 800-852-3339 unitil.com Coverage Areas: Approximately 11 percent of the state covered, including seacoast and capitol areas Viridian Energy LLC 535 Connecticut Avenue, 6th Floor Norwalk, CT 06854 203-663-5089 viridian.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Unitil

PNE Energy Supply LLC Trade name: Power New England 5 Dartmouth Drive, Suite 301 Auburn, NH 03032 888-669-1685 PowerNE.com Franchise Areas: Eversource, Liberty, Unitil

XOOM Energy New Hampshire LLC 11208 Statesville Road, Suite 200 Huntersville, NC 28078 704-274-1450 xoomenergy.com Franchise Areas: Eversource

REP Energy LLC 800 Bering Drive, Suite 250

Source: New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, visit puc.state.nh.us/consumer/energysuppliers.htm for updates.

ENERGY EFFICIENCY CONSULTANTS AEC Group 90 Main Street Newmarket, NH 03857 603-200-0096 aecgr.com Contact Person: Tim Nichols, P.E. tim@aecgr.com

Environmental Systems Corporation

M.J. Welty and Associates

Strategic Energy Group

6 Walters Way Stratham, NH 03885 603-772-3109 mjwelty.com Contact Person: Mike Welty mike@mjwelty.com

59 Middle Street, 2nd Floor Portland, ME 04101 800-939-8339 strategic-energy-group.com Contact Person: Benjamin Todd btodd@strategic-energy-group.com

Prism Energy Services

Taitem Engineering

26A Columbia Circle Merrimack, NH 03054 603-423-6000 eeiservices.com Contact Person: Paul Murphy, CEM

1150 Hancock Street, Suite 400 Quincy, MA 02169 617-328-9896 prismenergyservices.com Contact Person: Wendy Simmons wendys@prismenergyservices.com

110 South Albany Street Ithaca, NY 14850 607-277-1118 taitem.com Contact Person: Jim Holahan jholahan@taitem.com

GDS Associates


1181 Elm Street, Suite 205 Manchester, NH 03101 603-656-0336 gdsassociates.com Contact Person: Scott Albert scott.albert@gdsassociates.com

71 Water Street Laconia, NH 03246 603-524-4647 rfsengineering.com Contact Person: Christopher Shumway cshumway@rfsengineering.com

Turner Building Science and Design, LLC


Schneider Electric

1 Perimeter Road Manchester, NH 03103 603-626-1242 harriman.com Contact Person: Jeffrey LaPierre, P.E., LEED AP jlapierre@harriman.com

15 Constitution Drive, Suite 2A Bedford, NH 03110 860-329-3749 schneider-electric.com Contact Person: Chris Bleuher chris.bleuher@schneider-electric.com

Twin State Engineering 49 Elm Street Charlestown, NH 03603

Sebesta Blomberg and Associates

Weston and Sampson

18 Jansen Court West Hartford, CT 06110 860-953-8800 esccontrols.com Contact Person: Mike Amedeo m.amedeo@esccontrols.com

Aramark 275 Clay Street Manchester, NH 03103 617-480-5479 aramarktechservices.com/services/ energy-management Contact Person: Bruce Sutter sutter-bruce@aramark.com

Buffalo Energy 5763 Seneca Street Elma, NY 14059 716-677-4899 buffalo-energy.com Contact Person: Fred Fellendorf fred@buffalo-energy.com

CHA Consulting, Inc. 3 Winners Circle Albany, NY 12205 518-453-4579 chacompanies.com Contact Person: Chris Stump cstump@chacompanies.com

CSI Engineering 999 Broadway, Suite 206 Saugus, MA 01906 781-233-4808 conedisonsolutions.com Contact Person: John Cass cass@csiengineers.com

Energy Efficient Investments

Honeywell Energy and Environmental Solutions 17 Windsor Green Road Greenland, NH 03840 603-767-8058 honeywell.com Contact Person: James Lucy james.lucy@honeywell.com

Celtic Energy 701 Hebron Avenue Glastonbury, CT 06033 860-882-1515 celticenergy.com Contact Person: David Tine david@celticenergy.com

120 Presidential Way, Suite 320 Woburn, MA 01801 781-721-8313 sebesta.com Contact Person: Davide Vettraino dvettraino@sebesta.com

Siemens Johnson Controls Inc. 603-365-1725 johnsoncontrols.com/customersolutions Contact Person: Ned Raynolds ned.r.raynolds@jci.com

110 South Albany Street Ithaca, NY 14850 800-439-3446 turnerbuildingscience.com Contact Person: Steven Caulfield scaulfield@turnerbuildingscience.com

603-826-5115 Contact Person: Roger Thibodeau, PE twnsteng@aol.com

100 International Drive, Suite 12 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-431-3937 x 5003 westonandsampson.com Contact Person: Chris Perkins, PE perkinsc@wseinc.com Source: P4P NH Pay for Performance List, NHBR Research

66 Mussey Road Scarborough, ME 04074 207-885-4100 siemens.com Contact Person: Sean Foye sean.foye@siemens.com

LighTec Inc. ConEdison Solutions 2 Burlington Woods Burlington, MA 01803 781-203-2705 conedisonsolutions.com Contact Person: Ken Nathanson nathansonk@conedsolutions.com

37 Depot Street Merrimack, NH 03054 603-424-2165 lightec.net Contact Person: Meghan Hoye meghan@lightec.net

Sparhawk Group The Sparhawk Mill, 81 Bridge St., Suite 107 Yarmouth, ME 04096 207-847-6807 sparhawkgroup.com Contact Person: Joe Lloyd jlloyd@sparhawkgroup.com


ARCHITECTURAL FIRMS ADS Architects & Construction Administration 12 Old Littleworth Road Dover, NH 03820 603-749-3191 richardweik@comcast.net Richard Weik AG Architects, PC 634 Central Avenue Dover, NH 03820 603-743-3700 agarchitects.com art@agarchitects.com Art Guadano ALBA Architects LLP PO Box 186 North Woodstock, NH 03262 603-745-4770 albaarchitects.com pbennett@albaarchitects.com Philip Bennett APRS, PLLC 227 Spooner Road Pittsburg, NH 03592 603-331-1979 chiefrb1@gmail.com William Guevremont AdaptDESIGN 601 Islington Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-205-2155 adaptdesignonline.com paul@adaptdesignonline.com Paul Fowler Amoskeag Architectural Group 1650 Elm Street, Suite 401 Manchester, NH 03101 603-606-7878 alanyeaton@comcast.net Alan Yeaton ArchCon-Group, Inc. 10 M Chestnut Drive Bedford, NH 03110 603-660-3030 archcongroup.com mcheever@archcongroup.com Michael Cheever Architechnology 37 Osgood Road Sanbornton, NH 03269 603-934-6300 tfarkas@metrocast.net Tibor Farkas The Architectural Studio + LLC PO Box 1659 Grantham, NH 03753 603-863-2818


thearchstudio.com kburtt@thearchstudio.com Karolina Burtt BMA Architectural Group 12 Middle St. Amherst, NH 03031 603-673-1991 bmaworld.com rolf@bmaworld.com Rolf K. Biggers Banwell Architects 6 South Park St., Suite 1 Lebanon, NH 03766 603-448-3778 banwellarchitects.com ingrid@banwellnh.com Ingrid Nichols Bensonwood 6 Blackjack Crossing Walpole, NH 03608 603-756-3600 bensonwood.com randall@bensonwood.com Randall Walter Berard Martel Architecture Inc. 170 South River Road Bedford, NH 03110 603-626-7903 berardmartel.com lberard@berardmartel.com Lee M. Berard Bonin Architects & Associates, PLLC 210 Main Street PO Box 2571 New London, NH 03257 603-526-6200 boninarchitects.com jeremy@boninarchitects.com Jeremy Bonin Additional Locations: Meredith Bruce Ronayne Hamilton Architects Inc. 833 Turnpike Road PO Box 104 New Ipswich, NH 03071 603-878-4823 brharch.com bhamilton@brharch.com Bruce R. Hamilton Burnell-Johnson Architects 80 Stark St. Manchester, NH 03101 603-625-5098 Steven Burnell

C.N. Carley Associates, Architects & Planners 72 North Main St. Concord, NH 03301 603-228-3815 cncarley.com design@cncarley.com Christopher N. Carley CJ Architects 4 Market St. Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-431-2808 cjarchitects.net carla@cjarchitects.net Carla J. Goodknight CMK Architects 603 Beech Street Manchester, NH 03104 603-627-6878 cmkarchitects.com fredm@cmkarchitects.com Fred Matuszewski Caldarola Design Associates, PC 4 Birch Street Derry, NH 03038 603-432-8404 joec@caldarola.com Joseph Caldarola Catlin + Petrovick Architects, PC 51 Railroad St. Keene, NH 03431 603-352-2255 c-parchitects.com jcatlin@c-parchitects.com John Catlin Christopher P. Williams Architects, PLLC 4 Stevens Avenue PO Box 703 Meredith, NH 03253 603-279-6513 cpwarchitects.com cwilliams@cpwarchitects.com Chris Williams

Daniel V. Scully/Architects 17 Elm Street Keene, NH 03431 603-357-4544 scully-architects.com dvs@scully-architects.com Daniel V. Scully David M. White, Architect PO Box 447 Goffstown, NH 03045 603-497-3405 davidmwhitearchitect.com dmwarch@comcast.net David White Dennis Mires, P.A., The Architects 697 Union St. Manchester, NH 03104 603-625-4548 thearchitects.net dennis@thearchitects.net Dennis B. Mires Design Group Facility Solutions 5 Chenell Drive, Suite 3 Concord, NH 03301 603-225-0010 dg.barry-wehmiller.com/services/ facility-solutions michael.morin@bwdesigngroup.com Michael P. Morin DeStefano Architects, PLLC 23 High Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-431-8701 destefanoarchitects.com info@destefanoarchitects.com Lisa DeStefano Duncan McCallum Architect 77 Morrill Road Canterbury, NH 03224 603-856-1442 DuncanDouglasMcCallum.com douglasmccallum@comcast.net Doug McCallum

Cowan Goudreau Architects, PLLC 5 Eagle Square Concord, NH 03301 603-226-3990 cgarchs.com ggoudreau@gsinet.net Gary L. Goudreau

Eskin Associates 7-J Taggart Dr. Nashua, NH 03060 603-891-6448 eskinarchitects.com eskinarchitects@comcast.net Ron Eskin

DB Architects, LLC 185 Winchester St. Keene, NH 03431 603-352-0612 danbartlettarchitect.com dan@bartlett.net Dan Bartlett

Fiorentino Group Architects 500 Market Street, Suite 1E Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-373-8562 fiorentinogroup.com scott@fiorentinogroup.com Scott Fiorentino

Fleck & Lewis Architects PO Box 886 Hanover, NH 03755 603-643-4226 craig.lewis@fleckandlewis.com Craig O. Lewis

Construction Manager • Design-Builder • General Contractor

Frank Anzalone Associates 224 Main Street, Suite B, PO Box 1016 New London, NH 03257 603-526-8911 faa-arch.com frank@faa-arch.com Frank Anzalone Gordon S. Loud Architect, LLC 408 State Route 113, PO Box 207 Holderness, NH 03245 603-968-9494 gsloud-architect.com info@gsloud-architect.com Gordon Loud H. Sloane Mayor, Architect, PLLC 7 Carter Street Lebanon, NH 03766 603-667-0303 sloanemayor.com sloane@sloanemayor.com H. Sloane Mayor

Cardigan Mountain School • McCusker Hall Canaan, NH

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HL Turner Group 27 Locke Road Concord, NH 03301 603-228-1122 hlturner.com dhart@hlturner.com David B. Hart Harriman 1 Perimeter Road Manchester, NH 03103 603-626-1242 harriman.com dbisson@harriman.com Daniel Cecil Isaak Design PLLC 20 Madbury Road, Suite 3 Durham, NH 03824 603-969-6711 isaakdesign.com nick@isaakdesign.com Nicholas Isaak J5 Architects PLLC 184 Myrtle St. Manchester, NH 03104 603-512-7800 j5architects.com james@j5architects.com James Spiegel

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ARCHITECTURAL FIRMS J L Purcell Architects, AIA 44 Main Street, Suite 2 Peterborough, NH 03458 603-562-8870 jlpurcellarchitects.com jlpurcell@myfairpoint.net Jay Lawrence Purcell JRT•AIA ARCHITECT 741 Upper Straw Road Hopkinton, NH 03229 603-223-9938 aianh.org/users/jrt-aia-architect jrtaia@aol.com Jerry Tepe JSA Inc. 273 Corporate Dr. Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-2551 jsainc.com aweidman@jsainc.com Anne Weidman Jay Seavey & Associates, Architects, PA 729 Chestnut Street Manchester, NH 03104 603-622-6070 jayseavey1618@earthlink.net Jay Seavey John T. Brennan & Associates PO Box 4285 Windham, NH 03087 603-893-4693 jtbarchitects.com jbrennan@jtbarchitects.com John T. Brennan Katie Cassidy Sutherland, Architect 310 Marlboro Street, 2nd Floor Keene, NH, 03431 603-988-6853 katiecassidysutherland@gmail.com Katie Cassidy Sutherland Karl Winchester, AIA, Architect PO Box 579 Grantham, NH 03753 603-504-5835 kswinchester@comcast.net Karl Winchester Landry Architects 389 Main Street, 2nd Floor Salem, NH 03079 603-890-6414 landryarchitects.com rel@landryarchitects.com Richard E. Landry

Lauer Architects 118 Paige Hill Road Goffstown, NH 03045 603-497-8441 lauerarchitects@comcast.net Kurt M. Lauer Lavallee Brensinger Architects 155 Dow St., Suite 400 Manchester, NH 03101 603-622-5450 lbpa.com marketing@lbpa.com Barbara Chalmers Leonard Pagano, Architect 93 Grove St. Peterborough, NH 03458 603-924-7725 pagano_arch@yahoo.com Leonard Pagano Maclaren Associates LLC PO Box 606 Atkinson, NH 03811 603-329-3511 gnammour@comcast.net George J. Nammour Manypenny Murphy Architecture 96 Penhallow Street Portsmouth, NH, 03801 603-319-8199 manypennymurphy.com architecture@manypennymurphy.com Alyssa Murphy McHenry Architecture 4 Market Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-430-0274 mchenryarchitecture.com steve@mchenryarchitecture.com Steve McHenry Michael J. Keane Architects, PLLC 101 Kent Place Newmarket, NH 03857 603-292-1400 mjkarchitects.com michael@mjkarchitects.com Michael J. Keane AIA Michael Munson Architect 604 Currier Road Hill, NH 03243 603-731-7511 michaelmunsonarchitect.com mike@michaelmunsonarchitect.com Michael Munson Misiaszek Turpin PLLC One Mill Plaza, 2nd Floor Laconia, NH 03246


603-527-1617 misiaszekturpin.com sonya@misiaszekturpin.com Sonya Misiaszek Northeast Design Group, PA PO Box 739 Bristol, NH 03222 603-744-0049 northeastdesigngroup.net nedgp@att.net David W. Tetreault P.J. Bruckner Associates 383 Central Avenue, Suite LL-55 Dover, NH 03820 603-743-2050 peterb@pjbruckner.com Peter John Bruckner PH Design Architecture 5 Memory Lane Milford, NH 03055 603-566-9500 phdesignarch@gmail.com Paul A. Hemmerich Patricia C. Sherman, FAIA 12 Pine Street Newbury, NH 03255 603-763-9085 psherman2@myfairpoint.net Patricia Sherman Paul Maggi Associates 224 Dane Road, PO Box 1512 Center Harbor, NH 03226 603-968-3242 paulmaggi@pmaarchitects.com Paul Maggi Pope Design Group PO Box 179 Goffstown, NH 03045 603-774-1382 hmpope@popedesigngroup.com Heidi Pope Port One Architects Inc. 959 Islington St. Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-8891 portonearchitects.com kdavis@portonearchitects.com William Davis Pro Con Inc. PO Box 4430 Manchester, NH 03108 603-623-8811 proconinc.com kroberge@proconinc.com James Loft

Quid Tum Historic Structures Consulting 106 Horace Greeley Road Amherst, NH 03031 603-672-6057 quid-tum.com lisa@quid-tum.com Lisa Sasser R. Wendell Phillips & Associates 650 County Road New London, NH 03257 603-526-9636 rwpa-architects.com rwparch@comcast.net R. Wendell Phillips R.A. Schaefer & D.M. White, Architects 112 Elm Street, PO Box 447 Goffstown, NH 03045 603-497-3405 rasarch@comcast.net Robert A. Schaefer Randall T. Mudge & Associates 85 Dartmouth College Hwy Lyme, NH 03768 603-795-4831 rtmudge.com rtm@rtmudge-architects.com Randall T. Mudge Reno Design Group, Architecture and Planning 1130 South Road Hopkinton, NH 03229 603-746-4200 renodesigngroup.com rob@renodesigngroup.com Rob Reno Robert A. Lenahan, AIA, PLLC 379 State St., Suite 2 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-4233 ralenahan.com statestreetarchitect@gmail.com Robert A. Lenahan SISR Architecture LLC PO Box 597 Marlow, NH 03456 603-446-7024 sisr.us christina@sisr.us Christina O’Brien Samyn-D’Elia Architects PA 20 Main Street, Unit 2, PO Box 1259 Ashland, NH 03217 603-968-7133 sdarchitects.com ward@sdarchitects.com Ward D’Elia

Schatelier Architectural Studio 5 Glen Drive Center Barnstead, NH 03225 603-776-0135 linkedin.com/in/KarenSchacht atelier@tds.net Karen Schacht

Sylvia T. Richards AIA 2 Parkway Hanover, NH 03755 sylviarichards.com star@sylviarichards.com Sylvia T. Richards-Gerngross

Schoonmaker Architects 10 Mathes Terrace Durham, NH 03824 603-868-1848 architex@worldpath.net William B. Schoonmaker

T.A. Hatcher Architects, PLLC 56 Fords Landing Dover, NH 03820 603-742-1536 andy-hatcher@earthlink.net Andrew Hatcher

Sheerr & White Residential Architecture. Inc. 1452 Little Sunapee Road New London, NH 03257 603-526-4943 sheerr@sheerrwhite.com Deirdre M. Sheerr-Gross

THA Architects, LLC 105 Willowbrook Avenue Stratham, NH 03885 603-770-2491 thaarc.com thouse@thaarc.com Thomas A. House, AIA

Sheerr McCrystal Palson Architecture, Inc. 30 South Main Street, Building Two, Suite 401 Concord, NH 03301 603-228-8880 sheerr.com epalson@sheerr.com Eric Palson

TMS Architects Eldredge Park 1 Cate Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-4274 tmsarchitects.com brobbins@tms-architects.com Buffi Robbins

Sheldon Pennoyer Architects 64 North Main Street, Suite 1 Concord, NH 03301 603-856-8994 spennoyerarchitects.com skp@spennoyerarchitects.com Sheldon K. Pennoyer Silverwatch Architects, LLC 224 Main St., Suite 3B Salem, NH 03079 603-894-4450 silverwatch.com joel@silverwatch.com Joel David Silverwatch Stewart Associates Architects LLC 151 Elm Street, PO Box 6555 Laconia, NH 03247 603-524-3000 stewarchitects.com pstewart@stewarchitects.com Peter L. Stewart Susan Phillips-Hungerford, Architect 19 Grove Street, PO Box 431 Peterborough, NH 03458 603-924-5767 spharchitect.com susan@spharchitect.com Susan Phillips-Hungerford

tonyfallon.com tony@tonyfallon.com Tony Fallon Udelsman Associates 161 Federal Hill Road Hollis, NH 03049 603-465-6960 david@udelsmanassociates.net David Udelsman UK Architects, PC 80 South Main Street, Suite 104 PO Box 231 Hanover, NH 03755 603-643-8868 ukarch.com ckennedy@ukarch.com Christopher P. Kennedy Vaune Dugan Architect PO Box 2239 Wolfeboro, NH 03894 603-569-3933 vauneduganaia.com vaune@myfairpoint.net Vaune Dugan

Warrenstreet Architects, Inc. 27 Warren Street Concord, NH 03301 603-225-0640 warrenstreet.coop jh@warrenstreet.coop Jonathan Halle Weller & Michal Architects, Inc. PO Box 360 Harrisville, NH 03450 603-357-4031 wapm.com weller@wapm.com Thomas M. Weller Windy Hill Associates 243 Clark Hill Road New Boston, NH 03070 603-487-5252 windyhillassociates.com David@WindyHillAssociates.com David Ely Y. Nahikian Associates, LLC 286 Hackett Hill Road Hooksett, NH 03106 ynaa@comcast.net Y. Nahikian Source: NHBR survey

Tennant/Wallace Architects, PA 110 Riverway Place Bedford, NH 03110 603-669-5855 twarchitecture.com pftarch@comcast.net Peter Tennant Thomas Bracy Architects, PLLC 76 School Street Concord, NH 03301 603-738-2377 leslie.thomas.aia@gmail.com Leslie Thomas Tim Sappington Architect 56 Boothman Lane Randolph, NH 03593 603-466-5780 sappingtondesign@ncia.net Thomas S. Sappington Jr. Timothy D. Smith, Architect 47 Winter Street, PO Box 275 Ashland, NH 03217 603-968-4426 glovestreet@gmail.com Timothy D. Smith Tony Fallon Architecture 501 Barn Door Gap Road Strafford, NH 03884 603-269-3206 BUSINESS SERVICES GUIDE 2018 85

ENGINEERING FIRMS AECOM 1155 Elm Street, Suite 401 Manchester, NH 03101 603-606-4800 603-606-4801 aecom.com gary.garfield@aecom.com Gary Garfield Civil, Transportation, Environmental, Geotechnical Engineering, Industrial Hygiene Services, Asbestos Analytical Testing, Solar Design ATC Group Services, LLC 150 Zachary Road Manchester, NH 03109 603-647-7077 603-647-5347 atcgroupservices.com john.kubiczki@atcassociates.com John Kubiczki Environmental and Industrial Hygiene Consulting Services, Asbestos and Lead Allen & Major Associates Inc. 400 Harvey Road Manchester, NH 03103 603-627-5500 603-627-5501 allenmajor.com acrooker@allenmajor.com Anne Crooker Civil and Structural Engineering, Land Surveying, Environmental Consulting, Landscape Architecture Altus Engineering Inc. 133 Court Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-2335 603-433-4194 altus-eng.com info@altus-eng.com Eric D. Weinrieb Aries Engineering Inc. 46 South Main Street Concord, NH 03301 603-228-0008 603-226-0374 aries-eng.com kward@aries-eng.com Kathryn A. Ward Environmental Engineering Consulting including GIS, Contaminated Site Investigation & Remediation, Environmental Compliance and Due Diligence Bedford Design Consultants Inc. | Civil Engineers & Land Surveyors 177 East Industrial Park Drive


Manchester, NH 03109 603-622-5533 603-622-4740 bedforddesign.com info@bedforddesign.com Robert J. Baskerville Civil Engineering, Land Surveying, Wetland Mapping, Land Planning, Landscape Architecture, Permitting, Septic System Designs Brown Engineering LLC 345 NH Rte. 104, Suite 71 New Hampton, NH 03256 603-744-1044 brownengineeringllc.com toni@brownengineeringllc.com Kent Brown Surveying, Civil Engineering, and Construction Management Services CDM Smith 670 No. Commercial Street, Suite 208 Manchester, NH 03101 603-222-8300 603-628-7675 cdmsmith.com David G. Polcari Transportation, Civil, Construction Mgmt., Design-Build, Planning, Environmental, Architectural, Mechanical, Structural CLD Consulting Engineers Inc. 540 N. Commercial Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-668-8223 603-668-8802 cldengineers.com cld@cldengineers.com Sara Curtis Civil, Structural, Municipal and Highway Engineering, Surveying CHA 11 King Court Keene, NH 03431 603-357-2445 603-357-8770 chacompanies.com chakeene@chacompanies.com Rob Faulkner Civil, Planning, Mechanical, Environmental, Surveying, Transportation, Structural, DesignBuild, Electrical, Construction Mgmt. CMA Engineers Inc. 35 Bow Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-431-6196 603-431-5376 55 South Commercial Street

Manchester, NH 03101 603-627-0708 cmaengineers.com info@cmaengineers.com Craig N. Musselman Civil, Environmental, Geotechnical, Design-Build, Water/Wastewater, Structural Conway Engineering MEPF, LLC PO Box 688 Brookline, NH 03033 603-673-6105 conwayeng.com jconway@conwayeng.com James N. Conway HVAC, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Electrical Indoor Shooting Ranges Design Group Facility Solutions 5 Chenell Drive, Box 3 Concord, NH 03301 603-225-0010 603-225-0761 stahlmangroup.com robert.redman@bwdesigngroup.com Rob Redman Interior Design, Civil, Architecture, Electrical, Construction Mgmt., Mechanical, Structural, Planning Doucet Survey Inc. 102 Kent Place Newmarket, NH 03857 603-659-6560 603-659-4118 2 Commerce Dr., Suite 202 Bedford, NH 03110 603-614-4060 doucetsurvey.com email@doucetsurvey.com William Doucet, Jack Kaiser Dedicated Land Surveying, Mapping, Land Planning The Dubay Group, Inc. 84 Range Road Windham, NH 03087 603-458-6462 thedubaygroup.com info@thedubaygroup.com Karl Dubay Award-Winning Civil Engineering, Land Planning and Surveying DuBois & King, Inc. 18 Constitution Drive Bedford, NH 03110 603-637-1043 866-783-7101 dubois-king.com info@dubois-king.com Jeffrey A. Adler, PE

Civil, Transportation, Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering; Environmental, Water, Wastewater, Water Resources Eckman Engineering Inc. 1950 Lafayette Road PO Box 8025 Portsmouth, NH 03802 603-433-1354 603-433-2367 eckmanengineering.com info@eckmanengineering.com David Eckman Engineering Ventures PC 85 Mechanic Street, Suite E2-3 Lebanon, NH 03766 603-442-9333 603-664-4244 engineeringventures.com kevinw@engineeringventures.com Kevin P. Worden, PE, Nik Fiore, PE Experienced Consulting Engineering Firm Providing Civil & Structural Engineering Services, Permitting & Planning GM2 Associates Inc. 197 Loudon Road, Suite 310 Concord, NH 03301 603-856-7854 603-856-7855 gm2inc.com dblood@gm2inc.com Darren Blood Professional Client-Oriented Civil and Structural Engineering & Land Survey Services GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc. 5 Commerce Park North, Suite 201 Bedford, NH 03110-6984 603-623-3600 603-624-9463 gza.com info@gza.com James V. Errico Environmental/Geotechnical Engineering, Regulatory Compliance, Construction Management, Remediation, Water Resources/ Permitting, Natural Resources GeoInsight, Inc. 186 Granite Street, 3rd Floor, Suite A Manchester, NH 03101 603-314-0820 603-314-0821 geoinsight.com info@geoinc.com Michael F. Dacey, PG, LSP Environmental Engineering &

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Mind Your

BUSINESS. JUNE 24 - JULY 7, 2016 VOL. 38 • NO. 13 • $1.75

The H.L. Turner Group Inc. 27 Locke Road Concord, NH 03301 603-228-1122 603-228-1126 hlturner.com hbryant@hlturner.com Hayley Bryant Architecture, Civil, Structural, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Building Science

Yeaton Associates Karen Bachelder JULY 20, 2016 BSG Draft 1/3 pg 4C for BSG



Laboring for


Hotter NH economy means businesses are scrambling for employees and wages are rising



The high cost of ignoring employee PAGE 24 wellness


Q&A : Paul College Dean Deborah Merrill-Sands

Photo by Karen Bachelder

pipeline Learningforce ing ationwork to manage Buildy-educa initiative aims to develop people PAGE 33

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the RL 10 rocket.” TeflonDo you take specializes in flexible Titeflex this in the userna rigid tubes me used braided hoses and other jets, and passw of Boeing 747s and plumbing ord to havelines for landing including hydraulic oxygen lines and to hold? gear, flaps, tail runners, PAGE 12 PAGE 18

in Laconia has proTiteflex Aerospace over the International duced parts used all Space Station. see launches and “You know when you a V rockets bringing you see those Atlas the first part moves satellite up, and then second stage enaway? We make the



Companies must comply with new regulation on Dec. 1

On Dec. 1, 2016, about a 2½ years after President Obama signed a presidential memorandum directing the U.S. to update regulation Department of Labor white-collar workers s defining which are protected by the Fair Labor Standards Act’s minimum wage and overtime standards, the final rule will take effect. That gives businesses six months to assess the changes and become compliant. Coverage of the Fair Labor Standards Act is broad: Most businesses are including non-profit covered, organizations, higher education institutions and state and local governments. OVERTIME RULES,


MAY 27 -JUNE 9, 2016 VOL. 38 • NO. 11 • $1.75


But some limits on new health care construction remain after being created, Thirty-seven years of Need board held the state’s Certificate June 16 and was offiits last meeting on weeks later. cially disbanded two raises the The demise of the board be a boom in health question: Will there both in equipcare facility expansion, when there construction, and ment judging whether won’t be any board such things are needed? won’t be lifted The construction cap totally, however. signed Hassan On Monday, Gov. Maggie Bradley, RSen. Jeb a bill sponsored by keep some restricWolfeboro, that would of new medical tions on the construction Department facilities, with the state Serof Health and Human the vices, as opposed to the CON board, having final word. Senate Bill 481 goes day after the CON into effect July 1, the bill — once dismissed board dies, but the 17 CERTIFICATE OF NEED, PAGE

Nigerian educators turn to NH’s Knowledge Institute to sprea entrepreneurismd

with Industr ees manufacturing employ next generation of positiv e energy PAGE Tom Wescott. Titeflex engineer BY LIISA RAJALA


State pulls plug on Certificate of Need


Color Notes: WHITE PNG logo


PUC Consumer Advocate Donald Kreis

How to map the course of your next initiative

How new overtime rules affect NH employers

HEB Engineers, Inc. 2605 White Mountain Highway PO Box 440 North Conway, NH 03860 603-356-6936 603-356-7715 hebengineers.com info@hebengineers.com Jay Poulin Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Land Surveying

Client: AE: Date: Topic: Size:




Above: A compact, programlast mable tube bender. Since fall, Manchester Community College has offered a tube certificate fabrication and forming program to meet manufacturers’ workforce needs.

Six years ago, Dr. Larry initiated a relationship Fejokwu with the Knowledge Institute Business Development for Small in Exeter. Recently the organization held a conference that brought together educators and government officials from Nigeria. (Photo by Liisa Rajala)

Opening up about opio ids BIA forum looks at how to deal with substance abuse in the workplace BY BOB SANDERS

pain medication . Mirjam IJtsma, people ser“It’s a big problem. vices director Anyone telling of Worthen that it isn’t, doesn’t you Industries, said know their employees she attended she said. ,” the Business and Industry AsIt’s not just that sociation of NH’s more “Opioids in died in New Hampshire than 400 people the Workplace” last year from opiforum on May oid-related overdoses. Substance 18 in Mancheste r to learn more has resulted in a nearly $2 billion abuse about substance abuse. drain on the state’s economy About half of the – a figure determine performance is- before opioid d sues at Worthen, abuse became an an industrial all-out crisives firm in Nashua, adhe- sis in New Hampshire . In fact, the she told NH Businessare addiction-related, Review. And almost the forum very idea that the BIA held all of that drug shows how front abuse arises following and center longtime work a the issue has become. For absence to recuperate an injury or illness, from forum moderator Kevin instance, when often with the Flynn asked the help of SUBSTANCE ABUSE, PAGE 22

Subscribe: 877-494-2036 Advertise: 603-624-1442 Visit NHBR.com BUSINESS SERVICES GUIDE 2018 87

ENGINEERING FIRMS HTE Northeast Inc. 2 Cote Lane, Suite 1 Bedford, NH 03110 603-668-1654 604-668-0608 htenortheast.com htenh@htenortheast.com Charles Eric Teale Geotechnical Engineering, Dam Engineering, Construction Phase Testing & Inspection Services, and Hydrogeology Consulting Services

Hoyle, Tanner & Associates Inc. 150 Dow Street Manchester, NH 03101 603-669-5555 603-669-4168 hoyletanner.com info@hoyletanner.com Christopher R. Mulleavey, Frank E. Wells Design-Build, Environmental, Structural, Airport Design, Planning, Transportation, Civil, Construction Management

Haley & Aldrich Inc. 3 Bedford Farms Drive Bedford, NH 03110 603-625-5353 603-624-8307 haleyaldrich.com info@haleyaldrich.com Vince Dick Underground & Environmental Engineering, Remediation Design & Construction, Lean & Sustainability

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. Two Executive Park Drive Bedford, NH 03110 603-666-7181 603-666-7185 jacobs.com david.chamberlin@jacobs.com Mike Desrochers Architecture/Engineering, Construction & Field, Environmental Health & Safety, Planning, Management, Modular Fabrication & Technology Services

Hancock Associates 403 Main Street, Unit 202 PO Box 205 Salem, NH 03079 603-898-4701 603-898-6263 hancockassociates.com info@hancockassociates.com Andrew Desmond Land Planning, Civil Engineering, Surveying, Landscape Architecture and Construction Management Harriman, Architects + Engineers 33 Jewell Court, Suite 101 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-626-1242 603-626-1259 harriman.com dbisson@harriman.com Daniel A. Bisson, AIA Architecture, Engineering, Interior Design, Sustainable Design Hayner/Swanson Inc. 3 Congress Street Nashua, NH 03062 603-883-2057 603-883-5057 hayner-swanson.com info@hayner-swanson.com Jim Petropulos Full-service Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Firm Serving Municipal, State and Private Land Development Clients


Jones & Beach Engineers Inc. 85 Portsmouth Avenue PO Box 219 Stratham, NH 03885 603-772-4746 603-772-0227 jonesandbeach.com jbe@jonesandbeach.com Jonathan Ring, PE Civil & Sanitary Engineers and Land Surveyors Kleinfelder 2 Wall Street, Suite 450 Manchester, NH 03101-1518 603-623-4400 603-623-4401 kleinfelder.com mmorin@kleinfelder.com Marc Morin A leading provider of Civil Engineering for Water, Transportation, Energy, Facilities and the Federal Government The Louis Berger Group Inc. 100 Commercial Street, 2nd Floor, North Manchester, NH 03101 603-644-5200 603-644-5220 louisberger.com aalzaim@louisberger.com Aboud Al-Zaim, PE Civil, Structural, Transportation & Environmental Engineering

Loureiro Engineering Associates, Inc. 779 South Main Street Manchester, NH 03102 603-625-8899 603-625-8799 loureiro.com info@loureiro.com Margaret Averill Environmental & Civil Engineering, Air, Water & Waste Compliance and Permitting, Waste Management, Brownfields, Solid Waste/Landfills MHF Design Consultants Inc. 44 Stiles Road, Suite 1 Salem, NH 03079 603-893-0720 603-893-0733 mhfdesign.com info@mhfdesign.com Frank C. Monteiro Site Engineering, Civil/Surveying, U/G Tank Design, Planning MJS Engineering PC 5 Railroad Street, PO Box 359 Newmarket, NH 03857 603-659-4979 603-659-4627 mjs-engineering.com mjs@mjs-engineering.com Michael J. Sievert Civil, Structural, Environmental, Consulting McFarland Johnson Inc. 53 Regional Drive Concord, NH 03301 603-225-2978 603-225-0095 mjinc.com concordrom@mjinc.com Michael D. Long, PE Mechanical, Planning, Transportation, Construction Management, Design-Build, Structural, Environmental, Civil, Electrical Nobis Engineering Inc. 18 Chenell Drive Concord, NH 03301 603-224-4182 603-224-2507 nobiseng.com info@nobiseng.com Shelley Lyn Ryan Environmental, Civil, Geotechnical Construction Management, Wetlands, Remediation, Landscape Architecture, Value Engineering

Northpoint Engineering, LLC 119 Storrs Street, Suite 201 Concord, NH 03301 603-226-1166 603-226-1160 northpointeng.com info@northpointeng.com Kevin M. Leonard Civil Engineering, Land Planning, Construction Services, Environmental Science Oak Point Associates 85 Middle Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-431-4849 603-431-1870 oakpoint.com info@oakpoint.com Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical Engineering, Fire Protection Parsons Brinckerhoff Inc. 650 Elm Street, 5th Floor Manchester, NH 03101 603-647-2012 603-647-2032 wsp-pb.com klimm@pbworld.com Robert Klimm Highway/Bridge Design, Construction Inspection, Traffic, Railroad Planning & Design, Airports Quantum Construction Consultants, LLC 27 Locke Road Concord, NH 03301 603-224-0859 603-224-3625 quantum-cc.com lmartin@quantum-cc.com Lisa M. Martin, PE Structural, Civil, Bridge and Roadway Engineering Ransom Consulting, Inc. Pease International Tradeport 112 Corporate Drive Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-1490 603-436-6037 ransomenv.com srickerich@ransomenv.com Steven Rickerich Environmental, Remediation & Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Due Diligence, Utilities Services, Water Supply, Coastal Modeling, Site Civil

Rist-Frost-Shumway Engineering 71 Water Street Laconia, NH 03246 603-524-4647 603-528-7653 rfsengineering.com cshumway@rfsengineering.com Pamela Merrill MEP/FP, Telecommunications, Structural, Civil, Commissioning SFC Engineering Partnership Inc. 1 Industrial Drive Windham, NH 03087 603-647-8700 603-647-8711 sfceng.com info@sfceng.com Wendy Chambers Structural, Fire Protection, and Civil Engineering, Code Review, Retaining Wall Design SVE Associates 47 Marlboro Street Keene, NH 03431 603-355-1532 603-355-2969

sveassoc.com info@sveassoc.com Engineering, Planning, Surveying, Landscape Architecture S. W. Cole Engineering, Inc. 10 Centre Road Somersworth, NH 03878 603-692-0088 603-692-0044 13 Delta Drive Londonderry, NH 03053 603-716-2111 swcole.com infosomersworth@swcole.com Jennifer Booth Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Materials Testing, Special Inspections, GeoEnvironmental and Test Boring Services Sanborn, Head & Associates Inc. 20 Foundry Street Concord, NH 03301 603-229-1900 603-229-1919 sanbornhead.com

Excellence in Environmental Specialty Contracting

ksousa@sanbornhead.com Kim Sousa Hydrogeologic and Environmental Investigations, Geotechnical and Solid Waste Engineering, Natural Gas Infrastructure Engineering Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 5 Dartmouth Drive, Suite 101 Auburn, NH 03032 603-669-8672 603-669-7636 stantec.com info@stantec.com Gerard Fortin, Craig Gendron Site Investigation/Remediation, Environmental Compliance, Fuel System Design, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Water/Wastewater Stephens Associates Consulting Engineering 60 Northrup Drive Brentwood, NH 03833 603-772-1417 603-772-1418 stephensengineers.com info@stephensengineers.com

Bethel A.H. Stephens Structural, Geotechnical, Hydrology & Hydraulics Steven J. Smith + Associates Inc. Pondside Place, 6 Lily Pond Road Gilford, NH 03246 603-524-1468 603-524-4371 sjsincnh.com sjs@sjsincnh.com Steven J. Smith Sr. Engineering & Land Planning, Land Surveying, Site Plans, Subdivisions, Topography and Environmental Permitting StoneHill Environmental Inc. 600 State Street, Suite 2 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-1935 603-433-1942 stonehillenvironmental.com info@stonehillenvironmental.com Elissa Stone Environmental Consulting, Due Diligence, Remediation, Litigation Support, Water Resources, Spill Management





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ENGINEERING FIRMS TEPP LLC 93 Stiles Road, Suite 201 Salem, NH 03079 603-212-9133 603-226-4108 teppllc.com tepp@teppllc.com Kim Eric Hazarvartian, PE Transportation Engineering, Planning and Policy, Traffic Impact & Access Studies, Traffic Operations & Safety Studies, Intersection/Signal Design TFMoran, Inc. 48 Constitution Drive Bedford, NH 03110 603-472-4488 603-472-9747 170 Commerce Way, Suite 102 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-431-2222 tfmoran.com rduval@tfmoran.com Robert E. Duval, Dylan Cruess Civil, Traffic and Structural Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Permitting, Design-Build TTG Environmental Consultants LLC 27 Locke Road Concord, NH 03301 603-228-1122 603-228-1126 hlturner.com/env jlavigne@hlturner.com John R. Lavigne, PE Environmental Permits, Funding Agency Consulting, Construction Administration/Resident Engineering Services, Water/Wastewater System Design, Stormwater

Terracon Consultants Inc. 77 Sundial Avenue, Suite 401W Manchester, NH 03103 603-647-9700 603-647-4432 terracon.com Wendell Shedd Engineering, Construction Monitoring, Geotechnical, Hydrogeology, Materials Testing, Environmental Tighe & Bond Inc. 177 Corporate Drive Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-433-8818 603-433-8988 tighebond.com info@tighebond.com Mary Persson Site/Civil Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Environmental Consulting, GIS, Renewable Energy Tritech Engineering Corporation 755 Central Avenue Dover, NH 03820 603-742-8107 603-742-3830 tritecheng.com rjs@tritecheng.com Bob Stowell Engineering, Surveying, Planning Turner Building Science & Design LLC 27 Locke Road Concord, NH 03301 603-228-1122 603-228-1126 turnerbuildingscience.com scaulfield@turnerbuildingscience.com Steven M. Caulfield IAQ/HVAC Moisture Diagnostics

& Mitigation, Forensic Analysis, Mechanical Engineering Design, Building Commissioning, Geothermal Design Underwood Engineers Inc. 25 Vaughan Mall, Unit 11 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-6192 603-431-4733 underwoodengineers.com uei@underwoodengineers.com Frank G. Underwood, PE Civil, Environmental VHB 2 Bedford Farms Drive, Suite 200 Bedford, NH 03110 603-391-3900 603-581-7495 vhb.com mkennedy@vhb.com Martin F. Kennedy, PE Transportation Planning & Engineering, Land Development, Environmental Services WSP USA Inc. 155 Main Dunstable Road Nashua, NH 03060 603-595-7900 603-889-6389 wsp.com darren.hardy@wsp.com Darren Hardy Transportation and Infrastructure Weston & Sampson Engineers Inc. 100 International Drive, Suite 1521 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-431-3937 978-977-0100 westonandsampson.com perkinsc@wseinc.com

Serving New Hampshire for more than 35 years VHB’s innovative roadway, traffic, environmental, land development, and structural professionals deliver solutions that help businesses and communities thrive together.

www.vhb.com 2 Bedford Farms Drive, Suite 200 Bedford, NH 03110 | 603.391.3900


Engineers Scientists Planners Designers

Christopher M. Perkins Drinking Water / Wastewater, Environmental, Civil, Stormwater, Geotechnical, Architectural, Renewable Energy, Design/Build Construction, Solid Waste Weston Solutions Inc. 43 North Main Street Concord, NH 03301 603-656-5400 603-656-5401 westonsolutions.com contactweston@westonsolutions.com James Soukup Environmental Consulting, Engineering and Program Management Wilcox + Barton Inc. 57 Hoit Road Concord, NH 03301 603-369-4190 x502 603-369-6639 wilcoxandbarton.com info@wilcoxandbarton.com Russell W. Barton Environmental, Regulatory, Technical and Program Logistics, Civil Engineering Wright-Pierce 230 Commerce Way, Suite 302 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-430-3728 603-430-4083 wright-pierce.com marketing@wright-pierce.com Richard Davee, PE Award Winning Engineering Firm specializing in providing Water, Wastewater & Infrastructure Engineering Services to Municipalities in the Northeast Yeaton Associates 66 Jackson Street Littleton, NH 03561 603-444-6578 603-444-2364 yeatonassociates.com info@yeatonassociates.com Leslie Fillion Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Sustainable Source: NHBR Survey

AIRPORTS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE Berlin Regional Airport (BML) 800 East Side River Road, Milan, NH 03588 Eric Kaminsky, 603-449-2168 berlinnh.gov

Lebanon Municipal Airport (LEB) 5 Airpark Road, West Lebanon, NH 03784 Richard Dyment, 603-298-8878 flyleb.com

Claremont Municipal Airport (CNH) 448 Sullivan Street, Claremont, NH 03743 Rick Bergeron, 603-542-7032 claremontnh.com

Manchester-Boston Regional Airport (MHT) 1 Airport Road, Manchester, NH 03103 Mark Brewer, 603-624-6539 flymanchester.com

Concord Municipal Airport (CON) 71 Airport Road, Concord, NH 03301 David Rolla, 603-229-1760 concordnh.gov Dean Memorial Airport (5B9) 393 Airport Road, North Haverhill NH 03744 Dennis Cunningham, 603-989-5845 Dillant-Hopkins Airport (EEN) 80 Airport Road, Keene, NH 03431 Jack Wozmak, 603-357-9835 ci.keene.nh.us Errol Airport (ERR) 100-1328 Colebrook Rd., Errol, NH 03579 D.C. Heasley, 603-482-3320 Franconia Airport (1B5) 1302 Eastern Road, Franconia, NH 03580 James David, 603-823-5034 franconiasoaring.org Gifford Field Airport (4C4) 37 Airport Road, Colebrook, NH 03576 Douglas Brooks, 603-237-4914 Gorham Municipal Airport (2G8) 8 Main Street, Gorham, NH 03581 Lee Carroll, 603-466-5065 gorhamnh.org Hampton Airfield (7B3) 9A Lafayette Road, U.S. Route 1 North Hampton, NH 03862 Garrett Miller, 603-964-6749 hamptonairfield.com Hawthorne-Feather Airpark (8B1) 2 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440 Doug Kenney, 603-588-6868

Portsmouth International Airport at Pease (PSM) 36 Airline Drive, Portsmouth, NH 03801 Bill Hopper, 603-433-6536 flyportsmouthairport.com Skyhaven Airport (DAW) 238 Rochester Hill Road, Rochester, NH 03867 Bill Hopper, 603-332-0005 skyhavennh.com Twin Mountain Airport (8B2) 63 Airport Road, Twin Mountain, NH 03595 Evan Karpf, 603-846-5505 twinmountain.com

Moultonboro Airport (5M3) 306 Haines Hill Road, Wolfeboro, NH 03894 Paul Zanis, 603-986-7338 Mount Washington Regional Airport (HIE) 5 Airport Road, Whitefield, NH 03598 Edward Stevens, 603-837-9532 mountwashingtonairport.com

Source: N.H. Department of Transportation – Bureau of Aeronautics and airnav.com

Nashua Municipal Airport/Boire Field (ASH) 93 Perimeter Road, Nashua, NH 03063 Stephen Bourque, 603-882-0661 nashuaairport.com


Newfound Valley Airport (2N2) 152 Pleasant Street, Bristol, NH 03222 Boake Morrison, 603-744-8334


Parlin Field (2B3) 15 Sunapee Street, Newport, NH 03773 Heath Marsden, 603-863-1220 newportnh.gov Plymouth Municipal Airport (1P1) 111 Quincy Road, Plymouth, NH 03264 Colin McIver, 603-536-5818 plymouth-nh.org


1B5 5B9

Municipal Airport N.H. State Airport


Private Airport/ Open to Public






Jaffrey Airport - Silver Ranch (AFN) 190 Turnpike Road, Jaffrey, NH 03452 Harvey Sawyer, 603-532-8870 silverranchairpark.com Laconia Municipal Airport (LCI) 65 Aviation Drive, Gilford, NH 03249 Mark Everson, 603-524-5003 laconiaairport.com











No. of No. of Rooms Meeting Rms

Colby Sawyer College, colby-sawyer.edu/functions/ 541 Main Street, New London, NH 03257, 603-526-3720, 603-526-3990



Courtyard by Marriott-Hanover/Lebanon, courtyard-hanoverlebanon.com 10 Morgan Drive, Lebanon, NH 03766, 603-643-5600, 603-643-5669



Dexter’s Inn, Trails & Restaurant, dextersnh.com 258 Stagecoach Road, Sunapee, NH 03782, 603-763-5571



The Dowd’s Country Inn, dowdscountryinn.com On The Common, 9 Main Street, Lyme, NH 03768, 800-482-4712, 603-795-4220



Eastman Community Association, eastmannh.org 6 Clubhouse Lane, PO Box 53, Grantham, NH 03753, 603-863-8000 Enfield Shaker Museum, shakermuseum.org 447 NH Route 4A, Enfield, NH 03748, 603-632-4346

Group Size


The Fells Historic Estate & Gardens, thefells.org On Lake Sunapee, 456 Route 103A, PO Box 276, Newbury, NH 03255, 603-763-4789, 603-763-2452

Banquet Capacity

Classroom Capacity














4 20

Theatre Capacity









Fireside Inn & Suites, firesideinnwestlebanon.com 25 Airport Road, West Lebanon, NH 03784, 603-298-5900, 603-298-0340







Hanover Inn Dartmouth, hanoverinn.com Two East Wheelock Street, Hanover, NH 03755, 603-643-4300, 603-643-4433







Highland Lake Inn Bed & Breakfast, highlandlakeinn.com 32 Maple Street, Andover, NH 03216, 603-735-6426








Lake Sunapee Cruises - M/V Kearsarge - M/V Mt. Sunapee II, sunapeecruises.com Town Dock - Sunapee Harbor, PO Box 774, Sunapee, NH 03782, 603-938-6465, 603-938-5671



Lui Lui of West Lebanon, luilui.com Powerhouse Mall Plaza, 8 Glen Road #11, West Lebanon, NH 03784, 603-298-7070, 603-298-8209





Mount Sunapee Resort, mountsunapee.com 1398 Route 103, PO Box 2021, Newbury, NH 03255, 603-763-3500, 603-763-5989









Jesse’s Steaks, Seafood & Tavern, jesses.com Route 120, PO Box 665, Hanover, NH 03755, 603-643-4111, 603-643-3340 Lake Sunapee Country Club, lakesunapeecc.com 289 Country Club Lane, PO Box 2460, New London, NH 03257, 603-526-6040, 603-526-0220


70-100 120





Mountain Edge Resort & Spa at Sunapee, mountainedgeresort.com 1380 Route 103, Newbury, NH 03255, 603-763-4600, 603-763-6097




The New London Inn, thenewlondoninn.com 353 Main Street, PO Box 8, New London, NH 03257, 603-526-2791, 603-526-2749




Rosewood Country Inn, rosewoodcountryinn.com 67 Pleasant View Road, Bradford, NH 03221, 800-938-5273, 603-938-5253





Sunapee Lake Lodge, sunapeelakelodge.com 1403 Route 103, Mt. Sunapee, NH 03255, 603-763-2010, 603-763-3314






Belknap Mill, belknapmill.org 25 Beacon Street East, Laconia, NH 03246, 603-524-8813







Brewster Academy, brewsteracademy.org 80 Academy Drive, Wolfeboro, NH 03894, 603-569-7400












Cody Outdoor Center, campcody.com 9 Cody Road, Freedom, NH 03836, 603-539-4997, 603-539-5840 The Common Man Inn & Spa, thecmaninn.com 231 Main Street, Plymouth, NH 03264, 603-536-2200, 603-536-7773







Coppertoppe Inn & Retreat Center, coppertoppe.com 8 Range Road, Hebron, NH 03241, 603-744-3636 , 603-947-3264








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Group Size

Theatre Capacity

Banquet Capacity

Classroom Capacity

Fratello’s Italian Grille, fratellos.com 799 Union Avenue, Laconia, NH 03246, 603-528-2022




Funspot, funspotnh.com 579 Endicott Street North, PO Box 5428, Laconia, NH 03246, 603-366-4377, 603-366-2077















Gunstock Mountain Resort, gunstock.com 719 Cherry Valley Road, Route 11A, PO Box 1307, Gilford, NH 03249, 603-737-4311, 603-293-4318


Hart’s Turkey Farm, hartsturkeyfarm.com 233 DW Highway, Junction of Routes 3 & 104, Meredith, NH 03253, 603-279-6212, 603-279-7146 The Inn on Main, innnewhampshire.com 200 North Main Street, PO Box 1089, Wolfeboro, NH 03894, 603-569-1335



The Inn on Newfound Lake, newfoundlake.com 1030 Mayhew Turnpike, Bridgewater, NH 03222, 603-744-9111, 603-744-3894




Mill Falls at the Lake, millfalls.com 312 Daniel Webster Hwy., Meredith, NH 03253, 800-508-4598, 603-677-8694







Lake Opechee Inn & Spa, opecheeinn.com 62 Doris Ray Court, Laconia, NH 03246, 603-524-0111, 603-524-1114







Lochland Lodge & Conference Center, lochlandlodge.com 238 US Route 3, Holderness, NH 03245, 603-279-4484, 603-279-9024







Manor On Golden Pond, manorongoldenpond.com 31 Manor Dr., PO Box T, Holderness, NH 03245, 603-968-3348, 603-968-2116















Mojalaki Country Club, mojalaki.com 321 Prospect Street, Franklin, NH 03235, 603-934-3033





Mount Washington Cruises, cruisenh.com 211 Lakeside Avenue, PO Box 5367, Laconia, NH 03247, 603-366-5531, 603-366-2007











Bank of NH Pavillion, banknhpavilion.com 72 Meadowbrook Lane, PO Box 7296, Gilford, NH 03249, 603-293-4700 Misty Harbor & Barefoot Beach Resort, mistyharbor.com 118 Weirs Road, Gilford, NH 03249, 603-293-4500, 603-293-0493

NASWA Resort, naswa.com 1086 Weirs Boulevard, Laconia, NH 03246, 603-366-4341, 603-366-5731




Plymouth State University Welcome Center & Ice Arena, plymouth.edu/arena 17 High Street, Plymouth, NH 03264, 603-535-2758, 603-535-3369


Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, nhnature.org 23 Science Ctr. Road, PO Box 173, Holderness, NH 03245, 603-968-7194, 603-968-2229






Steele Hill Resorts, steelehillresorts.com 516 Steele Hill Road, Sanbornton, NH 03269, 603-524-0500, 603-581-2395







The Wolfeboro Inn, wolfeboroinn.com 90 North Main Street, PO Box 1270, Wolfeboro, NH 03894, 603-569-3016, 603-569-5375















MERRIMACK VALLEY REGION Alpine Grove Banquet & BBQ Facility, alpinegrove.com 19 South Depot Road, Route 111A, Hollis, NH 03049, 603-882-9051


Ash Street Inn, ashstreetinn.com 118 Ash Street, Manchester, NH 03104, 603-668-9908, 603-629-9532



Atkinson Resort & Country Club, atkinsonresort.com 85 Country Club Drive, Atkinson, NH 03811, 603-362-8700, 603-362-5727




Aviation Museum of New Hampshire, aviationmuseumofnh.org 27 Navigator Road, Londonderry, NH 03053, 603-669-4820




The Barley House, thebarleyhouse.com 132 North Main Street, Concord, NH 03301, 603-228-6363, 603-228-6565





No. of No. of Rooms Meeting Rms Bedford Village Inn, bedfordvillageinn.com 2 Olde Bedford Way, Bedford, NH 03110, 603-472-2001, 603-472-2379


Bektash Shriners Function Center, bektashshriners.org 189 Pembroke Road, PO Box 4086, Concord, NH 03302, 603-225-5372, 603-225-9430

Group Size

Theatre Capacity

Banquet Capacity

Classroom Capacity











Best Western Concord Inn & Suites, concordbestwestern.com 97 Hall Street, Concord, NH 03301, 603-228-4300, 603-228-4301





Best Western Plus Executive Court Inn & Conference Ctr./The Yard Restaurant, executivecourtinn.com, 13500 South Willow Street, Manchester, NH 03103, 603-627-2525, 603-665-7090





Birch Wood Vineyards, birchwoodvineyards.com 199 Rockingham Road, Derry, NH 03038, 603-965-4359, 603-965-4349



Brookstone Event Center, brookstone-park.com 14 Route 111, Derry, NH 03038, 603-328-9255, 603-328-9269



Candia Woods Golf Links, candiawoods.com 313 South Road, Candia, NH 03034, 603-483-2307, 603-483-0590



Canterbury Woods Country Club, canterburywoodscc.com 15 West Road, Canterbury, NH 03224, 603-783-9400, 603-783-8900



Capitol Center for the Arts, ccanh.com 44 South Main Street, Concord, NH 03301, 603-225-1111 ext. 114, 603-224-3408


Castleton Banquet and Conference Center, castletonbcc.com 58 Enterprise Drive, PO Box 957, Windham, NH 03087, 603-898-6300, 603-894-6503 The Centennial Hotel, thecentennialhotel.com 96 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301, 603-227-9000, 603-225-5031


Chen Yang Li Restaurant, chenyangli.com 124 South River Road, Bedford, NH 03110, 603-228-8508, 603-228-8308

20 500























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Group Size

Colby Hill Inn, colbyhillinn.com 33 The Oaks Street, PO Box 779, Henniker, NH 03242, 603-428-3281, 603-428-9218




Comfort Inn Concord, comfortinnconcord.com 71 Hall Street, Concord, NH 03301, 603-226-4100, 603-228-2106




Comfort Inn Airport, comfortinn.com/hotel-manchester-new_hampshire-NH002 298 Queen City Avenue, Manchester, NH 03102, 603-668-2600, 603-625-2081



Theatre Capacity


Banquet Capacity

Classroom Capacity







Common Man Concord, thecman.com 25 Water Street, 1 Gulf Street (for GPS directions), Concord, NH 03301, 603-228-3463




Copper Door Restaurant, copperdoorrestaurant.com 5 Leavy Drive, Bedford, NH 03110, 603-488-2677




Country Tavern Restaurant & Pub, countrytavern.org 452 Amherst Street, Nashua, NH 03063, 603-889-5871




Courtyard by Marriott & Grappone Conference Center, courtyardconcord.com 70 Constitution Avenue, Concord, NH 03301, 603-225-0303, 603-225-8916







Courtyard Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, marriott.com/mhtcy 700 Huse Road, Manchester, NH 03103, 603-641-4900, 603-641-0001







Crowne Plaza Nashua, cpnashua.com 2 Somerset Parkway, Nashua, NH 03063, 603-886-1200, 603-594-9033







Currier Museum of Art, currier.org 150 Ash Street, Manchester, NH 03104, 603-669-6144 x110, 603-669-7194






Dell-Lea Weddings & Events, dell-lea.com 81 Pleasant Street, Chichester, NH 03258, 603-435-8479, 603-435-5045



The Derryfield, thederryfield.com 625 Mammoth Road, Manchester, NH 03104, 603-623-2880, 603-623-6850



EastPoint Executive Center, officespace.com 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063, 603-880-3223



Firefly American Bistro & Bar, fireflynh.com 22 Concord Street, Manchester, NH 03101, 603-935-9740


30 15

Fireside Inn & Suites, firesideinnnashua.com 10 St. Laurent Street, Nashua, NH 03064, 603-883-7700



Quality Inn Manchester Airport, choicehotels.com/nh054 55 John E. Devine Drive, Manchester, NH 03103, 603-668-6110, 603-668-6116



Fratello’s Events in the Millyard, eventsinthemillyard.com 155 Dow Street, Manchester, NH 03101, 603-641-6776, 603-629-9465



Fratello’s Italian Grille, fratellos.com 194 Main Street, Nashua, NH 03060, 603-889-2022



The Event Center at Hampshire Hills/The Hampshire Dome, hampshirehills.com 50 Emerson Road, PO Box 404, Milford, NH 03055, 603-673-7123, 603-673-0797




Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton - Manchester/Bedford, manchesterbedfordsuites.hamptoninn.com 8 Hawthorne Drive, Bedford, NH 03110, 603-623-2040, 603-623-2041




Hampton Inn - Nashua, nashua.hamptoninn.com 407 Amherst Street, Nashua, NH 03063, 603-883-5333, 603-883-5334



Hampton Inn by Hilton Concord/Bow, hamptoninn3.hilton.com/en/hotels/new-hampshire/hampton-inn-concord-bow-CCDNHHX/index.html 515 South Street, Bow, NH 03304, 603-224-5322, 603-224-4282


Holiday Inn & Suites - Nashua, holidayinn.com/nashuanh 9 Northeastern Boulevard, Nashua, NH 03062, 603-888-1551, 603-888-7193 Holiday Inn Concord Downtown, ihg.com/holidayinn/concordnh 172 North Main Street, Concord, NH 03301, 603-224-9534, 603-224-8266


220 200


160 6-12







30 255,500




















No. of No. of Rooms Meeting Rms

Group Size

Theatre Capacity

Banquet Capacity

Classroom Capacity

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Manchester Airport, hiexpress.com/esmanchester 1298 South Porter Street, Manchester, NH 03103, 603-669-6800, 603-647-3197




Holiday Inn Manchester Airport, holidayinn.com/manchesternh 2280 Brown Avenue, Manchester, NH 03103, 603-641-6466, 603-641-5655







Holiday Inn Salem, holidayinn.com/salemnh 1 Keewaydin Drive, Salem, NH 03079, 603-893-5511, 603-894-6728







Homewood Suites by Hilton Gateway Hills Nashua, gatewayhillsnashua.homewoodsuites.com 15 Tara Boulevard , Nashua, NH 03062, 603-546-7470, 603-897-0080













Kimball-Jenkins Estate, kimballjenkins.com 266 North Main Street, Concord, NH 03301, 603-225-3932, 603-225-9288


LaBelle Winery, labellewinerynh.com 345 Route 101, Amherst, NH 03031, 603-672-9898, 603-554-1853






League of NH Craftsmen Headquarters, nhcrafts.org 49 South Main St., Suite 100, Concord, NH 03301, 603-224-3375, 603-225-8452




Londonderry Country Club, londonderrycountryclub.com 56 Kimball Road, Londonderry, NH 03053, 603-432-9789



Lui Lui of Nashua, luilui.com 259 Daniel Webster Highway, Nashua, NH 03060, 603-888-2588, 603-888-7297



Manchester Community College, mccnh.edu/wdc/renting-our-facilities 1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH 03102, 603-206-8163, 603-624-1576


Manchester Country Club, manchestercountryclub.com 1 6/29/17 1:40 PM Page 1 BVI_MeetYouAd_NHBRBusServGuide.qxp_Layout


Lake Shore Farm Inn, lakeshorefarminn.com 275 Jenness Pond Road, Northwood, NH 03261, 603-560-0997


180 South River Road, Bedford, NH 03110, 603-624-4096











We’d Love to Meet You! (and we’ve got plenty of choices too!)







From 8 to 200 guests. Resort accommodations and amenities with special corporate rates!




Group Size

Theatre Capacity

Banquet Capacity

Classroom Capacity

McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center, starhop.com 2 Institute Drive, Concord, NH 03301, 603-271-7827, 603-271-7832






Millyard Museum, manchesterhistoric.org 200 Bedford Street, Manchester, NH 03101, 603-622-7531






New England College, nec.edu 98 Bridge Street, Henniker, NH 03242, 603-428-2479






New England Executive Center, newenglandexec.com 264 South River Road, Bedford, NH 03110, 603-644-4554, 603-628-2227



New Hampshire Audubon’s McLane Center, nhaudubon.org 84 Silk Farm Road, Concord, NH 03301, 603-224-9909, 603-226-0902






Pats Peak Banquet Center, patspeak.com 686 Flanders Road, PO Box 2448, Henniker, NH 03242, 603-428-3245, 603-428-7821






Puritan Conference Ctr. & Function Facility, puritanbackroom.com 245 Hooksett Road, Manchester, NH 03104, 603-666-9893, 603-669-3199







Radisson Hotel Manchester Downtown, radisson.com/manchesternh 700 Elm Street, Manchester, NH 03101, 603-625-1000, 603-206-4000







Radisson Hotel Nashua, radisson.com 11 Tara Boulevard, Nashua, NH 03062, 603-888-9970, 603-888-4112


















Searles Castle at Windham, searlescastle.com 21 Searles Road, Windham, NH 03087, 603-898-6597, 603-893-4608






SERESC Conference Center, serescconferencecenter.com 29 Commerce Drive, Bedford, NH 03110, 603-206-6800, 603-206-2589






Sky Meadow Country Club, skymeadow.com 6 Mountain Laurels Drive, Nashua, NH 03062, 603-888-9000, 603-888-2166






SNHU Arena/SMG, snhuarena.com 555 Elm Street, Manchester, NH 03101, 603-644-5000, 603-644-1575


Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, forestsociety.org 54 Portsmouth Street, Concord, NH 03301, 603-224-9945, 603-228-0423


Red River Theatres, redrivertheatres.org 11 South Main Street, Suite L1-1, Concord, NH 03301, 603-224-4697 ext. 12 Regus, regus.com 1 Tara Boulevard, Suite 200, Nashua, NH 03062, 603-324-7100, 603-324-7101 Saint Anselm College, anselm.edu/events 100 Saint Anselm Drive, Manchester, NH 03102, 603-222-4280


10,000 16-50

Southern New Hampshire University, snhuconferences.com 2500 North River Road, Manchester, NH 03106, 603-645-9612, 603-645-9712 Stonebridge Country Club, golfstonebridgecc.com 161 Gorham Pond Road, Goffstown, NH 03045, 603-497-8633, 603-497-4612 The Event Center at Courtyard by Marriott Nashua, eventcenternashua.com 2200 Southwood Drive, Nashua, NH 03063, 603-579-6055, 603-886-9489


Walnut Hill, walnuthillnh.com 81 Chester Road, NH Route 102, Raymond, NH 03077, 603-895-2437, 603-895-1326


50 400
















MONADNOCK REGION Best Western PLUS Keene Hotel, bestwesternpluskeene.com 401 Winchester Street, Keene, NH 03431, 603-357-3038, 603-357-4776




Chesterfield Inn, chesterfieldinn.com 20 Cross Road, PO Box 155, West Chesterfield, NH 03466, 603-256-3211, 603-256-6131








Crotched Mountain Ski & Ride Area, crotchedmtn.com 615 Francestown Road, Bennington, NH 03442, 603-588-3668, 603-588-3667





No. of No. of Rooms Meeting Rms Franklin Pierce University, franklinpierce.edu 40 University Drive, Rindge, NH 03461, 603-899-4243


Hidden Hills/Four Star Catering, fourstarcatering.com Route 202, PO Box 369, Rindge, NH 03461, 603-899-5001, 603-899-2037

Group Size

Theatre Capacity

Banquet Capacity

Classroom Capacity












The Inn at Crotched Mountain, innatcrotchedmt.com 534 Mountain Road, Francestown, NH 03043, 603-588-6840



The Inn at East Hill Farm, east-hill-farm.com 460 Monadnock Street, Troy, NH 03465, 603-242-6495, 603-242-7709



Keene Country Club, keenecountryclub.com 755 West HIll Road, Keene, NH 03431, 603-352-0135, 603-355-6681












Monadnock Country Club, monadnockcc.com 49 High Street, PO Box 97, Peterborough, NH 03458, 603-924-7769






Papagallos Restaurant, papagallos.com 9 Monadnock Highway, Keene, NH 03431, 603-352-9400, 603-352-1447











The Fairfield Inn & Suites Keene Downtown, marriott.com/hotels/travel/mhtkn-fairfield-inn-and-suites-keene-downtown 30 Main Street, Keene, NH 03431, 603-357-7070, 603-357-7075

Woodbound Inn, woodbound.com 247 Woodbound Road, Rindge, NH 03461, 603-532-8341, 603-532-4029


SEACOAST REGION Anchorage Inn & Suites, anchorageinns.com 417 Woodbury Ave., Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-431-8111, 603-431-4443


HISTORIC THEATER: 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth, NH LOFT: 131 Congress St., Portsmouth, NH TheMusicHall.org • 603.436.2400


Photo credit: David J. Murray/Clear Eye Photo

Located in the seaside town of PORTSMOUTH, NH, our two spaces deliver unmatched allure and charm, with unique amenities for groups of 10 to 900. corporate conventions • trade shows • ticketed events holiday parties • product launches • sales conferences team building seminars • annual meetings

TheMusicHall.org BUSINESS SERVICES GUIDE 2018 99


Group Size

Theatre Capacity

Banquet Capacity

Classroom Capacity

Ashworth by the Sea Hotel, ashworthhotel.com 295 Ocean Boulevard, Hampton Beach, NH 03842, 603-926-6762, 603-926-2002







BEST WESTERN PLUS Portsmouth Hotel & Suites, bestwestern.com 580 US Highway 1 Bypass, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-436-7600, 603-436-7600







Best Western The Inn at Hampton & Conference Center, theinnathampton.com 815 Lafayette Road, Route 1, Hampton, NH 03842, 603-926-6771, 603-929-2160






Coastal Video Conference Center, coastaledc.org 4 Merrill Industrial Drive, Suite 201, Hampton, NH 03842, 603-929-9244, 603-929-3502



CR’s The Restaurant, crstherestaurant.com 287 Exeter Road, Hampton, NH 03842, 603-929-7972, 603-929-0122



12 40

Dover Days Inn, wyndhamhotels.com/days-inn/dover-new-hampshire/days-inn-dover-durham-downtown/overview 481 Central Avenue, Dover, NH 03820, 603-617-4403




Flag Hill Distillery & Winery / Flag Hill Catering & Events, flaghill.com 297 North River Road, Lee, NH 03861, 603-659-2949, 603-659-5107




The Governor’s Inn, governorsinn.com 78 Wakefield Street, Rochester, NH 03867, 603-332-0107, 603-335-1984




Hampshire Inn, hampshireinn.com 20 Spur Road, Off Rte. 107, Seabrook, NH 03874, 1-800-932-8520, 603-474-2886







Hampton Inn & Suites Exeter, exetersuites.hamptoninn.com 59 Portsmouth Avenue, Exeter, NH 03833, 603-658-5555, 603-658-5556







Hilton Garden Inn Portsmouth Downtown, hgiportsmouth.com 100 High Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-431-1499, 603-431-1477







Holiday Inn Express Durham/UNH, hiexdurham.com 2 Main Street, Durham, NH 03824, 603-868-1234, 603-590-1315




Holiday Inn Portsmouth, holidayinn.com/portsmouthnh 300 Woodbury Avenue, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-431-8000, 603-431-2065







Homewood Suites by Hilton Portsmouth, portsmouth.homewoodsuites.com 100 Portsmouth Boulevard, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-427-5400, 603-427-5410







IOS Business Centers, iosnh.com One New Hampshire Avenue, #125/155 Fleet Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-766-1900, 603-766-1901



Isles of Shoals Steamship Co., islesofshoals.com 315 Market Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-431-5500, 603-433-1280




Kingston 1686 House, thekingston1686house.com 127 Main Street, Kingston, NH 03848, 603-642-3637






The Library Restaurant, libraryrestaurant.com 401 State Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-431-5202, 603-431-4678



Martel Roberge Function Center, mrfunctioncenter.com 551 Foundry St., Rollinsford, NH 03869, 603-742-7814



Newick’s Seafood Restaurant, newicks.com 431 Dover Point Road, Dover, NH 03820, 603-742-3205



One Liberty Lane, onelibertylane.com One Liberty Lane East, Hampton, NH 03842, 603-474-1776 , 603-758-1084


Paul’s Carriage House Restaurant Inc., carriagehouserye.com 2263 Ocean Boulevard, Rye, NH 03870, 603-964-8251, 603-964-1666



Pease Golf Course, peasegolf.com 200 Grafton Drive, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-433-1331, 603-427-0433



Lamie’s Inn & Old Salt Restaurant, lamiesinn.com 490 Lafayette Road, Hampton, NH 03842, 603-926-0330, 603-929-0019




250 175








50-350 125 100 42




No. of No. of Rooms Meeting Rms

Group Size

Theatre Capacity

Banquet Capacity









Portsmouth Gas Light Co., portsmouthgaslight.com 64 Market Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-430-9122



Portsmouth Harbor Events and Conference Center, portsmouthharborevents.com 22 Portwalk Place, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-422-9300



Portsmouth Country Club, portsmouthcc.net 80 Country Club Lane, Greenland, NH 03840, 603-436-9791, 603-433-3236 Portsmouth Courtyard by Marriott, marriot.com 1000 Market Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-436-2121, 603-430-7666


Quality Inn Portsmouth, qualityinnportsmouth.com 1190 Lafayette Road (Route One), Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-433-3338, 603-431-1639



Redhook Ale Brewery, redhook.com 1 Redhook Way, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-501-3237, 603-430-6011

Classroom Capacity


150 300



300 25











Rochester Country Club, rochestercc.com 94 Church Street, Rochester, NH 03839, 603-332-0985



Rudi’s Portsmouth, rudisportsmouth.com 20 High Street, Portsmouth, NH 038801, 603-430-7834



Seacoast Science Center, seacoastsciencecenter.org Route 1A, Odiorne Point State Park, 570 Ocean Blvd., Rye, NH 03870, 603-436-8043, 603-433-2235



Residence Inn Portsmouth Downtown Waterfront, marriott.com 100 Deer Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-422-9200, 603-422-9201


180 35





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MEETINGS & CONFERENCE FACILITIES No. of No. of Rooms Meeting Rms Seashell Oceanfront Pavilion at Hampton Beach State Park, nhstateparks.org/explore/outings-events-in-the-park/oceanfront-pavilion.aspx 160 Ocean Boulevard, Hampton, NH 03842, 603-227-8717, 603-926-6073

Group Size

Theatre Capacity

Banquet Capacity







Classroom Capacity

Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside Hotel, sheratonportsmouth.com 250 Market Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-431-2300, 603-431-7805




The Hotel Portsmouth, thehotelportsmouth.com 40 Court Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-433-1200














The Music Hall, themusichall.org 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-766-2202, 603-766-1753






The River House Restaurant, riverhouse53bow.com 53 Bow Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 603-431-2600
























The Atlantic Grill, theatlanticgrill.com 5 Pioneer Road, Rye, NH 03870, 603-433-3000 The Exeter Inn, theexeterinn.com 90 Front Street, Exeter, NH 03833, 603-772-5901, 603-778-8757

Three Chimneys Inn, threechimneysinn.com 17 Newmarket Road, Durham, NH 03824, 603-868-7800, 603-868-5011 University of New Hampshire, Conferences & Catering, unh.edu/conferences-catering Stillings Hall, 20 Ballard Street, Durham, NH 03824, 603-862-1900, 603-862-0245 The Victoria Inn Bed & Breakfast and Pavilion, thevictoriainn.com 430 High Street, Hampton, NH 03842, 603-929-1437


Wentworth By The Sea Country Club, wentworthbytheseacc.com 60 Wentworth Road, Rye, NH 03870, 603-433-3050, 603-431-4788 Wentworth by the Sea Hotel & Spa - Marriott Hotel & Spa, wentworth.com 588 Wentworth Road, New Castle, NH 03854, 603-422-7322, 603-422-7329

4 161

Whittemore Center Arena, campusrec.unh.edu/whittemore-center-arena 128 Main Street, Durham, NH 03824, 603-862-1379, 603-862-4801

150 33













WHITE MOUNTAIN REGION Attitash Grand Summit Hotel, attitash.com/grandsummit.html Route 302, PO Box 429, Bartlett, NH 03812, 603-374-1900, 603-374-3040





Attitash Mountain Village Resort, attitashmtvillage.com 1 River Run Drive, PO Box 358, Bartlett, NH 03812, 603-374-6500, 603-374-5208





Days Inn, daysinnnh.com 557 US Route 3, Lincoln, NH 03251, 603-745-8118, 603-238-2410




Best Western - Silver Fox Inn, silverfoxinn.com 70 Packard’s Road, Waterville Valley, NH 03215, 603-236-3699, 603-236-4128







The Buttonwood Inn, buttonwoodinn.com 64 Mt. Surprise Road, PO Box 1817, North Conway, NH 03860, 603-356-2625, 603-356-3140







Cabot Inn & Suites, cabotinnandsuites.com 200 Portland Street, Lancaster, NH 03584, 603-788-3346, 603-788-2732







Christmas Farm Inn & Spa, christmasfarminn.com 3 Blitzen Way, Black Mountain Road, PO Box 828, Jackson, NH 03846, 603-383-4313, 603-383-6495







Days Inn Campton, daysinncampton.com 1513 US Route 3, Campton, NH 03223, 603-536-3520, 603-536-8114




Eagle Mountain House and Golf Club, eaglemt.com 179 Carter Notch Road, PO Box 804, Jackson, NH 03846, 603-383-9111, 603-383-0854







Eastern Slope Inn Resort, easternslopeinn.com 2760 White Mtn. Highway, Box 359, North Conway, NH 03860, 603-356-6321, 603-356-8732








80 75-100

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2018 MEETINGS & CONVENTION PLANNER Target corporate and hospitality professionals in NH Business Review’s special annual publication on meeting and event planning. The guide is designed to be an informational resource to area decision-makers when planning corporate and business events. The Meetings & Convention Planner contains helpful howto articles and listings of meetings and conference facilities, plus much more. If you’re marketing your restaurant, hotel, meeting rooms or production/event services, the Meetings & Convention Planner is an excellent opportunity for you to sell your products and services directly to the area’s business community



INSIDE: Statewide Directory of Event Facilities

Call 603-624-1442 for more information BUSINESS SERVICES GUIDE 2018 103


Group Size

Theatre Capacity

Banquet Capacity

Classroom Capacity

Four Seasons Motor Inn, 4seasonsmotorinn.com Route 3, Box 432, Twin Mountain, NH 03595, 603-846-5708




Green Granite Inn & Conference Center, greengranite.com 1515 White Mountain Highway, PO Box 3127, No. Conway, NH 03860, 603-356-6901, 603-356-6980







Highland Center Lodge at Crawford Notch, outdoors.org Route 302, Bretton Woods, NH 03575, 603-278-4453, 603-278-4434







Horse & Hound Inn, horseandhoundnh.com 205 Wells Road, Franconia, NH 03580, 603-823-5501






Indian Head Resort, indianheadresort.com 664 US Route 3, Lincoln, NH 03251, 603-745-8000, 603-745-8414







InnSeason Resorts Pollard Brook, innseason.com 33 Brookline Road, Lincoln, NH 03251, 603-745-9900, 603-745-8233







Jack O’Lantern Resort, jackolanternresort.com 1668 Daniel Webster Hwy., PO Box A, Woodstock, NH 03293, 603-745-8121, 603-745-8197






Joe Dodge Lodge at Pinkham Notch, outdoors.org/lodging/whitemountains/pinkham/ 361 Route 16, PO Box 298, Gorham, NH 03581, 603-466-2725, 603-466-3871






Mountain Club on Loon Resort & Spa, mtnclub.com 90 Loon Mountain Road, Lincoln, NH 03251, 603-745-2244, 603-745-2317







Mountain View Grand Resort & Spa, mountainviewgrand.com 101 Mountain View Road, Whitefield, NH 03598, 603-837-0024, 603-837-8884







North Conway Grand Hotel, northconwaygrand.com 72 Common Court, PO Box 3189, North Conway, NH 03860, 603-356-9300, 603-356-6028







Omni Mount Washington Resort, omnihotels.com/mountwashington 310 Mt. Washington Hotel Road, Bretton Woods, NH 03575, 603-278-1000, 603-278-8828







Purity Spring Resort, purityspring.com 1251 Eaton Road, Rte. 153, East Madison, NH 03849, 603-367-8896, 603-367-8664






Residence Inn by Marriott North Conway, northconwayresidenceinn.com 1801 White Mountain Highway, PO Box 10, North Conway, NH 03860, 603-356-3024, 603-356-3025






Royalty Inn, royaltyinn.com 130 Main Street, Gorham, NH 03581, 603-466-3312





Snowy Owl Inn & Resort, snowyowlinn.com 41 Village Road, PO Box 407, Waterville Valley, NH 03215, 603-236-8383, 603-236-4890




Storybook Inn & Suites, storybookinnandsuites.com Glen Junction, Rtes. 16 & US 302, Glen, NH 03838, 603-383-6800, 603-383-4678




The Inn at Thorn Hill & Spa, innatthornhill.com 40 Thorn Hill Road, Jackson, NH 03846, 603-383-4242, 603-383-8062




Town & Country Inn and Resort, townandcountryinn.com US Route 2, PO Box 220, Gorham, NH 03581, 603-466-3315, 603-466-3316



The Valley Inn, valleyinn.com 17 Tecumseh Road, PO Box 1, Waterville Valley, NH 03215, 603-236-8425, 603-236-8429


Waterville Valley Conference & Event Center, waterville.com 1 Ski Area Road, PO Box 540, Waterville Valley, NH 03215, 1-800-468-2553, 603-236-4344

30 30



















The Wentworth Inn, thewentworth.com 1 Carter Notch Road, PO Box 812, Jackson, NH 03846, 603-383-9700, 603-383-4265







The White Mountain Hotel & Resort, whitemountainhotel.com 2560 West Side Road, PO Box 1828, North Conway, NH 03860, 603-356-7100, 603-356-7100







Woodstock Inn, Station & Brewery, woodstockinnnh.com 135 Main Street, PO Box 118, No. Woodstock, NH 03262, 603-745-3951







Source: NHBR Survey


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