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New Hampshire Antiques Show
water activities, including swimming and boating.
Avoid speeding and wear a helmet on your motorcycle or four-wheeler. Remember to buckle up in your car.
Take an emergency first-aid kit with you that contains bandages, antibacterial ointment, prescription medications and insect repellent.
· Practice frequent handwashing to avoid stomach and respiratory illnesses.
You should also be on the lookout for ticks, which are prevalent in our area, Dayno says. Should you get bitten, you risk Lyme disease transmission after 24 hours unless you can get a dose of doxycycline. After 72 hours, providers start to get more concerned and have patients take a longer course of antibiotics, he says.
Sweeney says that staying aware of changing weather conditions will also keep you safer.
“It may be 85 degrees and sunny at the bottom of Mount Washington, but when you get to the top, you should have a plan to handle Mother Nature and the environment around you,” he says. NH