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Instr Fac AY
Job Pos ng Title
Instruc onal Faculty AY
Regular / Temporary
Working Title
Assistant Professor of Music ‐ Director of Choral Ac vi es and Vocal Studies
Full / Part Time
If part‐ me, indicate me base
Appointment Dura on / End Date:
Ini al two‐year appointment subject to renewal
College / Division
CLA‐College of Liberal Arts
Salary Range
Salary is commensurate with qualifica ons and experience.
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Academic Year
Posi on Descrip on
MUSIC DEPARTMENT: Full‐ me, academic year, tenure‐track Assistant Professor ‐ Director of Choral Ac vi es and Vocal Studies in the Music Department, College of Liberal Arts at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California, to begin September 7, 2017.
The successful candidate will conduct mul ple ensembles of music majors and non‐majors, serve as the administrator of an ac ve choral program as part of a comprehensive university music program, oversee vocal studies as part of the Music Major, teach appropriate academic courses, and collaborate with other ensembles and faculty. Past collabora ons have included premieres of faculty works; joint concerts with the Arab Music Ensemble, Symphony, and Wind Ensemble; student opera produc ons; and the department's annual "Bach Week." Although Cal Poly is primarily a teaching university, our faculty are expected to balance teaching with ac ve professional development, student supervision and advising, and par cipa on in service ac vi es at the department and college/university level. The teaching load averages 12 units per quarter (with course load reduc ons in each of the first two years to help establish professional development ac vi es) with correspondingly reasonable expecta ons for scholarship and service. Salary is commensurate with qualifica ons and experience. Ini al appointment is for two years, subject to renewal. Candidates are expected to demonstrate a commitment to (or poten al for) teaching excellence and scholarly/ar s c ac vity at the university level. The department is commi ed to the teacher‐ scholar and ar st‐teacher models. As teachers, faculty are expected to exhibit strong pedagogical skills and to remain proficient and current in their disciplines. As scholars/ar sts, faculty should be engaged in work that is of very high quality as evidenced by external peer review. As colleagues, it is appropriate for faculty to perform service ac vi es at all levels of the University. Faculty should build collabora ve rela onships across the University and with colleagues at other universi es. The department is commi ed to enhancing the diversity and inclusivity of the campus community and the curriculum. Candidates who can contribute to this goal in their teaching and scholarly/ar s c work are encouraged to iden fy their strengths and experiences in these areas. The successful candidate must have the ability to work effec vely with students, staff and faculty from diverse ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds; and must be commi ed to recruit
from diverse ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds; and must be commi ed to recruit students from diverse backgrounds. The Music Department offers a Bachelor of Arts in Music and a minor in Music, and provides opportuni es for personal enrichment to students from all other departments of the University as well. It serves as a cultural center for both the University and community through a program of public performances by student and faculty groups and through department‐sponsored concerts, workshops, and lectures. Minimum Qualifica ons (Staff Only)
Required Qualifica ons / Specialized Skills
The successful candidate will have an earned doctorate in music and can demonstrate excellence in recent undergraduate teaching. ABD candidates will be considered with degree comple on expected before the posi on start date of September 7, 2017. At least two years of successful experience conduc ng advanced vocal ensembles is required. The cover le er should address the ability to contribute in other areas within the Music Department.
Preferred Qualifica ons / Skills
Special Condi ons (Staff)
∙ The person holding this posi on is considered a 'mandated reporter' under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Repor ng Act and is required to comply with the requirements set forth in CSU Execu ve Order 1083 as a condi on of employment. ∙ May be required to complete a Supplemental Employment Applica on Ques onnaire, which contains ques ons pertaining to convic on history, and submit it when requested by Cal Poly. This disclosure is confiden al and will not necessarily preclude applicants from employment.
Pre‐Employment Condi ons (Staff)
Background / Fingerprint
Benefits Eligible
More Informa on Job Open Date
Job Close Date
Review Begin Date
How to Apply
Applicants must submit an online faculty applica on to Requisi on #104215 at Uploaded materials should include a cover le er, curriculum vitae, unofficial transcript showing highest degree earned, and a Word document with links to the applicant's video files of recent rehearsals/ performances using YouTube, personal website, Dropbox, or a similar web‐based applica on. Video examples should exhibit music literature in various styles. Please be prepared to provide three professional references with names and email addresses when comple ng your applica on. Cal Poly will directly solicit le ers from the individuals listed by applicants. Any materials that can't be a ached to the on‐line applica on should be sent to: Dr. Antonio Greg Barata, Chair, Search Commi ee, Music Department, Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407‐0326. Applica on materials will not be returned. Official transcripts will be required of finalists. Applicants must be prepared to provide three professional references with names and email addresses when comple ng applica on. REVIEW BEGIN DATE: November 18, 2016. At California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, we believe that cul va ng an environment that embraces and promotes diversity is fundamental to the success of our students, our employees and our community. Bringing people together from different backgrounds, experiences and value systems fosters the innova ve and crea ve thinking that exemplifies Cal Poly's values of free inquiry, cultural and intellectual diversity, mutual respect, civic engagement, and social and environmental responsibility. Cal Poly's commitment to diversity informs our efforts in recruitment, hiring and reten on. California Polytechnic State University is an affirma ve ac on/equal opportunity employer.
Internal Recruitment Only
Projected Start Date (Faculty Only)
Addi onal Informa on Contact Name (Faculty)
Dr. Antonio Greg Barata
Addi onal Informa on Contact Phone (Faculty)
Addi onal Informa on Contact Email (Faculty)
Department Informa on (Faculty)
The Cal Poly Music Department offers a highly selec ve Bachelor of Arts degree program with 12 full‐ me faculty and 18 part‐ me faculty, and serves about 60 majors, 100 minors and approximately 500 ensemble par cipants per quarter. The Music Department also offers general educa on courses to the university.
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