Clearing out the house: Behind the scenes of the estate sale
Ten years ago, when clearing out my parents’ home of 50 years, I had no idea what I was getting into, let alone what I was doing. I had never been to an estate sale, now I was going to have one. I took a week o from my job in Florida, ew to California and dove head rst into the quicksand, a paralyzing quagmire of family history, memories, sentiment, legend and surprise- lled boxes, and all laced with my own guilt for being so ill-prepared to handle it all.
But I couldn’t wallow. Though I had no earthly notion what anything should sell for, I made wild stabs at pricing so I could meet the goal of clearing out the house to get it on the market. The proceeds would help pay for my elderly parents’ long-term care.
I get PTSD just thinking about it. The memories of this life-altering ordeal came ooding back this past week as I talked with Melissa Sullivan, owner of The Posh Peacock, an estate sales company serving greater Orlando. Where was she when I needed her?
Sullivan fell into the world of estate sales four years ago a er working in IT for 25 years. Ready for a career change, she started helping a woman who had a small, private estate sale company, but no technical skills. “She didn’t accept credit cards and didn’t have a website,” said Sullivan, who xed that. Shortly a er, the woman died of cancer. Sullivan kept the business going
and growing. Today, Posh Peacock handles about 25 sales a year.
Knowing services like hers exist to clear out family homes and turn material objects into cash and freedom just makes me so happy. My soul feels lighter because I now know I can stop worrying about all those jampacked homes out there threatening to fall like avalanches onto the heads of adult children.
Though an estate sales company can be just what a family needs, some intrepid types want to tackle the sales themselves, which has its own rewards. Either way, I found Sullivan’s insider information useful.
Though too late for me, maybe these takeaways can help you:
Marni: Who are your clients?
Melissa: Two-thirds of the homes we clear belong to people downsizing or moving into assisted living. One third belongs to someone who has passed. If the owner has died, we sell every item in the house a er family members take what they want. For downsizers, we
assess what they’re taking with them to see if enough remains to justify an estate sale, the equivalent of about four rooms of furniture, plus household goods.
What if downsizers want to hold their own estate sales?
You don’t need an estate sales company. Families who want to do this themselves can follow the same process we do. Empty all cupboards, closets and drawers. Separate out trash. Set aside what you want to keep or give to someone. Everything else you can sell or donate. The two most di cult parts of the job are pricing and having enough help to make sure items don’t walk away. Many pricing tools are available now. One is ( an app that lets you look up items and nd suggested pricing. Looking up eBay sold prices is another good resource.
How do you prevent the ?
We don’t allow purses or backpacks inside. We also group small items together near the jewelry counter, which is sta ed constantly, and have sta trained to watch every exit.
How much does the average sale gross, and what is your cut?
The usual split is 60% to the client, 40% to the estate sales company. Most homes we liquidate gross $12,000 or more. In that case, the homeowner would get $7,200, and we would get $4,800. That goes for sta ng, which runs about $2,500, advertising and art consultants or appraisers
we bring in to help us price collectibles. How long does the process take?
We are in and out in a week. Day one, six-toeight workers go through the house and inventory everything. Then we clean and polish merchandise, so it shows well, and stage the sale, creating vignettes so the house looks like a boutique. Over the
next few days, we price and photograph items to promote the sale online.
Friday the sale starts. On Saturday, prices drop 25% (on art and collectibles) to as much as 50% and on Sunday we discount by 60%. Monday, anything le goes to a local charity and the client gets a donation receipt. What’s worth more than people expect and what’s
REPURPOSED —An illness and a layo drove Melissa Sullivan to leave the corporate world and do something more meaningful. Now the owner of an estate sales company, she says, “I love that I am helping families through a di cult transition, and putting their once loved items into new appreciative hands while keeping them out of the land ll.”
worth less?
Clothing, especially vintage clothing, costume jewelry and tools sell really well. Tools hold their value because no one cares if they look old. Coins and stamps don’t go for as much as they used to. And I still remember how heartbreaking it was to tell one woman that her
Serving El Dorado County Home Week of June 7, 2024 3
Marni Jameson At Home
A resource for anything & everything related to Buying, Building, Selling, Moving, & Improving RESOURCE DIRECTORY INSURANCE Home-Auto-Life-Business-Health 530.677.7860 Ryan J. Nuttall Insurance Agency 3300 Cameron Park Dr., Ste 950 Cameron Park • Lic #0F94535 Specializing in Home Insurance in High Risk Fire Areas Call or Text ■ See JAMESON, page 4
Photo courtesy Roy Law
upon local governments. The results have been underwhelming. Increasing densities has received pushback from local governments and has not reduced regulations and fees.
The housing legislation moving forward today is an attempt to control those who can buy homes by limiting sellers’ choice of to whom they can sell. Assembly Bill 2584 would restrict institutional investors from purchasing single-family homes and converting them into rentals and Senate Bill 1212 would ban institutional investors from “purchasing, acquiring or leasing” single-family homes.
If the Legislature can prevent homeowners from selling to corporations, what’s next? Perhaps adopt legislation that ensures sellers are complying with the state’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Home Sellers Guidelines. Hard to imagine? Did anyone imagine the California Legislature would abolish single-family zoning? They did in 2021 with the passage of SB 9. That law has recently been ruled unconstitutional by a Southern California court but it’s an example of the legislative overreach to control private property.
This anti-corporate housing crusade overestimates institutional investors’ in uence in the marketplace. California’s institutional investors own about 60,000 units, less than 2% of all single-family homes. A study by the Urban Institute found corporate landlords have an important niche in buying neglected or
Continued from 2 Jameson Continued from 3
collection of over 200 Madame Alexander dolls in their original boxes wasn’t worth much.
How can owners help?
We welcome any appraisal or other information they have about their valuables. Most important is that they take anything they do not want sold o the premises or buyers will nd it. Ask what they do with items le a er the sale. The company should donate them and give you a receipt so you can write o the donation. However, some companies take possession, resell the items and take all the pro t. It’s a chronic problem in the industry. Make sure the company you hire has su cient liability
distressed properties and making them livable again. Companies that buy and rent provide renters the opportunity to live in more desirable neighborhoods where they otherwise would not be able to a ord.
Another legislative-endorsed solution to high housing costs will be on display in a state-wide rent control initiative in November. The ballot initiative will repeal Costa-Hawkins, which prevents rent control on single-family homes and most new rental housing. California already has some of the most restrictive landlord/tenant laws. If passed, a large number of mom-and-pop landlords will evict their tenants, sell and leave the state with their investment dollars.
California’s housing shortage is selfin ected by local and state governments. El Dorado County’s Planning and Building Department is notorious for its war on proposed housing. When county sta and the Planning Commission nally approve anything, it’s o en appealed to the Board of Supervisors and subject to the political process. Once supervisors add a list of costly approval conditions, the proposal is subject to litigation that can last years. There is a simple solution to solving the housing shortage and bringing down prices, “Build Baby Build.”
Ken Calhoon is a real estate broker in El Dorado County. He can be reached for questions and comments at ken@kencalhoon. com.
insurance. Also ask about any extra fees beyond the commission.
What do you wish more people knew?
For some of their beautiful furnishings, like living room sets, they will be lucky to get 20% of what they paid. This is where research tools can help. I learned early on that you will make more money if you lower your prices slightly. Price too high and items will sit, then go for much less.
Marni Jameson is the author of seven books including the newly released “Rightsize Today to Create Your Best Life Tomorrow,” “What to Do With Everything You Own to Leave the Legacy You Want” and “Downsizing the Family Home.” You may reach her at
Serving El Dorado County Home 4 Week of June 7, 2024 Serving El Dorado County Home Home PUBLISHER Richard B. Esposito ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Ian Balentine REAL ESTATE ADVERTISING SPECIALIST Wes Edwards HOMESOURCE EDITOR Noel Stack CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Ken Calhoon
Jameson GRAPHICS MANAGER Letty Bejarano-Carvajal 2889 Ray Lawyer Drive Placerville, CA 95667 (530) 622-1255 A publication of Mountain Democrat For Advertising: call 530.344.5059 or 916.502.0387 For Real Estate News: Click on the real estate navigation bar at mtdemocrat. com to submit your local Real Estate news. e largest Real Estate publication in the El Dorado County market. is owned and published by Mountain Democrat. All rights reserved, 2019. Reproduction in any form, in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Home Information contained in Home Source have been obtained by sources believed to be reliable. However, neither Home Source, Mt Democrat or McNaugthon Media /Publishing nor its authors guarantees the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein. Home Source, Mt Democrat or McNaugthon Media nor its authors shall be responsible for any errors, omissions, or claims for damages, including exemplary damages, arising out of use, inability to use, or with regard to the accuracy or su ciency of the information contained in Home Source, and are held harmless and does not accept responsibility for any accident or injury resulting from the use of materials contained herein. All rights reserved. No part of Home Source published work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Find out how much your home is really worth in today’s market! • BUILT-IN POOL • 1/4 ACRE, Private Lot • 4 Full Beds, 3 Full Bath • Beautifully Updated • Walk to Schools • STONEGATE VILLAGE
Monday, June 10th
Join Us for a and free Summer BBQ
F l a g R e t i r e m e n t C e r e m o n y
The formal Honor Guard Flag Retirement Ceremony will begin promptly at 6 pm, and members of the public are invited to retire flags throughout the evening. Join us for a complimentary BBQ 5-7. This is all ages welcome event hosted by the El Dorado Chapter of The Daughter of the American Revolution in collaboration with The American Legion Post 119 .
h f
Monday, June 10th
t h e A m e r i c a n R e v o l u t i o n i n
c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h T h e
A m e r i c a n L e g i o n P o s t 1 1 9 .
Q u e s t i o n s : C a l l o r T e x t ( 5 3 0 ) 3 0 6 - 0 8 2 1
E l D o r a d o C o u n t y R e g e n t @ y a h
Serving El Dorado County Home Week of June 7, 2024 5 Sally Long Johns 530-306-0821 2023 2011, 2012, 2014, 2017 2018, 2021, 2022 & 2023 2011, 2012, 2017 2018, 2021, 2022 2023 MountainDemocrat
5 : 0 0 p m - 8 : 0 0 p m t o n e R d , P l a c e r v i l l e H o n o r G u a r d F l a g R e t e e t C e r e m o n y w i l l b e g i n p r o m p t l y a t 6 p m , a n d m e m b e r s o f t h e p u b l i c a r e i n v i t e d t o r e t i r e f l a g s t h r o u g h o u t t h e e v e n i n g . J o i n u s f o r a c o m p l i m e n t a r y B B Q 5 - 7 . T h i s i s a l l a g e s w e l c o m e e v e n t h e E a d o C h a p t e u g
o o . c o m 4 5 6 1 G r e e n s t o n e R o a d , P l a c e r v i l l e , C A 9 5 6 6 7
5 : 0 0 p m - 8 : 0 0 p m A t 4 5 6 1 G r e e n s t o n e R d , P l a c e r v i l l e T h e f o r m a l H o n o r G u a r d F l a g R e t i r e m e n t C e r e m o n y w i l l b e g i n p r o m p t l y a t 6 p m , a m e m b e r s o f t h e p u b l i c a r i n v i t e d t o r e t i r e f l a g s t h r o u g h o u t t h e e v e n i n g . u s f o r a c o m p l i m e n t a r y B B Q
4045 sq ft. commercially zoned Historical Building. Construction has started and permitted with the city to convert the shop to retail and access upgrades. The upstairs addition shares the 721 Main Street address, and this part of the building has current remodel plans and a permit that can be assumed by new owners. Rough framed, plumbing and electric are finished, but insulation is not completed. Heat and air system also in. Main building could be anything you want with residential at the second floor with a deck and stairs leading down to a fully fenced 40x49’ private parking lot and
Serving El Dorado County Home 6 Week of June 7, 2024 is well cared additional space members or guests. where memories sure to become to dining, creating a vaulted ceiling complete with a surrounding landscape, your morning ultimate retreat HIGHLY Alisa Brockman (530) 906-7996 CalDRE# 02172488 of the week 530-409-6185 DRE#00976547 aher Meri G 1144 BROADWAY CT., PLACERVILLE $650,000 Own a part of Placerville History! First time on Market in 50+ Years! COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR sALE
ADDRESS BD BA SQ.FT. ACRES PRICE ADDRESS BD El Dorado Hills 1100 Terracina Dr 4 1638 Terracina Dr 3 1612 Carnegie Way 5 2867 Capetanios Dr 4 6314 Western Sierra Way 5 Garden Valley 6301 Pikes Peak Cir 3 Georgetown 6640 School St 3 Grizzly Flat 5245 Hilltop Dr 3 Pilot Hill 5770 Lilyama Rd 2 Placerville 5891 Gold Leaf Ln 3 Cold Springs Rd 3 Point View Dr 4 Homes that just Cameron Park 2807 Vista Verde Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1888 0.26 $645,000 2526 Knollwood Dr 4 3 (2 1) 2400 0.37 $675,000 2777 Royal Park Dr 4 3 (2 1) 2546 0.61 $975,000 Camino 2721 Cable Ct 3 3 (2 1) 1922 3.9 $710,000 Cool 3900 Lou Allen Ln 1 1 (1 0) 672 6.86 $365,000 1600 Indian Rock Rd 2 2 (2 0) 950 1.66 $387,500 El Dorado 6156 Stormy Rd 4 2 (2 0) 2036 10.75 $540,000 El Dorado Hills 4214 Brisbane Cir 3 2 (2 0) 1591 0.21 $665,000 5027 Morrill Way 3 2 (2 0) 2056 0.22 $760,000 5025 Verona Dr 4 3 (3 0) 2465 0.09 $775,000 6076 Brogan Way 4 2 (2 0) 2013 0.2 $780,000 1795 Toby Dr 3 3 (3 0) 2285 0.18 $790,000 2368 Mormon Island Dr 3 2 (2 0) 2314 0.89 $790,000 4000 Meadow Wood Dr 4 3 (2 1) 2340 0.32 $933,000 308 Bannerman Ct 3 3 (2 1) 2375 0.22 $945,000 5063 Courtney Way 4 3 (3 0) 3178 0.25 $1,075,000
round creek.
$599,000 • MLS#
well cared for 3 bedroom, 2 bath also features an additional 4th bedroom and 3rd full bathroom. is space can be accessed from the main home, as well as its own private entrance making it ideal for family or guests. e heart of the home, the inviting kitchen, is more than just a space for cooking; it’s a place memories are made and traditions are cherished. With its warm atmosphere and thoughtful layout, it’s become the hub of your household. e adjoining dining area o ers a seamless transition from cooking dining, creating an inviting space for shared meals and special occasions. e spacious family room features vaulted ceiling and a cozy pellet stove inviting you home. e master bedroom features a large bathroom with a jetted tub and includes a separate walk-in shower to meet your every need. Perched high above the surrounding landscape, the deck provides a bird’s-eye view of the beauty that surrounds you. Whether it’s sipping morning co ee as the sun rises or toasting to the day’s end with a glass of wine, this area will become the ultimate retreat for relaxation. Don’t miss the rare opportunity to own in this sought a er community.
the scenery! Remote Primary suite with new carpet, heated oors and newly remodeled bathroom. Living room With Engineered Hickory Hardwood oors and cozy Propane replace. Huge Mechanical room with Sink, well equipment, heater and loads of storage. Full home generator, 3 car attached garage and Detached 2-car garage. Outside boasts a greenhouse, soothing waterfall with pond and kitchen! One-of-a-kind property! Z Group Real
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Oversized 2-car garage. Step into the main level where you can enjoy single-story living with a 4th bedroom option, full bathroom, kitchen, living, dining, & outside access ALL on the rst oor. Elegant family room w/wet bar, formal dining room. Kitchen featuring granite countertops, an eat-in bar, & cozy breakfast nook. 2nd- oor laundry near all 3 bedrooms, a loft area with charming built-in book shelves & desk. Primary suite boasts a walk-in closet, en-suite
Home Serving El Dorado County Week of June 7, 2024 7
4171 Empire Creek
ESCAPE TO YOUR OWN MOUNTAIN RETREAT! IMMACULATE, CUSTOM-BUILT HOME! 530-644-1644 Nestled on 5 acres with magni cent views!! 3 bd, of ce, 3 baths and decks to soak in the scenery! Remote Primary suite with new carpet, heated oors and newly remodeled bathroom. Living room With Engineered Hickory Hardwood oors and cozy Propane replace. Huge Mechanical room with Sink, well equipment, heater and loads of storage. Full home generator, 3 car attached garage and Detached 2-car garage. Outside boasts a greenhouse, soothing waterfall with pond and kitchen! One-of-a-kind property! MLS#224040158 $825,000 Paved driveway leads right into oversized 2-car garage. Step into the main level where you can enjoy single-story living with a 4th bedroom option, full bathroom, kitchen, living, dining, & outside access ALL on the rst oor. Elegant family room w/wet bar, formal dining room. Kitchen featuring granite countertops, an eat-in bar, & cozy breakfast nook. 2nd- oor laundry near all 3 bedrooms, a loft area with charming built-in book shelves & desk. Primary suite boasts a walk-in closet, ensuite with dual shower heads in spacious shower & individual vanities. And so much more! Stop searching, you're home! MLS#224053259 $539,000 OPEN HOUSE Sat. 11:30-2:30 OPEN HOUSE Sun. 12:30-2:30
SEE THE STAR! • SEE THE PAGE! • SEE THE HOME! Saturday, June 8, 2024 11:30 3020 CRYSTAL SUMMIT ROAD, POLLOCK PINES $825,000 Nestled on 5 acres with magni cent views!! 3 bd, of ce, 3 baths and decks to soak in
Circle, Georgetown
3020 Crystal Summit Rd, Pollock Pines 5181 Adney Way, Pollock Pines
Estate • LAURALEE GREEN (530) 644-6226
12:30 5181 ADNEY WAY,
with dual shower heads in spacious shower & individual vanities. Z Group Real Estate • DANIELLE HAMILTON (530) 748-9472 11-2 2919 PIAZZA COURT, POLLOCK PINES $350,000 Adorable 2bd/1.5ba home. Kitchen updated in 2019. Windows replaced with dual pane. Nicely maintained yard and attached wood storage shed. There is solar the new owner will have to be assumed by the very reasonable. The seller is motivated. A very comfortable setting inside a& out. Minutes away from Jenkinson Lake. Just minutes from shopping, dining, and recreation. Perfect starter, cabin retreat, or downsizing home. The heating is wood stove and electric wall heaters. Century 21 Select Real Estate • HELEN RIVARD (530) 409-2687 WE DO OUR BEST TO KEEP OUR OPEN HOUSES ACCURATE AND TIMELY. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT OPEN HOUSES TIMES AND INFORMATION ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. PAGE Number ad is on OPEN HOUSE DIRECTORY TO 2:30 TO 2:30 PAGE 7 PAGE 7 BD BA SQ.FT. ACRES PRICE ADDRESS BD BA SQ.FT. ACRES PRICE
5 (4 1) 4060 0.23 $1,215,000 3 3 (2 1) 2751 0.21 $1,260,000 5 4 (3 1) 4110 0.53 $1,605,000
4 (3 1) 3997 0.74 $2,710,000 5 6 (5 1) 4881 0.54 $3,417,315 3 2 (2 0) 1560 2.05 $655,000 3 2 (2 0) 1404 0.88 $425,000 3 2 (2 0) 1645 0.31 $368,000 2 2 (1 1) 823 2.54 $438,000 3 2 (2 0) 1440 15.39 $260,000 1916 3 2 (2 0) 960 0.49 $275,000 1770 4 1 (1 0) 1578 0.47 $447,500 3916 just Sold in your neighborhood Downloaded from MLS June 4, 2024 Placerville Cedar Ravine Rd 3 2 (2 0) 1820 3.49 $510,000 5830 Westar Ct 3 3 (2 1) 2669 5.01 $632,000 4820 Demyhig Ln 3 3 (2 1) 1974 13.11 $699,000 1487 Sean Dr 4 3 (2 1) 2200 0.5 $730,000 1896 Overlook Ct 4 3 (3 0) 3184 3.02 $1,000,000 Pollock Pines 5010 Rainbow Trl 2 1 (1 0) 992 0.27 $310,000 5845 Rose Ct 3 2 (2 0) 1329 0.25 $370,000 6517 Granite Trl 3 2 (2 0) 1756 0.29 $440,000 5240 N Pine Tree Ln 2 2 (2 0) 1861 10 $530,000 2081 Racoon Trl 3 3 (2 1) 2069 10.1 $790,000 Rescue 1860 E Carl Rd 4 4 (4 0) 3723 5 $1,525,000 Shingle Springs 4725 Green Valley Rd 4 3 (2 1) 2116 15.09 $755,000 Somerset 8060 Diamond Railroad Gr 3 2 (2 0) 2200 8.26 $485,000 8700 Grizzly Flat Rd 3 4 (3 1) 2672 10.02 $752,000
$664,500 3050 Madrid Dr 2 2 (2 0) 1230 0.11 224051609
$1,469,999 3185 Warren Ln 4 3 (3 0) 3138 0.25 224051692
$2,599,999 613 Thalassa Ct 6 5 (4 1) 5845 0.71 224052153
$1,419,900 4090 Mc Kay Pl 4 5 (4 1) 3091 0.26 224052307
$809,000 3226 Williston Way 4 3 (2 1) 2048 0.18 224052365
$650,000 1014 Autumn Trail Way 2 2 (2 0) 1703 0.15 224052645
$649,000 2561 Willowdale Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1815 0.28 224053118
$749,900 2574 Crown Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1728 0.26 224053140
$939,930 1079 Gamay Dr 3 3 (2 1) 2763 0.151 224053305
$1,421,510 5156 Wild Oak Ln 4 5 (4 1) 3984 0.3297 224053364
$1,291,300 5212 Wild Oak Ln 4 5 (4 1) 3371 0.9176 224053383
$3,229,000 890 Las Brisas Ct 5 6 (5 1) 4272 0.72 224053845
$774,999 935 King Richard Ct 5 3 (2 1) 2529 0.23 224054154
$1,269,000 3588 Rocky Ridge Way 4 3 (3 0) 2438 0.3 224054273
$800,000 7053 Talmage Ct 4 3 (3 0) 2617 0.1 224054722
$795,000 2983 Calypso Cir 2 3 (2 1) 1977 0.13 224054736
$855,000 4730 Holliday Ln 3 3 (3 0) 2005 0.23 224054832
$1,950,000 2525 Via Fiori 4 4 (3 1) 3650 0.96 224054858
$610,500 6590 Primavera Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1650 0.1 224054894
$777,000 3675 Archetto Dr 3 2 (2 0) 2025 0.15 224054975
$999,999 2880 Springburn Way 4 2 (2 0) 2201 0.33 224055165
$729,500 8930 Cerro Vista Dr 3 3 (3 0) 1784 0.11 224055265
$829,000 3193 Four Seasons Dr 2 3 (2 1) 2329 0.1786 224055275
$1,299,000 1334 Souza Dr 7 5 (5 0) 4878 0.26 224055671
$2,800,000 236 Socrates Pl 5 6 (5 1) 5017 0.71 224055775
$2,850,000 5263 Da Vinci Drive 4 5 (4 1) 4561 0.62 224055931
$1,325,000 712 Lakecrest Dr 4 6 (3 3) 4187 0.28 224056790
$1,695,000 5006 Coronado Dr 4 4 (3 1) 4081 0.39 224057017
$899,998 3261 Haskell Way 4 3 (2 1) 2734 0.16 224057095
$1,300,000 3205 Warren Ln 6 4 (4 0) 3710 0.44 224057240
$949,500 4109 Jared Pl 4 3 (3 0) 2248 0.19 224057383
$979,000 5237 Mertola Dr 3 3 (2 1) 2850 0.27 224057659
$933,800 2294 Brannan Way 3 3 (3 0) 2005 0.24 224058086
$749,000 2000 Ranch Bluff Way 3 2 (2 0) 1932 0.17 224059444
$2,997,000 10 Powers Dr 4 7 (4 3) 5378 0.6 224060048 $986,000 3309
12603 Residential Homes
sHinGle sPrinGs
$649,900 5631 Bumper Rd 4 3 (3 0) 2953 10 223108261
$630,000 5306-3023
$1,699,000 4951 Barnett Ranch
5 6 (4 2) 4169 10 224010607 $479,000 2053 Rural Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1750 0.81 224014074 $529,000 4123 Sottile Ln 3 3 (3 0) 1592 0.37 224016840
$999,000 4175
Loop 4 4 (3 1) 3620 1.53 224023135
$1,189,900 2184 Cercis Ct 4 3 (3 0) 2790 1 224025824
$799,900 5513 Milton Ranch Rd 3 3 (2 1) 2051 2.18 224025969
$1,098,000 4800 Maggie Ln 4 4 (3 1) 3304 5.1 224027589
$699,000 4829 Trotter Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1872 1.18 224028816
$1,049,900 4601 El Caminito Rd 2 2 (2 0) 1908 1 224030618
$689,000 4200 S Shingle Ct 3 2 (2 0) 1560 1.06 224034741
$549,000 4080 Heinz Ln 4 2 (2 0) 1300 1 224037693
$550,000 3981 Loma Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1584 5.03 224038113
$948,500 4032 Vega Loop 4 3 (2 1) 2944 0.82 224041367
$3,599,000 4081 Wigeon Ct 5 5 (3 2) 4412 5.28 224045924
$495,000 4569 Hillwood Dr 2 2 (2 0) 2039 1.49 224047318
12605 Residential Homes
12701 Residential Homes
Greater PlaCerville
Serving El Dorado County Home Week of June 7, 2024 9
329 Cobble Rock Ct
7517 Sangiovese Dr 5 5 (4 1) 4943 0.73 224058161 $1,265,000
4 4 (3 1) 3402 0.31 224058550 $860,000 5002 Beechwood Ct 3 3 (2 1) 2293 0.33 224059334
Foxmore Ln 4 4 (3
1007 Bridger Dr 3 3 (2
$750,000 2050 Deer Valley Rd 3 3
1) 2972 0.28 223118561 $998,000
1) 2526 0.3 224045602
(2 1) 1824 5.04 224057231
Quail Valley 3 3 (2 1) 1938 5.33 224047410 $749,000 4330 Studebaker Rd 3 3 (2 1) 2040 5 224057171 $799,000 3251 Grandview Cir 3 3 (3 0) 2606 5.3 224010058
$565,000 4607 Hillwood Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1748 1.25 224048079 $1,999,000 6241 Chablis Dr 4 4 (3 1) 5495 21.17 224050260 $1,198,000 2720 North Shingle Rd 4 4 (3 1) 3572 10.65 224051167 $898,000 4525 Neef Ln 3 3 (3 0) 2470 5 224051363 $1,600,000 5431 Milton Ranch Rd 5 4 (3
3845 2.07 224052134 $850,000 3914 Lakeview Dr 3 2 (2 0) 2015 1 224053303 $749,000 4041 Spectrum Way 3 2 (2 0) 1547 6.97 224054218 $889,000 4800 Crescent Hill Ln 3 2 (2 0) 2104 10.11 224056479 $1,250,000 4980 Barnett Ranch Rd 5 3 (3 0) 3603 5 224057961 12604 Residential Homes resCue/luneman PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING# $1,905,000 4100 Luneman Rd 3 3 (2 1) 2795 10.01 223068181 $1,160,000 1501 Lower Lake Dr 4 4 (3 1) 3576 5.1 223084420 $679,000 1241 Large Oak Dr 2 2 (2 0) 1825 4.98 224026935 $1,500,000 1781 Springvale Rd 3 3 (2 1) 1336 10.27 224040506 $1,450,000 1285 Twin Ct 3 3 (2 1) 3300 5 224056944 $1,190,000 1241 Arrowbee Dr 6 4 (4 0) 4580 8.16 224057617 $2,700,000 794 Kanaka Valley Rd 6 3 (3 0) 3777 10.83 223103750 $1,900,000 1025 Donkey Ln 2 2 (2 0) 1600 10 223112789 $1,699,480 4590 Summer Brook Dr 4 4 (3 1) 3442 1.74 224033402 $1,874,215 4550 Summer Brook Dr 4 4 (3 1) 4208 1.77 224033439 $575,000 2146 Peaceful Garden Way 3 2 (2 0) 1493 1.87 224036032 $1,375,000 4410 Fremonts Loop 4 4 (3 1) 3722 5.09 224036079 $1,498,555 6971 Daffodil Trl 4 4 (3 1) 3442 1.53 224041588 $1,554,630 6981 Daffodil Trl 4 4 (3 1) 4208 1.48 224041605 $1,049,000 2175 Alpine View Dr 3 3 (2 1) 3034 2.23 224041648 $1,929,420 6978 Daffodil Trl 4 4 (3 1) 4208 1.95 224041804 $1,485,000 2180 Kelley Creek Ln 3 2 (2 0) 2289 5.49 224042817 $679,000 2360 Ponderosa Rd 3 2 (2 0) 1574 0.37 224044972 $1,099,000 2001 Madera Vista Ln 5 5 (5 0) 4773 5 224054584 $1,230,000 4210 Chemise Ln 4 4 (3 1) 3842 10 224058803
PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING# $905,000 6341 Fernwood Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1830 10 223000352 $4,350,000 100 Shultz Vineyard Rd 6 6 (5 1) 7349 20.04 223083898 $3,350,000 5081 Swift Rd 4 4 (3 1) 5884 35.3 224001646 $1,795,000 5856 Fernwood Dr 5 4 (4 0) 4596 10.03 224026692 $689,000 7580 Latrobe Rd 3 2 (2 0) 1685 1.05 224039999 $2,650,000 4331 Swift Cir 6 5 (4 1) 5911 6.14 224046639 $1,999,555 7601 Settlers Trl 4 4 (3 1) 4632 20.32 224046980 $1,799,900 4625 Grazing Hill Ct 4 4 (3 1) 4741 10.29 224056082
latrobe/sHinGle sPrinGs soutH
PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING# $650,000 1244 Cold Springs Rd 3 2 (2 0) 1891 1.21 223107982 $379,900 2510 Golden Eagle Dr 0 1 (1 0) 500 6.74 223113573 $760,000 7121 Green Valley Rd 3 3 (3 0) 2066 5.45 223115633 $839,000 3280 Texas Hill Rd 5 3 (3 0) 2651 2.57 224002156 $1,750,000 2360 Union Ridge Road 4 4 (4 0) 3392 11 224007613 $359,000 982 Crescent St 3 2 (2 0) 948 0.18 224012356 $2,498,000 6498 American Way 8 7 (6 1) 7554 10 224021504 $599,000 930 Darlington Ave 4 3 (3 0) 2244 0.19 224021929 $539,000 595 Fairview Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1176 0.21 224024599 $579,000 3021 Lansdowne Ln 3 4 (3 1) 2328 0.72 224025409 $899,000 1421 Pepper Tree Dr 4 3 (3 0) 3095 10 224025971 $418,450 875 Hillcrest St 3 2 (2 0) 1036 0.34 224026625 $775,000 9048 Riverwood Dr 3 2 (2 0) 2540 4.41 224026697 $599,900 2820 Northridge Dr 5 3 (3 0) 3089 0.35 224031481 $899,500 2985 Clay St 4 5 (4 1) 3565 0.38 224031851 $775,000 2538 Bedford Avenue 5 3 (3 0) 2762 1.4 224033225 $799,870 3011 Constellation Ave 4 4 (3 1) 2884 0.1851 224034164 $550,000 2285 Crestmont Ln 2 2 (2 0) 1500 2.11 224036253 $325,000 3353 Airport Rd 1 1 (1 0) 683 1.91 224037139 $684,770 3018 Constellation Ave 3 3 (2 1) 1759 0.2506 224037739 $1,175,000 2225 Meadow Ln 4 4 (3 1) 3158 2.83 224037832 $550,000 3380 State Highway 49 5 2 (2 0) 1472 14.37 224039231 $809,000 1479 Brendan Way 4 3 (3 0) 2525 0.32 224040803 $639,900 3855 Nugget Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1828 2.31 224041349 $435,000 3160 Turner St 3 2 (2 0) 1200 0.13 224041486 $759,000 1066 Kimi Way 4 3 (2 1) 2634 1.03 224042837 $925,000 3785 Coon Hollow Rd 4 3 (3 0) 2852 1 224042856 $799,000 1471 Brendan Way 3 3 (2 1) 2503 0.33 224044417 $999,900 3190 Wasatch Rd 3 2 (2 0) 3088 2.68 224044585 $339,999 3091 Goldner St 2 1 (1 0) 912 0.09 224045441 $1,119,000 3476 Airport Rd 4 4 (3 1) 3100 3.58 224047008 $775,000 1487 Brendan Way 3 3 (2 1) 2858 0.35 224047370 $699,900 1543 Brendan Way 4 3 (2 1) 2219 0.31 224047521 $950,000 3200 Texas Hill Rd 4 2 (2 0) 2518 7.6 224047550 $839,000 3325 Promenade Ln 4 3 (3 0) 2723 2.16 224048175 $814,035 3006 Constellation Ave 5 4 (4 0) 2781 0.1754 224048429 $740,000 3140 Twelve Oaks Ln 4 3 (3 0) 1743 1.01 224050345 $530,000 3920 Kieber Way 3 2 (2 0) 1733 1.06 224051538 $815,000 2726 Coloma St 3 4 (3 1) 2766 0.97 224051787 $549,900 1410 Highland Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1344 3.8 224052879 $630,000 889-889 Hidden Way 3 3 (2 1) 1856 0.2 224053616 $525,000 1601 State Hwy 49 3 3 (3 0) 1781 1.68 224054371 $459,950 3327 Big Cut Rd 2 2 (2 0) 990 0.39 224057285 $689,000 2769 Boardwalk St 5 3 (2 1) 3336 0.6 224057520 $439,000 3091 Cedar Ravine Rd 2 2 (2 0) 1120 0.14 224058567 12702 Residential Homes el DoraDo, DiamonD sPrinGs PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING# $750,000 3051 Cannon Ct 4 3 (3 0) 2798 1 223097255 $299,000 4291 Patterson Dr #20 2 2 (1 1) 1062 0.01 224029291 $285,000 4291 Patterson Dr #8 2 2 (1 1) 952 0.01 224047430 $259,900 4390 Patterson Dr #242 2 2 (2 0) 1512 59.12 224058456 $795,000 6560-6562 Crystal Blvd 6 4 (4 0) 3044 2.01 224040031 $1,099,999 6825-6827 Monitor Ct 4 3 (3 0) 3616 5 224044083 $489,000 4699 Marcelais Rd 2 2 (2 0) 840 7.62 224048437 $499,000 1040 Sand Ridge Rd 3 2 (2 0) 2136 4.3 224048734 $709,000 7081 Crystal Blvd 3 3 (3 0) 2240 3.08 224052169 $635,000 6421 Crystal Blvd 3 2 (2 0) 1788 3.02 224053051 $3,000,000 660 Sand Ridge Rd 3 2 (2 0) 1760 1843.68 224054017 $444,500 6446 Via Grava Rd 2 1 (1 0) 1551 8.75 224054178 $619,000 7880 Barite St 3 2 (2 0) 1943 5.01 224054814 $869,900 7861 Crystal Blvd 3 3 (2 1) 3088 2.17 224055884 $620,000 3770 Tumbleweed Rd 3 3 (2 1) 2128 5.02 224055993 $719,500 7680 Crystal Blvd 3 3 (3 0) 2350 2.279 224057619 $819,000 5956 Dolomite Dr 3 5 (2 3) 2931 3.04 224057843 $525,000 4895 Summit View Ct 3 2 (2 0) 1634 0.17 224059427 $749,000 2274 Sand Ridge Rd 4 3 (3 0) 2494 15.01 223064060 $1,400,000 4420 El Dorado Rd 3 3 (2 1) 2006 5.41 224010941 $425,000 6201 Bird Song Ln 3 1 (1 0) 1355 5.05 224042631 $699,000 3981 Weber Creek Dr 3 3 (2 1) 2200 5.09 224043450 $525,000 6664 Lindberg Ave 3 2 (1 1) 1154 0.53 224046732 79,000 4220 Strickland Mine Ct 4 3 (3 0) 3000 3 224047360 $740,000 4115 Badger Ln 4 2 (2 0) 2659 1.33 224050408 $725,000 6560 Lindberg Ave 3 2 (2 0) 1760 2.9 224051264 12703 Residential Homes Pleasant valley, PlaCerville soutH PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING# $595,000 5476 Mount Aukum Rd 3 2 (2 0) 1716 23.97 223029226 $429,900 3939 Havenhurst 3 2 (2 0) 1264 2.01 223085849 $1,350,000 4771 Greenhills Rd 3 5 (4 1) 1774 20 224010453 $1,000,000 6304 Arch Ln 2 1 (1 0) 826 88.82 224019609 $399,500 3300 Pleasant Valley Rd 2 2 (2 0) 980 4.59 224025138 $1,100,000 4280 Leisure Ln 5 3 (3 0) 3672 5.64 224027822 $690,000 4164 Leisure Ln 3 3 (3 0) 3000 5.15 224029148 $1,248,000 4041 Leisure Ln 4 4 (3 1) 4350 5 224029553 $900,000 5454 Oak Leaf Cir 3 3 (3 0) 2172 7.49 224034679 $875,000 2344 Four Springs Trl 3 2 (2 0) 2324 47.99 224034825 $625,000 4971 Anne Louise Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1865 8.49 224037264 $749,000 6260 Lofty View Rd 4 3 (2 1) 2777 11.55 224038264 $485,000 7481 Sly Park Rd 2 3 (2 1) 2013 5.09 224038310 $400,000 1695 Quarry Rd 3 2 (2 0) 1616 5 224042487 $399,800 3779 Pleasant Valley Rd 2 1 (1 0) 1008 0.82 224045871 $849,000 4342 Savage Rd 2 2 (2 0) 1758 5 224046167 $499,500 2610 Ranch Rd 3 2 (2 0) 2536 6.3 224047023 $799,000 2400 Bodega Way 3 2 (2 0) 1560 41.3 224047557 $589,000 3960 Frog Hollow Dr 2 2 (2 0) 2053 1 224050355 $950,000 501 Shell Ln 3 3 (2 1) 2218 8.72 224051071 $1,398,950 2223 Jim Valley Rd 4 3 (3 0) 2552 69.13 224051204 $1,375,000 6220 Metate Trl 3 2 (2 0) 1795 12.38 224051995 $439,000 4965 Clear Creek Rd 1 2 (1 1) 644 2 224053838 $1,149,000 3221 Frank Bailey Ln 4 4 (2 2) 4095 15.9 224054210 $1,259,000 5860 High Lonesome Trl 5 3 (3 0) 3306 20 224055244 $458,000 3444 Fort Jim Rd 3 2 (2 0) 1502 1.66 224057082 $498,500 2525 Indian Wells Rd 3 3 (3 0) 1867 2.44 224058505 12704 Residential Homes somerset, mt. aukum, soutH County PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING# $695,000 3780 Bridgeport School Rd 3 2 (2 0) 2112 5.04 224005140 $424,900 3033 Lazy Creek Ln 3 2 (1 1) 1200 4.92 224014755 $349,000 10122 Grizzly Flat Rd 3 2 (2 0) 947 0.84 223042557 $329,900 5377 Blue Mountain 2 2 (2 0) 1116 0.34 223080701 $379,500 7418 Winding Way 2 2 (2 0) 1472 0.27 224009281 $329,000 5006 Meadow Glen Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1200 0.33 224015813 $320,000 5709 Wildrose Dr 3 3 (2 1) 2070 1.42 224017022 $475,000 7028 Sugar Pine Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1756 1.2 224034280 $395,000 5145 Golden Aspen 3 2 (2 0) 1554 0.31 224035849 $585,000 7003 Pioneer Dr 4 3 (2 1) 2381 0.25 224038209 $350,000 6828 Tyler Dr 3 1 (1 0) 960 0.44 224038395 $539,000 5689 Blue Mountain Dr 2 2 (2 0) 2356 1 224041087 $278,000 6836 Kings Row Dr 2 2 (1 1) 976 0.25 224047003 $444,000 5408 Pine Ridge Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1602 0.8 224047331 $499,000 5180 Evergreen Dr 3 2 (2 0) 2070 0.5 224056150 $1,695,000 5150 Dagostini 3 4 (4 0) 3851 12.33 224020103 $479,500 4055 Rancho Montes 3 2 (2 0) 1792 5.02 223097734 12602 • Residential Homes • el doRado Hills (Cont.) PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING# 12604 • Residential Homes • ResCue, luneman (Cont.) PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING #
$1,100,000 7081 Somerset Drive 3 4 (3 1) 3301 10 224012773
$630,000 7701 Dorado Canyon Road 3 3 (2 1) 2452 10 224013171
$555,000 5600 Siesta Ln 3 3 (2 1) 2359 0.63 224020070 $259,000 5780 Omo Ranch Rd 2 1 (1 0) 528 8.73 224025418
$1,899,000 7449 Fairplay Rd 2 2 (1 1) 3790 14 224025953
$350,000 7277 Red Ant Rd 3 2 (2 0) 920 5.23 224026915
$339,000 5435 Mayfair Ln
(2 0) 2236 2.24 224033385 $349,900 6206 S Sweeney Rd
1 (1 0) 1104 0.9 224038909
1 (1 0) 960 1.39 224039021
$1,125,000 6148 Happy Valley Rd 2 2 (2 0) 1156 41.58 224041704
12801 Residential Homes
12802 Residential Homes
PolloCk Pines
$325,000 6488 Granite Trl
$565,000 5031 Shooting Star Rd
Serving El Dorado County Home 10 Week of June 7, 2024 Advertise Your Listings, Home Prod ucts, & Resources In Contact Wes Edwards (916) 502-0387
4652 Sand Ridge Rd 3 1 (1 0) 1400 7.97 224013625
3921 Mariah Ln 4 5 (3 2) 2780 20 224051142
6271 Twilane Rd 3 2 (2 0) 2144 5.03 224056773
8221 Stoney Creek Rd 1 1 (1 0) 990 39.61 222080803 $2,900,000 7402 Perry Creek Rd 4 4 (3 1) 4570 110 223074133 $495,000 5401 Mayfair Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1600 1.6 223078845
5743 Stream Way 2 1 (1 0) 978 0.13 223105498
1992-2000 Rabbit Ridge 3 10 (6 4) 4750 302 224005614 $1,090,000 5021 D Agostini Dr 3 4 (3 1) 3453 19.49 224005969 $419,000 8148 Mt Aukum Rd 2 2 (1 1) 1408 0.41 224010804
$2,499,999 7531 Fairplay Rd 4 3 (3 0) 3468 30.25 224012248
3000 Springhill Rd 3 3 (2 1) 2500 10.16 224019890
Flat Rd 3
$669,000 8170 Grizzly
2 (2 0) 1646 3.91 224029663
Flat Rd 4
$500,000 6261 Grizzly
D Agostini Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1865 123.48 224047501 $675,000 7621 Fairplay Rd 2 1 (1 0) 2048 27.58 224049494 $649,000 6745 Slug Gulch Rd 3 3 (2 1) 2243 5.24 224051623 $199,000 5987 Sweeney Rd 1 1 (1 0) 1012 6.11 224053594 $369,000 4960 Omo Ranch Rd 2 2 (1 1) 1160 1 224053930 $899,000 3137 Squirrel Hollow 2 2 (2 0) 2067 10.06 224056661 $749,000 7903 Mount Aukum Rd 3 2 (2 0) 1989 12.45 224057764 $249,950 5732 Quail Way 2 2 (2 0) 1664 0.2 224058084
$849,900 3200 Horseshoe Bend Rd 3 2 (2 0) 1740 10 224043248 $1,425,000 7351 Fairplay Road 2 3 (2 1) 1204 10.22 224047032 $625,000 4361
Coloma, lotus PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING# $579,900 4891 Heavens Ct 3 2 (2 0) 1520 5.06 224051286 $6,499,950 5660 Vineyard Ln 3 3 (3 0) 2300 78.72 224009879
Greenstone, GolD Hill West PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING# $869,000 4076 Sayoma Ln 3 5 (2 3) 3168 1.02 224036357 $925,000 3333 Costalotta Dr 4 3 (3 0) 2695 5.53 224052564 $869,000 5525 Meesha Ln 3 3 (3 0) 3276 5 224056643 12707 Re sidential Homes mosQuito, sWansboro PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING# $630,000 2721 Dyer Way 3 2 (2 0) 1334 4.45 223111960 $1,200,000 2461 Gravel Rd 3 4 (3 1) 3108 10 224029775 $760,000 2992 Buckboard Rd 2 2 (2 0) 1440 40.7 224057216 $825,000 2732 Shilo Dr 3 3 (2 1) 2072 4.03 224058027
Camino, CeDar Grove PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING# $270,000 2705 Iris Ln 2 2 (2 0) 1136 0.39 224005306 $410,000 4808 Pony Express Trl 3 2 (2 0) 1750 0.63 224006247 $1,199,000 2640 Sky Ranch Lane 2 3 (3 0) 2332 6.85 224016903 $765,000 2809 Gardella Ln 4 3 (3 0) 2391 1.03 224017693 $795,000 3400 Rio Vista Way 3 3 (2 1) 2708 0.92 224020846 $560,000 2581 Kingfisher Ln 3 3 (2 1) 2124 2.5 224026522 $359,000 4984 Cedar Dr. 2 2 (1 1) 1164 0.4 224031904 $325,000 4534 Pony Express Trl 2 1 (1 0) 788 0.31 224035333 $499,000 3021 Sweet Birch Ln 3 3 (2 1) 2214 1 224038318 $1,550,000 4860 Questa Mirada Ct 4 4 (4 0) 4415 3 224038872 $359,900 4418 Eight Mile 3 1 (1 0) 1318 0.2 224040117 $649,000 3780 Lark Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1884 2.5 224040303 $385,000 4934 Cedar Dr. 3 1 (1 0) 1155 0.17 224044293 $389,000 4123 2nd St 2 1 (1 0) 1229 0.1366 224050317 $699,000 2851 Mount Danaher Rd 5 4 (3 1) 3519 0.72 224051221 $825,000 3521 Camino Hills Dr 3 4 (3 1) 3430 0.75 224051767 $299,900 5066 Cedar Dr 1 1 (1 0) 525 0.45 224052990 $399,950 4999 Cedar Dr 3 1 (1 0) 1338 1.37 224055575 $399,000 3275 Carson Rd 3 2 (2 0) 1351 0.3 224053881
PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING# $589,000 6737 Diablo View Trl 4 2 (2 0) 1838 1 224037293 $995,000 6255 Sly Park Rd 3 5 (5 0) 4160 2.5 224048991 $750,000 6574 Red Robin Rd 3 3 (3 0) 2350 5.98 224050837 $425,000 5182 Cedarwood Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1269 0.65 224056808 $350,000 2919 Piazza Ct 2 2 (1 1) 900 0.37 223072636 $460,000 7021 Kamloops Dr 3 3 (3 0) 1941 1.8 223075927 $389,950 5524 Daisy Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1521 0.31 223109536 $389,000 3631 Gold Ridge Trl 3 2 (2 0) 1288 0.24 223117249 $199,000 6122 Pony Express Trl 2 1 (1 0) 950 0.29 224000408 $339,876 5660 Azalea Cir 2 2 (2 0) 1120 0.33 224004967 $550,000 5731 Pony Express Trl #5600 4 2 (2 0) 1864 1.03 224009797 $315,000 5597 Sierra Springs Dr 2 2 (2 0) 1040 0.27 224015927 $550,000 4370 Lakeridge Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1864 0.33 224016774 $314,900 2803 Loyal Ln 2 1 (1 0) 836 0.16 224017570 $699,000 4381 Park Woods Dr 4 3 (3 0) 4399 0.37 224017578 $339,000 5750 Lupin Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1152 0.35 224017632 $1,298,000 2110 King Of The Mountain Rd 7 3 (3 0) 4208 4 224018292 $499,950 2970 Deep Haven Rd 3 2 (2 0) 2128 5 224019497 $450,000 6193 Speckled Rd 3 2 (2 0) 1800 0.29 224023136 $479,000 5824 Sly Park Rd 4 3 (3 0) 1876 1 224024405 $499,900 4941 S Pine Tree Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1728 5 224028984 $745,000 5681 Manx Rd 4 3 (3 0) 2730 1.28 224031031 $465,000 5301 Five Spot Rd 2 3 (2 1) 1964 2.01 224034462 $399,000 3928 Opal Trl 3 2 (2 0) 1678 0.29 224034676 $699,000 5041 Debron Ct 4 4 (3 1) 3640 19.8 224036057 $365,000 6289 Greyling Way 3 2 (2 0) 1350 0.54 224037364 $850,000 3020 Crystal Summit Rd 3 3 (2 1) 2545 5.02 224040158 $314,999 6202 E Pony Express Trl 3 1 (1 0) 1314 0.24 224041477 $439,000 3095 Castlewood Circle 3 2 (2 0) 1540 0.45 224042138 $395,000 3241 Amber Trl 3 2 (2 0) 1436 0.32 224042467 $299,900 5740 Lupin Ln 2 1 (1 0) 1152 0.32 224042787 $459,000 5538 Robinhood Ln 2 2 (2 0) 1679 0.29 224043009 $485,000 6155 Kokanee Ln 5 3 (3 0) 2458 0.35 224043416 $364,000
Onyx Trl 3 2 (2 0) 1248 0.23 224044680
Barrett Pass Rd 4 3 (3 0) 2039 2.54 224045335 $649,000
Sherman Way 4 3 (2 1) 2466 0.66 224045551 $490,000
Zircon Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1902 0.54 224046418
3 2 (2
$599,900 2746
$429,000 6883 Ridgeway Dr
0) 1640 0.23 224046953
2 1
(1 0) 1072 0.23 224046999
4 4
Way 3 2 (2 0) 1972 0.39
Onyx 3 2 (1 1) 2064 0.23
St 3 2 (2 0) 1617 0.22
Adney Way 3 3 (3 0) 2469 1.37
Topaz Dr 2 2 (2 0) 1176 0.42
3 3 (2 1) 3080 3
Trl 4 2 (2 0) 1648 0.31
Rd 3 2 (2 0) 1254 0.23
Sugar Pine 3 2 (2 0) 1473 0.45
2 1 (1 0) 600 0.6
2 2 (2 0) 1173 0.31 224055222 $290,000 3063 Sly Park Rd 2 1 (1 0) 660 0.4 224056977 $489,900 5532 Shadow Ct 3 2 (2 0) 1740 0.38 224057144 $399,900 3175 Darby Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1120 0.62 224057342 $589,000 6040 Chickaree Ln 3 3 (2 1) 1978 1.52 224057982 $499,000 3261 Mountain Lake Dr 3 2 (2 0) 2300 3 224058015 $375,000 3312 Gold Ridge Trl 2 2 (2 0) 1232 0.3 224058315 $549,000 6453 Topaz Dr 4 3 (3 0) 1792 0.38 224058570 $499,900 4945 S Pine Tree Ln 3 3 (2 1) 1986 5 224059805 $210,000 2926 Piazza Ct 3 2 (2 0) 2149 0.35 224059821 12803 Residential Homes ameriCan river Canyon PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING# $265,000 17869 Us-50 #31 1 1 (1 0) 640 0.25 224050617 $799,000 8745 Johnson Pass Rd 3 1 (1 0) 1380 0.48 223084153 $259,000 17381-7 42 Mile Stone Rd 2 1 (1 0) 780 0.33 223107129 $250,000 26 Sciots Tract 4 1 (1 0) 1065 0.17 224050595 $815,000 16321 Strawberry Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1368 0.52 224051048 12901 Residential Homes GeorGetoWn, GarDen valley PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING# $289,900 4080 Greenwood Rd 4 2 (2 0) 2200 2.19 223102258 $544,250 6464 Pikes Peak Cir 2 2 (2 0) 1320 2.06 224018853 $999,900 6340 Roller Coaster Rd 4 4 (3 1) 3223 7.89 224019156 $799,990 7041 Union Flat Ln 2 3 (2 1) 1710 7.2 224029733 $1,500,000 5821 Spanish Flat Rd 2 6 (5 1) 3600 41.31 224043790 $285,000 4980 Traverse Ct 1 1 (1 0) 399 5.05 224045107 $599,000 5430 Whitney Ct 3 2 (2 0) 2049 2.06 224053848 $824,800 4530 Wabasso Ln 3 3 (2 1) 3109 10 224054749 $599,999 5205 Bear Creek Rd 2 2 (2 0) 1344 10.63 224055302 $284,500 9130 Balderston Rd 2 1 (1 0) 1168 1.79 223079350 $664,990 3320 Chipmunk Trl 3 3 (2 1) 2908 5 223098911 $397,450 2915 Church St 1 1 (1 0) 1000 0.3 223105469 $599,900 2681 Buffalo Hill Rd 3 2 (2 0) 2854 3.44 224004689 $649,000 2511 Buffalo Hill Rd 3 3 (3 0) 2077 5 224013665 $399,000 9144 Country Rd 2 3 (2 1) 1350 5.15 224014877 $559,999 7120 Chestnut Hill Rd 3 2 (2 0) 1928 10.14 224017661 $299,000 2945 Maiden Ln 1 1 (1 0) 772 0.03 224017813 $285,000 7160 State Highway 193 1 1 (1 0) 1288 5.39 224020156 $380,000 1340 Paymaster Mine Rd 2 1 (1 0) 1183 2.56 224025332 $699,995 2000 Havenridge Rd 4 4 (4 0) 4035 12.5 224039076 $395,000 2011 Tipton Hill Rd 2 1 (1 0) 900 6.96 224050346 $465,000 2851 Gabby 2 2 (2 0) 1605 3.45 224052040 $599,000 4171 Empire Creek Circle 3 2 (2 0) 1701 3.01 224052554 $399,000 3224 Beam Ct 3 2 (2 0) 1440 2 224055510 $399,000 4850 Volcanoville Rd 2 3 (2 1) 864 5 224056826 $699,000 4046 Empire Creek Cir 3 2 (2 0) 1892 4.02 224056854 $487,500 1855 Sanromo Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1378 6.67 224011155 $815,000 4785 Hida Way 3 3 (3 0) 2300 10.01 224044460 $449,000 4541 Edgewater Dr 2 3 (2 1) 1870 2.01 224051266 $795,000 6107 Mobile Manor Rd 3 2 (2 0) 2187 8.53 224037636 $2,500,000 5860 Shoo Fly Rd 2 2 (2 0) 2000 90.38 224043805 $1,475,000 12585 Rock Creek Rd 4 3 (3 0) 2997 37.51 224057903 12902 Residential Homes Cool, Pilot Hill PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING# $899,000 4087 Wild Cherry Ct 3 3 (3 0) 2970 10.05 223101977 $635,000 2017 Blue Mountain Ct 3 2 (2 0) 2372 0.48 224011026 $589,000 3226 Otter Pl 3 3 (3 0) 1896 1.05 224011492 $865,000 2401 Willow Creek Court 4 3 (3 0) 3180 2 224011982 $435,000 1938 Chimney Flat Ct 3 2 (2 0) 1584 0.5 224021295 $624,950 201 Aaron Cool Ct 3 2 (2 0) 2332 2 224022212 $689,000 1950 Grouse Ridge Trl 3 2 (2 0) 2704 2.81 224023265 $835,000 2271 Greenhorn Trl 4 3 (3 0) 3052 2 224027805 $1,075,000 3321 Magic Morgan Trl 3 3 (2 1) 2454 40.01 224031409 $834,000 2792 Brushy Canyon Trl 4 4 (4 0) 3059 3.62 224036360 $459,000 3103 Talking Mountain Trl 3 2 (2 0) 1709 0.45 224036539 $425,000 2450 Cascade Trl 3 2 (2 0) 1708 1.01 224036691 $749,000 2060 Taurus Dr 3 2 (2 0) 1347 7.16 224038467 $650,000 2091 Hidden Gold Trl 3 3 (2 1) 2055 2.34 224038519 $644,500 1696 Digger Tree Ct 3 2 (2 0) 2067 0.32 224045767 $579,000 1654 Digger Tree Ct 5 3 (3 0) 2288 0.29 224047236 $899,999 3056 Talking Mountain Trl 4 3 (3 0) 2340 1.8 224052661 $649,000 2001 Sweetwater Trl 4 3 (3 0) 2573 1.09 224055204 $645,000 2742 Brown Bear Trl 3 2 (2 0) 2042 2 224055845 $615,000 1942 Blue Bell 3 3 (2 1) 2104 1.07 224057078 $595,000 2207 Sweetwater Trl 3 3 (2 1) 1938 0.99 224058134 $599,900 1986 Lyons Creek Ct 3 2 (2 0) 1705 3.33 224059501 $3,777,000 1661 Storksbill Rd 4 5 (4 1) 4084 40.17 223050046 $445,000 5347 Rattlesnake Bar Rd 3 2 (2 0) 1620 5.64 224008858 $2,750,000 3645 Tri Family Rd 4 5 (4 1) 7735 10 224020347 $497,500 2499 Far Horizon Trl 2 2 (2 0) 2055 5 224046764 $1,249,000 6441 Sky Hawk Rd 7 6 (5 1) 3709 12.94 224052137 $714,950 914 Orchard Court 3 2 (2 0) 1728 6.82 224054712 12801 • Residential Homes • Camino, CedaR GRoVe (Cont.) PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING # 12704 • Residential Homes • someRset, mt. auKum, soutH CountY (Cont.) PRICE STREET ADDRESS BD. BA. SF ACRES LISTING#
(2 2) 2307 2.02 224047292
6157 Salmon
224050844 $459,000 6273 Pine
224052345 $539,000 5181
224053259 $350,000 6521
224053310 $699,000 6832 Retreat Ln
224053614 $399,000 6543 Onyx
224053958 $374,900 2846 Viona
224054583 $399,950 4129
224054751 $349,000 777 Off Forebay Ln
224054986 $364,900 2845 Pine Ct
Lovely Chalet on 5 nicely treed acres. Vaulted ceilings and a wall of windows to let the sunlight shine in. New kitchen stove, freshly painted interior walls & exterior decks. Large two car garage. Open concept downstairs, with 2bd/1ba on the main floor and the master bedroom and full bath on the upper floor. Enjoy the huge pool, tennis courts and recreation facilities at the nearby Sierra Springs Clubhouse. Sly Park lake that features, swimming, Boating and fishing is only a couple of miles away. Snow Skiing at Sierra at Tahoe is only a short drive as is the historic town of Placerville.
This Gorgeous 4 bd/3 ba, home is on 10 scenic acres in the heart of Gold Hill. Light & airy is the best way to describe this well crafted home, with an indoor atrium, Vaulted Ceiling. Skylights & Walls of windows. Cool off in the summer in an inground pool. There are 3 separate living areas, with a walkin basement, that has a wet bar and a full bath. This area could easily be converted to in-law quarters. First time on the market.
PLACERVILLE $3,490,000
Once in a lifetime opportunity to own the historic Shinn Ranch. Gorgeous Homes surround this property. Minutes to Highway 50. Fish in your own private stocked pond. 1880’s Home is included in the purchase price.
Home Serving El Dorado County Week of June 7, 2024 11 Serving all of the El Dorado County Communities. mmunity Lender David Crofut Branch Manager Mortgage Consultant Phone: 530.387.8202 Cell: 530.586.0923 Fax: 530.683.4044 NMLS/CA-DBO #290764 Leo Pacheco Loan Consultant Serving all of the El Dorado County Communities. Your Preferred Community Lender Mortgage Consultant Phone: 530.387.8202 Cell: 530.586.0923 Fax: 530.683.4044 NMLS/CA-DBO #290764 Leo Pacheco Loan Consultant Office: 530.387.8203 Cell: 530.409.7508 Fax: 530.683.4044 NMLS/CA-DBO #271747 Janelle Horne • Down Payment Assistance Programs • FHA/VA High Balance • Construction financing for manufactured homes • USDA - No down payment option • Jumbo Non-Conforming • Reverse Mortgages • Manufactured Home Loans David Crofut Branch Manager Senior Loan Officer Office: 530.387.8202 Cell: 530.586.0923 Fax: 530.683.4044 NMLS/CA-DBO #290764 2023 Equal Housing Opportunity Lender. Rates, Program, Fees, and Guidelines are subject to change without notice. Restrictions apply. Not a commitment to lend. Land Home only conducts business in states we are approved to. Land Home Financial Services 3420 Coach Lane, Suite 15, Cameron Park, CA 95682. NMLS #705400. Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight under the California Finance Lenders law - #6073455. CA Department of Business Oversight - 866-275-2677. California - Bureau of Real Estate Branch Of ce License Endorsement #00988341 1-2024 VOTED BEST MORTGAGE COMPANY
View, View, View
160± acres in 5 separate parcels IN A CHANGING MARKET, EXPERIENCE COUNTS! Call Jim for your free, confidential, no-obligation market analysis today!
First Time On The Market 3025 Sacramento St. Placerville Aaron Work 530-485-3103 CalDRE# 02135523 CalDRE# 00890285 Jim Aldrich 530-919-2555 HOME of the WEEK
Placerville – 530.295.2900 • Mountain Democrat 2023 DON’T SETTLE FOR AVERAGE. RELENTLESS MOVES. ©2024 CENTURY 21 Select Real Estate, Inc. All rights reserved. CENTURY 21® and the CENTURY 21 Logo are registered trademarks owned by Century 21 Real Estate LLC. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. $205,500 MLS#224037299 WHAT A FANTASTIC PLACE TO CALL HOME!! Beautiful 2007 Manufactured Home in a Desirable Park, Newer Vinyl Plank Flooring, Vinyl Blind. Beautiful Kitchen with Local Views, Nice Living Area with Den and/or Formal Dining Room .Large Fenced Back Yard for Outdoor Enjoyment and Gardening. Located on a Cozy Cul-De-Sac. Park Features Mature Landscaping, Club House, Indoor Pool, and More. JULIE CLARK (530) 306-7661 DRE#01246556 $1,750,000 MLS#224007613 11-ACRE PROPERTY WITH TWO RESIDENCES Forested setting with a secure gated entrance, this magnificent multi residence property is in the heart of a rural, bucolic farming region made famous by the farms, wineries, & Christmas tree growers of the Apple Hill Growers Association. 3,652 sf primary 4 bd/4 ba Tahoe Style residence w/soaring vaulted ceilings, and 1, 600 sf cottage that is rented for $3,600/mo. The large master suite includes a fireplace & sitting area. The property also includes a 4 car garage, a Gazebo enclosed spa, a Per- gola, & an RV parking enclosure. For the farmer, there is a 3 acre apple orchard, and the property is set up for horses with two barns and a tack shed. The property has many possibilities as a multiple residence family compound, as a primary residence with rental, or as a Bed and Breakfast with separate rental. The property is currently licensed as the Ponderosa Ridge Bed and Breakfast. This great location is just about 7 minutes to Hwy 50 and downtown Placerville. DAVE BOLSTER (530) 409-2676 DRE#01356944 $375,000 MLS#224058315 CLAIM YOUR SLICE OF PARADISE IN THE PINES Discover a charming vacation cabin or perfect starter home nestled in the pines, adjacent to the greenbelt! Located in the sought-after Gold Ridge Forest subdivision, this 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom home offers access to the community clubhouse and pool. It’s ready for a new family to cherish. Features include a detached two-car garage, a spacious partially finished basement, and ample parking for an RV or boat. Enjoy the lush yard from the large deck. SALLY LONG JOHNS (530) 306-0821 DRE#01308662 HWY 50 ASSOCIATION 75TH ANNUAL WAGON TRAIN HWY 50 ASSOCIATION 75TH ANNUAL WAGON TRAIN HWY 50 ASSOCIATION JUNE 1ST THROUGH JUNE 8TH, 2024 JUNE 1ST THROUGH JUNE 8TH, 2024 THE RUSSSELLS PRESENT: Two adjoining view parcels located on Loma in Shingle Springs. Water meters are paid and installed at street. Recently cleared, the .75 & .76 of an acre parcels are useable & ready for your custom home. 1 parcel has an incredible (& rare) Sierra View, the other has a Mt. Diablo & city lights view. Take your pick, a sunrise or sunset? Better yet, buy BOTH! Seller has owned both since 1984. DRE#00972284 & #00896013 THE RUSSELLS ~ TY & MARYSUE (530) 417-3728 MLS# 224038227 & MLS# 224038189 ADJOING PARCELS $275,000 & $240,000