Chemical Engineering at McNeese State University

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Chemical Engineering

DegreeType: Bachelor of Sciencein Chemical Engineering(B.S.Ch.E.)

Program Length: 4 years(128 credit hours)

What Can You Do With a Degreein Chemical Engineering?

From processengineer to production engineer,adegreein chemical engineering from McNeesewill help you successfully preparefor acareer in industry,business, government or privatepractice.You can also earn your master?sdegreeto continueyour education in chemical engineering,focuson aspecialized areaof study or preparefor professional advancement.

bachelor'sdegree oncampus


Herearejust a fewreasonstomake

McNeeseyour first choice...


Workingside-by-sidewith faculty,you can conduct experimentsthat replicateand find solutionsto real-world problems.Many large, privateand publicuniversitiesreserve research opportunitiesfor graduatestudents, but in thechemical engineeringprogram at McNeese,you can apply for grant funding, submit papersand articlesfor publication and attend academicand professional conferencesasan undergraduatestudent.

Financial Aid and Scholarships:

McNeesehasoneof themost affordable tuition ratesin Louisiana Plus, industry-supported endowed scholarships help chemical engineeringmajorspay for college

Industrial-GradeFacilities: McNeeseoffersprofessionally designed labs that simulatetheindustrial environment.You can practicetechniquesusingmodern tools and equipment found in thefield in asafe, controlled environment.

Student-Focused Faculty:

Full-timefaculty shareawealth of knowledge, professional experienceand passion that enrich your undergraduateclasseswith personal attention and interaction made possibleby small classsizes

Applied Learning:

With someof thebiggest namesin industry and businessnearby,you don? t haveto travel far to gain practical experiencewhileearning your bachelor?sdegree.Internshipsand co-opsoffer you afirst-hand look at what chemical engineersdo and may lead to full-timejob offersafter graduation.

Department of Engineering and Computer Science

With anumber of industriesrelyingon our graduatesto lead thefuture,wearefocused on interdisciplinary teamwork,scholarly development,hands-on projectsand professional ethics.Our departmental programsprovideahands-on,comprehensive education that preparesour studentsto work in awidevariety of careers.Our studentsare constantly workingwith regional industry leadersthrough internshipsand co-op positionsprovidingawell-rounded education that,after graduation,leadsto successful positionswith industry or graduateschool.

Model Chemical Plant

Astheonly institution in theUniversity of LouisianaSystem with amodel chemical plant,McNeesetrainschemical engineering majors? aswell asindustry professionals? on industrial-gradelab equipment,includinga hands-on trainer,aglycol-water distillation unit,aconfined spacetrainingtower,two power generatorsand a30-foot climbing tower.

4435Ryan Street LakeCharles,LA70609 337-475-5065 Apply Now!

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