Natural Resource Conservation Management
DegreeType: Bachelor of Science(BS)
Program Length: 4 years(120 credit hours)
What Can You Do With a Natural ResourceConservation Management Degree?
McNeese'sbachelor'sdegreeprogram in natural resourceconservation management providesyou with an understandingof thesciencesasthey relateto theenvironment and natural resources. Studentsstudy plant and animal ecology, wetland delineations,wildlifetechniquesand morewhilealso receivingspecialized trainingin air,water and soil testing.Studentslearn to solve real-world ecological conservation issues
100% of studentsexperience conservationinthereal world with our internshipprogram.During your junior year,you'll havethechanceto studyina widevarietyof settingsin Louisiana,theU.S.or evenabroad.
Herearejust a fewreasonstomake McNeeseyour first choice...
Sharingtheir experienceand expertisein classroomsand labs,faculty actively conduct research and serveon university,stateand national committeesin their fieldsof interest, includingsoil science,wildlifeand fisheries science,urban forestry,air pollution,hazardous materialsand environmental law.
TheHarold and Pearl Dripps School of Agricultural Sciences
Financial Aid and Scholarships:
TheHarold and Pearl DrippsSchool of Agricultural Sciencesoffersavariety of scholarship opportunitiesfor undergraduatestudentsearning their bachelor?sdegreein natural resource conservation management You may also be eligibleto apply for privateawards,such asthe Rockefeller WildlifeRefugeScholarship and the LouisianaAssociation of BiologistsScholarship.
Undergraduatestudentsplay an important rolein supportingfaculty research and graduatestudent projects Studentsareactively engaged in learning about birds,mammals,reptiles,fish and the environment in which they live.
Applied Learning:
Duringyour undergraduatecareer,you?ll participatein an internship at afederal or state refuge,forest,park or other natural resource-related areas.Internshipsprovide valuableon-the-job training,work experienceand thechanceto makeprofessional connectionsthat will prepareyou for your career In thepast, undergraduatestudentshavecaught and counted butterfliesin New Mexico,tagged birdson Louisianabeaches, vaccinated pigsin North Carolina,packed eggsin Iowaand worked with horsesin Ecuador aspart of their internships
TheHarold and Pearl DrippsSchool of Agricultural Sciencesprovidesstudentswith theskillsrequired to meet thechangingneedsand demandsof agriculture Our programsarediverseand dynamic and includeall aspectsof agriculture Studentsare trained for careersin awidevariety of opportunities in agribusiness,industry and government
Study in theLouisianaSwamps and Bayous
McNeese,located in theheart of Southwest Louisiana,issurrounded by National Wildlife Refuges,Louisiana'sonly National Forest,state parks,acresof wetlandsand milesof waterways McNeese?sconnection with local scientistsand wildlifemanagerscreatesopportunitiesfor undergraduatestudentsto usethesenatural resourcesaslivingclassroomsand labs.
Natural ResourceConservation Management Bachelor'sDegree Concentration
Environmental ScienceEducation Grades6?12
Bringyour loveof conservation to theclassroom and becomeamiddleor high school teacher with initial teacher certification in environmental science