Pillars Fall 2011

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FA L L 2 0 1 1 , V O L U M E 4 I S S U E 1

William J. DorĂŠ Sr. A Lifetime of Achievement page 6


2011 Foundation Board of Directors


Officers Bob Davidson, President Judy Fuller, Vice President Willie Mount, Secretary James Taussig, Treasurer Members Glen Bertrand Roxie Boxie

3..........From the Desk of the President Dr. Philip C. Williams 4.........Building Leaders from Peers 5..........Serving Up Excellence Maria Del Rocio Frausto Cornish 6, 7......A Lifetime of Achievement William J. Doré Sr.

Tom Henning

8, 9.....Life Is What You Make It Fredrick “Fred” Junior Dayley

Joe T. Miller, Sr.

10........McNeese Mavericks

Emma DiCarlo-Vincent

Lee J. Monlezun, Jr. Ryan Navarre George Paret Patricia Prebula Billy Rose John Scofield Jim Serra David Stine Charles Timpa

11........Having the Right Chemistry Leah Jeanae LaFleur Biochemistry Summer Internship Program 12........True Blue Harriet and D.C. “Chick” Green 13........Stock Market Got You Down? 14........Geaux Cowboys Joyce and Christopher S. “Chris” Buchanan

Ray A. Todd, Jr.

15........Don’t Rain on My Homecoming Parade

Tom Tuminello, Sr.

16, 17..Frazar Library 50th Anniversary

Aubrey White Ex Officio Members Philip C. Williams Richard H. Reid Advisory Board Members Billy Blake Coral Crain Byrd David Drez Fred R. Godwin Marilyn Hays Charles Viccellio 2

18........McNeese Impacts Gabriel Brown

From the desk of the President The past year has brought about a number of challenges to higher education in general and McNeese State University in particular. We have weathered an unprecedented cut to our budget and made a significant internal reorganization to better serve our students in the shortfall. While the challenges remain, we must meet the opportunities they present, which is why I am excited to invite you to participate in our five-year strategic planning process. I will be using a “Hoshin Planning” technique based on concepts developed by Professors Kaoru Ishikawa and W. Edwards Deming. The philosophy of this method is to use information technology to organize the collective thinking power of all constituents to make an organization the best in its field. We need YOUR ideas, suggestions, and comments. Toward that end, I’ve developed 12 questions to gather perspectives in key areas related to the University. 1. What is your first thought when you hear the name “McNeese”? 2. What do you love most about McNeese? 3. Whether you love it or not, what do you believe is McNeese’s greatest strength? 4. What is McNeese’s most glaring area for improvement? 5. What opportunities should McNeese seize within the next five years? 6. Is there anything about McNeese that is so fundamental that we should protect it against change? 7. What threats should McNeese be guarding against over the next five years? 8. What could McNeese do to improve student learning? 9. What should McNeese be doing to increase enrollment and retention? 10. If you could identify one aspect of the McNeese experience that “brands” us as distinct from other institutions, what would it be? 11. If McNeese could engage in just one activity that would excite you into wanting to contribute more of your time and/or resources, what would that activity be? 12. What ideas do you have about improving McNeese that have not already been mentioned? My staff and I will be hosting brainstorming sessions on campus and in downtown Lake Charles, Cameron, Jennings, Kinder, DeRidder, Sulphur, Lafayette, and Houston, Texas. Each session is designed to encourage individuals to speak ideas aloud or write responses anonymously. The input received through these sessions will assist me in shaping the long-term vision and mission of McNeese State University. I hope that you will be able to join us for one of these sessions. You can go to www.mcneese.edu/president and click on “Strategic Planning” for information on meeting dates and locations, to view responses to our questions, or to complete the strategic planning survey. Thank you for your support of McNeese. I look forward to hearing your ideas.

Dr. Philip C. Williams



The early Peer Leader years were strictly dedicated to facilitating orientation. In 2008 the group merged with the McNeese Ambassadors and took on additional duties including assisting at presidential events, career fairs and graduation among other activities. The primary purpose of the Peer Leaders is to help incoming students relate more to the college experience. “The incoming freshmen connect with the college experience when learning about McNeese from current students,” said Karen Westfall, academic adviser in general and basic studies and coordinator of orientation. “Peer Leaders are students who truly love McNeese and are able to communicate the basics of the college experience in a relatable way during orientation,” Karen said. Westfall is the perfect person to coordinate orientation since she was a Peer Leader herself and a student worker in the general and basic studies office during her time as a McNeese student. Anne-Marie Himel and Anthony Cutrera are both junior nursing majors currently serving as Peer Leaders. Anne-Marie is serving her second year as a Peer Leader while this is Anthony’s first year. Anne-Marie decided to apply for the group after talking with Karen. “I didn’t know many people at McNeese when I first started, and I wanted to meet new people and get involved on campus,” she said.

Building Leaders From Peers If you are looking for student leaders on the McNeese State University campus, look no further than the McNeese Peer Leaders. You can find Peer Leaders working events at the McNeese President’s home, helping with student registration, participating in campus events, facilitating freshman orientation, and most importantly, representing McNeese in a positive light. The Peer Leader program was established during the 1997-98 school year as the result of Ed Khoury, director of general and basic studies, and Dr. Jeanne Daboval, provost and vice president for academic and student affairs, wanting more student involvement with freshman orientation. Originally lecture-based, freshman orientation has now developed into a high-energy, fun introduction to McNeese, largely due in part to the Peer Leaders. 4

Anthony receives satisfaction from supporting the University through the Peer Leader program and teaching first-time freshmen about the college experience. “I saw the Peer Leaders when I went through orientation and thought that I’d like to participate.” The group is limited to 20 members who must meet certain requirements. Peer Leaders must be full-time students carrying 12 or more credit hours, maintain a 2.5 grade point average and be actively involved with one student organization. Applications are accepted for the program in the fall. Applicants must undergo an interview with Westfall, Marshall Guidry, academic adviser in general and basic studies and assistant coordinator of orientation, and current Peer Leaders, with the final selection made in December. The number of students selected each year depends on the number of members leaving. Previous Peer Leaders must reapply each year but do not have to participate in the interview process. Peer Leaders receive an annual $1,600 scholarship award for their work and dedication.

FOUNDATION TIES Maria Del Rocio Frausto Cornish

• Recipient • Citgo Scholar

Serving Up Excellence Maria Del Rocio Frausto Cornish, an international graduate student, came to McNeese State University from Puebla, Mexico, on a full tennis scholarship. Called the City of Angels, Puebla is located southeast of Mexico City and is known for its Colonial architecture, Talavera pottery, exquisite cuisine and moderate climate. Maria’s mother, Rosea Cornish Becerra, is the impetus behind her learning tennis. As a youngster, Maria focused too much attention on excelling in school. Rosea thought tennis would give Maria another outlet for focusing her energy and drive. Maria quickly made friends and excelled at tennis. After finishing the first year of high school, Maria quit to begin self-study and focus all her energies on tennis. “It seems crazy that I took up tennis because my mom thought I was too focused on school. Then I quit school to focus on tennis,” said Maria. Maria’s focus paid off as she eventually ranked as one of the top 10 players in Mexico for her age. McNeese recruited Maria for the tennis team. With friends already playing here, the transition of moving from Mexico to the United States was made easier. The transition of going from the Spanish language to the English language took a bit longer. For her undergraduate degree, Maria majored in finance and excelled in her field. She earned extra money working as a monitor in the Holbrook Computer Lab. The College of Business recognized her as the Distinguished Student in Finance for 2010-11.

According to Tommy McClelland, McNeese athletics director, “Maria was nominated for the Southland Conference’s F.L. McDonald Postgraduate Scholar Athlete Award. Maria has represented McNeese in an exemplary manner over the past four years. Her efforts in the classroom and on the tennis court have been a source of pride for the athletics department for several years. She epitomizes the word, ‘student-athlete.’” “I like to do things right,” stated Maria. “My parents never pushed me. I motivated myself. If I lost a tennis match, my dad [the late Ragoberto Frausto Jimeniz] would say, ‘You did amazing!’” Maria completed an internship at Marquez Investments Services as part of her curriculum. “The internship provided Maria the opportunity to interact with professionals in her field and to integrate into a professional environment, which adds polish to go with her intelligence. It also gives her a leg-up in the job market after she graduates,” stated Mary Kaye Eason, instructor and coordinator of support services in the College of Business. Maria graduated in May 2011 with Bachelor of Science degree in finance.

Maria was inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta, the National Honor Society for First Year Students, and into Beta Gamma Sigma, the International Honor Society for Business Programs. She was also named a Citgo Scholar and received a $1,000 scholarship.

Maria Del Rocio Frausto



FOUNDATION TIES William J. Doré Sr. • Donor • William J. Doré School of Graduate Studies


Ronald Reagan, Colin Powell, Billy Graham, Henry Kissinger and Tom Brokaw - not many people can claim to be among the company of such distinguished honorees. However, William (Billy) Jude Doré Sr. can.

For a time, the Dorés shared housing with an aunt and uncle and their three children who lived in one bedroom, while he and his parents shared another. The house had one bathroom and no hot running water.

The Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans selected Mr. Doré as a recipient of its honor in 2000. This past spring, Mr. Doré was also honored with Horatio Alger’s 2011 Norman Vincent Peale Award for his exceptional service to the Association and for his contributions to society.

Billy was industrious growing up – shining shoes, mowing lawns, delivering newspapers and spraying automobiles for mosquitoes at a drive-in theater to earn money.

“To be recognized in this way and to be associated with the individuals who preceded me is humbling… it brings with it an obligation to help young people burdened by adversities similar to mine,” stated Mr. Doré. Billy Doré was born July 15, 1942, in New Iberia to a Cajun father and a Lebanese mother. His father was a hard worker, but a heavy drinker who believed that sparing the rod would spoil the child. The family lived a transient lifestyle, chasing his father’s work as a truck driver, shrimper and welder with his paycheck seldom making it home. The frequent job changes and moves negatively affected Billy’s social and environmental well-being. 6

A talented athlete, Billy received multiple college scholarship offers. He chose McNeese State University where he majored in health and physical education and lettered in track and football. He dreamed of becoming a teacher and coach. While at McNeese, Billy married Kay Legendre and they started their family. Living on an $86 per month scholarship, they hitchhiked for transportation and played cards for fun. Graduating from McNeese with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1965 and a Master of Science degree in 1966, he was honored as Most Outstanding Student Teacher by the Phi Delta Kappa fraternity. Moving to New Orleans after graduation, Billy sold real estate, insurance and securities and was named Rookie of the Year, earning a salary of $12,000. One

customer was so impressed with Doré’s sales pitch that Louisiana State University Medical School in Baton he offered him a job. Investing $2,000, Billy bought Rouge, the Doré Commons at the Baker Institute into a small rental equipment business that serviced oil for Public Policy at Rice University and the Doré and gas operators. After several years, his boss offered Family Research Fund at the University of Texas, M.D. him full ownership of a near-bankrupt diving company, Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, were all Global Divers & Contractors Inc., based in Harvey, created as the result of his contributions. in exchange for his partial ownership in the rental equipment business. Billy accepted the offer, purchased The Louisiana Trooper Foundation, a mentoring an old pickup truck for a program aimed at dollar and set up office in a strengthening youth My level of success and my ambition as I went along was friend’s trailer. through positive role very incremental. I wanted to be just a little bit better than modeling, was chartered I was at that point in time.” The first year, the by Mr. Doré in 1999. William J. Doré Sr. Following Hurricanes diving company generated $400,000 in revenue. The Katrina and Rita in 2005, next year, revenue doubled to $800,000 and the third he established the Louisiana Family Humanitarian year, it doubled again. Fund to assist families sheltering evacuees and families displaced by the storms. Billy learned diving to understand the perils his company divers experienced below sea level. He served The Chamber Southwest Louisiana named Mr. Doré as as deckhand on pipelay barges to become knowledgeable the 2011 Civic Service Award recipient for his leadership of their work. He led by example…a quality that makes and service to his community and beyond. the most effective leader. Mr. Doré has contributed over $7 million to the His calculated risks taken through diversification, Horatio Alger Scholarship Program and annually funds acquisition and expansion during times of economic an additional $500,000 to benefit 50 Louisiana students uncertainty in the oil field proved fruitful. In 1993, through scholarships. Global Industries Ltd., now an international company, Kay and Billy are the proud parents of four children went public. Global employs over 6,000 people and and 13 grandchildren. owns and operates one of the largest fleet of marine construction assets in the world. Doré retired as Chief Executive Officer in 2006. Mr. Doré remains committed to his McNeese roots. His $2 million contribution for graduate student stipends resulted in the graduate school being named the William J. Doré School of Graduate Studies. He was also instrumental in creating the Kay Doré Counseling Center, a state-of-the-art facility designed to train students to provide quality mental health services. In addition, he helped establish the Golden Saddle Club and the Rodeo Hall of Fame. For his many contributions and in recognition for his achievements, Mr. Doré received the McNeese Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1995, was inducted into the McNeese Athletics Hall of Honor in 1998 and was bestowed an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters in 2005. Doré’s support of education extends beyond McNeese. The Elaine Doré Endowed Chair at the

“Horatio Alger Award recipients are dedicated community leaders who demonstrate individual initiative and a commitment to excellence; as exemplified by remarkable achievements accomplished through honesty, hard work, selfreliance and perseverance over adversity.

www.horatioalger.com 7

Life Is What You Make It

Fredrick “Fred” Junior Dayley was born in Burley, Idaho, on Aug. 11, 1927, to Solomon Fredrick Dayley and Neva Viola Yearsley. He was born during the Great Depression and life was difficult. The Dayley family included nine brothers and three sisters. My dad went to work for the WPA (Works Progression Administration) to help pay the notes on the farm and to feed the family. This was when he brought home a set of boxing gloves for us to start using. Unbeknownst to us, he was grooming us to fight. I told Dad that I was not mad at anyone, and he said when you get hit you will be. He was right. Fred graduated from Burley High School in 1945 and joined the U.S. Navy. He traveled to Boise to board a train bound for the San Diego Naval Training Center in California. Boot camp was an adventure. We were hustled off to the place where they issued your uniforms and you got haircuts. We had a redheaded boy who primped all the way to Diego. When he asked the barber to not cut too much, the barber said, “OK,” then ran the clippers right down the middle of his head. After completing boot camp, Fred was assigned to the amphibious ship USS LSM-4 (Landing Ship Mechanized). The ship was being deployed to China, but the Captain, nearing retirement, wanted out of the Navy. His uncle was Under Secretary of the Navy. Magically, the ship’s orders were changed to Green Cove Springs, Fla. Somewhere while traveling along the Baja California Coast, the Captain asked if we wanted to go swimming. We replied it would be quite hard [to swim] at 18 knots. We headed for the beach for private maneuvers. The natives must have thought that they were being invaded. The Captain finally convinced them that we only wanted to swim. The ship continued south, stopping for a layover in Acapulco, Mexico. It traveled through the Panama Canal before heading north toward its intended destination

Fredrick “Fred” Junior Dayley 8

FOUNDATION TIES Fredrick “Fred” Junior Dayley • Donor • Joyce T. Dayley Memorial Scholarship

of New Orleans. Before arriving in New Orleans, however, the Captain secretly diverted the ship to Nassau, Bahamas, so he could visit his family. The Captain’s family owned an island and was building a Magnesium plant. The family wanted us to go to work for the plant when we got out of the service. I never got so tired of crumpets and teas in my life. From there, the ship departed for New Orleans and arrived during Mardi Gras. Fred was beginning to think that Navy life was one big vacation! He eventually transferred to the U.S.S. Achilles (ARL41), which was headed to Orange, Texas, for decommissioning. I met my partner for life at this time, Joyce Theresa Roy. Her mom and dad became my second mom and dad. I was playing basketball for the Navy against the Cities Service Refinery team and I was not getting any playing time. I spotted Joyce sitting in the stands behind me. I found out that the high school team was playing the next night and I told her I would be back. I went over like a lead balloon! I was persistent though and finally won her hand. We were married Nov. 1, 1947. After Fred was discharged from the Navy in 1948, the Dayleys moved north so that Fred could enroll at Idaho State College on the G.I. Bill. We purchased a 16-foot trailer and lived on Fifth Avenue at the trailer park in Pocatello, Idaho. There was a foot of ice under our bed and the heater was wide open. There was no insulation in that trailer! The care packages that Joyce’s mother sent were very welcome. With his coursework completed and Joyce’s father having had a stroke, the Dayleys returned to Vinton. Fred worked briefly for the Union Sulphur Co. before moving to the DuPont Sabine River Works Plant in Orange. After 31 years of service, Fred retired in 1985. The Dayleys celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 1997 at the American Legion, Post 208, in Vinton. Fred has been a member of the Legion since 1950 and has served as the post Adjutant since 1965. Joyce died in 1999 after 52 years of marriage. In her memory, Fred created the Joyce T. Dayley Memorial Scholarship. He keeps a scrapbook of scholarship recipient photos and handwritten notes as mementos. Fred is also a member of The 1939 Living Oak Society through a planned gift. I have so many things to be thankful for in this life. Life is what you make it. Good or bad. The worst of times can be turned into something good. I believe that. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Fred cooks for visiting missionaries every Sunday in his home. He maintains an extensive collection of model cars, trucks, airplanes, military vehicles, decorative eagles and clocks. His Vinton home, which was built by his inlaws, was where Joyce was born. It holds 64 years of wonderful memories.

I am loving my time as a college student at McNeese and I am learning so much. The Joyce T. Dayley Memorial Scholarship has helped me tremendously throughout the last two years. I am honored to be a recipient of this award and I hope to make you proud in the years to come. The money that I receive pays for the books that I need each semester and that is a big help for which I am grateful. My education is important to me and the scholarship is making it possible to continue my education. I look forward to graduating and starting my career in helping others. Kaitlyn Robinson Junior Majoring in Clinical Science 9

Foundation Ties

The McNeese State University Alumni Association has something that differentiates itself from other alumni associations in Louisiana – the McNeese Mavericks. The Mavericks group was established in 2002 under the auspices of the Alumni Association’s Board of Directors to help support the University and the Alumni Association. The name Mavericks was chosen because it reflected McNeese’s cowboy heritage. Membership is limited to 25, of which no more than one-third can be non-alumni.

Rollenda McCown joined the Mavericks when she moved back to Lake Charles in 2004 as a way to reconnect with her alma mater and meet new people. “I was unsure what to expect when I joined, but I wanted to get involved with McNeese, and it has been fun ever since,” McCown said. “Mavericks members have a great time working to help alumni functions succeed while also contributing to special projects that promote McNeese in the community. There are so many activities that extra hands and contributions are needed and appreciated,” explained McCown. Stephanie Clark, assistant alumni director, said the Mavericks play a vital part in making the McNeese Alumni Association so strong.

“In establishing the Mavericks, we knew the group would be one-of-a-kind,” said alumni director Joyce Patterson. “No other state university has an alumni organization like this. For this reason it seemed a natural fit to call them the McNeese Mavericks.” The Mavericks have supported Alumni programs such as the “Paint the Town Blue and Gold” flag campaign, window painting and art contests during Homecoming. The group helps sponsor the Student Alumni Association and built the original “Rowdy’s Cowboy Café” at The Children’s Museum in Lake Charles. After a fire heavily damaged The Children’s Museum in 2009, the Mavericks financially supported the remodeling process. The Maverick’s fundraisers include a silent auction and raffle at the Alumni Association’s annual meeting and crawfish boil and the popular Luau held each May at Prien Lake Park where guests are treated to an evening filled with good food and music in a fun atmosphere overlooking Prien Lake. Proceeds from these events are utilized by the Mavericks to support alumni programs, campus and community educational programs, and scholarships for Student Alumni Ambassadors. 10

“The Mavericks are an amazing group of individuals with a passion for McNeese,” stated Clark. “They devote countless hours of their time and energy in supporting the goals of the alumni association, staff events and promotion of McNeese. Without them, the Alumni Association would not be able to do all the things we do.” Anyone interested in joining the Mavericks can contact Clark at sclark@mcneese.edu or call the Alumni Association at 337.475.5232.

Foundation Ties Leah Jeanae LaFleur • Recipient • Eugene R. Cox Scholarship in Chemistry

Having The Right Chemistry music. Dr. Mark Merchant [associate professor of chemistry at McNeese and an internationally known expert in alligator immunology] visited our biology class during my sophomore year and gave a presentation on his alligator research. I remember thinking how amazing it was that he was studying alligators for their immunological properties. My high school chemistry teacher, Craig Moss, also contributed to my interest in chemistry by making it fun and easy to learn,” said Leah. At SHS, Leah participated in the gifted program and in student council and served on the homecoming court. She graduated valedictorian. Leah Jeanae LaFleur

Leah Jeanae LaFleur has liked chemistry since her days at Sulphur High School. “My favorite subjects in high school were biology and chemistry and I also sang in the choir. I knew coming to McNeese that I wanted to pursue a degree in science or

Leah chose McNeese over other colleges to stay close to home and family. She qualified for the TOPS Honors program, which covered tuition and provided a financial stipend, and in fall 2010 she was also awarded the Eugene R. Cox Scholarship in Chemistry.

According to Dr. Ron Darbeau, professor and chemistry department head, “Leah is, in many ways, the ideal student. She is hard working, bright, engaging and passionate about learning and about the enterprise of chemistry.” Leah received the Chemistry Excellence Award given to outstanding majors and sponsored by the Southwest Louisiana section of the American Chemical Society in 2009 and 2010. Leah will graduate from McNeese in December 2011 with a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry and a concentration in biochemistry. “I’ve always thought of continuing on to medical school or graduate school. Having a degree in biochemistry is a good precursor to either option,” she said. Leah holding one of Dr. Mark Merchant’s baby alligators

“I really like the chemistry department. It is a close knit group of people with professors who really care about you and take an interest in your studies,” stated Leah.

Biochemistry Summer Internship Program

Southwest Louisiana is a well-known habitat for alligators, and several high school students took part in a three-week biochemistry summer internship program at McNeese this past summer, led by Dr. Mark Merchant, to study the unique immune systems of these reptiles. It is a field of research that might one day lead to a new class of antibiotics. High school students traveled to local marshes to catch wild alligators, to collect blood samples, to process the samples in a lab and to conduct experiments to determine the alligator’s immunological capacity. “Summer internships are great opportunities for high school students to explore career fields by actually participating in activities related to a chosen field,” said Janet Woolman, executive director of research and governmental relations at McNeese.


Foundation Ties Harriet and D.C. “Chick” Green • Donors • D.C. “Chick” Green Professorship in Mass Communication


While its surname denotes a different color, the Green family’s blood runs “true blue.” The late D.C. “Chick” Green, wife Harriet, five children and three grandchildren are avid McNeese supporters.

Harriet and D.C. “Chick”


Chick enlisted in the U.S. Army at age 17 upon graduating from DeRidder High School. After 18 months of service, he returned to the Lake Area in 1948 and enrolled at John McNeese Junior College. He was commissioned an Army lieutenant from McNeese’s ROTC program in 1952 and pursued a military career for the next 25 years. While stationed at Fort Benning, Ga., Chick met Harriet Ann Baird. Harriet was at the base visiting relatives. They married in 1958 and raised five children: twins Ron and Don and Laura, Donna and Meg. Chick served in Korea and Vietnam and in Germany during the construction of the Berlin Wall. In 1967, he retired with the rank of Major. Chick’s last stop before retirement was teaching in McNeese’s ROTC program. He loved the University, particularly its sports program. He and Harriet attended every home football game for 30 years and rarely missed an away game. They supported basketball almost as faithfully. Harriet and Chick both received graduate degrees from McNeese. Chick, who had attended McNeese as a junior college, a state college and a university, completed a master’s degree in education in guidance and counseling in 1971. Harriet completed a doctorate in education in 1981, one of the last classes to do so before the doctorate program was eliminated. Chick was president of the McNeese 100 Club, the Cowboy Club and the Alumni Association. He was a charter member of the Football Club and the Pinch Hitter’s Club and was a member of the Foundation President’s Circle, the Alumni Founders 100 Club, the Tip-off Club, the Cowgirl Club and Friends of the Library. Chick served as police juror for five terms. He influenced many students through his teaching at Oak Park Middle School, Lake Charles High, Lake Charles-Boston, Westlake and Sam Houston high schools and his counseling at LaGrange High School. He retired from the school system after 22 years and died in 1997. “The D.C. ‘Chick’ Green Professorship in Mass Communication was used for faculty to travel to a conference in order to keep up with fast moving developments in the field. I sincerely thank Harriet for the professorship, especially in light of McNeese’s financial constraints which do not allow for travel.”

Carrie Chrisco, Ph.D. Head and Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communication 12 12

To honor Chick was to honor his lifelong commitment to McNeese. The D.C. “Chick” Green Professorship in Mass Communication was created by the family to raise awareness of the power of the media and the importance of good ethics and training for those entering the field. “The University is important to our region in providing a quality education on a very tight budget. Many people think that they are not rich enough to give and that philanthropy is only in the realm of the wealthy. Each contribution, no matter how small, is valuable,” stated Harriet. Donna and Meg are McNeese graduates and Ron, Don and Laura attended. Grandsons Manny and Gunner Busch are currently students. Cousin Benji Owens will enroll in the spring.

Stock Market Got You Down? Make an Investment that Pays Dividends $500

to supply books for a student each semester.


to enter a student thesis in the “Best Senior Thesis� contest sponsored by the Louisiana Historical Association.


to purchase a DVD for the English and Foreign Languages Video Library.


to establish an endowed scholarship.


to support the Banners Cultural Series.


to publish The Arena, the student art and literary journal.


for faculty to attend a conference for professional development. 13

FOUNDATION TIES Joyce and Christopher S. “Chris” Buchanan • Donor • George G. “Buck” Buchanan Football Scholarship

GEAUX COWBOYS Joyce and Christopher S. “Chris” Buchanan’s computer expertise is one of the many commonalities they share from their 30-year marriage. The love of football and quilt making are two others.

Chris came to McNeese State University as a member of the largest graduating class at LaGrange High School. After finishing McNeese in 1976 with a Bachelor of Science degree in math and computer science, Chris worked in the computer industry. His career took him to New Orleans, Lake Charles and Beaumont, Texas, at times as an employee as well as an independent consultant. Joyce [Smith], a graduate of Starks High School, attended Lamar State University in Beaumont, where she received an Associate of Science degree in business data processing in 1978. Joyce and Chris met on the job when he hired her to work as a Cobalt programmer. Avid beachgoers and shell collectors, the Buchanans honeymooned in the Bahamas. Riding the Jitney one day, they heard that President Ronald Reagan had died. It was three days before they heard another broadcast that clarified he was not dead, but recovering from his wounds. Chris’ father, George G. “Buck” Buchanan, influenced his love of football. Buck played basketball, ran track and managed football and baseball while in high school in Florida. In 1946, Buck and his wife, Frances, moved to Lake Charles for employment. Buck was a devoted LaGrange High School football fan and didn’t miss a game in 43 years.

“Chris” Buchanan

McNeese played its first game at Cowboy Stadium in 1965. Until then, football games were played at Lake Charles High School’s Wildcat Stadium. The first game at Wildcat Stadium was in 1940, the last was in 1964. The first game in Cowboy Stadium was Sept. 18, 1965. The score was Tampa (now South Florida) 16, McNeese 12. The first McNeese victory in Cowboy Stadium was on Oct. 2, 1965, with McNeese 20, Louisiana Tech 14.

Louis Bonnette Senior Associate Athletics Director/Sports Information Director 14

Buck also loved McNeese football. He and Chris attended McNeese’s home games at Lake Charles High School’s Wildcat Stadium. They followed the Cowboys for away games as well, often traveling with Buck’s good friend, Earl Barger. Chris served as the navigator. Buck was a founding member of the 100 Club for football boosters. Frances was known as the Cookie Lady since she baked cookies for the team from 19752001. In 2002, Joyce and Chris established the George G. “Buck” Buchanan Football Scholarship in memory of Chris’ father who had since passed away. Chris is more than a sit-in-the-stand fan. In 2002, he spent his summer working with booster club members and prison inmates to pressure wash and paint Cowboy Stadium. Chris and his friends also created the sports message board, GeauxCowboys.com, so that sports fans would have a forum to communicate. When Joyce and Chris aren’t attending McNeese’s athletic events, they can be found making quilts for auction at the McNeese Athletic Foundation’s annual fundraiser, Denim and Diamonds. The Buchanan’s daughter, Erin, is an assistant professor of psychology at Missouri State University in Springfield. Their son, Scott, is following in their footsteps as a senior computer science major at McNeese.

n O i n e a a R d t ’ r n o a P D n g i o m c e o m H My Parades, pep rallies, dances, oozeball and tailgating….these events are what make Homecoming special. Although the activities have changed over the years, the McNeese Homecoming spirit remains the same. McNeese College Day, sponsored by the Lake Charles Lions Club, began in November 1945 and was the precursor to today’s Homecoming. The event included a pep rally and parade with more than 100 horses and floats and bands from Louisiana State University, St. Charles High School, Lake Charles High School, McNeese and the Lake Charles Army Air Base. The prize for the best decorated car went to the entry of Emma and Stella McNeese, John McNeese’s daughters.

games were played until 1965. Louisiana Gov. Jimmie Davis crowned the first Homecoming queen, Adrienne Managan, and a formal dance was held after the game in F.G. Bulber Auditorium.

After McNeese became a four-year college in 1950, alumni activities became more organized. According to Dr. Joe Gray Taylor’s book, McNeese State University 1939-1987 A Chronicle, “The secretary of the alumni organization, Margaret Bell Russell, announced that 1,500 were expected for Homecoming, and it is possible that this many did appear.” That year the first junior college graduates were honored and tribute was paid to McNeese graduates who died in World War II.

The Homecoming parade is one event that Daniel Ieyoub vividly remembers. As a student from 19521956, Daniel marched in the parades as a saxophone player in the Cowboy Band. “The parades were huge,” Daniel recalled. “The floats were unbelievable. I remember one year a float had a girl sitting in a champagne glass.”

Fast forward to 2011. The Student Union Board plans activities for the entire week beginning on Sunday. This year’s student activities include a bowling half nighter, a cash cube game show, fantasy casino night, oozeball, pep rally, parade, step show, student tailgate, and, of course, the Homecoming game and presentation of the Homecoming Queen and King and their court.

The Homecoming football game was played in the Lake Charles High School stadium, where all football

Football games are played in Cowboy Stadium, also affectionately known as “The Hole.” The

Homecoming parade rolls down Ryan Street the Thursday of Homecoming week, followed by a pep rally and fireworks show at Cowboy Stadium.

Student Union Board President Danielle Morrissey says the organization works tirelessly to ensure Homecoming is packed with activities that entertain students and instill pride in being “a Cowboy.” “During Homecoming week McNeese pride fills the air,” says Morrissey. “I think that Homecoming is a time for alumni to return to where it all started for them and see how McNeese has grown. I hope in the years to come I will be able to return as a McNeese graduate and have my ‘Homecoming’ experience be a little taste of college I once had.” The McNeese Alumni Association offers plenty of activities for alumni to reconnect and reminisce. Ladies Champagne Bingo has been one of the main Homecoming events since 1979. Former association presidents are honored with a reception at the McNeese President’s home. The Alumni and Friends Golf Tournament is held on that Friday followed by the pre-game tailgate in the Alumni Grove before the big game on Saturday.


“The most important development of 1961-62 insofar as physical facilities were concerned was the completion of the new Library, which was named Lether Frazar Memorial Library in honor of the deceased former president. The building was dedicated on November 14, Homecoming Day 1961.” (McNeese State University, 19391987, A Chronicle by Joe Gray Taylor)

The Library at McNeese State University was first located in a large room on the south side of Kaufman Hall and contained 5,000 books. Construction of what came to be known as Frazar Memorial Library occurred in two phases. Phase I started in 1961 and included a 40,000 square foot, two-story structure. In 1974, phase II expanded the Library to include a 41,000 square foot, four-story addition. The Library was dedicated to Lether Edward Frazar, the first McNeese president who went on to serve as Lieutenant Governor on the Earl Long ticket. Transferring books from the original Library in Kaufman Hall to the new Frazar Library resembled a trail of ants. The Reserve Officers Training Corps conducted what became known as “Operation-Book Moving,” transferring 32,000 books by hand in one day. 16

Frazar Library has changed over the years to include renovation in 1986, repairs following Hurricane Rita in 2005 and a $7.2 million renovation now underway. The first floor has sunk in the original wing and, after asbestos abatement, new flooring will be installed. The HVAC system, ceiling tiles and lighting fixtures will be replaced. The restrooms will be brought into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and fresh paint will be applied throughout. Eighty-five percent of renovation costs will be paid by the state. The remaining cost will be covered through campus building use and other self-generated fees. “This [the Library] was a pasture when Frazar came to McNeese and now this building stands as a symbol of learning. Quoting Archibald MacLeish, ‘A tower that will not yield.’” (Lake Charles American Press, Nov. 12, 1961) While the “tower” has undergone

many structural changes over the years, even bigger changes have taken place with regards to technology. The Library is a charter member

of LOUIS, a state consortium of 42 academic libraries that share a common integrated library system. Consortium members pool resources to purchase databases which would be unaffordable if purchased individually. An added benefit in joining LOUIS was making the traditional card catalog system obsolete. “Having library materials available electronically expands the use of the resource,” stated Debbie Johnson-Houston, library director. An electronic database allows the user library access from remote locations. Users can retrieve the electronic catalog, government published documents, archived photographs, subscription databases and encyclopedias, to name a few resources. Today’s brick and mortar library is much more than a repository for books. Frazar Memorial Library serves as a common gathering place for collaboration and group study, and with its recently added CC’s Coffee, provides a relaxed and open environment to stimulate student creativity. According to Carlin DeDoux, a sophomore majoring in natural resources conservation and

Roof damage

management, “I stop by the library every day on my way to classes in Gayle Hall, if for no other reason than to purchase a coffee and pastry. The Library is a great place to meet with other students for group projects or to do computer research.” To assist students and faculty in taking advantage of the full library offerings, a new three-hour informational literacy course, “Introduction to Research and Information Literacy,” is offered as an elective. Online tutorials are also available for users with access to instant messaging chat. Jessica Hutchings, assistant professor and head reference librarian, hopes that Frazar Memorial Library will one day house an “information commons.” An information commons is a physical space designated within the library to provide a technology-rich and collaborative environment for conducting research and group study among peers, campus faculty and/or outside scholars. From its humble beginnings with 5,000 books, Frazar Memorial Library has grown to a repository of over 400,000 volumes. A knowledgeable staff will complement the renovated structure and improved technology once completed.

Roof damage Ruth Reedy Library Director 1972-1980

Mold damage on books Richard Reid Library Director 1980-1989

Community members can enjoy privileges by joining, The Friends of the Library. The program, started in 1965, generates outside funds for the Library’s development. As a Friend, members enjoy check out privileges, interlibrary loan services, a complimentary parking pass, preview for the book sale and invitations to other events. Visit www. friendsofthelibrary@ mcneese.edu or call 337.475.5716 for more information.

Standing water Despite being closed for four months following Hurricane Rita, Frazar Memorial Library continued operations in remote locations throughout the campus during fall 2005. Students could access electronic databases and collections which helped facilitate a successful completion of the semester. 1717

McNeese Impacts Student’s Life in Positive Way “I would like to take this opportunity to show my utmost appreciation for your generosity in funding the Robert Michel Scholarship. It is an honor to be a recipient, and it is kind individuals like yourself who ensure that hard working students continue to earn a valuable education.

Brown, and Ellen and Scott Raley Corene and Simon Davidson, Gabriel ip brunch sponsored by the McNeese take a picture at the 2011 spring scholarsh Robert Michel Scholarship. Foundation. Brown is the recipient the

The people that I have met through theatre and the love and friendship that I have been shown have been priceless. I could not have been put in a better place or situation. The skills that I have learned and the experience I have acquired during the numerous projects I have worked on will definitely carry me to farther places and beyond once I enter the professional world.”

Gabriel Brown May 2011 Graduate

Bachelor of Arts in Performing Arts, Minor in Mass Communication

Cover the Cowgirls A fundraising effort is underway to provide shade for the bleachers at the Nancy Hank Tennis Center on the campus of McNeese State University. The goal for the Cover the Cowgirls project is to raise $30,000. Checks may be payable to: McNeese Foundation, Box 91989, Lake Charles, LA 70609, Memo: Cover the Cowgirls.


Pillars Staff EDITOR Marianne White Coordinator of Planned Giving and Donor Research mariannewhite@mcneese.edu

STAFF WRITER Jennifer Pitre Planned Giving and Donor Research Specialist jpitre2@mcneese.edu

ART DIRECTION, DESIGN, PHOTOGRAPHY Anne Cobb Graphic Designer/Multimedia Specialist cobb@mcneese.edu

In August, student leaders were welcomed back to campus with a barbecue hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tarver at the McNeese President’s Home.

Renee LeLeux Public Information Officer II rleleux@mcneese.edu

OTHER FOUNDATION STAFF Pam McGough Coordinator of Athletic Development pmcgough@mcneese.edu

Melissa Ellis Northcutt Director of Development Operations and Special Events mnorthcutt@mcneese.edu

Richard H. Reid Vice President of Development and Public Affairs/Executive Vice President, McNeese Foundation rreid@mcneese.edu

Beryl Romero Administrative Specialist bromero@mcneese.edu

Pam Tate Gift Management Specialist pamtate@mcneese.edu

Shanie Miller Administrative Assistant smiller2@mcneese.edu

PILLARS is published biannually by the Division of University Advancement, McNeese State University, a member of the University of Louisiana System and an affirmative action, equal opportunity educational institution. Contact Information Box91989, Lake Charles, LA 70609 Phone 337.475.5588 Fax 337.475.5386 Email: mcneesefoundation@mcneese.edu Website: www.mcneesefoundation.org 19

Nonprofit Org.

U.S. Postage Paid McNeese Foundation, Box 91989, Lake Charles, LA 70609

Jack V. Doland Field House Renovation and Expansion


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