Around and about

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RUN ABOUT The children were running about in the park

DEF -> a person who moves around from place to place.


Rumours fly around

DEF-> to soar or float aloft randomly

There were insects flying around everywhere


Tell everyone to get around Tom so he won’t run away!

ALSO-> To avoid a regulation or authority

I know I can find a way to get around the rule.

BOSS AROUND DEF-> To act in a bossy manner with another person, ordering them to do things, whether or not one is actually their superior.

Stop bossing me around. I'm not your employee!


Why don’t we ask round how to get to the hospital?

DEF-> Ask a number of people for information of help


All sorts of paper and trash were floating around on the surface of the pond DEF-> to float from here to there freely


DEF-> hang around idly (be idle; exist in a changeless situation)

She did all the work while the dog lay around

"Lay" is something you do to something else. You lay a book down on the table, or a man is laying bricks. "Lie" is something you do yourself. You lie down on a bed, or someone lies in wait for you.

PLAY AROUND/ ABOUT 1. to have a sexual relationship with someone not your husband, wife, or partner .

He played around with a number of women.

2. to behave in a silly way

We have to quit playing around and get down to work


Lately we can listen to our neighbors banging about when we try to sleep

CLOWN AROUND DEF-> to join with someone in acting silly; for two or more people: to act silly together.

The boys were clowning around with each other.

The kids are having fun clowning around.

SKIRT AROUND DEF-> to move around and avoid someone or something. (something can be a topic of conversation.)

We talked the whole evening and managed to skirt around Fred. We had to skirt around the subject.

W ORK AROUND He is being a problem, but he will have to leave pretty soon. You'II just have to work around him for now. You have to work around the piano. It is too heavy to move. DEF-> to manage to do one's work while avoiding someone or something.

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