Idioms and phrasal verbs: describing people
To be a yes-man
It refers to someone who agrees with everything their boss or leader says in order to please them
To be a whiz kid Young bill Gates
It refers to someone whose career progresses rapidly
To be the busybody
A person who meddles or pries into the affairs of others
To be a chatterbox
An extremely talkative person.
To be a pain in the neck A nuisance, an annoying thing o person
A dark horse
It referes to someone whose chances of success are not known, and whose capabilities have not been made the subject of general comment or of wagers
To be set in your ways
Someone who does the same things every day and doesn’t want to change those habits.
Stick to your guns Continue having your beliefs even if other people disagree with you
To be the black sheep
To be the life and soul of the party To be the type of person who enjoys social occasions and makes them more enjoyable for other people
To be the big cheese An important or powerful person in a group or organization
To be a coach potatoe
A person who spends much time sitting or lying down, usually watching television.
To be a loose cannon
One that is uncontrolled and therefore poses danger:
To be a rotten apple
It refers to a person with a corrupting influence
To be a tough cookie A person who is difficult to deal with
To be a wet blanket One that discourages enjoyment or enthusiasm.