Hamilton County Business Magazine February/March 2010

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February/March 2010

Indianapolis Executive:


Airport of the Year


Progress in 2009, Plans for 2010 HC’s Electric Car Connection

Andi and Dan Montgomery, Montgomery Aviation, Inc.


February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Hamilton County Business Magazine/ February • March 2010




10 Features

18 20

Japanese conglomerate SMC opened a new 380,000 square foot warehouse in Noblesville’s Corporate Campus in May.

2009: Year in Review Airport of the Year Next Generation Cars

Cover photo by Mark Lee, Great Exposures


February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine






Dining Out






Book Mark






Business Resource Directory


Published six times per year by the Hamilton County Media Group PO Box 502, Noblesville, IN 46061 • 317-774-7747

Editor/Publisher Mike Corbett ~ mcorbett@hamiltoncountybusiness.com

Creative Director Melanie Malone ~ melzee@indy.rr.com Correspondents Shari Held ~ sharih@comcast.net Deb Buehler ~ deb@thesweetestwords.com Scott Tyree ~ styree@financialformsandsystems.com Rosalyn Demaree ~ ros_demaree@hotmail.com Photo Credits ~ Mark A. Lee, Great Exposures, Bobbie Sutton Contributors Laina Molaski MBA PhD ~ lmolaski@candsconsulting.biz David Heighway ~ heighwayd@earthlink.net Emmett Dulaney DBA ~ eadulaney@anderson.edu J. Michelle Sybesma ~ jms@skillsconsulting.com Gloria Enoch ~ genoch@comcast.net Robby Slaughter ~ rslaughter@slaughterdevelopment.com Cynthia Waldrop ~ cwaldrop@izoneconsulting.com Raquel Richardson ~ raquel@silversquareinc.com Kyle Lacy ~ kyle@getbrandswag.com Please send news items and photos to news@hamiltoncountybusiness.com Submission does not guarantee publication

For advertising information contact Mike Corbett at mcorbett@hamiltoncountybusiness.com Copyright 2010 Hamilton County Media Group. All rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without written permission.

Reach thousands of visitors to Hamilton County with your ad in the 2010 Welcome to Hamilton County Visitors Guide

Ad sales are underway. The guide publishes in the Spring. Call or email for more details: mcorbett@hamiltoncountybusiness.com

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Hamilton County’s Only Locally Owned Bank 830 Logan Street • Noblesville • 773-0800 8 Convenient Hamilton County Locations cbindianaonline.com Hamilton County Business Magazine/ February • March 2010


Letter from the Editor/February • March 2010 I like joking with my kids that when they’re my age they’ll be reminiscing with their kids about the old days when convenience stores used to sell gasoline. That’s right, used to pull up to the pump, swipe the card and pump gas right into the tank. Their kids will just shake their heads as my kids explain that their folks used to pay $75 in gas just go a few hundred miles. Just as technology is changing the communications business, making it better, easier and cheaper, so technology will change the transportation business with the same results. Internal combustion is a primitive transportation technology compared to the electric motor, and fortunes will be made by those who figure how to store enough electrical energy to propel a car a significant distance at highway speeds. It all comes down to the battery and some Hamilton County businesses are on the cutting edge of that effort. In fact, the only mass production facility for electric car batteries is located in Noblesville. In this edition, Shari Held looks at how local companies are participating in the next transportation revolution.

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

We also offer the first of our focus sections in this issue. In our progress edition, Rosalyn Demaree reviewed each city and town in the county, spoke to community leaders and summarized their progress in this very challenging environment. We did well against some tough odds, and things are looking even better for 2010. Unless you fly private planes for fun or business, you may not be aware of the Indianapolis Executive Airport. But for those who need a convenient runway, which includes some influential businesspeople, it is the kind of facility that makes Hamilton County very attractive. Having recently won the airport of the year award, Andi and Dan Montgomery continue to improve this unique county amenity.

New Columnists

I am gratified that Hamilton County businesspeople continue to find these pages an outlet to share their expertise. Among our newcomers, Cynthia Waldrop helps clarify your credit card processing options and Gloria Enoch contributes this month’s book review. And, yes, those are equations in Emmett Dulaney’s column. Whether you like math or not, break even is a critical business concept and Emmett does a good job of showing us how to figure that number. We also welcome a few new advertisers, who join those stalwarts who stuck with us through one of the worst years ever for marketing budgets. We are grateful that you choose to spend your ad dollars here, in a locally owned publication that celebrates and promotes our business community. Thank you. Readers, please take note of the ads in these pages and support these businesses and institutions. Mike Corbett

Editor and Publisher


February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Mike Corbett/Editor and Publisher

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Hamilton County Business Magazine/ February • March 2010


Entrepreneur Breaking Down the Break-Even Analysis While it is questionable how useful a break-even analysis really is, it is guaranteed that it is the one number asked for every time financials for a company are discussed. Long before return on investment or other projections can be focused on, the audience will want to know what magic number in sales is necessary to break even. While the definition of this number is straightforward, arriving at it can be anything but simple if you have mixed costs (those that contain both a fixed and variable component). This article will use the High-Low Points Method to show how to compute break-even by starting with the basics.

Starting Point

The first rule of business is: Sales – Costs = Profits Since it is break-even we want to find, we know that the value of Profits is equal to zero. The same equation can be modified if you want to find where Profits are equal to $100,000, $250,000, or any other number, but for now the equation is equal to: Sales – Costs = 0 The next thing we know is that Costs can be divided into two components: Total Fixed Costs (TFC) and Total Variable Costs (TVC). Further, TVC is equal to a portion of Sales. If, for example, TFC was $100,000 and TVC was .25 of sales, then the equation could be worked out as follows: Sales – $100,000 -.25Sales = 0 therefore, .75Sales – $100,000 = 0 and, .75Sales = $100,000 so, Sales = $133,333 What we do not often know, however, are the values for TFC and TVC and this is where the High-Low Point Method becomes important.

High-Low Point

To use this method, look at two income statements and take the change in the expense of each item divided by the change in sales and that will tell you what portion of each is variable. Next, take that portion times sales and subtract from the incurred expense of each time to determine the fixed portion amount. The easiest way to understand this is with an example, so assume the following is from the income statements for KES Trinkets:


February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Emmett Dulaney






Cost of Goods Sold


















Wages Rent

Net Income (Loss)

To compute the variable portion of Cost of Goods Sold, take the difference between the two years (320,000 – 100,000 = 220,000) and divide it by the difference in sales (800,000 – 250,000 = 550,000) to get .4. To compute the fixed portion of Cost of Goods Sold (of which there should be none), simply take the variable portion times Sales and subtract this from the actual cost. In this case, .4 * 800,000 = 320,000 and 320,000 – 320,000 = 0 so this is purely a variable cost with no fixed component. There are also such entries as Rent, which are only fixed and do not contain a variable component in this example. Such is not the case, however, when it comes to Wages – it is a mixed cost (also known as semi-variable) with both a variable and fixed component as the following illustrates: 255,000 – 90,000 = 165,000 (changes in Wages) 800,000 – 250,000 = 550,000 (changes in Sales) 165,000 / 550,000 = .3 (the variable cost portion) 255,000 – (.3 * 800,000) = 15,000 (the fixed cost component) Work out the math for each of the expenses and the results will be those shown in the following table: Fixed Variable Cost of Goods Sold















Depreciation TOTALS





These numbers can now be plugged into the basic equation to find the true break-even sales point:

Sales – $153,500 - .83Sales = 0 .17Sales – $153,500 = 0 .17Sales = $153,500 Sales = $902,941 To verify the break-even sales number is correct, it is possible to multiply this by the variable portion of each item and add in the fixed amount for each to derive the break-even income statement: Break-Even Sales


Cost of Goods Sold Wages Rent Utilities Repair/Supplies Depreciation

$361,176 $285,882 $100,000 $55,588 $90,294 $10,000

Total Expenses Net Income

$902,941 $0

According to this analysis, as soon as the firm reaches sales of $902,941 it will break-even. While using the high-low point method makes it possible to compute this, it should be

pointed out that there is a drawback in that it is only using two sets of numbers and one could have occurred during an unusual activity period (expenses higher or lower than normal). The more data sets used, the more accurate the results will be and with enough data sets, regression becomes possible to offer an even better estimation.

Worth Skimming: One book that has been on the business bestseller lists for two years now is Made to Stick (ISBN: 978-1400064281) by Chip Heath and Dan Heath. It is an insightful look at why some ideas/concepts/stories/things catch on and take on a life of their own while others are quickly forgotten. The key principles to stickiness (think staying power), they assert, are: simplicity, unexpectedness, concreteness, credibility, emotions, and stories. The book is a quick read that you can finish in a day, but it will leave you with questions that you’ll ponder for months. A newer entry is Kevin Maney’s Trade-Off (ISBN: 978-0-385-52594-7) which uses the divide between quality (termed fidelity) and convenience to explain why some products become successful and others don’t. There are a plethora of examples throughout the book and his reasoning on individual products will give you much to contemplate. Emmett Dulaney teaches entrepreneurship and business at Anderson University.

Hamilton County Business Magazine/ February • March 2010


2009: Hamilton County Fared Better than Most

By Rosalyn Demaree ather than singing “Auld Lang Syne,” Hamilton County business and government leaders might’ve been sighing “Whew” -- as in “We made it” – as they rang out 2009.

Carmel City Center

• Hamilton County’s economy doesn’t rely on manufacturing as much as other counties in Indiana or other states. “We have more high-tech, more medium-sized businesses and a more diverse economy,” he said.

whose economic development to-do lists had, for several years, been longer than unemployment lines in Detroit.

Perhaps, although Brainard contends that it “would have been nicer to have a softer landing.” He lays blame for last • A single large employer doesn’t drive year’s economic trouble squarely on the the county’s economy. In Carmel, 10 to 11 people hired to oversee the nation’s The county’s unemployment rate was companies comprise the largest employers, financial institutions. 6.5% in November. In comparison, the and many medium-sized companies have state’s rate was 9.3%, and the nation’s regional and national headquarters there. “Had the federal government done a better was 9.4%, according to the Hamilton job of regulating lenders, the problems County Alliance. • “Local government has been very could have been minimized,” Brainard conservative, ” creating a good quality said. “We could have had a mild meltEven so, CNNMoney.com ranked Hamilof life for prospective businesses, longdown instead of a full-blown recession. ton County the 11th best place nationwide established ones and the still-growing Unemployed people across the country are for job growth over the past eight years. number of residents, said the mayor, paying for the mistakes of seven-figurewho began his 15th year as the city’s chief salaried regulators.” Carmel executive this month. Last year proved that the county “is not In Hamilton County, though, that cost immune but certainly resilient” to a deHard-core optimists might wonder if appears to be lower than elsewhere in the pressed economy, said Carmel Mayor Jim everyone doesn’t need a breather once in a state and country. Brainard and other leadBrainard. He cites three reasons: while, including local planners and leaders ers here say there were business-related bright spots from 96th to 296th street.


February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Cranes lifting steel beams dotted Carmel’s skyline throughout the year. St. Vincent Hospital moved its administrative jobs from 86th Street to nearly fill an empty Thomson consumer electronics building, and economic development deals continued. Brainard said four deals were being worked on in December, although he could not divulge specifics. Homegrown businesses have a history of success in Hamilton County. The mayor said ChaCha.com, a free answers service developed by Carmel resident Scott Jones and based at Clay Terrace, was making a worldwide impact. ChaCha moved into the Quantcast Top 100 U.S. Web sites in November after it was the fastest-growing Web site that Quantcast tracked for the six previous months.


Keeping homegrown businesses in the county seat was a goal of the Noblesville economic development staff, which launched an initiative that had nearly immediate success, said Mayor John Ditslear. In the initiative’s early days of calling on large employers, city staff members visited King Systems, where anesthesia and respiratory care products have been developed and manufactured since 1977. But the story the hosts told during the visit couldn’t have been more alarming, according to Judi Johnson, assistant director of economic development: Executives at Consort Medical, King Systems’ United Kingdombased parent company since 2005, were contemplating moving the Noblesville facility’s 500-plus jobs to Mexico. Partnering with the Indiana Economic Development Corporation and the secretary of state staff, city employees opened

discussions with King Systems and worked with City Council to offer a 10-year phasein package that will keep generating tax money from the manufacturer as it stays and grows in Noblesville.

the facility to Fishers, according to hospital spokesman Gene Ford. Ground broke on the project in July 2008 but work stopped early last year due to the economy, then resumed in late fall.

The city also had a number of highlights in 2009 that grew out of businesses from outside – some very far outside – the city’s borders. Among the bigger gains in 2009, Noblesville welcomed Cambria Suites, Exit 10’s first major hotel, and SMC, a Japan-headquartered manufacturer of pneumatic automation products that has 500 good-paying jobs, said Ditslear, who was part of an Indiana economic development delegation that traveled late in the year to China and Japan to establish or nurture relationships with major businesses in Asia.


In neighboring Fishers, major business developments in the healthcare field highlighted 2009 business news, according to Scott Faultless, who started his tenth year as Town Council President and his 15th year on the council this month. The town presented a plan in October to create the Fishers Medical Technology Corridor, a 900-acre project on the largely undeveloped northeast side. If approved as proposed, the corridor would stretch from I-69’s Exit 10 to the county’s eastern border. Town planners have estimated it would bring about 9,000 more technical, healthcare and retail jobs to the area than the number that could be created under current zoning laws. The corridor will be anchored by St. Vincent Medical Center Northeast, the state’s first freestanding emergency center which opened in 2008 at Ind. 238 and Olio Road, and Clarian Saxony Medical Center, an office building and hospital that is proposed to bring 250 hospital jobs to Fishers. Clarian administrators say that each of those jobs will attract 1.2 jobs unrelated to

Concourse at Crosspoint

Faultless said you needn’t look any further than the Concourse at Crosspoint office park between 96th and 106th streets near I-69 to confirm that Fishers’ business climate is healthy. The 26-acre, $100 million complex of first class offices opened its first building late in 2009, a good testament, he said, “to how strong the marketplace and economy is in Fishers.”


Westfield Mayor Andy Cook keeps his eye on the marketplace as well, although his community “is determined to let the marketplace set the pace” for development, he said. “We didn’t lose any businesses (in 2009),” Cook continued. “That’s our biggest victory because we don’t have many to begin with.” He makes it clear that the best is yet to come on the county’s western border, candidly describing his community as “a city of plans.” The biggest plan is Grand Junction, a multi-year, multi-million-dollar project that will redevelop downtown Westfield. Proponents hope to attract boutique-type shops, tie the retail district to the area’s increasingly popular trails and build on the historic character of the Quaker-founded community.

Cambria Suites Hamilton County Business Magazine/ February • March 2010


Cook, in his first term as the city’s first mayor, calls it a “piece by piece, one-onone kind of redevelopment” and says “small business, not big-name” retailers are the targets in Westfield’s sights.

“We need business here,” Cook said. “There has not been an active economic development program in Westfield for a long time.”

The city approved bond sales last year to jump-start the economic developmentdriving project and completed its portion of the Monon Trail up to 161st Street, “a huge part of the economic development plan,” Cook said. “It adds a unique amenity to our city” and will be a pathway to the new downtown.

A business boost also is long overdue in northern Hamilton County, say leaders in Arcadia, Atlanta, Cicero and Sheridan. But they add that significant strides toward that goal were made in 2009.

Northern Towns

The Arcadia Arts Initiative was created in May 2008 to develop a learning community for artisans as a way to attract The amenity will continue to grow. In late businesses and visitors to town, said initiaDecember, the city received a $1,096,667 tive director Ron Adamson. There were federal grant to build the trail from Ind. 32 three such artisans operating in the town north to 191st Street in 2013. that month, but by the end of 2009, that population had grown to 13.

Monon Trail, Westfield

a role in business highlights last year in those towns.

Arcadia Autumnfest

“These are much needed funds and another step toward getting complete Monon connectivity in Westfield,” said parks director Melody Jones in a press release.

The initiative’s celebration of art, called Autumnfest, began modestly but grew rapidly; the second festival, held in October, doubled the number of artisans involved in 2008. They lined four blocks of The private sector took initial steps toward Main Street with 40 booths that featured making Grand Junction a reality, too. The candlemakers, woodcrafters, fine-art process of razing buildings to make way painters and sculptors, fiber artisans, and for retail and residential spaces began, and photographers, among others. A number developer J.C. Hart, drawn to Westfield of workshops were held in 2009, and the because of the redevelopment project, initiative plans to offer many more, includCook said, announced plans for an upscale ing some two-day ones, this year. apartment complex on South Union Street.

Atlanta New Earth Festival

The nearly 2-year-old Atlanta Mercantile moved a door down on Main Street and expanded its hours to include winter weekends. The store, where locally made crafts, gifts and arts are stocked, is a main attraction when riders deboard Indiana Transportation Museum trains, said Andy Emmert, the 2009 town council president. Those trains bring as many as 125 visitors to the town on any given excursion, he estimated. The Sheridan Mercantile was one of four businesses that opened in 2009, “a really good year,” said Robert Young, director of the Sheridan Chamber of Commerce for five years. “We have a lot of momand-pop-type businesses so the (down) economy has really hurt (them). But none went out of business.” Sheridan native Erin Merrill returned to her hometown to open a chiropractic office, and her parents opened the Mercantile right across the street. “Sheridan has always been a proud community, and it still is,” Young added. It is

“It’s quite an aggressive plan,” said Adamson, adding that the initiative’s effect on business includes looking to bring overnight lodging and at least one restaurant to the town for workshop guests, other visitors and residents.

Union St. Flats apartment complex


Having a mercantile may be reminiscent of “Little House on the Prairie,” but ones located in Atlanta and Sheridan played

February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Sheridan Mercantile

“a town that could easily become a ghost town but the people here won’t let it.”

Looking ahead: What’s in store for 2010? Last year’s tough economy slowed but didn’t stop economic development in Hamilton County. Building permits continued to be issued and new businesses opened. Community leaders shared at least one thing they think will develop in 2010.

Downtown Cicero

Steve Wallen may be one of a very few business leaders that would characterize 2009 as a year of opportunity. Even though several of the town’s businesses closed last year, Wallen, president of the 20-month-old Cicero Economic Development Committee, said the down economy made it an ideal time for his group to be proactive and determine what is the best use for the community’s future crown jewel – its waterfront. If the waterfront is developed correctly, it could attract visitors and businesses to Cicero, Wallen said.

Cicero Waterfront

Three moves last year have already made the area more visible: the town built an access on the reservoir that allows boaters to go ashore and wander through town and two popular eateries, Jackson Street Café and Pizza House, moved to the western edge of the business district. v

Arcadia’s quiet, one-street business district will look substantially different a year from now, said Ron Adamson, director of the Arcadia Arts Initiative. In late December, the state awarded the town $449,160 to renovate five blocks of Main Street – from sidewalks, curbs and ramps to building facades and street lighting. In Atlanta, the sale of an old Main Street building could be this year’s business spark. According to Andy Emmert, the 2009 Town Council president, the former Spidel Hardware could become a restaurant or a retail business.

spots for business news this year. The Ind. 37 site has long been targeted for a water park and retail center, but developers pulled out of that project last year. Faultless could not disclose what might be coming there, but said early talks were under way in December. In the closing months of 2009, the number of prospective companies “kicking the tires” in Noblesville was rebounding, said Mayor John Ditslear, who could not offer details about the talks or the companies. The interest renews his optimism about the city’s business portfolio, particularly in corporate campus, this year. “The biggest thing about Noblesville is, we’re positioned to ‘go’ when the money loosens,” said Ditslear. “I see Sheridan being strong and getting stronger, for a little town. We’re not a Carmel,” said Sheridan Chamber of Commerce Director Robert Young. The town’s new elementary school is scheduled to open this year, and the old one is set to become a center that will attract jobs and business, he said.

Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard expects the completion of the Concert Hall and further retail development at the Regional Performing Arts Center to be a huge business driver this year and for years to come. The city’s infrastructure investments will pay off, he predicted, as planning will move ahead on an area he refers to as mid-town center – three blocks stretching from the Arts and Design District to the City Center area. Additionally, he expects the $85 million water/sewer extension and the Keystone Parkway projects to be finished. With contracts for every intersection now awarded, Brainard thinks the project will come in Carmel Performing Arts Center about $2 million under the original $110 million estimate. Construction could start late this year on an athletic complex that has the potential to make Cicero will use $30,000 from the Hamilton County Westfield the Family Sports Capital of America, Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Metroaccording to Mayor Andy Cook. He said a location politan Indianapolis Board of Realtors to develop could be chosen in three to four months. “When a waterfront work plan this year. The plan will the developer is chosen,” he said, “we will need outline how to tie both sides of Morse Reservoir a financial plan that sets out what Westfield will to the downtown, said Steve Wallen, economic provide and what the developer will provide.” development committee president.. Fishers Town Council President Scott Faultless predicted that the 131st Street - Ind. 37 intersection and area surrounding I-69’s Exit 10 will be hot Hamilton County Business Magazine/ February • March 2010


Management How to Navigate the Merchant Processing Maze Most new business owners, especially retailers, quickly discover the need to process payments other than cash. Their customers like to use credit cards, debit cards, EBTs and checks. Here are a few things you should know before committing to a merchant processing program. Card processing is based on interchange rates, the fees a merchant pays in order to be able to accept credit card payments. Interchange rates are set by the card companies: Visa® has more than 60 different rates and Mastercard® has over 70. Interchange rates are typically sorted into modules and determined by whether or not the card is swiped, if it is a mail/telephone order purchase (no card present), if it had to be keyed in manually, or if it is a rewards card, business card or international card. Surcharges are added when a transaction doesn’t qualify for a particular level, such as keying in a card rather than swiping through a terminal.

Cynthia Waldrop

that convert the paper-based process into electronic transactions and the paper check can be returned to the writer along with the receipt. No more NSF hassles!

Gift cards give back

Gift and loyalty cards are still a growing segment despite current economic conditions. Plastic gift cards outsell paper gift certificates 10 to 1 and the users tend to spend more than the value of the card. Unused amounts average 10% to 16% of the cards’ value, which becomes free money to the merchant. It is a relatively low cost investment with high returns. There are many creative ways to use gift cards. Doctors and dentists can use them to get people to come in for regular checkups they may otherwise put off. Vets and boarding facilities can use them for services such as food, medical purchases and future boarding. Think outside the proverbial box for your own unique ideas.

Types of Cards

Equipment is a key component of any program. There are touch screens for restaurants and bars, wired systems for debit and credit transactions along with pin pads, wireless systems and printers for service and trade business in homes or B2B.

cards, etc. EBT cards are for electronic benefit transfers such as food stamp benefits. Debit card transactions hold a lower risk and rates are less expensive, especially if the merchant uses a pin pad to capture the pin number.

There are software applications to make your computer a terminal along with card and check scanners. Do you have a high volume of foot traffic? Ever thought about putting in your own ATM machine? They are available for self-service or secured vendor servicing. Some even print out coupons.

Card types are numerous. There are the brands such as Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex. The types of cards within these brands include consumer, business, check cards, rewards

Fees vary by processing company. There can be annual fees for administrative and marketing costs, batch fees, transaction fees, network access fees, statement fees, wireless fees, etc. Some fees are set and others are discretionary. Contracts are the norm in this industry, though some companies do not require them. The average contract term is three years with an automatic one year renewal. You will usually pay a penalty of around $300 if you leave your current processor for another. As an incentive to get you to move, some processors will reimburse you based on your monthly sales. While most people prefer to use credit cards, checks still account for more than $60 billion in annual spending. Today’s check processing equipment is more sophisticated than ever. Aside from the usual verification, check readers are available


February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Finding funds to grow or expand your business can be difficult in a tight economy. Some merchant processing companies provide business loans with repayment based on your card swipe rates. They actually advance you money based on your anticipated charges. If you don’t want to change processors but still want to save money, some services will negotiate with your current processor. It’s a complicated business, but with time and help, it is worth the effort to get the right merchant processing program for your business.

Cynthia Waldrop is the President of I Zone Consulting, Inc., a Carmel company that provides business solutions such as merchant processing, entrepreneurial and financing assistance.

Management Robby Slaughter

Do You Want More Productive Employees? Give them more autonomy It’s a moment that everyone knows—the pleasure of job well done. When you finish clearing snow from the sidewalk, wrap up a major project or close a deal with a handshake, the sense of satisfaction can be overwhelming. We can’t always say that we work in order to make ourselves happy, but among the greatest feelings we can experience is to cross a task off our list. The satisfaction derived from work is more than just momentary bliss. Satisfaction is an essential component of productivity. Many studies have shown that people who are most effective at work enjoy much of what they do. Happiness may not sound like a practical employee objective, but it’s an outcome that has tremendous power.

If we know that satisfied employees tend to be more productive at work, what techniques could we use to help them better enjoy their time at the office? Let’s start with the least effective approach: bribery. Although it may seem counterintuitive, giving employees perks and bonuses will not motivate them to be more productive. Instead, you will only create a culture of expectation. If we want our employees to be more satisfied at work because they are more productive, we have to focus first on the activities which lead to that sense of accomplishment.

Scientists have studied what connects work and satisfaction. In the opening to the landmark book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, researcher Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi notes that “we have all experienced times when, instead of being buffeted by anonymous forces, we do feel in control of our actions, masters of our own fate. On the rare occasions that it happens, we feel a sense of exhilaration, a deep sense of enjoyment that is long cherished and that becomes a landmark in memory for what life should be like.”

a project without supervision. Encourage someone to research options and present their findings and recommendations. Give someone else the authority to sign off on a marketing brochure or completed contract. Or best of all: ask them to redesign the procedures for completing a task they already do.

It might feel like the greatest risk of handing over such tremendous responsibility to employees is that they might fail. But in reality, whether they succeed or not will only help them to recognize your trust and their Note how Csikszentmihalyi refers to the ability to contribute. More importantly, if difference between unsatisfying and satisfy- they are working to transform some aspect ing work. The former is like being knocked of their current responsibilities, no one will around randomly, but the later is about be more qualified or more committed to the task. The best person to improve workflow is often the person doing the work.

authority, responsibility and self-awareness. This recognition provides an essential clue to how to improve employee productivity. We must remove the arbitrary and anonymous elements of work and replace them with meaningful tasks that demonstrate trust, ability and opportunity for growth. It can be a little challenging to take this message and translate it into practical advice. But try this: instead of giving your employees work, try to give them both duties and the right to make the final decision at the same time. Let someone complete

Work is what actually happens in the time when employees are not actively supervised. When that work results in skillful completion it builds employee satisfaction. When the worker has ownership over their own domain, they have a framework for connecting their own efforts to their own sense of accomplishment. Empower your employees to improve their own workflow. Help them to be more satisfied and more productive by giving them your trust. Robby Slaughter is a principal with Slaughter Development, an Indianapolisbased business process and workflow consulting company. More information is at www.slaughterdevelopment.com

Hamilton County Business Magazine/ February • March 2010


Management J. Michelle Sybesma

Managing Chaos

Seven tips to get organized this year 3. Saving too much or printing too much If a recent New Year’s resolution to “get Save ONLY paper that is unavailable in organized” has begun slipping by again this an electronic copy, like unique, hard-toyear, here is good news: you have the right recall, hand written notes. If you know intention, but you may be missing the cause how to run a search on your computer, of the chaos. This is not simply a desk issue. saving electronic documents recalls Many effective business people sit behind them faster than desk digging. If you messy desks; however, they have learned print because you have trouble reading to manage their workload. The goal is not many electronic documents, PDFs are a an empty task list, but a manageable one! better solution. Try converting them. Presuming your issues are not so bad that And remember primary desk space is for you can still be found behind your piles active tasks, not storage. of paper, let’s start with seven of the most common issues.

4. All work spaces count 1. Efficiency is in the empty space When you begin to organize, don’t forget You are ONLY as efficient as the usable all the spaces where work is stored. Our space on your desk (your actual desk and workloads hide in briefcases, on seats of your computer desktop). You naturally cars, and on kitchen tables. Get it all in work best when you have adequate space. view at once to get a full assessment. Remove all optional desk items for a few days and test the theory. 5. Use your doorway If something does not belong in your 2. Beware of overly complicated office, give it to whomever it belongs filing methods to immediately. Both physical things and Most people have huge file piles. For responsibilities we should not own often many, those detailed plastic tabbed stay on our desks. If you fear you are the hanging folders are only functional their only one who can do something adfirst week and begin to work against you equately, reconsider. If no one ever gave from there. Group paper by month or you a chance to fail, you would not know even quarter of activity, and put things how to do some tasks now. away. This offers a manageable pile; no more over-stacked corners.


February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine

6. Get out of “project mode” Breaking projects you should own into smaller activities is a huge factor in managing chaos. Don’t get caught in the details. Create only four piles: 1. Calls 2. Meetings to be set 3. To-dos (separate yours from others) 4. Research Needed When it is time to work, embrace the mood. Feeling verbal? If so, place your calls. If you focus best in the early hours, do your research then. This “mood of operation” will make you more effective. 7. Avoid meeting oversaturation If you end up with a huge pile of meeting items, it may be time for some meeting effectiveness training. Start by verifying that you have made all calls, to-dos and research prior to the meeting to be most effective. Often these piles grow smaller when revisited. To keep yourself manageable year round, remember to be fair about the required time expectation. Schedule an office regroup day once per quarter. The good news is if you are doing well weekly, you often don’t end up needing the whole day. When complete, you can use the extra time for those other activities. J. Michelle Sybesma is a business consultant who has spent ten years with Professional Skills Consulting specializing in maximizing business success. Visit www.SkillsConsulting.com.

Dining Out A Touch of the North Woods on Morse Lake and in Fishers Wolfies By Scott Tyree

A summer evening spent on Wolfies’ lakeside deck enjoying a few drinks and a meal with family and friends is undoubtedly one of Hamilton County’s best dining experiences. Wolfie’s flagship restaurant opened in 2004 and overlooks Morse Reservoir. It has since grown to include a second location in Fishers. A true family enterprise, Wolfies is owned and operated by Scott and Nyla Wolf, daughter Ansley and son Alec. Ansley currently runs the Fishers location and Alec will come on board full time when he graduates from Indiana University this summer. The Wolfs renovated their Fishers location in 2007. Scott handled the general contracting and much of the carpentry work in addition to his responsibilities at the Noblesville location. While it was a busy time for the Wolf family, the hard work paid off in lower construction costs and improved communication between ownership and the subcontractors. Nestled among hotels and fast food chains at 96th and Hague, the Fishers location offers a popular lunch spot and cozy neighborhood pub.

The Back Story

Scott and Nyla Wolf have a nearly 35 years combined experience in the restaurant business. Many Noblesville residents will remember their first store, Nyla’s, in downtown Noblesville. When Nyla’s lease was up the Wolfs decided to search for a new location and a change of focus. When the building on Morse Lake became available they could not pass it up. Inspired by their trips to the north woods of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, both locations offer a relaxed, forest lodge atmosphere.

The atmosphere and view may draw local residents and boaters in, but a diverse menu of scratch-made American fare and a few surprises keep people coming back. A local focus helps add value and flavor to the diverse menu. Scott and Nyla can be spotted selecting produce at one of Hamilton County’s farmers markets throughout the summer. In addition to local produce, fresh meats and fish are incorporated whenever possible. Locally-raised catfish is fried up in homemade batter every Friday night and all of the pork and beef is raised in the Midwest.

The Food

The prime rib sandwich highlights the sandwich portion of the menu. The prime rib is slow roasted for five hours, sliced thin, topped with onions and pepper jack cheese and served on a hoagie bun. The Blue Burger is made with the Wolf ’s homemade blue cheese and stands out in a crowded field of great Hamilton County burgers. Headlining the House Specialty section of the menu is the Baby Back Ribs. Thanks to a homemade dry rub and a slow smoker on site, the ribs offer a flavor that sets them apart from the average steak house. The Horseradish Crusted Sirloin is a Scott Wolf original recipe and a great combination of complementary flavors. Whether you’re looking for a cozy lodge to enjoy a warm winter’s meal or a sunsoaked deck to gather with friends this summer, Wolfie’s has both the atmosphere and food to make it a great dining experience. Hamilton County Business Magazine/ February • March 2010


Hamilton County’s Aviation Connection

By Deb Buehler photos by Mark Lee, Great Exposures


he Indianapolis Executive Airport (IEA) is one of Hamilton County’s best kept secrets. Owned and operated by the Hamilton County Airport Authority and managed by Montgomery Aviation, Inc., the facility was named Indiana’s 2009 Airport of the Year by the Aviation Association of Indiana. Among the factors contributing to IEA’s recognition is its $88 million impact on the county’s economy. The facility is one of the top 10 airports in Indiana.

A History of Success

Originally called Terry Airport, the facility was built in the mid-1950’s on the Campbell farm, just west of the Hamilton County line on State Route 32, and used as a training facility. Ray VanSickles purchased the airport in the mid-

1960’s, expanded onto adjacent land, extended the runway and started selling jet fuel. Under VanSickles leadership, Terry Airport became an Indianapolis International Airport reliever facility, handling corporate jets during peak times of air traffic congestion. Andi and Dan Montgomery took over the fixed base operations in 2000 when VanSickles retired. “Being responsible for fixed base operations, we take care of anyone who comes through the airport,” said Andi Montgomery. “From jet fuel to maintenance, to arranging hotel reservations or booking car rentals, we provide all of the services our customers need.”

The Airport Authority launched a long term strategic planning process in 2005 to steward the facility, identify long-term improvements and meet FAA requirements for a master plan. Forecasting enabled the Authority to envision future demands on the facility in order to protect and safeguard airspace. Recently the IEA rebuilt its runway with $3.4 million in federal stimulus funds, putting 75 people to work for two months, the first such airport development project in Indiana. Future plans include enhancing all-weather utility, increasing potential revenues and improv-

Hamilton County leaders saw the airport’s potential, purchased it in 2003 for $4.6 million and renamed it Indianapolis Executive Airport.


February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine

photo courtesy Woolpert, Inc.

A Vision for the Future

school where more than 500 people have earned their licenses. Many have gone on to become plane owners, using hangar space and facility services such as maintenance and fuel sales. In the beginning, Montgomery Aviation was managing services for 43 based airplanes and selling about 50,000 gallons of jet fuel. By the time a second hangar was constructed 3 years later, the facility housed 100 airplanes and sold 700,000 gallons of fuel.

Dan had a vision for furthering executive level of services with the installation of an aircraft canopy. “The new canopy, the only one in the state and in the Midwest, allows us to keep the weather off people coming in, provides security and adds to the value we have as a business airport,” Andi said.

With more than 45,000 arrivals and departures each year, IEA supports most of the area’s major events. Seven of the top competitive golfers at last Summer’s Senior Open Golf Tournament at Carmel’s Crooked Stick, flew through the airport. Thirty-two percent of arriving traffic goes to the Meridian “By then we really understood how im- business corridor in Hamilton County portant it was for people coming to our and 19 percent goes to destinations in community,” Andi said. “People come northern Marion County. Businesses here who are looking for corporate office such as Medco, Modular Devices, Inc., sites or seeking relocation. Site selectors Beck’s Hybrids, The Dobbs Group at arrive with a checklist of items including Graystone Construction, Andretti the location of general aviation facilities Green, Zotec Partners and Estridge as well as international airports.” are among the Hamilton, Boone and Marion County businesses that use Indy Executive Airport. v

Master plan update was unveiled at a recent open house.

ing services for business users. The 10 to 20 year strategic plan focuses on capital improvements such as terminal development, taxiway lighting and an eventual extension of the existing runway to 7,000 feet. Moving the plan to implementation will include an extensive 2 year environmental analysis, securing FAA grant funding, and seeking funds from local and state resources.

Immediate Business Impacts

Since its purchase by the county, the facility has exceeded expectations under the care of Dan and Andi Montgomery. Dan launched Eagle Flyers, a flight

Hamilton County Business Magazine/ February • March 2010


Hamilton County Companies Setting the Pace for…

…the Next Generation of Automobiles by Shari Held


e are at one of those very interesting moments in history where we are witnessing the transition from the gasoline or dieselfueled engine to the next generation,” says Ron Gifford, president and CEO of Indy Partnership. “We have the opportunity in this community to help shape the direction of the entire automotive industry for the next several decades, and we are positioned exactly at the epicenter of that change.” Hamilton County has been home to automotive-related companies such as Noblesville’s Warner Bodies, Inc. and Westfield’s Porter Engineered Systems, Inc. and Indiana Mills & Manufacturing, Inc. for years. Recently they have been joined by Noblesville’s EnerDel and Indy Power Systems, pioneers in the development of the next generation of green technologies for the automotive industry.


After their debut more than 100 years ago, electric cars lost ground to internal combustion vehicles. Will they once again become mainstream? Or will they go the way of modern-day predecessors such as General Motors’ EV1, the electric car developed in Indiana? “My premise is the electric vehicle is going to be a viable option very soon,” says Brose McVey, founder of Carmelbased Nexpointe Strategies, LLC and Republican candidate for Congress in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District, “and central Indiana, including Hamilton County…could replace yesterday’s automobile industry as a sustainable, high-tech, high-wage economic driver

February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine

of this whole region. And the EnerDels of the world are helping us get there very quickly.”

On the fast track

EnerDel’s headquarters and cell manufacturing plant are located in northern Marion County, but its battery pack assembly and testing center, which employs 40 workers, has been located in Noblesville since 2008.

The company drew upon the rich resource pool of experienced engineers in the area to assemble its team. With a recent $118.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy, and a long-term, low-interest loan in the final stages of negotiation, EnerDel is poised to expand.

Rapid growth is essential for EnerDel to continue to stay ahead of the pack in the effort to mass produce lithium-ion batteries for the automotive industry. The company faces stiff competition at both the domestic and international levels. Recently EnerDel forged partnerships with Norway-based Think Global, manufacturer of the THINK city electric car—Ener1 Inc., EnerDel’s parent company, owns a 30-percent interest in the company—and is slated to supply batteries for Volvo’s C30 electric vehicle. “Volvo is also a critical partnership, as their track record in terms of safety and performance makes their use of EnerDel batteries a valuable proof point for us,” Stanley says.

Lashonne Buck, Pack Build Team Lead

The company already has the only mass production lithium-ion automotive battery manufacturing facility in North America. EnerDel president Richard L. Stanley, came on-board to help the team scale the business up to become a major global producer, and to carry on central Indiana’s legacy of leadership in innovative automotive electrical products.

Other projects include co-funding a research project with Nissan Motor Co. that will be conducted by the Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory, and producing batteries for Californiabased Fisker Automotive’s Karma luxury plug-in electric vehicle.

Managing energy for cost savings

Another Hamilton County player is Indy Power Systems, developer of the MultiFlexTM energy management system. Multi-Flex combines the energy of high-performance lithium-ion batteries, ”Our goal is to increase capacity to needed for acceleration and distance, 60,000 EV packs per year by 2012,” says with lower-cost lead-acid batteries, used Stanley, former president of both Remy, to power golf carts and GM’s first EV1 Inc and the Drivetrain division of ATC electric car. The difference in price is subTechnology Corp “We have not finalized stantial--$1,000 per kilowatt hour versus the specific growth that will occur at each $200 per kilowatt hour. site, but we are focused on significant growth in central Indiana.” “The concept for Multi-Flex came about because there is no one perfect battery for a battery electric vehicle or a hybrid vehicle,” says Steve Tolen, president and CEO of Indy Power Systems, who originally intended to develop an electric car. The technology can be used for automotive batteries as well as hand-held electric devices.

Automotive Think Tank Carries On Most people think Delco Remy developed the EV1 in Anderson. Not so. That R&D project occurred in one of five buildings at 88th and Hague Road, just a few blocks south of Hamilton County. This very technology center is where EnerDel is headquartered today. “This area has become the de facto Silicon Valley of electric vehicles, and it doesn’t even have a name, says Bill Wylam, former chief engineer for Delco Remy. “You have to know it’s there, but there are more people working on electric vehicles in this 20-acre campus than anywhere in the world.” Owner Carl Grumann, now deceased, built tools and equipment for Delco Remy in his facility at 410 W. 10th Street in Indianapolis (Arthur and Louis Chevrolet built Indy 500 racing cars in it originally). Delco leased space from him to work on special projects there. When the projects grew in scope, Grumann purchased 20 acres of land at 88th and Hague Road and built several buildings to accommodate the growth. It soon developed into an unofficial think tank for the automotive industry. “That’s where I worked on the EV1 many years ago,” Wylam says. “Allison also had a team of people working on hybrid vehicle technology for transit buses and military vehicles then. They are still there today along with General Motors Powertrain, which makes hybrid technology.”

EnerDel Noblesville Hamilton County Business Magazine/ February • March 2010


Last year Senator Evan Bayh invited Indy Power Systems, along with four other top alternative energy-related companies in the state—EnerDel, Remy International, Altairnano (an Anderson lithium-ion batSenator Richard Lugar visits Indy Power Systems last Fall. tery manufacturer) and Anderson-based Bright Tolen started his venture in 2007 and Automotive (creator of the IDEA hymoved it to Noblesville Business Park in brid-electric vehicle)—to attend a press 2008. “Hamilton County is in the center conference. “We are truly in a unique of the technology pool left over from the position,” Tolen says. “We were the only General Motors EV1 development days,” company there that could work with Tolen says. “We decided to locate here all the others. We can enable anyone because this is where the expertise was.” in alternative energy to better manage their energy.” One of those experts, Bob Galyen, who was the lead designer of the EV1 battery What’s it all mean? pack, sits on Indy Power Systems adviGreen-energy automotive technologies sory board. Chief engineer Bill Wylam, could have a significant economic impact another former Delco Remy employee on Hamilton County, which stands to who developed the battery for the EV1, benefit from companies located within serves on a company board, as does the county or in neighboring counties. green-energy advocate McVey. Electric and hybrid cars certainly have more traction today than they did in the 1990s, and it’s a technology that keeps coming back. According to Wylam, GM worked on a version of the electric car every decade in modern times. “Those cars didn’t really make sense given the battery technology at the time,” he says.

Indy Power Systems is assisting Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center in developing an electric hybrid drive system for the Humvee, which will be ready to roll in May. The prototype for the company’s hand-held electrical devices should be ready soon, and Indy Power Systems is currently negotiating licensing agreements.


EnerDel, Indy Power Systems and others hope to solve that dilemma—and soon. “Right now, a lot is being made about costs and range, but as a charging infrastructure begins to develop, range will be much less of a factor,” EnerDel’s Stanley says. “This means we can make smaller, cheaper batteries that make electric drive more affordable for the masses.” v

February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Immortalizing the EV1

Although all major automobile manufacturers were producing alternative-energy cars in the 1990s to meet California’s requirements, GM garnered all the attention— both positive and negative—with its EV1, developed here in Indiana. You can discover more about it from: • Who Killed the Electric Car? - This documentary tells the story of the demise of GM’s EV1. “Mel Gibson and I co-starred in that movie,” quips Bill Wylam, one of the fathers of the EV1. “He had a bigger part than I did. I was only in it for eight seconds.” See the outtakes on the DVD for more of the interview with Wylam. The DVD is available online. • The Car that Could: The Inside Story of GM’s Revolutionary Electric Vehicle - GM granted author Michael Shnayerson access to all meetings and information surrounding the development of the EV1. His book is available at Amazon.com.

News Sheridan/Junkins Win State Awards

Conner Prairie Grows Revenue and Attendance

Rep. Jacque Clements, Michelle Junkins, Lt. Governor Becky Skillman.

Admission and membership revenues were up 4% last year over 2008 and attendance grew 11% at Hamilton County’s interactive history park. President and CEO Ellen Rosenthal credits strategic choices made several years ago as positioning Conner Prairie to weather the recession. The new 1859 Balloon Voyage exhibit doubled its ridership goals. More than 107,000 attended Symphony on the Prairie.

Sheridan Main Street’s Michelle Junkins won the Indiana Main Street Outstanding Board Member of the Year award. Michelle was one of the first people to join the Sheridan Main Street group when it was formed in 2005. She chairs the promotion and design committees, and this year implemented “Second Saturdays”, which draws people into the downtown area each month.

Sheridan Pocket Park.

The town won the Best Design of Downtown Public Improvements for their creation and development of a pocket park and mural restoration. The park replaced a parking lot and a local artist is restoring the historic advertising mural on the Opera House.

Downtown Westfield Hires New Director

The Downtown Westfield Neighborhood Association has hired Robin Chaddock as executive director to manage events, cultivate cultural activities and increase communication and community among the city’s downtown businesses and residents. Chaddock is an author and certified life coach who owns Wisdom Tree Resources, specializing in inspirational communication through public speaking. Chaddock has lived in Westfield for the past ten years with her husband and two children.



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News Winery Opens in Fishers

Paul Piltz, Chamber Board President, Ivan Crash, Tasting Room Manager, Dr. Charles Thomas, president, Sheila Kavanaugh, General Manager, Art Levine, Town Council

Plainfield-based Chateau Thomas opened a tasting room and wine bar on 116th St. in the Fishers Town Commons Shopping Center. The new bar, which used recycled wine barrels and repurposed hardwoods in its construction, will offer live entertainment every Friday and Saturday night. It’s the third location for Chateau Thomas, which was launched in 1984 in Indianapolis by obstetrician Dr. Charles R. Thomas and his wife, Jill.

Day Center Opens in Noblesville

The 60 Plus Club has opened an adult day center in Noblesville called the Living Room. Located in the former BMV office on south 10th St., the Living Room offers affordable, professional daytime services to older adults with special needs. The center provides a staff of healthcare professionals to help members whose activities are limited by injury, age, memory problems such as Alzheimers, or Parkinsons. The non-profit 60-plus club is dedicated to giving Hamilton County residents the means and confidence to stay in their homes and neighborhoods as they grow older.


February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Now Available at Noblesville’s Historic Model Mill Building


Banquet Hall and Conference Center

The Per fect Place for

Weddings, Banquets, Parties, Business Meetings, Graduations or any other occasio n

Raised Stage Area, Elegant Dining in the Historic Model Mill building 802 Mulberr y Street ~ Noblesville ~ Call for Reser vations 317-219-3450

Hamilton County Business Magazine/ February • March 2010



February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Janet Tobin Hancock Midwest Financial

Paul Schneider GFS Marketplace

Roger Meyer CSCI

Thomas Svenstrup Ameriprise

Hamilton County Business Magazine/February • March 2010




Hamilton North Chamber 70 N. Byron Street Cicero, IN 46034 317-984-4079


Upcoming Events! FEBRUARY 2010

Thursday, February 2 HNCC Luncheon, 11:30 am

Red Bridge Park Community Building, Cicero, Speaker: Cliff Nicholson, Meteorologist

Monday, February 8, Legislative Breakfast, 7:30 am The Mansion at Oak Hill

2009 holiday celebration

MARCH 2010

Tuesday, March 2, HNCC Luncheon, 11:30 am,

Arcadia Community Room, Speaker: Allen Patterson, Hamilton County Parks Department

Monday, March 8, Legislative Breakfast, 7:30 am The Mansion at Oak Hill


Fork in the Road Catering provides the Holiday Celebration meal

Paul Wyatt, Small Business Administration was the November Luncheon Speaker at the Hedgehog Music Showcase in Arcadia


Chamber members enjoy a festive holiday meal and entertainment

Holiday music was provided by Indiana Academy Bell Choir February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine

New member, Karen Bean, Heartland Herbs and Teas joined the Chamber in October

Upcoming Events! FEBRUARY 2010

MARCH 2010

March 8 – 7:30 a.m. Legislative Breakfast

February 8 – 8:00 a.m.

Chamber University Marketing, Sales & IT Promotion Chamber Office - 601 E. Conner Street

The Mansion at Oak Hill 5801 E. 116th Street

March 24 – 11:30 a.m. Membership Luncheon Guest Speaker sponsored by Chamber Legacy Partner Community Bank Harbour Trees Golf Club March 30 – 4:30 – 7:00 p.m. 9th Annual Taste of Business Hamilton County 4H Fairgrounds 2003 E. Pleasant Street

February 18 – 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Business After Hours Best Buy - 17200 Mercantile Blvd. February 24 – 11:30 a.m. Membership Luncheon Guest Speaker, Indiana Secretary of State Todd Rokita Purgatory Golf Club

Batteries Plus celebrated their grand opening with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on November 24. Joining in the festivities were Mayor John Ditslear, Dan and Susan Manwaring, store owners, along with Jay D. Norvell, Matt Eberly, Michel Bishop and Chamber Ambassadors. The store is located at 2640 Conner Street.

Vicci Champlin St. Vincent de Paul

The Community Pride Award was presented on Thursday, December 10 to the Noblesville Fire Department in recognition of their efforts on behalf of children and families during the holiday season.Receiving the award were Mike Polletta (partially hidden), Shawn McRae, Kevin Livingston, Rob Wonnell, Marshall R. White, Rob Moore, Kevin Hutchens, Mike Cook, Jeremiah Monroe, and Todd Watson.

Seek out our new members at the next Chamber event you attend and help make them feel welcome!

Lisa Feeley Got2Know

Paul Schneider GFS Marketplace

John Oliver Indiana Kitchen Company


February 10 – 8:00 a.m. Chamber University Customer Service Satisfaction Chamber Office - 601 E. Conner Street February 11 – 8:00 a.m. NetWORKS! Eddie’s Corner Cafe- 101 N. 10th Street


March 11 – 8:00 a.m. NetWORKS! Harbour Trees Golf Club Co-hosted by the Noblesville and Westfield Chambers 333 Regents Park Lane

February 8 – 7:30 a.m. Legislative Breakfast The Mansion at Oak Hill 5801 E. 116th Street


Noblesville Chamber 601 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 317-773-0086

LK Shinneman LK Smart

Hamilton County Business Magazine/February • March 2010




Sheridan Chamber 407 S. Main Street P.O. Box 202 Sheridan, IN 46069 317-758-1311

Upcoming Chamber Luncheons

New Business in Sheridan

February 25, 2010 Marti Lindell, Meals on Wheels of Hamilton County - “Senior Hunger” 11:30-12:30 p.m.

The Sheridan Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome these new businesses to Sheridan.

March 25, 2010 Paul Wyatt - Small Business Administration “Big Tips for Small Businesses” 11:30-12:30 p.m.

Stuart’s Steak House 406 S. Main Street Sheridan, IN 317/758-0406

Save the Date!

2010 Officers, Board of Directors, and Staff

Sheridan Mercantile 301 S. Main Street Sheridan, IN

Red Onion 3901 W. State Road 47

Los Cotorros 3901 W. S.R. 47, Sheridan

Sheridan Chamber of Commerce 2nd Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser February 26, 2010 Sheridan High School 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Sheridan Sesquicentennial June 25 - July 4, 2010 The Sheridan Chamber is looking for guest speakers for 2010! If you or you know someone who would like to speak, please contact the chamber office at 758-1311! We have openings for July, August, October and for the Annual Dinner in September!

Sheridan Mercantile

http://stuartssteakhouse.com/ Open Thurs-Saturday 5-9 pm

Parvin Gillim, President Greg Morgan, Vice President Brian Bragg. Treasurer TBA, Secretary Derek Arrowood. Board Member Gunta Beard, Board Member Karol Bonine, Board Member Edna Domingo, Board Member Linda Feeney, Board Member Jackie Harris, Board Member Erin Merrill, Board Member Kristin Nalbone, Board Member Connie Pearson, Ex-Officio Board Member Alex Pinegar, Board Member Richard Wilson, Board Member Robert Young, Executive Director Ashley Gibson, Assistant

Be sure to visit the Sheridan Chamber Website, www.sheridanchamber.org for information on all upcoming events!


February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine



Westfield Chamber 130 Penn Street P.O. Box 534 Westfield, IN 46074 317-804-3030

2010 Board of directors

Economic Development Meeting Monday, February 1st ~ 11:30 a.m.

Executive Committee:

Old Country Buffet, Village Park Plaza ~ Westfield Reservations: (317) 804-3030 or info@westfield-chamber.org

Westfield & Carmel Chamber Joint Networking Breakfast Thursday, February 4th ~ 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. Charleston’s Reservations required by February 1st - (317) 804-3030 or events@westfield-chamber.org

Legislative Breakfast Monday, February 8th ~ 7:30 - 9:00 a.m.

Networking Luncheon Thursday, February 18th ~ 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

OUTLOOK 2010 Thursday, February 23rd ~ 7:30 a.m.

Ritz Charles, 12156 N. Meridian Street, Carmel, IN 46032 More information & Reservations ~ Hamilton County Alliance: 317-573-4950

MARCH 2010

Dean Ballenger Kevin Buchheit Todd Burtron Kathleen Busby Connie Chesney Michelle Martin Andi Montgomery Heather O’Farrell Nick Verhoff


Executive Director: Executive Assistant:

Dean Ballenger Agency Krieg DeVault City of Westfield Fire Department Busby Eye Care Huntington Bank First Merchants Bank Montgomery Aviation McClure & O’Farrell Attorneys Westfield Washington Schools Julie Sole Kathy Kostecka

Mission Statement

Economic Development Meeting Monday, March 1st ~ 11:30 a.m.

Old Country Buffet, Village Park Plaza ~ Westfield Reservations: (317) 804-3030 or info@westfield-chamber.org

Legislative Breakfast Monday, March 8th ~ 7:30 - 9:00 a.m.

The Mansion at Oak Hill ~ 5801 East 116th Street RSVP by March 5th to (317) 804-3030 or events@westfield-chamber.org

“Networks!” Thursday, March 11th ~ 8:00 - 9:30 a.m.

Harbour Tree Golf Club ~ 333 Regents Park Lane, Noblesville Reservations required by February 26th - (317) 804-3030 or events@westfield-chamber.org

The mission of the Westfield Chamber of Commerce is to promote the economic development of the Westfield community, and to be active in all aspects of community life. The Chamber strives to enhance the educational, recreational, spiritual, and cultural development of the community through the participation of its business, professional, and community members. This mission is based on the goal to promote a favorable business climate and a positive quality of life.

Westfield Chamber Luncheon December 2009

Membership Luncheon Thursday, March 18th ~ 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

“Westfield READY” IMMI/Keynote Conference Center ~ 18880 North East Street Reservations by March 12th to (317) 804-3030 or events@westfield-chamber.org

Connect 2! Thursday, March 25th ~ 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Jan Skinner & Paula Hull

Kelties - 110 South Union Street, Downtown Westfield Reservations: (317) 804-3030 or events@westfield-chamber.org

Randy Graham & Nick Verhoff

John Kerr & Dr. Mark Keen


CrossRoads Church at Westfield 191st & Grassy Branch ~ Westfield Reservations required by February 12th - (317) 804-3030 or events@westfield-chamber.org


CrossRoads Church at Westfield Chick-fil-A at Westfield Hoosier Glass Company, Inc. Century 21 Realty GroupThe Robey Team


The Mansion at Oak Hill ~ 5801 East 116th Street Reservations required by February 5th - (317) 804-3030 or events@westfield-chamber.org

Randy Graham, President Eric Lohe, Vice President Troy Buchanan, Secretary Duane Lutz, Treasurer Bob Robey, Member at Large Tom Dooley, Past President

Robin Chaddock

Joe Burris

Hamilton County Business Magazine/February • March 2010


Book Mark

Do Business Principles Apply to Education? GOOD TO GREAT by Jim Collins

Review by Gloria Enoch

Whew! What a couple of years it’s been in the world of business. Jim Collins wrote the book Good to Great in 2001, having researched 15 companies who weathered the 1990’s. I wonder, considering the economic climate we’re experiencing in 2010, what Collins would say now if he were to re-write this book. In his earlier bestseller, Built to Last, Collins explored what made some companies great and how they sustained that greatness over time. During his research, one thing about good companies, of which there are plenty, vexed him. How do you make a good company a great company? Hence, this book, Good to Great! In the field of education where I’m employed, we recently heard Governor Mitch Daniels proclaim he had to make a sweeping budget cut of $300 million from education in order to balance the state’s budget. If this does not force the state government and

institutions of education to become entities which go from good to great, I’m not sure what would. To have a meltdown of our education systems like what happened with business would be our country’s demise. Should we practice the principles Collins has outlined in Good to Great, I think everyone would win. Collins, in his second chapter, suggests the concept of Level 5 Leadership. It’s an inverted pyramid of management. Instead of the top managers having all the ideas, making all of the money and taking most of the company profits, empowering those who are actually working with the product or meeting with the customer would be a major step towards becoming a great company. These are the people who will have the best suggestions and will assist in the marketing of the company’s product. Is it not the same with governmental institutions like the state and education? Collins writes it is not possible to accomplish great things without great people. He says many companies create a strategy


February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine

then try to rally people around it. Great companies start with great people and build great results from their efforts. Indiana is one of few states in the country with an operating budget in the black. Recently, I read how Governor Daniels requested that his top educators submit ideas that would not involve cutting teachers in the classrooms or increasing classroom sizes. A monumental task if you were to ask me, but it showed a leadership style that involved and empowered the people whom the changes would affect the most. Governor Daniels is not leaving much room for mediocrity. (I also give credit to those in our state government who passed the law making it illegal for the state to operate in the red.) Collins explores several other management concepts employed by those 15 companies. Of the 15 he studied, only one, Circuit City, did not survive the great recession of the 21st century.

This is a “must read” book for managers of private and public companies or government agencies who hope to survive these rough economic times. American companies will rise again from the ashes, it’s a matter of who will be left in the rubble. My suggestion is to listen to those who are working for you and have a vested interest in keeping their job and your business alive. The global economy demands American companies to be better than good; we are to be great! Gloria Enoch is an admissions representative for Indiana Tech – Fishers. She has journalism and business administration degrees from the University of New Mexico and Oakland City University and holds Masters in Science Management.

Have you read a good business book lately? Share your thoughts with others and help spread good advice. Send your book review to news@hamiltoncountybusiness.com and we may run it in a future edition.

Hamilton County History David Heighway

How Businesses Records Connect us to our Past

Local businesses can help historians by keeping good records. Economic interaction is a better record than personal diary entries because it reflects what is actually happening at that moment, rather than what an individual might think is happening. When researching their homes, many people want anecdotal information (“This house was on the Underground Railroad” or “Lincoln stayed overnight here”), which is often unverifiable. The most reliable information comes from business transactions and legal documents. Real estate records, insurance records and tax records - all of these are precise, impartial, and bland, and they are a historian’s best friends. What’s more, once it’s interpreted, the information can be just as interesting. As an example, let’s look at a recently purchased house on 15th Street in Noblesville. According to records at the county courthouse, the property was transferred to William Vaught in September of 1902. By 1907, the value of the structures on the land had increased from $600 to $1,880. One source for information on this increase is the Sanborn map collection.

Sanborn Maps The Sanborn Company began making maps of cities in 1867 for insurance companies to determine fire risk. Amazingly detailed, the maps were updated on a regular basis until the company stopped producing them in the 1970s. Since these were created for built-up areas and Hamilton County was largely rural, there are not many maps that cover our cities. Arcadia, Atlanta, Noblesville and Sheridan are the only communities that have them and those maps were only made between the 1880s and the late 1940s. The Sanborn maps show that the buildings on the 15th St. property were substantially altered between 1898 and 1904 – in fact, they were probably replaced with new buildings. The footprints (as they are called) of the structures completely changed. The structure relevant to this study is one constructed as a stable for the owner’s carriage horses. A large “X” can be seen on the roof of the building, which was the designation of a livery stable or barn. These were specially marked because of the high risk of fire from the storage of hay. It was also placed at the very edge of the property to give access to the alley. A second substantial change was made in 1916 when, according to the transfer records, 40 feet of the lot was divided off. It appears from the Sanborn maps that the barn was reconstructed into a house. This accounts for the very plain architectural style of the building. A garage for the automobile that replaced the horses was built between the two houses. Interestingly, the first ten-

ant of the rehabilitated barn was a car salesman. The city telephone books show the tenant occupying the house by May of 1918, but he may have not had a Sanborn 1905 Sanborn 1922 phone before then. The city directory shows them in the house in 1920. The house probably started as rental, but was sold to the tenants upon the death of the owner in 1922. Legally, the property was in the name of Frances Vaught, wife of William Vaught, and is mentioned in her newspaper obituary. The house went through other owners, and information about the occupants of the building can be found in the city directories, including occupations, businesses they owned, and family members.

Links to today Checking the old records can have an impact on the property today. The transfer books say that the property was 40 feet wide, but a modern survey says that it’s 35 feet wide. Sometime between 1922 and today, five feet went missing. Another problem might be that if a property was a rental when it was first built, it might have utilities such as the sewer system tied into the original landlord’s system - which would make for an interesting legal discussion concerning plumbing and city codes today. This all adds up to an interesting and provable story – after all, not every house was originally built to hold horses. Other types of records can be of value. If a person were researching covered bridges, it’s helpful to know that the ledger of Josiah Durfee, once the main bridge builder in the county, still exists. There are some unusual documents as well. Fraternal lodges would keep certain kinds of information about their members for insurance purposes. Because of that, it’s possible to learn the waistline sizes of most of the leading citizens of Noblesville in 1900. The records are not always complete - original property abstracts are rare and sources can be flawed, but it’s better than no information at all. It’s worthwhile to remember that records for business today, (that people are perhaps grumbling about taking up space in the office storage room), may be incredibly valuable to historians someday. It’s another way of getting a glimpse into the lives of the people of the past. David Heighway is the Hamilton County historian. Hamilton County Business Magazine/February • March 2010


Calendar This information is accurate as of press time. Please check chamber websites for updates.

FEBRUARY Monday, 1st 11:30- 1

Westfield Economic Development Meeting Old Country Buffet

Tuesday, 2nd 11:30

Hamilton North Luncheon Red Bridge Park

Wednesday, 3rd 8-9:30am Fishers Morning Motivator Fishers Train Station

Thursday, 4th 7:30-9 am Westfield & Carmel Joint Networking Breakfast Charleston’s

Monday, 8th 7:30 am Legislative Breakfast Oak Hill Mansion

Wednesday, 10th Noon-1:30

Westfield Luncheon IMMI/Keynote Conference Center

Wednesday, 24th 11:30

Wednesday, 24th 11:30

Wednesday, 24th 4:30-6:30

Wednesday, 24th 4:30-6:30

Thursday, 25th 11:30-12:30

Thursday, 25th 11:30-12:30

Friday, 26th 5-7

Thursday, 25th 5-7

Noblesville Luncheon Purgatory Golf Club

Fishers Business After Hours Sagamore Advisors

Sheridan Luncheon Red Onion

2nd Annual Sheridan Spaghetti Dinner Chamber Fundraiser Sheridan High School

MARCH Monday, 1st 11:30-1

Thursday, 11th 8:00 a.m.

Tuesday, 2nd 11:30

Noblesville NetWORKS! Eddie’s Corner Café

Hamilton North Luncheon Arcadia Community Room

Wednesday, 17th 7:30 to 9 a.m.

Monday, 8th 7:30 am Legislative Breakfast The Mansion at Oak Hill

Wednesday, 17th 11:30

Wednesday, 10th Noon-1:30

Thursday, 18th 11-1

Thursday, 11th 8:00 am

Carmel Luncheon Renaissance Hotel

Westfield Luncheon Crossroads Church

Noblesville/Westfield NetWORKS! Harbour Trees Golf Club

Thursday, 18th 4:30-6:30

Wednesday, 17th 11:30-1

Noblesville Business After Hours Best Buy

Noblesville Luncheon Harbour Trees Golf Club

Fishers Business After Hours Location TBA

Westfield Economic Development Meeting Old Country Buffet

Fishers Luncheon Forum Conference Center

Thursday, 18th 11-1

2010 Outlook Breakfast Ritz Charles

Carmel Luncheon The Fountains

Carmel Business Over Bagels Baker & Daniels


Tuesday, 23rd 7-9:15 am

Fishers Luncheon Forum Conference Center

February • March 2010/Hamilton County Business Magazine

Sheridan Luncheon Los Cotorros

Carmel and Westfield Business Roundabout/Connect2! Kelties

Tuesday, 30th 4:30-7

9th Annual Noblesville Taste of Business Hamilton County 4H Fairgrounds

For more information on these events please contact the chambers at these numbers: Carmel Chamber of Commerce 846-1049 www.carmelchamber.com Fishers Chamber of Commerce 578-0700 www.fisherschamber.com Hamilton North Chamber of Commerce 984-4079 www.hamiltonnorthchamber.com Noblesville Chamber of Commerce 773-0086 www.noblesvillechamber.com Sheridan Chamber of Commerce 758-1311 www.sheridanchamber.org Westfield Chamber of Commerce 804-3030 www.westfield-chamber.org


Commercial Lease Space

Commercial Lease Space

Logan Street Signs & Banners 1720 South 10th Street, Noblesville, IN 317-773-7200 Open M-F 7-5 www.loganstreetsigns.com www.noblesvilletrophies.com www.noblesville.com

River Edge Professional Center and River Edge Market Place Noblesville, IN Call John Landy at 317-289-7662 jcl@roamermaritime.com

Majestic Plaza Office Park Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 876-1555 www.majesticplaza.com

Digitally printed signs and banners of any size, vehicle wraps and graphics, T-shirt printing, laser engraving. Great customer service, fast turn-around. Family Owned and Operated. Serving Noblesville and Hamilton County since 1992. Also home of Noblesville Trophies 773-7391 Open M-F 9-6 Sat. 10-2

Community Resources

65,000 square feet of flexible floor plans. Design and build to your specifications. Time Share space available. Retail space also available from 1,600 square feet up. Easy access and abundant parking! High speed internet. 3 minutes from Riverview Hospital.

Service Club Rotary International

19215 Morrison Way Noblesville, IN 46060

HCASG provides Support Meetings, Autism Siblings Program, Young Adults Social Group, Girls on the Spectrum and more.

The Noblesville Midday Rotary Club is one of 32,000 local Rotary clubs throughout the world and six in Hamilton County. Open to all persons regardless of race, color, creed or political preference, Rotary brings together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Each club meets weekly. For more information on the Noblesville Midday Rotary Club Call Gloria Davis 317-877-0051

For more information, contact Jane Grimes at 317-403-6705

Or visit www.hcasg.org

Freelance Graphic Design Mezign Design 11505 River Drive East Carmel, IN Call Melanie at 317-846-5379 melzee@indy.rr.com Mezign Design offers graphic design services for anything from business cards to billboards, specializing in print and web advertising. Reasonable rates, modern design and fast turnaround. Give Mezign Design a try. You’ll be glad you did.

Video Service WTV Cicero, IN 460?? (317) 224-4447

Hamilton County Autism Support Group

The Hamilton County Autism Support Group provides community awareness and helps support families where lives are challenged by Autism, a disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects social interaction and communication skills.

Medical, Professional, and Non Profits welcome. Custom spaces 600 to 20,000 sq ft in campus setting Just off I-465 & Michigan Rd US 421 Ramp. On site Owner/Management team, conference/fitness center, ample parking. Unmatched access to Carmel, Indianapolis & Zionsville. Attractive Rates, net or full service, you choose. “Come grow with us, Make it yours.”

1-minute Walk Thru Video™ introducing you, your company, or your practice. Fully edited and compiled with a customized professional voice-over narrative. Posted to video sharing sites such as YouTube for easy propagation to all sites and web apps of interest to your business

Computer Consulting Compumed 802 Mulberry Street Noblesville, IN Suite BB3 317.340.4802 Rocky@compumed-indy.com

• Business Computer Hardware and Software Installation • Custom Application Development • On-Site Support and Service

Next Edition

Focus: Health Industry Deadline: February 26

For info: 774-7747

mcorbett@hamiltoncountybusiness.com Hamilton County Business Magazine/ February • March 2010


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