1 minute read
Edward School has been extremely fortunate over its history to have always had amazing support from a wide range of hardworking and enthusiast parental bodies.
Mother’s Club, Ladies Auxiliary, School Council, Fete Committee, Catering Committee, Canteen Committee, Uniform Committee, and the P&C have all played vital roles in supporting the students and staff of our school.
So many committed parents have made a huge contribution by supporting the P&C through taking executive roles over the years, as well as ‘pitching in’ when special events and working bees were called for.
Past staff members Des Lutton, Robert Armytage and Wayne Bradley were all active members of the P&C over the entire course of their teaching careers at Edward – serving a

‘dual’ role as committed staff members and supportive parents.
The first ladies auxiliary president was Jean Harper, while the first P&C president was William
(Bill) Mulham OAM.
Sonia Rapley
Margaret Robinson
Pat Druitt
Cathy Davidson
Craig Druitt
Glenn Barnett
Felicity Michael
Thank you to all our past and present parents who have supported our school organisations over the years. You are all Edward legends!!