Graduation 2021 — Shepparton News

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2021 Join us in this special feature to celebrate the determination and resilience of our Year 6 and Year 12 students as they move into their exciting new futures with fresh hope and big dreams.

G R A D UAT I N G C L A S S E S O F 2 0 2 1

Excited about the future The graduating class of 2021 has had a few more challenges than previous years. Ongoing lockdowns and restrictions have disrupted the VCE timetable and study time for all students. If anything, it’s meant graduation jitters have been magnified. College captains at Notre Dame College Connor Fleming and Macy Barzen and house captain Olivia Archer spoke to News reporter Georgia Rossiter about how they’re feeling in the lead-up to their final exams. “It’s a bit overwhelming,” Connor said. “Thirteen years of schooling all coming to a close, it’s come in the blink of an eye.” The past two years of classes have passed by especially quickly for Connor, with the introduction of remote learning last year and the return in his final year. “You’re just sitting in front of a laptop, day in day out,” he said. “It’s just on repeat.” Macy and Olivia had similar experiences with virtual classrooms. Macy said adjusting to the new environment “took a bit to adapt to”. “It’s been obviously not the best year,” she said. “You don’t really have that social connection, which has been hard.” The social side of school was something they all missed. For Olivia, it was one of the most memorable parts of her school career. “Being with your friends all throughout school is pretty awesome,” Olivia said. Without the friends to break up the hard work, the three students relied on their duties as captains and school leaders for a reprieve. Connor and Macy regularly recorded video messages to the school, which they said was a great way to meet other

Almost there: College captains Connor Fleming and Macy Barzen and house captain Olivia Archer say they’re excited to graduate.

people at Notre Dame they wouldn’t have otherwise. “It’s still really nice to connect with students and teachers that you might not usually,” Macy said. After initial technical difficulties, Macy said recording videos to send to the school was “rewarding”. “It makes you feel like you’re making the school feel like a community,” she said. Their last official day, October 19, is followed by only a week’s break before final VCE exams begin, so it’s safe to say the students are looking forward to the graduation celebration they’ve been planning since the beginning of the year. “We’re hoping to have an actual graduation in our stadium, at this stage with just all of our actual students,” Olivia said. “Fingers crossed, if restrictions allow it, we can have some visitors or just like our

parents or something.” The cohort had several back-up plans in place should COVID decide to gatecrash, in which case the ceremony would take place with just the students (maybe teachers) and be live-streamed to parents and loved ones. “We thought of every possible way it could work, because it’s something big that I think we all need to celebrate,” Connor said. As for their plans for next year, Connor, Macy and Olivia are looking forward to what is to come. “I’m really excited,” Macy said.

They have experienced tremendous growth and self-discovery and for that they deserve to be honoured and celebrated for their academic commitment and accomplishment.

I am immensely proud of their efforts during a year that had many challenges. Class of 2021 have remained focused, determined and hopeful, whilst tackling their studies throughout a pandemic.

Our young people play an important role in our community now and into the future.

Page 2—‘Graduation’, October, 2021

I would like to wish them all the very

“I’m just going to see how everything goes,” he said. “I was always told to keep my options open and then I started to do some business subjects and I really, really enjoyed it.” Olivia plans to defer her degree in paramedicine to do a traineeship at a local high school. “Before I did all my preferences and everything, I wasn’t too sure what I wanted to do,” she said.

Macy plans to move to Melbourne in January with a friend to study psychological science.

“I did work experience at Guthrie St Primary School, and I really loved work experience there.”

“I feel like especially after the last couple of years, I’m ready for a new environment,” she said.

Hopefully next year won’t be as turbulent as the past two have been for the 2021 graduating class.

Well done to our wonderful students On behalf of Greater Shepparton City Council I would like to share my warmest congratulations to all the graduating students throughout the region.

Tossing up between a gap year and jumping straight into university, Connor has his eyes on a career in commerce or accounting.

best on their next journey, whether that’s further studies, entering the workforce or the many exciting opportunities ahead. Congratulations to our wonderful class of 2021. Cr Kim O’Keeffe Mayor, City of Greater Shepparton

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A message from Education Minister James Merlino Congratulations to all Goulburn Valley students in the Class of 2021 who are about to complete their VCE or VCAL. Like last year, 2021 threw up a series of unique challenges, and VCE and VCAL students have experienced something genuinely unprecedented. I am so proud of the way you’ve met that challenge head on, and of the determination, focus, resilience and adaptability you have shown over the past two years. For those about to sit exams, best of luck. You’ve done all the hard work, and now you get to prove how much you have learnt through your studies. For those who have combined study with hands-on learning, I look forward to you using the skills you have learnt today as you become Victoria’s workforce of tomorrow. To all students: I hope you can also take a moment to stop and recognise your effort, progress and experience#—#and

enjoy the final days of your schooling. I know there are many proud parents, carers and school staff across the Goulburn Valley, and I want to thank and acknowledge them for their guidance and encouragement of students through these challenging years. You have been extraordinary supports. While excelling at VCE and VCAL is a terrific achievement for students, great results are not the only measure of success. Whatever your study scores or ATAR, recognise that this is just one step in your life journey. There is plenty ahead of you, and I encourage you to be bold and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Next year, whether you study at university or TAFE, join the workforce, start an apprenticeship or take a gap year, I wish you every possible success.

Thank you,

Shepparton District students I am so proud of the resilience and patience of our school students, who had to completely adapt to a new way of learning over the last 20 months. This year’s Year 12s will miss out on the usual celebrations of !nishing school and our Year 6 students will also transition from primary school without the usual fanfare. You are sacri!cing this socialisation to protect yourselves, your families, and the community. Please know it has not gone unnoticed. We all thank you for forgoing your usual social events this year and for working hard in such a demanding environment. Teachers have had to !nd new ways of teaching through remote learning techniques and have done a fantastic job in circumstances where many have also had their own children undertaking their education remotely. Congratulations for your e orts in doing so, it is highly valued by our community.

I would also like to take the opportunity to congratulate the parents and guardians who supported their children through the many months of remote learning, o en working longer hours in their own jobs to help and encourage their children. Shepparton district families value education and we have some exciting times ahead a er we get through this pandemic. The construction of the new Greater Shepparton Secondary College has been steaming ahead to create a stunning state-or-the-art high school that our hardworking students and teachers truly deserve. The old school buildings were out-of-date and no longer !t for purpose, so it was understandable that we saw falling enrolments, below-average educational outcomes, low aspiration, and attendance issues. Our students will be excited to experience their new classrooms next year with a greater feeling of pride in their school and city. I know our students are on the cusp of signi!cant change. They will embrace opportunities that will lead them to become the state’s top performers in subjects that ignite their passion. More and more students will have the opportunity to !nd a pathway that suits them whether it be in tertiary education, apprenticeships, or employment. I am so excited to see our students take advantage of the many possibilities right at their !ngertips as the new school helps heighten student outcomes. udent aspiration and educational outco

Suzanna Sheed MP


Phone: (03) 5831 6944



Funded from Parliamentary Budget. Authorised by: Suzanna Sheed, 5 Vaughan St, Shepparton VIC 3630.

‘Graduation 2021’, October, 2021—Page 3

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Heading to high school: Grahamvale PS’s leadership team reflects on school so far At Grahamvale Primary School, the Year 6 students are beginning to prepare for the big transition into high school. Mostly, members of the leadership team are looking forward to the new chapter in their schooling life, but a few are nervous about leaving some of their friends behind. James house captain Liam Boschetti said he was looking forward to a bit more independence while McDermott house captain Nash Keenan was happy some of his friends were attending the same high school. “I’m excited that there’s already going to be friends from here going to the same high school as me,” he said. “But also (excited about) getting to make a whole new friend group.”

Doyle house captains Ella Supple and Matilda Hodgetts: Both want to study architecture when they finish school.

Wendy Lovell MP Member for Northern Victoria Region “Congratulations to the graduating class of 2021. “Over the past two years you have overcome significant challenges and I wish you all the best for the future.” p: (03) 5821 6668 e: Authorised by Wendy Lovell MP, 222 Wyndham Street Shepparton. Funded from Parliamentary Budget

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Junior School Council secretary Samantha Collins said the move was going to be a big change for her.

“You’re the youngest (next year), so it’s like going back to Foundation again.” Like all other Victorian Year 6 students, the kids at Grahamvale have spent a fair bit of time online over the past two years. The young leaders said it had been challenging, and they had missed out on some of their favourite parts of school. “I miss my friends and being able to do the work without asking questions,” Doyle house captain Ella Supple said. “And it kind of makes it feel like Groundhog Day.” For many students, the novelty wore off online learning this year"—"staying at home just became plain boring. “When we first did it, it was exciting because we were away from school,” James house captain Olivia Reid said. “Since we’ve been doing it for a while it’s kind of getting annoying, because you don’t see your friends that much and

“I’ve loved primary school,” she said.

Well done!

Congratulations to students, teachers, parents, and everyone else who has worked hard during what has been an incredibly difficult year for our school communities. The resilience of students has been tested time and time again, and although you may not realise it now, these experiences will help you deal with future situations that may not necessarily go your way. Good luck for whatever lay ahead.


03 5821 5371


Authorised by D. Drum, National Party of Australia, Shepparton.

G R A D UAT I N G C L A S S E S O F 2 0 2 1 you just look at a screen all day.” School captains Darcy Mintern and Lily Cooney said this year of online learning had been easier than the last. “We were really stressed about it, I had no idea what we were doing,” Lily said. “But this year since we’ve done it for a while, I actually know what I’m doing.” One positive about remote learning was that it taught Darcy to be more selfmotivated and independent. “It has taught me a bit of self-discipline,” he said. “I’ve got to stay concentrated with all the distractions around the home.” Among the things they would miss about primary school, sports days, school camps and no-uniform days were at the top of the list. Doyle house captain Matilda Hodgetts said the special events at school such as Book Week were highlights for her. School vice-captain Audrey Taylor said being part of Grahamvale’s leadership team had been the most memorable part of primary school, and McDermott house captain Laylah Ali said Year 3 camp was her favourite. Hick house captain Indi Hicks said her

James house captains Olivia Reid and Liam Boschetti: Olivia would like to use her good talking skills to become a therapist or psychologist and Liam is hoping to be a soccer player or accountant.

McDermott house captains Nash Keenan and Laylah Ali: Nash says he wants to work with animals and Laylah hopes to travel the world as a sports presenter.

most memorable moment was the first day of class. “Going into class with all my friends for the first time,” she said. The students are hoping they can celebrate together before they graduate at the end of Term 4.

Hick house captains Phoenix Betson and Indi Hicks: Indi wants to enter the police force after school.

I would like to congratulate our Year 6 graduating students on all your wonderful achievements during your time at Sacred Heart School. Although your final years have been particularly challenging, you have continued to live out our Graduate Outcomes and have shown what amazing, optimistic and resilient people you are. I am very proud of each of you and know your families and teachers are too. Thank you for all you have given our school. We have a wonderful school community and you have contributed so much to helping that grow. Congratulations on your incredible achievements across all areas of school life. You have been true ambassadors for Sacred Heart and great role models to others. As you leave us and go onto different secondary colleges, I ask you to always remember our school expectations - to be Responsible, Respectful, Resilient and to Be Your Best! Be kind to people you meet along the way, think big thoughts, be optimistic in whatever you are doing,pursue your dreams and make the most of each and every opportunity you are presented with. You are all learners and leaders, not just today but into our future. I hope you will always reflect on your time at Sacred Heart School with great pride and fond memories.

Phone: 5824 1841 Email: 69 – 75 Hogan St, Tatura

May God be with you as you continue through life’s exciting journey and may the Sacred Heart of Jesus guide you always.

From your very proud Principal

Pauline Hindson ‘Graduation 2021’, October, 2021—Page 5

Parneet Gill

Heanna Hicks

Tahlia Kosanke

Dear Year 6 Students, IT IS MY PLEASURE TO CONGRATULATE THE GRADUATING CLASS OF YEAR 6, 2021. This has been a challenging year for you all not being able to be with your peers and teachers learning together at school. You have shown great resilience and creativity displaying a positive attitude and willingness to complete set tasks and participate in remote learning. During your schooling at St. Brendan’s you have shown strong leadership and care for others. We are all extremely proud of you and we wish you all the best as you begin your secondary school journey. We pray that you go forward with our school’s motto “Faith and Courage” in your future endeavours.

Paula Stevenson (Principal) and Staff of St. Brendan’s Primary School Page 6—‘Graduation 2021’, October, 2021

oroopna, o M , n o t r a p Shep chools S t ic r t is D d Tatura an

1! 2 0 2 F O S E AT U D A R G R U TO O “YOU MADE IT !”

‘Graduation 2021’, October, 2021—Page 7


SCHOOL NAME: Ardmona Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Achieving Personal Success ADDRESS: 580 Turnbull Road, Ardmona PHONE: 03 5829 0273 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Bourchier Street Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Best Always ADDRESS: 1-19 Bourchier Street, Shepparton PHONE: 03 5821 3488 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Congupna Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Be KIND, Be BRAVE, Be CURIOUS ADDRESS: 3580 Katamatite-Shepparton Road, Congupna PHONE: 03 5829 9286 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Currawa Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: The Little School Where Science Rules ADDRESS: 2 Ridge Road, Dookie College PHONE: 03 5828 6581 WEBSITE:

PRINCIPAL: Jean Varty MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: What a journey you have all been on, you should be very proud of yourselves. All the best for the future!

PRINCIPAL: Denise Howley MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to our 2021 Year Six students, who have all contributed to making Bourchier Street Primary School a great school. Good luck, enjoy secondary college, work hard and have fun.

PRINCIPAL: Adam Cleary MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: The Congupna Primary School Community would like to wish our thirteen graduating Grade Six Students of 2021 all the very best in their future endeavors. Secondary Schooling is a very important stepping stone towards being independent, successful and realising your dreams – don’t forget to stay KIND, BRAVE & CURIOUS!

PRINCIPAL: Jarod Bacon MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations Kobi and congratulations to all the other graduating students.

PRINCIPAL: Cindy-Joy Latessa MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to all of the Graduates of 2021.

SCHOOL NAME: Gowrie Street Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Dream Big ADDRESS: 1 Gowrie Street, Shepparton PHONE: 03 5821 3100 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Grahamvale Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Quality Education For All ADDRESS: 85 Grahamvale Road, Grahamvale PHONE: 03 5821 4219 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Greater Shepparton Secondary College SCHOOL MOTO: Aspiration, Integrity, Respect and Responsibility ADDRESS: 31-71 Hawdon Street, Shepparton PHONE: 03 5820 9900 WEBSITE:

PRINCIPAL: Lisa Wilson MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to all of the Graduates of 2021. SCHOOL NAME: Dhurringile Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Aim High ADDRESS: 605 Langham Road, Dhurringile PHONE: 03 5826 6222 WEBSITE:

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SCHOOL NAME: Harston Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: A Caring Community ADDRESS: 155 Harston Road, Harston PHONE: 03 5854 8317 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Dookie Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: ADDRESS: Baldock St, Dookie PHONE: 03 5828 6585

SCHOOL NAME: Guthrie Street Primary School ADDRESS: 33-69 Guthrie Street, Shepparton PHONE: 03 5821 1944 WEBSITE:

PRINCIPAL: Eron Chapman MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: As you go into the next part of your life you take with you all the very best wishes of our Gowrie St family. Always remember to Dream Big and seize the opportunities that come your way.

PRINCIPAL: Simone Higgins MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: I would like to congratulate each of our Year 6 students for their efforts, hard work, commitment, dedications, and resilience they have showed in what has been another challenging year. I wish them every success in their future and encourage them to continue to aim high and be the best that they can be! PRINCIPAL: Barbara O’brien MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to our graduating students. You have shown great commitment to your college, your classmates and your community throughout 2021. We know the resilience you have shown this year will serve you well throughout your life.

PRINCIPAL: Brendan Bicknell MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: I always arrive at this time of year with mixed feelings, I’m excited by the thought that our Year 6 students are well and truly ready to progress to their next stage of their education, but on the other hand I selfishly feel a little sad. I thank our Year 6 Students for the contribution they have made over their time at Guthrie Street and wish them all the best.

SCHOOL NAME: Katandra West Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Strong, Be your Best ADDRESS: 17-27 Bankin Street, Katandra West PHONE: 03 5828 3350 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Kialla Central Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Quality Education, Rural Environment ADDRESS: 128 Central Kialla Road, Kialla PHONE: 03 5827 1373 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Kialla West Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Resilience, Excellence, Pride ADDRESS: 7370 Goulburn Valley Highway Kialla West PHONE: 03 5823 1333 WEBSITE:

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations Harmony and Samika on completing Year 6 at Harston Primary School, you have shown great leadership and resilience during 2021 with on-site and remote and flexible learning. Everyone at Harston wishes you all the best in your secondary education and beyond. Follow your dreams and be true to yourself always!

PRINCIPAL: Marcia Waters MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: We are proud of the growth and maturity you have shown over your years at Katandra West Primary School and feel confident knowing that you are prepared to face whatever adventures and challenges you encounter. As you continue your educational journey, please remember the things you have learned and relationships you have formed during your time at Katandra West Primary School, our school community will always be a part of who you are, and what shaped you into the strong, kind, respectful and wonderful humans we are honoured to know. PRINCIPAL: Debbie Humphries MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to our 2021 Grade 6 Graduates for all that you have achieved during these challenging times. I wish you every success with your secondary school adventures and beyond!

PRINCIPAL: Wesley Teague MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: I’m very proud of our grade 6 children. These children have demonstrated excellent leadership across our school and have been wonderful role models for the other children at Kialla West. I wish these children well in their future endeavors.

SCHOOL NAME: Merrigum Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Small School, Big Voice, Growing for the future ADDRESS: Judd Avenue, Merrigum PHONE: 03 5855 2275 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Mooroopna Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Motivated, Persistent, Successful ADDRESS: 16 O’Brien Street, Mooroopna PHONE: 03 5825 2060 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Mooroopna North Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Resilience Respect Responsibility ADDRESS: 835 Ardmona Road, Mooroopna PHONE: 0409 025 137 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Mooroopna Park Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Growing and Learning Together ADDRESS: 45 MacIsaac Road, Mooroopna PHONE: 03 5825 3856 WEBSITE:

PRINCIPAL: Kerry Miller MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Remember to dream big, try hard and set your eyes on your goals. SCHOOL NAME: Lemnos Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Love Laugh Learn ADDRESS: Lemnos North Road, Lemnos PHONE: 03 5829 9287 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Murchison Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Be the Best You Can Be ADDRESS: 8-10 Impey Street, Murchison PHONE: 03 5826 2391 WEBSITE:

PRINCIPAL: Tony Shannon MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to our grade 6 students on their final year of Primary School. We wish you all the best next year.

PRINCIPAL: Carla May MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to our graduating class of 2021. It has been a privilege to support you throughout your primary school years. We wish you every success in life.

PRINCIPAL: Michelle Duke MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: We are very proud of you! You demonstrated Respect, Responsibility and Resilience as you stepped up to the challenges 2021 sent your way. We wish you all the best as you move forward into your next adventure.

PRINCIPAL: Hayden Beaton MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations on Graduating Grade 6. Keep reaching for the stars. All the best for your new adventure.

PRINCIPAL: Karen Goodwin MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to our Class of 2021 on you’ve achievements and reaching this great milestone. Wishing you great success with your future education and dreams.

‘Graduation 2021’, October 2021—Page 9


SCHOOL NAME: Ardmona Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Achieving Personal Success ADDRESS: 580 Turnbull Road, Ardmona PHONE: 03 5829 0273 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Bourchier Street Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Best Always ADDRESS: 1-19 Bourchier Street, Shepparton PHONE: 03 5821 3488 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Congupna Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Be KIND, Be BRAVE, Be CURIOUS ADDRESS: 3580 Katamatite-Shepparton Road, Congupna PHONE: 03 5829 9286 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Currawa Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: The Little School Where Science Rules ADDRESS: 2 Ridge Road, Dookie College PHONE: 03 5828 6581 WEBSITE:

PRINCIPAL: Jean Varty MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: What a journey you have all been on, you should be very proud of yourselves. All the best for the future!

PRINCIPAL: Denise Howley MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to our 2021 Year Six students, who have all contributed to making Bourchier Street Primary School a great school. Good luck, enjoy secondary college, work hard and have fun.

PRINCIPAL: Adam Cleary MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: The Congupna Primary School Community would like to wish our thirteen graduating Grade Six Students of 2021 all the very best in their future endeavors. Secondary Schooling is a very important stepping stone towards being independent, successful and realising your dreams – don’t forget to stay KIND, BRAVE & CURIOUS!

PRINCIPAL: Jarod Bacon MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations Kobi and congratulations to all the other graduating students.

PRINCIPAL: Cindy-Joy Latessa MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to all of the Graduates of 2021.

SCHOOL NAME: Gowrie Street Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Dream Big ADDRESS: 1 Gowrie Street, Shepparton PHONE: 03 5821 3100 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Grahamvale Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Quality Education For All ADDRESS: 85 Grahamvale Road, Grahamvale PHONE: 03 5821 4219 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Greater Shepparton Secondary College SCHOOL MOTO: Aspiration, Integrity, Respect and Responsibility ADDRESS: 31-71 Hawdon Street, Shepparton PHONE: 03 5820 9900 WEBSITE:

PRINCIPAL: Lisa Wilson MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to all of the Graduates of 2021. SCHOOL NAME: Dhurringile Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Aim High ADDRESS: 605 Langham Road, Dhurringile PHONE: 03 5826 6222 WEBSITE:

Page 8—‘Graduation 2021’, October 2021

SCHOOL NAME: Harston Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: A Caring Community ADDRESS: 155 Harston Road, Harston PHONE: 03 5854 8317 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Dookie Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: ADDRESS: Baldock St, Dookie PHONE: 03 5828 6585

SCHOOL NAME: Guthrie Street Primary School ADDRESS: 33-69 Guthrie Street, Shepparton PHONE: 03 5821 1944 WEBSITE:

PRINCIPAL: Eron Chapman MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: As you go into the next part of your life you take with you all the very best wishes of our Gowrie St family. Always remember to Dream Big and seize the opportunities that come your way.

PRINCIPAL: Simone Higgins MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: I would like to congratulate each of our Year 6 students for their efforts, hard work, commitment, dedications, and resilience they have showed in what has been another challenging year. I wish them every success in their future and encourage them to continue to aim high and be the best that they can be! PRINCIPAL: Barbara O’brien MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to our graduating students. You have shown great commitment to your college, your classmates and your community throughout 2021. We know the resilience you have shown this year will serve you well throughout your life.

PRINCIPAL: Brendan Bicknell MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: I always arrive at this time of year with mixed feelings, I’m excited by the thought that our Year 6 students are well and truly ready to progress to their next stage of their education, but on the other hand I selfishly feel a little sad. I thank our Year 6 Students for the contribution they have made over their time at Guthrie Street and wish them all the best.

SCHOOL NAME: Katandra West Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Strong, Be your Best ADDRESS: 17-27 Bankin Street, Katandra West PHONE: 03 5828 3350 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Kialla Central Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Quality Education, Rural Environment ADDRESS: 128 Central Kialla Road, Kialla PHONE: 03 5827 1373 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Kialla West Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Resilience, Excellence, Pride ADDRESS: 7370 Goulburn Valley Highway Kialla West PHONE: 03 5823 1333 WEBSITE:

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations Harmony and Samika on completing Year 6 at Harston Primary School, you have shown great leadership and resilience during 2021 with on-site and remote and flexible learning. Everyone at Harston wishes you all the best in your secondary education and beyond. Follow your dreams and be true to yourself always!

PRINCIPAL: Marcia Waters MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: We are proud of the growth and maturity you have shown over your years at Katandra West Primary School and feel confident knowing that you are prepared to face whatever adventures and challenges you encounter. As you continue your educational journey, please remember the things you have learned and relationships you have formed during your time at Katandra West Primary School, our school community will always be a part of who you are, and what shaped you into the strong, kind, respectful and wonderful humans we are honoured to know. PRINCIPAL: Debbie Humphries MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to our 2021 Grade 6 Graduates for all that you have achieved during these challenging times. I wish you every success with your secondary school adventures and beyond!

PRINCIPAL: Wesley Teague MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: I’m very proud of our grade 6 children. These children have demonstrated excellent leadership across our school and have been wonderful role models for the other children at Kialla West. I wish these children well in their future endeavors.

SCHOOL NAME: Merrigum Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Small School, Big Voice, Growing for the future ADDRESS: Judd Avenue, Merrigum PHONE: 03 5855 2275 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Mooroopna Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Motivated, Persistent, Successful ADDRESS: 16 O’Brien Street, Mooroopna PHONE: 03 5825 2060 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Mooroopna North Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Resilience Respect Responsibility ADDRESS: 835 Ardmona Road, Mooroopna PHONE: 0409 025 137 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Mooroopna Park Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Growing and Learning Together ADDRESS: 45 MacIsaac Road, Mooroopna PHONE: 03 5825 3856 WEBSITE:

PRINCIPAL: Kerry Miller MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Remember to dream big, try hard and set your eyes on your goals. SCHOOL NAME: Lemnos Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Love Laugh Learn ADDRESS: Lemnos North Road, Lemnos PHONE: 03 5829 9287 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Murchison Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Be the Best You Can Be ADDRESS: 8-10 Impey Street, Murchison PHONE: 03 5826 2391 WEBSITE:

PRINCIPAL: Tony Shannon MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to our grade 6 students on their final year of Primary School. We wish you all the best next year.

PRINCIPAL: Carla May MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to our graduating class of 2021. It has been a privilege to support you throughout your primary school years. We wish you every success in life.

PRINCIPAL: Michelle Duke MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: We are very proud of you! You demonstrated Respect, Responsibility and Resilience as you stepped up to the challenges 2021 sent your way. We wish you all the best as you move forward into your next adventure.

PRINCIPAL: Hayden Beaton MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations on Graduating Grade 6. Keep reaching for the stars. All the best for your new adventure.

PRINCIPAL: Karen Goodwin MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to our Class of 2021 on you’ve achievements and reaching this great milestone. Wishing you great success with your future education and dreams.

‘Graduation 2021’, October 2021—Page 9


MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to our graduates, we are so proud of your resilience and flexibility and know that you have been well prepared and are ready to take on the new challenges, friendships, emotions and opportunities that secondary school will provide. We thank you and your families for working in partnership with us over the past seven years and look forward to following your lives as you make the most of the talents you already possess and those that you are yet to discover.

SCHOOL NAME: Orrvale Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Educating Hearts and Minds ADDRESS: 300 Channel Road, Orrvale PHONE: 03 5829 2490 WEBSITE: PRINCIPAL: Adam Brennan

SCHOOL NAME: Shepparton East Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: By learning, We grow ADDRESS: 15 School Road, Shepparton East PHONE: 03 5829 2426 WEBSITE:

PRINCIPAL: Stacey Willaton MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to our 2021 Graduating Year 6 students. As a group you have shown your resilience and persistence to overcome all that COVID has thrown at you, this is a credit to you all. We wish you all the best for your future endevours.

PRINCIPAL: Adam Burbridge MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Dear Students, congratulations on your many achievements throughout your primary school years. The last couple SCHOOL NAME: of years have been challenging but you St Georges Road Primary School have shown resilience and determination, SCHOOL MOTO: Knowledge, Service, Happiness attributes that will stand you in good ADDRESS: 120 St Georges Road, Shepparton stead for your future. We wish you every PHONE: 03 5821 3383 success as you continue your educational WEBSITE: journey.

PRINCIPAL: David Brodie MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Good luck to all of our wonderful Grade 6 students who will soon move onto their new educational challenges in 2022. You will always be considered part of our school and we look forward to seeing you continue to grow and mature into the future.

SCHOOL NAME: Tallygaroopna Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: The philosophy of considering the feelings of others at all times is strongly endorsed within the school. ADDRESS: 24-34 Victoria Street, Tallygroopna PHONE: 03 5829 8264 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Tatura Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Achieving Together ADDRESS: Corner Service and Albert Streets, Tatura PHONE: 03 5824 1684 WEBSITE:

PRINCIPAL: Susanne Gill MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Each child in the Graduating Class of 2021 at Tatura Primary School has developed friendships and skills that will last a lifetime. They have learnt to adapt to many challenges, and we wish them every success in the future.

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SCHOOL NAME: Toolamba Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Where everyone counts! ADDRESS: 69-77 Wren Street, Toolamba PHONE: 03 5826 5212 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Wilmot Road Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Happiness Through Achievement ADDRESS: 84-90 Wilmot Road, Shepparton PHONE: 03 5821 4953 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Undera Primary School SCHOOL MOTO: Learning for Our Future ADDRESS: 45-55 Anderson Street, Undera PHONE: 03 5826 0211 WEBSITE:

SCHOOL NAME: Verney Road School SCHOOL MOTO: Excellence in Supported Learning ADDRESS: 2 Verney Road, Shepparton PHONE: 03 5821 8185 WEBSITE:

PRINCIPAL: Heather Kennedy MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Our 2021 graduates have proven to be a resilient group who have shown amazing flexibility during their Grade 5 and 6 years. We are very proud of their positive attitude and wish them all the very best as they transition to secondary education.

PRINCIPAL: Sharon Thompson MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: We are proud of our 2021 grade 6 students, showing great resilience, adaptability, and persistence with their learning in a year where their lives have been greatly impacted. Whilst the school has kept the bar raised high, I want you all to keep striving to fulfil your dreams - you are our future and the opportunities moving forward are endless.

PRINCIPAL: David Farrell MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations Alex Russell and James Bloomfield on your graduation from Undera Primary School. May you continue to aspire to achieve your dreams and make the most of all educational opportunities in secondary school next year.

PRINCIPAL: Angela Buxton MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to our Year 12 graduates. We look forward to seeing the great things you continue to achieve in the future. All the best from the Verney Road School Community.

PRINCIPAL: Peter Farrell MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Congratulations to all of the Graduates of 2021. SCHOOL NAME: Zeerust Primary School ADDRESS: 245 Zeerust Road, Zeerust PHONE: 03 5829 8282 WEBSITE:

Photo by ‘GV School Photography’

A message from the Principal Our Year 6 children have never experienced such a final two years in primary school. I thank the children for their fabulous contributions to our great school. As you conclude your time in primary school, continue to challenge yourself in all facets of learning and life. “Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road...(Lk 24:32). Keep the fire burning as you enter a new challenge.

You should be all proud of your achievements in primary school. Learn from your experiences and bounce into 2022 with great enthusiasm. You and your friends are the future for success in our great country. The St. Luke’s community wishes you much happiness and success. To our St Luke’s Year 6 graduating Class of 2021, all the best in the next chapter of your education and lives. David Keenan Your proud Principal.

P: (03) 5822 1834


F: (03) 5822 2503

E: Goulburn Valley Hwy, Shepparton VIC 3630

‘Graduation 2021’, October, 2021—Page 11

and and

on your and in

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Congratulations on your graduation. We are proud of your academic accomplishments and the young men and women that each of you are. As your schooling years come to a close, we encourage you to keep up the exciting lifelong journey of learning, exploring and growing. We wish you all every happiness and success in all that you experience in the coming years.

Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE FOR 2022

155 Verney Road, Shepparton

Ph: (03)5831 7790 ‘Graduation 2021’, October, 2021—Page 13

The Shepparton News wishes to congratulate the graduating classes of 2021. The past 18 months have been difficult with lockdowns and home schooling but you’ve made it! We wish everyone all the best in their future endeavours.

Page 14—‘Graduation 2021’, October, 2021

G R A D UAT I N G C L A S S E S O F 2 0 2 1

Year 6 student leaders were lucky enough to tour the new GSSC campus in April, when it was still very much under construction. The school is now substantially complete, with landscaping and other works in their final stages.

‘Big school’ a new experience at GSSC Some Year 6 students preparing to graduate to “big school” next year will likely already be familiar with their secondary school from older siblings or just by growing up in Shepparton.

performing arts, Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) and Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) facilities required by senior students. The transition process for Year 6 to Year 7 at GSSC has already begun, with all Greater Shepparton primary schools hosting an online visit from school and wellbeing team leaders.

However, for those students continuing their secondary education in a government school, the change will be brand new in 2022 as they step onto the Hawdon St site of Greater Shepparton Secondary College (GSSC).

“These meetings are to provide key information, answer student questions and complete a virtual tour of the new GSSC,” Ms Sloane said.

“We know the transition to Year 7 is a big step for our youngest students,” GSSC assistant principal Anna Sloane said. “This has always been the case but when our doors open for Term 1, 2022, students coming to GSSC will be the first to experience our completely new and contemporary learning environment.” Ms Sloane, one of three Years 7 to 9 sub-school leaders at GSSC, said staff were working hard to ensure students were as familiar and comfortable as they could be with the new school before their first day arrived. Apart from new buildings, incoming Year 7 students will also be introduced to GSSC’s House and Neighbourhood structure. GSSC’s nine Houses are named after iconic rivers in the region: Murray, Lachlan, Darling, Goulburn, Campaspe, Kiewa, Warrego, Murrumbidgee and Loddon. Each House also has its own distinct colour, reproduced in carpet, furniture and corridors, to build a sense

Alina Ismet and Amaia Linton from Congupna Primary School.

Jasmyn Garnsworthy, Mooroopna Primary School

of belonging.

the primary school they came from.”

A House is a student’s home base for their entire secondary schooling. Each House is a self-contained smaller school with its own classrooms, collaborative study areas, student lockers and amenities.

Just like in the wider community, a student’s Neighbourhood helps to develop a close-knit feel and give students opportunities to connect with family members and friends.

No more than 300 students form a House, which is in turn comprised of up to 50 students from each year level (Years 7 to 12) and no more than 25 in each class. “The House model makes it easy for students to get to know one another and for teachers and support staff to build relationships with students and families,” Ms Sloane said. “For many Year 7 students, their House in secondary school will be smaller than

The three Houses that make up a Neighbourhood share a common area with a range of learning and support services for GSSC students, including a canteen, learning resource centre (library), science, design, technology, performing arts spaces and more. The shared space features a roof-top garden for students and staff to enjoy. The other buildings on site include a double gymnasium and the Enterprise and Innovation Centre, which houses the specialist science, technology,

Tuesday, December 7, is state-wide Transition Day for primary students across Victoria. Incoming GSSC students will spend the day with their allocated Home Group and Home Group teacher for next year. This will only include their year level, allowing for a focused transition experience. “The focus will be on fun learning, with students participating in House and Neighbourhood activities to build relationships and a sense of belonging,” Ms Sloane said. “Year 7 students will also be a priority for tours of the new campus and its special facilities, so they will feel comfortable in their new school before Term 1 begins next year. “For every student, entering secondary school is a bit intimidating,” she said. “It’s also very exciting and with our new school, something we can all look forward to#—#staff included!”

‘Graduation 2021’, October, 2021—Page 15

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” —Sun Tzu

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