Riverine Herald Education Week 2023

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26 RIVERINE HERALD FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2023 ELC to Year 12 | Day & Boarding School for Girls (ELC includes boys) ST CATHERINE’S SCHOOL www.stcatherines.net.au | Toorak VIC connects She who dares at St Catherine’s DISCOVER BOARDING #1 Girls School Victoria 2021 & 2022

She Who Dares, Leads

At St Catherine’s School in Toorak the daily routine of the Boarding House is instrumental in supporting the independence and academic success of its boarders.

Year 10 boarding student, Harper Anderson says the daily program has improved her independence and organisation skills significantly. “The daily program provides me with an independent life. I manage my studies within the allocated study time, I do all my own washing, keep track of my personal belongings, and manage my own time and money, all of which helps me develop skills for life after school.”

Head of Boarding Services, Mrs Sue Collister explains the daily program in Illawarra, the school’s heritage listed Boarding House, provides the routine and familiarity essential for academic success and wellbeing.

“Our daily program allows for allocated study times and appropriate bedtimes, ensuring our boarders are in a great position to make the most of their education,” shares Collister.

“Overseeing the daily program are our boarding staff, who along with being chosen for their caring approach and warm personalities, also possess a collective wisdom across a diverse range of qualifications ensuring a breadth of academic support is available to assist all our boarders.”

The family atmosphere within Illawarra is also fostered through the daily program with boarders enjoying time together during mealtimes and providing academic support to each other during allocated daily study time.

“When our girls return to the Boarding House after school, Year levels are forgotten and everyone is part of our boarding family,” explains Collister.


Along with the independence provided through its boarding program, St Catherine’s has also adapted its educational model to hand greater responsibility to students for their learning, which has seen the School ranked the number one performing girls school in Victoria, two years in a row and, this year, ranked a commendable #2 in the State overall.

The School has established several new academic and wellbeing programs in recognition of the importance of student wellbeing for academic success. Director for Teaching and Learning, Mrs Ceri Lloyd says, “throughout the COVID pandemic in 2020 we knew the future of teaching and learning would never be the same, particularly in the senior years of school and moving into tertiary study, where student agency in their learning directly equates to academic success.”

The result was the Senior Years Learning Model for Years 10 to 12, which empowers students in their learning through a hybrid learning model involving face to face classes as well as the online delivery of Masterclass lectures and tutorials.

“Through providing each student the opportunity to navigate their learning at a pace and medium that best suits their individual needs, we created a culture of thinking and community of learners motivated, enthused and passionate about their education,” Lloyd explains.

Along with the Senior Years Learning Model, St Catherine’s has also established a Teaching and Learning Framework that integrates the school’s wellbeing program within its academic programs. “Students learn best when their wellbeing is optimised,” says Lloyd.

“A key academic priority for St Catherine’s is to teach for knowledge and ensure every student is provided with the strongest foundation possible to reach her unique aspirations in learning and life. Our Thinking Classroom approach builds the competencies of our students to successfully contribute to the world around them as intellectually and emotionally agile young women, fully prepared to navigate their futures.”

2021 graduate and boarder, Gabrielle Fellows (’21) says the culture of learning at the school, along with the academic care shown by her teachers helped her reach her goal of studying a double degree in Business/Marketing at Monash University.

“St Catherine’s encouraged me to strive for academic excellence and provided me with so many opportunities to develop my leadership skills. My teachers provided me with constant support and their willingness to invest so much of their time and energy into my education cannot be understated, I am incredibly grateful for this,” shares Gabrielle.


Along with the School’s outstanding academic reputation it boasts an impressive record of accomplishment in sport, including the fastest schoolgirls eight rowing crew in the world, after its Senior VIII Crew won the Prince Philip Challenge Trophy at the Henley Royal Regatta, the Head of the Schoolgirls (HOSG) Rowing Regatta and Rowing Australia’s National Championships in 2022.

“Schools have a unique opportunity, not just to deliver physical education and school sport well, but to also create a culture in which being active is the norm,” explains Michelle Carroll, Principal.

“We know if girls are physically active, they will be healthier, happier, have higher self-esteem and body confidence. At St

Catherine’s, we aim to ‘change the game’ for our girls by lifting the sporting landscape, enabling a positive experience, and engaging all our girls in sport.”

Member of the Senior Rowing Crew and Henley Champion, Year 12 2022 graduate Sarah Marriott, credits her teachers as being incredibly influential in her sports participation, “I would not have been able to stay motivated without the help of St Catherine’s Sports staff. They motivated me to manage my time to exercise and work hard in my academic studies.”

Having worked in girls’ education for 30 years, Carroll says she has seen firsthand that not all girls enthusiastically get involved in sport, “for a range of reasons, we know that girls drop out of sport.”

“Tapping into the sporting enthusiasm of adolescent girls can be tricky. It requires offering a range of sports, a range of clothing, a balance between highly competitive activities and just playing for fun, and importantly, facilities they feel comfortable

in. Our aim, as a school, is to ensure all our girls graduate with a pursuit of an active adult life,” Carroll says.

This year, St Catherine’s will further enhance its Sports Program with the development of a contemporary indoor sports court, a dedicated High-Performance Training Studio, and St Catherine’s Sports Development Academy. A platform for aspiring female athletes to further develop their sporting abilities through individualised sport specific training programs and a suite of athlete education services.

The school’s diversity of choice within its academic and co-curricular programs are also reflected in its broad range of scholarship opportunities for rural and regional students. Applications for 2025 Boarding Scholarships open in October 2023.

To learn more or organise a Principal’s Tour please contact admissions@stcatherines.net.au, visit www.stcatherines.net.au or call (03) 9828 3917.

St Catherine’s School Principal, Michelle Carroll with students Senior Rowing Crew Henley Royal Regatta Champions Harper Anderson, Year 10 St Catherine’s boarding student Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning Ceri Llloyd

Beacon Careers Expo shines a light on

“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.”

Malcolm X first uttered that quote in the 1960s and six decades on remains just as relevant.

The futures of 350 Echuca-Moama students were front and centre during the 2023 Beacon Foundation Careers Expo at Rich River Golf Club on Tuesday.

The Year 9 and 10 students from Echuca College, Moama Anglican Grammar School, St Joseph’s College, Twin Rivers Specialist School and River City Christian College had the opportunity to examine more than 50 industries.

Echuca Moama Beacon Foundation project manager Catherine Elms said the careers expo was a defining one on the calendar.

“To have 350 students from Year 9 and Year 10 take part in the expo is just fantastic,” Ms Elms said.

“We had 52 workshops in total for the students to gain insights into particular industries.

“This is the biggest one on the calendar.

“Earlier in the year we survey all the students and ask them about their thoughts on potential future career choices.

“The students list the top four

industries they are interested in and then they get the chance to talk to industry specialists.”

Ms Elms said the buy-in from businesses had only helped grow the expo.

“We’re always blown away how

willing the businesses are to be involved each year,” she said.

“We know they are busy people in their own industries, but it is great that they have come down today and spend some time with the students.

“They are enthusiastic, full

of ideas, and make a telling contribution to this event.”

The industries which hosted workshops for the students were as follows:

Accounting, Agricultural Science, Allied Health, Apprenticeships

& Traineeships, Architect, Art, Banking & Finance, Building/ Carpentry, Chef, Civil Engineering, Computer Programming, Dance, Defence Force, Diesel Mechanic, Disability Services, Early Childhood Learning, Electrician, Engineering, Environmental Science, Farming, Firefighter, Fitness, Hairdressing, Hospitality & Event Management, Hospitality & Fast Food Industry, Hospitality & Sport, Journalism, Law, Medicine, Mental Health, Youth Work and Social Work, Mining, Music, Nursing, Paramedic/Ambulance, Pharmacy, Photography/Design, Physiotherapy, Pilot, Plumbing, Police, Professional Athlete, Radio, Real Estate, Retail/Beauty, Teaching, Travel, Veterinary, Wildlife/Park Ranger/Zoologist.

Ms Elms also said there was a none of the above option for students unsure about what career course they wanted to follow.

“There were a number of students who checked out that option, which helped design your dream job,” she said.

Ten students gained insights from the Riverine Herald workshop from sales manager Laura Buckley and editor Gregor Mactaggart.

The expo opened with guest speakers Matt Dickson from Goulburn Murray Local Learning

28 RIVERINE HERALD FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2023 Sam BIRRELL MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR NICHOLLS 426 Wyndham Street, Shepparton VIC 3630 5821 5371 sam.birrell.mp@aph.gov.au sambirrell.com.au SamBirrellMP Education Lasts a Lifetime From Kindergarten, Primary School and Secondary School to Tafe and University, our region provides quality education close to home. PETER WALSH YOUR VOICE IN GOVERNMENT PETER WALSH MP YOUR VOICE IN PARLIAMENT EDUCATION IS AN ASSET So, why not become a class act and get involved in your future success - now! Peter Walsh MP 496 High Street, Echuca 3564 Tel: 5482 2039 or 1300 467 906 E: peter.walsh@parliament.vic.gov.au
Guest speaker: Jayden Howe from headspace Echuca addressed the 350 students at the 2023 Beacon Foundation Careers Expo. Photos: Gregor Mactaggart

career options available for students

and Employment Network and headspace Echuca’s Jayden Howe.

Mr Dickson spoke about and displayed Vic VICE, a new virtual reality platform where students can explore the world of work.

Mr Howe shared his own life experiences and his journey to his current role as headspace Echuca’s community awareness officer.

“Gone are the days of 40-year careers in the one job,” he said.

“Keep moving forward, keep learning, keep growing ... and don’t be afraid to change.”

Finally, Ms Elms thanked all involved with putting on the expo.

“It is logistically our biggest and most important event of the year,” she said.

“The (student) leaders are heavily involved throughout and everyone with the Echuca-Moama Beacon Foundation.

“Thanks to all of the industries who have come along today and participated, and thanks to the Rich River Golf Club for hosting this event, they have been just amazing.”

Boarding at Scotch College

Laying the foundations for their future

Boarders at Scotch College enjoy quality accommodation in a secure, familial environment. Based on Christian principles, with a strong academic focus, residential tutors, outstanding facilities and an expansive inner city campus, our students excel in a wide range of activities including music, drama, sport and outdoor education.

Come and visit our campus and boarding houses by contacting either:

Judy Duffy judy.duffy@scotch.vic.edu.au 0428 714 060

or our Admissions Office admissions@scotch.vic.edu.au


Year 12 student and boarder Lachlan Clark, has embraced every facet of school life at Scotch College Melbourne. Appreciating the structure and opportunity that living on campus provides the “Hill Captain” (the student leader of the Scotch Boarding fraternity) sees his role as boarding captain is about encouraging involvement, embracing new challenges and stepping out of one’s comfort zone. Lachlan walks the talk and is a much admired and respected student leader in the school.

“It is really great being part of such a special community within Scotch College. Boarding is one of the places where you find real and genuine friendships and connections. I particularly enjoy getting to know our more introverted boys and assisting them to meet as many others as possible, and to be as involved as they can in the life of the school.” Lachlan’s family lives in Hay, New South Wales on a 7,500acre sheep farm and he, together with his younger brother Ben, are fourth generation Scotch students. One aspect of his time that has been pivotal to Lachlan’s love of his Melbourne school is his involvement in Scotch’s annual drama productions. He has been involved in every major production throughout his years at Scotch. “Last year was West Side Story, which was amazing and so completely different to anything I have done before. This year we are doing A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and once again there is a new challenge, taking on Shakespeare”

Research undertaken by Professor Michael Anderson (USYD 2016) found that students who engaged with the arts in schools as active participants – as makers and doers of the arts – were more likely to improve their outcomes in academic and social spheres than those who passively consumed the arts. Being able to express your individuality through the arts can develop your sense of identity and through this, your self-esteem. There is a growing body of Australian and international research that further demonstrates the enormous positive impacts that participating in the arts can have on students’ academic and non-academic success.

Scotch College Melbourne fully embraces this knowledge and values the arts through both its

curriculum and its extracurricular programme. Whether music, visual arts or drama, the students are encouraged to get involved, to experience and expand their creativity. The arts at the school are supported by exceptional facilities.

We know that creativity is an essential part of our humanity, mental health and capacity to understand ourselves as we change and process the world around us. Activities in the arts invite children to play with the balance of “head and heart.” There are no wrong answers in creative activities. Through improvisation and experimentation with the arts in a non-judgmental environment, students learn more about themselves and their world.

While undecided about his future plans, Lachlan won’t rule out continuing his love of drama and music (he plays the guitar) post school.

Interest in media: Students Isabelle Chapman, Summah Gilmore-Turner, Cora Wilson and Ava Brown with Riverine Herald sales manager Laura Buckley.
Attention: Workshops were held inside and outside in the car park of the Rich River Golf Club.


St Mary’s Primary School is a faith community focusing on learning and developing positive relationships and nurturing confident, happy students. St Mary’s prides itself on high expectations, community connection and student ownership; we thought what better way to share who we are, what we value and what we do than hearing from the bright, articulate, and proud students of St Mary’s. Here is a reflection from one of our year 6 students.

St Mary’s Primary School to me is my second home, I have been at St Mary’s for my entire seven years of primary school, and I can guarantee that this school prospers in multiple ways. This school is a school that has kids both are well educated academically and in co-curricular pursuits, all the way from Prep to year 6.

I simply love St Mary’s because no matter what everyone is comfortable and feels like they’re in a safe atmosphere from day one. Also, St Mary’s is a multicultural school and it is welcoming to all people from different backgrounds. St Mary’s has a vision for all students to be able to Respect, have Courage, Include, Achieve, Serve and to Celebrate.


St Mary’s is proud to be the only Catholic Primary School currently in the Echuca, Moama area. We strive to ensure our students are safe, happy, and aspiring to be the best versions of themselves.

St Mary’s continues to be a leading school in the Sandhurst Diocese, we are committed to ongoing learning, success and school improvement to ensure we are educating our students for the future that awaits them. Our students are the greatest advocates for our school, and we welcome anyone in our community to visit our website to register interest or request a tour.

St Mary’s Primary School, Echuca info@smechuca.catholic.edu.au | (03) 5482 1342
A faith community, learning together, spreading the Good News of Jesus through positive relationships, trust and love.
Futher information and tour options are available on our website.

Education Week

St Joseph’s College Echuca is ready for the future

Catholic Education at St Joseph’s College continues to go from strength to strength, with students, staff and families benefiting from the genuinely contemporary and engaging opportunities available.

St Joseph’s College challenges students to be creative and critical thinkers who act with strength and kindliness in the Gospel tradition. We honour the rich tradition of educating the whole person: intellectually, spiritually, physically and emotionally.

Our broad curriculum is designed to provide every student with opportunities that will help them discover their strengths, master new skills and build strong self-esteem, confidence and creativity. Specialised programs develop the capabilities that underpin flexible and analytical thinking and a capacity to work with others.

Each student participates in a variety of courses and activities that are integral parts of our rich Brigidine tradition such as religious education classes, social justice activities, ethics courses, prayer, liturgy and the study of scripture.

Another key to student success at St Joseph’s College is our strong culture of working closely with families. We utilise state-of-the-art software, giving parents real-time access to their child’s academic progress, attendance and events at the click of a button.

In mid-2023, we will expand to a multi campus school and open the doors to our first group of Year 7 students at our new Kildare Campus at 194 Mr Terrick Road, Echuca. This bold new era also includes a major refurbishment of our existing Brigidine Campus in Dickson Street to commence in 2024 and will enable us to provide greater access to modern Catholic education in the region.

Despite our growth, with currently more than 960 students and 150 staff, we have maintained a real sense of extended family. Our Vertical House structure gives students a place in a small community within the larger College community. Learning Mentors and House Leaders are constants in a student’s life during their time at the College, acting as a guide, motivator, mentor and advocate to enhance student confidence, understanding and belonging.

Families choose St Joseph’s College because they know it has the values-based systems in place to care for their child and educate them well in a community grounded in 137 years of Brigidine Catholic tradition – a tradition our College is committed to continuing and enhancing as we move toward an exciting future.

Be Brave! Let the little things be stepping stones for growth

Challenging students to be creative and critical thinkers who act with strength and kindliness in the Gospel tradition

St Joseph’s College has been serving the families of the Echuca Moama region for over 137 years. We are a modern, gospel values-based family-centred place of learning where:

Students acquire lifelong learning skills | We offer an excellent Pastoral Care Program | A strong non-bullying culture exists

Each student has their own Apple Laptop | Students participate in a wide range of sports and extra-curricular activities

Our low ‘all inclusive’ annual fee gives families financial confidence | Limited spaces at some year levels available for 2023 St.

Joseph’s College

Contact Registrar on 5482 2577 or email registrar@sje.vic.edu.au for an Information Pack or visit our website www.sje.vic.edu.au.

Every Child Matters

Education is a basic right for every child, but every child needs the right education. At River City Christian College, we endeavor, through relational teaching, to help each student identify their God-given potential and purpose.

Tucked away on the banks of the Campaspe River, our beautifully manicured and expansive grounds lead up to modern well-equipped buildings and classrooms. Throughout the day, guided by their teachers, students learn, grow, and explore. We offer a robust Victorian curriculum and extend students through a variety of additional programs and electives, all designed to assist your child to grow in con dence and ability all while developing a personal Christian worldview.

Underpinned by our values of Wisdom, Integrity and Compassion we hold onto the truth that ‘every child matters’. Students matter enough to be heard and understood, they matter enough to be held accountable, they matter enough to be extended emotionally, academically, and spiritually.

We welcome you to contact the college to arrange a tour with our current Principal, Mr. Kevin Sourgen, who would love to share his passion and vision for your child’s education.

At NEPS our students are provided with excellent opportunities. These support them in becoming the best learners and members of our community they can be. Our small class sizes allow all students and staff to know each other well; increasing our school connectedness. Our knowledge of the students allows for very targeted point of need teaching to ensure maximal growth for all students.

Nanneella Estate Primary School is now joining with Rochester Primary School weekly to give our students the chance to build connections with more peers. This is extremely beneficial especially for our older students as they transition to Secondary School. This gives our students the great mix of a small school setting with the opportunities of a larger school.

Please feel free to contact the school or Principal to arrange a tour/meeting to further discuss the opportunities and benefits our school can offer to both your child and family. Enrolments are open for 2024.

29 Rose St, Echuca, VIC, 3564 Ph. 03 5482 4594 reception@rccc.vic.edu.au
Nanneella Estate Primary School • 159 Bennett Rd Nanneella 3651 • Ph: 03 54 845 395 • E: Nanneella.Estate.ps@education.vic.gov.au • Principal: Tom Mangan • M: 04 08 403 884 • E: Thomas.mangan@education.vic.gov.au Our school values are evident in everything we do Getting along • Respect • Resilience • Organisation • We do our best

Study locally in Echuca

Are you ready to start something? Do what you love? At Bendigo TAFE you can!

Located in the heart of Echuca, you will find our boutique campus. As a smaller campus, closely connected to the local community, we offer friendly and personal service to our diverse student population and industry connections. Whether you are a mature aged student or a school leaver or somewhere in between, we provide support and guidance to ensure you get the skills and outcome that you need to set you up for your career or pathway into further study.

Exciting new offerings in 2023

Our VCE Vocational Major^ and Victorian Pathways Certificate# provide hands-on learning experiences and are inclusive to all kinds of learners. Our teachers and staff care about individual learning needs. We understand everyone learns differently and at their own pace. Employing a more diverse range of assessment strategies rather than exams, alleviates some of the pressure students face when considering the VCE. The courses prepare students to transition successfully into apprenticeships, traineeships, further education and training, university, or directly into employment. Bendigo TAFE is excited to be able to offer both courses, locally in Echuca.

Free TAFE* to support your studies

With recent changes to the Free TAFE* eligibility rules and the introduction of Priority Pathways, further opportunities are available to train for jobs in high demand industries. Already offering 35 Free TAFE* courses across commercial cookery, hospitality, accounting, engineering, health, community services, IT, hairdressing and more, if eligible, you can study multiple Free TAFE* courses and build expertise within a pathway. For example, the Nursing and Personal Care Pathway allows students to study qualifications in aged care, disability and nursing – all covered with Free TAFE*.

Kathryn Stanford successfully completed a Diploma of Nursing (HLT54115) at Bendigo TAFE using the Free TAFE* initiative.

“Because of Free TAFE* I was able to study, keep up with home commitments and get employed. It wouldn’t have been a possibility if not for this grant,” said Ms Stanford, who also clinched Bendigo TAFE’s 2021 Student of the Year: Health Award.

Kathryn works as an endorsed enrolled nurse at Inglewood and Districts Health Services, and attributes her success to her studies at TAFE.

“This course has given me a sense of personal achievement and confidence in my own ability that I was lacking beforehand,” she said.

“I hope that other mature age students are able to take the leap and enrol in a course that they believe will improve their employment opportunities. Regardless of the many challenges, we are all capable of stepping outside our comfort zones and achieving what we envision as impossible with a little encouragement and reassurance.”

With a number of courses offered locally, it’s time to Unleash You at Bendigo TAFE.

Visit bendigotafe.edu.au or call 13 TAFE (13 8233)
at freetafe.vic.gov.au
^VCE VM (VCE0000001) | #VPC (VPC0000001) | *Free TAFE on selected courses only. Eligibility criteria apply. Other fees and charges may apply. Find out more

Welcome to Education Week 2023


Welcome to Education

Week 2023, our annual celebration of education, and a chance to show off our brilliant government schools across Victoria.

Education Week is between May 14 and May 20.

This year’s theme is ‘Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate’ and it highlights some of the amazing ways students can learn through physical activity, hands-on learning and student voice.

Being active isn’t just about getting outdoors and looking after our physical health – it’s about keeping our minds alive and active with imagination.

At our schools that could mean getting involved and learning new skills through art, science, technology, student leadership, and even by being connected to your community.

As the Minister for Education I want to make sure that every student feels strong and confident so they can be an active learner.

I’m really proud of the work that’s happening to support students including reforms to disability inclusion, mental health support and vocational education in schools.

As part of this, I want to thank our teachers, principals, education support staff and everyone in the local community who together make our schools a great place to learn.

I hope all Victorian government school students get involved in some of the great excursions, incursions and online events hosted by leading culture, sport and education organisations.

From virtual storytimes to footy and coding workshops, there’s something on offer for all year levels, and some professional learning for teachers too.

To find more about the free events and activities your school can participate in, visit www.vic.gov.au/ education-week

However you choose to celebrate Education Week this year, I hope you have a fantastic week!

Future Focused, Optimistic and Joyful St Patrick’s College remains the only boys’ school in Ballarat.

It has proudly been a Catholic day and boarding school for boys since 1893, serving the educational needs of the young men of Ballarat and those from well beyond. It is a beautifully resourced school in terms of its staff and educational infrastructure and is known for many things, including its energy and sense of community.

Our mission is to provide an engaging, enjoyable and holistic education for boys that liberates them and leads them to a wisdom for life. A St Patrick’s College education is informed by the charism of Blessed Edmund Rice and characterised by justice, service, compassion, respect, discernment and excellence.

We stand on the shoulders of the work and efforts of the Christian Brothers who established

the College and its reputation, the many dedicated staff and outstanding students who have called St Pat’s their place at some time over the last 130 years.

As the current custodians of St Patrick’s, we are committed to achieving excellence in all that we do with and for our boys, honouring the efforts of the many who have been before us. The College stands strongly on its Pillars of Faith, Tradition, Excellence and Joy and as an EREA school, we are guided by the Four Touchstones as outlined in The Charter, as well as the EREA Learning Statement.

We are conscious of the role St Patrick’s has played in educating many in the Ballarat community and seek to further enhance our

place as a school of educational excellence as Ballarat continues to expand as a leading regional city in Victoria.

We seek to contribute significantly to the formation of young adults who are confident, compassionate, respectful, authentic, relational, and optimistic about the future and their place in it, and the contribution they will make to society. At St Patrick’s we value and honour character, compassion and community.

We relish the joy and rewards of our work, contributing to and witnessing the formation and growth of our students. Proud of our wonderful College community, we remain hope-filled and entirely optimistic about the future of our students.

Welcome: Victoria’s Minister for Education Natalie Hutchins.
Photo: Supplied
Enrol now, www.stpats.vic.edu.au
Educating hope-filled, compassionate and confident young men for their place in the world

School uniform support for Vic families

The Victorian Government is supporting families doing it tough, with more than 21,000 government school students provided uniforms through the Affordable School Uniforms Program this year alone.

Delivered through State Schools Relief, the program provides uniforms and other essential school items for families that need an extra helping hand and ensures that all students, regardless of their circumstances, can attend school feeling valued and included.

Families can receive support for individual school uniform items, school shoes, swimwear, stationery items, STEM calculators, textbooks, work boots for vocational students and school bags – ensuring every kid has the basics to excel in school.

On average the program can save families more than $100 per application.

“Through this initiative we’re ensuring every Victorian student is provided an equal chance to have a quality education

and participate in school activities, regardless of their background or family circumstances,” Minister

for Education Natalie Hutchins said.

“Wearing a school uniform helps to create an important

sense of belonging for children, and every student should feel valued and included throughout

their educational journey.

“With the rising cost of living, we know this program offers some relief for many

families right now across the state.”

Since 2015, more than $42 million has been invested in the program which has supported more than 459,900 students with more than 1.72 million uniforms and other essential school items.

Families affected by shortterm crisis and long-term chronic need are encouraged to contact their local school, with students affected by refugee status, homelessness, family violence, house fire, natural disaster, financial hardship, illness and emergency among those eligible for support.

Financial support for schools is also provided through the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund, which gives students from disadvantaged backgrounds the ability to participate and attend a range of school events and activities which may not be possible due to the cost.

Government school students entering Prep and Year 7 who are eligible for this fund are automatically eligible to apply for a uniform pack from State Schools Relief.

Boarding at Assumption College

The Assumption College Boarding community was founded to provide Catholic families living in remote and regional areas with a high-quality schooling and boarding experience for their children.

Over the years, this has remained the College’s commitment, and today the boarding houses serve the families of our region and beyond, with students following their parents and grandparents into the boarding houses.

Students of the boarding community, in their comfortable ‘family style’ centres, are thriving. There is a palpable sense of young people growing and flourishing in surroundings that challenge and excite them.

Assumption College Boarding staff live on site with the students and work to provide a ‘family spirit’ so that both the students and their parents, feel welcomed and valued.

This value extends to the connection between

boarding and local day students. Students are connected through multi-age home groups, known as Learning Mentor Groups and through the innovative MyMAP curriculum that focuses on ‘stage not age’ learning, offering a vast range of subjects and pathways. Subjects such as Agriculture and High-Performance Sport are yet another way boarding and day students find connection, along with an extensive co-curricular program and activities.

‘There is no other boarding community quite like Assumption College,’ says Principal, Kate Fogarty. ‘Our students and their families value the beautiful and spacious facilities as well as the warm and kind relationships that their children form with each other and the staff’.

To learn more about Assumption College, visit our website or contact the friendly Community Relations team.

Helping out: The Victorian Government is supporting families doing
tough, with more than 21,000 government school students provided uniforms through the Affordable School Uniforms Program this year alone.
ASSUMPTION COLLEGE BOARDING Start your journey with us assumption.vic.edu.au A transformative Marist community Innovative myMAP curriculum Personalised learning pathways Agricultural education facility opening in 2023 High-quality boutique Boarding


Looking for a nurturing and stimulating environment for your child’s early education? Shine Bright EYM has three conveniently located kindergartens: Echuca Central, Echuca East, and Echuca South, each providing a safe and supportive space for your child’s learning and growth, making every moment matter. Our experienced and highly quali ed educators understand the importance of early childhood education and are committed to providing your child with the best possible start in life. Our comprehensive curriculum focuses on building strong foundations in literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional development, while fostering a love of learning through play-based activities in-turn keeping the joy of early childhood. At our kindergartens in Echuca, we believe in creating a warm inclusive and welcoming environment where every child is valued and respected. Our spacious and well-equipped classrooms, indoor and outdoor play areas, and natural playgrounds provide opportunities for exploration, creativity, and physical development.

If you’re interested in learning more about our kindergartens in Echuca, we invite you to attend our open day on Tuesday 16 May 2023 from 9 am to 11.30 pm. It’s a great opportunity to meet our educators, tour our facilities, and see rsthand how Shine Bright EYM Kindergartens can help your child shine. Enrol your child today and give them the gift of a lifetime of learning.

Echuca College is a connected learning community that grows through resilience, acceptance and opportunity ensures we maxmise all opportunities for our learners. The Echuca College community is guided by the values of Respect, Reslience and Inclusion. At Echuca College we get to know our students as individuals so that we can focus on their development as resilient and respectful learners, destined for success in a constantly evolving world. Echuca College is focused on preparing our students for the future and all students have a learning mentor that assists them with developing learning strengths and can act as a support for their learning goals. All students have a ready to learn plan in line with the Berry Street Education Model.

Echuca College is a connected community that learns through resilience, acceptance and opportunity. At Echuca College we value respect, resilience and inclusion. Our school is a welcoming place of learning where students, staff and families work collaboratively to support student learning.

The friendly and supportive learning environment at Echuca College is underpinned by high expectations and the use of School Wide Positive Behaviour supports. Our College is divided into three communities the Campaspe Kookaburras, the Goulburn Kangaroos, and the Murray Turtles. The framework for our positive environment is strengthened by Community Leaders who work in these communities and are supported by a team of experienced teachers and student leaders. As a result, a positive and responsible approach to education fosters exemplary values of inclusion, resilience and respect for self and others.

We are a schoolwide positive behaviour school and have very clear high expectations of our learners within all areas of the school. The school is divided into five houses and all students and staff belong to a house. The house system provides opportunities for rewarding learning success and leadership opportunities. Each house has four captains who are part of the school student leadership team. Student leaders and the student leadership council have many opportunities to attend leadership workshops and represent their peers and ensure student voice is heard.

Echuca College is large enough to provide a comprehensive curriculum and a range of programs and resources to a wide range of students interests and needs. We have a school wide instructional model that promotes Innovative teaching and learning programs. Staff commitment to ongoing professional learning ensures that Echuca College delivers an exceptional and fulfilling educational experience for every student.

Our senior program offers a comprehensive range of studies within each of the major area of Arts, Humanities, Languages, Health Sciences, Sciences, Technology and Vocational Major. The College is building a strong reputation in all these areas as evidenced by VCE results and the high proportion of students who gain full time employment or pursue tertiary education. Our successful Vocational program has provided senior students through their studies the opportunity to develop strong links with the local community.

Currently as part of the VETis program, we are offering a variety of VET Certificate Courses both on site at Echuca College and through Echuca TAFE. We are involved in the Headstart program where students link work in a school-based apprenticeship with study at school. The College is also a member of the Beacon Foundation, a program that has assisted our students in pathways planning and development in the Echuca area for over 20 years. Our facilities support an innovative curriculum and with the College being set on 12 hectares it provides plenty of room to move. Echuca College has a ‘state of the art’ hockey field that includes 12 tennis courts. In addition to sports fields and a picturesque piazza, our students enjoy a Performing Arts Centre, refurnished double basketball court stadium with squash courts and small gym, Café Learning centre, commercial kitchen, and science centre. Echuca College’s newly developed STEM facility is setting the standard for innovative learning in the 21st Century.

At Echuca College there are many opportunities for students both academically and extra curricula. We have a strong sporting program and students can participate in a range of activities both locally and across the state. Students can get involved in public speaking, learning singing in VET music, take part in the production or even take an overseas trip with the school. We have a brand-new STEM facility where students can undertake creative learning around robotics, rockets and other innovative programs We run a hands-on learning program in both building and hospitality and have an extensive art program that students can participate in. At Echuca College the opportunities are endless.

It is important for all learners to set goals, aim high and challenge themselves. Every student has a learning support mentor, and they meet with them for the first 15 minutes of each day to set these learning goals, develop a deeper understanding of our values and learn to work as part of a team.

36 RIVERINE HERALD FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2023 Early Years Manager E v e r y D a y , I n E v e r y M o m e n t , E v e r y C h i l d M a t t e r s Funded 3 year old and 4 year
programs Enrolments opening May 2023
16 May 2023, 9am to 11:30am
old kindergarten
shinebright.org.au Open Day
20-50 Butcher Street, Echuca, VIC 3564 03 5482 1133 www.echucacollege.vic.edu.au For more information on enrolments please con tact the office on 5482 1133 or visit our website ww w.echucacollege.vic.edu.au. Echuca College has a rich tradition of academic excellence, and organises learning according to developmental needs.
Be Respectful Be Inclusive Be Resilient 2024
Echuca College has a rich tradition of academic excellence, and organises learning according to developmental needs.

Studying close to home doesn’t mean you have to compromise

Gone are the days when wanting to study at a globally renowned university meant moving to a major city hundreds of kilometres away.

La Trobe University believes everyone should get to study at a top-ranking university, regardless of postcode. That’s why you’ll find world-class facilities, inspirational educators and opportunities to make a real impact at a regional campus near you.

As Victoria’s only state-wide university with campuses in Melbourne, Bendigo, Shepparton, Mildura and Albury-Wodonga, La Trobe is changing the narrative of what it means to study regionally.

Preparing students for the real world of work lies at the heart of La Trobe’s approach to teaching, with work integrated learning, work-based learning and placements built into many courses. As a result, La Trobe graduates are rated first in Victoria and third across all Australian universities for overall employer satisfaction.1

La Trobe’s committed to investing in local communities, including its regional campuses. The new state-of-the-art,

technology-enabled library recently opened is just one of the projects rolled out as part of the recently completed $60 million transformation of the Bendigo Campus. La Trobe also has a $10.5 million redevelopment underway to improve the study experience for local students at the Shepparton Campus.

The University partners with local organisations and community groups, aiming to enhance the learning experience of students, fostering research opportunities for local organisations and building professional skills in the region.

Students at Bendigo and Melbourne campuses may also get extended flexibility in a range of degrees with StudyFlex – the option of studying online, on-campus or a blend of both. And students studying online in and around Bendigo, Mildura, Shepparton and Albury-Wodonga can benefit from the Regional Connect program, allowing students to gain access to and support at their local campuses.

La Trobe is committed to ‘flipping education on its head’, providing equal access to world class education and empowering regional communities to thrive.

La Trobe University CRICOS Provider Code Number 00115M TEQSA PRV12132 - Australian University DC40029 05.23
Trobe Bendigo
[1] Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT), 2023, 2022 Employer Satisfaction Survey

Every Student Matters! Every Moment Counts!”

Moama Public School provides a high quality learning environment, both inside and outside of the classroom, which promotes active and responsible citizenship. We are focused on high quality education for all students.



• Practical and engaging learning experiences.

• Smaller class sizes with the average class size of 19 students.

• Outstanding sporting, cultural and technological opportunities.

• A supportive and welcoming school community.

• An onsite Preschool operating three days a week. The school currently has classes from preschool to Year 6, with a four-year-old preschool operating onsite Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Students from the preschool engage in a high quality transition program leading up to the end of the year, ensuring a supportive and smooth transition into their rst year of school.

The accredited preschool program is centred on a play-based curriculum and the ‘Being, Belonging, Becoming’ philosophy.

Moama Public School students are introduced to the concept of questioning and exploration which provides students with the tools to think critically and more deeply about information and learning.

Moama Public School focuses on working together with the community to support students to become ethical citizens who will become productive members of society.

The Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) program is taught throughout the school, reinforcing the school’s values of Respect, Responsibility and Achievement.

Teaching staff at Moama Public school are dedicated and committed to improving quality teaching and learning in all Key Learning Areas, with a strong focus on English and Mathematics. Each year, our staff proactively engage in professional learning to continually update, re ect and review the implementation of the Readers and Writers workshop model. Through this model, teachers are developing student learning independence and individual goal setting through a gradual release of responsibility. To further sustain this learning culture, the school has implemented uninterrupted learning time during the morning and middle sessions of the day, and teachers work hard to update their skills through professional development within the NSW Department of Education.

Moama Public School has a fully equipped computer room where all students engage in technology lessons each week. Cyber safety lessons provide explicit instruction on how to use information sourced from the internet in a safe and productive way.

Moama Public School has updated modern outdoor learning facilities including, a synthetic basketball court surface, newly installed xed tness equipment, a well maintained oval for sport and physical education, and numerous concrete spaces with interactive painted play-based incidental learning opportunities.

Please contact the school of ce to arrange an appointment for a personal tour of the wonderful facilities with a member of our leadership team. We look forward to welcoming you to Moama Public School.

Relieving Principal: Jesse Browning Moama Public School, Simms Street, Moama, NSW, 2731.

Phone: (03) 5482 1564

38 RIVERINE HERALD FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2023 Moama Public School Simms Street, Moama. P: 03 5482 1564 E: moama-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au W: www.moama-p.schools.nsw.gov.au
“At Moama Public School,

Supporting students to achieve

The Echuca Twin Rivers Specialist School provides education for children aged 5 to 18 years with intellectual and associated disabilities. It services the Campaspe and Murray shires.

Delivering a practical curriculum based on individual needs and abilities, the school follows the Victorian curriculum but makes adjustments to ensure all students achieve. It is designed to be motivating, challenging and flexible with a significant focus on gaining skills for life and work-ability programs. Students enjoy a variety of activities, with camps and excursions providing highlights throughout the year. Family connections are vital, and families’ continued support is greatly valued. Student welfare is a high priority and contact with most families on a daily basis provides holistic support to students, parents and caregivers.

Echuca Twin Rivers Specialist families come from a diverse background spread over a large geographical area. The school provides prams for students with high paramedical needs. Access to physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and psychologist services is also provided as required. Specialised therapy and augmented communication equipment is available to support these programs.

The school prides itself on having an open and welcoming environment that encourages parent and community participation. Links with the community are encouraged. The school plays host to students on work experience or community service programs as well as providing on-site training for staff from local universities.

The school co-located with Twin Rivers Primary School at the end of 2020. The new education precinct is an exciting and invaluable resource for Echuca and surrounds. While remaining two separate schools, the staff, students and community work together for the best outcomes for all students.

The classrooms and school grounds are specifically designed to meet the diverse learning needs of the students. Currently the Vocational Learning students run a café in the Twin Rivers administration building. The coffee shop is open to the public with treats and lunches also available. Feel free to make contact with the school’s friendly staff to learn more about how Echuca Twin Rivers Specialist School support its students to achieve.

RIVERINE HERALD FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2023 39 2024 Enrolments Now Open for all year levels K-12 Contact us for a personal tour and discover our difference Kindergarten Primary Grammar Experience Explore the primary school while students engage in classroom activties Wednesday 24 May: 9:30-11:10am or Friday 26 May: 9:30 - 11:10am Call to book your place or schedule a tour: 03 5480 5900 moamagrammar.nsw.edu.au info@moamagrammar.nsw.edu.au 66 Wilkinson Drive 5410 7700 Visit our Virtual tour: www.echucass.vic.edu.au Respect l Inclusion l Responsible
GREAT EDUCATION 66 Wilkinson Dr,  Echuca  5410 7700 ECHUCA TWIN RIVERS SCHOOL 21-31 Eyre St, Echuca 5482 2588 ECHUCA EAST PRIMARY SCHOOL High St, Echuca 5483 0700 208 ECHUCA PRIMARY SCHOOL Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow Where every student counts. Once an Eastie, always an Eastie. A community that inspires learning and nurtures well being

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