1 minute read

Undera Primary School Working together for a bright future

At Undera Primary School our vision is for all students to be independent, self-motivated learners with a love and curiosity for learning and to face challenges with courage to achieve lifelong success.

We have a strong focus on explicit teaching and di erentiating learning to cater for the needs of all students. We o er a wide range of programs including STEM, Music, Italian, Art, PE and Sport.

Our Wellbeing Program enables students to develop their social/ emotional skills. This is supported by our caring sta and Mental Health and Wellbeing leader, who has developed strong links to outside services, ensuring all students receive the support they need to be ready to learn.

Our refurbished learning spaces are inviting and inclusive. Students are encouraged to be active learners by utilising our new outdoor learning spaces and playground areas.

Families are always welcome and encouraged to be involved in learning programs.

We have strong links with local community clubs and work closely with the Undera Kindergarten to o er students a smooth transition from preschool to school.

The Schools Plus grant enables us to provide all students with free education for the next three years, including stationery, access to iPads and laptops, camps and excursions, and our swimming program.

For more information about the great learning opportunities we o er, visit our school website.

A tour can be organised by contacting the school.

Acting Principal Robyn Bell | Foundation to Year 6 | 18 students

45-55 Anderson St, Undera | 5826 0211 underaps.vic.edu.au | undera.ps@education.vic.gov.au

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