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Vandal Defaces Rainbow Jaspers’ Flyer with Hate Speech
Anna Woods Senior Writer
A flyer promoting the Rainbow Jaspers, a student organization dedicated to supporting LGBTQ+ students, was defaced with homophobic and religiously charged language. The incident has sparked outrage and concern among the student body, who are calling for swift action to address the matter and ensure a safe and inclusive campus environment.
College’s institutionalizing of the program. Through the years the COCR has partnered with various programs, such as Kids 2 College, Motivational Outreach, Riverdale Neighborhood House and more.
The Center’s mission is to give high school students in the community the support they need to pursue higher education, especially within STEM fields.
Sophia Cossens, the previous assistant director for the COCR, explained the preparation students gain through the outreach program.
“The center’s mission is to provide local high school students with the skills and support they need for success in post-secondary education and life,” Cossens wrote in an email to The Quadrangle. “It also aims to give college students the opportunity to build leadership skills while making a positive impact in the community.”
STEM fields offer a wide array of opportunities for students interested. Unfortunately, as many reach higher levels of education they begin to turn to other professions outside of the STEM arena.
Dean of the Kakos School of Science Marcy Kelly explained the necessity for diversity in STEM fields and how the fluctuation in student interest in STEM careers plays a role.
“One thing we’re lacking is diversity in STEM and encouraging students who are interested in STEM to continue their education in our disciplines,” explained Kelly. “When we meet with faculty, we describe the ‘leaky STEM pipeline’ as
The incident occurred on Friday, Jan 20 and was reported to the club by a passerby. The flyer, which shared various resources for both students and faculty, was located in Thomas Hall and was taken down shortly after it was reported.
The vandal wrote “This school cares more about leftwing political agendas than it actually does about God” and shredded a section of the flyer. A separate student crossed out most of the hate speech and altered the comments to read, “This school cares about all of God’s people.” The office of public safety and the office of the dean of students have since launched an investigation in search of the perpetrator.
Elliot Babilonia, a freshman and secretary of the Rainbow Jaspers, was one of the first students to be notified of the vandalism.
“When I got the notification,
I was like, ‘I need to send it to the group chat immediately’,” Babilonia said. “It was very upsetting. When I got the email, I saw the vandalism. I was like … this semester just started, like this was a few weeks ago. And already, someone is vandalizing our poster. It’s not even a poster for an event –it’s a resource poster.”
Babilonia expressed their anguish and concern regarding how publicly the vandalism was located.
“Imagine who could have seen the flyer … imagine you are queer person, and … this is their introduction to Manhattan College … and they see that vandalism … It’s very discouraging and depressing,” Babilonia said.
They shared their own personal struggles as someone who is transgender and fights to exist in peace.
“If I could choose to be straight and if I could choose to be … cisgender, I would, because I don’t want to be trans. I don’t want to have to do the things that I do in order to pass every day, and actually feel like I have a chance of … being loved and valued for who I am as a person,” Babilonia said. “It’s not like we are choosing, before we are born … ‘let me be gay or let me be trans.’ It is not a choice. No one wants to