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America/Australia Zoom Yoga Schedule

The Yamas of Yoga (Limb 1 of the 8 Limbs)

Ahimsa: Living with Love - May 3rd/4th

Ahimsa is the first yama It asks us to restrain against violence towards others. It is the basic act of being kind. This Flow and Let Go Practice will invite you to “flow” through a vinyasa before dropping into stillness in yin postures contemplating the themes of cultivating love and kindness into our lives. Expect heart and hip openers.

Satya: Living Your Truth - May 10th/11th

Satya is the second yama from Pantanjali’s yoga sutras It asks us to practice honesty and truthfulness with our words, thoughts and actions This Flow and Let Go Practice will invite you to “flow” through a vinyasa before dropping into stillness in yin postures We’ll be invited to be really honest with our bodies about how we ’ re feeling during the practice, and use this to reflect on how we can be sincere and authentic every day of our lives.

Asteya: Release - May 17th/18th

Asteya, the third yama, can literally translate to not stealing This practice can also include not taking others possessions, time, ideas, and more. How do you practice asteya during asana, the poses? How do you practice asteya in your life? In this Flow and Let Go practice we will contemplate these themes We will start with appreciating the fullness of what we have, and moving from there

Brahmacharya: Release - May 24th/25th

Brahmacharya, the fourth of the yamas, can translate to moderation In our modern world, we can interpret it as finding the middle way - or wise use of our energy The goal is to preserve our energy To sit quietly and gather our energy through our breath, our meditation and our postures This will be a flow and let go style class cultivating on finding the middle.

Aparigraha: To Love and Let Go - May 31st/June 1st

The last yama, aparigraha, is non-hoarding It’s not holding onto, grasping, or being possessive of anything. Our belongings, our thoughts, our relationships, our jobs, our ways of being The opposite of this is to learn how to let go Our Flow and Let Go Practice today will be themed on this: to love and let go.

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