Topic 3: Mapping the Universe This spiral galaxy looks rather like the Milky Way seen from the outside. It is 25 million light-years away.
Astronomical distances Astronomy deals with gigantic objects lying at mind bogglingly huge distances. The pictures on these two pages give just a few examples.
Solar System Neptune is the furthest major planet from the Sun. The radius of its orbit is about 4500 million km. Beyond Neptune there are dwarf planets and other small objects, such as comets, that orbit the Sun so are part of the Solar System. The furthest of these could be as far as one light-year from the Sun. One light-year (ly) is the distance electromagnetic radiation travels through space in one year. 1 ly 9.5 1012 km
Milky Way galaxy The Sun is one of about 100 thousand million stars that make up the Milky Way galaxy. This disc-shaped collection of stars is about 100 000 light-years across, and the Sun lies about two-thirds of the way out from the centre. We can’t see the Milky Way from the outside, but we can see other galaxies. Like the Milky Way, some are disc shaped with their brightest stars tracing out a spiral shape.
There is more to the Solar System than eight planets and the Sun. This image is created using data about minor planets, asteroids and comets. The four outer planets are blue. Asteroids associated with Jupiter’s orbit are pink. The green objects are small objects such as comets and minor planets. The pronounced gap at the bottom is due to lack of data because the sky is obscured by the band of the Milky Way.
Other galaxies Some galaxies are spirals like the Milky Way, but many are simple oval-shaped collections of stars. Some galaxies have strange shapes that might have been produced when two galaxies collide and merge.
This pair of colliding spiral galaxies is about 400 million light-years away.
This elliptical galaxy is about 300 million light-years away.
The Universe Since the early 20th century, telescopes have revealed millions of galaxies scattered through space at distances up to 13 thousand million light-years. The light we are receiving from them now must have been emitted 13 thousand million years ago – not long after the Big Bang that began the Universe.
How do we know? In order to understand and explain the Universe and the objects we see in it, we need to know how far away they are. Once an object’s distance is known, then astronomers can work out other things, such as how big it is and how much energy it is giving out. Distance measurement is one of astronomy’s major challenges. You can’t simply pace out the distance or use a tape measure. Nor (with the exception of the Moon and some nearby planets) is it possible to send a radar pulse and time how long it takes before you detect its echo. So astronomers have had to rely on observations of radiation received on Earth, coupled with ingenuity. In this topic you will learn more about some of the methods they have devised.
The Hubble Space Telescope has given us a striking view of Universe that contains many billions of galaxies.
3A How far away are the stars? Find out about D how distances to nearby stars can be measured D parallax as an indication of distance D the parsec as a unit of distance D how observed brightness can indicate distance D what determines a star’s luminosity
Parallax angles The stars are far off. How can we measure their distances? One way is to use the idea of parallax. Imagine looking across a city park in which there are a number of trees scattered about. You take a photograph. Now take two steps to the right and take another photograph. Your photos will look very similar, but the relative positions of the trees will have changed slightly. Perhaps one tree that was hidden behind another has now come into view.
These two photos illustrate the effect of parallax. They show the same view, but the photographer moved sideways before taking the second one. The closest object, the person on the bench, has moved furthest across the image.
Now superimpose the photos one on top of the other and you will see that the closer trees will have shifted their positions in the picture more than those that are more distant. You have observed an effect of parallax.
parallax angle
Astronomers can see the same effect. As the Earth travels along its orbit round the Sun, some stars seem to shift their positions slightly against a background of fixed stars. This shifting of position against a fixed background is what astronomers call parallax, and it can be used to work out the distance of the star in question.
direction to star
parallax angle A Earth
Sun Earth's orbit
Defining the parallax angle.
The diagram on the left shows how astronomers define the parallax angle of a star. They compare the direction of the star at an interval of six months. The parallax angle is half the angle moved by the star in this time. From the diagram, you should be able to see that, the closer the star, the greater is its parallax angle.
The scale of things In the Middle Ages, astronomers imagined that all of the stars were equally distant from the Earth. It was as if they were fixed in a giant crystal sphere, or perhaps pinholes in a black dome, letting through heaven’s light. They could only believe this because the patterns of the stars do not change through the year – there is no obvious parallax effect. They were wrong. But it is not surprising that they were wrong, because parallax angles are very small. The radius of the Earth’s orbit is about 8 light-minutes, but the nearest star is about 4 light-years away – that’s over 250 000 times as far. Parallax angles are usually measured in fractions of a second of arc. There are: •
360 in a full circle
60 (minutes) of arc in 1
60 (seconds) of arc in 1
The European Hipparcos satellite measured the parallax angles of over 100 000 stars out to a distance of about a thousand parsecs.
1 of a degree. So a second of arc is _____ 3600 Astronomers use a unit of distance based on this: the parsec (pc). • An object whose parallax angle is 1 second of arc is at a distance of 1 parsec. 1 Distance (parsec) ___________________ parallax angle (sec)
Key words D parallax D parallax angle D parsec
Because a smaller angle means a bigger distance: • An object whose parallax angle is 2 seconds of arc is at a distance of 0.5 parsec. A parsec is about 3.1 1013 km. This is of a similar magnitude to a light-year, which is 9.5 1012 km. Typically, the distance between neighbouring stars in our galaxy is a few parsecs.
Questions 1 Draw a diagram to show that a star with a large parallax angle is closer than one with a small parallax angle. 2 How many light-years are there in a parsec? 3 What is the parallax angle of a star at a distance of 1000 pc?
5 Suggest reasons why a satellite was needed to measure very small parallax angles. 6 Suggest why astronomers calculate distances in parsecs, but newspapers and magazines use the light-year when writing about astronomical distances.
4 If a star has a parallax angle of 0.25 seconds of arc, how far away is it (in parsecs)?
Brightness and distance Measurements of parallax angles allow astronomers to measure the distance to a star. This only works for relatively nearby stars. But there are other methods of finding how far away a star is. In the late seventeenth century, scientists were anxious to know just how big the Universe was. The Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens devised a technique for measuring the distance of a star from Earth. He realised that, the more distant a star, the fainter its light would be. This is because the light from a star spreads outwards, and so the more distant the observer, the smaller the amount of light that they receive. So measuring the observed brightness of a star would give an indication of its distance. Here is how Huygens set about putting his idea into practice: • At night, he studied a star called Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. •
The next day he placed a screen between himself and the bright disc of the Sun. He made a succession of smaller and smaller holes in the screen until he felt that the speck of light he saw was the same brightness as Sirius. Then he calculated the fraction of the Sun’s disc that was visible to him. It seemed that roughly 1 / 30 000 of the Sun’s brightness equalled the brightness of Sirius. His calculation showed that Sirius was 27 664 times as distant as the Sun.
Huygens understood that his method had some problems. Here are three of them: • First, there was subjectivity in his measurements. He had to judge when his two observations through the screen were the same. • Second, his method assumed that Sirius and the Sun are identical stars, radiating energy at the same rate. • Third, he had to assume that no light was absorbed between Sirius and his screen. Astronomers now know that Sirius is about 500 000 times as distant as the Sun. But at the time, Huygens’ measurement was a breakthrough because it used the idea that the Sun would look like other stars if seen from far enough away. Also, Huygens was the first to show that stars lay at such vast distances.
2r Light spreads out, so the more distant a source is the less bright it appears.
3r 238
Key words
Stars are not all the same. They do not all give out the same amount of light – they have different luminosities.
D observed brightness D luminosity
The luminosity of a star is its power output. It is the energy it gives out each second by radiating light and other types of electromagnetic radiation. The Sun’s luminosity is about 4 1026 W – compare this with the ‘luminosity’ of a typical electric lamp.
A star’s luminosity depends on two factors: • its temperature – a hotter star radiates more energy per second from each square metre of its surface • its size – a bigger star has a greater surface radiating energy.
7 Suggest at least one other problem with Huygens’ method.
The observed brightness recorded by an astronomer depends on a star’s luminosity as well as its distance. Also, any dust or gas between Earth and the star may absorb some of its light. If astronomers are confident that two stars have the same luminosity, they can use their observed brightness to compare the stars’ distances. But rather than relying on subjective judgement like Huygens did, they use sensitive instruments to measure brightness.
8 Explain how two stars having the same observed brightness may have different luminosity. 9 If some starlight is absorbed by dust, explain whether this would make a star appear closer or further away than it really is.
These stars are all roughly 8200 light-years from Earth. They have a range of luminosities, giving a range of observed brightness.
3B How far away are galaxies? Cepheid variable stars
Find out about
The Sun and many other stars emit light at a steady rate. But some stars are variable stars, meaning that their luminosity varies. Variations in luminosity can provide clues about what’s happening in the stars – and can sometimes have other uses too.
D why some stars vary regularly in brightness D how Cepheid variable stars can be used to measure astronomical distances
In 1784 a young English astronomer, John Goodricke, discovered a new type of variable star. He noticed that a star called b Cephei (b = delta) went from dim to bright and back again with a time period of about a week, and that this variation was very regular. The graph below shows some modern measurements of the brightness of this star.
observed brightness
time (days)
The observed brightness of δ Cephei varies regularly. The variation in its luminosity is caused by its expansion and contraction.
Many stars have been found that vary in this way, and they have been named Cepheid variables, or simply Cepheids. It is now thought that a star like this is expanding and contracting so that its temperature and luminosity vary. Its diameter may vary by as much as 30%.
Cepheids and distance measurement In the early years of the twentieth century, an American astronomer called Henrietta Leavitt made a very important discovery. She looked at Cepheids in a small galaxy close to the Milky Way. She noticed that the brightest Cepheids varied with the longest periods, and drew a graph to represent this. Because the stars she was studying were all roughly the same distance, Leavitt realised that the stars that appeared brightest were also the ones with the greatest luminosity – they were not brighter simply because they were closer.
Henrietta Leavitt, whose work opened up a new method of measuring the Universe.
Measuring distances luminosity (Lsun )
Henrietta Leavitt had discovered a method of determining the distance to star clusters in the Milky Way, and to other galaxies. There are two parts to the method. Part one: • • •
find some nearby Cepheids whose distances have been measured using other methods measure their brightness and work out their luminosities plot a graph of luminosity against period.
10,000 3,000 1,000
10 30 period (days)
The luminosity of a Cepheid variable star is related to its period.
Part two: • look for a Cepheid in a star cluster or galaxy of interest • measure its observed brightness and period of variation • from the period, read its luminosity off the graph • use the luminosity and observed brightness to work out the distance. The Cepheid method has been used to measure distance to galaxies up to a few megaparsecs (Mpc) away. (1 Mpc 1 million parsecs)
Questions 1 From the graph on the previous page, deduce the period of variation of δ Cephei. 2 Why did Henrietta Leavitt assume that the stars she was studying were all at roughly the same distance from Earth? 3 Suggest how distances to nearby Cepheids might have been measured. 4 Suggest why Cepheids cannot be used to measure distances beyond a few Mpc.
Key words D variable stars D period D Cepheids D megaparsecs
3C How are stars distributed in space? Find out about D how stars are distributed in our galaxy D how measurements of distance revealed the nature of spiral nebulae
William Herschel’s map of a slice through the Milky Way. The Sun is shown near the centre. The more stars seen in a particular direction, the greater the distance to the edge in that direction.
The shape of the Milky Way On a clear dark night, you can see a faint milky band of light stretching across the sky. This is the Milky Way. With a telescope, you can see that its light comes from vast numbers of faint stars surrounding us in a disc-shaped arrangement. In 1785, William Herschel attempted to determine the shape of the galaxy. Looking through his telescope, he counted all the stars he could see in a particular direction. Then he moved his telescope round a little and counted again. Once he had done a complete circle, he could draw out a map of a slice through the Milky Way.
Herschel knew that he was making the following assumptions: • that his telescope could detect all the stars in the direction he was looking • that he could see to the far end of the galaxy. Herschel himself discovered his first assumption to be incorrect when he built a bigger telescope. Astronomers now know that Herschel’s second assumption was also incorrect. Dust in the galaxy makes it difficult to see stars in the packed centre of the galaxy.
Harlow Shapley’s idea of the Milky Way galaxy.
Shapley and the nebulae By the early 20th century, astronomers were starting to use really big telescopes, especially in America. Harlow Shapley worked in California, investigating faint patches of light called nebulae (nebula means cloud; nebulae is the plural). Some nebulae are irregular ‘blobs’ of light, some are roughly circular, while others are spirals. A good telescope reveals that some nebulae are gas clouds but others are clusters of stars. Thanks to Henrietta Leavitt, Shapley had a new way to measure distances to stars in nebulae. He found that the roughly spherical star
clusters (now called globular clusters) had distances up to about 100 000 light-years, and that they seemed to lie in a sphere around the Milky Way.
Key words D galaxy D nebula D globular clusters
Spiral nebulae – the great debate Shapley and some other astronomers thought the spiral nebulae were in the Milky Way. Others, including Heber D Curtis (also American) suggested they were ‘island universes’ a very long way outside the Milky Way. In 1920, Shapley and Curtis held a public ‘great debate’. On the night, Curtis came off better, partly because he was the better speaker. Then in 1923, American astronomer Edwin Hubble was using a new telescope to study the Andromeda nebula. He spotted a faint Cepheid and found it was almost one million light-years away. This was enough to convince astronomers that they were looking at a separate, distant galaxy. Other spiral nebulae were then also found to be galaxies.
This artist’s impression of the Milky Way is based on recent optical and infrared measurements.
Questions 1 Suggest reasons why Shapley’s evidence seemed stronger than Curtis’s on the night of the great debate.
This spiral nebula is in the part of the sky belonging to the constellation of Andromeda.
A recent view Modern optical and infrared telescopes have been used to map the layout of stars in the Milky Way. They show that, like the Andromeda nebula, it is a spiral galaxy.
2 What new observations showed that there were objects outside the Milky Way?
3D What else is ‘out there’ – and where is it? Find out about D some of the types of object studied by astronomers D typical sizes and distances of some objects studied by astronomers D why supernovae can be used to measure distance
More than just stars Astronomers study many different types of object, not just stars and planets. Measurements of their distances and sizes help us to build our picture of the Universe. Some of these objects are found in the Solar System. In astronomical terms, they are relatively nearby. Other objects of interest are found within the Milky Way galaxy. And others are seen at vast distances far beyond the Milky Way. The images on this page show just some examples of objects discovered and studied by astronomers.
Comets travel around the Sun in very long thin orbits. This is Halley’s comet, which passes close to Earth every 76 years. At its furthest point, it reaches about 5 thousand million km from the Sun.
Key words D comet D asteroid D planetary nebula D supernova D supernova remnant
The Eskimo (or Clownface) nebula, about 1000 parsecs (3000 lightyears) from Earth, is a planetary nebula. This name is misleading because they are nothing to do with planets. They are formed when a dying Sun-like star throws off its outer layers of hot gas. You can often see the remains of the star at the centre of the nebula.
In 2010 a Japanese spacecraft returned to Earth after visiting the asteroid Itokawa, one of thousands of asteroids orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter.
The Crab nebula is about 2000 parsecs from Earth. It is the remains of a dying star that exploded in 1054 ad. The explosion, called a supernova, was so powerful that it could be seen in daylight from Earth. At the centre of the nebula is a pulsar (see page 210), all that remains of the original star. The nebula is an example of a supernova remnant.
This quasar is about 5 hundred million parsecs from Earth. Quasars are some of the most distant objects that can be seen from Earth. They are thought to be galaxies containing gigantic black holes that draw in material from their surroundings, heating it so that it emits vast amounts of radiation.
What can we learn from supernovae?
Astronomers study supernovae and their remnants in order to learn more about how stars come to an end. But there is another reason too. Supernova explosions are monitored by measuring how their light output varies with time. One particular type of supernova always produces the same shape graph, and always seems to reach roughly the same peak luminosity. Astronomers can use these supernovae to work out the distances to galaxies where they are observed, in the same way that they use Cepheids to measure distance.
Supernova explosions are rare. They happen about once per century in a typical spiral galaxy. The most recent one seen in the Milky Way was in 1604 ad, and in 1987 one was observed in a small galaxy close to the Milky Way, about 168 000 lightyears from Earth.
time (days)
Graph showing how light output from a supernova explosion varies with time.
This supernova (shown in the bottom image on the right) was seen in February 1987, two days after it exploded. (The upper image was taken in 1969.) It is the closest supernova that has been seen for over 300 years.
Questions 1 For each object shown on these pages, say whether it is found within the Solar System, within the Milky Way galaxy, or far beyond the Milky Way. Use information from pages 234 and 235 to help you decide. 2 Write a plan for using supernovae to measure
distance. Base your plan on the one for Cepheids on pages 240 and 245. 3 Suggest one reason for using supernovae, rather than Cepheids, to measure distances. Suggest at least one problem with using supernovae.
3E Observing distant galaxies Find out about D the discovery of the recession of galaxies D evidence for the expansion of the Universe
Moving galaxies Edwin Hubble was fortunate to be working at a time (the 1920s) when the significance of Cepheid variables had been realised. They could be used as a ‘measuring stick’ to find the distance to other galaxies. At the same time, he was able to use some of the largest telescopes of his day, reflectors with diameters up to 5 metres. Hubble conducted a survey of galaxies, objects that had not previously been seen, let alone understood, until these powerful instruments became available. In his book The Realm of the Nebulae (1936), he described what it was like to see individual stars in other galaxies: The observer looks out through the swarm of stars that surrounds him, past the borders and across empty space, to find another stellar system . . . The brightest objects in the nebula can be seen individually, and among them the observer recognises various types that are well known in his own stellar system. The apparent faintness of these familiar objects indicates the distance of the nebula – a distance so great that light requires seven hundred thousand years to make the journey.
Redshift Hubble used Henrietta Leavitt’s discovery to determine the distance of many galaxies. At the same time, he made a dramatic discovery of his own. This was that the galaxies all appeared to be receding (moving away) from us. He deduced this by looking at the spectra of stars in the galaxies. The light was shifted towards the red end of the spectrum, a so-called redshift. It turned out that, the more distant the galaxy, the greater its speed of recession – another linear relationship. Hubble’s graph shows that, although his data points are scattered about, the general trend is clear. Edwin Hubble using the 48-inch telescope at the Mount Palomar observatory. +1000KM/S
Edwin Hubble’s graph, relating the speed of recession of a galaxy to its distance.
The Hubble constant Hubble’s finding can be written in the form of an equation: speed of recession Hubble constant distance The quantity called the Hubble constant shows how speed of recession is related to distance. His first value (from the graph) was about 500 km/s per megaparsec. In other words, a galaxy at a distance of 1 Mpc would be moving at a speed of 500 km/s. A galaxy at twice this distance would have twice this speed. Other astronomers also began measuring the Hubble constant, using many more distant galaxies. Hubble’s first value was clearly too high. For decades, the measurement uncertainties remained high and so there were disputes about the correct value. By 2010, the accepted value of the Hubble constant was 70.6 ± 3.1 km/s per Mpc. This value is based on a large number of measurements, including using many Cepheids and supernovae.
Back to the big bang Astronomers had discovered that clusters of galaxies are all moving apart from each other. The further they are away, the faster they are moving. It doesn’t matter where you are in the Universe, everything appears to moving away – space itself seems to be expanding. Edwin Hubble’s discovery: • the Universe itself may be expanding, and may have been much smaller in the past • the Universe may have started by exploding outwards from a single point – the big bang. This is now the widely accepted model of how the Universe began. Scientists use the model to work out how long ago the expansion started. They calculate that the Universe is about 14 thousand million years old.
Questions 1 Calculate the speed of recession of a galaxy that is at a distance of 100 Mpc, if the Hubble constant is 70 km/s per Mpc. 2 Using the same value of the Hubble constant given in question 1, calculate the distance of a galaxy whose speed of recession is 2000 km/s. 3 A galaxy lies at a distance of 40 Mpc from Earth. Measurements show its speed of recession is 3000 km/s. What value does this suggest for the Hubble constant?
Key words D speed of recession D Hubble constant