Mid Coast Maine

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RealEstateBook THE

E X T E N D Y O U R S E A RC H AT R E A L E S TAT E B O O K . C O M MID-COAST MAINE Vol. 21 :: No. 13

DETAILS ON THIS PROPERTY Page 4 RealEstateBook.com

Maine Country & Coast Real Estate Puzz Caswell 207/323-0270

RealEstateBook.com UPDATED DAILY

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COLDWELL BANKER SOUNDVEST PROPERTIES “Exposing your property to more buyers than any other local real estate company.”

147 Park Street, Rockland

For More Info Text T754754 to 85377

THOMASTON* Updated cape features deck with seasonal water views, fireplace, hdwd flrs, updated kitchen & baths. Newer in-law apt. $225,000

For More Info Text T860998 to 85377

THOMASTON* Beautiful manicured building lot with river frontage, close to town & amenities. Last lot in Mill River Run subdivision. $57,900

For More Info Text T774208 to 85377

ROCKLAND* Three bedroom, two bath home on a quiet street. Home was recently painted and has a new roof. Fenced in back yard. $141,000



For More Info Text T843413 to 85377

ROCKLAND* Bright and sunny 3 bedroom home convenient to downtown. Detached garage and nice back yard with deck for entertaining. $124,000

For More Info Text T857867 to 85377

ROCKLAND* 1920s house with large windows, porch, original wood floors & trim. New windows, roof shingles, improved heating system. $119,900

For More Info Text T815845 to 85377

WARREN* Walk the entire waterfront in this private and pastoral setting. Launch your kayak and it’s minutes to Thomaston harbor. $54,000

For More Info Text T830025 to 85377

ROCKLAND* 4 bedroom Victorian with period details. Oak staircase, hdwd flrs, 2 fireplaces, bonus room, garage. Quiet neighborhood. $247,500

For More Info Text T849372 to 85377

ROCKLAND* Well cared for 2 bedroom historic home. Original wood moldings and columns, wood floors, fireplace. Detached garage. $225,000

For More Info Text T851631 to 85377

OWLS HEAD* 3 bedroom home on 2 acres with ocean views and Camden Hills beyond. Large master suite, spacious kitchen, fireplace. $475,000

Another great reason to list your property with Coldwell Banker SoundVest Properties.

When we sell your home we will donate $50.00 in your name to the Humane Society of Knox County. Each office independently owned and operated.



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BELFAST Located on the shores of Belfast Harbor with views of Islesboro and Blue Hill in wooded setting. Open Kitchen/ivingroom,laundry rm/lg family rm/ wrap deck oversize garage with workshop. Fireplace/paved driveway. Private neighborhood. 4 bedrms/ 2 baths. Deep water mooring availability. Amazing waterfront life style! Broker Family Owned. $499,000 For More InfoText: T840131 to 85377

Puzz Caswell

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STAND OUT & GET RESULTS with Multimedia Marketing Packages for Real Estate Professionals For advertising information in The Real Estate Book of Mid-Coast Maine, contact:

323-0270 pcaswell@maineccre.com

207-342-3040 • 814 Waterville Road, Waldo

Karen Ingersoll 207-975-3001 Email: mctreb@roadrunner.com

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Text T633064 to 85377


BELFAST Build 75 feet from the Passagassawakeag River. Lovely river frontage. Cleared lots! Beautiful, quiet. 4 mi. to Belfast. 15 ac. Land can be split, call for prices.

BELFAST This is one of the most diversified properties around. Currently a duplex but could be a private home. 1 acre, more land available, 2 car garage. Walk to town. $99,000

Text T875376 to 85377

Text T245206 to 85377

Puzz Caswell cell: 323-0270

STOCKTON SPRINGS Spacious 3 bdrm, 2 baths, fireplace, 3 season sunroom, 2 car garage w/attic space, surveyed, centrally located to Belfast/Bangor. $115,000


SEARSPORT Feel, Smell and Taste Waterfront living at it’s best. Private, 1st floor bedroom. Walk to Penobscot Maritime Museum & downtown amenities. 3 separate income producing cottages! $499,000

Text T605911 to 85377

Text T20327 to 85377

WATERVIEW, privacy, overlooking Stockton Hbr. Lovely home with hardwood, fireplace, fam. rm w/ws. Glass sunroom off deck. 1st fl. master. 2 car garage with room above, separate 1 car garage. $299,900

BELFAST - For Rent, 1 yr. lease. Custom built cape 3BR, 2BA. 1st flr laundry, wood/tile floors. Propane heating/radiant 1st fl, baseboard on 2nd. Deck, storage bldg w/elec. Office space. Broker Owned. $175,000

Experience Working For You

www.mainecountryandcoast.com 207-342-3040 (office)

Esther Darres cell: 323-0740 edarres@maineccre.com

Maurice Darres 342-3040 zipdarres@yahoo.com

Keith Davie cell: 450-1933 kdavie@maineccre.com

Nicki Dunbar cell: 458-0886 ndunbar@maineccre.com

230 Searsport Avenue Belfast, Maine 04915

FMI Text T868110 to 85377

MORRILL- $199,000 Large farmhouse,approx 8A. Nice field, great view.Needs some TLC,worth the effort. MLS: 1073993

FMI Text T826259 to 85377

BELMONT- $175,000 1977 modular in excellent condition. 1.9A, very private, 2 car gar. & barn. Full basement.1st floor bdrm/bath.Wdstove HU, nice yard.

(207) 338-2422

FMI Text T20472 to 85377

SEARSPORT- $105,000, 2 Bdrms, 1 1/2 Baths, very well cared for, nice staircase, large in-town lot, barn. MLS: 1071894

FMI Text T682755 to 85377

LINCOLNVILLE $169,500 LOCATION! Classic Maine farmhouse, great setting. 3.27A,3 bdrm farmhouse. Easy commute to Belfast or Camden.

FMI Text T868265 to 85377

BELFAST- $185,000, 3 Bdrm,1 Bath, intown w/attached barn.Bonus room up/garage down. Walk to almost everything, MLS: 1072625

“Good Real Estate Friends” www.grfrealestate.com

FMI Text T766268 to 85377

THORNDIKE- $123,000, 3BR,1BA, perfect location for Unity College students or MOFGA affiliate. 1.19 ac, in-town, garage, deck, many up-dates. MLS: 1056821



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Page 6 - Get More Info & Details: Text Property Code to 85377 - Vol. 21, No. 13

Northeast Properties


185 West Main St, Searsport • ME • 04974

www.pnpre.com STATEWIDE

CAMDEN AREA 207-236-4393 RE DU CE D

An Independently Owned and Operated Broker member of BRER Affiliates Inc. Prudential, the Prudential logo and the Rock symbol are registered service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Used under license with no other affiliation of Prudential.



HISTORIC VICTORIAN home w/refined elegance. Res. or Comm. (prev.B&B)period detail-wood floors-fireplaces-cupola. Stockton Springs $342,800 Text T20433 to 85377

AMAZING LOW PRICE!! Enjoy the privacy with this newer 3BR waterfront home.Stockton Springs MLS#1055148 $189,900 Text T20453 to 85377

WELL-APPOINTED 3BR home w/covered porch & deck, upgraded cabinets & fireplace. Searsport MLS#1056012 $103,900 Text T643180 to 85377

1992-44’ X 24’ ASTRO 3BR/2BA DW with 10’ X 18’ knotty pine porch, det. 24’ X 30’ garage, paved driveway & walkways. 99’ Wing Brook frontage. Turnkey opportunity. Thorndike $85,500 Text T795118 to 85377

WATERVIEW, IN-TOWN home. Short walk to waterfront. Heated sunroom, attached garage, low maint. ext. & newer roof. Searsport $199,900 Text T20396 to 85377

KAYAK ACCESS TO CUTLER COVE. Private, birch flring, Garage, deck. Built by owner/contractor. 1st fl. BR, lg open BR & craft/studio rm on 2nd flr. Frplc & 2 wd stoves. St. George $199,000 Text T778530 to 85377

PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE SUBDIVISION located close to downtown Belfast and waterfront. Build your dream home here! Belfast $49,000 Text T824474 to 85377

YEAR ROUND LAKEFRONT home on Sheepscot Pond! Open layout, 1st floor MBR suite, & more. Palermo MLS#1049825 $375,000 Text T20398 to 85377

MULTI-PURPOSE SPACE. Imagine your storage-workshop-art studioantiques-seasonal residence! Montville MLS#1046676 $45,000

3BR RANCH W/DET GARAGE. Open floor plan w/pine V match walls & ceiling. Surveyed lot & low taxes. MLS#1044524 $107,000 Thorndike Text T492968 to 85377

SWEEPING LAWNS, 44A, & brookfrontage comes with this 4BR home. Detached 2-car garage, stone walls & more. MLS#1035748 Stockton Springs $189,900 Text T338740 to 85377




CAPT. JOHN MCGILVERY hm built 1874 has a rich history. Currently a B&B, this home has been featured on HGTV. Former home of famous artist Waldo Pierce. Searsport $499,000 Text T445896 to 85377



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Use text codes in this magazine to view more property photos - Vol. 21, No. 13 - Page 7

Two Rivers Realty


207-469-9930 P.O. Box 875, 169 US Route 1, Bucksport, ME 04416

STOCKTON SPRINGS Victorian 8BR, 2BA on Penobscot Bay Wraparound porch, barn, gazebo Spectacular waterfront w/sweeping views $695,000. Text T428597 to 85377




STOCKTON SPRINGS 2 acres w/540’ on Penobscot Bay Protected waters in Stockton Harbor Historic site of 1800’s shipbuilding $199,900. Text T663809 to 85377

PROSPECT Waterfront log home 3 BR, 2 BA Cathedral ceilings, high end appliances Master BR loft, w/dramatic view, below cost $375,000. Text T403533 to 85377

SEARSPORT Retail building with high traffic exposure Prime location with parking Business and inventory not included but available $449,900. Text T639953 to 85377





email: tworiverskc@aol.com • www.tworiversrealtyme.com

PROSPECT 16X72 2BD 2BA Burlington home on 5 acres. Large deck w/ 5 person Jacuzzi hot tub. Single car garage w/additional storage shed. Call Dan Burpee 207-735-5337 $85,500 Text T766001 to 85377

VERONA ISLAND 20 acres & 3710’ of frontage on Penobscot w/ private cove. Eagles & wildlife abounds. Conservation easement ensures beauty. $275,000. Text T783200 to 85377

Crosby Manor Estates A distinctive condominium community on Penobscot Bay in Belfast, Maine. Convenient in-city location. Short walking distance to downtown waterfront. Visit us by boat or by car off Route 1.

Brokers Welcome

Selling: 3-story luxury condominiums just 250 ft. from the water’s edge. Upper and lower decks. Approximately 3,000 sq.ft., 3 bedrooms, 4-1/2 baths, master-bedroom suite. Starting Price $350,000


Maine McLean Group, LLC 49 Bayside Dr., Belfast, ME 04915 • Toll Free 1-888-438-4422




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Belfast A welcoming & spacious 4-BR home, “Otter Point” offers 4+ private acres & 1,300 ft of tranquil riverfront. Many amenities, plus a lifetime of bird-watching & kayaking. $459,000 Text T770907 to 85377

Lincolnville Superb ocean views from this spacious 3-BR condo. Cherry floors, brick FP, stone patio, clubhouse, pool, tennis court, dock. A great value! $315,000 Text T471466 to 85377

207-338-6005 • 800-293-4416 48 Marshall Wharf, Belfast, ME 04915 Northport Ocean-view Victorian cottage with 4 BRs and a separate rental apartment in historic Bayside Village. Fully furnished and close to wharf, beach, golf course. $249,000 Text T807975 to 85377

Belfast Stroll to the shore & deepwater dock from this lovely 2BR, 3-bath condo located in an in-town, oceanfront community. Cathedral ceiling, 1st-floor BR w/bath, mstr suite, deck & 600 SF of expandable space. $249,000 Text T770509 to 85377

Marjorie Crowley, Broker Belfast Possibilities abound for this elegant Victorian. A former B&B, it offers 5 BRs, 6 baths, a carriage house and a fine intown location. $335,000 Text T839436 to 85377

Search coastwiserealestate.com for all coastal Maine MLS listings

Belfast 3-BR, 4-bath, ocean-view condo w/custom kitchen, 1st-floor BDR, cathedral ceiling, deck, A/C, deepwater dock & possible mooring. $350,000 Text T471471 to 85377

Thelma Bowen

(207) 323-4244

(207) 338-6800 thelmabowen@hotmail.com

For More Info

Text: T543229 to 85377

For More Info

Text: T158918 to 85377

STOCKTON SPRINGS: Beautiful Waterfront Townhouse w/Expansive Water view to experience natures sunsets & harbor activity.Enjoy open LR & DR, custom granite countertops plus Cherry cabinets. Nicely detailed. $249,000

For More Info

Text: T741797 to 85377

For More Info

Text: T158915 to 85377

For More Info

Text: T769998 to 85377

STOCKTON SPRINGS: Sunlight fills this lovely home. Level open lot. Newer appliances. Near State Park & coast. 3 bdrms w/possible 4th. Three car garage. $129,000

Marilyn Caron Thorell (207) 322-2679

(207) 322-5930


LuAnne Adams

For More Info

(207) 338-6800 luadams55@gmail.com

LIBERTY WATERFRONT, Stevens Pond. Astonishing 11 Rm, 3 Bath Family Dream Home w/Guest Camp & Tree House on 4.5 Ares. Beautiful Detailed Features Throughout. #1010500 $480,000


(207) 338-6800 mlcaron@tidewater.net

BELFAST Marvelous 12rm 3bath Home w/Ocean & Mtn Views on 10 Ac. Gorgeous Kitchen; Formal DR w/Frplce; Beautiful Foyer & Master BR Suite; Game Room; Hot Tub/Spa & More! #996699 $385,000

Text: T867479 to 85377

BELFAST: Easy maint. in this cute & cozy 2BR/1.5BA Ranch,full bsmnt, radiant floor heat, 2 car garage, Nice 4 Acre lot with field & mountain views. Large septic system. Come see! $135,000

MONTVILLE: So. Facing Contemp. constructed like a log home, lg exposed beams, knotty pine ceilings & walls. 4-season porch, beautiful gardens,apple orchard, dry bsmnt,insulated 2C garage. $148,500



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for more info Text T19972 to 85377

for more info Text T372378 to 85377

Swanville Great building lot with lake views and deeded access to Swanlake and close to Belfast and the coast. $21,000

Great bldg sites in Augusta w/great views. One has waterfrontage.3 lots avail. starting at $23,900 for lot 2, Lot 4, $69,900 and Lot 5, $79,900. Easy access from a nice gravel rd and elec. at the rd. for more info Text T289962 to 85377

Charles Hunter

for more info Text T375884 to 85377

ABR, RECS, e-PRO Montville Privacy on a large mountain top parcel of land with awesome views of Kingdom Bog & mtns. Get away from all the noise on this tranquil piece of land where wildlife abounds. $129,900

Lincolnville Awesome Ocean Views of Islesboro, Islands and Ferry from this great location sitting on top of the hill. Walk to Lincolnville Beach and Restaurants, Great Spot. $250,000

for more info Text T372380 to 85377

for more info Text T404997 to 85377

122 Lincolnville Ave. Belfast, ME 04915 Palermo Great building site for your home or Cabin, corner lot over looking fields. Property has been soils tested, has 200’ road frontage and electric at the road. $34,900 for more info Text T787249 to 85377

800-577-1473 • 207-462-5285 207-338-4220 ext. 115

marchas@acadia.net www.realestatemaine.net for more info Text T548593 to 85377

Palermo Great views on this parcel of overgrown fields and useable waterfrontage on Dowe Pond for year-round use or seasonal use. Well finished gravel road in place takes you close to the end of the property. $79,900 for more info Text T19931 to 85377

Searsport Great views of the ocean and mountains from this gorgeous piece of land in a newer sub division with paved roads in place. Build your home in a peacful setting. $39,900

Searsport Great location to build your home with picturesque views up & down Penobscot Bay. 165 ft of oceanfront. Rough road in place and property has been soils tested. $360,000

Swanville Great 35 acre lot with Lake views and deeded access to Swan Lake. Close to Belfast and the coast. $70,000

for more info Text T372381 to 85377

for more info Text T851362 to 85377

Swanville Privacy! Approx. 1 mile of waterfrontage on a quiet pond with camp for those summer getaways. Relax, fish, swim & enjoy the loons, sunsets & boating on this property. $750,000

Thorndike Great bldg sites w/fields & nice farm soils for your new home. 5 lots avail. $18,500 for lot 2, Lots 4 & 5 $19,500 and Lots 6 & 7 $21,900. Easy access from a Paved Rd and elec. at the rd.

Belfast Charming 4 bedroom 1 bath home built in 1995 but has a 2 bedroom septic which could be expanded. Easy commute to downtown Belfast. $114,000

Waldo Great parcel of land with no restrictions and long road frontage. Priced with selling in mind. Easily subdivided. Mobile homes allowed. Low taxes. $29,900

Lincolnville Build your home on this 6 ac. lot on top of the hill with outstanding views. Close to Camden/Belfast. $41,300

Lincolnville Live on top of the hill with views of the surrounding area on your own 7.3 acres between Belfast and Camden. $49,500

for more info Text T372071 to 85377

for more info Text T873671 to 85377

for more info Text T873912 to 85377

for more info Text T372465 to 85377



8:54 AM

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UNITED REALTY 207-338-6000 307 Belmont Ave., Rte. 3 • Belfast, Maine 04915 Roland Littlefield


One Floor!

New Price!

BELFAST 3/2 home featuring spacious open floor plan, fireplace, slider in dining rm to rear deck & patio, master w/private bath. Only 3 mi. to downtown waterfront. MOVE IN READY! Unbeatable at $154,900 FMI-Text T561346 to 85377

STOCKTON Water views and nearby access. Custom built, quality throughout: granite, hardwood, tile, top-of-the line custom kitchen. Master on 1st fl. Finished bsmnt. 2nd Fl. Private suite. $299,900! Must see! FMI-Text T246697 to 85377

New Price! SEARSPORT Captivating property on edge of Cains Pond. 2800 sq.ft. Passive Solar, solarium overlooks water. Designed & built by architect, formal dining, waterfront! $379,900 FMI-Text T20742 to 85377

Best Buy!

Fran Riley

Water View! SEARSPORT Water views & short walk to the shores of Penobscot Bay! Multi use bldg can accommodate business & residence. 3 floors. Updated systems, city utilities. New Price $164,900 FMI-Text T512764 to 85377

New Price!

Ocean! STOCKTON Outstanding price on this waterfront property with 2 lots, 300’ on bay. Southern exposure, look across to Castine & the islands beyond! Adorable cottage, 2.4 Acres! $174,900 FMI-Text T326835 to 85377

STOCKTON Lovely home situated on Rt. 1, Ideal location for home occupation. 3 efficiency units as well as 6 RV sites. Home boasts high ceilings, working frplce, wood floors, formal dining room. $149,900 FMI-Text T413675 to 85377



WALDO Thompson’s Variety C-Store. Excellent potential, well established business. Pumps, tanks & canopy new in 2000. Don’t Delay! $259,900

SEARSMONT Main Street, 30± Ac with multiple bldgs totally over 70k sq.ft., stream frontage on Quantabacook. $200,000


New Listing!

New Listing!

BELFAST nearly 9 acres w/over 400’ beachfront on Penobscot Bay. Elevated, open landscape commands panoramic views of the bay, islands and beyond! Upper deck overlooking water. Moor your yacht on your private estate property. PRICE REDUCED, YOU WON’T BELIEVE THIS, CALL! FMI-Text T413710 to 85377

BELFAST In town corner of Bradbury/Charles, this 2000sf hm features 3BR/2BA, formal dining & living rooms, den, media, rm for all including garage/wkshp. Well maintained & updated throughout. You will not find a better buy anywhere in Belfast. Offered for only $169,900 FMI-Text T853149 to 85377

BELFAST BUSINESS PARK, South Phase, Little River Redemption Facility. Includes real estate and business. What an opportunity. 2400 sf on main flr w/full 2nd flr expansion possible. city utilities, located near Rt.1, airport. Continue this business or use bldg for other uses. Equitably priced at only $149,900.

THORNDIKE 3 Unit multi-use building w/good income. 2 apartments over street level commercial space or convert to 1st floor apt. $99,900 FMI-Text T20753 to 85377

View all Maine Listings on our website: UnitedRealtyME.com



8:53 AM

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Please Say You Saw It In The Real Estate Book - Vol. 21, No. 13 - Page 11

66 Elm Street Camden, ME 04843

Belfast, ME 04915



143 High Street









WALDOBORO: Well built, well maintained, privately located, lovely landscaped home. Close to main routes & amenities. Call JUNE $119,500 #1062134

ROCKPORT: 5BR, 4.5 BA Colonial w/sunrm, FP’s, & lg yd. Great for multi family, Inn/B&B, or offices. #1035794 $232,000 Call LISA Text T19628 to 85377

ROCKLAND: Beautifully-built spacious home. Custom granite throughout. Post & Beam oversized grg. $310,000 Call KATHRYN 557-0785 Text T654254 to 85377

SO THOMASTON: Immaculate 3BR 2.5BA Cape w/views of St. George River. Modern KIT, lg LR & bonus rm. $265,000 #1067041 Call MERIWETHER Text T19572 to 85377

THOMASTON: Restored 1830 Colonial. Accessible in-law apt. Rental history w/many possibilities. #1046149 $335,000 Call MERIWETHER Text T20270 to 85377

LINCOLNVILLE: Open concept, cook’s KIT, wd flrs, FP. Ocean views from deck & any rm in house. $282,000 #1068324 Call MERIWETHER Text T473242 to 85377

SAINT GEORGE: Well built home w/skylights, flower & vegetable gardens, close to beaches & Marshall Pt Lighthouse. Lovely inside & out. Call JUNE $229,000 #1074161

CUSHING: Open concept Contemporary home great for entertaining! Flower/raised beds & deck. Flexible daylight BSMT. Call MERIWETHER $193,000 #1065661

CAMDEN: Singlewide 1994 mobile home. Great neighborhd, close to downtown. Seasonal views of Mt. Battie. Used as a summer home. Call PAT $89,000 #1074282

HOPE: 2.458 acre lot. Possible home site. Land slopes in the back. Near Snow Bowl & Hobbs Pond. CSD 5 Town School system. Call PAT $60,000 #1068076

MONROE: 2-4 BR energy efficient ranch w/updates & free contractor labor. Barn w/elec & metal roof. 45 ac. $184,000 #1053505 Call Margaret 3567010. Text T682453 to 85377.






ROCKLAND: 3BR 1.5BA home in quiet neighborhd. FR in BSMT, FP, 4-season sunrm. Close to downtown! $258,000 #1067903 Call LISA Text T790146 to 85377

13201.21.13.012: Saddle Stitch Crossover


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No one has sold more hom Text T855106 to 85377

Text T372526 to 85377

Belfast 338-4220 MATINICUS ISLAND MLS 1072890 $210,000 Cape overlooking Harbor CALL Ellen ROCKLAND ext 120

SEARSPORT MLS 946343 $865,000 6.2 acres:ocean front property CALL Sherry CAMDEN ext 103

Text T803417 to 85377

Text T566179 to 85377

Camde 236-962

Rockland 596-0352

WARREN MLS 1068733 $259,900 4BR Colonial w/2 rentals CALL Janet CAMDEN ext 109

MONROE MLS 1051879 $125,000 80AC working gravel pit CALL Mary BELFAST ext 108

Text T387516 to 85377

Text T372414 to 85377

ROCKLAND MLS 1038889 $165,000 3BR,2BA Ranch/deck,cls to town CALL Maryellen ROCKLAND ext 205

BELFAST MLS 1036449 $169,000 Cape/updates & attch barn CALL Bev BELFAST ext 124

Text T287121 to 85377

Text T774050 to 85377


www.jaretc Featured P Text T847972 t

SEARSPORT MLS 1026835 $90,000 3BR/2BA Cape w/deck CALL Bev BELFAST ext 124

ROCKPORT MLS 1066256 $52,500 1.2 AC lot w/stone walls, brook CALL Valerie CAMDEN ext 216

Text T829012 to 85377

Text T843134 to 85377

WARREN MLS 1071012 $179,500 3BR Ranch on Oyster River CALL Carole L. ROCKLAND ext 129

CAMDEN MLS 1072076 $269,000 Intown 3BR/2.5BA Bungalow CALL Carole W. ROCKLAND ext 117

ROCKPO MLS 1072407 $ Cape on 6 priva CALL Chuck CAMD

13201.21.13.012: Saddle Stitch Crossover


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homes in Mid-Coast Maine!

amden 36-9626

Text T679006 to 85377

Text T798104 to 85377

CAMDEN MLS 1061584 $495,000 4BR Masard Victorian in Village CALL Bridget CAMDEN 236-4580

SEARSPORT MLS 1068508 $99,387 5BR 3BA Country setting CALL Alan BELFAST ext 216

Text T500178 to 85377

Text T20081 to 85377

ROCKPORT MLS 1046468 $249,000 1st FL BR,bonus rm over garage CALL Meg CAMDEN ext 205

CAMDEN MLS 999683 $250,000 3BR 2BA Contemporay Cape CALL Dawn CAMDEN ext 116

Text T674667 to 85377

Text T850114 to 85377

ROCKLAND MLS 1061097 $319,500 3BR 2BA Contemporary 4+ acres CALL Jim CAMDEN ext 120

WARREN MLS 1072565 $195,000 5BR Victorian on 3 acres CALL Jim CAMDEN ext 120

Text T767180 to 85377

Text T764651 to 85377

LINCOLNVILLE MLS#1064766 $319,000 6BR Farmhouse, barn, near beach CALL Chris ROCKLAND ext 203

ROCKLAND MLS 1065924 $149,900 4BR 2BA Close to town CALL Charmen ROCKLAND ext 226

Text T630768 to 85377

Text T582592 to 85377

ROCKLAND MLS 1057340 $109,000 Well-kept 2BR New Englander CALL Karen ROCKLAND ext 109

THOMASTON MLS 1052940 $162,000 Updated Vintage Cape, P&B Barn CALL Karen ROCKLAND ext 109

Island Group 863-2554

Waldoboro 832-5219


etcohn.com d Property 7972 to 85377

OCKPORT 72407 $399,900 6 private acres k CAMDEN ext 210



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Page 14 - Please Say You Saw It In The Real Estate Book - Vol. 21, No. 13 JUST LISTED



NOBLEBORO New, well constr. 3BR/3BA features; solid brazilian pine doors; r-19 insul.; oak flring, stainless steel appliances; seamless corian counter top/sink; all on 6 private, wooded ac. $339,000 Text T859778 to 85377

WALDOBORO Built as a duplex, this uncompleted home could be finished w/2nd unit or as a single family. Downstairs complete 1BR unit w/Rinnai heater (rented). Upstairs all wiring/plumbing in. $150,000. Text T593433 to 85377

FRIENDSHIP LONG ISLAND Unique opportunity to own this island getaway! Seasonal 3BR Cape w/111’ frontage with mooring, lawn sitting area overlooking Lobster Gut and gravity feed bath.$275,000. Text T858397 to 85377




DAMARISCOTTA This 3BR 1874 cape is located just up the street from Doyle Preserve and Pemaquid Pond. Nice older home, kitchen may need updating, some work has been done upstairs. 3 Acre lot has much potential. $209,000. Text T321466 to 85377

BRISTOL Stately renovated Cape located in the village featuring cherry floors, first flr master and attached barn. Custom kitchen with cathedral ceiling dining area. Close to Pemaquid Harbor! $199,000 Text T811587 to 85377

WALDOBORO Immaculate 3BR double wide on 2 acres with lots of improvements. Featuring custom solid cherry cabinets, hardwood floors, bonus rm & two decks. Woodworker’s dream shop with custom cabinetry & 220 volt electric. $115,000. Text T858396 to 85377


TEXT T807393 TO 85377


FRIENDSHIP Two bedrooms, one full bath, dining room with built in china closet, and a detached one car garage. Located in village and walking distance to town Wharf. Located approx.700’from Town Wharf. $125,000 - Text T20262 to 85377

NOBLEBORO 1849 homestead recently renovated. New metal roof,septic,wood stove and kitchen. Tastefully updated,family room, 4 season porch and great composite deck. Mostly vinyl sided,metal roof means low maintenance. Two car barn with large loft! $189,000

WALDOBORO Charming three bedroom, two bath Cape with attached barn situated on three acres. Many system upgrades and new first floor bath. Relax on the deck or enjoy a book on the sun porch. $195,000 Text T835261 to 85377

TEXT T20276 TO 85377

TEXT T755319 TO 85377

TEXT T20315 TO 85377

WALD0BORO Enjoy your new lifestyle in this 2 bedroom, contemporary Saltbox-style condo close to village amenities yet in a private setting. Offering a walk-out basement, 1 car detached garage and private deck. $129,777

HOPE Nicely renovated farmhouse in lovely Hope. Large kitchen as well as traditional dining and living rooms. Close to many outdoor opportunities, but nicely convenient to Rockland and Camden.$225,000

WALDOBORO Secluded ranch on a wooded two acre parcel features an open-concept kitchen, large bedrooms and porch off the master. Detached outbuilding with lots of potential. $109,000

Happy Holidays



8:56 AM

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Text T226388 to 85377

ROCKLAND-Abutting 18-hole golf course, energy efficient contemporary boasts 143’ frontage on Lake Chickawaukie. Enjoy gazebo & boat house. Kayak, boat & swim. Convenient 1st flr living. $299,900 FMI



Susan Smith-Riedel Broker/Realtor

Text T375886 to 85377


Text T433183 to 85377

THOMASTON: Village Sea Capt’s home. Now 4-unit multi-family w/many orig. features. Excellent rental history. Walk to all. $235,000 FMI

TENANTS HBR-Recently renovated 2-3 BR raised ranch, with 2-stall barn. New roof, flooring & freshly painted. Deeded ROW to Cutlers Cove. Perfect yr. round home or retreat. $119,900

Text T371970 to 85377

Text T641340 to 85377

TENANTS HBR-Water views of Tenants Harbor from this yr-round cottage w/wraparound deck. 3BR/2BTH on 1+ acre lot. Walk to village & Harbor. $179,000

25 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841


Text T576868 to 85377

207-596-0352 ext. 235 WARREN-1800’s cape with many original features. Newer country kitchen, sunroom & deck. 3-4 BR, 2.5 BTH. Walk to post office, library, town hall, park & St. George River. $189,000


Text T834427 to 85377

ROCKLAND Living room w/fireplace, dining room, eat-in kitchen, den, master bdrm & full bath on first flr. Guest bdrm & bath up plus large unfinished attic space. Attached two car garage. Walking distance to Breakwater, golf & shopping. Very nice. $179,000


Text T571403 to 85377

Cell: 207-441-7471 ssmith-riedel@jaretcohn.com

Charlie & Mary Jordan, Brokers Our expertise, listing & selling real estate, has been proven by our performance time & time again

25 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841

ST. GEORGE - Charming house, totally renovated in 2007. A must see, listed below assessed value. Woodstove in den. Lots of windows, newer appliances, separate master BR suite & pastoral views in back. $139,500 FMI

Text T632539 to 85377

ROCKLAND Enjoy the harbor view from this two bedroom, two bath condo. Living room, dining area, kitchen. (First floor bedroom abd bath). Full basement. Walk to town and all Rockland has to offer. $149,000


Text T422081 to 85377

207-596-0352 ext. 204 ROCKLAND: Recently renovated nice old Cape located on corner lot. Seven rooms 1.5 baths, wide pine floors. Appliances included. Detached 1 car garage. Large lot. $129,000

Cell: 207-596-9293 email: cmjordan@jaretcohn.com

CAMDEN Beautifully wooded lot on sloping hillside, located on a private road in a neighborhood of lovely homes. $69,000



9:08 AM

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Please Say You Saw It In The Real Estate Book - Vol. 19, No. 12 - Page

Happy Holidays!


Tenants Harbor, ME


WONDERFUL IN-TOWN location, 3story barn, 4-bedrooms, wood floors, great light & the harbor at your doorstep. $239,000 Text T20685 to 85377

TENANTS HARBOR Watts Ave Great opportunity for a new home in the village. Drilled well, 3BR septic system, close to school & harbor.$49,000 Text T456670 to 85377

MARTINSVILLE Waterfront cape totally renovated with ocean views. 3BR/2BA, great kitchen, wood floors, fully furnished for rental. $350,000 Text T20695 to 85377

ST GEORGE. Clark Island Rd. 2-BRs, detached 2-story barn & distant water views. Steps from beach. Updated utilities & exterior. $139,000 Text T20697 to 85377

TENANTS HARBOR The Grace Buildings include a 3-story duplex residence & spacious 2-story shop w/office. $275,000 Text T20691 to 85377

TENANTS HARBOR Lovely farmhouse tastefully restored w/3BR/2BA, screened sunroom & barn. Minutes from Tenants or Port Clyde harbors. $245,000 Text T740071 to 85377

Cottages for Sale ~ New Listing Enjoy a Relaxed, Comfortable Lifestyle. • 2-bedroom & 1.5 bathrooms • Fully Applianced Kitchen and Laundry Room • Pet Friendly, one-level living • Low monthly fee includes: grounds keeping, snow removal, road upkeep, cottage exterior maintenance, sewer, water, and property tax. • Private, country setting • Friendly, social neighborhood

Bartlett Woods R


• Access to Bartlett House’s activities and programs

COMMUNITY • 20 Bartlett Drive, Rockland, ME 04841

(207) 594-1159 • www.bartlettwoods.com



9:07 AM

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Martin D. Cates A Tradition of Sound Advice 207-701-5600 • martin@catesre.com • www.catesre.com 315 Main St., Suite 202, Rockland, ME 04841 Text 861271 to 85377

CHARMING MEGUNTICOOK LAKE CAMDEN. Secluded 4.5+ acres with 681 ft waterfront, lake & mountain views. Surveyed with ability to divide. MLX#1073380 $795,000

Text 861202 to 85377

ACCESS TO HOSMER POND CAMDEN. Awaken the creative side of the brain and turn this investment property into your dream cottage. Excellent value! MLX#1073387 $159,000 Text 382940 to 85377

Text 861272 to 85377

STUNNING CONTEMPORARY ranch in Thomaston. Brick fireplace with vaulted ceiling and exposed beams. Fun yard with playhouse for kiddos. MLX#1073394 $199,000

NATURALLY LANDSCAPED 2+ acre Rockport parcel with brook and wildlife. Short distance to town and public landing. MLX#1045523 $47,000

Text 138989 to 85377

CAMDEN home occupation opportunity. Convenient location with a well maintained home and detached operational salon/office. Lovely setting; well worth a look! MLX#1042318 $249,000 Text 573895 to 85377

JUST THE RIGHT SIZE! Darling two bdrm, one bath, detached two car garage. Walk to downtown Thomaston. MLX#1052260 $109,900

ERA Cousens Realty® LLC 207-596-6433

15 Payne Avenue, Rockland, Maine 04841

Always There For You®

Visit us at www.eracousens.com

For More Info

Text: T838862 to 85377

COMFORTABLE HOME recently updated with: new roof shingles, kitchen cabinets, new bathroom, fresh paint & new windows. Bonus room. Thomaston $99,900

For More Info

Text: T742188 to 85377

NE FARMHOUSE in established area.Large rooms w/high ceilings,flowing floorplan.New windows,good systems & woodstove HU. Rockland $148,403

For More Info

Text: T733991 to 85377

NICE THREE BEDROOM home w/recent addition on second floor. Nice lot w/1 car garage and large shed for storage or shop. Owls Head $145,000

For More Info

Text: T847929 to 85377

IMMACULATE 3 bdrm 2 BA cape with 6+ ac of fields/woodlands. Eat in kitchen w/wb cook stove.Deck overlooking well groomed backyard. 2 car Garage & Outbldgs. Waldoboro $175,000

For More Info

Text: T19994 to 85377

LOCATION! 3 BR, 2.5 bath home on 2.5 ac. w/160’ front. on Maple Juice Cove. 2 fireplaces, 2 car gar. central AC. Great Views!Cushing $218,000

For More Info

Text: T858363 to 85377

ELEVATED AND SECLUDED lot not far from Owls Head Lighthouse. Quiet neighborhood with views of working Harbor. Smell the sea breezes from your new home. Owls Head $73,800



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Page 18 - Please Say You Saw It In The Real Estate Book - Vol. 21, No. 13

295 COMMON RD, UNION, ME. 04862 info@rockmaplerlty.com www.rockmaplerlty.com




AC .W AT E 5







TEXT: T829373 TO 85377 WASHINGTON-5 ac WF lot w/ 220’ of frontage. Beautiful westerly views. Cottage rd in place. Elec nearby. $172,000

TEXT: T773408 TO 85377 UNION-2 bedrm intown cape with finished basement aptmt. Lg 1.37 ac lot. Walk to Union Common, stores, bank, post office, library. $159,000

TEXT: T404505 TO 85377

TEXT: T312649 TO 85377 WARREN-Spacious, well maintained 1890’s cape withell in Warren Village. 3 bedrooms, 3 ba, newer studio, 2car garage,lg level lot. $124,900



TEXT: T850673 TO 85377 UNION-3,000+ sq ft contemp on 6 open acres. 3 car garage, barn, shed, riding ring. Scenic views. Quality built. Close to Union ctr. $397,000

TEXT: T643219 TO 85377

FAYETTE-Exceptional property surrounded by conservation land. 3bed/2.5ba saltbox w/ pastural & mtn views.Perfect country living! $274,000

UNION-Endless possibilities for home occupation/storage with split level home & 30x70 barn/garage & 32x40 workshop, 3+acres. $174,500



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Text T138982 to 85377

Somerville - $219,000 400’on Long Pond Private lot with garage Text T609160 to 85377

Text T742440 to 85377

Pam Gushee Full Time Experienced Broker

Happy Holidays!

Rockport $169,000 One floor living Convenient Location, 2 car garage

Owls Head $278,000 Waterview, Acre & Half lot Studio Text T139029 to 85377

Searsmont $579,000 Rare offering 2 Pristine Homes, 10 Stall barn Indoor arena Text T138995 to 85377

Text T139047 to 85377

25 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841

207-596-0352 Cell: 542-3737 Camden $249,000 1.78 Acres, Large barn/shop Great Location FMI



Text T869804 to 85377

Saint George $229,000 Immaculate, Intown T Harbor 2 car garage FMI

Text T866316 to 85377

Brenda Pendleton STUNNING VIEWS over Penobscot Bay. Tastefully furnished, bright & sunny open floor plan. One car garage, patio & deck. Close to shopping, hospital & golf. Terrific rental history! Rockport $329,000 FMI

Text T609159 to 85377

TOTALLY RENOVATED cape w/ctr chimney frplce. Bright, open & airy. 1st flr master & bath. Nicely landscaped lot w/water views & access. Cushing $309,900 FMI

LOVELY 3 bdrm/2 bath home in St. George. subject to 3rd party approval. $159,900

Text T600659 to 85377


25 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841

Text T809482 to 85377

ROCKLAND - 3 Bedrooms, 1.75 baths, first floor laundry, fenced back yard, well landscaped. $155,000 FMI

Text T806348 to 85377

Happy Holidays cell: 207-975-0233 POSITIVELY move in condition! Features a new kitchen, all new floors, 2 full baths, 3 bdrms, new windows, septic. Attached barn was rebuilt & is a wonderful space. Waldoboro $165,000




NICE, CLEAN and efficient 14 x 66 Pine Grove mobile set well off the road. Large 4.86 acre lot. Two sheds one 10x 10 another 12x16. Waldoboro $79,900

13201.21.13.020:Layout 1


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Page 20 - Vol. 21, No. 13 - Please Say You Saw It In The Real Estate Book


63 Townsend Ave., Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538

Ph. 207-633-2222 800-576-6911 fax: 207-633-6251

website: www.pottlerealtygroup.com e-mail: info@pottlerealtygroup.com

BOOTHBAY HARBOR - 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths located less than 2 miles from town. Offers charm & space. Artist studio, rear garage, spacious fenced in lawn, updated kitchen, 3 season porch. $164,000

BOOTHBAY HARBOR - Brand new in town waterfront condo with sweeping westerly views of the inner Harbor, footbridge, waterfront district and sunsets. Unit offers 1 BR, full bath, living room & eat-in kitchen. $279,000

Vacation Rentals

SOUTHPORT Enjoy Westerly views over Ebenecook Harbor and the Sheepscot River from this 4 br, 2 ba cottage. Gas fieldstone fireplace in living room, well-equipped kitchen and water view dining. Long covered side porch for outdoor relaxation. Quiet and peaceful, great place for kids to play. Sorry, no pets. You provide the linens. $2,500 per week.

BOOTHBAY HARBOR This spacious, comfortable onelevel, 3 br, 1 1/2 ba home has views of the Sheepscot River. You have your own dock and float in a perfect spot for kayaking. Amenities include Internet access, charcoal grill, cable TV, DVD, washer and dryer. Pets on a case by case basis. You provide the linens. $1,500/week.

FO R T8 M 50 OR 04 E 2 IN TO F O 85 T 37 EX 7 T

FO R T8 M 64 OR 93 E 8 IN TO F O 85 T 37 EX 7 T

BOOTHBAY - What you have all been looking for! 3 BR home with 120 +/- feet of tidal waterfront on Barters Island. Walk to post office or have lunch at the store. Priced to sell now! $157,000

BOOTHBAY - Off the grid, solar electric, log home on Barters Island. Built in 2006, the home boasts 2 BR, 2 BA, 1 car garage (attic above) gallery kitchen, cathedral ceilings & a back up generator. $345,000 FO R T2 MO 03 R 56 E TO INF 85 O T 37 E 7 XT

FO R T7 M 78 OR 09 E 1 IN TO F O 85 T 37 EX 7 T

BOOTHBAY - You have been telling us that all you want is a little piece of Maine with a peek at the water. We outdid ourselves on this. A 1 BR, 2 BA condo with deep water dock access and sunsets you won’t forget! $129,900

FO R T6 M 72 OR 77 E 4 IN TO F O 85 T 37 EX 7 T

FO R T8 MO 64 R 92 E 5 IN TO F O 85 T 37 EX 7 T

Real Estate

BOOTHBAY HARBOR - 3BR, 2.5BA New Englander w/frontage on Linekin Bay. Dock and float. Winterized and completely renovated in 1998/9, including all new wiring and hardwood floors. Insulated to R19 standard. New high-end appliances in kitchen, fireplace. $575,000

EAST BOOTHBAY Lovely 2 br, 1 ba cottage decorated in ‘Coastal Maine’ motif with knotty pine throughout. There is a well-equipped kitchen with dining for up to 4, living room with a fireplace and cathedral ceilings. Amenities include TV, DVD and gas grill. Within walking distance to Ocean Point and Grimes Cove Beach. You provide the linens. Sorry, no pets. $750/week.



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Sea Pearl $295,000 Charming single-level living, 3-bedroom contemporary, brick, cottage-style home in coveted Chamberlain overlooking Long Cove Point and crashing surf! Great first, second or retirement home on the coast of Maine – life at it’s finest! Text T872151 to 85377

L.Dewey Chase Real Estate • 2568 Bristol Rd., New Harbor, ME 04554 207-677-2978 • info@ldchase.com

For More Info

Text: T511211 to 85377

LINEKIN BAY: Shingle style cottage on the water w/2BRs 1BA, LR, kitchen & large screen porch + duplex year round cottage, each unit w/BR & BA. $455,000

For More Info

Text: T807392 to 85377

BOOTHBAY HARBOR: New 1-floor home w/3BR 2BA. Wood & tile floors, granite & stainless kitchen, composite decking, 2-car garage. $309,000

OCEAN POINT: Waterside LR w/stone FP, eatin kitchen, & wrap around deck on this 5BR cottage. Designed for 1-floor winter use. Close to Grimes Cove $850,000

OCEAN POINT: 3BR 2BA yr round home w/views of Grimes Cove & open ocean. Stone FP, 1car garage, brick patio,encl.sunroom. $775,000

For More Info

Text: T263582 to 85377

BOOTHBAY HARBOR: 3BR w/hardwood floors, glassed-in sunporch, town water & sewer. Needs work, but the fabulous location is worth it. $750,000

For More Info

Text: T765053 to 85377

For More Info

Text: T752057 to 85377

BOOTHBAY: 2BR year-round ranch w/water views & 100’on Sheepscot River. Inc. a cute cottage on its own island w/float & ramp. $425,000

For More Info

Text: T304756 to 85377



9:11 AM

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y Happ ays! Holid nancy@camdencoast.com

CLASSIC CAMDEN VILLAGE Elegant and open design grace these sun-filled rooms, first floor master suite. MLX#1066170 $759,000

ROCKPORT Spacious, wooded village lot with stunning landscaping and cameo bay views. MLX#1007092 $1.35M

NORTHPORT Coastal gem with southern-exposure. One floor designed for entertaining. A must see. MLX#1055464 $995,000

NORTH WALDOBORO Tranquil waterfront home with privacy, acreage, rolling fenced fields & woods. Designed for an easy retirement lifestyle. #1060042 $589,000

JEFFERSON Reproduction center chimney cape of immeasurable quality. New gentleman’s barn, acreage, walking trails, serenity. MLX#1069565 $625,000

ROCKPORT Bucolic setting. “Leave-nodetail-behind” restored cape with hansome barn, farm ponds and fielded views. #1033463 $615,000

ROC KPORT Built with energy conscience construction. Great mudroom, separate laundry room and office space. MLX#1066165 $410,000

ROCKPORT Drink in Bay views and sunrises from master-built post and beam home. MLX#1064325 $539,000

CAMDEN Waterfront living nestled along the broadest span of the Megunticook River. MLX#1064008 $395,000

ROCKPORT Newer home quietly located moments from the harbor. Oversized garage with expansion potential. MLX#1024195 $340,000

UNION Private waterfront home with acreage and fields. New construction. Separate guest apt. above two car garage. MLX#1074239 $439,000

ROCKLAND Expansive waterfront and waterviews from nearly every window. Open floorplan, private deck. MLX#1068570 $335,000



9:10 AM

for more info Text T844855 to 85377

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for more info Text T744612 to 85377

Carleton Johnson 207-592-1175 cjohnson@jaretcohn.com

SITUATED ON AN EASTERLY FACING BLUFF, this OWLS HEAD home stands watch over the Muscle Ridge Channel and beyond. MLX# 1072239 $425,000

EXPANSIVE SOUTHERLY VIEWS down the Muscongus Bay from this irreplaceable 3 bedroom waterfront home. MLX#1063352 $425,000

for more info Text T594275 to 85377

for more info Text T745426 to 85377

STYLISH CUSHING SALTBOX You will love the flow and spaciousness. Located acres. on two well-manicured MLX#1054110 $249,000

CLASSIC CENTER CHIMNEY CAPE Great locale. Well designed living area, wide-pine floors, partially finished basement, ample storage. MLX#1063418 $220,000

25 Park St., Rockland, ME 207-596-0352

for more info Text T382845 to 85377

for more info Text T797207 to 85377

Heidi Steele LAKEFRONT LIVING Well maintained yearround home offers extensive lawns, sandy beach & 885ft of private shorefront. Potential for 4 waterfront lots. MLX#1060513 $375,000

207-542-4316 hsteele@jaretcohn.com


UNION HOME WITH DIRECT ACCESS TO SENNEBEC POND with sandy beach. Recently renovated 3 bedrooms,gameroom and 2-car garage. MLX#1068358 $329,000

Shell with full foundation package...


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In todays market we continue to provide the most affordable, efficient and on-time custom built homes in the Mid-Coast. Do it right the first time, and save money. Building with Green in Mind

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www.Dutchneckbuilders.com 207-592-4126



Serving the Mid-Coast with 30+ years experience. $86,900



9:09 AM

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Page 24 - More homes, photos, and info on RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 21, No. 13

CAMDEN REAL ESTATE C O M PA N Y 43 Elm Street, Camden, Maine 04843




for all Maine listings

ROCKPORT OCEAN FRONT~4-BR Contemp. in a magnificent setting between Camden & Rockport Harbors. Heated pool & wide-open views of Penobscot Bay. $2,850,000. Text T798179 to 85377

CAMDEN OCEAN VIEW~Shingle-style post & beam on Bay View Street w/views of Curtis Island. Living spaces built for entertaining, 1st fl. BR and 1BR apartment. $1,300,000. Text T864611 to 85377

ST GEORGE, RACKLIFF ISLAND~Restored 1770 Cape w/3-BRs, period details, wide floors, barn/workshop, elevated site w/spectacular bay views. $1,100,000. Text T765648 to 85377

CAMDEN VILLAGE~4-BR Victorian built in 1905, w/stained glass windows, parquet flrs, diamondpaned windows, turret. Attached guest apt. $595,000. Text T641228 to 85377

ST. GEORGE WATERFRONT~3-BR Cape w/direct & simple approach to comfort & style. Bright living spaces, MBR suite, deck. On 2 ac. $479,000. Text T20557 to 85377

ROCKPORT~88+ hillside acres, incl. 4-BR 1805 Cape needing restoration. 53 ac. currently in tree growth. Ocean views from top of hill. $495,000 Text T19757 to 85377

LINCOLNVILLE~Classic 2-BR Farmhouse w/period woodwork, pocket doors & other details. Attch’d studio apartment. Great business opportunity w/Rte. 1 visibility. $229,000. Text T864660 to 85377

LINCOLNVILLE~3-BR RANCH w/impressive stone FP, space, sunny kitchen and master suite. In-law apartment in basement w/kitchen & separate entrance. $244,500. Text T864589 to 85377

UNION~Tastefully renovated Farmhouse w/unbelievable BARN! Exposed beams & concrete counters; updated baths & systems; pleasant yard & land w/trails & fields. $230,000. Text T864590 to 85377

WARREN~3-BR home w/open 1st fl. In a private setting, walking distance to a pond, trails, and conservation land across the street. $149,000. Text T19590 to 85377

CAMDEN~2-BR Ranch, easy one floor living in a very private and nicely landscaped setting. This property is in tip top shape and ready to go. $199,500. Text T798546 to 85377

WARREN~Well-maintained Duplex with each unit having 6 good sized rooms, nice lot with River frontage, and a large front porch. $129,500. Text T864607 to 85377

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