So, if you would choose sellers over buyers in the hypothetical situation we described above, why aren’t you placing seller clients at the core of your business? There are so many great reasons to devote all of your time and effort to taking and marketing listings. The Millionaire Real Estate Agent grasps the incredible advantages of making, obtaining, and marketing seller listings their primary lead-generation focus, and they do so almost exclusively. Over time, they will hire one or more buyer specialists to work the buyer side of the business and concentrate their energy on the high-return, high-leverage business of listings. (And once that is fine-tuned, they may then hire a listing agent to work the seller side as well.) Listings are the second L in the Three L’s of the Millionaire Real Estate Agent. All the Millionaire Real Estate Agents we worked with and interviewed devoted their time to listings first. The buyers they worked with were usually the result of their seller focus or their focus on referral and repeat business. Make listings your primary focus. Listings will help you gain more control over your time and money, and the rewards you reap from your efforts will be the highest they could possibly be.
LEVERAGE: THE WHO, HOW, AND WHAT OF REAL ESTATE The interesting thing about the third L, Leverage, is that if you focus on the first two L’s and do a great
job, you will eventually have no choice but to either make less money or jump into becoming leveraged. An effective focus on leads and seller listings eventually brings you to a point where you have more business than
you can possibly handle alone and will
create the opportunity to start focus-
Figure 12
ing on leverage. And that is how it
Think a Million