No matter what your circumstances may be at the time, when you set out to achieve something, always begin with the belief that you just might do it. Real estate agents who succeed at high levels understand how debilitating thinking “I can’t do it” can be. They understand that the very first step to discovering their potential is trying. You can’t know what you’re really capable of doing until you try and never give up. In fact, many people have said that they believe that failure is not the worst thing in the world. They believe the very worst is not to try at all. It’s been observed that many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. It’s funny, but a person once pointed out to me that “ultimate potential” is a goal-less pursuit. I had to think about it for a bit before realizing it’s true. We can never reach our ultimate potential. There is no goal, no finish line. So your focus must be on continual pursuit. Maximizing your potential is simply about trying and trying and never giving up.
THE SECOND COMMON MYTHUNDERSTANDING MYTH: IT CAN’T BE DONE IN MY MARKET. TRUTH: YES IT CAN, BUT YOU MAY NEED A NEW APPROACH. The second MythUnderstanding we’ve encountered is closely related to the first. It seems that even when people are able to see that something is possible, they tend to fall prey to another unknowable assumption. They say, “It may be possible elsewhere, but it will never work in my market.” And then comes the justification: “To do that in my market, I’d have to have an X percent market share, and that has never been done before.” “To do that in my market, I’d have to have X number of buyers,